
    TaPod - We Talk Talent Acquisition.

    Join hosts - Lauren Sharp & Craig Watson as we explore the wonderful and wacky world of Talent Acquisition & Recruitment. We speak with TA Legends, Thought Leaders & Industry suppliers. We explore challenges, changes & confusion in a world that is crying out for a voice. We aim to be informative... a little controversial... with a side of fun. Join us... won't you?
    en-auCraig312 Episodes

    Episodes (312)

    Summer Series Episode 292 - Overcoming the Mistake of a Lifetime... And How TA Teams can get Involved.

    Summer Series Episode 292 - Overcoming the Mistake of a Lifetime... And How TA Teams can get Involved.

    In this episode of our Summer Series we revisit one of our most raw and revealing episodes ever, TaPod speaks with Stu Holmes Founder of The Green Collar. Fresh off his presentation at ATC2023, Stu has spent time in prison himself for armed robbery and we look at how it affected him both inside and upon his release. Stu spends his days now dedicated to helping people who have been in jail get a second chance… and find a bridge back to employment.

    In an environment where many industries just can’t find talent there is a ready-made workforce here to consider.

    Stu’s story is compelling and is a lesson in how anyone’s life can go off the rails… it’s what you do next that counts. Thanks to Jo Vohland for choosing this interview.
    Big Shout Out to TaPod Connect for sponsoring the Summer Series!

    Summer Series - Episode 291 - We are entering a Golden Age of HRtech

    Summer Series - Episode 291 - We are entering a Golden Age of HRtech

    Today we bring you the first in TaPod's Summer Series of Podcasts! This week Lauren has chosen to revisit a fun and informative chat with  ‘Big Al’ Schirmer – GM Technology & Innovation at TQ Solutions from back in September.
    Alistair is at the forefront of building Tech Stacks that support talent functions and his insights on AI and how they will affect HRtech are unmissable. He encourages us to embrace AI and look at it like an Administrator or Assistant to help us make recruitment easier.
    According to Alastair we are entering a golden age of Tech and who are we to argue? 
    It’s really fascinating and anyone looking to explore their tech should take a listen.
    Thanks to TaPod Connect for supporting the Summer Series!

    Episode 290 - Your Weekly News with The Scoop

    Episode 290 - Your Weekly News with The Scoop

    This week on The Scoop – your weekly dose of TA & Recruitment News the crew from TaPod treat you to their final broadcast for 2023! We cover all the big topics, LinkedIn hit a massive milestone… WFH dead & buried? We are about to ‘name & shame’ gender pay gap discrepancies… mass resignations expected in late January and much, much more… including celebrating a special person’s birthday!

    Thank you so much for listening and thank you to Indeed for supporting us for the entirety of 2023 and into 2024!

    Stay safe everyone!

    Episode 289 - The Yearly Wrap with Jo Vohland & Edan Haddock

    Episode 289 - The Yearly Wrap with Jo Vohland & Edan Haddock

    It’s our final episode for the year and the crew at Tapod catch up with Jo Vohland & Edan Haddock to review the sh&tshow of a year that it was in 2023 and look forward to 2024 (should we dare?).

    These 2 industry legends need no introduction and don’t hold back – and why should they?

    It’s a great listen and another example that none of us are alone – the TA community is strong!

    To anyone who has chucked us a listen this year thank you! To all of our industry partners thank you! And thank you to Refapp for your support this month.

    Make sure you get a real well-being break this festive season and be ready to take anything the new year throws at you… opportunities and challenges.

    Stay safe and be kind to each other.

    Tapod Episode 288 - Your Weekly News with The Scoop

    Tapod Episode 288 - Your Weekly News with The Scoop

    This week on The Scoop, the team from Tapod tackle all the BIG News in the Recruitment and TA space including – visas, visas, visas… the broken ankle that stopped a nation…what Aussies really think about Christmas parties…which household TA name has taken the Big Chair at REA and much, much more.

    Thanks to our great friends at Indeed for your ongoing support.

    Episode 287 - You Think Your Chrissie Hiring is Busy... You Ain't Seen Nothing!

    Episode 287 - You Think Your Chrissie Hiring is Busy... You Ain't Seen Nothing!

