
    The Anti-Imperialist Archive

    An archive of speeches, lectures, and interviews compiled by Ian Anderson and published by Sina Rahmani. For educational purposes only. This feed will not be monetized and all materials used in the episodes can be found free online.
    en-usThe East is a Podcast90 Episodes

    Episodes (90)

    Francesca Albanese - Edward Said London Lecture (2023)

    Francesca Albanese - Edward Said London Lecture (2023)

    What have we learned from Edward Said on the Question of Palestine?

    On the twentieth anniversary of his passing, Francesca Albanese explores Said’s profound legacy by delving into Israel’s settler colonial rule in the occupied Palestinian territory. Through a rigorous examination of international law within the context of global empire, Albanese confronts Israel’s colonial injustice and charts a course of action for legal and humanist resistance. Embracing Said’s work within the legal discipline entails upholding the principles of human rights and dignity, challenging oppressive systems and advocating for justice.

    Francesca Albanese delivers the lecture alongside respondent Nadia Abu El-Haj.

    Francesca Albanese is an Affiliate Scholar at the Institute for the Study of International Migration at Georgetown University, and a Senior Advisor on Migration and Forced Displacement for the think tank Arab Renaissance for Democracy and Development (ARDD), where she co-founded the Global Network on the Question of Palestine (GNQP), a coalition of renowned professional and scholars engaged in/on Israel/Palestine. She has published widely on the legal situation in Israel/Palestine; her latest book, Palestinian Refugees in International Law (Oxford University Press, 2020), offers a comprehensive legal analysis of the situation of Palestinian refugees from its origins to modern-day reality. She regularly teaches and lectures on International Law and Forced Displacement in European and Arab universities, and speaks frequently at conferences and public events on the legal situation of Palestine. She worked for a decade as a human rights expert for the United Nations, including the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees. In these capacities, she advised the UN, governments, and civil society across the Middle East, North Africa, and the Asia Pacific, on the enforcement of human rights norms, especially for vulnerable groups including refugees and migrants. She holds a Law Degree (with honors) from the University of Pisa and an LLM in Human Rights from the University of London, SOAS. She is currently completing her PhD in International Refugee Law at Amsterdam University Law Faculty.

    Nadia Abu El-Haj is Ann Whitney Olin Professor in the Departments of Anthropology at Barnard College and Columbia University, Co-Director of the Center for Palestine Studies at Columbia. Among other publications, she is the author of Facts on the Ground: Archaeological Practice and Territorial Self-Fashioning in Israeli Society (University of Chicago Press, 2001), which won the Albert Hourani Annual Book Award from the Middle East Studies Association in 2002; The Genealogical Science: The Search for Jewish Origins and the Politics of Epistemology (University of Chicago Press, 2012); and, most recently, Combat Trauma: Imaginaries of War and Citizenship in Post-9/11 America (Verso, 2022).

    The annual Edward W Said London Lecture series is supported by The Mosaic Rooms/AM Qattan Foundation and the London Review of Books. Find out more about the series and previous speakers here: mosaicrooms.org/edward-w-said-london-lecture/

    As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: antiimperialistarchive@gmail.com

    We have AIA business cards with QR codes - please email or DM us to have one mailed to you

    The Anti-Imperialist Archive
    en-usJanuary 22, 2024

    Ansarallah's Al-Bukhaiti on BBC News Hour (Jan 17th, 2024)

    Ansarallah's Al-Bukhaiti on BBC News Hour (Jan 17th, 2024)

    Mohammed al-Bukhaiti tells BBC that they are at war with the US and the UK.

    We have AIA business cards with QR codes - please email or DM us to have one mailed to you

    The Anti-Imperialist Archive
    en-usJanuary 20, 2024

    Palestine is Still the Issue - John Pilger (2002)

    Palestine is Still the Issue - John Pilger (2002)

    In a series of extraordinary interviews with both Palestinians and Israelis, John Pilger weaves together the issue of Palestine. He speaks to the families of suicide bombers and their victims; he sees the humiliation of Palestinians imposed on them at myriad checkpoints and with a permit system not dissimilar to apartheid South Africa's infamous pass laws. He goes into the refugee camps and meets children who, he says, "no longer dream like other children, or if they do, it is about death."

