
    The Back Story

    The Back Story is your source for the latest in health, wellness and medical care for you and your entire family. Dr. Jaspal Ricky Singh M.D. and the world-renowned physicians at Weill Cornell Medicine, join forces with an expanded network of experts to bring in-depth conversations covering medical research, trending topics and wellness. Our podcast is a trusted source of information for medical care, combined with real patient experiences and the latest breakthroughs in medicine.

    enDr. Jaspal Ricky Singh M.D.83 Episodes

    Episodes (83)

    Counting Your Macros: Tips for Weight Loss and Healthier Lifestyle

    Counting Your Macros: Tips for Weight Loss and Healthier Lifestyle

    Here are the answers to all of your questions—including exactly how to get started.

    What is the macro diet?

    The idea behind the macro diet is pretty simple: Instead of staying under a calorie threshold, you focus on getting a certain number (typically grams) of macronutrients—protein, carbohydrates, and fat—instead. Depending on your goals, you can adjust the amounts of protein, carbohydrates, and fats you consume to slim down, build muscle, or maintain your weight.

    What are macronutrients?

    Macronutrients are the three types of nutrients that provide you with most of your energy: carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Micronutrients, on the other hand, are the types of nutrients that your body uses in smaller amounts, like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals.

    Most foods have two or even all three different macronutrients, but they’re categorized by the macronutrient of which they contain the most. For instance, chicken is a protein even though it also has some fat, and sweet potatoes are considered a carb even though they have a bit of protein.

    Kunal Makwana is an online body transformation coach based in London. With a background in sports education and psychology and a passion for learning about the mindset behind attaining excellence, Kunal has helped transform the lives of hundreds of busy men and women by achieving outstanding transformation results.

    To learn more about KMAK, click here.

    View client success stories on his Instagram, kmakfitness.

    Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast
    Welcome to the Fit, Healthy and Happy Podcast hosted by Josh and Kyle from Colossus...

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    Understanding Empathy Vs. Sympathy

    Understanding Empathy Vs. Sympathy

    Today, we explore the profound difference between sympathy and empathy, and how understanding these distinctions can significantly impact our interactions and overall wellness.

    1. Sympathy: Feeling for, not with

    Sympathy involves recognizing another person's suffering and expressing care or concern for their well-being. However, it doesn't necessarily entail truly understanding or sharing their feelings. Let's consider an example:

    Imagine a friend who recently lost a job. You may feel sympathy for them, expressing condolences and offering support. While sympathetic gestures are compassionate, they might not fully grasp the emotional turmoil the friend is experiencing.

    2. Empathy: Sharing the emotional journey

    On the other hand, empathy is a deeper connection that involves stepping into another person's shoes, truly feeling and understanding their emotions. An empathetic response goes beyond sympathy, creating a profound sense of shared experience. Consider this scenario:

    Returning to the friend who lost a job, an empathetic response involves not only offering sympathy but also trying to understand their feelings of uncertainty, fear, or disappointment. It's about validating their emotions and showing genuine understanding.

    Impact on Wellness and Interaction:

    a. Wellness:

    • Sympathy: While sympathy fosters a sense of care and compassion, it may fall short of addressing the emotional depth of an individual's experience. This can leave someone feeling acknowledged but not fully understood, potentially impacting their mental well-being.
    • Empathy: By contrast, empathy provides a more profound sense of connection and support. Feeling understood contributes to a person's overall emotional wellness, fostering resilience and a sense of being heard.

    b. Interaction:

    • Sympathy: It often remains on the surface level, manifesting as kind gestures or words. While these are valuable, they may not create the depth of connection that empathy can offer.
    • Empathy: Builds stronger interpersonal bonds by creating a shared emotional experience. It enhances communication and relationships, allowing individuals to feel seen and valued.

    Practical Tips for Cultivating Empathy:

    1. Active Listening: Pay full attention and validate the other person's feelings.
    2. Ask Open-ended Questions: Encourage the expression of emotions and thoughts.
    3. Share Personal Experiences: Relate to their feelings by sharing similar experiences.

    In conclusion, fostering empathy in our interactions contributes to a more compassionate and supportive community. By understanding the difference between sympathy and empathy, we pave the way for a healthier, more emotionally connected society.

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    Best Ways to Measure Your Body Fat Percentage

    Best Ways to Measure Your Body Fat Percentage

    There are many ways to measure body fat percentage. However, the most accurate measurements aren’t available at home.

    While it’s natural to want objective feedback on your progress, body weight shouldn’t be your main focus.

