
    The AJNashville Podcast

    AJNashville Podcast will feature guests from all walks of life. You will hear stories of success, stories of failure. Most of all, you will hear how people have overcome the failures in life and made something epic out of the lessons they learned. This podcast will have entertaining and intriguing content for listeners everywhere.
    enAJNashville226 Episodes

    Episodes (226)

    What If I Did Know The Answer?

    What If I Did Know The Answer?

    Let's talk transparent. Are you projecting something to those who don't know you very well differently than you do to those who do? Is it different than the truth you are actually protecting within yourself? Discovering that truth, the real root of an issue, can only help to expedite the process of you being able to fix it that much faster. Why play the guessing game with your own progress forward?

    If you know where it hurts, tell somebody your exact problem. Choose someone who can give you constructive criticism and offer a true solution to your situation. Surround yourself with people you can trust to be free of judgment and burden when you ask them for help or guidance. Pursue the people you trust the words of and the comfort or expertise they can provide to you personally. Present solutions and connections to others in reciprocation as they need them and you know how to provide it to them.

    The AJNashville Podcast
    enJanuary 12, 2024

    Processing Problems

    Processing Problems

    As you head into 2024, you should already be working towards your goals and ahead of everybody else. A year does not start on January 1st for everyone, so you shouldn't be holding out on your goals just because of a time marker others have set in order to procrastinate starting their goals TODAY. If you want to truly succeed at your goals, you have to start them TODAY. Not tomorrow, not Monday, TODAY! If you wish to see the ripple effects of your actions, you must do them NOW!

    It is not your responsibility to bear the weight of other people's problems just because they bring them to you. Loyalty does not mean that you have to carry their burdens with you throughout the day. If anything, it would be love for them to keep their shit to themselves in the first place, or at least take it with them when they leave rather than expect you to take it on instead. The trick is, you have to be able to analyze a situation, process it rapidly, discard what is not useful to us, and maintain that which is important.

    Our disagreements with others are usually rooted as problems deep within ourselves that we have not figured out how to work through yet. Criticisms made by others that we tend to take too personally shouldn't stop us from growing and succeeding. Letting other people walk away with their problems will allow us to let go of the tight grip of control we think we have over our situations that probably won't even matter in 5 minutes.

    If we truly feel the need to help others, it isn't by allowing ourselves to also become burdened by their problems, but rather by helping them discover the true root of their problem so that it can be dealt with in the most effective manner and return them to the fast track to supreme growth. Are there tools we can use to assist in identifying the problem and overcoming it by becoming more efficient at mentally processing? Many times we have the things we need already, we just tend to overlook them or forget we have them in our back pockets ready to use. It all starts with genuinely listening and actively responding appropriately by asking thought-provoking questions to be able to offer more sound advice and solutions.

    Interview other people every change you can get to better understand their mindset and grow your own mental capacities through empathy and experiences. Read (or listen!) to that book that makes you feel compelled and self-challenged to make yourself into a better version. Share your own experiences with others and help them learn from your lessons and successes in life. Learn for yourself from other people's perspectives and interpretations who sat through the exact same situation yet had very different experiences. Books are an excellent way to take another person's experience, simplify it down to suit your personal needs, and grow exponentially faster through the power of compounding ideas and joining together with like minded elite entrepreneurs.

    Learn how to contribute your own wealth of knowledge and inspire those who will come after you to discover how you made your own way to success by joining the Facebook group and book club that will change your entire mindset and trajectory of 2024 today using these links!  

    The AJNashville Podcast
    enDecember 29, 2023

    Think SMART

    Think SMART

    Christmas: a time of giving to those who matter most to you and reflection of your efforts over the past year. Just as the symbolic nature of winter, it is a time to recognize what is essentially dead to you and work on pruning that dead weight away in order to make room for new growth in your next upcoming season of life. You are probably your biggest hindrance to some of the goals that you haven't accomplished due to the things that you are willing to do or not willing to do based on the things that you want to do in order to accomplish the things that you tell people you do.