    As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: antiimperialistarchive@gmail.com

    We have AIA business cards with QR codes - please email or DM us to have one mailed to you

    The Anti-Imperialist Archive
    en-usJanuary 18, 2024

    Marwan Barghouti - Palestinian Political Prisoner

    Marwan Barghouti - Palestinian Political Prisoner

    Ahead of Wednesday's crucial elections, jailed leader Marwan Barghouti gave an exclusive English interview (2006)

    Interview with Fadwa Barghouti - Marwan fought for Palestinian independence (2015)

    Interview with Arab Marwan Barghouti - About 1,000 Palestinians are fasting in a protest launched on April 17 by jailed Palestinian leader Marwan Barghouti. Marwan Barghouti's son Arab Marwan Barghouti weighs in on his father's current situation. (2017)

    Suheir Barghouti - Among the 240 Palestinians released in exchange for Israeli women and children taken hostage in Gaza is the matriarch of a family that's been fighting Israel for decades. Just hours after Suheir Barghouti returned to her village in the West Bank, she spoke to 7.30's Adam Harvey. (Dec 2023)

    Suheir is his mother, Fadia is his wife, Arab is his son

    As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: antiimperialistarchive@gmail.com

    We have AIA business cards with QR codes - please email or DM us to have one mailed to you

    The Anti-Imperialist Archive
    en-usJanuary 15, 2024

    Palestinian Children Tortured in Israeli Prisons - Documentary

    Palestinian Children Tortured in Israeli Prisons - Documentary

    A film which has been produced by a group of Australian journalists has sparked an international outcry against Israel after it explicitly detailed Tel Aviv's use of torture against Palestinian children. The film, titled ‘Stone Cold Justice’ documents how Palestinian children, who have been arrested and detained by Israeli forces, are subjected to physical abuse, torture and forced into false confessions and pushed into gathering intelligence on Palestinian activists. Australia's foreign minister Julie Bishop has spoken out against Israeli's use of torture stating that “I am deeply concerned by allegations of the mistreatment of Palestinian children”. Last year a report by the United Nations International Emergency Children's Fund or UNICEF concluded that Palestinian children are often targeted in night arrests and raids of their homes, threatened with death and subjected to physical violence, solitary confinement and sexual assault. The film Stone Cold Justice has sparked an international outcry about Israel's treatment of children in Israeli jails. However, rights groups have criticized Tel Aviv for not doing anything to create a policy that protects Palestinian children against arbitrary arrest and torture.

    This documentary is produced by ABC Australia

    As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: antiimperialistarchive@gmail.com

    We have AIA business cards with QR codes - please email or DM us to have one mailed to you

    The Anti-Imperialist Archive
    en-usJanuary 11, 2024

    Mourid Barghouti, the Palestinian Poet

    Mourid Barghouti, the Palestinian Poet

    In 2000 Mourid Barghouti published I Saw Ramallah, the acclaimed memoir that told of returning in 1996 to his Palestinian home for the first time since exile following the Six-Day War in 1967. I Was Born There, I Was Born Here takes up the story in 1998 when Barghouti returned to the Occupied Territories to introduce his Cairo-born son, Tamim, to his Palestinian family. Ironically, a few years later Tamim had himself been arrested for taking part in a demonstration against the impending Iraq War. He was held in the very same Cairo prison from which his father had been expelled from Egypt to begin a second exile in Budapest when Tamim was only a few months old.

    Palestinian poet Mourid Barghouti gives a reading (Al Jazeera, 2010)

    Mourid Barghouti in conversation with Githa Hariharan (2016)

    Mourid Barghouti reads his poems at The Prague Writers' Festival 2009

    As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: antiimperialistarchive@gmail.com

    We have AIA business cards with QR codes - please email or DM us to have one mailed to you

    The Anti-Imperialist Archive
    en-usJanuary 08, 2024

    Munther Isaac - Christ Under the Rubble (2023)

    Munther Isaac - Christ Under the Rubble (2023)

    A Liturgy of Lament

    Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac

    Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church Bethlehem

    Saturday December 23rd, 2023

    Munther Isaac (PhD, Oxford Centre for Mission Studies) is the academic dean of Bethlehem Bible College in Palestine and director of the Christ at the Checkpoint conference. He is also pastor of Christmas Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bethlehem. He has written The Other Side of the Wall.

