
    The Business Mechanic Show

    Get ready to be inspired by Vaughn, co-founder of Results-Driven Leadership. He is not your average leadership development expert. As a co-founder of Results-Driven Leadership and former Carmax executive, he knows what it takes to be a high-impact leader and manager. Rather than offering theory, his coaching and training programs provide common-sense advice and direction based on real-world experience. It's no wonder that Carmax, the country's largest and most respected company in the auto industry, is a Fortune 100 Best Places to Work. Vaughn's leadership methods are sure to impress. His mission is to improve the impact of executives and managers by enhancing their knowledge, skills, and abilities. His motto says it all: "No matter what business you're in, you're in the people business."
    enVaughn Sigmon160 Episodes

    Episodes (160)

    My 7 Solutions to Reducing Stress and Avoiding Burnout

    My 7 Solutions to Reducing Stress and Avoiding Burnout

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    Title: Seven Solutions to Avoid Stress and Prevent Manager Burnout


    • Welcome to The Business Mechanic Show, the show that helps managers thrive in their professional lives while maintaining their well-being.
    • Today, we'll discuss seven practical solutions to avoid stress and prevent manager burnout, equipping you with strategies to excel in your role while taking care of yourself.

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    Episode Outline:

    1. Understanding Stress and Manager Burnout

      • Define stress and manager burnout, highlighting their impact on personal and professional life.
      • Share relevant statistics or studies to emphasize the prevalence of stress and burnout among managers.
    2. Solution 1: Effective Time Management

      • Explain the importance of prioritizing tasks and setting realistic deadlines.
      • Discuss techniques such as using a productivity planner, adopting the Pomodoro Technique, or employing project management tools to manage time effectively.
    3. Solution 2: Setting Boundaries

      • Emphasize the significance of setting clear boundaries between work and personal life.
      • Explore strategies like establishing designated work hours, avoiding work-related communication outside of those hours, and creating personal time for relaxation and rejuvenation.
    4. Solution 3: Delegation and Collaboration

      • Highlight the benefits of delegation and collaborative teamwork in reducing workload and preventing burnout.
      • Provide tips on identifying tasks that can be delegated, effective communication with team members, and fostering a collaborative work environment.
    5. Solution 4: Stress Management Techniques

      • Discuss various stress management techniques that managers can incorporate into their routines.
      • Cover practices like deep breathing exercises, mindfulness meditation, regular physical exercise, and taking breaks throughout the workday.
    6. Solution 5: Seeking Support

      • Encourage managers to seek support from mentors, colleagues, or professional networks.
      • Discuss the importance of having a support system and ways to foster connections and seek guidance in the workplace.
    7. Solution 6: Work-Life Integration

      • Introduce the concept of work-life integration, emphasizing the idea of finding harmony between work and personal life.
      • Share tips on integrating activities that bring joy and fulfillment into the workday, such as pursuing hobbies or engaging in personal development.
    8. Solution 7: Self-Care and Well-being

      • Emphasize the significance of self-care for managers' mental, emotional, and physical well-being.
      • Discuss self-care practices like getting sufficient sleep, maintaining a healthy diet, engaging in hobbies, and practicing self-compassion.


    • Summarize the seven solutions to avoid stress and prevent manager burnout.
    • Reinforce the idea that prioritizing self-care and implementing these strategies can lead to increased productivity, job satisfaction, and overall well-being.
    • Encourage listeners to choose one solution to implement immediately and commit to making positive changes in their work and personal lives.


    • Thank you for joining us on [Podcast Name].
    • Be sure to subscribe and tune in to future episodes for more valuable insights on managing stress, achieving work-life balance, and excelling in your managerial role.
    • Remember, taking care of yourself is essential for being an effective and fulfilled manager. Until next time!


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    The Surprising Relationship between Accountability and Workplace Happiness

    The Surprising Relationship between Accountability and Workplace Happiness

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    Welcome to The Business Mechanic Show; in today's episode, we have an eye-opening case study that will challenge your beliefs about accountability and its impact on employee engagement and satisfaction.


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    Contrary to traditional beliefs, high levels of accountability can actually drive employee happiness and engagement. In this captivating case study, we delve into the story of Nicole, a Vice President at an insurance company who faced the daunting task of turning around the worst-performing team in her organization.

    Nicole's approach was far from conventional. Instead of succumbing to the belief that excessive pressure and accountability breed burnout and unhappiness, she decided to take a different path. She implemented a culture of increased accountability and transparency within her team, leading to surprising and remarkable results.

    Join us as we explore how Nicole tackled the challenging situation of an underperforming team head-on. We'll uncover how she identified the core issues and implemented strategies to address them. Through Nicole's inspiring journey, we'll reveal the unexpected outcomes she achieved and the positive impact it had on her team and the entire organization.

    This case study isn't just about one person's experience; it's an opportunity for all of us to learn and apply these valuable insights to our own workplaces. Whether you're a manager, a team leader, or an aspiring professional, understanding how accountability can foster workplace happiness and engagement is essential for driving success in any organization.

    So, get ready to challenge your preconceptions and join us as we dive deep into the transformative power of accountability in the workplace. Let's explore how you can leverage accountability to create a more engaged and satisfied workforce in your organization.

    Episode Summary:

    • In this episode, we explore a fascinating case study that challenges conventional beliefs about accountability in the workplace.
    • Our guest, Nicole, shares her experience as a Vice President tasked with turning around the worst-performing team in her insurance company.
    • Discover how Nicole defied traditional wisdom by implementing increased accountability and transparency within her team.
    • Uncover the surprising results that emerged from this unique approach and its impact on employee engagement and satisfaction.

    Key Topics Discussed:

    1. Introduction to Nicole's challenging situation and the underperforming team she faced.
    2. The traditional belief is that excessive pressure and accountability lead to burnout and unhappiness.
    3. Nicole's atypical approach: Implementing more accountability and transparency within her team.
    4. The remarkable results achieved through increased accountability and its impact on employee happiness and engagement.
    5. Lessons learned from Nicole's experience and how to apply accountability to promote workplace happiness and engagement in your organization.

    Join the Conversation:

    • Follow us on LinkedIn to stay updated on future episodes and join the discussion.
    • Share your thoughts and experiences using the hashtag #AccountabilityInAction.

