
    Tech Forward

    The tech world has a diversity problem: gender diversity, racial diversity, and more. That’s why I decided to start the Tech Forward podcast. Every week, our host, Cheryl Chotrani, interviews entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, media and tech leaders, and diversity advocates. The show features the incredible stories of innovators and trailblazers from underrepresented groups in the tech industry. We also discuss everything from the lack of venture funding for women and minorities, to how underrepresented groups can advance their careers in the sector, to how to hold companies accountable for diversity — and more. Episodes cover all the aspects of diversity: gender, racial, and ethnic, as well as sexual orientation, immigration status, and neurodiversity.
    enCheryl Chotrani85 Episodes

    Episodes (85)

    Rebroadcast: Using Artificial Intelligence and Comedy To Open Hearts and Minds

    Rebroadcast: Using Artificial Intelligence and Comedy To Open Hearts and Minds

    Hello listeners, and welcome to another exciting episode of Tech Forward! This week, we're rebroadcasting my covnersation with award-winning comedian Ana-Marija Stojic. Over the last several years, she’s participated in numerous comedy competitions, and been featured in the NBC Showcase at the Women in Comedy Festival Boston 2018. She was also a recipient of Netflix's 2018 Diversity of Voices fellowship at the Banff World Media Festival. On her latest project, “Artificial, the Podcast,” Ana-Marija will be joined by a unique co-host: a functioning AI chatbot. Today, we’ll be talking about her plans for the show, what it’s like to co-host with a chat bot, and some of the important topics they plan to tackle together.

    A self-described nerd, Ana-Marija has always been fascinated by the idea of collaborating with artificial intelligence. In recounting the inspiration behind the show, she touches on the story of a  chess tournament that paired humans with robots. Rather than the “top” performers of each category, the winning duo consisted of a human and a robot who worked well together. “I’ve used this approach when working with anyone, human or AI. The success of a collaboration is based on the least amount of friction.” Together on the show, Ana-Marija and her co-host will tackle politics and the human paranoia towards artificial intelligence, all through a lens of comedic absurdity.

    So what makes this format a good fit to uniquely and effectively address such important topics? According to Ana-Marija, the answer lies in the powerful combination of comedy and imagination. “Comedy is the best way to get people’s guards down and get them thinking about alternatives, really challenging their beliefs. ...Suddenly, anything is possible. Everything is based on the limits of our imagination. If you can expand someone’s imagination, you can change the world.” Currently, she sees her target audience as a mix of comedy lovers and AI enthusiasts, and hopes to someday evolve the podcast into a fully produced talk show.

    While the process of crowdfunding to get the show started was a stressful one, Ana-Marija came away from the experience with valuable feedback from potential investors involved in the AI community. The proof of concept video, which she shot just days after our interview, was a key missing piece that has since played a role in moving the project forward. Ana-Marija has also been quick to adapt the project over time, and incorporate new information in the show’s evolution. She realized fairly early on that the campaign’s success could not be accurately measured by the amount of money raised, and shifted her focus to engagement with the idea and the content around it.

    Ana-Marija, thank you so much for coming onto the show to share your fascinating project with our listeners. I can’t wait to see where this podcast takes you and your co-host. Thank you, also, to everyone out there listening, sharing, and reviewing the show. See you next week!

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    Tech Forward
    enSeptember 18, 2019

    Rebroadcast: Building Tech Solutions for Social Impact Using Blockchain Technology

    Rebroadcast: Building Tech Solutions for Social Impact Using Blockchain Technology

    Hello listeners, and welcome back to Tech Forward! This week, we're rebroadcasting my conversation with Aishwarya Balaji, Founder and CEO of Impact Chain Lab. By using blockchain technology, Impact Chain Lab is focused on building equitable communities around the globe. Aishwarya became interested in the disruptive power of blockchain in her previous roles as a consultant and leader at Build Academy, and now identifies ways to apply this technology to create solutions in the global development landscape. On this episode, we discussed her entrepreneurial journey, and the various ways Impact Chain Lab uses blockchain technology to drive positive social impact.

    As someone who knew from a young age that she wanted to go into business, Aishwarya’s entrepreneurial spirit is imbued with her natural curiosity and affinity for calculated risks. Her role as employee #1 at Build Academy gave her real time insights into the process of building a company from the ground up. That, combined with her firsthand experience in the venture capital and angel investing sphere, played a significant role in the creation of Impact Chain Lab. Aishwarya noticed that while support for impact investing has been growing, that increased interest has so far not been reflected in the flow of capital. With Impact Chain Lab, Aishwarya wants to use blockchain to funnel funds to social enterprises in a meaningful way.

    Impact Chain Lab’s main focus right now is a project called Bystander, which Aishwarya summarizes as “a cross between Reddit and Wikipedia.” Bystander allows users to retain and to benefit from the digital assets that they create — a power that users of the largest crowdsourced platforms generally lose the moment they hit “submit.” Users on Bystander can share and discuss information around a variety of topics, and when the community decides that information is valuable to them, individual users are rewarded for collecting and sharing high integrity, reliable data. “On our platform, the people producing the data are also the people consuming it.”

    Currently, the team at Impact Chain Lab is more than 50% female — which Aishwarya says was an intentional choice. “I’d like to keep building a team that is very diverse in all ways. In building any company, and especially a consumer facing one, it’s critical to have people on the team who represent the people you want using the platform. I want to make sure that we do that.” Her advice to other entrepreneurs who are ready to grow their team is to hire slowly. “Bring in people who are aligned with your business goals as well as your personal mottos and morals.”

    Aishwarya, thank you so much for joining me on the show to talk about your work with Impact Chain Lab and some of the exciting potential of blockchain technology. Thank you as always to our listeners for sharing and reviewing the show. See you next week!

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    Tech Forward
    enSeptember 11, 2019

    Rebroadcast: Using Technology to Mobilize Capital for a Diverse Group of Funds

    Rebroadcast: Using Technology to Mobilize Capital for a Diverse Group of Funds

    Welcome back to Tech Forward, listeners! For this week's rebroadcast, we're featuring my conversation with Leslie Jump, founder and CEO at DifferentFunds, which is the first platform designed and built for investing in venture funds. Leslie has spent the bulk of her career building, advising, and investing in new companies, both in the US and worldwide. Most recently, she served as a Partner in Sawari Ventures, LLC, a Cairo-based early stage venture capital firm that invests in entrepreneurs across the Middle East and North Africa. Today, Leslie will share her inspiration for launching DifferentFunds, and how she’s helping a diverse network of more than 800 funds access the resources they need to support entrepreneurs globally.