    As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: antiimperialistarchive@gmail.com

    We have AIA business cards with QR codes - please email or DM us to have one mailed to you

    The Anti-Imperialist Archive
    en-usJanuary 04, 2024

    Roger Waters / Palestine Mixtape

    Roger Waters / Palestine Mixtape

    Roger Waters on Joe Rogan (October 2022)

    Roger Waters West Bank AP footage (2009)

    Roger Waters UN Address Nov 29 2012

    Composer, performer and co-founder of Pink Floyd, Roger Waters, speaks in Vancouver about why Canada should Boycott, Divest and Sanction the State of Israel until human right of Palestinians are fully implemented. October 26, 2017

    Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters with the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (2018)

    Roger Waters Democracy Now Appearance - After a judge ruled a panel can move forward Saturday at the University of Massachusetts Amherst on “Israel, Free Speech, and the Battle for Palestinian Human Rights,” we speak with one of the event’s scheduled participants: Roger Waters, co-founder of Pink Floyd, one of the most popular rock bands of all time. He says he welcomes the lawsuit that challenged the event, because “what it does is it serves to shine a light on the predicament of the Palestinian people.” (2019)

    Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters, who faced a censorship campaign and hotel ban during his Latin America tour due to his pro-Palestine stance, spoke to TRT World in Santiago, Chile in an exclusive interview. (2023)


    The Anti-Imperialist Archive
    en-usJanuary 01, 2024

    Arundhati Roy and Palestine

    Arundhati Roy and Palestine

    Segment from the film "We." where Arundhati Roy speaks about the Israeli occupation and the Palestinian struggle in the middle east. Historic references, who funds it, and more. (2006)

    Arundhati Roy was speaking after receiving the third P.Govinda Pillai memorial national award instituted by the PG Samskrithi Kendram to perpetuate the memory of Marxist ideologue P. Govinda Pillai here on Wednesday. (Dec 13, 2023)

    As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: antiimperialistarchive@gmail.com

    We have AIA business cards with QR codes - please email or DM us to have one mailed to you

    The Anti-Imperialist Archive
    en-usDecember 27, 2023

    Lebanon - The Bloody Road to Democracy (1984)

    Lebanon - The Bloody Road to Democracy (1984)

    Live recording from Dead Air Live of Somerville Community Access TV, recorded in 1984. Panel includes Jean Butterfield, Mustafa Hassan, Alia Arisuli, and Bob Lange.

    As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: antiimperialistarchive@gmail.com

    We have AIA business cards with QR codes - please email or DM us to have one mailed to you

    The Anti-Imperialist Archive
    en-usDecember 22, 2023

    Kwame Ture Zionism Lecture and Debate (1990)

    Kwame Ture Zionism Lecture and Debate (1990)

    The audio from this video has been edited and cleaned up

    Kwame Ture's "Stokely Speaks" is an incredible read and is a compilation of his various speeches and essays from earlier in his life

    As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: antiimperialistarchive@gmail.com

    We have AIA business cards with QR codes - please email or DM us to have one mailed to you

    The Anti-Imperialist Archive
    en-usDecember 19, 2023

    Alternative Views Palestine Coverage '82-'89

    Alternative Views Palestine Coverage '82-'89


    Israeli citizen and Peace Now activist Ilan Ziv gives us startling insights into the psychology of his country's leaders and citizens. He also evaluates the peace movement in Israel and the peace protests within the Israeli armed forces. Most revealing, however, is his analysis of the great affect the Holocaust had on the Israeli psyche--particularly that of this generation of Israeli leaders- which has caused severe psychological distortions, resulting in a country and leadership unlike no other on earth.

    News: April, 1985
    Recorded August, 1982


    We almost never see anything on television about what life is like in Isreal from the point of view of the Palestinians who are living there. New York activist Dan Walworth presents such information with his documentary "Nazareth in August". Filmed in Israel, the documentary shows the impoverished living conditions of the Palestinians and the discrimination which they face daily.

    The history of Israel is provided, emphasizing what happened to the Palestinians in the process, especially the confiscations of their lands. Also shown are the various ways of self-help which the Palestinians have undertaken in the attempt to improve their situation. Not only are Palestinian spokespeople presented, but "liberal Israelis" speak out against the domestic and foreign policies of Israel.