    Don't miss this thought-provoking episode that challenges traditional beliefs and provides practical insights into leveraging accountability for a happier and more engaged workforce. Tune in now!


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    Mastering Success: The Power of Competency-Based Frameworks

    Mastering Success: The Power of Competency-Based Frameworks

    The value of having a competency-based framework in your company

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    Welcome to our insightful episode of "Mastering Success: The Power of Competency-Based Frameworks" on The Business Mechanic Podcast! In this episode, we explore the essential topics of management training, leadership development, and executive coaching. Our experts delve into the importance of competency-based frameworks in these areas, offering invaluable tips and strategies for effective team management, performance management, and communication skills.

    Discover the secrets to mastering strategic planning, and change management for achieving remarkable results. We also uncover the transformative impact of competency-based frameworks on talent development and unlocking the full potential of your organization. Tune in now to gain the knowledge and tools needed to elevate your leadership skills and drive exceptional success through the power of competency-based frameworks. Don't miss this opportunity to fuel your business growth and become a true master of success!


    So, what exactly is a competency-based framework? Simply put, it is a system that identifies the skills and abilities necessary for success in a particular role or industry. Rather than focusing solely on job requirements, a competency-based framework considers each employee's strengths and weaknesses.

    What are competencies?

    Competencies fall into two categories.

    Skills Based and Inherent

    The difference between skills-based competencies and inherent competencies lies in their origin and nature:


    Skills-based competencies:

    Skills-based competencies are acquired through training, education, and experience. Hats why we look at resumes and look for applicable experience. These competencies are typically related to specific tasks, functions, or technical areas. They are developed over time through deliberate effort and practice.

    Skills-based competencies can be learned, trained, and enhanced through structured programs, on-the-job experience, and professional development activities. Examples of skills-based competencies include proficiency in a programming language, project management skills, or proficiency in operating certain machinery.


    Inherent competencies:

    Inherent competencies, also known as inherent traits or qualities, are characteristics that individuals possess naturally or inherently. These competencies are often related to personal attributes, behaviors, or attitudes contributing to success in various areas of life. Inherent competencies are typically not learned or acquired through training but are ingrained in an individual's personality or inherent nature.


    It is important to note that while skills-based competencies can be developed and improved through training, inherent competencies are considered more difficult to change as they are deeply rooted in an individual's personality and characteristics. Both types of competencies are valuable and important in different contexts, and a well-rounded individual may possess a combination of skills-based and inherent competencies.


    While many competencies can be developed and enhanced through training and experience, certain inherent qualities or traits are often considered difficult if not impossible, to train effectively. Here is a list of 10 competencies that are typically considered challenging to impossible to train. Someone either has them or they don't.

    This show is best for new business owners, current business owners, and managers no matter if you are new or experienced and in any industry.

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    The 7 Ways Managers are Tanking Their Success

    The 7 Ways Managers are Tanking Their Success

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    The 7 Mistakes Managers Make that Tank their Success is a podcast that focuses on helping managers and leaders avoid common mistakes that hinder their success. This podcast covers a range of topics that are crucial for effective management, including management training, leadership development, executive coaching, team management, performance management, communication skills, time management, strategic planning, change management, and talent development.

    Through in-depth discussions with experienced professionals, this podcast provides valuable insights and practical advice for managers at all levels. Listeners will learn how to improve their leadership skills, build stronger teams, and achieve their goals through effective communication, strategic planning, and talent development.

    Whether you are a new manager looking to improve your skills or a seasoned executive seeking to take your leadership to the next level, The 7 Mistakes Managers Make that Tank their Success has something for everyone. So, tune in and start your journey towards becoming a successful and effective manager today.

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    Success is something that everyone strives for, but not everyone achieves. Many of us fail to reach our ultimate goals due to a variety of factors, such as lack of motivation, poor time management, or lack of support. However, there are also some things we do that sabotage our own efforts and keep us from reaching our full potential. In this blog post, I will be sharing the 7 most common ways that you may be unknowingly tanking your own success and what you can do to turn things around.

    Being a manager is a tough job. It requires a combination of technical and soft skills to lead and motivate a team effectively. Unfortunately, even the most well-intentioned managers can make mistakes that can tank their success. In this blog, we'll explore nine common ways that managers can sabotage their own success and provide tips on how to avoid these pitfalls.

    In addition, prioritizing professional development and staying up to date on the latest trends and best practices can help managers stay ahead of the curve and provide value to their team and organization. By addressing performance issues proactively and providing feedback and coaching to help team members improve, managers can foster a culture of continuous improvement and growth.


    Ultimately, the success of a manager depends on their ability to build and maintain positive relationships with their team members, provide clear direction and support, and lead by example. By avoiding the nine common pitfalls outlined in this blog and focusing on these core principles of effective management, managers can achieve greater success and create a more positive and productive work environment.


    In conclusion, there are many ways you might be unknowingly tanking your own success. However, the good news is that by being aware of these pitfalls and making a concerted effort to avoid them, you can turn things around and achieve the success you deserve. So take a long hard look at your habits and behaviors, and make the necessary changes to achieve the success you’ve been working so hard for.


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    Employee Motivation Mastery Techniques for Success

    Employee Motivation Mastery Techniques for Success

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    As a leader, you know that a motivated and engaged team is crucial for your organization's success.

    But have you ever wondered why some employees remain unmotivated despite your best efforts? It's because motivation is an inside job - you can't force it from the outside.

    In this podcast, we'll delve into the reasons why managers often try to motivate people through external incentives, rewards, and praise - and why it doesn't always work.

    We'll explore what leaders can do to create an environment that fosters intrinsic motivation and how to empower employees to motivate themselves. Join us and learn how to overcome the challenge of employee motivation!

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    "You can't motivate someone else — motivation is an inside job" is a widely accepted leadership axiom. So why do managers keep trying to motivate people from the outside in? Why do they attempt to manipulate behavior by incentivizing goals with tangible and intangible rewards? Why do they praise, hand out tokens and award badges to drive good behavior, hoping to perpetuate it? 

    As a leader, you understand that having a motivated and engaged team is critical for your organization's success. You may have tried every trick in the book to motivate your employees, from offering incentives to giving inspirational speeches. 

