
    Talking Heads

    BNP Paribas Asset Management’s Talking Heads podcast offers in-depth insights on the topics that really matter to investors. Each week, our investment experts join Daniel Morris, Chief Market Strategist, to analyse the market through the lens of sustainability.  For more insights, visit Viewpoint: https://viewpoint.bnpparibas-am.com/  Download the Viewpoint app: https://onelink.to/tpxq34   Follow us on LinkedIn: https://bnpp.lk/am
    enBNP Paribas Asset Management184 Episodes

    Episodes (184)

    ETF investing – Adjusting to the new rates regime

    ETF investing – Adjusting to the new rates regime

    Two factors are driving growing interest in fixed income exchange-traded funds. First, bonds are back with yields at attractive levels relative to the era of low interest rates. Investors can lock in higher yields using a low-cost instrument such as an ETF, as Lorraine Sereyjol-Garros, Head of ETF Sales, explains to Chief Market Strategist Daniel Morris. 

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    Higher for longer bolsters outlook for money market funds

    Higher for longer bolsters outlook for money market funds

    Money market funds have been in favour as central banks tightened monetary policy. Investment
    Specialist Thibault Malin talks to Daniel Morris, Chief Market Strategist, about the bright outlook for money markets in this Talking Heads podcast.    

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    ‘Time to be serious about climate action financing’

    ‘Time to be serious about climate action financing’

    Investors can help to speed climate mitigation and adaptation measures by allocating more and more actively to the protection of ecosystems and natural carbon sinks as well as other pro-climate fields, Thibaud Clisson, Climate Change Lead, tells Chief Market Strategist Daniel Morris in the wake of the latest Climate Week NYC and ahead of December’s UN COP28 meeting.   

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    Picking European stocks that have quality

    Picking European stocks that have quality

    What is the best way to actively manage an allocation to large-cap European equities?  Listen to this Talking Heads podcast as Valerie Charriere details a broad-ranging assessment of the fundamentals that matter to her team, such as the structure of the industry a company operates in and competitive advantages in terms of, for example, scale or technology.   

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    Ongoing tailwinds favour European financials

    Ongoing tailwinds favour European financials

    At around 15%, financial stocks account for a significant part of European equity indices. What is the outlook for the sector now that interest rates have normalised? Jeroen Knol, portfolio manager for European Equities and a European Financials specialist, discusses perspectives with Chief Market Strategist Daniel Morris in this Talking Heads podcast.  

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    Plainer sailing ahead for emerging market debt

    Plainer sailing ahead for emerging market debt

    The outlook for emerging markets is brighter than it is for developed markets when it comes to growth, inflation and public debt, Jean-Charles Sambor, Head of Emerging Market Debt, tells Daniel Morris, Chief Market Strategist, on our latest Talking Heads podcast. While China may look like the exception now, increasingly firm support from Beijing should trigger a rebound in the next few quarters from the problems of deflation and property market weakness plaguing the economy today. Compared to China, India is likely to see much stronger growth and contained inflation, while improved policies should allow Turkey to do better than it did last year.

    Taking a closer look at climate-focused equity investing

    Taking a closer look at climate-focused equity investing

    Within the thematic investing approach, climate-focused strategies allow investors to invest in companies with a climate-friendly strategy and so do good while earning a return. Such strategies can enable them to manage future (climate) risk, benefit from long-term opportunities and leverage strong support from regulators and policymakers in the fight against climate change. Listen to this Talking Heads podcast with Martina Jung, Portfolio Manager for European Equities, and Daniel Morris, Chief Market Strategist. They discuss developments since the 2015 Paris Agreement and ways to implement sustainability-related criteria in stock selection and portfolio construction. 

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    Peak rates or not, consider jumping the gun

    Peak rates or not, consider jumping the gun

    While the question of peak US policy rates remains unresolved, it could be prudent for investors to start preparing for the time when inflation-busting policy tightening ends and slowing growth and an uptick in unemployment spur the Fed into taking rates back down to a less restrictive level.   Listen to this Talking Heads podcast with Ken O’Donnell, Head of Short Duration, as he sets out the outlook for the US economy and the path of interest rates for Daniel Morris, Chief Market Strategist.  

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    Where do we stand on sustainability?

    Where do we stand on sustainability?

    Sustainability is front and centre in all aspects for our activity as an asset manager. Listen to this Talking Heads podcast with Jane Ambachtsheer, Global Head of Sustainability, and Andy Craig, Co-head of the Investment Insights Centre, as they discuss our annual Sustainability Report - Towards a sustainable transition.   