    "Nazareth in August" copyright 1986
    Copyright Apr., 1986


    A Palestinian woman who is now a U.S. citizen and a Jewish woman who was born in Palestine and came to America at the end of the British mandate discuss the current situation in the occupied territories of the West Bank and Gaza. We get an update containing startling information as to what is happening in the Intifada and the opposition among Israeli citizens to the occupation and behavior of the Jewish settlers and army. The women also analyze the reaction to the situation by Jews in the U.S. who are torn between loyalty to Israel and their own sense of ethics and justice. Additionally, we discuss the American mass media, which do not present criticism of Israel, even though there is criticism in the Israeli press itself.

    News: February 13, 1990
    Recorded: October, 1989

    As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: antiimperialistarchive@gmail.com

    The Anti-Imperialist Archive
    en-usDecember 13, 2023

    Special Memorial Episode: the Martyrdom of Refaat Alareer

    Special Memorial Episode: the Martyrdom of Refaat Alareer

    Refaat's Twitter account was @itranslate123, he was a Palestinian writer, poet, professor, and activist from the Gaza Strip. He taught literature and creative writing at the Islamic University of Gaza and cofounded the organization We Are Not Numbers.

    First: Robin Brickner (our beloved social media manager) reads excerpts from the 972mag article on the Israeli "mass assassination factory"

    Second: Refaat at TedxShujaiya (2015)

    included blurb: Refaat Alareer’s major concern was that older people’s stories aka the oral history is dying out because due to modern technology we stopped caring about stories. “I am the man I am because of the stories told to me by my mother and grandmother,” he states. As Palestinians under occupation, storytelling transcends the didactic value to an urgent need to owning our narrative, something that gives back power to the people rather than the elite. Stories that people can tell about a land are proofs of their right to that land. 

    Editor of "Gaza Writes Black", RefaatAlareer teaches Creative Writing and World Literature at the Islamic University, Gaza. Alareer has an MA in Comparative Literature from University of London. After the Israeli aggression of 2008 on Gaza, Alareer expanded his interest to include young Palestinian writers in storytelling as a form of growth, understanding and resistance. Refaat believes in storytelling and its role in building and shaping individuals and communities. "We are what stories have been told to us," he says. In Gaza, storytelling, an activity that has been diminishing recently, has always been women's strategy to exercise power and overcome men's dominance.

    Third: I Am You, a poem by Refaat AlAreer, read by a guest (2022)

    Fourth: Refaat's appearance on the Electronic Intifada Podcast (2022)

    included blurb: On episode 63, we speak to Refaat Alareer, a professor, writer and father in Gaza, about the latest Israeli military assault on Gaza that killed nearly 50 Palestinians, including 17 children, in early August. "What Israel is doing is nonstop campaigns of mowing the lawn, killing as many Palestinians and putting us [in] a corner where we can’t do anything to defend ourselves and our rights,” Alareer tells us. He wrote a striking feature for The Electronic Intifada during the assault, expressing the difficulty of parenting his young children during Israel’s incessant attacks and the ongoing siege on Gaza. But he also described the resilience of the ongoing liberation struggle and Palestinian resistance. Alareer explains to us that Israeli politicians frequently launch attacks on Gaza in the lead-up to elections, but that it’s wrong to assume that Israel only kills when elections are on the horizon. He says that these regular killings are part of a century-long strategy to eliminate Palestinians despite political theater. “They know how to win votes, they know how to win seats, they know how to do it – by killing Palestinians, by making our life miserable,” he says. “It was [former Prime Minister Naftali] Bennett who said ‘I killed Arabs, I’m proud of it.’ Because he knows, despite [that] this could resonate horribly globally, they don’t care about the public opinion – because there will not be punishment, and there will not be consequences for what they do.” We also talk about Israel’s rampant arrest raids and attacks across the West Bank, as well as the ransacking of seven Palestinian human rights groups’ offices by Israeli soldiers just two weeks ago.

    Fifth: Refaat appearance on Democracy Now on the status of the bombing campaign by October 10th (2023)

    included blurb: As hospitals in Gaza are overwhelmed by those killed and wounded in Israel’s massive bombing campaign, we go to Gaza City to speak with Palestinian academic and writer Refaat Alareer about conditions inside the besieged territory. Israel announced Monday it was completely cutting off all food, fuel and electricity to Gaza amid airstrikes of unprecedented intensity, launched in response to Saturday’s surprise attack by Hamas militants on southern Israel. Hamas has threatened to begin killing hostages if civilians inside Gaza are targeted without warning. “No one is safe. No place is safe. Israel is bombing everywhere,” says Alareer, who describes his own children as “shaking out of fear” amid the assault. “Why is this happening? Because we refuse to live under occupation. We refuse to live in total submission. We want freedom.”

