
    The Bend Like Bamboo Resilience Podcast

    Each week, Amanda Campbell interviews amazing people, who will share their inspiring stories of resilience. Amanda dives deep into 40-minute DNM’s with guests, exploring their stories of how they have overcome adversity in their lives professionally and personally.
    enAmanda Campbell46 Episodes

    Episodes (46)

    Matt Rowe, founder of Identity of Health, Ep 46, Our ability to love impacts our ability to heal autoimmune disease

    Matt Rowe, founder of Identity of Health, Ep 46, Our ability to love impacts our ability to heal autoimmune disease

    Matt Rowe is the Author of Belief to Heal, a Certified Health Coach, meditation and Reiki practitioner, TEDx speaker, and father of two.  
     After earning the designation of an All-American Triathlete in 2007 he paralyzed his right leg and then in 2010, healed himself from the paralyzed leg to finish the infamous Ironman triathlon. 
     Matt has also reversed the daily affliction of 25-30 TIAs (also known as “mini-strokes”) and recovered from debilitating symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) to live his best life. 

    He is the founder of Identity of Health wellness coaching, founder of the Symptom Free MS Summit and Symposium and hosts the Identity of Health podcast. A lover of Self and life, Matt lives in Colorado and travels internationally to speak on Belief, healing, and possibility.

    A few years ago I had the pleasure of interviewing Matt Rowe, we took a deep dive into his take on resilience, the power of flexibility and how he has overcome MS, daily strokes and a back injury that paralysed his leg.

    Check out this podcast all about Matt’s story and recovery here:

    Matt and I both believe that the best way to optimise healing in the body is to take an integrated approach that addresses the multiple layers of our mind, body and energy.

    In this podcast Matt and I explore the pillars of health of the mind, body, food and connection. Our ability to open our hearts is integral in allowing the nervous system to let go of stress and our addiction to the fight/flight/freeze response.

    When we can choose love and joy despite the adversities we will inevitably face, not only are we able to be more solution-focused, but we can also optimise growth and repair pathways that allow us to heal.

    Addressing our energy and stress levels really does matter, I loved this conversation with Matt on this month’s podcast.

    In my new book Bend Like Bamboo I explore these pillars, my journey from an MS diagnosis that led to my paralysis and how I had to learn to change my mind about what could be possible with the power of flexibility. 

    “Amanda shares her story of resilience and possibility, inspiring those diagnosed with MS to rise using their own power of mindset and belief to be the person they have always desired. If you want something more in your life, this book is a must-read giving you the power and tools to remain flexible on your journey of recovery!”
    - Matt Rowe - Author, MS Coach, Symptom-Free MS Summit Founder and Host, Reiki and Meditation practitioner and Ironman

    Check out Matt’s Autoimmune Challenge ….

    Matt's Tips:

    • Eating nutrient dense wholefoods is key to nourishing your body on a cellular level to repair.
    • Exercise helps with recovery, find a restorative type that works for you.
    • Address the stress in your life, your energy matters.

    Get in touch with Dr Terry Wahls

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/identityofhealth
    Instagram: @identityofhealth
    Website: www.mattrowecoaching.com

    Work with Amanda

    Consultations with Amanda

    If interstate or international :
    Call us on 1300 188 882 or email hello@amandacampbell.com.au to find out how to book in for online coaching if you are outside of Melbourne / International.


    Amanda presents her wellness workshops and keynotes virtually, live on zoom.

    To book Amanda to speak at your event or workplace please contact:
    1300 188 882

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandacampbellspeaker
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/amandacampbell_speaker/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmandaC_health
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amandacampbellau
    Blog: https://www.amandacampbell.com.au/blog

    Podcast: Bend Like Bamboo on Itunes

    Online course: https://bendlikebamboo.teachable.com/courses/

    Bend Like Bamboo

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/BendLikeBamboo
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bendlikebamboo/

    Dr Terry Wahls, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Ep 45, How stress and nutrition impact repair in autoimmune disease

    Dr Terry Wahls, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Ep 45, How stress and nutrition impact repair in autoimmune disease

    Dr. Terry Wahls practices internal medicine and treats psychiatric patients at the VA in Iowa City Iowa.  In the year 2000, she was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting Multiple Sclerosis.

    MS is an autoimmune inflammatory disease that damages the myelin of neurons (imagine the white plastic that covers your phone charger cable), causing breaks in communication between the brain cells, neurotransmitter imbalances and cell death, with resulting physical and cognitive disabilities, including blindness, dizziness and pain.  In its earlier relapsing-remitting stage, MS is treated with chemo and immune system suppressants.  Dr. Wahls pursued the best and most aggressive treatment available.

    Nevertheless, in 2003 her MS had developed into the secondary progressive variety.  At that stage, the treatment strategy was to slow the inexorable loss of function.  Dr Wahls was using canes to walk, soon she was in a wheelchair almost all the time. Wahls is a doctor and she researched her condition, but there were no treatments to reverse the loss of function, not even any clinical trials available for her to join.

    So she went back to school, staying up at night after the rest of the family was in bed.  She studied the basic science of her condition and similar ones, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's Huntington's. Then she designed her own treatment based on the basic science about why brain cells die.  She experimented on herself, developed a diet regime, tested potential food sensitivities. She started working with a physical therapist to use neuro-muscular electrical stimulation, continued the diet modifications.  And then she got out of her wheelchair.

    Over the course of that year, Wahls went from moving around on a scooter to walking with canes to riding a bicycle eighteen miles without assistance. Today, Dr. Wahls has recovered, she walks, bike rides often with her family, and actively shares with the world how she is doing what people with secondary progressive MS don't do -  and that is recovering.

    In her first book “Minding your Mitochondria” she explains how those little maintenance workers don't have all the proper nutrients, like amino acids, the correct minerals, and fatty acids, then they can't build according to the DNA blueprints.  Those nutrients are the building blocks that mitochondria in our cells need to keep our bodies healthy.  If those replacement molecules and structures get made incorrectly or not at all, our bodies begin to deteriorate.

    That led to her creating “The Wahls Protocol” a nutrition program that I followed with great success when I was also in a wheelchair and paralysed. When I began to learn how to flood my brain and gut with the right nutrients, the game literally changed for my recovery. My symptoms began to subside, alone life changing. I began to feel better mentally and emotionally, physically I walked faster, and I began to jog. In 2010 did my first MS Fun Run with MS Limited Australia and it has been a yearly tradition since.

    Naturally, I had to meet this amazing woman.

    How Dr Wahls and I met

    I met Dr Terry Wahls in 2013 in Iowa, I was travelling n the USA and reached out to her. She agreed to met with me after I shared with her how much of an impact her protocol made in my recovery from a paralysis from MS.

    I was so excited, and nervous. She was so lovely, she sat with me in her office, talked with me and listened to my story and the impact she had made in my life. She showed me the research she was doing, and we remained in contact. I am so excited to share this heart-felt podcast with you, where together Dr Wahls and I re-unite and chat about the further progress she has made helping people with autoimmune disease. 

    The impact stress and nutrition have on autoimmune disease 

    When I was 24 I was diagnosed with MS, and 5 years later I was paralysed at age 29. Thankfully after months in hospital, and taking a balanced approach of Kinesiology and Neuro-physiotherapy I was mobile again. I was so grateful to be home after 2 months living in rehabilitation. But I still had symptoms and I knew more work had to be done. 

    I began to research other stories of recoveries and discovered Dr Wahl’s story. I learned that over 90% of kids and adults are not getting enough recommended daily intake (RDI) of 2 serves of fruits and 5 serves of vegetables a day. Dr Wahls’ protocol increases our RDI to 9 cups of vegetables a day, eliminating grains and dairy. I began to prepare all of my meals, continued to exercise and reduced my stress levels as best I could. I noticed I could walk further, symptoms subsided and began to build strength in mind and body. 

    In this podcast Dr Terry Wahls and I talk about the impact stress, mindset and nutrition have on repairing autoimmune disease, get your tissues as we go deep and we get emotional. Her story is incredible and she will inspire you with hope that it is possible to make a recovery happen against all odds. 

    We all have a story, and we will have events that happen in our lives that will shake us, turn our words upside down and completely transform who we are. We have all experience stress and change.  Our ability to be flexible is the key to managing our stress levels because who we are in those moments is connected to the choices we will make, our ability to reach our fullest potential and intimately our wellbeing.

    If we can practise flexibility in our minds, bodies and lives, we can be more adaptable and open to change when we are stressed, when we want to give up, or when we want to give in. Who we are in those moments is connected to the choices we will make, our ability to reach our fullest potential and intimately our wellbeing. 

    My journey led to me discovering an inner anchor within me that allowed me to adapt. Helping others I discovered that a flexible mindset impacts everything that matters: our body’s ability to repair, how happy and resilient we are and how connected we feel. Since then I have made a 14 year recovery still in remission. 

    Now as a practitioner and the patient, I wrote a book to share my story, evidence based techniques that helped me that I also use with my clients, and all the lessons I leaned along the way. When Dr Wahls agreed to give my book a testimonial I was thrilled.

    Terry’s tips:

    • Have hope that recovery is possible.
    • Nourish your body on a cellular level with nutrition to support your mind and body to repair.
    • Exercise and reduce stress levels, as this is also important.

    Get in touch with Dr Terry Wahls

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/Dr.Terry.Wahls
    Instagram: @drterrywahls
    Website: https://terrywahls.com/

    Work with Amanda

    Consultations with Amanda

    If interstate or international :
    Call us on 1300 188 882 or email hello@amandacampbell.com.au to find out how to book in for online coaching if you are outside of Melbourne / International.