    DifferentFunds began as Startup Angels in 2013, with the initial goal to match angel investors with startup investment opportunities. Eventually, however, Leslie and her team realized something critical: venture capital has a math problem. While the vast majority of venture funds have a median size of $60 million, most investors don’t consider funds under $100 million. What was really needed was a product that would allow the two sides of the marketplace to interact and transact with each other. On the DifferentFunds platform, qualified individuals and institutions can find, research, and invest in venture capital funds. The platform has a database of 900 highly diverse US-based firms, investing in everything from AI, to blockchain, to robotics, and more. In Leslie’s words, “Our job isn’t trying to guess who’s going to be the top of the top performers. We’re not trying to find the needle in the haystack that is the “best possible” fund. We’re building the haystack.

    The diversity on DifferentFunds is also reflected in the makeup of the funds themselves: 65% of the funds have a woman, a person of color, or both at the helm. Rather than a unique outlier, Leslie asserts that the diversity is a reflection of reality, and the fact that, both in the US and globally, society is shifting towards true multiculturalism. With multiple studies showing that diverse teams outperform homogeneous teams, performance is a key benefit to highlight to the limited partners. “You want your investment to be high performance? This is how. These folks have a propensity to outperform others, they see opportunity where others might not. They are dialed in.” Venture capital is a young industry, which has historically relied on pattern matching in lieu of true business intelligence. Leslie and her team are aware of this, and actively collecting data and building models that will better equip investors to make smarter decisions.

    Thank you so much for coming onto the show this week, Leslie! I loved hearing about the work you’re doing with DifferentFunds, and your keen insights into the world of venture capital investing. Thank you also to everyone out there listening, reviewing, and sharing the show. See you next week!

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    Tech Forward
    enSeptember 04, 2019

    Rebroadcast: Providing Culturally Sensitive Teletherapy to Increase the Life Expectancy of Black Men

    Rebroadcast: Providing Culturally Sensitive Teletherapy to Increase the Life Expectancy of Black Men

    Hello listeners! Welcome back to another episode of Tech Forward. This week, I hope you'll enjoy the rebroadcast of my conversation with Kevin Dedner, Founder and CEO of Henry Health. Henry Health's mobile app provides self-care and mental health support through culturally sensitive teletherapy, serving the population with the lowest life expectancy in the U.S. — black men. Kevin is an experienced public health leader, and through Henry Health, he is committed to leveraging the power of technology to add 10 years to the life expectancy of black men in the next 25 years by focusing on their emotional and mental health. Today on the show, Kevin will be sharing with us some of the challenges black men face when receiving mental health support, and how his product helps address that need.

    “There is a weight,” Kevin says, “a stress associated just with being a black man.” Unaddressed, that stress in combination with untreated mental health issues plays a significant role in the low life expectancy of black men in the U.S. While they do seek solutions, black men face considerable hurdles in receiving culturally competent mental health care. Behind Henry Health is Kevin’s vision of a trusted source for providing mental health services and self care support for black men. At first, Kevin approached this issue from an academic angle, drawing on his experience working in public health and researching the social determinants of health. Along the way, however, he had his own experience with depression, through which he discovered “that my suffering could be helpful to others.”

    Kevin’s first hand experience with depression has been crucial in the development of a product that truly addresses the emotional and mental health needs of black men in the U.S. In fact, he brings many facets of both his personal and his professional life to his work with Henry Health, because he sees his entrepreneurship journey as a mirror of life. “My entire career has prepared me for the work I’m doing now. But when I first started to think about what I could do to address the mental health needs of black men, I met a lot of resistance. As an entrepreneur, you know this happens, and you’re more in tune with it. If you can push through that initial resistance, you will find what you need to advance your idea.”

    Through Henry Health, users have access to teletherapy with professionals who have undergone training to understand the unique experiences of black men in America. They also have the option to participate in moderated groups where they can discuss issues related to stress in the workplace, single parenting, relationship issues, and self care. Also offered within the app are daily motivational messages from lecturer and researcher Dr. Dennis Kimbro. When it comes to utilizing social media in a positive way, “sharing these messages and affirmations really does play a tremendous role in people’s current condition and mental state.”

    Kevin, thank you so much for coming onto the show this week to share the important work you’re doing through Henry Health with our listeners. Thank you as well to everyone out there listening, reviewing, and sharing the show. See you next week!

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    Tech Forward
    enAugust 28, 2019

    Rebroadcast: Sparking Dialogue about Race and Racism Through Storytelling and Interaction

    Rebroadcast: Sparking Dialogue about Race and Racism Through Storytelling and Interaction

    Hello listeners, and welcome back to Tech Forward! This week, we're featuring a rebroadcast of my conversation with Catherine Wigginton Greene, Executive Director of content and engagement at Point Made Learning. She directed the feature documentary I’m Not Racist… Am I? (INRAI) which followed a diverse group of teens through a yearlong exploration of race and racism. From there, she led the development of Point Made’s newest offering – INRAI Digital – which uses the documentary as the foundation for a 3.5-hour online antiracism course. She also travels the U.S. leading workshops and facilitating dialogue about race and racism. Today we’ll be talking about some of the insights she has uncovered about race relations through her work, and how companies can improve their diversity training initiatives.

    Catherine’s work with Point Made Films began as a side project during her years as a freelance journalist, but she found herself quickly swept up in both the world of filmmaking, and the work the company was doing. She focuses now on topics related to race and racism, having felt called to that path for much of her life. After switching from a predominantly White Catholic school to a more diverse public school setting in the 5th grade, she noticed even then that her family reacted differently to some of her new friends. This began her internal work of unlearning the unspoken messages she had received throughout her childhood — a process reflected in the efforts currently made by Point Made Learning.

    I’m Not Racist… Am I? follows 12 teenagers over the course of a school year as they engage in discussions about unconscious bias, systemic racism, and other race issues. Despite the prevailing belief that racist attitudes will disappear with generational shifts, growing up in a racial hierarchy will still influence the beliefs of young people — even those living in diverse areas like New York City. “If you don’t explicitly discuss the factors of how we got to this place, you start to make assumptions about who belongs where, and who deserves to be there.” In showing the film at schools all over the country, Catherine and the team at Point Made noticed a common trend: students couldn’t stop talking about the film, and not only to each other. They brought the  discussion to their teachers and their parents!

    Upon seeing the film for themselves, these parents then wanted to arrange showings in the workplaces as a supplement to diversity training. In an effort to create a platform for companies to engage with this work in a meaningful way, Point Made Learning was born. This consulting and programming extension combines an online course with interactive exercises and facilitated discussions for an immersive and engaging experience. Rather than simply “checking a box,” the goal here is a nuanced exploration into identifying and interrupting patterns of bias.