    You should be setting goals to remind yourself through trackable metrics what it is you are setting out to accomplish and when you actually accomplish them. Establishing a range of accomplishment within each of your goals allows you to have a baseline and a potential highline to typically fall somewhere between the two goal metrics. Knowing methods that you will adhere to for tracking your metrics are vital to the success of your goals.

    SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time.
    SMART is a format widely used to flesh out your goals in ways that will help you to visualize how you wish to achieve your goals and live in the future you desire. Every one of your goals that you truly wish to accomplish should be answered within each of those perimeters per the goal. Your goals should be set for you alone, not for others. Commit to your goals over your excuses by knowing your true priorities realistically. As long as you take action to become 1% better every day, you cannot let the days that may fall short to overcome your daily progress and drive. 

    Have brutal honesty with yourself so you can no longer lie to yourself why you haven't accomplished a goal you've already set. Realize what it is that is holding you back from your dreams and cut off anything that is no longer serving you with purpose. 2024 isn't a time for a new version of you, but rather a raw version of you that focuses on what it is at your core that truly drives you to obtain your successes. Remember what it is you do everything for.

    The AJNashville Podcast
    enDecember 22, 2023

    Special Guest: Colby Dirickson from The Success Shift

    Special Guest: Colby Dirickson from The Success Shift

    Give a warm welcome to this week's special guest speaker, Colby Dirickson: US Army veteran, owner and CEO of a financial brokerage, fellow podcaster of The Success Shift, mindset coach, and certified NLP practitioner. Knowing how you want to provide value to others in order for yourself to feel fulfilled by your own actions that become your experiences is a big key in keeping your mindset positive and ever-growing. 

    Since studying NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Colby is able to now offer elite coaching to his professional team as well as train them in successful communication with others when they go out and conduct business for themselves. When dealing with consumers, masterful conversations are imperative to whether a relationship is made or broken in an instant. Through careful attention to someone's unspoken words, you can discover their needs as well as any pain points they have to overcome. 

    Once you realize you're in control of your choices, you can take full ownership of your life and design it how you want to see it. You have to be able to visualize what you want to accomplish by breaking down your limiting beliefs and doubts about what is actually possible for you. Overcoming your go-to excuses born within your childhood is necessary in order for you to outgrow your fears and failures.

    With purposeful structure, you can shift to the mindset of a successful entrepreneur. You have to believe that you are special enough to make it true. You can rebuild your entire mind and processing in as little as 12 weeks with the proper discipline and consistent regimen. With the right passion identified, it can drive you to the changes you need to make so that you can experience the future you once were only able to dream of.

    Coaching is the means to elevate yourself to your next level. It's the accountability that you're held to by your mentors and coaches that will drive you to want to do better and be more every day. Surrounding yourself with others you look up to is how you will learn to grow taller than you were yesterday. You have to form the right amount of confidence so that you can achieve your dreams in the ways that you desire. You must continue to learn from your mistakes and know that your failures are necessary to endure in order to strengthen you for the challenges ahead that you must overcome.

    Time doesn't wait. You have to grow at least 1% every day in some way. This is the easiest way to make success manageable and attainable for yourself. You don't obtain everything overnight, but rather by one action at a time and shifting accordingly with each move. You need to know how to educate yourself best so that you can discover new ways to outgrow the person you were just moments ago. Through experiences and knowledge learned from the time you've spent, do the things that get you closer to who you continue to strive to be as you evolve.

    When you live your life on your terms, you need to be able to just jump straight into the deep end. You can't allow your fears to make your decisions for you and hold you back from your successes. You have to stay systematically consistent to acquire your desires and stay committed to your own future. You don't have to make the biggest moves to make change happen. One incremental change a day is all you need to find yourself on the trajectory of a new life you didn't think was even once possible. 

    More importantly, you have to know how you define and envision success for yourself. Learn to say NO now in order to be able to say YES later when it truly matters to the people you want to say YES to the most. Move on from the people who don't serve you right now and consume too much of your time or energy. Your path doesn't dictate your future, as long as you are willing to make the changes necessary. Your story is what makes you great. We're all unique and can learn new from each other. Always give more than you get.

