
    Take Heart

    Take Heart is a podcast for special needs moms by special needs moms. It is a place for special needs moms to find authentic connection, fervent hope and inspiring stories.
    en-usAmy J Brown, Carrie Holt and Sara Clime169 Episodes

    Episodes (169)

    The Tension of Suffering

    The Tension of Suffering

    Carrie M. Holt dives into the complex emotions and challenges that come with being a special needs mom but even just a person experiencing suffering. Carrie draws parallels between running and suffering, the tension that arises from both experiences. Carrie shares her insights on how past suffering can strengthen our faith and prepare us for future sorrows. She gives some helpful mindset shifts by looking at it from God's perspective and offers strategies for dealing with suffering, including the practice of lament and finding purpose in pain. 

    Ep. 144; October 10, 2023

    Key Moments:
    [1:40] The tension of suffering
    [4:19] Muscle memory strengthens us; suffering prepares us.  
    [6:41] Allow yourself to see suffering's purpose
    [11:31] What suffering produces
    [13:03] Suffering beyond special needs parents

    Scriptures mentioned: I Peter 4:12, II Corinthians 4:17, James 1:2-4
    Blessings by Laura Story

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    God’s Faithfulness in the Midst of Daily Suffering

    God’s Faithfulness in the Midst of Daily Suffering

    Eps. 143:  October 2, 2023

     God’s Faithfulness in the Midst of Daily Suffering

    Summary: In this episode, Amy explores the complexities of faithfulness in the midst of suffering as a special needs parent. She shares her own experiences of feeling betrayed and angry at God as she faced challenging behaviors daily from several of her children. Amy discusses the disconnect between her expectations of what it means to be faithful and the reality of her lived experiences. Offering a shift in perspective, she reflects on a silent retreat and the importance of remembering ourselves as beloved by God, held in his hand. Amy encourages listeners to embrace the messiness and doubts of faithfulness and find solace in being God's beloved.

    Key Moments:

    [1:02] Is it possible to just trust and obey God? It’s not that simple

    [3:17] Feeling mad, betrayed, low—God can handle it

    [9:10] Deep life security and not task management

    [11:09] Not servants but beloved family

    What it feels like to be the Nurturing Enemy 

    The Unhiding of Elijah Campbell: Kelly Flanagan 

    Mission Shaped Spirituality: Susan Hope

    Eph: 3:14-19

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    Questions From Our Listeners

    Questions From Our Listeners

    In this collaborative episode, all three hosts answer listeners’ questions. They discuss the importance of embracing the present moment and finding joy in the little things while navigating the journey of special needs parenting. They share personal experiences and reflections on how their own dreams and expectations have shifted over time. The episode highlights the need to grieve the loss of old dreams while also allowing space for new dreams to emerge. They talk about strategies for parenting the siblings of their special needs children and how to manage the emotional well-being of everyone in the household. Thanks for submitting your questions!

    Eps. 142: Sept 26, 2023


    Ep. 136 Growing Slow with Jennifer Dukes Lee

    Growing Slow: Jennifer Dukes Lee 

    How to Find Strength and Compassion in Struggle with Aundi Kolbler

    Adam Young

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    Take Heart
    en-usSeptember 26, 2023

    Tricky Transitions for Disability Families

    Tricky Transitions for Disability Families

    Sara Clime talks about transitions in this week's episode. As a caregiver, transitions are something that is common, yet rarely easy. Join Sara as she gives some practical (and unapologetic) steps that she has implemented over the years to help reduce the overwhelm, decision fatigue, and general anxiety that comes with inevitable change. Getting practical through a transition (big or small) doesn't eliminate the emotions. However, getting practical establishes an element of control when the world around us seems to be in chaos. 

    Ep.141; September 19, 2023

    Key Moments:
    [3:42]  Feeling the feels when navigating transitions
    [6:16] Getting practical when in transition-overwhelm (5 steps)
    [6:28] Step 1: "No." is a complete sentence
    [6:46] Step 2: 3 pieces of paper, an app, and a matrix
    [10:12] Step 3: Recruit
    [10:42] Step 4: Calendar
    [11:21] Step 5: Be adaptable

    Explanation of the Eisenhower &/or Covey Matrix

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    Hospital Stay Survival: Spiritually and Practically

    Hospital Stay Survival: Spiritually and Practically

    Carrie Holt discusses how to spiritually and practically navigate hospital stays with our children. Drawing from her own experiences, Carrie talks about the importance of recognizing the armor we put on in these situations, such as control, withdrawal, and cynicism, and how they can hinder our ability to trust in God. She encourages listeners to invite God into these spaces and remember that He is always with us, even during hospital stays. Carrie also offers practical advice for dealing with unplanned hospital stays and emphasizes the importance of grieving the losses that come with these experiences. She encourages listeners to know their limits, rely on scripture and prayer, and seek support from therapists and counselors during hospital stays. 