    Catherine, thank you so much for coming onto the show and sharing your work with Point Made Learning — and some of the noteworthy results you’ve witnessed firsthand at the corporate level. Thank you also to those of you out there listening, sharing, and reviewing the show. See you next week!

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    Tech Forward
    enAugust 21, 2019

    Rebroadcast: Leveling the Playing Field for Female Entrepreneurs

    Rebroadcast: Leveling the Playing Field for Female Entrepreneurs

    Welcome back to Tech Forward, listeners! For our rebroadcast this week, we're featuring my first double interview: Gerri Kahnweiler and Cayla Weisberg, co-founders of Chicago-based InvestHER Ventures. InvestHER is an early stage investment firm that partners with and invests in female entrepreneurs. As a strong leader in philanthropy and civic engagement, Geri has a track record for empowering women and girls to reach their full potential. Her mission is to create funding opportunities for women who are focused on technology-enabled business services and data driven solutions for large markets. With her background in sales and a focus on people over products, Cayla offers hands-on thought leadership on startup scaling, pivoting, and operation excellence for InvestHER’s portfolio companies. We’ll be digging into the catalyst behind launching InvestHER, and how they’re working to level the playing field for female entrepreneurs across the country.

    Cayla and Gerri joined forces to launch InvestHER Ventures in 2016, a year when female founders received only 2.19% of venture funding. Considering one third of Chicago’s entrepreneurs are women, those numbers clearly aren’t the result of a pipeline problem. Recognizing this massive opportunity, Gerri and Cayla decided to focus on supporting female founders in the post-product, pre-revenue phase. They also assist these companies with customer acquisition, building a scalable sales funnel, and account management. “We have the easy job, really. The entrepreneurs have the hard job, and we’re there to support them. We admire each and every woman we connect with and evaluate.”

    When it comes to working closely with a co-founder, Cayla and Gerri stress the importance of communication, clear division of duties, and presenting a united front. With their very different backgrounds — Gerri in philanthropy, and Cayla in sales and entrepreneurship — they make an effective and efficient team. “All our decisions are made together. I would not make an investment in a company unless Cayla was on board.” They strongly encourage other female founders to “find the yin to your yang,” a partner whose strengths and opportunities complement their own.

    Both Gerri and Cayla have advice to share for women looking to get into investment. For anyone who already has funds to invest, Gerri recommends finding a local angel group, and working to understand the entire process from pitch to investment. Having witnessed this process play out many times, Cayla wants would-be female investors to know “there is no traditional path to investing anymore. A lot of funds are looking to hire people who have taken non-traditional capital risks in one way or another. Just because you didn’t go to business school doesn’t mean you can’t get into investing.”

    Cayla and Gerri, thank you so much for joining me on the show today to share the exciting work you’re doing with InvestHER Ventures. Thank you also to all of you out there listening, sharing the show, and reviewing. See you next week!

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    Tech Forward
    enAugust 14, 2019

    Rebroadcast: Creating a Platform for Music Discovery While Ridesharing

    Rebroadcast: Creating a Platform for Music Discovery While Ridesharing

    Welcome back to Tech Forward, listeners! For this week’s rebroadcast, I’m excited to share my conversation with Sean McKenzie, Co-Founder and Director of Driver Engagement at Steereo. By combining the power of music streaming with the popularity of ridesharing, Steereo is a music discovery app that gives emerging artists exposure and valuable data, while compensating rideshare drivers. Sean is an award-winning entrepreneur and a 3-time founder with a strong background in brand strategy, consumer insights, and market forecasting. He also serves as an advisory council member at Fund for Public Housing. Today on the show we’ll be discussing his career path, his approach to hiring at Steereo, and some of the ways he uses his experience to give back to his community.

    The idea for Steereo came from a chance meeting between Sean and his team, and a Lyft driver with excellent musical taste. Realizing that rideshare drivers often act as DJs for their clients, Sean proposed the idea for a platform where up-and-coming artists could allow drivers to stream their music. The benefits are twofold. Along with the exposure to a larger audience, artists on the Steereo platform also gain access to a wealth of data, including where, when, and even how loudly it gets played. Drivers are compensated for this airtime in turn, accumulating funds over time much like a fare meter. When it came to creating the app, Sean noted, “People of color are great at creating content that lives on these innovative platforms, but they aren’t necessarily creating those platforms where that content lives. If there’s a demand for this, why not us? Why can’t we build it?”

    This passionate attitude has been a common thread throughout Sean’s career trajectory. As a 3-time founder, he cites every step of the journey as an important part of where he is today. For any listeners out there considering pursuing their own ambitions of entrepreneurship, Sean has two key pieces of advice. First and foremost, don’t wait for a perfect product to launch — “When it comes to building tech products, great can be the enemy of good enough. Don’t let great slow you down. Get your core function nailed down, put it out, let your users break it and then iterate from there.” Furthermore, he recommends maintaining that lean, early-stage passion as much as possible as the business grows. “Even when you have more resources, treat your product as if you don’t.”

    In addition to his work at Steereo, Sean is also a member of the advisory council for New York City’s Fund for Public Housing. At a time when more people than ever are in need of affordable housing, federal funding for these programs has unfortunately dwindled. “My entire existence can be attributed to affordable public housing. I am a direct result of these programs and they just aren’t really there anymore. It’s important for me to give back in this way, because our experiences shape who we are and how we view the world. If I can shape a kid’s viewpoint and their confidence, then that is my life’s work, beyond anything else I do in the tech industry.”

    Sean, thank you so much for coming onto the show and sharing with us the work you’re doing both with Steereo, and with the Fund for Public Housing. Thank you as well to everyone out there listening, reviewing, and sharing the show. See you next week!

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    Tech Forward
    enAugust 07, 2019

    Rebroadcast: Confronting Bias and Unequal Treatment From All Levels In the Workplace

    Rebroadcast: Confronting Bias and Unequal Treatment From All Levels In the Workplace

    Hello, listeners! Welcome back to Tech Forward. For this week’s rebroadcast, we're featuring my conversation with Wes Kao, a marketing strategy and product launch expert who works as a consultant and advisor to multiple consumer brands and tech startups. She serves as a mentor to entrepreneurs through her roles with WeWork Labs and Backstage Capital. Previously, Wes was the founding Executive Director of Seth Godin's altMBA. Today on the show, we’ll be talking about the leadership lessons she’s learned during her career, and her advice to other managers on how to adequately encourage and support women in the workplace.

    After years of working in the corporate retail space, Wes found herself drawn to the rigorous thinking and problem solving aspect of the tech sector. She worked with Seth Godin to launch altMBA, an online leadership and management workshop which under her leadership grew from zero to 550 cities in 45 countries over a three year period of high-growth. She brings her wealth of experience to the table when mentoring entrepreneurs through Backstage Capital and WeWork Labs, advising founders and CEOs on effective leadership and avoiding the pitfalls of bias.

