
    The Binge Eating Dietitian Podcast

    Are you a health and fitness focused woman struggling with binge eating, a missing period, digestive issues and/or constant thoughts and anxieties around food? YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I was in your shoes for 4 years, trying EVERYTHING to stop binge eating only to end up succumbing to that terrifying urge to binge week after week. I finally became COMPLETELY free from the urge to binge, got my period back (without the pill), healed my digestion and found a balanced relationship with food and fitness. I became a Registered Dietitian and since 2019 I’ve been helping other women do this too in my virtual private practice. On this podcast you’ll hear many of them sharing their journey to peace and freedom with food. You’ll also be inspired and educated on all things food, body image, fitness and physique goals, digestive and hormonal health so you TOO can become TRULY healthy and fit.
    enElena Kunicki161 Episodes

    Episodes (161)

    Do THIS instead of Low FODMAP to help your IBS

    Do THIS instead of Low FODMAP to help your IBS

    It’s SUPER common for my clients who struggle with constant food thoughts, binge eating, and missing periods to ALSO struggle with digestive issues.


    …then to be diagnosed with IBS in their Gastroenterologist’s office and handed a “Low FODMAP diet” sheet 🙄.


    If something similar happened to you - you’re gonna want to listen to this episode..


    For someone who’s struggling with symptoms like food anxiety, urges to binge and missing periods…a VERY restrictive diet like Low FODMAP is often the exact OPPOSITE of what you need.


    The vast majority of people with disordered eating also struggle with digestive issues...because of the STRESS and MALNUTRITION that under eating, over exercising and restrictive food rules cause!


    The last thing you need in this situation is more restrictions.


    So in this episode, we’ll be covering:

    • How disordered eating impacts digestion

    • WHY the Low FODMAP diet is not recommended for those with disordered eating

    • And what to do INSTEAD to heal your gut health




    Click here to join my FREE class March 14th or March 15th where I’ll be going over the 7 steps you need to to take to stop binge eating, get your period back and become TRULY healthy and fit: https://6c4aacdb6e461e386fe04ab2538fc20f.mykajabi.com/binge-freedom-period-recovery-call


    Click here to submit your questions to be answered on a future podcast episode!




    FREE Class March 14th & March 15th! Binge Freedom & Period Recovery

    FREE Class March 14th & March 15th! Binge Freedom & Period Recovery

    I’m doing a FREE class March 14th and March 15th called ✨Binge Freedom & Period Recovery: The 7 Steps to FINALLY be free from binge eating, get your period back without the pill and reach fitness and physique goals without obsession


    Click here to sign up: bit.ly/ekfreeclass


    Submit a question for me to answer on the podcast: https://forms.gle/1nbreb65vwbrD9Qv6


    Follow me on Instagram @elenakunickird

    Follow me on Tiktok @elenakunickird

    What to do When the Urge to Binge Hits

    What to do When the Urge to Binge Hits

    You’ve tried meditating, calling a friend, drinking some tea, shaking your body, setting a timer for 10 minutes, taking a walk…and basically every other strategy out there to NOT eat when the urge to binge hits.


    But once that little voice in your head says “f*ck it…let’s open the floodgates and eat everything we want.” all your best laid plans go out the window.


    You end up waking up the next day with that terrible sinking feeling as it sets in that you lost control and “ruined your progress” yet again.


    You’re not alone.


    So what DO you do when the urge to binge hits?


    In this episode I share the strategy that has allowed me + hundreds of my clients not only NOT binge in the moment but also be completely free from the urge to binge FOR GOOD.


    ✨Download my FREE guide: How to Stop Binge Eating + Get Your Period Back via this link: 




    ❤️Learn more + Apply for 1:1 Coaching via this link:




    Submit questions for me to answer on a future episode: https://forms.gle/WtHJXSNn4M3jZs329


    Follow me on social media for more guidance, mindset shifts, and support!

    Instagram @elenakunickird

    TikTok @elenakunickird


    Email me at elena@elenakunicki.com 

    Why "Everything in Moderation" Isn't helping you Stop Binge Eating

    Why "Everything in Moderation" Isn't helping you Stop Binge Eating

    If you started binge eating, lost your period and developed digestive issues after losing weight, getting “fit” and “eating healthy”...this episode is for you!


    The MAIN reason why the “everything in moderation” approach hasn’t completely freed you from the urge to binge?


    👉You have something called EXTREME HUNGER - where your body and mind are requiring extra food to feel satisfied and refeed after years of undereating and overexercise.


    You’re expecting to jump from this very restrictive place to totally “balanced” with food, and that’s not how the human body works.


    You CAN get to a place where you NATURALLY crave all of your current “trigger” foods in “moderation”.


    You just have to restore balance to your hunger hormones, metabolism and relationship with food in order to get there!


    This episode will teach you how to do that.


    ✨Download my FREE guide: How to Stop Binge Eating + Get Your Period Back via this link: 




    ❤️Learn more + Apply for 1:1 Coaching via this link:




    Submit questions for me to answer on a future episode: https://forms.gle/WtHJXSNn4M3jZs329


    Follow me on social media for more guidance, mindset shifts, and support!