    The AJNashville Podcast
    enDecember 15, 2023

    Enjoy Every Day

    Enjoy Every Day

    In a few generations, we may be lucky if people even remember us. Whatever we do right now in this time, is only important right now in this time. Are the actions you are taking today changing your life forever? Do they have true purpose that satisfies your soul? Is it worth it to you to do now for the sake of an unforgettable memory later with the people you love the most?

    We take our daily privileges and blessings for granted all too often. They seem so overwhelming in the moment sometimes. But some day, life will seem as if there is no direction without those things happening. You'll look back and miss these days, whether you live in the present or not is up to you. The days are long, but the years so short. There are inconveniences in your life happening right now that one day you will wish you could have back.

    As you head into a new year, make sure you take the opportunity to spend the time with those people that matter most building the memories you want to remember later on. Tomorrow is never promised, so spend your days doing the things you want to do today. Live life without regrets and give all that you can give. Find ways to be rich in life that don't revolve around money so that you can feel genuinely fulfilled with how you live your life. 

    Do you leave an impression on everybody you come in contact with? 
    Are you being your very best YOU whenever you can? 
    Do you enjoy every day you have with purpose?

    The AJNashville Podcast
    enDecember 08, 2023

    New Me NOW

    New Me NOW

    As we approach the end of the year, we begin to make the excuse that we need to wait until the first of the new year to begin setting goals and taking actions that will accomplish those goals. But wouldn't it be more fruitful or you to start initiating movements NOW so that we can already be on track for success by January? Why do we need to wait until the first to say "new year, new me" when we can start by saying something more proactive like, "new me NOW".

    Set the metrics you wish to use to measure your efforts and track your successes. Obtain and gather the steps necessary TODAY to take to meet and exceed your goals TOMORROW. Commit to improving 1% every day by doing the things you thought you would never do because you were too afraid that the result would be failure. 

    Recognize where you are and where you've been so that you can find ways to give back to those who matter most. Surround yourself with successful people who remain humble through their changing seasons of life. These are the people to learn new things from in order to grow yourself into your ideal success. If you allow yourself to be afraid of others taking your success from you, you will never be able to outgrow the version of you that you are right now--afraid. Don't find yourself making excuses of how afraid you are to ask the truly successful. They want to share their "secrets" to success with you--all you have to do is ask!

    Ask for help with integrity, not negativity, and you will receive the support you need. The way you talk has an impact on the people around you, and especially yourself. Don't wait until January to start evaluating your needs, setting your goals, and establishing your boundaries you wish to see met in 2024. Work harder NOW so that you can enjoy the fruits of your labors TOMORROW. Your days are LIMITED! Time will pass no matter what you end up doing, so just commit to doing the things you need to do NOW.

    The AJNashville Podcast
    enDecember 01, 2023

    No Promise of Tomorrow

    No Promise of Tomorrow

    Be grateful for what you do have today as a show of appreciation for what you did do yesterday and all the means of progress you already have for tomorrow. Remember to do the things that bring you genuine feelings of joy and fulfillment. Work not for the money, but for the means to have the time free to spend with your loved ones doing the things you want to be doing. 

    Don't allow the holidays to fog up what it is we should actually be doing to enjoy the time we do have. No need to wait for the new year to begin your goals. Start meeting your resolutions NOW. You have the opportunity to grow TODAY. Nobody is guaranteed tomorrow, or any moment in the future past this very second for that matter.

    Would you rather have things or experiences in your life? Would you rather build memories or collect items that will collect dust with time? Write down your goals so you can have a way to measure your efforts. What happens if you accomplish it? What happens if you don't? Ask yourself each when you face life's challenges. Remind yourself to give thanks to all you have now that will help you bring about the changes you need to make in order to make your dreams your future realities. But above all, live your life for today, for there are no promises for tomorrow.

    The AJNashville Podcast
    enNovember 24, 2023

    Attitude of Gratitude

    Attitude of Gratitude

    Remaining grateful through all seasons of life is key to remaining happy with what you do have, as well as motivated to obtain more joy through change. If you take what you have for granted, you will soon realize how many things in life have no guarantee. The sooner you can relinquish your expectations, the quicker you can focus on your reality and see how much it grows as you decide to make changes. The luxuries you have access to now were once only dreams to you. Remember to appreciate all that you have now and all that you came from with everything in between.