    One key piece of advice Wes has for other managers is to conduct regular self-checks for bias. “The minute we think we’re above bias, or prejudice, or discrimination, that’s when we get into a dangerous spot.” Often, workplace culture permits pushback from white male employees — but punishes women or people of color for the same resistance, marking them as selfish or uncooperative. Though managerial roles often require split-second calculations in order to optimize the workday, Wes encourages managers to ask this question: “Would I react the same way to a white/male employee in this situation?” She also encourages similar self-checks when it comes to using language that reflects equitable treatment of employees. “Our automatic reaction might be to criticize, but those criticisms add up to a place where employees might not feel safe to lead, to challenge authority, and to ask questions.”

    Wes also emphasizes that it’s not solely the responsibility of leadership to effect change: “We can always positively influence the lives of our coworkers.” She cites moments from her own  career journey when her allies have taken seemingly small, but powerful actions to support her. When clients assumed her male colleagues were in charge, those men redirected the conversation both verbally and physically — asserting that Wes was at the helm, and turning to face her. In situations where you suspect bias or discrimination, Wes advises, “Go to your allies in the company first. They probably notice it too. When you do talk to the person, bring it up in a respectful way. Above all, don’t suffer in silence! If you don’t feel comfortable and confident to do your best work, nobody is winning.”

    Wes, I’ve really enjoyed hearing your insights and your stories, and I know that our listeners will too. Thank you again for coming onto the show this week. Thank you also to all of you out there listening, subscribing, and sharing the show. See you next week!

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    Tech Forward
    enJuly 31, 2019

    Rebroadcast: Using Five Core Skills to Help Women Advance Their Careers

    Rebroadcast: Using Five Core Skills to Help Women Advance Their Careers

    Welcome back to Tech Forward, listeners! Continuing our summer rebroadcasts, we're featuring my conversation with Alli Young, Founder and CEO of The Forem. The Forem is a professional training organization that develops the next generation of leaders while promoting gender equity. Through her work with The Forem, Alli focuses on helping women advance their careers and building healthy organizations as a key lever in driving innovation and revenue. Today, we’ll be talking about how she came to found the Forem, and the critical skills she believes all professionals — but especially women — need to successfully progress in their careers.

    Though she enjoyed her role as a Google leader, Alli found that it was difficult to pursue her passion for building and trying new things within such a large organization. She wanted to align her professional life with what she truly cared about: working with other women to develop and progress their careers. “Women have been failed by corporate America. How can I get more women into leadership roles where they have the power to affect change?” She took the leap and founded The Forem, which works at the individual as well as the organizational level to foster working environments where everybody can thrive and grow and fulfill their potential.

    At the individual level, The Forem offers one-on-one coaching for emerging leaders, with a strong focus on 5 critical skills. Those skills include negotiating, building a personal brand, growing a robust and responsive network, financial fluency, and leadership skills — many of which can be a struggle for women. For women early in their careers, Alli stresses the importance of first focusing on negotiating and networking. “The first step is being able to self-advocate. A lot of women do not negotiate, and when we do we ask for less. [...] As for networking, 85% of our opportunities come from our network. Investing in people is always worth your while.”

    Even within companies whose CEOs and board members recognize the value of diversity, making the change at the organizational level can be difficult. “What do you do if 80% of your existing team is male? Even with good intentions, these roles won’t open up tomorrow.” That’s why the team at The Forem work with CEOs on strategy and succession planning, preparing qualified women to step into a leadership role as soon as it’s available. They also work directly with leadership teams to identify, address, and solve for areas of unconscious bias. Working collaboratively and forming partnerships transforms how people in leadership roles interpret and identify bias. Alli also emphasizes the value of frequent, consistent top-down messaging about diversity and equality, highlighting both current statistics and future goals.

    Alli, thank you so much for coming onto the show and sharing your work through The Forem. I look forward to the upcoming book about the 5 critical skills, and seeing that message continue to spread. Thank you also to all my listeners tuning in, reviewing, and sharing the show. See you next week!

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    Tech Forward
    enJuly 24, 2019

    Rebroadcast: Helping Women of Color Identify Inclusive Work Environments in STEM

    Rebroadcast: Helping Women of Color Identify Inclusive Work Environments in STEM

    Hello listeners, and welcome back to Tech Forward! Kicking off our summer rebroadcasts, we're featuring the second episode of our November 2018 job seeker series, when I spoke with Michele Heyward, founder of PositiveHire. PositiveHire is a tech company engineered to bridge the gap between employers and women of color STEM professionals. Michele’s vision is to not only help experienced women of color find inclusive workplaces, but to help enterprises recruit them. PositiveHire does this via matching experienced women of color STEM professionals to relevant management positions within organizations. In this episode, we discussed Michele’s plans and aspirations for her business, as well as her advice for women and companies on how to begin to narrow the gender pay gap.

    PositiveHire grew, in part, from Michele’s previous experience in career coaching. Having heard similar stories of career struggles from many female engineers, she wanted to help as many women in STEM as possible — and as quickly as possible. “What I want PositiveHire to do is enable women from different races to understand what a company’s culture provides each one of them. Each race can and will be discriminated against differently. So, what is it about the company culture that may benefit one woman of color, but not another? The ability to determine fit based on cultural background, gender, and race would help so many women.”

    When it comes to externally determining a company or organization’s culture, Michele has a few tips for job seekers. First and foremost, look at upper management: less diversity at that level may indicate a cultural issue. For instance, it’s not uncommon for the responsibility of leadership to rest of the shoulders of Black women, but not the title. Connecting with former employees of the company on services such as LinkedIn can also be helpful, as they are often willing to be candid about their experiences within the company.

    Michele also has words of wisdom to share as far as closing the wage gap. For women, especially women of color, she emphasizes the importance of knowing when to say no, and keeping concrete, quantitative documentation of how you’ve helped your company, team, or group. At the employer level, she notes, “You have the information you need to go through and equalize pay in your organization. How long are you willing to gamble that your employees won’t find out they’ve been underpaid?” Course correcting isn’t just about avoiding short-term negative consequences, however. There are plenty of long term benefits to making this effort, including positive press, and improving the bottom line.

    Michele, thank you so much for coming onto the show and discussing the important work you’re doing with PositiveHire. Thank you also to all of you out there listening, subscribing, and sharing the show. See you next week!