    Sixth: Refaat appearance on EI livestream (9.29-35.33)

    included blurb: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcY2KlllgPo "The whole room is filled with gunpowder. … We don’t deserve this. We’re not animals like the Israelis think. Our kids deserve better." This is what our contributor Refaat Alareer, an academic and writer in Gaza City, told us on a special livestream broadcast of The Electronic Intifada Podcast. Alareer spoke to us on Monday evening from his home, as relentless Israeli bombs exploded in the background. You can watch the entire broadcast above. Israel pounded the Gaza Strip from air, land and sea overnight Sunday as a major confrontation that began with a surprise assault launched by Hamas stretched into its third day. The health ministry in Gaza said that there were at least 413 fatalities in the territory by the end of the day on Sunday. Israel killed multiple members of several families when it bombed their homes over their heads without warning, rights groups said. Meanwhile, Israel’s war minister Yoav Gallant promised more genocidal attacks and collective punishment against Gaza’s population and infrastructure, which are war crimes. “It’s very bleak, it’s very dark, there’s no way out,” Alareer added. “If there is no water, there is no way out of Gaza. What should we do, drown? Commit mass suicide? Is this what Israel wants?” “We believe that if we give up, then everybody is going to say, ‘Look at the Palestinians. They gave up. Why don’t you behave like the Palestinians? Why don’t you bow down?’” he said.

    Seventh: Refaat appears on NDTV October 12th (2023)

    included blurb: Educator at the Islamic University in Gaza, Refaat Alareer, said that the siege of Gaza is horrible and that Israel is systematically bombing Gaza. He said that as Israel is an occupying power, it has no right to defend itself.

    Final: A reading of Refaat's final poem, read by a Palestinian woman (credit rejected)

    As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: antiimperialistarchive@gmail.com

    The Anti-Imperialist Archive
    en-usDecember 09, 2023

    John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt - The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy

    John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt - The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy

    John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt discuss their book "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy," at Cambridge Forum. They argue that a group of pro-Israel activists are manipulating U.S. foreign policy. This talk was taped on October 29, 2007. Mearsheimer is one of the foremost political scientists and teaches at the University of Chicago.

    As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: antiimperialistarchive@gmail.com

    The Anti-Imperialist Archive
    en-usDecember 07, 2023

    Norm Finkelstein on Gaza, 2014

    Norm Finkelstein on Gaza, 2014

    In his book "Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom," Norman Finkelstein argues that Israel, with U.S. backing, has caused a "humanitarian disaster" in Gaza, and that international human rights groups have failed to uphold justice for its besieged people

    In part three of our interview on his new book "Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom," Norman Finkelstein discusses the legality, and utility, of Hamas' armed resistance to Israel's occupation

    In his new book "Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom," Norman Finkelstein argues that Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the UN Human Rights Council, and other defenders of international law have succumbed to Israel's pressure and whitewashed its crimes in the Gaza Strip

    Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support their work by donating at http://therealnews.com/donate. Aaron Mate is the interviewer.

    As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: antiimperialistarchive@gmail.com

    The Anti-Imperialist Archive
    en-usDecember 05, 2023

    Life and Death in Gaza - The Killing Zone (2003)

    Life and Death in Gaza - The Killing Zone (2003)

    Life in Gaza is a constant gauntlet of Israeli sniper fire, military rockets and army bulldozers. No one is safe, least of all the children. This documentary is a hard-hitting exposé of life in the occupied territories. We speak to the children caught in the crossfire and find out the true cost of Israel's targeted assassinations policy. The feeling in Gaza is that the West accepts this type of action. It doesn't matter how much so called 'collateral damage' it causes.