    The opportunities we have today were not always possible, nor will they always remain to be in the future. We cannot dwell in the past with our what ifs, allowing us to stay stuck in the present. We have to look to the future for guidance in our actions today so that we may know what it is we want to achieve. We must set goals in the present based off our desires in the future. The past is a way to serve us lessons we can learn from to do success better for ourselves in the future.

    When you give, you get back. What you give, you get back. Whatever it is you do, if you pull from your community, it's your responsibility to feed back into it. Whether that be your money or your time, let it be satisfying for you to contribute your involvement. The season of giving and gratitude should extend beyond the holiday season each year. Thanksgiving is simply a time to reflect on how thankful you already are in your ability to give back to those you love most. Enjoy your freedom to spend your time however you please with whomever you choose.

    The AJNashville Podcast
    enNovember 17, 2023

    Trust But Verify

    Trust But Verify

    Are you currently playing a part in masterminds that discuss topics you find genuinely interesting and connecting with new people? Have you been consistently consistent, even as your current circumstances change with the ways in which the market continues to sway? Do you ask other successful entrepreneurs to share what it is that has worked for them in obtaining their goals? Will you apply what it is they provide to you, or lazily skip over one of the last yet most important steps of the process, implementation?

    It is imperative to know yourself and your business so that you can also know when to contact your target audience based on their demographics and habits. It is crucial to act with consistent discipline to do the things others won't in order to bring about your success. You have to look past all the negativity they are so willing to focus on and continue to strive towards your success. If it's not important in 5 years, it's probably not important now. You have to become more efficient in how you plan to achieve your success and track your efforts to know which actions provide you the best results. Do your goals align with your actions that you need to take in order to succeed?

    Pay attention to your relevancy rather than any numerical scales. You have to look at your life through your lenses, and not allow others to make decisions for you when it truly matters. Is monetary gain really all you are trying to cherish later on in your life looking back? Can you exchange ideas with others who encourage growth within your life and business? Trust but verify who it is you wish to seek advice from and never allow yourself to be the smartest person in the room.

    The AJNashville Podcast
    enNovember 10, 2023

    Tithing Your Time

    Tithing Your Time

    Setting boundaries by saying "NO" allows you to have structure within your schedule others have to appreciate and uphold respect for your own time. You have to prioritize the things the you actually want to do with the people you want to do them with. It's not so much about focusing on who you need to say "NO" to so much as it is rather about who you like to say "YES" to. It's being able to see the privileges you may take for granted daily and realizing they are blessings you might not have if your circumstances were different.

    The material objects aren't as important as much as it is the steps leading up to obtaining them. Learn the boundaries to allow yourself to focus on the things that are important to you to arrive to the areas in life you desire to be in. Lose the anxiety and any of the people who cause those feelings so you can replace them with feelings of fulfillment and worth by exchanging value in your relationships. Operate on such a high level you maintain your morals, ethics, and values regardless of any changing variables.

    Give back to the world what you take from it. Tithe to your communities and partners by reciprocating efforts and resources they find just as valuable as you found them to be for you. Set up a Calendly to create structure within your priorities and take control of your time through management of your schedule. Create a sense of predictable respect within your business' standard operating procedures by having respect for your own time. Do what you have to do in order to set the boundaries in place that will allow your business to still function when you switch your focus back to what truly matters: time doing the things you love with the people you love most.

    The AJNashville Podcast
    enNovember 03, 2023

    Commit to YOU

    Commit to YOU

    Who are you most committed to? Do you put yourself and your loved ones first? Or do you allow others to take control of your happiness and take up way too much of your most valuable asset, TIME? You should be putting forth your best effort in the time you have to do the things you said you will commit to at that given time. Do NOT trade your valuable moments you cannot get back for invaluable people or mindless activities. Do you truly not have enough time, or is it simply not a priority right now?