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    Tech Forward
    enJuly 17, 2019

    Creating Audio-Based Stories for Female Sexual Empowerment

    Creating Audio-Based Stories for Female Sexual Empowerment

    Hello, listeners, and welcome back to Tech Forward! On this week’s episode, I spoke with Gina Gutierrez, co-founder and CEO of Dipsea. Through Dipsea, Gina is focused on helping women feel sexually, mentally, and emotionally empowered. Currently available on IOS (with Android coming soon), the Dipsea app features hundreds of audio stories that help women tap into their sexuality on their own terms, unlock confidence, and develop a more holistic sense of wellbeing. Today on the show, Gina will share her story of launching the business, how she raised over $5 million from investors, and the motivation behind creating this new category of audio-based sexual empowerment for women.

    Gina and her co-founder, Faye, aren’t necessarily the type of people you’d expect to launch a company like Dipsea. With backgrounds in psychology and economics, respectively, rather than audio engineering or production, they embarked on this entrepreneurial journey together simply because they saw a real need for what Dipsea has to offer. They founded the company less than two years ago after many late-night conversations at Faye’s kitchen table, and have been growing ever since. “A strength of mine [is that] navigating ambiguity doesn’t make me anxious, and I think that’s highly aligned with being an entrepreneur.”

    While the idea of pitching an erotic storytelling app to a room full of mostly-male investors might seem daunting to some, Gina’s comfort level with the topics helped her to navigate the fundraising process comfortably. “It’s about choosing the language that makes other people feel safe, and positions you as an entrepreneur.” They did face pushback during the investing phase — one potential investor deemed Dipsea as “not venture backable,” while another cancelled the pitch meeting only an hour before it was scheduled to start — but ultimately raised $5.5 million for the business. She credits their success in the face of these setbacks to her co-founder, Faye, as well as to the strength of their idea. “[Venture capital] is highly network-based, so even if someone doesn’t invest in you, you can reframe the ‘no’ and get connected to their network.”

    Inspired by the Headspace meditation app, Dipsea allows subscribers access to hundreds of short, erotic audio stories, created by women, for women. Though the stories on Dipsea are not specifically meant to be educational, the characters model an aspirational view of sexuality, consent, communication, and safer sex. Despite the evolution of hardware and education in the sexuality space, technological developments to address the psychology of sexuality have lagged behind. “Sex isn’t just about your body! It’s about your mind, too … And audio isn’t just a way to tell a story, it’s a way to make you feel something.”

    Gina, thank you so much for coming onto the show and sharing the story of Dipsea with our listeners. Thank you, also, to everyone out there listening, sharing, and reviewing the show. Over the summer, we will take a break and feature some of our earlier episodes so that new listeners can take advantage of those fascinating conversations. We’ll be back in the fall with brand-new episodes of Tech Forward. Have a wonderful summer!

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    Tech Forward
    enJuly 10, 2019

    Rebroadcast: Building an Effective Engineering Team Through Inclusive Leadership

    Rebroadcast: Building an Effective Engineering Team Through Inclusive Leadership

    Welcome back to Tech Forward, and happy Fourth of July to my US listeners! On this week’s episode, we are rebroadcasting my conversation with Julie Pitt, director of Machine Learning Infrastructure at Netflix. Her team’s goal is to scale Data Science while increasing innovation. Prior to that role, she built the streaming infrastructure behind the "play" button while Netflix was transitioning from domestic DVD-by-mail service to international streaming service. Julie also co-founded Order of Magnitude Labs, with a mission to build AI capable of doing things like exploration, communication, and accomplishing long-range goals — in other words, tasks that humans find easy, but today’s machines find hard. Today, we’ll talk about Netflix’s unique culture and how Julie supports the other female engineers on her team.

    Julie’s work with machine learning at Netflix ties back to solving two problems: offering members the best choices, and ensuring they have as much control as possible over their personal experience. This requires answering a lot of questions, from where to find content creators, to predicting where that content will be popular, and even down to launch dates. Luckily, many of those questions can be answered through data science and machine learning. Software engineers have already experienced the progression from rigid to continuous deployment schedules, and witnessed firsthand the power of collaboration. That power, however, is not common in data science — which is where Julie’s team comes in. They’re building a workshop for data scientists that allows a higher degree of collaboration, more efficiency, and higher productivity. Netflix’s data scientists have already used these workshops to solve a variety of problems, from determining the quality of the video streamed to the viewer, to optimizing a schedule for launching multiple titles in the same genre.

    One unique aspect of Netflix’s culture, according to Julie, is that “We’re building a default platform, but not a mandated platform.” This is a direct result of two main tenets of the Netflix culture: freedom and responsibility. While engineers have the freedom to make choices about the tech they use to solve problems, they’re also expected to be aware of how those choices might affect other teams. Julie also champions the concept of leadership through context, not control. “As a leader, if someone on my team makes a poor decision, my first instinct is to determine what context they lacked. We can increase relevant context that enables better decisions.”

    When it comes to diversity initiatives at Netflix, Julie has personally focused on meetups for underrepresented groups, as well as rethinking the interview process from start to finish. She gives candidates a choice as to how they prefer to be interviewed: some people feel more comfortable with a technical whiteboard question, while others prefer to work independently on a project and discuss it afterwards. Once people are in the door, having a network is key — “I only ever had one job where I didn’t already know someone. I cannot under-emphasize the importance of having a professional network.” She also has some words of advice for anyone struggling with impostor syndrome: “Fundamentally, in tech, we operate in an environment of uncertainty because we’re doing things that have never been done before. Everyone else is making it up as they go along, too. It’s okay, and you’re not alone.”

    Julie, thank you so much for coming onto the show and sharing your stories and insights this week. I’d also like to thank all of you out there listening, reviewing, and sharing the show. See you next week with a brand new episode!

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    enJuly 03, 2019

    Rebroadcast: Funding Immigrant Founders and Investing in Innovation

    Rebroadcast: Funding Immigrant Founders and Investing in Innovation

    Hello listeners, and welcome back to Tech Forward! This week, I've reissued my conversation with Maria Salamanca, a venture capitalist at Unshackled Ventures. She was named 2018 Forbes 30 Under 30 for Venture Capital. Unshackled Ventures fills a unique space in the entrepreneurial ecosystem by funding teams with immigrant founders.

    Maria’s own journey — she immigrated from Colombia at age 7 and became a citizen at 18 — has motivated her to uplift others by eliminating barriers to entrepreneurship and education.  Due in part to her history, Maria has a deep understanding of the challenges immigrants face when starting a business in the United States. She and Unshackled Ventures have identified the barriers that immigrant entrepreneurs face:

    • Access to capital
    • Office space
    • Lack of support network
    • Immigration support

    These barriers are what led them to specifically support immigrant founders. “It’s hard to be an immigrant entrepreneur and jump into that full time while also juggling concerns about who will sponsor your visa.” As 45% of Fortune 500 companies have immigrant founders, there’s clearly a high level of entrepreneurship among immigrants despite the significant barriers to the tools and resources which would enable them to fully execute that entrepreneurial spirit.