    Instagram @elenakunickird

    TikTok @elenakunickird

    Email me at elena@elenakunicki.com

    6 Common Fears Holding You Back From Binge Freedom & Period Recovery

    6 Common Fears Holding You Back From Binge Freedom & Period Recovery

    The fear of weight gain is the number one thing holding most of my clients back from stopping binge eating for good, getting their periods back without the pill and finding peace and freedom in their relationships with food and fitness.


    In this episode we’re going to outline the 6 most common fears related to weight gain and I’m going to give MY take on each of them to help shift your mindset so you can take the steps you need to become TRULY healthy and fit.


    Book a free discovery call here: bit.ly/discoverycallwithelena


    Submit questions for me to answer on a future episode: https://forms.gle/WtHJXSNn4M3jZs329


    Follow me on social media for more guidance, mindset shifts, and support!

    Instagram @elenakunickird

    Facebook - Elena Kunicki

    TikTok @elenakunickird


    Email me at elena@elenakunicki.com 


    Intentional Weight Loss with Jeb Stuart Johnston

    Intentional Weight Loss with Jeb Stuart Johnston

    Is intentionally trying to lose weight EVER sustainable without stopping binge eating and losing your period? Jeb Stuart Johnston (health coach and expert in emotional eating) and I discuss the topic in this episode!


    Find Jeb on Instagram @jebstuartjohnston or on his website https://www.foodonthemind.com/


    Submit questions for me to answer on a future episode!  https://forms.gle/WtHJXSNn4M3jZs329


    Work with me 👇




    Follow me on social media for more guidance, mindset shifts, and support!

    Instagram @elenakunickird

    Facebook - Elena Kunicki

    TikTok @elenakunickird

    Email me at elena@elenakunicki.com

    Disordered Eating & Period Recovery with Victoria Myers, RD

    Disordered Eating & Period Recovery with Victoria Myers, RD

    This is a suuuper exciting episode because I’m having the dietitian who helped me connect the dots back in 2018 on why I was binge eating, not getting my period and struggling with digestive issues. 


    Victoria Myers is the owner of the virtual coaching practice, Nourishing Minds Nutrition, that specializes in disordered eating + period recovery. As a Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (HA) dietitian and period recovery specialist, Victoria's goal is to help you nourish your body to find peace, get your period back and restore your health + fertility. You can find Victoria on Instagram at @nourishingmindsnutrition and on her popular podcast, Nourishing Women Podcast, to learn more about period recovery, intuitive eating and wellness without obsession.


    Listen to her podcast: The Nourishing Womens Podcast


    Submit questions for me to answer on a future episode!  https://forms.gle/WtHJXSNn4M3jZs329


    Work with me 👇




    Follow me on social media for more guidance, mindset shifts, and support!

    Instagram @elenakunickird

    Facebook - Elena Kunicki

    TikTok @elenakunickird


    Email me at elena@elenakunicki.com 


    Energy Work + Somatics and Eating Disorder Recovery with Kat Beck

    Energy Work + Somatics and Eating Disorder Recovery with Kat Beck

    Kat Beck (@katbeck) is a multi-dimensional medicine guide who combines energy work and somatics to help women revolutionize their relationship with their body and embody the force of nature they were meant to be, so they can actually LIVE and not just “heal”. 


    She shares her own story with body image, binge eating and bulimia and how she fully recovered. We chat about the role energy work and somatics can play in the healing process from disordered eating, and coming back to confidence and power in your own skin!


    Find her and her monthly membership, Embodied Mystics, on Instagram page: @katbeck


    Submit questions for the podcast!  https://forms.gle/WtHJXSNn4M3jZs329


    Work with me 👇




    Follow me on social media for more guidance, mindset shifts, and support!

    Instagram @elenakunickird

    Facebook - Elena Kunicki

    TikTok @elenakunickird

    Email me at elena@elenakunicki.com

    Disordered eating recovery, depression and self-acceptance with @purposelyangelica

    Disordered eating recovery, depression and self-acceptance with @purposelyangelica

    Angelica Guadalupe (@purposelyangelica on Instagram) shares her story with anorexia, binge eating/overeating, depression and finally learning to accept her body and make peace with food.


    Her website is: purposelyangelica.com


    Submit questions for the podcast!  https://forms.gle/WtHJXSNn4M3jZs329


    Work with me 👇




    Follow me on social media for more guidance, mindset shifts, and support!

    Instagram @elenakunickird

    Facebook - Elena Kunicki

    TikTok @elenakunickird


    Email me at elena@elenakunicki.com 


    Q&A - motivations behind exercise, going "all in" with PCOS and more!

    Q&A - motivations behind exercise, going "all in" with PCOS and more!
    • How do you know if you’re exercising because you like it or to change how your body looks?

    • Is it safe to go “all in” with PCOS? I’m scared

    • I want to be a dietitian who works with eating disorders. But I’ve had my own ED and I’m worried about being triggered

    • How to deal with needing to take an exercise break during injuries?


    …All these questions answered in this episode!