    Amanda presents her wellness workshops and keynotes virtually, live on zoom.

    To book Amanda to speak at your event or workplace please contact:

    Paula Day, Business Coach for Beauty Owners, Ep 44, Rebuilding Your Heart and Business After a Breakup

    Paula Day, Business Coach for Beauty Owners, Ep 44, Rebuilding Your Heart and Business After a Breakup

    Paula Day is a highly-skilled business expert and trusted advisor with a wealth of experience.

    With 20 years in the field, 18 spent working on large scale infrastructure projects in business advisory roles for senior leaders, CEOs, and Government Officials, she has a wealth of knowledge to draw from. 

    Holding a bachelor’s degree in Business Accounting and a CPA certification, she quickly rose to the top of the corporate ladder and mastered the skills needed for successful large scale operations. 

    Additionally, she is a Master NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Social Media Expert, and Personal Stylist, bringing a unique and holistic approach to her coaching and consulting business.

    Paula's passion lies in supporting driven beauty business owners to master their businesses and grow in a way that aligns with their values. With her experience and expertise, she offers the kind of advice and support usually only available to larger organizations.

    Paula’s definition of resilience is our ability to control our emotions, when we become triggered or stressed when the bigger events come in life that can take our life on a turn.

    It is our ability to take one step forward every day, to believe n ourselves and to manage our stress levels.

    Paula started her career as an accountant, in her career she was exposed to amazing leadership programs and coaches.

    Then Paula had a baby boy who had become disabled, and was preparing to be wheel chair bound. Paula had to make a choice, was she going to focus on earning more money to support the care and services that her son required? Or was she going to stay at home to look after her son? Luckily her dad stepped in and retired at age 53 to help out. This allowed Paula to climb the corporate ladder. He vision began to come true, she had an amazing office, view and team. But she was missing her kids and wasn’t seeing them as much as she wanted.

    Paula decided she had to make a change, she began to listen to podcasts and was inspired to start a t-shirt business. It took off on Amazon and she began to make more money doing less, amazing! She began to hire a team and she grew the business.

    But Paula’s relationship broke down and overnight, all her accounts had changed and she had put the t-shirt business in her husband’s name and she lost everything. She moved back in with her parents, and went through the painful process of separating her life from her now ex-husband. After 7 months of legal battle, she decided to stop the fight, and she chose to move forward with love instead. Paula realised she had leadership and  coaching skills, and she decided to train as a NLP practitioner which really helped her in her healing.

    Paula learned that when we have a goal, we need to believe in ourselves to make it happen. We attract what we think about, and we need to take responsibility for our part in that. Paula’s lowest point was when she was surrounded by boxes in her parents house, adjusting to seeing her kids only 50% of the time. Going through this is what birthed her coaching program, it just poured out of her. Could it be possible that the adversities that we go through, are teaching us who we need to be, to have what we really want in our lives?

    But if we caught up with stress and rigidity, we can lose these moments and gifts and the lessons then are there to teach us. When we can overcome this with a flexible mindset, we can elevate ourselves to be greater than our obstacles, our negativity and our fears.

    Paula learned that you can take everything away, and we are still here and we are still ok. We can rebuild from loss and that realisation is what took the fear away for Paula.

    Paula’s tips:

    • Take time on your own after a breakup to reflect.
    • Take responsibility for your part and ask yourself how can I show up differently moving forward in my life?
    • Be open to love, put your phone down, be more present when you walk down the street.

    Get in touch with Paula Day

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paula.day.coach
    Instagram: @iampauladay
    Website: https://pauladay.com.au/

    Work with Amanda

    Consultations with Amanda

    If interstate or international :
    Call us on 1300 188 882 or email hello@amandacampbell.com.au to find out how to book in for online coaching if you are outside of Melbourne / International.


    Amanda presents her wellness workshops and keynotes virtually, live on zoom.

    To book Amanda to speak at your event or workplace please contact:
    1300 188 882

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandacampbellspeaker
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/amandacampbell_speaker/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmandaC_health
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amandacampbellau
    Blog: https://www.amandacampbell.com.au/blog

    Podcast: Bend Like Bamboo on Itunes

    Online course: https://bendlikebamboo.teachable.com/courses/

    Bend Like Bamboo

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/BendLikeBamboo
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bendlikebamboo/

    Niti Nadarajah, Ep 43, Discovering your inner compass & vulnerability

    Niti Nadarajah, Ep 43, Discovering your inner compass & vulnerability

    Niti Nadarajah is a coach, freelance general counsel and DEI consultant and keynote speaker based in Melbourne with a passion for authentic and inclusive leadership. 

    She advocates for a range of issues including gender and racial equity, and through her business, Coaching by Niti, helps to empower women who are feeling stuck in their careers to get unstuck by connecting them to their inner compass. 

    She was recognised as a LinkedIn Top Voice (Gender Equity) in 2022 and advises various companies and charities as an expert & Mentor.

    Niti is also a certified Master NLP practitioner, Coach and Gender Equality Expert with Grace Papers, DEI practitioner on the NASA Astrophysics IDEA practitioner database, legal adviser to, and consultant with, The Creative Co-operative, an angel investor at Nobody Studios, a founding member and DEI Ambassador at Human Leaders, a Mentor at Future Women (recently awarded Mentor of the Year), a Peer Support Companion at The Pink Elephants Support Network and Community Partner for White Ribbon (Australia) and mum to two.

    Niti’s definition of resilience when she was young was all about persisting, making it through everything, and not letting things affect her. Niti developed an ‘allergy’ to vulnerability. She believed that it was a weakness to show how she was feeling, and her emotional side. 

    Growing up with an Indian background and community, talking about mental health was not a thing, like it is in Australia. Niti has feared judgement, and has held back expressing herself as a result. 

    When Niti was 2w1 years old, her grandfather who lived with her and the family, passed away. I was told that I had to be strong for my dad and family, so I cried when no was was watching, and held it together externally. I armoured myself externally, and suppressed the inner turmoil in the inside and an inner conflict brewed within me.

    I experienced two pregnancy losses, and I became more aware of how this was affecting my stress levels and my health. Now I try to face the things I have to overcome in my life, but I also make ‘truce’ with them to create more harmony in my mind and my body. One day, a colleague of mine asked if I was ok, mentioning that I did not appear to be myself. I know in that moment, I could choose to suppress how I really felt, or I could open and be honest. Choosing to be honest and expressing what I was going through, was so powerful for me, it helped me to release the inner pressure and I became more open and vulnerable within myself, and with others. 

    Now I see vulnerability as a strength, and it allows me to heal helping other women to express themselves in my volunteer role with Pink elephant Foundation, and various other roles I have in the community. This gives my work more meaning and purpose. 

    Discovering your inner compass, is the way to vulnerability, and it is a journey of self discovery that has opened up my inner world, how I show up in my life and the experiences I attract.

    These are important questions that I ask myself: 

    What am I running from? My attempt to be able to feel like I belong, especially as an Indian woman living in Australia. 

    What guides me? To feel loved, connection and purpose.

    What do I am for? To discover who I am and expressing that.

    What do I value? Giving back.

    When you find yourself looking for the answers you seek externally, look within.

    Niti’s tips:

    • Incrementally get to know yourself better, make time, slow down, destress & reflect.
    • Find your people - coach / therapist that can help you to see what it is not in your awareness.
    • Don’t rush it, the magic happens in the in-between moments.

    Get in touch with Niti Nadarajah

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/niti-nadarajah/
    Instagram: @Storiesbyniti

    Work with Amanda

    Consultations with Amanda

    If interstate or international :
    Call us on 1300 188 882 or email hello@amandacampbell.com.au to find out how to book in for online coaching if you are outside of Melbourne / International.


    Amanda presents her wellness workshops and keynotes virtually, live on zoom.

    To book Amanda to speak at your event or workplace please contact:
    1300 188 882

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandacampbellspeaker
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/amandacampbell_speaker/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmandaC_health
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amandacampbellau
    Blog: https://www.amandacampbell.com.au/blog

    Podcast: Bend Like Bamboo on Itunes

    Online course: https://bendlikebamboo.teachable.com/courses/

    Bend Like Bamboo

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/BendLikeBamboo
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bendlikebamboo/

    Matt Rowe founder of Identity of Health, Ep 42, Look within to love yourself and heal

    Matt Rowe founder of Identity of Health, Ep 42, Look within to love yourself and heal

    Matt Rowe is the Author of Belief to Heal, a Certified Health Coach, meditation and Reiki practitioner, TEDx speaker, and father of two.  

    After earning the designation of an All-American Triathlete in 2007 he paralyzed his right leg and then in 2010, healed himself from the paralyzed leg to finish the infamous Ironman triathlon. 

    Matt has also reversed the daily affliction of 25-30 TIAs (also known as “mini-strokes”) and recovered from debilitating symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) to live his best life. 

    He is the founder of Identity of Health wellness coaching, founder of the Symptom Free MS Summit and Symposium and hosts the Identity of Health podcast. A lover of Self and life, Matt lives in Colorado and travels internationally to speak on Belief, healing, and possibility.

    I love meeting fellow colleagues who have overcome their disease and symptoms, Matt Rowe was such a pleasure to interview as we took a deep dive into his take on resilience, the power of flexibility and how he has overcome MS, daily strokes and a back injury that paralysed his leg.

    It is now Matt’s passion to share other people’s stories at a free Summit he is hosting on the 19th June 2023. He has signed dup 26 speakers that will share their stories, knowledge and tips over 2 weeks. When you sign up you get to learn form two speakers as day to gain from their wisdom and inspiration - amazing!