    When it comes to the immigration process, Maria says, “Usually immigrants have to figure all of this out on their own, and most of them do. But that really takes away from the time they could be spending on their projects. They have to keep on top of deadlines and court dates, and struggle with the instability of,Will I be here in 3 months? What about my family? That stress puts a burden on founders.” That’s why some of the funding at Unshackled Ventures supports an in house counsel, allowing entrepreneurs to work closely with an immigration lawyer. “We fund only a small percentage of immigrant founders, but we want them to focus on their product as much as possible.”

    Research has shown that cross cultural experiences lead to innovation. “As an immigrant, you come into a new country where there’s a different context for a variety of things. Many times, that means you can see a gap where a need isn’t being met.” To really foster those cross cultural experiences, Unshackled Ventures has created an ecosystem of universities, mentors, advisors, and investors who really believe in the value that immigrant entrepreneurs bring to the table.

    Maria and I also discussed the possible future of immigrant entrepreneurs in the current political climate, as well as the advice she would offer to immigrant founders in search of funding. Thank you so much to Maria for joining me, and to all of you out there for listening. See you next week!

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    Tech Forward
    enJune 26, 2019

    Sharing Lessons in Entrepreneurial Resilience While Expanding Access to Cash for the Underserved

    Sharing Lessons in Entrepreneurial Resilience While Expanding Access to Cash for the Underserved

    Hello listeners, and welcome back to Tech Forward! On this week’s episode, I spoke with D’ontra Hughes, serial entrepreneur, and founder and CEO of fintech platform SPARE. By turning any cash register into an ATM, SPARE helps merchants increase foot traffic and underbanked consumers avoid costly fees. If that sounds familiar, you may have caught his appearance on Shark Tank earlier this year. D’ontra is also a motivational speaker who shares valuable lessons for entrepreneurs about resilience, team building, and finding the right business partners. Today on the show, he’ll share the story of how he built several businesses from the ground up, as well as his advice for other entrepreneurs.

    While employed at JP Morgan, D’ontra witnessed firsthand how influential financial services are in our everyday lives, as well as how certain consumers could be disenfranchised by these services. For the 20% of the population who are underbanked, the average ATM fee of $4.69 per transaction can make a significant impact on their financial wellbeing. With SPARE, one of D’ontra’s goals was to reduce or eliminate the fees consumers pay simply to access their cash. “It became clear as we did our troubleshooting that the perfect partners [for these consumers] were small businesses in the community. Those small businesses wanted to increase foot traffic into their stores, and they wanted a cheaper, more secure alternative to ATMs.” Merchants on SPARE tell the network how much cash they want to offload, which brings in nearby consumers in need of that cash.

    Though SPARE is gaining traction in the West Hollywood neighborhoods where it has been implemented so far, D’ontra is very forthcoming about how the popular narrative behind entrepreneurship often obscures the true nature of the journey. “To be called an entrepreneur is a badge you earn. It’s a journey and it’s tough.” D’ontra’s work developing SPARE — as well as his previous companies — taught him valuable lessons about resilience and the importance of partnerships rooted in a passionate vision. From couch surfing to debt to the struggles of making grandiose ideas work within the limitations of reality, D’ontra has certainly put in the work to earn the badge of entrepreneur.

    When it comes to resilience, D’ontra describes himself as “naive to a fault,” a relentless optimist even in dire situations. A core of resilience nurtures a fearlessness which he says is one of the determining factors for entrepreneurial success. His advice for anyone looking to build their own resilience muscle: schedule time to break away from the vision. “Whether you set an alarm on your phone, or have someone come to your house and physically take your tech out of your hands, do it. Because there are things in your life you might miss that you can’t get back if you didn’t take that breath… Your subconscious mind puts the pieces together and sends you an a-ha moment while you’re focused on something else.”

    D’ontra, thank you so much for coming onto the show and sharing your entrepreneurial expertise and the work you’re doing with SPARE. Thank you, also, to everyone out there listening, sharing, and reviewing the show. See you next week!

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    Tech Forward
    enJune 19, 2019

    Rebroadcast: Bootstrapping a Tech Startup While Paving the Way for the Next Generation

    Rebroadcast: Bootstrapping a Tech Startup While Paving the Way for the Next Generation

    Hello, listeners! Welcome back to another exciting episode of Tech Forward. This week, I hope you'll enjoy our rebroadcast of my conversation from last summer with Omari Edwards. In addition to serving as a board member at leading technology proficiency non-profit Mouse and founding K-12 STEM enrichment program Technology for {You}th, Omari is also the founder of image-based analytics platform Beak. We discussed his different experiences as a black man at both Morehouse College and the University of Pennsylvania,  and the unconventional journey of Beak from inception to present day.

    Omari spoke highly of the mentors in his early life, both in his family and in school. These role models instilled in him the confidence to seek out schools he might not have otherwise considered. He attended historically black Morehouse College for his undergraduate studies, and UPenn for his M.S. in Systems Engineering. While he loved both schools, the largest difference between the two was a top tier but purely academic experience, versus a more holistic one. UPenn had all the benefits of an endowment in the billions — state of the art classroom tech and up-to-date facilities — but at Morehouse, “there was a different type of learning that went beyond the academic. Seeing the historical names of Black people on the campus buildings, as a minority, you knew you were standing on the shoulders of giants.”

    Omari got the idea for Beak while writing tracking software for an email marketing platform. This small, proprietary bit of code allows companies to track user activity online and show appropriate advertising. To Omari, the idea of being able to personally track his own emails was enticing, and so he released the first iteration of Beak with little fanfare. Much to his surprise, a few years later he discovered emails from large organizations who were using the platform in a way Omari hadn’t anticipated: tracking internal company memos.

    Beak, in its current form, is a SaaS platform that allows companies to track and analyze content they share online: images, emails, web posts, ads, and more. What sets Beak apart from other analytics platforms is that it is image-based, rather than Javascript based. Since many sites such as Craigslist don’t allow Javascript, but do permit images, this gives Beak a competitive edge. Users select their tracker type and can get started in 3 steps or less. After collecting data, they can view analytics and download reports from Beak.

    Between its inception and now, Beak has grown piecemeal but, as Omari says, “Every piece worked. Over time you develop a sense for what your users want.” This unconventional journey happened in part because Omari insisted on bootstrapping the business so as not to diminish creative control. “We were able to make decisions that investors might have opposed, but which worked out long term. We knew we could make it to the point of self-sustainability.”