    But, despite your best efforts, you may have found that some of your employees remain unmotivated. In this podcast, we will explore why you can't motivate employees and what a leader can do to overcome this challenge.



    The reason why you can't motivate employees is simple – motivation comes from within. While you can create an environment that fosters motivation, it's ultimately up to the individual employee to feel motivated. Employees have their unique drivers, values, and goals, which impact their motivation levels. 

    Moreover, many employees may feel demotivated due to factors beyond their own control, such as workplace culture, leadership style, and lack of opportunities for growth and development. In such cases, external motivators like incentives in the form of contests, bonuses, etc may provide temporary relief, but they won't address the underlying issue.

    You can impact motivation with your leadership and communication style. However, if you have drained the emotional bank account, it is almost impossible to refill it. 

    So please be aware of your words, actions, and fairness and, most of all, catch them doing it right more than catching their mistakes and make that a steady diet and your ability to influence your team to be more inspired and driven will flourish. 


    As a leader, it's essential to recognize that you cannot motivate your employees. Instead, you can create an environment that fosters motivation, growth, and development. Here are some strategies that can help you overcome the challenge of motivating employees:

    It’s time for all of us to be the drivers of our own motivation and have it fuel our ambitions. Don’t let yourself be held back by a lack of understanding about what inspires you as an employee. Mastering employee motivation includes creating an environment that fosters greater self-awareness--for both you and your team members--so you can take control of your productivity and success.

     Learning techniques such as task customization, continuous feedback, recognition, and rewards will help ensure everyone is engaged with their job duties and motivated to excel.

    Please take advantage of the free DISC Assessment then share and like this podcast so we can spread awareness of how important it is to stay actively energized at work. Remember that when your workers are engaged, they bring forward greater potential – potential to grow together, both in tasks done well and profits earned!


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    The Secrets to Leading Gen Z Effectively

    The Secrets to Leading Gen Z Effectively

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    Discover the secrets to leading Gen Z and becoming an effective leader, manager, and mentor. From breaking down generational barriers to creating a productive workplace environment - this presentation will show you how to become the best leader for your team. Learn about the latest trends in leadership development and how you can create a successful long-term strategy for yourself and your organization. Take control of your career today, with these essential tips on leading Gen Z.

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    As leaders, managers have always been tasked with the responsibility of motivating and driving their team members to achieve success. However, this challenge has become especially pronounced in recent years as more Gen Z'ers enter the workforce. As a leader, it is essential that you not only understand this generation’s unique traits and beliefs but also possess the skills necessary to manage them in an effective manner. In order to help you hone your craft further and be fully equipped to work alongside Gen Z colleagues, here are some key leadership competencies needed for managing this tech-savvy cohort of young professionals.


    In recent years, the workforce has been changing rapidly, and the rise of Gen Z employees has brought about new challenges for managers. Gen Z, also known as the "iGeneration," are individuals born between the mid-1990s and the mid-2000s. They are digital natives who grew up with technology and social media, and they have unique expectations, values, and preferences that differ from those of previous generations. As such, managers must adapt their leadership style to be more effective in leading this group of employees.


    According to a recent survey conducted by One Poll, nearly 75% of managers said that Gen Z is more difficult to work with than other generations. Moreover, 12% of managers said they fired a Gen Z employee in their first week of work, and being too easily offended is often to blame. This finding highlights the importance of understanding the unique needs and preferences of Gen Z employees to ensure that they are motivated, engaged, and productive in the workplace.

    To be more effective in leading Gen Z employees, managers must change their leadership style in several ways. First and foremost, managers must adopt a coaching approach to leadership.


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    Leading With Authenticity

    Leading With Authenticity

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    Are you looking to become a better leader? Learn how leading with authenticity can help you reach success as someone who wants to advance their leadership skill, management development and business growth. This podcast shares tips and tricks on how to lead with authenticity and develop essential leadership skills. Get the edge on your competition and watch now!

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    Authentic leadership is a concept that has gained increasing attention in recent years. It refers to a leadership approach that is based on honesty, transparency, and self-awareness. Leaders who practice authentic leadership are able to build trust with their followers and create a culture of openness and accountability. In this blog post, we will explore the key principles of authentic leadership and how they can be applied in the workplace.


    Managers who are in the millennial generation face a unique set of challenges when it comes to being authentic leaders. For one, they are often seen as inexperienced or lacking in traditional leadership skills, which can make it difficult to gain the trust and respect of their team.


    Additionally, millennials are often stereotyped as entitled or self-centered, which can make it challenging to balance their own needs and desires with the needs of the organization and their team.

    Which I can confidently state is patently untrue. Yes, there are some individuals in the millennial generation who fit into this stigma, but you can find that self-centered individual in EVERY generation.


    Leadership is a multifaceted topic that requires both knowledge and experience to master. Some of the most successful organizations today are those whose employees trust their leaders, which building trust often starts with fostering an environment of authenticity.


    As a manager or business owner, it can be difficult to ensure authentic leadership throughout your organization – but it doesn’t have to be a challenge! For experienced managers looking for solid strategies on how to create authentic leadership, as well as millennial managers in need of advice, this blog post will bring you six  proven tactics for leading authentically and effectively.

    At Results Driven Leadership Training, we believe that authentic leadership is the key to unlocking the full potential of your organization. Our leadership training programs are designed to help leaders develop the skills and mindset needed to lead with authenticity and integrity. We work with leaders at all levels of the organization to help them cultivate a culture of trust, collaboration, and innovation.


    Imagine a workplace where honesty and trust reign supreme, where collaboration flows freely, and positivity abounds. That's the kind of environment that authentic leadership can create. This powerful approach encourages leaders to focus on self-awareness, transparent relationships, fair decision-making, and moral excellence.


    It's a recipe for success that can transform your organization and bring out the best in your team. And if you're ready to take your leadership skills to the next level, Results Driven Leadership Training is here to help. Let's work together to build a brighter, better future for your team and your organization.


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    FAVORITISM IN MANAGEMENT This Is What Professionals Do

    FAVORITISM IN MANAGEMENT This Is What Professionals Do

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    When it comes to management and leadership, it's important to avoid showing favoritism. This can be difficult when you have friends or family working for you, but with some simple tips, you can make sure everyone is treated equally. In this podcast, we talk about the importance of avoiding favoritism in the workplace and offer a few tips for how to do so.