    Ep.140; September 12, 2023

    Key Moments:
    [1:16] Spina Bifida and my coping mechanism
    [5:00] Looking for Jesus in the moment
    [7:43] Letting grief come
    [9:29] Practical hospital survival tips
    [13:43] CaringBridge: How Carrie uses it

    Ep. 101: Identity Theft (References Breath Prayers)
    Footprints Poem

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    Resourcing Yourself: Listening to Your Life as a Caregiver

    Resourcing Yourself: Listening to Your Life as a Caregiver

    In this first episode of season 4, Amy Brown kicks it off with a topic close to her heart: resourcing yourself as a caregiver. Amy shares her personal journey of learning to listen to her own life and prioritize self-care. Drawing from her experiences and the insights of women like Jennifer Dukes Lee and Taylor Elise Morrison, Amy explores the importance of asking ourselves questions like, “How am I contributing to my own chaos? Where am I feeling disconnected? Where do I need rest or space?” She suggests that finding moments of rest and joy, and letting go of the constant hustle and overwhelm can provide the resources you need to press on. Discover practical ways to resource yourself and create space for connection in your life as a caregiver. 

    Ep. 139: August 8, 2023

    Key Moments:

    [1:46]The starting point for most people's self care isn't a purchase. 

    [5:45] Situational strength (white-knuckling life) masks anxiety

    [6:40] Are “The Overs” taking over?

    [10:23] Asking ourselves questions is the perfect starting place

    Strong Like Water; Aundi Kolber

    Sabbath: Wayne Muller 

    Peace is a Practice: Morgan Harper Nichols 

    Let Your Life Speak: Parker Palmer 

    The Next Right Thing Podcast: Why Self Care isn’t Selfish 

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    Past Heartache is Key to Future Healing

    Past Heartache is Key to Future Healing

    In this episode, Carrie welcomes guest author and therapist Cathy Loerzel to discuss the importance of embracing grief and negative emotions in order to heal and move forward. The conversation draws from three archetype characters of past wounding and how it shows up in our lives and relationships with others. The episode emphasizes the necessity of dealing with past wounds which leads to healthier lives and the ability to handle present challenges. It offers hope in understanding and addressing the core wounds of orphanhood, stranger, and widowhood, and encourages individuals to press into their pain and grief towards their own healing journeys. 

    Ep.138; July 25, 2023

    Key Moments:
    [1:26] Healing past wounds for a better present
    [6:20] Three different “characters” of our pain
    [8:53] Our kids reveal to us places we need more healing 
    [16:18] Learning to recognize and embrace lament's power

    Cathy Loerzel’s Website
    Cathy’s Instagram
    Redeeming Heartache
    Wild Edge of Sorrow

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    How to Find Strength and Compassion in Struggle

    How to Find Strength and Compassion in Struggle

    Join Amy and therapist and author of “Try Softer” and “Strong Like Water,” Aundi Kolber, as they delve into the concept of "try softer," the idea of giving compassion to navigate the challenges of parenting children with complex medical or emotional issues. They recognize the validity of responding from a place of danger or crisis while also exploring the transformative power of paying compassionate attention to our own experiences. By turning towards reality with compassion, we can process and move on from threats, accurately assess our own needs, and create practices for healing. Discover the importance of acknowledging pain, finding support, and ultimately experiencing goodness and healing simultaneously in this illuminating episode. 

    Ep,137; July 18, 2023

    Key Moments:
    [2:48] Honor the reality, respond with compassion. 
    [9:15] Importance of grounding and connecting with your support people
    [21:15] Moving beyond your crisis/situational strength
    [33:29] How to help siblings work through situations without trauma themselves

    Try Softer
    Strong Like Water
    Aundi’s Website
    IG: @aundikolber 

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    Growing Slow with Jennifer Dukes Lee

    Growing Slow with Jennifer Dukes Lee

    Amy welcomes writer Jennifer Dukes Lee as she reflects on a picture from 20 years ago when she and her husband made the bold decision to leave their successful careers behind and embark on a journey of farming. Amidst the doubts from others, Jennifer’s journey of slow growth vs. hurried comparison taught her how to relinquish control. They discuss the cultural pressure of progress, achieving results, and the profound lessons learned, including the realization that the best things in life take time. Join us for a fun conversation about how slow growth can give you life! 