    Are you delegating your time in the appropriate ways and areas of your life as you need to? Are you waking up and giving yourself enough time to promote your mental health for the day? You should me pumping your brain with premium positivity to fuel your body with superior energy. Focus your efforts into structured schedules that respect your time and force others to do so by your own set boundaries. Be present with what it is you are supposed to be doing within any given moment and evaluate if you are acting in ways that will maximize your time.

    Make it happen. What? Who knows? YOU know. Be aware that you are the only one who can make your success happen. You have to be the one to seek it out relentlessly for your own growth. You have to set your own boundaries in order to gain the time you want with your family, or earn the money to get that dream car or house, or experience the freedom to choose how you want to spend your time and money with whoever you deem most worthy of those two extremely valuable things.

    Build your legacy through the lessons you learn on a daily basis. Receive, react, commit. We all have a story and a journey ahead, as long as we are willing to progress beyond who we used to be. Be proud of who you are, but be able to accept you still have room to grow. Your story is up to you how it is told from here on based on your commitment to yourself and your desire to achieve your truest forms of blissfulness.

    The AJNashville Podcast
    enOctober 27, 2023

    Hustle Culture Canceled

    Hustle Culture Canceled

    How do you acknowledge the modern day encouragement of the hustle culture? Is it something you have to do to make the next dollar to buy the next material thing? Is it an ethic engrained in you because the generation before you had to endure it? Is it simply a means to be more efficient with the time you do have regardless of how you are living your life?

    Remember why you do what you do. Earn your freedom from time constraints to spend your moments doing the things you love with the people you love to do it with. Without these freedoms, what's the fucking point to it all? Is it more important to say you did something others expect from you, or to actually do what makes you happy with the time that you do spend alive on this Earth? Are you building a relevant legacy with the people who matter the most to you and telling the people who don't matter "NO" when you need to? Are you producing consistent measurable results from your spent actions that are leading to your success?

    Systems are the way to creating structured success within your business practices by delegating tasks in a predictable manner. Setting boundaries will generate respect of your own time, but it has to start with you. You have to respect your own time first in order to demand it from others. Remember: you can NEVER make more time. All you can do is operate in the most efficient ways possible in an effort to maximize the time you do have available to you to do the things that truly mean something to you. Make memories you are proud to look back on and know you enjoyed the time you spent on people who are grateful of your presence.

    The AJNashville Podcast
    enOctober 20, 2023

    The NOW is Already Gone

    The NOW is Already Gone

    Everything is temporary, especially the situations you are currently experiencing. Death is the only thing that truly lasts forever. The NOW you are going through will pass and cease to hold such such powerful relevance in the very next moment. The best question to ask yourself is this: 'did I maximize the time I have here NOW?' Are you too busy focusing on the what-ifs and worrying yourself with fears of the unknown? Or are you going to spend your time wisely finding new ways to grow your success and make your dreams your reality?

    When the solutions you found no longer work NOW, do you make yourself find another way to achieve your success, or do you give up on your goals? Do you decide to drag out the inevitable rather than facing it head-on? Your need for perfection is simply an excuse you allow to get in your way by procrastinating out of fear and prolonging your position. But the sooner you do something, the sooner it is finished, the sooner you can move on to the next thing in your life. NOW you can realize you overcame your problems quickly and efficiently in order to grow beyond an old fearful version of yourself that no longer exists.

    We must make constant and consistent decisions rapidly so that we can keep our success propelling forward NOW. We need to learn from our actions which were failures we had to endure in order to learn which actions work best for our success. We have to be willing to adapt these actions as we grow. Just because it worked in your favor before, doesn't mean it always will as your goals evolve.

    Sometimes you have to look beyond your own abilities and realize a partnership is necessary. You should always strive to be surrounded by people on a higher level than you currently are NOW. If you are the smartest one in the room, how could you possibly learn anything new if you have no one new to learn from? Your circle will morph as your needs change and your goals adapt to your success. Your situation will pass and the people around you will go. The most you can do is prepare by accepting change and staying true to your own drive for your dreams to come true.