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    In this podcast, we will provide practical tips and strategies for managers to avoid showing favoritism to specific employees. Favoritism can be a major source of tension and conflict in the workplace and can have a negative impact on team morale and productivity. By understanding the causes of favoritism and taking proactive steps to prevent it, managers can create a positive work environment where all employees feel valued and respected.

    We will begin by defining what favoritism is and why it is a problem in the workplace. Favoritism is the practice of showing preferential treatment to certain employees over others. This can take many forms, including giving certain employees more opportunities for advancement, providing them with more resources or training, or giving them more favorable treatment in terms of scheduling or work assignments. Favoritism can be unintentional or deliberate, but either way, it can create a perception of unfairness and bias among other employees.

    Next, we will explore some of the common causes of favoritism in the workplace. These can include personal relationships or connections between the manager and certain employees, unconscious biases based on factors such as race, gender, or age, or a lack of clear performance metrics or standards for evaluating employees. By understanding these causes, managers can take proactive steps to prevent favoritism from occurring.

    We will then provide practical tips and strategies for managers to avoid showing favoritism in the workplace. These may include:

    1. Establish clear performance metrics and standards: By establishing clear performance metrics and standards for evaluating employees, managers can ensure that all employees are evaluated on a level playing field. This can help prevent favoritism and create a more objective evaluation process.

    2. Be transparent and communicate openly: Managers should be transparent and communicate openly with all employees about their goals, expectations, and performance. This can help prevent misunderstandings and ensure that all employees are aware of what is expected of them.

    3. Treat all employees equally: Managers should treat all employees equally and avoid showing preferential treatment to certain employees. This can be achieved by setting clear expectations and standards for behavior, performance, and communication with all employees.

    4. Provide equal opportunities for training and development: Managers should provide equal opportunities for training and development to all employees, regardless of their job title or position. This can help ensure that all employees have the opportunity to learn new skills and advance their careers.

    5. Avoid socializing with employees outside of work: Managers should avoid socializing with employees outside of work, as this can create the perception of favoritism or bias. If socializing does occur, managers should ensure that it is done in a group setting and that all employees are invited.

    6. Encourage open communication and feedback: Managers should encourage open communication and feedback from all employees and be willing to listen to their concerns and ideas. This can help create a culture of openness and accountability and prevent the perception of favoritism or bias.

    In conclusion, favoritism can be a major source of tension and conflict in the workplace and can have a negative impact on team morale and productivity. By understanding the causes of favoritism and taking proactive steps to prevent it, managers can create a positive work environment where all employees feel valued and respected. This podcast provides practical tips and strategies for managers to avoid showing favoritism in the workplace and create a culture of fairness, transparency, and accountability.


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    Do You Know the Single Most Important Leadership Trait?

    Do You Know the Single Most Important Leadership Trait?

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    Do you know what the single most important leadership trait is? During the C-Suite and Sour podcast powered by Align, I share my views and experiences on this vital subject. Phillip Kushmaro,  VP of Growth Marketing, Align Join us for EP 9 as we sit down and discuss all things leadership – from how leaders can get hiring right by focusing on candidates’ competencies rather than experience to the importance of balancing management with leadership in running a team.

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    Why do 90% of businesses fail?

    One thing that I've always touched on in my experience, whenever I talked about, whenever I talked to people, is 90% of businesses just fail. I was wondering why you believe that is one of the reasons and how can we. You know, I love that question and absolutely true. Most businesses fail to make it past three years, right?

    I've seen lots of businesses fail. We all have. And if you dissect that, you, you kind of reimagine re-engineer from the beginning to where they failed. 

    People, product process, and you can have a great process and a great product, but if you don't have great people, you're gonna fail. You're gonna struggle. Uh, you can have great people, and you can have a great product, but if you don't have a great process to deliver it, You're gonna fail. It's putting those three things together that create the success of an organization.

    But very often, business owners don't know what they don't know, and they go into it with dreams and ideas and opinions Maybe. Bad advice from their cousin Eddie. Uh, you know, we are cousin Eddie, don't we? he's a villain and thinks he's really smart, but may not be.

    And those aren't always the best decisions. And, if the business owner really wants to be successful, they need to surround themselves With Great People. However bright most entrepreneurs are, many if not most, have no experience or skill in hiring and choosing the right people to surround themselves with. They very often make the mistake of hiring experience instead of hiring the best person for the job. They must learn to hire using a behavioral interview process, not the old, worn out and ineffective interview process. Learn to interview to be successful.

    I've never, in a 40-year career, fired somebody because of their experience, and nobody has.

    Your fire them for everything else. How do you discover if you should hire a person or not? 


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    If you want to Succeed, Lead With Your Ears

    If you want to Succeed, Lead With Your Ears

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    Welcome to the Business Mechanic Podcast. I'm joined today by our newest member of the team John Karwacki and Eric Van Doren, where we discuss important topics related to leadership and organizational management. In this episode, we’ll be talking about the importance of leaders soliciting input, opinions, and ideas for improvement from their front-line employees.

    Do you want to be a successful leader?

    Leadership is all about communication, and if you want to lead effectively, you need to start by listening. In this podcast, we talk about the importance of leading with your ears and share some tips for improving your leadership skills. Thanks for listening!

    The Benefits of Seeking Input from Front-Line Employees

    • Discuss the benefits of leaders seeking input from their front-line employees, such as better engagement, increased employee morale and loyalty, and improved problem-solving and decision-making.

     Barriers to Soliciting Input from Front-Line Employees

    • Discuss the potential barriers to soliciting input from front-line employees, such as lack of trust, fear of negative feedback, and lack of time or resources to gather and implement ideas.

     Strategies for Leaders to Solicit Input from Front-Line Employees

    • Provide practical strategies for leaders to solicit input from their front-line employees, such as regular one-on-one meetings, employee surveys, suggestion boxes, and employee focus groups.

     Real-World Examples

    • We share real-world examples of organizations that have successfully implemented strategies for soliciting input from their front-line employees and the positive outcomes that resulted.