    Some “overweight” people are healthy, while others with “normal weight” are unhealthy.

    However, your body fat percentage tells you what your weight is comprised of.

    Specifically, it tells you the percent of your total body weight that is fat. The lower your body fat percentage, the higher percentage of lean muscle mass you have on your frame.

    1. Skinfold Calipers

    Skinfold calipers measure the thickness of your subcutaneous fat — the fat underneath the skin — at certain body locations.

    Measurements are taken at either 3 or 7 different sites on the body. The specific sites used vary in men and women.

    2. Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)

    BIA devices detect how your body responds to small electrical currents. This is done by placing electrodes on your skin.

    Some electrodes send currents into your body, while others receive the signal after it has passed through your body tissues.

    Electrical currents move through muscle easier than fat due to the higher water content of muscle.

    The BIA device automatically enters your body’s response to the electrical currents into an equation that predicts your body composition.

    There are many different BIA devices that vary widely in cost, complexity and accuracy.

    3. Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA)

    As the name implies, DXA uses X-rays of two different energies to estimate your body fat percentage.

    During a DXA scan, you lie on your back for approximately 10 minutes while an X-ray scans over you.

    The amount of radiation from a DXA scan is very low. It’s about the same amount you receive during three hours of your normal life.

    DXA is also used to assess bone density and provides detailed information about the bone, lean mass and fat in separate body regions (arms, legs and torso).

    Singh Snapshot:
    Whichever method you use, it’s important to use the same method consistently.

    For almost all methods, it’s best to perform your measurements in the morning after an overnight fast, after you go to the bathroom and before you eat anything or begin your daily activities.

    Ideally, you should do the test before you have anything to drink, especially for methods that rely on electrical signals like BIA, BIS and EIM.

    Assessing yourself the same way each time will reduce error rates and make it easier to tell if you are making progress.

    However, you should always interpret your results from any method with caution. Even the best methods are not perfect and only give you an estimate of your true body fat.

    Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast
    Welcome to the Fit, Healthy and Happy Podcast hosted by Josh and Kyle from Colossus...

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    A Healthier and Happier YOU- 2024

    A Healthier and Happier YOU- 2024

    Today's episode is all about kickstarting the new year with a commitment to a healthier lifestyle.   

    Whether you're a seasoned health enthusiast, or just starting out on your wellness journey,   I've got some great tips and insights for you.

    1: Reflection and Goal Setting
    2: Nutrition and Hydration 
    3: Exercise and Movement 
    4: Mental and Emotional Well-being 
    5: Building Healthy Habits 
    6: Creating a Supportive Environment 

    Thank you for being a part of the Back Story community. Your dedication to self-improvement and well-being is more than a resolution;  it's a commitment to a happier, healthier you.

    Here's to making 2024 a year filled with positive transformations,  and a deep sense of fulfillment.

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    The Scoop on Protein Powders

    The Scoop on Protein Powders

    The Pros and Cons of Protein Supplements


    1. Convenience: Protein supplements, such as protein powders and shakes, offer a convenient and quick way to meet daily protein requirements, especially for individuals with busy lifestyles.
    2. Muscle Growth and Repair: Adequate protein intake is essential for muscle growth and repair. Protein supplements, particularly those rich in essential amino acids, can accelerate the recovery process after intense physical activity.
    3. Weight Management: Protein has a satiating effect, helping to control appetite and support weight management goals. Including protein supplements in a balanced diet can contribute to a feeling of fullness, potentially reducing overall calorie intake.
    4. Nutrient Timing: Protein supplements can be strategically consumed around workouts to optimize nutrient timing. This practice is thought to enhance muscle protein synthesis and improve exercise performance.


    1. Nutrient Deficiency: Relying solely on protein supplements may lead to nutrient deficiencies, as whole foods provide a broader spectrum of essential vitamins and minerals that supplements might lack.
    2. Digestive Issues: Some individuals may experience digestive discomfort, such as bloating or gas, when consuming protein supplements. This is often attributed to additives or lactose present in certain products.
    3. Cost: Quality protein supplements can be relatively expensive, and their cost may not be sustainable for everyone, especially when compared to whole food sources of protein.
    4. Regulatory Concerns: The supplement industry is not as tightly regulated as the food industry, which raises concerns about product safety, quality, and accurate labeling. Consumers must be cautious when selecting protein supplements.
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    Health: Coca-Cola Vs. Coke Zero

    Health: Coca-Cola Vs. Coke Zero

    While The Diet Coke vs. Regular Coke debate is multifaceted, involving considerations of caloric content, dental health, blood sugar levels, and cardiovascular health. The concerns over artificial sweeteners add an additional layer of complexity to the decision-making process.

