
    Teach and Retire Rich

    Teacher Daniel Otter, Ph.D. and Certified Financial Planner Scott Dauenhauer CFP® of 403bwise.org discuss teacher saving for retirement issues. Never too serious, Dan and Scott strive to make learning about pensions, the 403(b), the 457(b), and investing, fun and understandable.
    enDaniel Otter300 Episodes

    Episodes (300)

    Teacher Juggles Career, Family, Earning CFP® and Fighting Bad 457(b) Policy (#272)

    Teacher Juggles Career, Family, Earning CFP® and Fighting Bad 457(b) Policy (#272)

    Illinois math teacher Tim Whelan discusses his career, family, effort to earn a CFP®, and his fight to stop NTSA-backed legislation that would deny Illinois school district's the ability to offer a single vendor 457(b) plan. He also makes a strong case for why single vendor 403(b) and 457(b) plans are best.

    Teacher Gets Fidelity & Vanguard Added to Vendor List (#271)

    Teacher Gets Fidelity & Vanguard Added to Vendor List (#271)

    Listening to the education and advocacy podcast series Learned by Being Burned: Teachers and the K-12 403(b) motivated South Carolina high school teacher to advocate for and get better 403(b) investment choices in his South Carolina school district. 

    Orchestrating 403(b) Advocacy (#270)

    Orchestrating 403(b) Advocacy (#270)

    After their own missteps, New York music teachers Hana and her husband James are helping colleagues get wise to the 403(b). Hana may have the best story ever for how and where she first signed up for a 403(b). 

    Episode begins with Dan talking about his current living arrangement. 

    Investment Committees Can Make or Break DC Plans (#269)

    Investment Committees Can Make or Break DC Plans (#269)

    Scott calls them the "boring administrative sh*t" but investment committees can be game changers in ensuring quality 403(b) and 457(b) plans. What are they? How do they work? And why you should consider starting or serving on one. 

    NTSA Working to Wreck K-12 457(b) Plans (#268)

    NTSA Working to Wreck K-12 457(b) Plans (#268)

    NTSA pushing bill to ban single vendor 457(b) plans in Illinois. But only for K-12 institutions. Not police plans. Not firefighter plans. Not government employee plans. 

    Bad New Jersey 403(b) legislation is on the move despite sponsors telling teachers it was dead. 

    California Proposes Annuity and 403(b) Protections (#263)

    California Proposes Annuity and 403(b) Protections (#263)

    SB 263 — which could be a model for other states — will decrease the number of sales of life insurance and annuities to consumers that are not in consumers’ best interests by prohibiting insurance producers from receiving incentives beyond allowable commissions or fees (such as prizes, rent reimbursement, etc.) for their sales and also prohibiting producers from making sales when they do not know if the product is in the consumer’s best interest.

    Bill also covers sale of life insurance products. 

    Man with the (Better Retirement) Plan (#262)

    Man with the (Better Retirement) Plan (#262)

    If only Congress had adopted a 2003 Bush Administration plan to drastically simplify saving for retirement. We interview William Sweetnam the Benefits Tax Counsel at the Treasury Department from 2001-2005.

    3 Ways NTSA Works Against Teachers (#260)

    Did Bush Administration Get DC Plans Right? (#256)

    Did Bush Administration Get DC Plans Right? (#256)

    On January 31, 2003, the Bush Administration announced a plan to drastically change how Americans save in defined contribution plans. Unfortunately that plan never got the public debate it deserved. Scott and Dan discuss the never implemented plan.