    This week on TaPod, we share with you another fabulous interview we conducted at SmartRecruiters Hiring Success. Kim Nicholas is HR Area Lead, Talent Acquisition & Systems at The Warehouse Group NZ – We cover the massive annual Christmas hiring project, Gender Pay Gap, Tech Stack, SnapChat (we go there) and loads more. So come and meet Lauren’s new Poster Girl from across the Ditch!

    Thanks to Refapp for your ongoing support!

    Episode 286 - We Get Under The Hood at Refapp!

    Episode 286 - We Get Under The Hood at Refapp!

    One of the things I really love about our partners is that time of month when we speak to them about their solution. On this special episode of TaPod we sit down with Emira Blomberg - Chief Strategy Officer at Refapp to understand the 'nuts and bolts'. We talk about why traditional reference checking is dead... the importance of data-led recruitment... and how referencing can indicate job success. Join us...

    Episode 285 - Your Weekly News With The Scoop

    Episode 285 - Your Weekly News With The Scoop

    This week on The Scoop the crew from Tapod tackle all the weekly news in TA & Recruitment including: Fake Candidates on the increase… Public Service jobs surge… Gender Pay Gap name & shame… Fixed Term Contract rules are a changing and much, much more!

    Thanks to our brilliant partner Indeed for your ongoing support.

    Episode 284 - 'Survivor Guilt' Coping When Your Team is Gone...

    Episode 284 - 'Survivor Guilt' Coping When Your Team is Gone...

    We are so excited at TaPod to have one of the brilliant global minds, Dr Margie Warrell back on our podcast! Last time Margie spoke to us about Imposter Syndrome and this time we focus on Survivor Guilt. With all the lay-offs in our industry what about those left behind? The why me questions… We discuss all of this with Margie. Not only that we ask the really tough questions relating to her recent visit the Whitehouse (hobnobbing with Albo & Joe), like… ‘What’s the toilet like?’ 

    It’s a fascinating chat and we are very thankful to Margie for sharing her thoughts with us.

    A big shout out to refapp for supporting us this month.

    Episode 283 - A Special Episode from Smart Recruiters - Hiring Success APAC

    Episode 283 - A Special Episode from Smart Recruiters - Hiring Success APAC

    In this special episode of Tapod, we hit Hiring Success APAC. In a day filled with knowledge we catch up with Rebecca Carr - Chief Product Officer and Tony de Graaf Global GTM Director at Smart Recruiters – We talk Death by 1000 Cuts…Deep Compliance…Building a Business Case for Change… Leaning into AI and Cocaine Bear – yes. Cocaine Bear.

    Thanks to Rich Lewis-Jones, Agnes Bilik, and the rest of the Smart Recruiters team for putting on such a great event!

    We are grateful to RefApp for partnering with us for this month.

    Episode 282 - Your Weekly News with The Scoop

    Episode 282 - Your Weekly News with The Scoop

    This week on the Scoop, the crew from Tapod bring you all the weekly TA & Recruitment News. We talk candidate privacy… trends for 2024… trouble in the consulting world… and much, much more! It’s been a BIG fortnight of events – especially in Sydney and we have news from everywhere. Not only that – this week’s news gives us a task to complete before next week. 

    Thanks so much to Indeed for your support in bringing the news to the industry.

    Episode 281 - Overcoming the Mistake of a Lifetime... And How TA Teams can get Involved.

    Episode 281 - Overcoming the Mistake of a Lifetime... And How TA Teams can get Involved.

    In one of our most raw and revealing episodes ever, TaPod speaks with Stu Holmes Founder of The Green Collar. Fresh off his presentation at ATC2023, Stu has spent time in prison himself for armed robbery and we look at how it affected him both inside and upon his release. Stu spends his days now dedicated to helping people who have been in jail get a second chance… and find a bridge back to employment.

    In an environment where many industries just can’t find talent there is a ready-made workforce here to consider.

    Stu’s story is compelling and is a lesson in how anyone’s life can go off the rails… it’s what you do next that counts.

    Thanks so much to RefApp for your continued support in bringing TaPod to you.

    Episode 280 - Your Weekly News with The Scoop

    Episode 280 - Your Weekly News with The Scoop

    This week on The Scoop… your weekly dose of TA & Recruitment News Lauren goes BANG! We cover AI in recruitment and all of the shenanigans going on at OpenAI… X goes Job Board… Livehire CEO takes a pay cut… WFH banned!... speaking of banning should your workplace ban the Christmas party? And much, much more.