    Segment 5: Conclusion

    • Summarize the key points discussed in the episode and emphasize the importance of leaders soliciting input from their front-line employees for the benefit of the organization as a whole.

    Outro: Thanks for listening to our podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please be sure to subscribe and leave us a review. And remember, as a leader, it's important to seek input from your front-line employees to drive positive change and improve your organization. Join us next time for another great episode on leadership and organizational management.


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    How To Train Your New Employees Effectively! You're doing this the wrong way!

    How To Train Your New Employees Effectively! You're doing this the wrong way!

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     Free Onboarding New Employee Manager's Checklist


    Welcome, managers and business owners! Everyone knows that having a great team of employees helps make a successful business.

    Do you have new employees that need training?

    In this podcast, I share our tips for training new employees. These tips will help you set your new employee up for success and help them learn the ropes quickly! When you're hiring new employees, it's important to make sure they are properly trained. From setting clear expectations to providing feedback, these tips will help you get the most out of your new hires!

    Finding the right people for your team is only half the battle - once you hire new staff members, it's essential to give them proper training so they can dive into their work with confidence. In this podcast, we'll discuss some tried-and-true strategies for effectively training new employees in order to nip any potential issues in the bud and build your motivated workforce. 

     As we move through the  podcast, We will also offer you some free tools that will make the onboarding and training of your new team members way more effective.

    For any organization, It can be tough to know where to start with your new employees. In this podcast, We’ll share our favorite and proven tips for training your new employee effectively and efficiently.

    So as I mentioned, to start with functional training, you must provide a Comprehensive Onboarding Program: 

    This program should cover everything from company culture to job responsibilities, policies, and procedures. A well-designed onboarding program can help new hires feel welcome, reduce the time it takes to get up to speed and ensure they are set up for success.


    This is not an HR onboarding process.

    This is very different.

    The manager must have an onboarding process to introduce the new hire into the organization and team. This is the time to start building a relationship and get to know your new person. Remember, people work for people, not for companies.

    You must invest your time in what we are about to share. Doing anything less than this sets you up for failure. This first step is, in my opinion, one of the single largest contributors to turnover and ineffective employees.

    Onboarding is a prime opportunity for employers to win the hearts and minds of new employees. Don't waste it.

    This is where success and retention come from. Blow this, and you are grossly diminishing the likelihood of success for this new hire. It is up to you to make this go the right way. The more transparent and detailed you are in the first day's interactions, the better. 

    Especially if they are a High S on the DISC assessment. 68% of the population is a high S. 

    If you are not using DISC as part of your hiring process, you should. 


    Now Let’s get to training them!

    Begin with knowing The Four Tenants of Teaching


    Tell Them

    The first step in training is to tell the employee what they need to know. This step involves presenting the information the employee needs to learn clearly and concisely. The information should be organized logically and presented in a way that is easy to understand. Some tips for telling employees include:


    ·        Use clear and concise language.

    ·        Avoid jargon or technical terms.

    ·        Use visual aids to help explain complex concepts.

    ·        Break down information into manageable chunks


    Show Them

    Once the employee understands the information, the next step is to show them how to do it. This step involves demonstrating the skills or techniques the employee needs to learn. This step is crucial as it lets the employee see how the skills or techniques are correctly done. Some tips for showing employees include:


                Demonstrate the skills or techniques slowly and clearly

                Use visual aids to help illustrate the steps involved

                Explain each step as you go

                Allow the employee to ask questions


    Have Them Do It

    The next step is to have the employee do it. This step involves allowing the employee to practice the skills or techniques they have learned. This step is important as it allows employees to gain hands-on experience and develop skills. Some tips for having employees do it include:


                Provide a safe and supportive environment for practice

                Start with simple tasks and gradually build up to more complex ones


    Offer constructive feedback and guidance as needed

    Allow the employee to make mistakes and learn from them


    Give Them Feedback

    The final step is to give the employee feedback. This step involves providing the employee with feedback on their performance. Feedback is crucial as it helps employees understand where they are doing well and where they need to improve. Some tips for giving employees feedback include:


                Be specific and detailed in your feedback

                Focus on both strengths and areas for improvement

                Offer constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement

                Give feedback regularly to help the employee improve over time


    In my experience, most managers only train using Tell them and Show them. That is a faster approach but is highly ineffective. All four tenants must be included, even if it takes additional time and tools.


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    How to Help Superstar Employees Fulfill Their Potential

    How to Help Superstar Employees Fulfill Their Potential

    Do you have a superstar employee who is capable of great things but are not sure they are capable of being a good leader? What actions do you need to take to find out and make a solid bet on the future? What do you need to start developing them? In this podcast, we share all the tips for helping your superstar employees fulfill their potential.

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    What do high-potential employees describe as their core challenges? And what areas of development must they address as they climb the career ladder?

    We will explore how to recognize and nurture high-potential employees, analyzing the best leadership practices and management approaches necessary for success. Join us as we uncover what makes good leaders great!

    We will share insights based on our experience and study on what they need to support their growth. These insights will help determine how executives, business owners and managers can assist their fast-track employees in reaching their full potential and also how they can help shape the design and implementation of leadership development programs.

    Key Challenges Facing High Potential 

    Over the course of nearly 30 years, the potential of our program has been consistently identified as five consistent leadership challenges:

    ·        Leading teams

    ·        Leading change

    ·        Leadership style

    ·        Leading at scale

    ·        Driving business results


    Use DISC to confirm that a high-potential employee is a good fit for a leadership role.

    Use objectivity to determine if your gut is right for your high-potential employee. DISC can be a valuable tool for confirming that a high-potential employee is a good fit for a leadership role.

    Moving up to leadership roles at higher levels is a process that requires six core abilities, according to managers we have in our database:


    ·        How to Hire Great People

    ·        How to be an Inspiring Leader

    ·        Strategic Leadership

    ·        Effective Communication Skills, including How To Have Difficult Conversations.

    ·        How to Train and Develop Their Team

    ·        Time Management

    Examine High Potentials for Specific Abilities to Help Them Develop

    Many high potentials have had experience in managing tiny teams. Their next move will likely be to lead larger teams. This next step is where I see many struggles. When high-potentials move up to leadership at a higher level and scale, they must establish the conditions to allow the team to function efficiently without their presence.