    Ultimately, the health impact of these sodas depends on various factors, including individual health conditions, lifestyle, and overall dietary choices. It's advisable for individuals to consult with healthcare professionals, especially if they have specific health concerns or conditions such as diabetes.

    In the grand scheme of a healthy lifestyle, the occasional enjoyment of either Diet Coke or Regular Coke is unlikely to have a significant impact. What matters most is a balanced and varied diet,  combined with regular physical activity and other healthy habits.

    Coke Zero is calorie-free, it does not have any nutritional value. More research is needed to determine the long-term effects of drinking sodas with artificial sweeteners.

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    New York City Marathon: Race Day Tips and Strategies

    New York City Marathon: Race Day Tips and Strategies

    The New York City Marathon will always hold a special place in my heart because it was my first marathon in 2022, in the city where I became a true long-distance runner. With the inclines of five bridges to conquer, the course is not conducive to setting a personal best. However, most people who have run this iconic race would agree that you can’t beat running through all five boroughs in one day supported by arguably the largest crowd of spectators you’ll ever find at a road race. 


    The excitement of the NYC marathon is unparalleled. The first mile is uphill. The race is crowded. Don’t waste energy weaving the first two miles. 


    NYC has great fans! Take in the positive energy, give high fives, read the signs. Say thank you to fans and volunteers.


    Science shows that smiling makes us feel better. My anecdotal evidence tells me that when I smile, I get more crowd support

    3 Cs of Running
    1- Confidence
    2- Control
    3- Collected

    Thank the ones who got you there.

    You undoubtedly received tons of support in your training and in the race. Make sure you reach out to those friends, family, coaches, and fellow runners who pushed you to the finish line in Central Park.

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    Hydration for Runners: How Much to Drink

    Hydration for Runners: How Much to Drink

    Staying properly hydrated is one of the keys to comfort and performance while running, whether you’re hitting the trails or roads. The benefits can include more energy and endurance, and a decrease in recovery time after a long, challenging run.

    Sports Drinks
    When you sweat, you lose electrolytes (minerals in your body), and if you lose too many, your performance can suffer. To compensate for the loss, focus on replacing sodium and potassium, as well as calcium and magnesium. One way to accomplish this is by drinking water and snacking on foods rich in these minerals. Another way to maintain mineral levels is to consume an electrolyte-replacement sports drink.

    Dehydration occurs when the loss of body fluids, usually through sweating, exceeds the amount taken in. If you don’t counteract this by drinking water, you risk becoming dehydrated. The following signs are a tipoff that your fluid intake is insufficient:  

    Early signs of dehydration:

    • Dry mouth
    • Decrease in energy or running performance

    More serious symptoms of dehydration:

    • Cramps
    • Headaches
    • Nausea
    Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast
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    The Back Story
    enOctober 21, 2023

    Improving Your Running Cadence

    Improving Your Running Cadence

    Why Should I Increase My Running Cadence?

    Before we discuss how to increase running cadence, it’s important to cover why you might want to increase your running cadence in the first place.

    As mentioned, your running cadence is one of two things that determine your pace. In a nutshell, how fast you run is determined by your stride length multiplied by your stride rate, or cadence.

    Running speed = stride length x strides rate

    To run faster, you can increase your stride length, cadence, or both. However, there’s evidence to suggest that increasing stride length can increase the risk of injuries because it increases impact or loading forces.

    In contrast, research suggests that increasing your cadence by about 5-10% above your current stride frequency can reduce the risk of musculoskeletal stress and resultant injuries by reducing the impact and loading on your hip and knee joints, decreasing the braking force when your feet contact the ground and reducing your vertical ossification (bouncing motion).

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    The Back Story
    enOctober 13, 2023

    Yoga vs. Pilates: What's Better for Your Spine

    Yoga vs. Pilates:  What's Better for Your Spine

    Is Yoga or Pilates Better for Back Pain?

    Many people rave about Pilates, claiming that it saved their back or improved their posture in a significant way. Others love yoga, saying nothing else comes close to giving them the pain relief they seek.

    But when it comes to these two popular forms of exercise, is one method better for your back than the other?

    Ultimately, the choice between yoga and Pilates for reducing back pain may be personal preference. If you'd rather mix your physical healing with a spiritual experience and breathwork, yoga may be for you. But if staying in the physical realm with your exercise routine sounds more palatable, consider Pilates. And a combination of the two may give you a more well-rounded wellness routine.