    Matt believes that resilience is about finding out own way & purpose. Knowing how to to listen to our own truth vs. other voices of authority that may not be open to what can be possible for your recovery. To be resilient is to be flexible, to bounce back. Just like a tree builds its resilience from being pushed in the wind, we also build our resilience from the adversities that life throws at us. Matt believes that our strength comes through times of adversity, not from things being handed to us or ease.

    When Matt was young he was overweight at puberty stage of life, and he was bullied. He decided to do something about it and began to train his body. This led him to become a triathlete, he was in his early 20’s, he was fit with a big ego an he believed he was indestructible. After shovelling snow, out of the blue he injured his back and this paralysed his leg. They gave him a 50/50 chance of recovery from the surgery, he lost life as he knew it and the life he had built around him.

    Matt learned how to be more compassionate with himself, as he dealt with losing everything he thought he was, within seconds. He was faced with a potential amputation, and it was in this moment, he knew he had a choice. He had to figure out how to turn this terrifying situation into a positive somehow. Matt had his second child, and he didn’t want to give up. He went into the operation believing that no matter what the outcome, that he was going to be ok. Matt woke up from the surgery and he could move his leg and he managed to walk again, however he was faced with a long road to full recovery. It was two and a half years of rehabilitation, as he waited for new nerves to grow at the speed of 1 mm a day. Again, he had to be kind to himself, as he learned to be disciplined and patient on. his road to recovery.

    Matt needed a goal to work towards, and he signed up for Ironman which was 1 year away. He trained himself to rebuild his body, and found he would swing between the rigidity of ego and expectation,  to one of compassion, self care connecting more to his higher self. When he was stuck in ego, he was wanting everything to be like it used to be before, and he was not willing to let go of the past and his old identity. He was more concerned with what people though of him, his own expectations, and the external. As opposed to loving himself being softer, more patient, and more flexible in his approach as he began to change his mind about this story.  It was a constant push pull as he put a plan together to achieve his goal.

    Matt began to experience 20-30 strokes a day, and this went on for three months. He knew he had to stop and look deeper within, at what this was trying to teach him. Overcoming his paralysis taught Matt that he could be resilient, having the strokes forced Matt to appreciate his body more, to let go of his harsh approach to such vigorous exercise.  He was recovering from poor gut health from all the antibiotics he had taken in hospital, and discovered the power of food as medicine and Dr David Perlmutter who wrote The Grain Brain.

    He has now made a full recovery and is also free of MS symptoms.

    Matt’s tips:

    • Become aware of your thoughts, triggers and reactions.
    • Decide how you will react with more self love and compassion.
    • Fill your cup up first, make yourself a priority.

    Get in touch with Matt Rowe

    Website: www.mattrowecoaching.com
    Instagram: @identityofhealth
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/identityofhealth

    Work with Amanda

    Consultations with Amanda

    If interstate or international :
    Call us on 1300 188 882 or email hello@amandacampbell.com.au to find out how to book in for online coaching if you are outside of Melbourne / International.


    Amanda presents her wellness workshops and keynotes virtually, live on zoom.

    To book Amanda to speak at your event or workplace please contact:
    1300 188 882

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandacampbellspeaker
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/amandacampbell_speaker/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmandaC_health
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amandacampbellau
    Blog: https://www.amandacampbell.com.au/blog

    Podcast: Bend Like Bamboo on Itunes

    Online course: https://bendlikebamboo.teachable.com/courses/

    Bend Like Bamboo

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/BendLikeBamboo
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bendlikebamboo/

    Allyson Brown, founder of Everheal, Ep 41, How nutrition can heal autoimmune symptoms

    Allyson Brown, founder of Everheal, Ep 41, How nutrition can heal autoimmune symptoms

    Allyson Brown is the Director of Everheal and creator of the 4-Step LIFE Formula Program. She completed her PhD in Analytical Research in 2010, has presented Nationally at the 2020 Virtual Disability Expo and has been featured in TickerNews, TickerInsights, MS InTouch Magazine, and was an acclaimed speaker at the 2022 Symptom Free MS Summit.

    After suffering from Multiple Sclerosis (MS) since 2005, Allyson was forced to resign from her corporate job due to debilitating fatigue and brain fog. However, Allyson’s life changed forever when she discovered the healing properties of food, which helped her overcome these symptoms and restore her quality of life.

    Allyson then researched recommendations from experts and functional medicine practitioners from across the globe, to discover the critical links between gut health and autoimmunity, and ultimately how to use food as medicine!

    Allyson is now dedicated to sharing her research and LIFE Formula Program to help educate, encourage, and empower fellow autoimmune sufferers about how to improve their health naturally, so they can get the most out of life too.

    Allyson and I have so much in common, two girls living with MS who have done a lot of research on the mind and body to relieve our own symptoms of brain fog, fatigue, numbness,  and in Allyson's case optic neuritis, and paralysis for me. I love what she is doing in her business Everheal, she has created a program that helps people to navigate the transitional changes with the power of healthy eating. From meal plans to chopping lists to cleaning out the pantry with real wholefoods, she has you covered.

    When Allyson was diagnosed, it was after she was experiencing a pinched nerve sensation in her upper back, the right-hand side of her body became numb, and her legs just weren’t feeling right. Her doctors ran some tests, and an MRI showed lesions on her brain and spine, Allyson was diagnosed with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. Relapsing-remitting MS is a type of MS where you have relapses (symptoms getting worse) followed by recovery (that's when it's “remitting”). Your disability doesn't get worse between relapses but after each relapse, it can end up worse than before.

    Allyson has experienced twenty relapses over the last 15 years that led to symptoms of brain fog, fatigue, and optic neuritis. The optic nerve carries images of what the eye sees to the brain. When this nerve becomes swollen or inflamed, it is called optic neuritis. It may cause sudden, reduced vision in the affected eye. Allyson at times also found it difficult to walk.

    In 2020 Allyson had to stop working in her corporate job as an analyst. She experienced anxiety and depression, wondering what had happened to her life. Feeling miserable, she thought - is this it? So she had to find a new way to get motivated to try something new. Allyson discovered that there were diets out there that could help promote repair in the body, she followed Dr. Terry Wahl’s Paleo diet, a neurologist who also has Multiple Sclerosis. Dr. Wahls is a IFM-trained physician, educator, researcher, and patient.

    Within 3 months, her energy returned, she got her brain back and the anxiety and depression began to subside - life-changing. It involved eliminating inflammatory foods such as sugar, dairy, gluten, processed foods, and alcohol,  and replacing them with nutrient-dense fruits, vegetables, fiber, good fat, and protein. There are many diets out there, so Allyson put her analyst skills to good use and discovered that 70-80% of healthy diets overlap the same foods.

    Allyson believes that resilience is our ability to never up on ourselves, and it is our ability to keep learning so that we can persist to get results.

    It is now Allyson’s passion to help others on their journey to eat better and feel better.

    Allyson’s tips:

    • Be open to a new way of thinking.
    • Educate yourself with new strategies that could be more effective 
    • Take action and apply

    Work with Amanda

    Consultations with Amanda

    If interstate or international :
    Call us on 1300 188 882 or email hello@amandacampbell.com.au to find out how to book in for online coaching if you are outside of Melbourne / International.


    Amanda presents her wellness workshops and keynotes virtually, live on zoom.

    To book Amanda to speak at your event or workplace please contact:
    1300 188 882

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandacampbellspeaker
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/amandacampbell_speaker/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmandaC_health
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amandacampbellau
    Blog: https://www.amandacampbell.com.au/blog

    Podcast: Bend Like Bamboo on Itunes

    Online course: https://bendlikebamboo.teachable.com/courses/

    Bend Like Bamboo

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/BendLikeBamboo
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bendlikebamboo/

    Casey Stevens, Spiritual Psychologist, integrative Psychology, Ep 40, You think about your thought you get what you got

    Casey Stevens, Spiritual Psychologist, integrative Psychology, Ep 40, You think about your thought you get what you got

    Casey has over a decade of clinical practice working with thousands of clients worldwide. She is a Licensed Psychotherapist, a Master Certified Consciousness Coach, and a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Beyond that her intuition and healing abilities allow her to feel the client’s unique energy patterns adapting tools and techniques to support optimal organization for the precise needs of each soul. 

    Casey offers a unique combination of behavioral sciences, psycho-education, quantum physics, clinical psychotherapy, intuitive energy practices, ancient medicine techniques, and mystical studies to not only help but to guide her clients to true somatic embodied healing.

    Casey uses a blend of traditional and holistic psychologies to restructure non-productive patterns honoring the complex and multidimensional layers of the human experience, helping clients to make radical transformations through conscious awakening. 

    Her specialized organic process includes: Invitation, Presence, Attunement, Release, Restructuring, Initiation, Activation, and Fortification. 

    Over the span of Casey’s career, she sweetly integrated being clinically trained and mystically guided, blending her behavioral psychology studies and her intuitive ability, listening deeply to the unseen to create organization in all layers and systems. 

    Casey bridges the worlds of science and spirituality in the realm of human behavior and Consciousness. Casey's vision for transformation and expansion guides luminous Divine intelligence and the pathway to wholeness. Through her holistic and clinical interdisciplinary approach, Casey works to guide clients toward cultivating a deep connection with their sacred inner wisdom so they may lead an awakened, meaningful life.

