
    The Business Proposal Podcast

    A big warm welcome to RE: The Podcast, from Rachel Waring and Ellie Kime. We're a podcast for small business owners, by small business owners, so think of us as your creative colleagues with you whether you're at the desk, in the studio, on a walk, or on the beach (but if it's the latter...turn us off and go enjoy!) Find us on instagram: @the_re_podcast @rachelemmawaring @eleanor_mollie @theenthusiastandco
    enEllie Kime + Rachel Waring100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    RE: Sales - How to make them ease-filled and enjoyable, with Sara Dalrymple

    RE: Sales - How to make them ease-filled and enjoyable, with Sara Dalrymple

    Best-selling author on the podcast today pals, no biggy: Sara Nasser Dalrymple, author of More Sales Please, sales expert, strategist, and all round good egg!

    Sara's mission is to help small business owners (but especially women) make more sales to ultimately make more money -- but she's not about sleazy tactics. She wants everyone to enjoy selling, and bring it in in an ease-filled way...and if that sounds impossible, don't worry, she's got the methods to make it happen. 

    Sales With Ease (affiliate link)



    RE: Tech Stacks

    RE: Tech Stacks

    A tech stack is just the platforms and technology you use in your business - and there's real benefits to listing them out every now and again. We list out ours, as well as the ones we want to add too! 

    Check out all the links to our tech platforms here (there's some affiliate goodies in there too)

    RE: Our New Podcast Name

    RE: Our New Podcast Name

    Here it is: the big reveal. Our brand new name! Our new brand name! Either way, we c*ck it up multiple times, so that's fun!

    The Business Proposal Podcast has officially become RE: The Podcast, and as ever, we take you behind the scenes on how we got to that journey, why we did it, and how it feels. Whaddya think?! 

    Introducing our words of the year for 2024

    Introducing our words of the year for 2024

    You know the drill by now; it's our yearly tradition of announcing our Words Of The Year on the podcast. This time, we're discussing how 2023's WOTY (think that acronym will catch on?) went, what we've picked for 2024 (obviously) and how you can use keep your WOTY front and centre to make it practically useful.  

    How do you do your End-of-Year review?

    How do you do your End-of-Year review?

    It's that time again! When you hear those jingle bells, you know that small business accounts telling you to do an end-of-year review isn't too far behind. But there's a reason -- they're a really good way to look back on everything you've achieved. Today we chat through some of our favourite ways to do an end-of-year review, focusing on different things.

    How to make your past work work for you

    How to make your past work work for you

    What if we told you you were sat on a goldmine of content, strategy & information pretty much ready to go and you just weren't using it because you didn't know it was there?

    That's your past work, friends, and today we're going to talk about making it work for you, so you can have more time/headspace/whatever you need in biz. Let past you help current you?

    11 ways to build your email list

    11 ways to build your email list

    Ellie's currently on a mission to grow her email list, so we thought we'd talk about list building today: what it is, why it's a good idea, and how you can do it. (We can't believe we've never done an episode just on this before?!)

    The Business Proposal Podcast
    enSeptember 21, 2023

    How to get ready for a summer break

    How to get ready for a summer break

    In the words of High School Musical 2: Summer, summer, summer, summer...

    As we prep to go on our summer break, we thought we'd talk about how to prepare to take some time off (whether over the summer or any other time). Wishing you some rest and relaxation over August, and we'll see you back in September! 

    Selling through the silence with Elizabeth Stiles

    Selling through the silence with Elizabeth Stiles

    Finally, her ears were burning enough to have her back on! Fashion & Textiles Brand Consultant Elizabeth Stiles is the queen of "selling through the silence": both as an established business owner herself and as a specialist who helps her clients sell and scale. We talked about how to keep showing up and showing out for your business even when sales are slow to non-existent.