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    Only 2 Things Make You Happy: Dopamine and Serotonin

    Only 2 Things Make You Happy: Dopamine and Serotonin

    Human beings are programmed to approach pleasure and avoid pain. It's an instinct that dates back millions of years, to a time when people needed to actively seek food, clothing and shelter every day, or risk death.

    Dopamine Nation talks about the importance of living a balanced life in relation to all the pleasure and stimuli we’re surrounded with on a daily basis, such as drugs, devices, porn, gambling facilities, showing us how to avoid becoming dopamine addicts by restricting our access to them. 

    Here are my three favorite lessons from the book:

    1. Misery turns humans into pleasure addicts who can’t deal with discomfort.
    2. Our brains build resistance to dopamine over time, and that’s a bad thing. 
    3. Ironically, pain can help us tap into our dopamine reserves. 

    Lesson 1: Dopamine addiction follows from our desire to stop feeling miserable.

    Lesson 2: Constantly fulfilling our dopamine cravings leads to neuroadaptation.

    Lesson 3: Using pain as a dopamine source can promote our well-being.

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    Your Stomach Doesn't Have Teeth- Chew Your Food

    Your Stomach Doesn't Have Teeth- Chew Your Food

    When you think about eating, you may think of the work that happens in your stomach and intestines. But the entire digestive process starts in your mouth, with chewing.

    Benefits of chewing food

    Chewing is the first step of digestion.

    1. Chewing and saliva break down and mix food together in your mouth. From there, food goes into your esophagus when you swallow.
    2. Your esophagus pushes food into your stomach.
    3. Your stomach holds food while it mixes with enzymes that continue breaking down the food so you can use it for energy.
    4. When food is digested enough in your stomach, it moves into your small intestine where it mixes with more enzymes that continue to break it down. Nutrients from the food are absorbed in the small intestine.
    5. Wastes are sent to the large intestine, known as your colon. The leftover waste is excreted through the rectum and anus.

    Singh Snapshot

    Proper digestion starts in your mouth. When eating, be sure to chew your food thoroughly to get the full benefit out of it.

    By focusing on chewing many times, you will eat slower. This can improve your digestion, help you eat less, and enhance your overall eating experience.

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    Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy: Innovative Treatment for Tendon Conditions

    Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy: Innovative Treatment for Tendon Conditions

    On this episode of the Back Story Podcast host Dr. J. Ricky Singh, MD is joined by Dr. Jennifer Soo Hoo, MD to discuss the topic of  Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT)

    We talk about my own experience as a patient undergoing this therapy,  which is used in a variety of clinical applications including the management of musculoskeletal conditions. 

    In this conversation, he addresses the following topics and questions about shockwave therapy:
    · What is ESWT?
    · The origins of shockwave therapy use and some of its additional applications
    · Describing the process of shockwave therapy and its effects
    · Some of the factors to consider when performing ESWT, especially to clinicians who have never used this treatment option before
    · Understanding the different types of shockwave therapy and how they can be used to treat injuries
    · What types of providers can administer ESWT, and what are the recommended treatment protocols for medical teams?
    · What are some of the medical conditions that are best treated by ESWT, in both the lower and upper extremities?

    Additional Resources
    To learn more about Dr. Soo Hoo or schedule a consultation please click HERE

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    Do Your Dimples Hurt? You Probably Have SI Joint Pain!

    Do Your Dimples Hurt? You Probably Have SI Joint Pain!

    Your SI joints are the 2 little dimples you feel at the very bottom of your lower back.

    It’s a common lower back pain cause and one that is very often self-misdiagnosed as sciatica because of its symptoms.

    The SI joint causes pain because it takes a large amount of stress from the entire upper body before transmitting that force through those 2 little dimples into your pelvis and legs.

    Continued sitting, poor posture, lifting incorrectly, scoliosis and other biomechanical factors can increase the stress going through these joints.

    This leads to varying degrees of damage to your joints and the surrounding muscles and ligaments leading to micro trauma, inflammation and pain.

    You may be experiencing lower back pain from SI strain if you feel:

    – Pain over the dimples in your back
    – Pain running across your back (From the middle towards the sides)
    – Pain into the groin, the buttock or down the leg to the thigh

    Pain running down the thigh is a common referral pattern of SI Joint pain but is often confused for the symptoms of sciatica which is why it’s so important to have the cause of your lower back pain correctly diagnosed.

    Contribute to the 2023 NYC Marathon HERE!