    Currently, Casey is a licensed psychotherapist in private practice in WA State, a Consultant, Mentor, and Coach working with individuals, couples, families, organizations, and businesses throughout the world. Her clients include those individuals and groups who seek to shift deep unconscious patterns limiting their highest potential. Her clients are deeply invested in understanding the multidimensional consciousness of Self, relational frameworks, and larger community systems to heal organically. Some of her favorite work comes from immersive sessions where time and space don’t limit healing; instead, clients can access their unlimited potential by deepening into the complex framework of their psyche and soul’s blueprint. Casey also offers quantum-channeled guided meditations accessing and transforming the subconscious.

    Casey believes that resilience is not about the problem, but how we orient ourselves around our problem. She believes this is a new opportunity for growth, a new possibility, and how we can make space for that is important.

    “You think about your thought, you get what you got”

    Casey explained that, when we are going through a difficult time,  we can expand our awareness to give us the ability to see our situation with a new perspective. When we can’t find the ability to elevate our mindset, we want to look deeper at the subconscious programming that is blocking us.

    Casey also lives with an autoimmune disease, and in her experience, many healers have an autoimmune condition as they tend to be connected to people who love to be of service, pleasers, and caretakers.   Casey had to overcome pain and a feeling of dis-ease in her body, but when she has flare-ups now, she is better at catching them. Casey talked about a recent event where she went out to an event and had a few cocktails with some friends to celebrate and destress, and it took her a few days to recover because her body responded with inflammation. She advises honoring the messages when your body is trying to communicate with you via fatigue, headaches, sore neck, and shoulders, or lower back. 

    How does she do that? Casey restructures her calendar to rest more when she is noticing her signs slow down. She connects to her intuition when meeting new clients, to only take on what she feels is right, and to say no when it is not.

    Casey’s tips:

    • Know yourself- what is your baseline? This is different for everyone.
    • Come back to your inner anchor and base regularly with movement, meditation, tapping, or rest.
    • Go inwards to discover your messages, this is where you will find more information about your symptoms.

    Get in touch with Casey Stevens

    Please find more details about Casey, her work, practice, modalities, and offerings:
    Website | Instagram | Schedule

    Work with Amanda

    Consultations with Amanda

    If interstate or international :
    Call us on 1300 188 882 or email hello@amandacampbell.com.au to find out how to book in for online coaching if you are outside of Melbourne / International.


    Amanda presents her wellness workshops and keynotes virtually, live on zoom.

    To book Amanda to speak at your event or workplace please contact:
    1300 188 882

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandacampbellspeaker
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/amandacampbell_speaker/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmandaC_health
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amandacampbellau
    Blog: https://www.amandacampbell.com.au/blog

    Podcast: Bend Like Bamboo on Itunes

    Online course: https://bendlikebamboo.teachable.com/courses/

    Bend Like Bamboo

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/BendLikeBamboo
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bendlikebamboo/

    Tobie Puttock, celebrity chef, and founder of Made by Tobie, Ep 39, Structure and emotional balance build resilience

    Tobie Puttock, celebrity chef, and founder of Made by Tobie, Ep 39, Structure and emotional balance build resilience

    Tobie Puttock began his cooking career at Melbourne’s Cafe e Cucina, before traveling to picturesque Lake Como, Italy to work at the beautiful Hotel Florence. After years of perfecting his culinary skills, Tobie travelled to the UK to work at the famous River Café, cooking alongside a young Jamie Oliver, who shared his passion for simply cooked Italian food and became a close friend.

    Tobie returned to Melbourne, Australia in 2000 after further stints in Italy and Switzerland, to set up restaurant ‘Termini’.

    In 2002 his old mate Jamie presented him with a new challenge – to return to the UK to become Head Chef of the first Fifteen Restaurant, a social enterprise to teach under-privileged youths to become chefs in a gourmet environment.

    Tobie seized the opportunity and was instrumental in helping Fifteen, London achieves its status as ‘Tatler's - Restaurant of the Year' in 2003.

    In 2005, Tobie returned home to Melbourne to establish Australia’s own Fifteen Restaurant and Charitable Foundation. Opening in September 2006, Tobie continued Jamie and the Fifteen Foundation’s work - giving 15-20 under privileged Australian youths each year the opportunity, training, and support to become qualified chefs.

    Tobie’s honest, light-hearted approach and passion for topics such as organics, sustainability, seasonality, and ethical eating, has seen him in high demand as a guest on some of Australia’s favourite television programs, The Circle, Good Morning Australia and Ready Steady Cook as well as writing for Australian titles such as Good Taste Magazine, Delicious and Sunday Life.

    Tobie also appears regularly at major food events around Australia including the Good Food and Wine Show, Organic Expo, Great Barrier Feast and The Gluten Free Expo.

    Since returning to Melbourne, Tobie has featured in the Channel 10 hit series, Jamie’s Kitchen Australia (2006) and Lifestyle’s FOOD TV series, Tobie and Matt - Europe and Asia (2008), several years as a Guest Judge with Channel 7’s ratings hit My Kitchen Rules, co-hosting ‘Wonderful Indonesia Flavours’ Season One and Two for the Asian Food Chanel (2015). and most recently The Healthy Cooks in 2020 on Channel 9.

    Tobie has written and released five best selling cookbooks, Daily Italian (2006), Italian Local (2008), Cook like an Italian (2010) The Chef Gets Healthy (2015) and Super Natural (2018) which sees Tobie take a new direction toward plant based eating with a balanced lifestyle.

    He has also created a series of short format video cook eBooks that are available via iTunes in 25 countries.

    In 2013 after over 20 years in restaurants Tobie turned his focus to several new and exciting projects including a YouTube channel. He also worked closely with Jamie and Woolworths on an online video series ‘Jamie’s Table’.

    Tobie has consulted for many companies and groups such as Jamie’s Italian Australia, Jamie’s Ministry of Food as a consulting creative director, Prahran Market in Melbourne and has been a proud ambassador to Jamie’s Ministry of Food Australia and Prahran Market. As well as these ongoing roles Tobie has featured in major campaigns for Heinz, Woolworths, Fisher & Paykel, National Australia Bank, Oliana foods and many more.

    Tobie’s most recent focus is his own brand of frozen ready meals. “Made by Tobie” are single serve ready meals that started as something he made for friends during the continuous lockdowns in his hometown of Melbourne.

    With years of experience developing recipes Tobie has launched a direct to consumer model through the Made by Tobie website. Meals are sold in packs of ready meals catering for plant based, pescatarian and meat eaters with a focus on producing meals that aren’t harmful to us or the environment. The meals are sold frozen to eliminate food waste and are sold in garden compostable packaging.

    Tobie believes that resilience is not only our ability to keep going, but also our ability to recover from a difficult time, how we deal with our emotions, and how we process this is the important part.

    I loved interviewing Tobie, he shares a passion for mine to make sustainable, ethical, and nutrient-dense foods more accessible to eat. His resume is extraordinary and he has accomplished so much as a chef and entrepreneur.

    How does Tobie destress and reset? “I do this with meditation and yoga because it helps me to step away from things, to create a clear mindset so that I can be more solution focused. It is with this mindset, that I can create more of a structure to delegate and problem solve,” says Tobie.

    “When we had to close the Fifteen restaurant, it was a very difficult time for me,” says Tobie. There was a conflict he had to manage with opposing views with his business partners, and he was the face of the restaurant. He was feeling really hurt, and angry, and many emotions at this time. He was also on TV trying to keep a happy face while going through a really hard time. “It felt like being dragged behind a car,” he said.

    Then someone said the most profound thing to me that was life-changing. I was in a dark place, I spent a lot of time at home.  “This is business it happens all the time.” this shifted my mindset helping me to realise I was creating a problem by putting so much on myself. I finally had 80 hours a week of my life back, I started running, I practice yoga and meditation, and got my fitness and vitality back. Mentally this was a huge help. I also found a therapist that helped me to manage my emotions,s I am a huge fan of therapy it is not a modality to go to if there is something wrong, it helped me to understand myself and to be a better person.

    “Allowing myself to stop and concentrate on my health was key in helping me to deal with this difficult time,” says Tobie 
    ”Working in kitchens that had a lot of structure, and having more time at home led me to my turning point when my wife and I found out we were pregnant. This was life-changing for me, I found a new purpose that took my focus onto another being and away from myself.”

    “After the lockdowns, we had in Melbourne, some of my contracts dropped and I had to figure out how to transform my business so that it wasn’t always me as the business,” says Tobie

    That is how Made by Tobie was born, a good friend of Tobie’s helped him see that his experience in Youtube editing, website development, Tv, and food all married together putting him in a strong position to back himself to start a ready-made meal business. The first year he used it as a proof of concept, and Tobie taught himself to do every component of the new business.

    Made by Tobie is a food business that focuses on seasonal produce, using minimal waste with no preservatives. He achieves this by creating packs of food meals that are vegetarian, pescetarian, and meat. In Australia, about 40% of food produced is not consumed and ends up in a landfill. This makes Tobie very unhappy. His solution is to produce delicious meals served to you snap-frozen allowing him to eliminate waste and deliver you the ultimate convenience food.

    Tobie has a passion for creating solutions that will reduce the impact our food production has on the environment while creating meals that are delicious and not harmful to us. The packaging is called Begasse (yep, weird name) and it's made of pulped sugar cane. This packaging is fridge, freezer, oven, and microwave friendly and when you are done the packaging can be rinsed and recycled or put in the compost.

    Tobie’s tips:

    • Discover your ability to believe that you can tackle anything. 
    • Look after yourself, your mind, body, and health.
    • Be kind, spread kindness.