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    Uncapped impact: Plug Power and the hydrogen economy

    Uncapped impact: Plug Power and the hydrogen economy

    Our Environmental Strategies Group talk to businesses that, regardless of their size, are making a big impact. In the third of this series we discuss the green hydrogen economy, its  future applications and the wide-ranging potential of hydrogen with Andy Marsh, President and CEO of Plug Power, a global end-to-end green hydrogen provider. Is there more to the clean hydrogen ecosystem than mere hype? He thinks so, but don’t take our word for it. 

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    Mid-year outlook: “Is it different this time?”

    Mid-year outlook: “Is it different this time?”

    What is the outlook for equities and bonds for the second half of 2023 after six months of worry about prospects for economic growth as central banks tighten monetary policy? Is recession inevitable? Listen to this Talking Heads podcast with Daniel Morris, Chief Market Strategist, and Andrew Craig, Co-head of the Investment Insights Centre. 

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    Water, water, solutions needed everywhere

    Water, water, solutions needed everywhere

    Investing in solutions for water-related issues means investing in dealing with long-running phenomena such as climate change.  Listen to this Talking Heads podcast with Justin who gives Andrew Craig, Co-head of the Investment Insights Centre, examples of climate-related water scarcity and abundance issues.  

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    Using behavioural insights for better investment decisions

    Using behavioural insights for better investment decisions

    The study of behavioural finance and its findings on the limitations to rational decision making helps explain the role of phenomena in shaping market events. Listen to this Talking Heads podcast with Aquiles Mosca, Head of Sales, Marketing & Digital at BNP Paribas Asset Management Brazil and a behavioural finance teacher, and Daniel Morris, Chief Market Strategist. 

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) excitement fuels tech stock rally

    Artificial intelligence (AI) excitement fuels tech stock rally

    Despite a slowdown in IT spending, US technology stocks are driving the recent rally in US equity markets.  Listen to this Talking Heads podcast with Derek Glynn, Associate Portfolio Manager for information technology (IT) and communication services in the US equities team in Boston, and Andrew Craig, Co-head of the Investment Insights Centre as they discuss the outlook for secular growth and the role of technological advances further effecting profound changes in the way we live, work and play. 

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    How and why investors are using thematic investing

    How and why investors are using thematic investing

    Achieving a positive impact and contributing to sustainable outcomes, as well as enhancing investment returns, feature as the prime reasons for investors to opt for thematic investing strategies, alongside diversification and risk reduction. On this Talking Heads podcast, Mark Buckley, Head of Investment Management at Coalition Greenwich, and Chief Market Strategist Daniel Morris discuss the second thematic investing research report published by BNP Paribas Asset Management and BNP Paribas Corporate & Institutional Banking in partnership with Coalition Greenwich. 

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    Tapping private markets for the ecological transition and impact

    Tapping private markets for the ecological transition and impact

    While the need to transition the economy to greater sustainability is widely recognised, it is also clear that a wide range of sources are needed to finance it, including private markets.  Listen to this Talking Heads podcast with Yann Lagalaye, Head of Ecological Transition and Impact in the Private Assets group, and Chief Market Strategist Daniel Morris.  

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    Household loans, an alternative asset class that improves the mix

    Household loans, an alternative asset class that improves the mix

    As growth in developed economies slows and restrictive monetary policy rates start to bite, investors looking to alternative markets for portfolio diversification and attractive returns could well consider a relatively young, little-known, but high-quality asset class: household loans. Tonko Gast, founder and CEO of Dynamic Credit Group and Portfolio Manager, discusses the asset class with Co-Head of the Investment Insights Centre Andrew Craig on this Talking Heads podcast. 

    For more insights, visit Viewpoint: https://viewpoint.bnpparibas-am.com/

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    Good times in European High-Yield Debt

    Good times in European High-Yield Debt

    Conditions in the European high-yield debt market are currently favourable for investors argues Olivier Monnoyeur, Head of High-Yield Debt. Listen to this Talking Heads podcast with Olivier Monnoyeur, Head of High-Yield Debt and Chief Market Strategist Daniel Morris as they discuss positioning in European high-yield debt to meet the challenges ahead. 

    For more insights, visit Viewpoint: https://viewpoint.bnpparibas-am.com/

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    Offence or defence in multi-asset portfolios?

    Offence or defence in multi-asset portfolios?

    Signals of where we stand in the economic cycle are distorted as the global economy emerges from the unprecedented combination of a global pandemic plus massive quantitative easing and fiscal stimulus. Listen to this Talking Heads podcast with Mark Richards, Head of Flexible & Absolute Return portfolios in the Multi-Asset and Quantitative Solutions (MAQS) team, and Chief Market Strategist Daniel Morris as they evaluate what matters currently in positioning multi-asset portfolios.

    For more insights, visit Viewpoint: https://viewpoint.bnpparibas-am.com/ 

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