    The AJNashville Podcast
    enOctober 13, 2023

    Special Guest: Anthony Vasquez from Music City Timepieces

    Special Guest: Anthony Vasquez from Music City Timepieces

    TIME: the most valuable asset we have that we all need more of. As entrepreneurs, we have to be dedicated to our businesses and sacrifice a whole lot of our time to ensure its success. We have to know to grant ourselves the patience in knowing Rome wasn't built in a day, yet also balancing the fact that if we don't give it all our best efforts, no one else will make it happen for us either. Remember to reward yourself for your progress, but continue to stay committed to seeing your dreams come to life even as they unfold and evolve to your needs and development.

    Just because you already have a job doesn't mean you can't go out and start your own business. You have to be able to approach your idea of success without the crippling fear of moving forward. Know that failure is inevitable during growth, but what is most important to learn is how you choose to move on from your failures that makes your failures such a vital part of your progress. Be aware that once you catch that wanted traction, that momentum you've worked so hard for, you have to be willing to keep going and strike while the iron is still hot.

    Likewise, even once you are established and think you're an expert, you have to realize that growth compounds as your business expands. You have to evolve your systems and practices as needs change with passing time. Sometimes, it may take years to need to upgrade a specific part of your procedures, while others may need to be changed every week to meet your demands. Your mindset is also going to change as you face obstacles and discover ways for you to overcome your problems. Remind yourself of your successes when you feel down, and remember your struggles to keep yourself propelling forward when things are already going fantastic to keep yourself on a roll to even better things.

    Turn your passions into paychecks! If your passions are no longer as enjoyable because you've made them too heavy as "your daily grind", find a new way to tap into your other passions to make them profitable and get back to loving what it is you do. You don't have to give up your other dreams, sometimes you just have to either find a means to stack your passions that continue to bring you satisfaction and joy in doing what you love, or you may need pass on that torch to help you can trust to keep your mission alive.

    Your mindset has to stay positive and always moving forward from the traumas you've experienced in your past. Find people to surround yourself with that make you feel good about yourself and encourage you to grow beyond your current level. Know that you have to know yourself in order to love yourself and what it is you are doing in your life. Be ready to identify and expel the things and people that no longer serve you for the better. When you no longer let your past hold power over your present, you can be free to experience your future in ways you never thought was possible. Be committed to yourself by outgrowing the version of you that you no longer need in order to evolve to your greatest version yet.

    The AJNashville Podcast
    enOctober 06, 2023

    Sever Your Anchors

    Sever Your Anchors

    Surround yourself with company you wish to learn something from and that support your growth. Become specific about what it is you want to set as milestones and end goals within your entrepreneurial business. You have to be willing to break free of the cycle you've been stuck in and make the changes needed in order to propel your success forward. Start by making your desires achievable in bite size chunks. What is the name of your business? What is its main objective and how does it happen in a way unique to its mission? Do you present resolutions to problems clients face in a way that they find personally valuable? Do you tailor education and expert advice specific to their needs?

    Do you know how you want to see your future come to life? You need to be able to get as focused and detailed as possible when you visualize how you see your success for yourself. This allows you to be able to dial in to how you will make it happen for yourself because you can envision what you want to achieve. You are making measurable metrics from your desires and turning them into moments in reality that mark your successes. As you meet these goals, your next set needs to be established. Your goals are ever-evolving as you obtain them and your needs change based on your growth.

    Keep yourself around others who believe in your goals and freedoms you want to feel for yourself. The people you look up to is the people you will learn from, and anyone with an abundance of success is willing to share their means of achieving their dreams. They'll divulge the failures they had to face and overcome, yet help convince you to stay strong and focused on what you truly want to hold for yourself. The successful will uplift you; beware of the anchors who hold you back from your success! If you succeed outside of their circle, they're afraid you'll leave them there. You need to sever your anchors and sail to the top with like minded people you wish to keep in your life.

    The AJNashville Podcast
    enSeptember 29, 2023

    Will It Kill Me?

    Will It Kill Me?