    Get in touch with Tobie Puttock

    Tobie Puttock Insta
    Made by Tobie 

    Shane Boyd, Resilience Coach, and Entrepreneur, Ep 38, How to swing from fear to faith

    Shane Boyd, Resilience Coach, and Entrepreneur, Ep 38, How to swing from fear to faith

    Shane Boyd, resilience coach, and business owner believes that resilience is the ability to have physical, mental, and spiritual resilience - which is our ability to switch from fear into faith, within ourselves, in the universe, and with others.

    It is our ability to pause and create space before we react and make a decision. “I call it the next organic step, not pushing too hard in one direction that is often led by the analytical mind, instead of drawing from our gut and intuition as well. Our ability to create this space is what resilience means to me,” says Shane.

    Shane believes that resilience is our ability to enable young people to have a voice and to build their inner resilience to be able to say no. To understand that it is ok to make a mistake, and to be kinder to ourselves.

    Learn more about Shane’s amazing story, and his business in the podcast and live video on YouTube below.

    Shane Boyd has been a resilience coach and entrepreneur for 25 years, having built, bought, and sold numerous businesses in this time.

    Shane has been a Coach for the last 14 years, he studied at the Coaching Institute Melbourne. Shane’s experience has come from being open to opportunities and taking risks.

    As a keynote speaker, Shane enjoys speaking to teenagers at Melbourne’s most elite High Schools. In this forum, he explains the importance of decision making particularly, around drugs alcohol, and sexual health.

    Shane’s own journey with addiction has given rise to his ability to speak candidly on these topics. Navigating his own personal journey of coming out as a gay man, Shane has relied upon his close community for support, and on his own journey has had to answer the basic questions of ‘Am I good enough’ ‘Do I belong” and “Am I loved’?

    “Do not judge me by my success, judge me on how many times I fell down and got back up” NELSON MANDALA

    Shane describes himself as a shy introvert who as a child, moved to many schools, leading to beliefs that he didn’t fit in and that he didn’t belong. Coming out as a guy man, initially gave Shane a sense of relief, but he quickly realised that he also had to be patient as he began to learn how to become a new version of himself, that believed in himself more.

    15 years ago, at age 35 Shane was diagnosed as HIV positive, which was a huge wake-up call for him to look after his well-being and he began to take the steps to take more responsibility for himself. while healing from this, he turned lemons into lemonade by wanting to give back to the community to help others who had also gone through an HIV diagnosis, and what he had gone through growing up.

    This is what led Shane to build a career in speaking at schools to kids, about sexual health, drugs, alcohol, and how we make our decisions. Shane also found a not-for-profit community Living Positive Victoria that provided him with education and inspiration to live a healthy and positive life with his diagnosis. Shane has had to learn to flip his circumstances, seeing them with a fresh perspective, which is not always easy to do. But when he shares his story with his clients, hearing their feedback and making a difference in their perspective, and in their lives, also helps Shane to see his world through loving and kind lenses.

    At Shane’s lowest point, he was with a GP who asked him to google HIV to figure out how it was going to impact him. When instead, he was in search of a personalised approach and understanding of how the disease was going to impact his health and life. “When we google any topic, we will find hundreds of different opinions and advice, and I found this approach overwhelming so I had to learn what self-care essentially meant to me as an individual,” says Shane. “We need to know what works for us, and this is different for everybody. Having Kinesiology with Amanda was another great tool that has helped me to dive deeper into self-care, as layers of emotional blocks and energy were shifted and removed from my body”. Says Shane.

    Shane’s life is better now, after what he went through “because I have found an inner sense of calm that is now unflappable. My self-belief to myself, in making money, and my ability to connect with empathy are strong, and this is what helps me to swing my inner pendulum from fear to faith.” Says Shane.

    Learn more about Shane’s coaching and stunning store’s J’Adore Botanic in the links below.

    J’Adore Botanic

    Shane Boyd Facebook 

    Shane’s tips:

    • Turn up every day, even when you don’t want to.
    • Surrender to the process, testing your own inner resilience which is unique to you.
    • Don’t beat yourself up.

    Get in touch with Tanya Lopez

    Web: TanyaLopez

    Insta @https://www.instagram.com/hi.tanyalopez/

    Work with Amanda

    Consultations with Amanda

    If interstate or international :
    Call us on 1300 188 882 or email hello@amandacampbell.com.au to find out how to book in for online coaching if you are outside of Melbourne / International.


    Amanda presents her wellness workshops and keynotes virtually, live on zoom.

    To book Amanda to speak at your event or workplace please contact:
    1300 188 882

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandacampbellspeaker
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/amandacampbell_speaker/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmandaC_health
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amandacampbellau
    Blog: https://www.amandacampbell.com.au/blog

    Podcast: Bend Like Bamboo on Itunes

    Online course: https://bendlikebamboo.teachable.com/courses/

    Bend Like Bamboo 

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/BendLikeBamboo
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bendlikebamboo/

    Tanya Lopez, Event strategist for entrepreneurs, Ep 37, How to create a vision for your future, instead of your past

    Tanya Lopez, Event strategist for entrepreneurs, Ep 37, How to create a vision for your future, instead of your past

    As an event strategist and experience designer, Tanya weaves magic, connection, and beauty into the way we gather. 

    Tanya was the head of events for Mindvalley and Creative Director for A-fest, which she scaled globally. 

    Prior to event production, Tanya was a communications and marketing exec for companies like Nike and NBC-Universal. 

    From high-end masterminds in Bali to spiritual adventure retreats, and transformational coaching containers, Tanya loves to work with heart-centered, impact-driven entrepreneurs to create profitable experiences. She does that by helping her clients build their brands, business, and communities.

    Tanya's mission is to bring more beauty, connection, and expansion into the world through transformational experiences.

    As a certified coach, she works one-on-one with female entrepreneurs to create an intentional and soul-aligned life and business merging purpose, profit, and passion.


    “ While head of Mindvalley events, Tanya’s leadership, vision, and creativity helped make A-Fest THE personal growth and entrepreneurship conference to attend — described as an epic “Burning Man meets TedX” event, Tanya always brought the WOW factor that left guests awed and talking about their experience for years. With a sharp business sense and strategic vision, she also led efforts in scaling and growing A-Fest by expanding to Asia and Europe — all while receiving off-the-charts feedback and ratings, significantly growing profits and revenue, and helping to create and nurturing a global Tribe. Over our many years of working together, I’ve come to trust Tanya to create simply amazing events and experiences that take people through a deep journey and create lasting impact and transformation.”

    Vishen Lakhiani, NYT Best-Selling Author, CEO, and Founder of Mindvalley

    Tanya is gorgeous and has had an incredible career. This interview really inspired me to remember to trust. These are the moments that matter when we are faced with uncertainty and do not know what is coming next.  Who we are in these moments is what matters. Whether we are humming along in life and it seems to be in our control, or if we are faced with an ending and a total rebuild, in reality, Tanya says that we never really know what is coming next.

    So true! All we have is the present moment, and to find joy in that, the most creative and productive state we can be in.

    What does resilience mean to Tanya? “Getting back up when life knocks us down. Finding that anchor within ourselves, that inner knowing that reminds us that we are ok. This part of us can be inaccessible at times” says Tanya. Today I learned how Tanya goes about evoking this state within herself that has helped her to rebuild her business and life, after having a career in live events prior to Covid.

    5 years ago, life gave Tanya not just one blow but about 5 blows all at once. You know how that feels, when one thing seems to unravel one after the other, un-achoring you and turning your world completely upside down. 

    Tanya was born in New Jersey, and has lived in Florida, Malaysia, LA, and New York. She has travelled extensively running global live events and has loved a career in events management. Tanya was living in Spain, Ibiza and had travelled to Bali for the winter. During Covid, she could not get home, so she had to give up her lease and stayed in Bali, a wonderful decision that led to her finding a long-term home, where she also met her partner who she now lives with. She has adopted 3 furbabies and life has come full circle.

    However a few years ago, this had not yet unfolded, and Taya had to pivot her business to survive. She adopted a morning practice that helped her to re-anchor within herself. A ritual she recommends as a first step. This helps her to re-centre and reconnect back to herself, and also something that is greater than herself. She decided to repackage her offering to help other entrepreneurs to deliver successful events (in erson and online) and he has not looked back. 

    Tanya believes that our hurdles are blessings in our lives, and if we can facilitate the right mindset to see the world through these lenses, we can be led onto a new path and trajectory that is more aligned with who we are next in our lives. 

    In one year she hit 6 figures, want to know how see did it?

    “When I leap, the answer always appears. I am always ok. As I build my resilience and confidence to keep leaping, I get better at trusting the process” Says Tanya. 

    “I have learned to trust myself, the process, that the answers are within me, I have the resources around me, I will always know what the next step will be and that life is always working out for me.” Says Tanya. 

    Tanya’s tips:

    • Explore a personal practice, connection with self, and also something that is greater than you. I dance, shake, pray, meditate, journal and make it fun, asking my body what it needs every morning. 
    • Create a life vision for yourself, relationships, finances, health, and fitness. Connect to the vision of the future, instead of the past.
    • Remember your power, and how amazing you are.

    Get in touch with Tanya Lopez

    Web: TanyaLopez

    Insta @https://www.instagram.com/hi.tanyalopez/

    Work with Amanda

    Consultations with Amanda

    If interstate or international :
    Call us on 1300 188 882 or email hello@amandacampbell.com.au to find out how to book in for online coaching if you are outside of Melbourne / International.


    Amanda presents her wellness workshops and keynotes virtually, live on zoom.