    Ep.136; July 11, 2023

    Key Moments:
    [2:45] Life isn't linear. It’s circular.
    [9:43] Practical ways to grow slow
    [18:50] Spending time with children creates unexpected memories
    [20:42] Seasons teach us about growth and life
    [25:08] Finding beauty and growth in difficult times
    [30:34] New guided journal with writing prompts

    Growing Slow
    Stuff I'd Only Tell God: A Guided Journal of Courageous Honesty, Obsessive Truth-Telling, and Beautifully Ruthless Self-Discovery
    Jennifer’s Website 

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    Who Cares For the Caregiver?

    Who Cares For the Caregiver?

    Carrie is joined by guest Marissa Bondurant, author of the Bible Study “Who Cares for You?”  Marissa draws parallels between her own experiences as a caregiver for her daughter undergoing medical treatments and the humble acts of service performed by Jesus.  They discuss living out our faith through everyday tasks and self-sacrifice, allowing others to see Jesus at work in us. Marissa also talks about the challenges faced by being a caregiver and responding to others’ perceptions, the importance of community support, and the need to bring hidden thoughts and feelings into the open. This episode brings a message of hope, reminding you that God sees, cares, and walks with you on your difficult journey. 

    Ep.135; July 4, 2023

    Key Moments:
    [4:00] Becoming a Caregiver: Marissa's Journey
    [10:48] “I don’t know how you do it!” 
    [19:00] Shifting perspective from burden to gift
    [24:11] Overcoming guilt because of our child’s needs
    [28:49] The burden of making others comfortable
    [32:54] God's mercy that is sustaining us

    Marissa Bondurant’s Website
    Who Cares For You? A 4-Week Bible Study For Caregivers
    Marissa’s Instagram
    Marissa’s Facebook

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    Reclaim Compassion: An Interview with Lisa Qualls

    Reclaim Compassion: An Interview with Lisa Qualls

    On this episode, Amy speaks with author, Lisa Qualls, who is an adoptive mom and shares her experience parenting children with trauma and the resulting blocked care. She talks about the challenges they faced and how their family has changed because of their children's needs. Lisa also discusses her book, The Connected Parent, which provides practical and honest tools for parenting children with trauma, and emphasizes the importance of seeking support from trauma-informed counselors. Lisa believes we can reclaim compassion by releasing the idea that we can completely heal our children. Join us for an insightful and eye-opening conversation. 

    Ep.134; June 27, 2023

    Key Moments:
    [07:07] Admitting you need help with traumatized kids 
    [11:45] Grieving old family dynamics 
    [15:30] Blocked care: stress-induced defense mechanism in parenting 
    [19:44] Compassion for self and child's trauma. 
    [27:24] Reclaim Compassion: regulate your nervous system, not gritting your teeth 

    The Connected Child
    The Connected Parent
    The Whole Brain Child
    Reclaim Compassion
    The Adoption Connection

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    Holding Grief and Gratitude as a Special Needs Mom: An Interview With Dr. Lynne M. Baab

    Holding Grief and Gratitude as a Special Needs Mom: An Interview With Dr. Lynne M. Baab

    Sara talks with writer and professor, Dr. Lynne Baab, who shares her wisdom on carrying both grief and gratitude in one's life. Lynne offers practical tips and advice for nurturing a gratitude practice, improving listening skills, and navigating difficult emotions such as sadness and anger. The conversation also delves into the challenges of receiving unsolicited advice and the importance of finding a supportive community. 

    Ep.133; June 20, 2023

    Key Moments:
    [2:46] Grief and gratitude both stretch you
    [10:20] How we deny gratitude in our American culture
    [14:28] Our perspective shift as Christians
    [18:38] Prayer is key for grief and gratitude balance
    [23:52] Listening is a skill that can improve
    [30:49] Anger & sadness are taboo in Christian society
    [33:51] Learning to listen and finding spiritual direction

    Two Hands: Grief and Gratitude in the Christian Life by Lynne M. Baab
    Joy Together: Spiritual Practices for Your Congregation by Lynne M. Baab
    Sabbath Keeping: Finding Freedom in the Rhythms of Rest by Lynne M. Baab
    Prayers of the Old Testament (LifeGuide Bible Studies) by Lynne M. Baab
    Prayers of the New Testament (LifeGuide Bible Studies) by Lynne M. Baab
    Grief AND thankfulness: How to Listen an article by Lynne M. Baab