    Having witnessed firsthand the lack of racial and gender diversity in the STEM fields, Omari is also passionate about giving back to his community in the form of youth outreach. Through Technology for {You}th, he has created a curriculum for K-12 students to learn how to code. Currently, 7th and 8th grade students in the program are learning at a level that surpasses college equivalent Advanced Placement high school programs. “It’s been an interesting ride, and we’re in it for the long haul.”

    Omari, thank you so much for coming onto the show. I’m excited to see how Beak and all of your other ventures continue to grow, change, and serve their respective communities. Thank you also to all of my listeners for tuning in. See you next week with a brand new episode!

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    enJune 12, 2019

    Mapping Internet Access Across the US to Support Offline Tech

    Mapping Internet Access Across the US to Support Offline Tech

    Welcome back to Tech Forward, listeners! This week, I spoke with Oklahoma City-based software developer Carmen Bourlon. As her career as a developer progressed, Carmen began to explore her passion for offline technology, which allows people without Internet access to utilize resources that are generally only available online. Using US census data, she created Margiemap, which plots income against library access. She’s also in the process of finishing her first book, Let’s Take This Offline. Today we’ll be discussing her career journey as a developer, what inspired her interest in offline technology, and how she is using her wealth of knowledge about the Internet access disparity affecting millions of Americans.

    As a self-taught developer, Carmen learned to program from a book while living in a rural area without Internet access in her home. This not only shaped her learning process — letting problems stack up until she was able to go somewhere with Internet access — but also fostered her interest in offline technology. Realizing that Internet connections are fickle and users have no true control over it, she emphasizes that the responsibility is with developers to understand this issue and consider it while designing web based apps. While offline technology has universal applications, Carmen’s particular interest lies with populations without Internet access.

    Though many of us living in cities may not realize it, Internet access disparity affects millions of Americans. According to studies conducted by Pew Research, the percentage of households in the US that are considered “smartphone dependent” has increased from 12% in 2015 to roughly 20% in 2018. Studies have also shown a clear link between Internet access and access to higher paying jobs in the developing world. Put simply: “Internet access is opportunity access.” Armed with this knowledge, Carmen created Margiemap as a way to visually display income against library access in the United States. Controlling for population, she found that lower income areas, where people are less likely to have a home Internet connection, have significantly less access to libraries.

    Carmen’s current plan is to dive deeper into the data and begin to blog about her discoveries, though she does hope that other people will take an interest in her work and begin their own research. Her work with Margiemap has informed her interest in a type of offline technology called “service workers,” which she will cover in depth in her upcoming book, Let’s Take This Offline. If you’d like to learn more about service workers, sign up for the mailing list to stay informed and see some sneak peaks.

    Carmen, thank you so much for coming onto the show to share your process and everything you’ve learned about offline technology and why it’s so important. I look forward to learning more when your book comes out. Thank you, also, to everyone out there listening, sharing, and reviewing the show. See you next week!

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    Tech Forward
    enJune 05, 2019

    Rebroadcast: Driving Financial Inclusion With a Mobile Conversation Platform

    Rebroadcast: Driving Financial Inclusion With a Mobile Conversation Platform

    Welcome back to Tech Forward, listeners! This week, I hope you'll enjoy our rebroadcast of my conversation with Katie Macc, Chief Commercial Officer and Cofounder of Juntos Global. At a time when customers have low trust in their financial institutions, Juntos provides those institutions with a mobile-based conversation platform that increases consumer confidence. Prior to working at Juntos, Katie worked in microfinance, both in the Democratic Republic of Congo and, later, in the US. On today’s episode, we discussed her journey as an entrepreneur, and how Juntos is breaking down barriers to financial inclusion for many people around the world.

    As someone who has always relished the opportunity to build something, Katie’s transition from established jobs to true entrepreneurship was a natural one. Katie wears many hats at Juntos, balancing client-facing teams such as sales client services along with finance and HR internally. Despite the fact that their foreign markets — including Egypt, Paraguay, and Uganda — can make funding a challenge, Katie contends that “great investors make for enjoyable fundraising.” As Juntos continues to grow and enter new markets, they remain committed to diversity: “As a global company, it matters to us to have employees from all over the world.” Katie and her two co-founders, Ben and Dante, recognize the potential for technology to transform customer interactions in the financial services industry. With its roots in a graduate school project at the Stanford d.school, Juntos — now in 15 countries spread across 4 continents — aims to do just that.

    While the rapid digitization of most financial transactions has been incredibly convenient, it has also had the unintended consequence of fewer face-to-face conversations at the bank. These conversations have historically served dual purposes: both allowing the bank to learn more about the customer, and providing the customer with an opportunity to alert the bank to their issues. The loss of these interactions has played a significant role in the loss of consumer trust in financial institutions. Juntos provides a bridge between the banks and their customers which, while still entirely digital, emulates the conversations customers used to have with their tellers. Not only does this help banks uncover reasons why customers might not utilize certain services, it also measurably increases account usage.

    The barriers that prevent people from opening bank accounts, and keeping those accounts active, usually fall into 3 categories of trust. Consumers need to first trust the institution itself, then trust that the product will behave as expected, and finally feel confident that they themselves are able to competently use the product. Juntos works with customers on all of these facets of trust, helping them to realize that financial institutions do want them to succeed, or identifying next steps to take when the product does not perform as needed. Through these conversations, they’re uncovering a wealth of knowledge about user experience.

    Katie, thank you so much for coming onto the show this week and sharing the story of Juntos, as well as all of your valuable advice. Thank you, as always, to my listeners for tuning in. See you next week with a brand new episode!

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    enMay 29, 2019

    Building and Scaling a Tech Startup Through Continuous Iteration

    Building and Scaling a Tech Startup Through Continuous Iteration

    Hello listeners! Welcome back to a new episode of Tech Forward. This week, I’m thrilled to share my conversation with Fatima Dicko, Founder and CEO of the on demand delivery service, Jetpack. Prior to starting the company, while completing her MBA at Stanford, Fatima served as the youngest senior engineer on an upstream technology innovation team at Procter & Gamble. Today on the show, we’ll discuss her journey as an entrepreneur, some of the challenges she has faced building her business as a young woman of color, and advice she would give to other founders looking to follow in her footsteps.

    Having immigrated to the United States from Mali at the age of 6, Fatima’s inquisitive nature set her down the engineering path fairly early in life. At Procter & Gamble, she was part of a team working on products 3-10 years away from going to market. While in that role, she attributes a huge confidence boost to the words of a mentor: “Great ideas happen when two old ideas come together for the first time.” When you have an idea, it may be tempting to immediately scour the internet to see if someone else has built or done something similar — but Fatima came to realize “you don’t have to be first, you just have to be different and better.” She stresses the validity of past attempts, and the value in being able to pinpoint why those attempts didn’t reach a certain level of success. From there, you can work to make something incrementally better than what came before.