    To book Amanda to speak at your event or workplace please contact:
    1300 188 882

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandacampbellspeaker
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/amandacampbell_speaker/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmandaC_health
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amandacampbellau
    Blog: https://www.amandacampbell.com.au/blog

    Podcast: Bend Like Bamboo on Itunes

    Online course: https://bendlikebamboo.teachable.com/courses/

    Bend Like Bamboo 

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/BendLikeBamboo
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bendlikebamboo/

    Marcel Lal, CEO APAC for InXpress, Ep 36, When things don't go your way, pause and reflect

    Marcel Lal, CEO APAC for InXpress, Ep 36, When things don't go your way, pause and reflect

    Marcel is leading the APAC team & operations in Australia, New Zealand, India, Vietnam, Hong Kong & South Korea, as one of the largest authorised global partners of leading carriers including DHL, TNT/ FedEx & UPS, the InXpress business has an extensive franchise network of over 450 locations that has grown since 1999, and is now in 14 countries spanning the Americas, Asia Pacific and UK/EMEA regions.

    Raised in Sydney where he was educated and worked in his career initially, now he lives in Brisbane with his wife and daughter. Marcel values family time, opportunities to travel, and watching and playing sports.

    In this interview, Marcel shares his story and what he went through after he lost his father in his early 20’s. His father died at age 49 and marcel took over the family business, and stepped into a support and leadership role that forced him to stretch beyond his comfort zone at such a young age. He became the rock to those around him, colleagues, family, and friends. This made a lot of sense to me, as upon my first meeting with Marcel in person when I was engaged to speak at the Gold Coast conference earlier this year in 2022, he had a way of making you feel totally at ease in his company. Amongst his peers, you can see that he is the rock, and it is always so inspiring to meet a leader as warm and grounded as Marcel.

    Marcel believes that resilience is a state of mind, that we take into situations. It is our approach to adversity and challenges, and he believes our ability to be optimistic plays an important role in how we navigate our way through them.

    “Looking at things from a business perspective and what we did in the company to get through that code to still be successful, and you take that into your personal life as well. So from a resilience perspective, yes, it's a state of mind, I think it's actually the approach and the approach you take to dealing with certain situations good and bad. I am able to see the world naturally as a glass half full. And I think that no matter what life throws at you, I think that you've got to take a certain level of optimism into it.” says Marcel.

    As a result of taking on such a big role and being stretched beyond his limits in his early 20s, Marcel says “I had to suppress my feelings after my Dad dies to lead his company. Hi didn’t find a way to let his emotions out, and he wasn’t yet equipped to deal with the business, the staff, and the difficult decisions that a CEO must make.

    “And I think that that was very, very challenging, challenging. And at the time, you maybe don't even get a chance emotionally to deal with what you need to, to let out how you are feeling because you're immediately into a fix it sort of mode for others. And it wasn't until time passed that truly I can reflect on that, being very close to my father. And still, it was very, very difficult to do all that whilst having those emotions. So I've got a feeling that that's helped shape me, it doesn't make me perfect, it just means I've got a few learnings that I think I've I've taken from him that was maybe forced upon me through circumstance”.

    ”I think it also forces me to think of self-reflection, for our business during COVID, I know that I am now a little bit older and wiser. I like to think that I reflect more on situations, reflect, and try to plan in advance when something happens to try to reflect. I think self-reflection is a really important thing to try not to beat yourself up.” says Marcel

    Talking to Marcel, gave me clarity in understanding that as we get a bit wiser, we realise that sometimes when things don't go our way, it's actually directing us towards a path that is right for us and in a new direction that although unfamiliar, in alignment with what we are ready for next. So we must have that confidence and faith in our ability to manage our emotions, to regulate our reactions, upon reflection.

    When we go through loss, grief, and big challenges, especially at a young age, we learn. We acquire tools that we bring into our adult lives, and upon observation and evidently, in Marcel’s life and career, we can turn lemons into lemonade and these tools help us to be braver, courageous, and more resilient. It allows us to step out of our comfort zone, we can lead the way, because we have stretched this muscle before. I admire people that display characteristics of resilience like this, it’s a little bit of magic and a sparkle in their eye, and it’s their ability to lead with courage, and also grace. It’s humbling yet exciting to be in their company. They make things happen, and they get the best out of all who surround them. Those that are following want to be their best, they are enthusiastic to try because they have an environment that makes them want to, that makes them believe in themselves too.

    Marcel’s tips:

    • Maintain connection and communication from the ground up.
    • Reflection is so important, stop and take the time to reflect on your decisions and your next move.
    • Surround yourself with good people that share common values with you, like-minded people at home and at work.

    Get in touch with Marcel Lal

    Web Inxpress
    LinkedIn @MarcelLal

    Work with Amanda

    Consultations with Amanda 

    If interstate or international :
    Call us on 1300 188 882 or email hello@amandacampbell.com.au to find out how to book in for online coaching if you are outside of Melbourne / International.


    Amanda presents her wellness workshops and keynotes virtually, live on zoom.

    To book Amanda to speak at your event or workplace please contact:
    1300 188 882

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandacampbellspeaker
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/amandacampbell_speaker/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmandaC_health
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amandacampbellau
    Blog: https://www.amandacampbell.com.au/blog

    Podcast: Bend Like Bamboo on Itunes

    Online course: https://bendlikebamboo.teachable.com/courses/

    Bend Like Bamboo

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/BendLikeBamboo
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bendlikebamboo/

    Ihsan Tuncel, Functional CHEK Trainer, Holistic Movement and Lifestyle Coach, Ep 35, What causes stress and what you can do about it

    Ihsan Tuncel, Functional CHEK Trainer, Holistic Movement and Lifestyle Coach, Ep 35, What causes stress and what you can do about it

    Ihsan Tuncel is as authentic as you can get. His own life story has led him to become an amazing health and fitness coach.

    He says “healthy living is my passion, how did I get here? I just wanted to feel amazing! Twenty years ago my health was not ideal. I was experiencing dozens of minor symptoms which were gradually getting worse. I knew deep down that I had to make some changes. That’s exactly what I did, and now I am experiencing the best health ever. I want to improve the lives of as many people as possible.”

    Ihsan’s approach is to keep health and fitness simple and fun and to help his clients to identify their authentic selves too. He says  “When you know “who you are”, it’s easier to know what you need.”

    What are your optimal dietary requirements?

    What, when, and how should you be eating?

    How much exercise, movement and rest does your body require?

    What are your movement and rehabilitation requirements?

    What are your core values and what do you stand for?

    What are your mental, spiritual and emotional needs?

    These are some of the vital questions that Ihsan will ask his clients,  that act as a compass and guide for him to assist you to get aligned with your path, and reach your true potential.

    What causes stress, and what can we do about it?

    In this interview, I chat with Ihsan about what causes stress, and together we discuss topics that are often not thought of or dismissed.

    Stress is a response that is important, it keeps us out of danger and alive. This is why it is our most dominant program, over rest and repair. Ihsan and I have both noticed that in our personal experience and also when treating clients, we want to get to the bottom of what is causing stress for them, and it is a unique and individual experience.

    Examples include: a toxic environment or relationships, medications, accidents, trauma, grief and loss, illness, and pain. Drinking too much coffee, poor diet, and a lack of exercise, these factors are all more obvious causes of stress.

    The less obvious factors and experiences that can be causing stress can be very emotional. 

    When we are tired, stressed, and anxious we tend to overthink the future, and become stuck in the past, living on autopilot. This impacts our ability to be at our best, at home, at work, and within our relationships.

    It is a mindset - and when you are stressed, tired, and feel disengaged, you may feel there is no way out.


    Have you ever noticed that having a goal is not enough to make it happen? What we believe about ourselves, and what can be possible is what matters.

    When we are stressed, we will focus more on the negative, we will over-worry, and we are more rigid, unhappy, and unwell. We squeeze out the fun and joy in what we are doing, we overthink and get stuck in our heads in the past or future. When we are stressed, we disconnect, we are unkind, we are frustrated, and we cannot perform at our best.

    When we are having more fun, and when we are believing in ourselves, we can make things happen. We are more flexible in our minds, we are solution-focused, we connect more, and we optimise repair because we are less stressed.

    It feels like a push/pull, like when you really want something, but you are too scared to go for it. An inner resistance that builds and builds and becomes background stress that lingers. When you feel like this, it is a time when you must ask yourself: Do you believe you can make it happen? And do you believe that you deserve it? 

    This ‘inner conflict’ sends a message from our brain out to our biochemistry to freeze, flight, or fight. This inner conflict can be the very source of pain in the body, disease, anxiety, depression, and inflammation. It is not just the consumption of unhealthy food and a lack of exercise that can cause stress. It is also how we are feeling about ourselves, and our belief in making things happen in our lives.

    We each have individual beliefs and experiences that become programs in our lives. Our individual thinking, feelings, and beliefs contribute to our reactions, how happy and healthy we will be, and how well we can promote repair in our minds and bodies. 

    They affect how we show up in our lives, the choices we make, and how we back ourselves when the going gets tough. How we will react when we must navigate change, and when we feel like we want to give up.

    For some of us, stresses or change can be from an experience of a lack of money, feeling powerless, out of control, going through a divorce, a break-up, or a change in job that will totally blow our circuits.

    Here is an example of beliefs and how they can mirror in our actions:



    BELIEF                                                                      BEHAVIOUR

    Belief that I am not successful                       Will work overtime without an off button

    Belief that I am not lovable                            You find it hard to receive love and support  

    Belief I am not beautiful or sexy                    You find it hard to put yourself out there 
                                                                             to date or meet people

    Belief that peoples aren’t trustworthy            You find it hard to receive help  

    Belief that you will be let down                     You have become overly self-sufficient

    If how we think and feel is so connected to the biochemistry of our bodies and the stress response, there is a way to promote repair and growth pathways instead that can help destress us, allowing us to feel more creative, solution-focused, adaptable, and flexible. 