    Some of the lies we tell ourselves cannot be reduced down to a simple quantifiable number. We have to realize that the base lines we set for ourselves isn't the maximum amount we should be giving, it is rather the minimum effort we should be committing to at the very least. People allow themselves to be miserable just trying to get to that bottom marker. We should be focused on the bursts we have that make us feel on fire, then feeding off that energy to shoot to the next level, or maybe even 2 or 3 more levels.

    Failure is not an option, for ourselves or our families that we do it all for. We have to be willing to do whatever it takes for them to be taken care of and know that we do our work out of love for them. We have to show them what dedication and discipline looks like by not quitting just because things become more difficult. We have to be the ones to show them what our best looks like so that they can know what the minimum bar looks like to them and how to outgrow it (and us).

    Are your decisions being impacted by your surroundings and environment? Ask yourself this: "Is what's going on right now life or death? Will it impact my life forever? Will I die if I don't do this?" You can't let the little things drag you down in life just because they're out of your control. Not everything can be a priority all at once and sometimes you'll have to feel the pressure of saying "NO" to people. You decide what it is you want them to experience based on what you want to share with them. Every thing you can control is within your control.

    The AJNashville Podcast
    enSeptember 22, 2023

    What's Your Value?

    What's Your Value?

    We far too often find ourselves selling our environment and never creating a value piece for our clients or customers. But what happens when your environment changes and your product does not, then why will people continue to do business with you? This podcast covers your value and your why. Things that as people we need to be very aware of.

    Do your values change with your surroundings, providing value within your business by being the cheapest option? Or do you present solutions to other people's problems by giving your people your best services and systematic approaches as possible? Making basic products the frontrunner of your capabilities is simply doing your job to the required bare minimums. Make yourself impressionable and remembered by building a worthy reputation from giving your best efforts. Enhance your business success by providing high-quality predictable performances that others look forward to partnering with you in the future. Do you ever reach out to your local small businesses for opportunities to encourage each other's growth in the same area, or do you see everyone else as some means of competition?

    Have you taken the time to focus on discovering your own why? The driving thing that makes the heart of your business beat and lets others know you care about how you conduct your business because you care about seeing them happy with the value you have provided to them. Knowing your own reasons for why you do what you do is knowing your very purpose in life. Your mission should evolve as you grow, so only stay as attached to your goals as you need to in the moment you are in right now. That doesn't mean you should quit on your goals. You should still complete them like a badass and know when you set the next ones, they should be different on the next level of your needs.

    Know your driving purpose so you can identify who your people are that deserve your very best value you provide to them that sets you apart from all the others. What is it you bring to the table that makes you stand out and attract, not just anybody, but the people who you want to create meaningful relationships with in life. Business is only as transactional as you make it. Wouldn't you rather feel like you have genuine friends in the business rather than just buying someone's attention with false promises of the cheapest rates around? Someone can always be cheaper than you, so don't ever allow them to lower your worth or value you stand by with confidence in your abilities and experience.

    The AJNashville Podcast
    enSeptember 07, 2023

    For The People

    For The People

    How do we survive in today's economy? How do we maintain a sense of trust in the government with what is taking place currently for the people? The fed continues to increase the fed rate in ways that are hurting the people more than it is helping the economy as a whole. They try to compensate for previous actions they made when access to money for the average consumer was made easy in past years, as well as supply issues that were a repercussion of covid.

    Now, inflation is being heavily affected by these rapidly aggressive changes in the fed rate. Will these dramatic shifts create a need for the people to rely on the government to provide to them supplemental means to afford essential things in order to survive? Will society be forced to adapt to a new way of living? Will our access and capabilities of entrepreneurialship be jeopardized by these limitations brought on by these societal alterations?

    How long will we have to endure through these trials set upon our shoulders by those in charge that claim to be making choices for our best interests? How reckless should we allow them to get with our money that we work hard to make and circulate for them? Instead of focusing on labels in order to feel included, we should be focusing on how to include everyone no matter which labels they do or don't choose for themselves. Imagine a world where we are all free to voice our opinions without fear or shame placed upon us based off other people's fears and shame...