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    The Back Story
    enJune 26, 2023

    Tips to Prevent Neck and Back Pain with Dr. J. Ricky Singh

    Tips to Prevent Neck and Back Pain with Dr. J. Ricky Singh

    This week our host, Faith Salie, talks to Dr. Ricky Singh, a specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Sports Medicine and Pain Medicine at Och Spine at NewYork-Presbyterian and Weill Cornell Medicine, about common cause of neck and back issues. Whether it’s from technology use or a sports injury, Dr. Singh offers guidance for what people can do at home to reduce pain and protect neck and back health.

    Fit, Healthy & Happy Podcast
    Welcome to the Fit, Healthy and Happy Podcast hosted by Josh and Kyle from Colossus...

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    The Back Story
    enJune 05, 2023

    Keep Calm and Play Pickleball

    Keep Calm and Play Pickleball

    You might gravitate to pickleball because it takes less of a toll on your body than sports like tennis. Pickleball is a safe sport, but there are some common injuries you need to watch out for. With a little extra care, you can avoid aches and pains while playing the game you love.

    There are 5 injuries that new and seasoned pickleball players alike should be aware of, including:

    1. Pickleball elbow
    2. Wrist or hip fractures
    3. Rotator cuff injury
    4. MCL strain or sprain
    5. Achilles tendon injury

    As the old saying goes, half an ounce of prevention is worth an ounce of cure. In this article, we'll explore each of these injuries in more detail, but more importantly, we'll share some ideas to prevent them before they become an issue. Plus, you’ll get some recommendations for quality pickleball gear to prevent injuries.

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    The Back Story
    enMay 25, 2023

    Osteoarthritis of the Knee- Interventional Treatments (Part 2)

    Osteoarthritis of the Knee- Interventional Treatments (Part 2)

    Knee arthritis is caused by the degeneration of cartilage in the knee joint which can lead to pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility.

    There are many treatments available for knee arthritis including physical therapy, medications, and even surgery but injectable options have really gained popularity due to their effectiveness and convenience 

    In today's episode, we're going to explore some of the most commonly used injectable options for new arthritis:

    1. Corticosteroids
    2. Hyaluronic Acid or Viscosupplementation
    3. PRP- Platelet Rich Plasma
    4. Bone Marrow Stem Cells
    5. Genicular Nerve Ablation

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    Osteoarthritis of the Knee: Keep Running!- Part 1

    Osteoarthritis of the Knee: Keep Running!- Part 1

    Knee osteoarthritis is a common condition that affects millions of people around the world.  It's a degenerative joint condition that causes the cartilage  to break down over time which can lead to pain, stiffness and reduced mobility

    While the exact causes of knee arthritis aren't fully understood there are several factors that are known to increase the risk of developing this condition:
    - Age
    - Genetics
    - Obesity
    - Activity

    Recently completed my first marathon last year and am planning to run again in the 2023 New York City Marathon.

    Study after study reveals that there is no conclusive evidence that running causes osteoarthritis of the knee!

    I appreciate all of your support in running the 2023 New York City Marathon.
    Donate HERE

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    The Back Story
    enMay 05, 2023

    Brown Fat, Brown Adipose Tissue: What It Is & What It Means

    Brown Fat, Brown Adipose Tissue: What It Is & What It Means

    What is brown fat?

    Brown fat, also called brown adipose tissue, is a type of body fat that keeps you warm when you get cold. Brown fat also stores energy and helps your body burn calories. Brown fat starts working (activates) in cold temperatures.

    What are the types of fat in my body?

    There are different types of fat in your body. Healthcare providers identify each type of fat by its color and function, including:

    • White fat: Most of the fat in your body is white fat. White fat stores energy in various places around your body. White fat insulates your organs. Too much white fat leads to obesity.
    • Brown fat: Brown fat is smaller than white fat. It stores energy and burns that energy to regulate your body temperature. Brown fat helps you burn calories by creating heat right before your body starts to shiver (thermogenesis). It also helps regulate sugar (glucose) and fat metabolism.
    • Beige fat: Beige fat is a combination of white and brown fat cells. These cells burn calories to regulate body temperature by converting white fat cells to brown.
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    The Back Story
    enApril 21, 2023

    The Science Behind Cold Exposure

    The Science Behind Cold Exposure

    What is cold therapy and why should I do it? 

    Cold plunging and cold therapy are getting more popular - and for good reason. 

    5 Possible Health Benefits of Cold Water Therapy

    - Reduce Pain and Speed up Recovery
    - Boost your Immunity
    - Improve Circulation
    - May Boost Your Mood
    - Weight Loss

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    The Back Story
    enApril 07, 2023