    Every business has superstars - employees who continually outdo themselves, provide impressive results, and possess the capacity to do extraordinary things. But, despite their talents and capabilities, most of them may become unmotivated, bored and eventually disengaged when their potential isn't fully realized.


    As a leader, you have the responsibility and need to ensure your superstars receive the opportunities and support they require to achieve their potential.


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    How Leaders Unintentionally Create Roadblocks to Their Team's Productivity

    How Leaders Unintentionally Create Roadblocks to Their Team's Productivity

    Get a Free Copy of My Book: A Roadmap to Difficult Conversations

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    Do you ever feel like your team could do so much more if only they weren't held back by certain roadblocks?

    In this podcast, we'll take a look at some of the most common roadblocks that leaders unintentionally create and explore some solutions for how to overcome them.

    Leaders unintentionally create roadblocks to their team's productivity by creating an environment of distrust. Well, the roadblocks may be created by you. How? We'll look at how communication and time management can help leaders build trust with their team and remove these roadblocks.

    Download Effective Time Management Strategies

    Leaders unintentionally create roadblocks to their team's productivity by creating confusion about what is a priority and clear guidelines regarding communication channels, allowing autonomy to get their work done without constantly creating conflicting directions.

    The true measure of success is getting the job done, not necessarily how long it takes. Linda in accounting may be busy for a few hours each day, but if her work produces results - happy vendors and paid team members - then she has efficiently proved her worth! As business owners and managers ourselves, we must prioritize our 24-hour days, investing effort into those activities that drive meaningful progress towards bigger goals. If you aren't spending your time doing something valuable to advance your company's mission, then what are you really working on?

    ·        When a leader is unclear about what they want, they cause confusion among those they lead. This can happen when leaders don't clearly communicate their vision or expectations or when they change course without letting their team know. When your employees are confused about what's expected of them, they'll feel frustrated and unproductive. It may be perfectly clear in your mind but is it in theirs?

    ·        In addition to creating confusion, leaders can unintentionally create roadblocks to their team's productivity by providing unclear guidance on how information should be shared between departments or teams within an organization. If your employees don't know how to share information effectively or efficiently, you're likely to see time wasted on inefficient communication. This can lead to frustration and decreased productivity on the part of your employees if they're spending too much time trying to figure out how best to get their work done instead of actually doing it!

    ·        Establish clear expectations and time for response guidelines. When to use slack or messaging, and what is the time for response expectation? , When to send an email and response time expectation., When to call, and if a voicemail is left, how long should it take to get a response?

    ·        When to get up and go talk to someone, and are there times or signs that it is not appropriate to interrupt that person?

    ·        When leaders provide unclear guidance on how information should be shared between departments or teams within an organization (i.e., "just get it done"), you'll likely see time wasted. Get it done by when and by whom?

    ·        What form of communication should be used if something is a rush priority? Is their some sort of signal that should be included, such as 911?

    ·        What form of communication should be used if something is of low priority but important?

    As a leader, you might be doing everything in your power to lead your team toward productivity and success. You might have a clear vision of what needs to be done, have all the resources available, and even communicate your expectations to your team members. However, despite all your efforts, you might find that your team is not meeting the productivity levels that you had envisioned. If this is the case, it might be worth exploring whether you unintentionally create roadblocks to your team's productivity. In this blog, we will explore some common ways leaders unknowingly impede their team's productivity.


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    How to Train Employees the Exact Way

    How to Train Employees the Exact Way

    Get a Free Copy of My Book: A Roadmap to Difficult Conversations

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    "How to Train Your Employees and Managers:

    The 4 Tenants of Effective Training"

    Free DISC Assessment

    Setting New Employees Up For Success 

    In this video, we'll show you how to train your employees and managers effectively by following the 4 tenants of teaching: tell them, show them, have them do it, and give them feedback.

    We'll walk you through each step of the training process, from identifying the skills and knowledge that need to be taught, to creating a training plan, to implementing the training and providing feedback to employees and managers. You'll learn how to create an engaging and effective training program and how to use a range of training methods, such as on-the-job training, e-learning, and coaching.

    We'll also provide you with practical tips for providing feedback to employees and managers and for measuring the effectiveness of your training program.

    Do you need to train your employees? Are you a new manager or business owner and don't know where to start? Check out this video! In it, I discuss the best way to train your employees and managers.

    I also offer some great resources for training both groups. Whether you're a small business owner looking to train your employees or a manager looking to train your team, this video will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to create an effective training program that leads to improved performance and success.

    So, if you're ready to take your training to the next level, join us for this informative and practical video on how to train your employees and managers using the 4 tenants of effective training. Don't forget to like and subscribe for more training and development podcasts


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    "A good mentor is one who hopes that you'll move on. A great mentor will know that you'll."

    This is also the case for managers.

    Begin by generating a DISC Report

    The role of a manager should be to guide their team members and develop the capabilities of every individual so there’s always a person ready to advance. T

    If new opportunities arise, an alternative can step in quickly and allow the manager to concentrate on achieving at their next level instead of being trapped between jobs with no additional pay.

    It is essential for managers to think outside the box and encourage upward mobility within their teams. helping current employees become future leaders!

    Managers must create an environment that encourages expansion and improvement. Otherwise, they’ll end up in a situation that is not ideal - working in the same job but without the additional income while trying to take on the new duties. Your career may end up stuck. If you're the owner of a company and your company's growth is slow, it is likely to be stalled.

    Results Driven training for management costs just $47 per month

    The traits that make for an effective manager may differ according to the company as well as the team or context, but of the most common characteristics include good interpersonal and communication abilities, emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, decision-making abilities, and a desire to continue learning and improving.

    It's time to return to the reason it's important to help your employees grow. I've also done a podcast on why it's so crucial. Today, I'll share my thoughts and experiences on building your team.

    What will happen to your group or business if something happens to you today? Do you have an immediate successor?

    Most do not.

    I always ask this question in the early stages of my coaching sessions, and we'll typically apply this to a fundamental mental model for many of the sessions that we conduct regularly.

    In ensuring that they educate and prepare employees to take on new jobs within the company, managers can create opportunities for upward mobility across every level of staff and allow employees (and other employees) to take huge steps toward success. It's an effective force multilayer, but it is seldom employed.