    If you feel like you have to fake it or convince others you're something else that you truly are not, then you are surrounding yourself with people who don't genuinely support you. Find YOUR people! You'll know they're your people when alignment comes naturally and you are comfortable to be your authentic self in front of them without fear of judgement. You are still free to pick the people you allow to stay close to you in life. Don't force yourself to starve, then lie to yourself and say that you chose to fast. Freedoms aren't meant to restrict us based off our biases. Be real with yourself and know you still have the power to make choices that grant you and others the freedoms we all know and love. Incite thoughts, not riots.

    The AJNashville Podcast
    enSeptember 01, 2023

    Efficient Effort + Effective Evaluation = Everyday Evolution

    Efficient Effort + Effective Evaluation = Everyday Evolution

    Let's talk about evaluating the amount of effort we actually put in to accomplishing the things we need to do. Is it just enough to feel like we've met our goal, or did we decide to just change our goals to meet the amount of effort we want to give at the time? Did we really give it our best efforts in ways we are truly proud of? Have we overcome our fear of failures by simply being eager enough to get up and try again? What are we willing to do to see ourselves succeed and standing in the reality we once thought of as only our dreams?

    When you wake up in the morning ask yourself if you are going to do the work that needs to be done while you are there in order to spend time doing the things you love later with the people who matter most, or should you just stay home now and make the best of your time by creating priceless memories with those people. It seems like an easy choice to make, yet somehow it's made out to be so much harder than it is, because that is the beauty of figuring out balance in your life. You can't get time back, it passes regardless of what you are doing, so you have to make the most of it EVERY MOMENT that you possibly can to genuinely maximize your life to its fullest potential.

    Realize there is more than one way to achieve your goals, but that it only takes one way for you to make it happen. It only happens by making one step in the right direction and not allowing all the steps in the other directions to compound and slow you down from focusing on your progress instead. You have to constantly evolve which tools you choose to utilize effectively and recalibrate your efforts to yield productive energy to avoid burning yourself out. Being able to track your own efficiency with brutal honesty of how you spent your time is going to enlighten you to know how you need to adjust to bring your dreams to your reality.

    You have to be real with yourself first though. Identify your goals and how you are going to measure your progress in order to see yourself bringing them to life before your very eyes. Know that anything is possible as long as you want it enough to give it your very best efforts. You can't do it all at once though, you have to still be realistic when you envision yourself in your future. Make your days structured in manageable ways that require patience, yet remain diligent in moving forward in the direction you need. See yourself succeed beyond even your own wildest dreams, you at least owe that to yourself.

    The AJNashville Podcast
    enAugust 25, 2023

    Stop The Lies

    Stop The Lies

    When is the last time you were fully honest with yourself? How much have you suffered from lying to yourself? Why do you think time stops for you to make excuses for your own actions? You should be living your life in ways you are truly proud of knowing you spent your time wisely. Do things for the people you love and for your own personal growth rather than for the accolades of others that don't really matter at the end of the day.

    We give so many other people power over our lives and happiness, then wonder why we feel so miserable and unfulfilled. We lie to ourselves constantly and others, then think back later of ourselves as victims taken from. We are victims, but only of our own traps we set for ourselves to fall into time and time again. We give others forgiveness, when we really need to give it to ourselves. In the very same breath though, we also can't stand when others lie to us, yet allow ourselves to create any excuse we need under the sun. Imagine if we used that same amount of creative energy to motivate ourselves towards a healthier mindset...

    Your goals are so unique to you, it's ridiculous to expect anyone else to make them come true for you other than you. Your success starts with becoming aware of what success means to you though. It's okay to find inspiration in others and want it for yourself,  but you have to be the one to make it happen for you, and that begins with stopping the lies you tell yourself. Be honest for your own sake and for all the things you love, and focus on what pure joy looks and feels like for you. You'll know when you fall out of alignment, we all have days that feel like a step back. As long as you know you can get up the next day and take another step forward, you are progressing because you are now stronger from that back-step.

    So ask yourself, is it really that bad of a fall if you grew more from it than you would if you had never felt that wake up fallIf we're not even in a position where we won't lie to ourselves, who else will we lie to?...

    The AJNashville Podcast
    enAugust 18, 2023