    *Lynne Baab has a friend who is expanding her spiritual direction practice, Lisa Keosababian. Lisa conducts spiritual direction by zoom, so location is no problem: https://www.spiritualdirectionwithlisa.com    

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    Living Life Open-Handed: An Interview With Johnna Hensley

    Living Life Open-Handed: An Interview With Johnna Hensley

    Carrie talks with author Johnna Hensley, a mother of three biological and three adopted children, including her firstborn son, who has a trach and a ventilator. We hear the thought processes behind their decision to foster, then adopt more children with an open-handed willingness to follow God’s leading.  They call it walking in "yes" and being open to what God has, even if it leads to difficult circumstances. Throughout the episode, Johnna emphasizes the importance of faith in God's sovereignty and generosity and His promise to provide.

    Ep. 132; June 13, 2023

    Key Moments:
    [2:45] Supporting her son's grief journey 
    [5:51] Importance of giving autonomy to children when they are able 
    [7:00] Deciding to become adoptive parents after biological children and a diagnosis 
    [10:31] Walking in "yes" until it became a "no"  
    [13:11] The world’s brokenness makes heaven brighter
    [17:18] What I would say to my younger self

    Johnna Hensley’s Website
    Johnna’s Instagram & Facebook
    The Bible Recap Podcast
    Reckless Yes

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    Discerning Your Next Right Thing: An Interview with Emily P Freeman

    Discerning Your Next Right Thing: An Interview with Emily P Freeman

    Amy Brown talks with Emily P. Freeman, author, and podcast host of The Next Right Thing, about what happens in the space between when we have a decision to make and when the decision is made. Emily talks about the importance of doing one thing at a time and how decluttering our inner life can help us make clear and confident decisions. Emily’s journal, the Next Right Thing Journal, helps her in her practice of reflection and encourages her to notice patterns. Both she and Amy use it to process their lives to help make decisions with ease. 

    June 6, 2023; Ep. 131

    Title: Discerning Your Next Right Thing: An Interview with Emily P Freeman

    Key Moments:

    [4:04] Soul minimalism and decision-fatigue
    [8:19] Trust yourself towards the best decision at the time
    [10:26] Focus on becoming better through decision-making, even if the outcome is not ideal
    [15:02] Improving decision-making 
    [17:36] Reflecting on past decisions can lead to confident future decisions
    [21:09] Benefits of The Next Right Thing Journal 

    Emily P. Freeman.com 

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    It’s Ok to Feel: Sara’s Story

    It’s Ok to Feel: Sara’s Story

    When Sara, Amy and Carrie met, they discovered a shared sense of determination and drive to care for their children and support each other. In their new book, The Other Side of Special, they share their individual stories and hope to offer encouragement and hope to other special needs families. Sara discusses her struggles with emotions towards God, the challenges she faced in caring for a child with disabilities, and the importance of relying on God and her community for support. She shares that despite not being alone, she often felt lonely. Sara expresses that the special needs family community understands you like no one else does. 

    Ep.130; May 30, 2023

    Key Moments:
    [0:43] Receiving a diagnosis changed our lives
    [3:13] Feeling alone despite having loving and supportive family and friends
    [5:19] Suppressing messy emotions causes anger
    [8:11] Feel various emotions and struggles, but find solace in God and supportive friends
    [13:10] Bonding over the slew of emotions that a caregiver feels

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    Spina Bifida & Scars: Carrie Holt's Story

    Spina Bifida & Scars: Carrie Holt's Story

    Take Heart’s host, Carrie, shares her personal experience as a mother to a child with Spina Bifida, who has undergone 61 surgeries. She talks about how having a child with a disability can feel like being in a pit and how God sustains and loves us even in the hardest times. She encourages us to let God write our own story, even the painful parts, and to let go of unrealistic expectations and having all the boxes checked. Carrie also shares the reasons why you should write your story down, keep anything that brings you encouragement and allow God to give you what you need each day. 