    In the current extremely competitive business environment, employees are among the greatest assets for any business. Their expertise, knowledge, and expertise are essential to achieving success in any field.

    The time taken to train staff and to prepare employees for promotions shows true excellence as an employee. This isn't my view. John Maxwell and many other leaders in the field of leadership share this belief.

    Although your career growth isn't guaranteed, investing in employee development creates an environment where everyone is able to grow in readiness to rise within their workplace or company as opportunities arise.

    This is not only better for your morale, but it gives you more flexibility to concentrate on mastering any new job you're assigned without worrying about whether you've completed enough preparation prior to the start!

    Many managers fail to recognize the significance of employee development which could significantly affect the success and growth of their business.

    This podcast will examine how managers can help encourage employee growth and how it will help their company.


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    What Is COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIP and How Does It Work?

    What Is COURAGEOUS LEADERSHIP and How Does It Work?

    Do you want to be a better leader?

    Listen to this podcast for the top tips on how to become a courageous leader.

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    Start Your Leadership Training for Only $47

     From understanding your own strengths and weaknesses to learning how to take risks, this video will show you everything you need to know! During this Business Mechanic Podcast, I'm here to talk about an important topic: What is courageous leadership?

     How does it work? Why is it important?

    What are the benefits of courageous leadership?

     How can you become a courageous leader?

    What is courageous leadership and how can you use it to achieve success in your career?

    In this podcast, I'm going to discuss what it means to be a courageous leader and how you can make changes in your workplace by using these principles.

     Courageous Leadership. A lot of people think that being a good leader means having all the answers or being domineering, but that's not true. In order to be a successful leader, you need to be courageous. You need to have the guts to stand up for what's right even when it's difficult and put the needs of others before your own.

    So in this podcast, I'm going to discuss what it means to be a courageous leader and how you can make changes in your workplace by using these principles. Leadership is critical to any business, but not all leaders are created equal.

    Some are more courageous than others, and that's what sets them apart. In this podcast, I'm going to talk about what courageous leadership is and how it can work for your business. Leadership is a tricky thing.

     There are so many different styles and theories out there that it can be hard to know which one works best for you. Today, I want to talk about courageous leadership and how it can help you achieve your goals.


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    Are you looking for the signs of a true leader? Someone who inspires others and is able to think beyond their own current state? Here, we'll uncover 7 key traits that are evident in those with leadership potential. These observable characteristics will help whether your goal is becoming a great leader or understanding someone better on your team. Tune in now to learn what it takes!


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    Truth Behind Fixing Business Problems

    Everyday employees can showcase their leadership abilities, regardless of whether they are formally in charge. An important trait to look out for is initiative - when someone takes the lead on a project or task even before being asked! Here's some advice on how you can recognize this type of behavior:


    Finding the ideal team member isn't easy, but being able to spot those with empathy can help. Look for candidates who understand and care about other's perspectives - they could be a great addition to your business! No one wants to make another hiring mistake; having an empathetic employee onboard is key in avoiding it.


    For any manager, the ability to communicate effectively with their employees is essential. But how can you spot those who are strong communicators? Here's what to look for: Articulating ideas in a clear and concise way and actively engaging when listening to others - these both demonstrate excellent communication skills that every successful leader should possess!


    Employees with strong problem-solving skills are essential to any organization. If you want someone who can tackle difficulties head on, evaluate them based on how they present the issue and break it down into manageable pieces, ask relevant questions for more information or clarity, and act quickly without needing help from others. All of which will show if an individual is truly a critical thinker when faced with obstacles!


    Teamwork is an invaluable skill for successful employees and managers - one that can ultimately mean the difference between success and failure in any workplace. But how do you know if someone has great teamwork skills? Look out for these signs: they are always willing to lend a hand, remain even-keeled under pressure, handle disagreements maturely without resorting to aggression or blame shifting—even when not directly responsible for mistakes made. Solidifying strong relationships with colleagues through effective collaboration sets those who possess it up well on their path towards productivity!


    Many great employees have the ability to adapt. To identify if a potential employee has this skill, ask questions like: Have they ever had experience working in different environments? Can they manage their own tasks without direct instruction? Do you know how well-versed are with dealing with an array of people and uncertain situations? Taking time for these inquiries can help determine whether that individual is flexible enough to thrive within your organization's needs as it grows and changes over time.


    Having integrity is an essential quality for any successful manager. It shows a dedication to honesty and ethics - character traits that can turn someone into the leader their team needs. Look out for signs such as demonstrating transparency, having sound judgment skills and being open about mistakes made on the job – these are just some of the qualities you should look for when searching for a trustworthy management figure!


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    How to Get You and Your Team Focused

    How to Get You and Your Team Focused

    7 Ways Managers Can Create Improved Focus for Their Team

    “Productive Time Management”  

    Download the Guide to Creating Successful Action Plans

    It’s no surprise that people struggle to focus. We’re bombarded with distractions, burdened by unrealistic expectations, and drowning under too many incoming requests.

    In a world of constant distractions, many employees can't find the focus to get quality work done. A recent survey showed that almost two-thirds admit they don't put in an hour or two each day without being derailed. As leaders, how do you help your team stay productive and focused? Results Driven Leadership has identified seven best practices for helping people be more intentional with their time - so give them a try!

    Much research has revealed that many of us are struggling to stay focused. When we do get a moment, nearly one-third can hardly power through more than 10 minutes before it's time for the next distraction! But these brief moments pull their punches: left unchecked, our lack of focus leads to feelings like overwhelm and exhausted as well as decreased effectiveness in whatever goal we're trying to achieve.


    As a leader, you have the power to create an environment where your team can stay productive and focused in spite of today’s hyper-stimulated world. To help you do this, let us offer seven best practices from our course “Productive Time Management”  - giving your team permission to limit distractions; saying no to low-priority work; blocking out noise so they can focus on what's most important; setting clear goals with achievable deadlines for projects & tasks.

    1. Inventory tasks and projects.

    Having a clear understanding of all the tasks and projects on your plate is essential for successful prioritization. As an effective leader, it's important to encourage team members to maintain up-to-date lists of their commitments in order to give them ample opportunity each week for reflection on what needs attention first!