    Submit a question to be answered on the podcast: https://forms.gle/WtHJXSNn4M3jZs329


    Learn more about my group program Normal Eater (enrollment closes January 22nd)👇




    Follow me on social media for more guidance, mindset shifts, and support!

    Instagram @elenakunickird

    Facebook - Elena Kunicki

    TikTok @elenakunickird

    Email me at elena@elenakunicki.com

    Client Interview: Caitlin

    Client Interview: Caitlin

    Caitlin shares her story with binge eating, bulimia, losing her period and recovering to find a healthy relationship with food, exercise and her body image.


    Submit a question to be answered on the podcast: https://forms.gle/WtHJXSNn4M3jZs329


    Apply for my group program, Normal Eater 👇




    Follow me on social media for more guidance, mindset shifts, and support!

    Instagram @elenakunickird

    Facebook - Elena Kunicki

    TikTok @elenakunickird


    Email me at elena@elenakunicki.com 


    Reviewing a post about sugar addiction/abstinence for binge eating

    Reviewing a post about sugar addiction/abstinence for binge eating

    Submit pieces of content about binge eating, missing periods, body image, fitness, nutrition, etc. that you’d like me to review: https://forms.gle/WtHJXSNn4M3jZs329


    Apply for my group program, Normal Eater 👇




    Follow me on social media for more guidance, mindset shifts, and support!

    Instagram @elenakunickird

    Facebook - Elena Kunicki

    TikTok @elenakunickird

    Email me at elena@elenakunicki.com

    “If you don’t buy it it can’t tempt you” - my take on this advice for binge eating

    “If you don’t buy it it can’t tempt you” - my take on this advice for binge eating

    The advice to keep binge foods out of the house…why doesn’t it work for you?? What to do instead? In this episode!


    Apply for my group program, Normal Eater 👇




    Follow me on social media for more guidance, mindset shifts, and support!

    Instagram @elenakunickird

    Facebook - Elena Kunicki

    TikTok @elenakunickird


    Email me at elena@elenakunicki.com 


    Don’t set this New Years Resolution if you want to stop binging in 2024

    Don’t set this New Years Resolution if you want to stop binging in 2024

    This is why you keep struggling with binge eating year after year, despite trying everything to stop. And how to make 2024 the year you FINALLY break free.


    Apply for my group program, Normal Eater


    Join my free masterclass - Fitness and Physique Goals Without Obsession!👇




    Follow me on social media for more guidance, mindset shifts, and support!

    Instagram @elenakunickird

    Facebook - Elena Kunicki

    TikTok @elenakunickird


    Email me at elena@elenakunicki.com 


    How to deal with the fear of judgment from others about your body

    How to deal with the fear of judgment from others about your body

    The fear of judgment about their bodies holds a lot of women back from stopping binge eating and getting their period back! I outline how to deal with this in this episode.


    Apply for my group program, Normal Eater 👇 ($500 discount + free 1:1 coaching call for podcast peeps only until Dec 23rd!)




    Follow me on social media for more guidance, mindset shifts, and support!

    Instagram @elenakunickird

    Facebook - Elena Kunicki

    TikTok @elenakunickird

    Email me at elena@elenakunicki.com

    Is my period missing again? How to deal with late periods

    Is my period missing again? How to deal with late periods

    My period was late this month…here’s how I deal with this after 4 years of not having my period.


    PS: My small group program, Normal Eater, is reopening on Dec 18th! 


    Click the link below to book a free discovery call and see if this would be a good fit for you!




    Follow me on social media for more guidance, mindset shifts, and support!

    Instagram @elenakunickird

    Facebook - Elena Kunicki

    TikTok @elenakunickird

    Email me at elena@elenakunicki.com

    How I stopped binging in response to stress

    How I stopped binging in response to stress

    Stress is a very common trigger for binge eating…but it isn’t the root cause.


    PS: My small group program, Normal Eater, is reopening on Dec 18th! 


    Click the link below to book a free discovery call and see if this would be a good fit for you!




    Follow me on social media for more guidance, mindset shifts, and support!

    Instagram @elenakunickird

    Facebook - Elena Kunicki

    TikTok @elenakunickird

    Email me at elena@elenakunicki.com

    You don’t need to "eat mindfully" to stop binge eating

    You don’t need to "eat mindfully" to stop binge eating

    “Mindful eating” advice is often given to those who struggle with binge eating…here are my thoughts on why it’s usually not helpful for the women I work with.


    PS: My small group program, Normal Eater, is reopening on Dec 18th! 


    Click the link below to book a free discovery call and see if this would be a good fit for you!




    Follow me on social media for more guidance, mindset shifts, and support!

    Instagram @elenakunickird

    Facebook - Elena Kunicki

    TikTok @elenakunickird

    Email me at elena@elenakunicki.com



    An SOS episode to help you through that terrible post-binge period.


    PS: My small group program, Normal Eater, is reopening on Dec 18th! 


    Click the link below to book a free discovery call and see if this would be a good fit for you!




    Follow me on social media for more guidance, mindset shifts, and support!

    Instagram @elenakunickird

    Facebook - Elena Kunicki

    TikTok @elenakunickird

    Email me at elena@elenakunicki.com