    Thanks to our brilliant partner Indeed for all of your support in bringing you the news.

    Episode 279 - Nothing Holds Any Value Unless You Make Change... with Dom Price from Atlassian

    Episode 279 - Nothing Holds Any Value Unless You Make Change... with Dom Price from Atlassian

    Once in a while we sit down with someone that completely blows us away and on TaPod this week that’s exactly what happened! We caught up with Dom Price from Atlassian at the HR and L&D Innovation Techfest. Dom is a Work Futurist and TED Speaker and quite simply we could listen to him all day. But in Dom’s own words nothing he says holds any value unless you take action. So bolt in for the next 40 minutes, turn the mirror on yourself, ‘remove stuff’ and make change… Dom makes it easy.

    Lauren also admits to being 50% bogan Australian… she was probably being a little conservative.

    Thanks to RefApp for your brilliant support this month

    Episode 278 - Your Weekly TA & Recruitment News with The Scoop

    Episode 278 - Your Weekly TA & Recruitment News with The Scoop

    Today on The Scoop the crew from Tapod are joined by guest reporter Karen Thorley from Indeed. We cover all manner of recruitment and TA news including: Hilton jumping on the TikTok bandwagon… NZ narrowing the gender pay gap… Bill Boorman seeing some good news on the TA horizon and much much more.

    Thanks to the brilliant people at Indeed for the support.

    Episode 277 - Managing Your Contingent Workforce... It's easier than you think.

    Episode 277 - Managing Your Contingent Workforce... It's easier than you think.

    This week on Tapod, Craig is forced to fly solo as the Optus outage kept Lauren offline. He sat down with ‘Best Vendor Solution’ winners from ITAs2023, Giovanni Ribudiyanto from Allianz & Damian Bridge from Oncore.

    If you have a contingent workforce you really need to ask yourself 4 questions… Do you easily know how many contractors/contingent workers are in your business? Do you know where they are in your business? Do you know how much they are costing you and do you know if they are fully compliant?

    If you answered no to any of those questions  you should really take a listen. Even if you answered yes give it a go!


    Thanks to RefApp for your brilliant Support this month.

    Episode 276 - Your Weekly News With The Scoop

    Episode 276 - Your Weekly News With The Scoop

    This week on the Scoop – your weekly dose of TA & Recruitment News we go all around the world! Medibank trial a 4-day work week… There’s acquisition news in the world of Rec-Tech… We’ll show you how to lose your bonus… And some positive Recruitment News… finally!

    Thanks to our fabulous sponsors Indeed for all your support.

    Episode 275 - Recruiting in a Scale Up... Let's Get Down to Business!

    Episode 275 - Recruiting in a Scale Up... Let's Get Down to Business!

    This week on Tapod we sit down with the brilliant Sabrina Del Borrello, Head of People of Culture at Bluerock focussing on headcount growth in a scale up. Bluerock has doubled their headcount over the past three years and looking to double again. We talk through growing pains like tech stack, AI, competing for talent, creating a talent community and building internal business cases.

    It’s a fantastic reminder of how internal recruitment should be.

    Thanks so much to our brand new sponsor for November – RefApp.

    Episode 274 - Your Weekly News With The Scoop

    Episode 274 - Your Weekly News With The Scoop

    This week on The Scoop – your weekly take on TA & recruitment News we cover heaps! Entitled Gen Zeders… The World is starting to Police AI… ‘Touch-Up Tech’… More Remote, Less Pay and a helluva lot more!

    Thanks to Indeed for your ongoing support and commitment to real news for the recruitment industry.

    Link to Indeed Article: http://bit.ly/3sdlHDO

    Episode 273 - 'It's not me it's you' - Mythbusting Recruitment Industry Beliefs

    Episode 273 - 'It's not me it's you' - Mythbusting Recruitment Industry Beliefs

    Today on Tapod we Get ziggy with it… Ziggy Dequito from Workpro to be exact! And WOW – didn’t we learn a thing or three!

     It’s not me… it’s you – Challenging the status quo of Australia’s Hiring landscape is the new Whitepaper recently released by Workpro… It’s a great piece of research… it’s driven by a survey of almost 2,500 candidates and sets about myth-busting some of the most widely accepted notions across the recruitment industry. It is simply a must-listen – and we’ve put a link to download the whitepaper in the comments… you’re welcome.

    Thanks to XRef for your continued support this month.