    The path from idea to launch was a tough one for Jetpack, mainly due to fundraising hurdles. While the value of Jetpack’s decentralized convenience network was immediately clear to college students, it was less clear to traditional VC investors. “They have to invest in you. There are so many challenges as an African American woman founder where, if pattern matching comes into play, if their implicit bias comes into play, it’s much harder to have them invest in the vision alone. So your traction needs to be there, your product needs to be there, you need a rockstar team. That ends up being an unfair burden on underrepresented founders.”

    Beyond fundraising wisdom, Fatima offers a wealth of powerful advice for anyone considering becoming a founder themselves. First and foremost, she urges people to think differently about growth. “We hear about companies going from 0 users to millions of users… I think shedding more light on the trajectory of growth can help people feel more confident about their ability to [do the same].” Then, she suggests 3 questions to ask yourself before starting a company: what problem do you want to solve, are you the right person to solve that problem, and what truly makes you come alive? While those answers might lead people away from becoming founders, Fatima says they might push people towards something more suited to them — such as joining an early stage startup.

    Fatima, I cannot thank you enough for coming onto the show this week to share your journey, vision, and advice with our listeners. Thank you, also, to everyone out there listening, sharing, and reviewing the show. See you next week!

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    enMay 22, 2019

    Rebroadcast: Championing Diversity and Making Waves in Interior Design at Wayfair

    Rebroadcast: Championing Diversity and Making Waves in Interior Design at Wayfair

    Hello listeners, and welcome back to Tech Forward! This week, we're featuring my conversation with Angela Belt, Senior 3D Visual Stylist at Wayfair, from last September. Having graduated from Howard University with a degree in Fine Arts, Angela has over ten years of interior design experience including extensive experience styling for print, online publications, and video.  With a keen eye for what is on trend and a passion for interior design, she has styled shoots for ElleDecor, HGTV, AphroChic, and Maison et Objet in Paris. We discussed her transition into the world of tech through her role at Wayfair, and the initiatives she has championed to support the company’s diversity recruiting efforts.

    Though she initially saw herself forging a career in politics, Angela took a hard pivot into the world of art and design during her sophomore year of college. After graduation, she took a position with the furniture company Room and Board, which essentially served as a ten-year crash course on not only floor planning and drafting, but also everything required in terms of building codes and permits, and how to design a room with an eye for profit margins. Angela also spent 8 of those 10 years freelancing at her sister’s company, Aphrochic, where she became the creative director and interior stylist. During that time, she worked on REMIX: Decorating with Culture, Objects and Soul, released by Penguin Random House in 2013.

    Voted a top tech company by the online community Built in Boston, Wayfair is, in Angela’s words, “on the cutting edge of where things are going” in the world of interior design and home furnishings. Angela works with a team of 3D artists and stylists who use models and talented graphic designers to enhance the photo studio process. These models give the stylists much more creative freedom than a traditional 2D photoshoot, which can be expensive and time consuming. While Angela says entering the tech sector has required her to “learn an entirely new language… I have the background knowledge to know what makes sense in an image, aside from just looking good.” There are cultural differences as well: interior design is a sphere that values the longevity of a career, and expects people to cultivate their skills over a longer time period, whereas tech jobs focus more on the skills people learn in school and apply right away.

    Within 3 months of joining the company, Angela had the opportunity to champion diversity initiatives for Wayfair, when she was asked to recruit at her alma mater. “It was exciting to me to know that Wayfair wanted talent from a historically black college [...] It’s part of a larger push, not just a one time thing.” Internally, Angela is an active member of a group for African American employees to network and build a community. She stresses the importance of having members of underrepresented groups in leadership roles: “It meant a lot to me at Room and Board that I had an African American mentor, and two African American bosses. Seeing those people advance to leadership positions let me know I had a place in the company.”

    If you’d like to get in touch with Angela you can find her on Instagram, or see examples of her work on her website. Angela, thank you so much for coming onto the show and sharing your story. Thank you also to all of my listeners for tuning in, sharing the show, and leaving reviews. See you next week!

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    enMay 15, 2019

    Building Mental Fortitude For Career Success

    Building Mental Fortitude For Career Success

    Hello listeners, and welcome back to Tech Forward! On this week’s episode, I spoke with CEO and Founder of The Zone Lab LLC, Sheryl Kline. Sheryl is a Mental Toughness and Certified High Performance Coach™ who works with business professionals, world-class athletes, and students. She is also a speaker and best-selling author, and her newest book, ZONED IN: The Mental Toughness Required for a World-Class YOU, came out in February of this year. Today on the show, we’ll be talking about her personal journey to becoming a high performance coach and entrepreneur, and her incredible advice for achieving success.

    Sheryl’s work began from a place of curiosity: she wanted to understand how world-class athletes persevered through failure and setbacks. She identifies two key components of mental toughness: the clarity to dream big, and attaining a thorough understanding of your own inner dialogue. Through her work as a coach, she helps her clients develop these components, teaching ordinary people to be extraordinary by mastering their mindset. To do this, she draws on a meticulously curated body of research from the past 4 decades which proves “that we are enough. We are all good enough. [...] We all have something special within us, and we have a limited amount of time to bring it to life.”

    In addition to her work with individuals, Sheryl also leads workshops and works with major global corporations such as Google Ventures, VMware, and Microsoft. In her mind, across all the work she does, the true problem is a lack of understanding of how to unleash human potential. This results in less productivity, creativity, and innovation — as well as an annual loss of $550 billion in revenue for US companies. “Having us unleash what we’re capable of and be happy in the workplace is good for us — but it’s good for business, too.”

    Sheryl also shared some advice for anyone looking to get ahead, and to develop their own resilience. She recommends creating a support group of people who are genuinely interested and invested in your success and growth, and to be able to speak up when something isn’t working out. When it comes to career setbacks, she has this to say: “We must embrace failure, welcome it, take it head on. [...] Our emotions demand to be acknowledged and validated. So when we experience a setback, we have to honor that emotion and give ourselves the space to acknowledge that we’re hurting. Then, you can take control and make the decision to move forwards.”

    Sheryl, thank you so much for coming onto the show to give our listeners this fascinating glimpse into the work that you do. If any of our listeners would like to learn more, simply visit sherylkline.com/tf for 1 month free in her mental toughness community! I’d also like to thank everyone out there listening, sharing, and reviewing the show. See you next week!

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    Tech Forward
    enMay 08, 2019