    For more information, visit https://www.journeyman.tv/film/1653 

    As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: antiimperialistarchive@gmail.com

    The Anti-Imperialist Archive
    en-usDecember 04, 2023

    Lebanon Features '97-'00 - Journeyman Pictures

    Lebanon Features '97-'00 - Journeyman Pictures

    Israel's Vietnam? (1997): A look at Israel's war with Lebanon, one which became grossly unpopular with the public. In a graveyard in Tel Aviv, a mother weeps as her soldier son is lowered into his grave. Like so many others he was killed in a Hezbollah attack. For the Jewish State, the defence of the so-called 'security zone' in south Lebanon has been its Vietnam, a thoroughly unpalatable battle in tune with military strategy but not public sentiment. "We no longer want to send our sons off to die in a meaningless war," is the word from typical families. In this report we take a rare look inside the security zone, assessing the possible outcomes should Israel pull out of Lebanon before reaching agreement with Syria over the Golan Heights. A premature withdrawal from Lebanon could well induce a frustrated Syria to crank-up the violence of Hezbollah.

    Lebanon - Readying for War (1999): A new generation of Palestinian die-hards are training in Lebanon's refugee camps in preparation for confrontation with Israel. Inside the training camp of the hard-line '13th September Group' a commander hardens up a group of freshly armed teenage recruits by firing at their feet. Later there are lessons on using Katyusha rockets. Abu Khaled, chief of another radical Palestinian group, explains how he co-ordinates attacks with Hezbollah. Recognizing the popularity of resistance, the Amal movement, a rival Shia Muslim group to Hezbollah, has also resumed it's attacks against Israel. Watching the Amal fighters fire on an Israeli position, it is clear they are well trained and well armed.

    Forgotten Palestinians (September 2000) - After half a century in exile, the Palestinians in Lebanon still live in appalling conditions. It's a cynical move to ensure the refugees remain visitors and not citizens. More than 300,000 Palestinians in Lebanon still live in subhuman conditions. That is more than in any other Arab country. The plight of these people was once a central concern of the Arab world, but today, they feel forgotten. They are unwanted in Lebanon and have no place in the new Palestine.

    As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: antiimperialistarchive@gmail.com

    The Anti-Imperialist Archive
    en-usNovember 19, 2023

    Miko Peled at VFP 2015 Convention - Keys to Peace in Palestine

    Miko Peled at VFP 2015 Convention - Keys to Peace in Palestine

    One of the problems that people face when trying to understand the conflict in Palestine/Israel is that the information usually lacks context. This talk will put all aspects of the conflict in context so that the chain of events are clear and we can clearly see the beginning, the middle, and through that, understand what it will take to end this conflict. Miko Peled is an Israeli peace activist, author, and has written one book, "The General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine".

    As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: antiimperialistarchive@gmail.com

    The Anti-Imperialist Archive
    en-usNovember 16, 2023

    The Occupation of Lebanon

    The Occupation of Lebanon

    Included are several episodes taken across different years in the 80s from Alternative Views, a public access TV show in Austin, Texas.


    In an interview and a documentary we get an intimate feel for the
    situation in Lebanon from both the Israeli and Palestinian sides.
    Israeli citizen and Peace Now activist Ilan Ziv is a
    photo-journalist who made a documentary inside Lebanon during the
    fighting. He talks with Israeli soldiers as well as Palestinian
    refugees. Ziv captures the entire atmosphere and feeling of this
    tragic war and provides new insights into the thinking of the
    Israelis and the Palestinians.

    Recorded August, 1982


    English surgeon, Dr. Pauline Cutting, and Dutch nurse, Ben Alofs, went
    through almost unbelievable times in Lebanon during a siege of their
    Palestinian camp, Bourj al-Barajneh, by the Amal militia. For six months
    they tried to keep their hospital running despite starvation, disease and
    military attacks. People were reduced to eating cats and dogs, and finally
    were considering cannibalism before the siege was finally lifted. Cutting
    was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. In Part One we show some history
    of the area by presenting sections of previous documentaries on the Israeli
    invasion of Lebanon and the effects it had on the people. Included is
    footage of the massacre at Sabra and Shatilla and of the visciousness of the
    Israeli attacks in other areas of Lebanon. Ben Alofs recounts his
    experiences in the area at the time.

    Interview recorded 1987


    The final hour is devoted completely to what happened in Bourj al-Barajneh
    and what all the people endured.

    Interview recorded 1987

    As always, edited by Ian Anderson (@starsalwayslost), with special thanks / credit to Sina Rahmani + The East is a Podcast. Robin Brickner is our social media coordinator. Our Twitter presence is @AntiImpArchive, and if you would like to reach out directly we have an email address at: antiimperialistarchive@gmail.com

    The Anti-Imperialist Archive
    en-usNovember 14, 2023