    Ep. 129; May 23, 2023; 

    Key Moments:
    [1:33] Toby’s diagnosis and medical needs
    [5:10] Reading my journals from this time period
    [6:34] Our story is a story of scars
    [11:00] God will give you a new song 

    Psalm 40:1-3
    The Other Side of Special
    Scars by I Am They

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    "Adoption and Invisible Disabilities: Amy's Journey"

    "Adoption and Invisible Disabilities: Amy's Journey"

    Co-Host Amy J. Brown shares her life and adoption journey in reference to Take Heart hosts’ newly released book, “The Other Side of Special.” She addresses the struggles and challenges that come with being a mother dealing with the invisible disabilities of their children. She shares her journey of adopting children, including one with fetal alcohol syndrome, which led to many emotional and mental difficulties. She shares candidly in the book about her experiences in hopes that it helps other mothers with similar struggles to know that they are not alone and are valued by God.

    Ep. 128; May 16, 2023

    Key Moments:
    [2:06] Amy’s struggle with infertility and adoption decisions
    [6:42] Feelings of loneliness
    [7:54] When the family doesn’t want to understand
    [8:56] Sharing the journey
    [9:25] You are not alone in this journey

    The Other Side of Special

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    The Other Side of Special

    The Other Side of Special

    As we celebrate the release of our new book, The Other Side of Special, we share about how we met and what we have learned as we have spent time together collaborating on the book and our podcast. Even though our children have very different diagnoses, we have realized we have so much in common which lends itself to caring for each other! Being vulnerable with each other but more importantly, in writing this book, can be difficult but we have seen God’s redemption in those stories which motivates us to continue. We have been so encouraged by your support of us and want to celebrate with you! 

    Ep.127; May 9, 2023

    Key Moments:
    [0:20] Our book, The Other Side of Special, is here today!
    [4:42] Join us at the “Lake House”
    [11:30] We learn empathy by hearing others' stories
    [20:35] The importance of being honest about emotions
    [25:42] Our book is not a ‘how-to’
    [26:50] Pay attention to our body and name those emotions

    Purchase the Other Side of Special
    Episode 100: Story Behind Take Heart

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    Self-care Isn’t Selfish: Redirecting Survival of a Special Needs Mom

    Self-care Isn’t Selfish: Redirecting Survival of a Special Needs Mom

    On this episode of Take Heart Special Mom Podcast, we delve into the importance of self-care for special needs moms. Sara England, a mother of three, shares her experience with burnout and the lessons she's learned about prioritizing her wellness. We discuss the challenges of balancing self-care with the demands of caring for a child with special needs, strategies for setting boundaries and saying no, and the importance of small moments of joy. The episode also covers the speaker's struggles with infertility, miscarriage, and her journey to prioritize self-care to keep her rejuvenated for the long haul.  Join us to learn actionable tips for implementing self-care into your daily routine and how even small actions can lead to personal growth and change. 

    Eps. 126; May 2, 2023

    Key Moments:
    [1:12]  From a nurse to a stay-at-home mom
    [7:18] Sara’s infertility journey
    [15:07] Hitting a wall & setting up boundaries
    [18:46] Taking care of your children is taking care of you
    [24:05] Burned out
    [28:35] How much is too much for our kids and therapy?
    [32:56] Mental assessment…what brings me joy?

    Check out Sara’s FREE Special Need Moms Survival Guide! Sara also has a FREE Caregiver Burnout guide to help you begin to heal and prevent burnout!
    The Fitness Planner: A 12 Week Health and Fitness Journal to Track Meals, Workouts and Weight Loss for Women - Exercise and Food Journal

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    Tips For Strengthening Your Marriage While Raising Special Needs Children : An Interview with Kristin & Todd Evans

    Tips For Strengthening Your Marriage While Raising Special Needs Children : An Interview with Kristin & Todd Evans

    On this episode of Take Heart Special Mom Podcast, Carrie M Holt welcomes Todd and Kristin Evans, who share their personal struggles in their marriage while navigating their lives as special needs parents. Both Todd and Kristin emphasize the importance of self-care, reflective listening, and validation of emotions between spouses. They stress the need for open communication and finding ways to navigate ongoing grief as a couple. They also reveal practical skills they learned through therapy that can help couples navigate the unique challenges they face. This episode offers valuable insight and support for those struggling with the demands of caring for a special needs child while maintaining a healthy and happy relationship. 

    Ep.125; April 25, 2023

    Key Moments:
    [5:49] Todd and Kristen’s different experiences with grief
    [12:40] Sharing feelings and being vulnerable is important in dealing with grief 
    [17:49] Spouses react differently to grief 
    [20:20] Support is key
    [21:23] Practice reflective listening in your marriage. 
    [25:56]Managing the stress together

    Disability Parenting
    Kristin & Todd on Instagram
    Kristin’s Facebook Group

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