    2. Clarify and curate communication channels.

    In the average workplace, too many communication channels can lead to overwhelming distractions. To reduce this burden, it's important to make sure everyone knows what each channel is used for and how quickly they should expect a response from others. Working together, we can create an environment that supports effective working habits!

    3. Normalize saying no.

    Leaders must create an environment where everyone feels safe expressing their worries about work overload and burnout. Encourages your employees to speak up even if it means saying no - something that many leaders may shy away from hearing due to the fear of bad news disrupting productivity or morale.

    4. Make meetings meaningful.

    Ensure the meetings you run are meaningful and worthwhile – it will show your respect for other people's time! Give yourself or employees permission to turn down invitations if they do not have a defined purpose that includes their area of responsibility.

    5. Enable purposeful productivity.

    During your weekly 1:1 or team meetings, don't just ask if your employees are 'getting things done.' Dig into the details to discover how you can help them maximize productivity.

    6. Formalize focus.

    Establishing a team norm of protected work time can be an efficient way to promote focus. Schedule two days each week for uninterrupted periods or Get Sh*t Done Time (GSD), allowing everyone on the team to get their tasks done without disruption from meetings or other obstacles.

    7. Create a to-don’t list.

    Respect is essential, and boundaries should always be honored! Cultivate an environment where focused work mode isn’t just encouraged but respected, setting yourself as an example for your team.


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    7 mistakes that cost leaders their employees.

    7 mistakes that cost leaders their employees.

    Get a Free DISC Assessment in 15 Minutes

    Get Your Results Driven Management Training for Only $47

    Managers must focus on improved leadership to avoid employees quitting because employee turnover can be costly and disruptive to an organization.

    When employees quit, managers have to spend time and resources recruiting and training new employees, which can slow down productivity and negatively impact the bottom line.

    Additionally, high turnover can lead to a loss of expertise and experience, which can be difficult and costly to replace.

    A good leader creates a positive work environment and fosters a sense of belonging among employees, leading to increased job satisfaction and loyalty and ultimately reducing the likelihood of employees quitting. Are you?

    I hope you are but are you doing everything you should as a leader to keep your team happy and productive?

    By investing in leadership development, managers can create a culture that attracts and retains top talent, which can lead to improved productivity, profitability, and competitiveness.

    If you are interested in getting the training you need to improve your management and leadership skills, you should take advantage of our Results Driven Manager Training.

    When managers are able to retain employees, they can focus on other important aspects of their work, such as growth and development, rather than constantly having to replace employees.  

    It is so much easier to grow with experienced team members. Therefore, managers should focus on improved leadership to avoid employees quitting, decrease costs and increase productivity, profitability, and competitiveness.

    Employee turnover creates extra work and costs, and workload for managers in several ways:

    Think about the time suck of the following!

    Recruitment and training: This can be time-consuming and costly, as it requires managers to invest in recruiting efforts, advertising, and hiring new staff.

    Increased costs: Employee turnover can be costly, as it requires managers to spend money on recruitment, training, and other expenses associated with replacing employees.

    Loss of expertise and experience: When experienced employees leave, managers may have to rely on less experienced staff to fill the gap, which can lead to lower productivity and quality of work.

    When there is a Loss of intellectual capital: Managers lose valuable knowledge, skills, and experience when employees leave, which can be difficult and costly to replace

    Often managers who have not worked on their leadership are playing from behind. Pressure and deadlines loom, and the double down on a command-and-control management approach that just does not work for anybody. Especially the manager! An experienced employee leaving puts them further behind.

    Decreased morale: High turnover can create a sense of instability and uncertainty among remaining employees, which can lead to decreased morale and engagement. Some of that lack of morale may be coming from their stressed-out manager!

    Increased administrative work: Managers have to do additional administrative work when employees leave, such as updating records, transferring knowledge, and providing references.

    Impact on customer service: High turnover can also impact customer service, as new employees may not be as well-versed in the company's products and services and may take longer to get up to speed.

    Decreased productivity: High turnover can lead to lower productivity as new employees take time to adjust and become fully productive

    People move through different stages as they acquire new skills and knowledge. The journey from unconscious incompetence to conscious competence to unconscious competence is often referred to as the competency curve.


    So let’s get to the fix.

    Here are seven issues that slowly drain a person’s desire to work for an organization.


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    How to Achieve More With My Goal Setting Tips

    How to Achieve More With My Goal Setting Tips

    Results Driven Managers who want results meet with their employees to talk about long-term goals. They do this at least once a year. They also have quarterly meetings to discuss progress toward the goals.

    Download Three Simple Steps to Annual Goal Setting

    I think it would be better if we had this meeting at a different location. If that's not possible, we need to make sure that there are no interruptions for the 4 hours of the meeting.

    During the meeting, managers and their team members should talk about what is happening with the business and what could be improved. They should also set new business goals, with their team’s help. You do not need to spend a lot of money on an offsite. But it is important to have focused time with no interruptions from your everyday duties.

    You need to focus on goals that will have a big impact. In this program, I want to share the steps you should follow to achieve these goals. Your team meeting should be about how your team can help achieve the company's goals.

    This group planning session is all about how your team will achieve their part of driving the results within their responsibilities. Annual Goal-Setting Meeting Many managers make goals without help from the people who will do the work. This is not a good idea.

    When you work with your team to decide the goals and how to achieve them, you are much more likely to reach them. Why is this? The people you are talking to have a say in the action plan, so they will probably agree with the activities. Also, when they help make the action plan, it takes some of the pressure off of you. This is because it is their plan, not just your plan.

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     You need to focus on goals that will have a big impact. In this program, I want to share the steps you should follow to achieve these goals. Many managers make goals without help from the people who will do the work.

    This is not a good idea. Many organizations that are not doing well do not take the time to figure out their most important goals and how best to achieve them. They create goals and start taking action without thinking things through first.

    The first Goal should focus on the most important Critical Success Factor. When creating Goals, also think about the SWOT factors from your SWOT statement. Limit the Number of Goals A mistake that people often make is choosing too many goals.

    Remember that each goal for the organization will need its own plan. Working on more than one or two goals at the same time is hard. Even if an organization can handle five goals, it is best to start with one or two and then add more later. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Person Responsible with Clear Timelines

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