    From this elevated mindset, we can see our situation with fresh eyes and from a new perspective, and ultimately find the courage to change our minds about what we are believing about ourselves, and what can be possible for us.


    The truth is right now you have no idea how adaptable you are. When we Bend Like Bamboo, we are anchored just like a Bamboo tree. When we discover our inner anchor, this allows us to be more flexible and resilient.

    We can let go of rigidity and stress, we become more flexible. Flexibility in our mindset impacts everything that matters, our body’s ability to repair, how happy and resilient we are, and how connected we can be.  Anchored and flexible, we can change our minds about old stories, we can let go of what is old and redundant, and re-imagine what can be possible in our minds, bodies, and lives.

    When we are flexible, we are more able to adapt and see our situations with fresh eyes, a higher perspective, we can think in new and ...

    Jeff Teale, Founder of Hex Talent and Hex Comm., Ep 34, How to nourish your talent for better business and wellbeing opportunities

    Jeff Teale, Founder of Hex Talent and Hex Comm., Ep 34, How to nourish your talent for better business and wellbeing opportunities

    Jeff specialises in connecting & engaging talented career-minded professionals across Australia.

    Founder of Hex Talent, a business specialising in talent exchange, and career engagement. Hex Talent is not your average recruitment company, Jeff’s vision is to disrupt the industry, nourishing his talent while offering better opportunities for corporates.

    Hex comm is his new company and wellbeing app, that connects talent in all stages of their career, supporting and nourishing them with access to a holistic wellness platform. His app gives his community access to content and specialists to optimise and elevate their mindset and performance.

    “It's taken me 37 years to reach a point where I feel I'm well aligned to delivering my life's purpose! I've followed a non-linear career path to get here. Started out chasing a professional sporting career, then zigging and zagging through multiple roles and industry sectors.

    I was always open to change. I even traveled the world as a professional singer for 10 years. It was through the insights, discoveries, and happy accidents that brought me to today.” says Jeff.

    I think Jeff is so interesting.  Jeff specialises in connecting and engaging talented career-minded professionals across Australia. His vision is to nourish his talent while offering better opportunities for corporates, which is how his second company Hex comm was birthed. A company and wellbeing app that connects talent in all stages of their career. His goal is to support and nourishing his community with access to a holistic wellness platform with access to content and specialists to optimise and elevate their mindset and performance.

    Jeff says “My business is a modern, innovative, and quite a disruptive approach to traditional agency recruitment. I moved into the agency recruitment space probably four and a half years ago. In a traditional model, recruitment is a very client-driven business to make money. I wanted to really reshape that entire engagement process with clients but also with talent, to create a model that's a non-commissioned driven model. On the talent side, I've wanted to build a business where I could really focus on people, assisting them on their career journey, be it through coaching and mentoring, professional development, unlocking opportunities with exposure to organisations, and all of those things, wrap it up in a nice little bow and in a in a nice little ecosystem, that enables that positive exchange with people, enabling them to thrive in their career. Wellbeing is a big sector, and what we're trying to do, is really wrap it up and align it to what that means for your career.”

    I asked Jeff, what does resilience mean to you?

    “Resilience to me is about, how do you get out of bed every single day with that positive mindset, and how can you get into that positive mindset quickly? If you get out with a negative mindset, or you've had a rough night's sleep, whatever it may be, how do you shift that on a daily basis? And how do you look at each day as an opportunity? I think the key is how do we manage stress, and how do we become aware of it too?” 

    There was a really pivotal moment in my life, which I think there's one thing that we're going to probably touch on now where I had to make some drastic changes. I went overseas and I came back from overseas and I had a bit of an issue with my gut. Tests suggested that there was nothing wrong. But in my mind, there was something wrong and that little issue was exacerbated over the course of probably 10 months. 

    I went from a pain in the gut to a pain in the shoulder, and I was feeling nauseous all the time. I had all these physical ailments that were coming out in my body, and I thought I was on death's door. I thought I was dying. And I thought there was something that just hadn't been found. 

    I spent a ridiculous amount of money that year going from specialist to specialist trying to figure out what was wrong with me, I saw one of Melbourne's top infectious diseases specialists, and it wasn't until probably later on that journey, there was a specific moment for me. There were a couple of specific moments actually, there was one when I was going to the hospital I was in all sorts. Getting out of my Uber, literally my legs just left me I couldn't walk. I was completely paralysed from the waist down and I was crawling on the ground. It was the weirdest sensation, and from here the doctor started talking more about exploring things from a mental perspective.” says Jeff.

    Jeff’s tips:

    • Talk to people, specialists, friends, and colleagues.
    • Education and awareness can help you enournously.
    • Smile, it helps you to be more oprimistic and this action is connected to our bochemistry.

    Get in touch with Jeff



    LinkedIn @JeffTeale

    Work with Amanda

    Consultations with Amanda 

    If interstate or international :
    Call us on 1300 188 882 or email hello@amandacampbell.com.au to find out how to book in for online coaching if you are outside of Melbourne / International.

    Speaking: Amanda presents her wellness workshops and keynotes virtually, live on zoom.

    To book Amanda to speak at your event or workplace please contact:
    1300 188 882

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandacampbellspeaker
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/amandacampbell_speaker/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmandaC_health
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amandacampbellau
    Blog: https://www.amandacampbell.com.au/blog

    Podcast: Bend Like Bamboo on Itunes

    Online course: https://bendlikebamboo.teachable.com/courses/

    Bend Like Bamboo

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/BendLikeBamboo
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bendlikebamboo/

    Nicole Campbell, Amanda’s Twin, Make-up Artist, and Tattooist, Ep 33, How to manage work and life with anxiety and Chron's Disease

    Nicole Campbell, Amanda’s Twin, Make-up Artist, and Tattooist, Ep 33, How to manage work and life with anxiety and Chron's Disease

    In this podcast, Nicole opens up about her struggle with her anxiety and OCD disorder - a side effect of feeling out of control with an autoimmune disease.

    Consistently rated as one of the most accomplished Eyebrow feathering clinics in Australia, Nicole Campbell has built Mien Brows into the leader it is today. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, with over 17 years in the Beauty Industry.

    With the launch of the Mien Brows Academy, Nicole’s courses are designed for students to be guided and mentored one on one. Their number one goal is setting the industry apart with a key focus on education, building strong relationships with our students and giving them the confidence within themselves to have a successful career in the industry, and to be the best Cosmetic Tattoo Brow Artist that they can be.

    I loved chatting with Nicole, in this podcast we talk about the power of the twin connection, what it has been like living with autoimmune conditions for most of our lives, and how we manage work and relationships, despite the setbacks that we have faced.

    I hope you enjoy this episode x

    Get in touch with Nicole

    Insta: @mienbrows

    Linkedin:  Nicole-Campbell

    Facebook:  @mienbrows

    Work with Amanda

    Consultations with Amanda 

    If interstate or international :
    Call us on 1300 188 882 or email hello@amandacampbell.com.au to find out how to book in for online coaching if you are outside of Melbourne / International.

    Speaking: Amanda presents her wellness workshops and keynotes virtually, live on zoom.

    To book Amanda to speak at your event or workplace please contact:
    1300 188 882

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandacampbellspeaker
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/amandacampbell_speaker/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmandaC_health
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amandacampbellau
    Blog: https://www.amandacampbell.com.au/blog

    Podcast: Bend Like Bamboo on Itunes

    Online course: https://bendlikebamboo.teachable.com/courses/

    Bend Like Bamboo

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/BendLikeBamboo
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bendlikebamboo/

    Amanda Campbell, Ep 32, How a Flexible Mindset Can Help You Overcome Stress, Uncertainty & Change

    Amanda Campbell, Ep 32, How a Flexible Mindset Can Help You Overcome Stress, Uncertainty & Change

    Today, I want to explore the topic of resilience and how to manage change. In the world and within ourselves, we are all experiencing a lot of change right now. How can we find that deep anchor and resilience within ourselves to feel happy and healthy as we navigate change?

    It's not an easy task, but we all must go through this, so we might as well have fun along the way. In this podcast, we will explore resilience, stress, and how to manage change with the power of flexibility. Along with tools that will help you to destress, manage change and see your situation with fresh eyes.

    Work with Amanda

    To book Amanda to speak at your event or workplace please contact:

    1300 188 882

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandacampbellspeaker
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/amandacampbell_speaker/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmandaC_health
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amandacampbellau
    Blog: https://www.amandacampbell.com.au/blog
    Podcast: https://damianandamanda.com/ 

    Online course: https://bendlikebamboo.teachable.com/courses/

    Professional Golfer Blake Collyer, Ep 31, How to Hold Centre When Life Doesn’t Go Your Way

    Professional Golfer Blake Collyer, Ep 31, How to Hold Centre When Life Doesn’t Go Your Way

    Introducing Blake, a professional golfer playing on the PGA Tour of Australasia and Asian Development tours. He is 25 years old and has been a professional since October 2019.  Blake is excited to take his game around the world and achieve as much as he can. 

    I loved chatting with Blake, he has achieved so much already at age 25. When I spoke to him about his life and philosophies he is well beyond his years. 

    Blake believes that resilience is about how to keep going with a positive attitude. 

    He thinks it is less about the outcome and more about the process. When a daily process is adopted to be strong in the mind and body, he feels like he is achieving little things that also lead to bigger achievements too.

