
    Tell Me More...

    Looking to broaden your mind in just a few minutes? Hosted by Matt Lehrman, the Tell Me More podcast features candid discussions with knowledgeable guests willing to share their unique perspectives and lived experiences on current political and social issues. These courageous conversations invite respectful listening to diverse viewpoints, an essential part of a healthy democracy. Each episode aims to leave you with revealing insights that might possibly suggest new ways to think about our world and your place in it.
    enMatt Lehrman28 Episodes

    Episodes (28)

    Does the Government Deserve Our Trust? (1/2)

    Does the Government Deserve Our Trust? (1/2)

    Beneath the noble words and high aspirations for what government can & should do, there’s a foundational question of whether it deserves to be trusted.  Rather than a question of policy, this is a profound question of personal values.  For this courageous conversation, Matt Lehrman is joined by Nadia Mustafa, Chuck Gallagher, and Sentari Minor.    


    Ask a Question or Leave a Comment:  602-688-2724


    Send us a Note:  TellMeMore@SocialProsperity.us 


    Apply to Be a Podcast Guest:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/tellmemore1 


    Produced by Social Prosperity Partners:  https://socialprosperity.us/


    Follow on Twitter: @MattLehrman


    Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattlehrman/ 


    Pew Research Center’s Research on Public Trust in Government: 1958-2021: https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2021/05/17/public-trust-in-government-1958-2021/ 

    What is the Public Good?

    What is the Public Good?

    How is our understanding of the public good grounded in people’s relationship to government and society: skepticism vs empathy; self-interest vs community spirit; and trust vs mistrust? For this courageous conversation, Matt Lehrman is joined by Valerie Alexander and Miles Ogihara. 


    Ask a Question or Leave a Comment:  602-688-2724


    Send us a note: TellMeMore@SocialProsperity.us 


    Apply to Be a Podcast Guest


    Produced by Social Prosperity Partners


    Follow on Twitter: @MattLehrman


    Connect on LinkedIn


    Valerie Alexander’s TedTalk on Unconscious Bias


    Gender Identity

    Gender Identity

    Is someone’s gender identity really anyone else’s business?  For a courageous conversation about gender identity, Matt Lehrman is joined by Rebecca Heiss, Dayn Broder, and Kevin Frei.    


    Support Hotlines:  https://pflag.org/hotlines 


    Ask a Question or Leave a Comment:  602-688-2724


    Send us a Note:  TellMeMore@SocialProsperity.us 


    Apply to Be a Podcast Guest:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/tellmemore1 


    Produced by Social Prosperity Partners:  https://socialprosperity.us/


    Follow on Twitter: @MattLehrman


    Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattlehrman/ 

    Liberty & Responsibility

    Liberty & Responsibility

    Matt Lehrman is joined by Michael Julian and Paul Mitchell for a courageous conversation that asks, “How concerned are you that 245 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, our society seems so conflicted about the nature of liberty?”  


    Ask a Question or Leave a Comment:  602-688-2724


    Send us a Note:  TellMeMore@SocialProsperity.us 


    Apply to Be a Podcast Guest:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/tellmemore1 


    Produced by Social Prosperity Partners:  https://socialprosperity.us/


    Follow on Twitter: @MattLehrman


    Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattlehrman/ 

    Opportunity & Meritocracy

    Opportunity & Meritocracy

    Matt Lehrman is joined by Eamon McDaniel, Laura Patterson, and Adam Hartung for a courageous conversation about the nature of opportunity and meritocracy in American society.  


    Ask a Question or Leave a Comment:  602-688-2724


    Send us a Note:  TellMeMore@SocialProsperity.us 


    Apply to Be a Podcast Guest:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/tellmemore1 


    Produced by Social Prosperity Partners:  https://socialprosperity.us/


    Follow on Twitter: @MattLehrman


    Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattlehrman/ 

    Gender Inequality & the Wage Gap

    Gender Inequality & the Wage Gap

    Matt Lehrman is joined by Tara Kinney, Keisha McKinnor, and Todd Kuckkahn for a courageous conversation about the 16-18% wage gap for women as measured by the Pew Research Center and the US Census Bureau. 


    Ask a Question or Leave a Comment:  602-688-2724


    Send us a Note:  TellMeMore@SocialProsperity.us 


    Apply to Be a Podcast Guest:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/tellmemore1 


    Produced by Social Prosperity Partners:  https://socialprosperity.us/


    Follow on Twitter: @MattLehrman


    Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattlehrman/ 


    Helpful Links:

    Israel & the Palestinians

    Israel & the Palestinians

    Matt Lehrman invites Amy Hunter and Rabbi Steve Weisman to engage in a courageous conversation about the situation between Israel & the Palestinians following an 11-day war that left more than 200 dead.


    Ask a Question or Leave a Comment:  602-688-2724


    Send us a Note:  TellMeMore@SocialProsperity.us 


    Apply to Be a Podcast Guest:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/tellmemore1 


    Produced by Social Prosperity Partners:  https://socialprosperity.us/


    Follow on Twitter: @MattLehrman


    Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattlehrman/ 

    Tell Me More...

    Tell Me More...

    Tell Me More... is a weekly podcast that invites people with
    strongly differing opinions on current political topics to engage in
    earnest dialogue. But this is not a debate! Join moderator Matt
    Lehrman for a series of courageous conversations that aim to
    build little bridges over big chasms.


    Ask a Question or Leave a Comment:  602-688-2724


    Send us a Note:  TellMeMore@SocialProsperity.us 


    Apply to Be a Podcast Guest:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/tellmemore1 


    Produced by Social Prosperity Partners:  https://socialprosperity.us/


    Follow on Twitter: @MattLehrman


    Connect on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattlehrman/ 

    Tell Me More...
    enApril 22, 2021