    When Blake didn’t make the men’s state team, he was shocked. He was sure he was in, and this was something he had to overcome in his mind. He had to learn to get out of his head and find stability within himself to face his first rejection. At age 17, this setback was unexpected but it taught him so much. Blake managed to see this obstacle as an opportunity to dive deeper into who he is as a person. He is a warm, empathetic, and talented guy, and it has been so great to see him blossom in his career. 

    When Blake was at his lowest point, he felt alone and unsupported. When life doesn’t go our way, I am sure we can all relate. The question is, who are we in these moments, how do we reconnect within ourselves, so we can anchor in and find inner stability, instead of seeking affirmation externally? When we can find our inner anchor, we can find flexibility in our minds, to let go of the story we are telling ourselves about how we or life should be.

    Since this event, has continued to develop himself as a person and hasn’t looked back. He believes it is a critical part of being a successful athlete.

    Blake’s tips:

    • When you feel alone or unsupported, know that you are worthy of happiness and success and it will come.
    • Our environment is so important, surround yourself with positivity and people that are like-minded and have your best interest at heart.
    • Have patience :)

    Get in touch with Blake

    Insta: @blake_collyer1

    Twitter:  @BlakeCollyer

    Linkedin:  Blake Collyer
    Facebook:  Blake Collyer

    Work with Amanda

    Consultations with Amanda 

    If interstate or international :
    Call us on 1300 188 882 or email hello@amandacampbell.com.au to find out how to book in for online coaching if you are outside of Melbourne / International.

    Speaking: Amanda presents her wellness workshops and keynotes virtually, live on zoom.

    To book Amanda to speak at your event or workplace please contact:
    1300 188 882

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandacampbellspeaker
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/amandacampbell_speaker/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmandaC_health
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amandacampbellau
    Blog: https://www.amandacampbell.com.au/blog

    Podcast: Bend Like Bamboo on Itunes

    Online course: https://bendlikebamboo.teachable.com/courses/

    Bend Like Bamboo

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/BendLikeBamboo
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bendlikebamboo/

    Nick Moss, Ep 30, How to Navigate Change when Faced with a Crossroad in your Life

    Nick Moss, Ep 30, How to Navigate Change when Faced with a Crossroad in your Life

    Nick is one of Australia's most innovative health and Fitness practitioners and educators. 


    After his time as a soldier in the Australian Army, Nick developed a keen interest in high performance and rehabilitation. From there he studied Personal Training, Kinesiology, Mind-Body Medicine and Integrative Medicine which equipped him to deal with the types of complex issues clients were presenting with. 


    He became a lecturer in those modalities for the College of Complementary Medicine and has written courses in the field of Sports Therapy Kinesiology, Corrective Exercise and Manual Therapy. 


    Nick is continuously studying the human brain and nervous system. Most recently Applied and Functional Neurology and a Bachelor in Myotherapy.


    Nick has a holistic but targeted approach to understanding human physiology at a very deep level. Nick's clients have typically been to see a range of other practitioners with minimal results and require a different approach. 


    In addition to developing Functional Neuro Health as a premier brain-based therapy service and education provider, Nick has another business called Integrated Vitality which is a holistic health education provider that educates people in online courses, face to face seminars and holistic health retreats based on Integrative Medicine and Neuroscience.


    Nick is a keen reader and outdoors person, always moving and training, developing himself personally, professionally, and athletically. Nick's partner and daughter are the true loves of his life and he enjoys going on adventures in nature with them, living the healthiest life they can. 

    Get in touch with Nick





    Work with Amanda

    To book Amanda to speak at your event or workplace please contact:

    1300 188 882

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandacampbellspeaker
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/amandacampbell_speaker/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmandaC_health
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amandacampbellau
    Blog: https://www.amandacampbell.com.au/blog
    Podcast: https://damianandamanda.com/ 

    Online course: https://bendlikebamboo.teachable.com/courses/

    Paul Baiguerra, Screenwriter and Volunteer Firefighter, Ep 29, Reminding us to never give up on our dreams

    Paul Baiguerra, Screenwriter and Volunteer Firefighter, Ep 29, Reminding us to never give up on our dreams

    Paul Baiguerra is passionate about helping writers to believe in their ability to build their own career.  All journeys are different to becoming a writer, and Paul’s way of giving back is to help foster that for up-and-coming writers in his community.

    On Paul’s journey, he learned that when he was young, he took his thoughts and negative emotions too seriously. It is important to let these go. Our brains are always generating thoughts, let them come and go. Paul believes that we cannot think our way into resilience, it is a choice.

    Paul’s tips:

    • Know your process
    • Don’t fetish your writing, have the ability to write anywhere and keep it simple
    • Treat daily writing as a blue-collar job
    • Write all the time, and let the inspiration catch up to you
    • Have a warmup like journaling 

    Get in touch with Paul Baiguerra

    Web: paulbaiguerra.com

    Work with Amanda

    To book Amanda to speak at your event or workplace please contact:

    1300 188 882

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandacampbellspeaker
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/amandacampbell_speaker/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmandaC_health
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amandacampbellau
    Blog: https://www.amandacampbell.com.au/blog
    Podcast: https://damianandamanda.com/ 

    Online course: https://bendlikebamboo.teachable.com/courses/

    How Amanda uses Flexibility to Build Resilience, to Heal and also to Perform at her Best at Work | BONUS EPISODE

    How Amanda uses Flexibility to Build Resilience, to Heal and also to Perform at her Best at Work | BONUS EPISODE

    Todays bonus episode is a repost of the original interview Amanda did for the A Chronic Entrepreneur podcast.  Amanda shares how she uses flexibility to build resilience, to heal and also to perform at her best at work.

    Original Podcast Show Notes: https://achronicentrepreneur.com/?p=438

    Work with Amanda

    To book Amanda to speak at your event or workplace please contact:

    1300 188 882

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandacampbellspeaker
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/amandacampbell_speaker/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmandaC_health
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amandacampbellau
    Blog: https://www.amandacampbell.com.au/blog
    Podcast: https://damianandamanda.com/ 

    Online course: https://bendlikebamboo.teachable.com/courses/

    Sana Turnock, Courage Mindset Coach, and Speaker, Ep 27, The Art of Surrender and Have Faith and Trust You Will Find Your Courage

    Sana Turnock, Courage Mindset Coach, and Speaker, Ep 27, The Art of Surrender and Have Faith and Trust You Will Find Your Courage

    Sana is the founder and creator of her successful podcast called ‘Courage Unravelled’.  She is passionate about helping people grow a courageous mindset in business and life as growing your courage muscle has amazing benefits!

    Sana believes that resilience means the ability to survive adversity or some sort of big challenge and come through the other side having learned and grown from the experience. For the big life challenges, it can be like a strong and rising akin to the phoenix rising from the flames.  “I also get this image of Arnie Schwarzenegger in the Terminator Series arising from the flames, mangled and robotic – but alive, nevertheless.” Says Sana.

    In 2016 Sana experienced pins and needles in her legs and arms. She began to experience seizures that were body attacks of accumulated energy in her nervous system that released at night. They came out of the blue and developed into panic attacks. 

    At the time, Sana was experiencing a lack in her career professionally. Although she loved her career as an academic advisor, new clients were not consistent and the pressure built up as her home wasn’t selling on the property market. 

    Sana investigated a stroke or MS with her doctors and still continues to get to the bottom of the disruption that has occurred in her nervous system. Her exercise regimeme was reduced to slow walks, she lost weight and felt very fatigued. She also developed a sensitivity to foods like spinach and sweet potatoes, and peppermint tea, another sign that her body was under attack and inflammation. 

    It took twelve months of study and research and Sana finally began to feel well again. 

    No matter what Sana was going through, in her mind, she always believed that she would get through it. With the support of her amazing GP that was her rock at the hardest time of her life, she began to navigate her way through her journey back to health. Sana did a master herbalist course with David Crow, and also took a balanced approach incorporating acupuncture and psychology.

    In this engaging interview, Sana talks about gene testing helped her understand how her body was metabolising nutrients. I have also explored this testing and it was a game-changer for me. With the results we can understand which nutrients we may not absorb naturally and when you tweak your foods and supplements if necessary, it can really boost repair. 


    Sana learned that the most important thing for her was to surrender. The brain is the control centre, and it didn’t’ surprise me when Sana said it was also about emotionally letting go of control and where she wanted to go. I am forever inspired by the emotional links to our physical ailments.

    The other thing that Sana learned on this journey, was the power of the body and its ability to heal. With the right tools, we can let the body what it does best, it knows what to do. The trick is to figure out how to get out of its way. 

    At her lowest point Sana’s self-worth and esteem plummeted as she struggled in her career, she felt like she was experiencing rejection after rejection. She decided to go away for a weekend retreat, and she meditated, wrote down her skillset, and surrendered. On the first day, she was offered a new job. 

    Sana’s turning point was when she realised that she had a choice to go on and suffer further consequences or surrender. “When someone has faith in your skills it can change your life and that of others. My earth angel gave me the chance to have a 20-year career in clinical aromatherapy.” 

    Sana’s tips:

    • Surrender, let go of control of where you are going 
    • Exercise, eat well, meditate and be in nature 
    • The body has the ability to heal
    • Have faith and trust and you will find your courage

    Get in touch with Sana Turnock

    Web: Courgaeunravelled.com
    LinkedIn: Sana Turnock

    Work with Amanda

    To book Amanda to speak at your event or workplace please contact:

    1300 188 882

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amandacampbellspeaker
    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/amandacampbell_speaker/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmandaC_health
    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amandacampbellau
    Blog: https://www.amandacampbell.com.au/blog
    Podcast: https://damianandamanda.com/ 

    Online course: https://bendlikebamboo.teachable.com/courses/