
    The Byron York Show

    Byron York is chief political correspondent for the Washington Examiner, a Fox News contributor, and host of The Byron York Show podcast. He has covered the Bush, Obama, Trump, and now Biden administrations, as well as Congress and each presidential campaign since 2000. He is the author of two books -- The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy, an account of liberal activism in the 2004 election, and Obsession, an account of Democratic efforts to remove President Donald Trump from office. Formerly White House correspondent for National Review, his work has been published in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Atlantic Monthly, Foreign Affairs, and the New Republic. A graduate of the University of Alabama and the University of Chicago, he lives in Washington, DC

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    enRadio America345 Episodes

    Episodes (345)

    Trump throws Biden a lifeline on the age problem

    Trump throws Biden a lifeline on the age problem
    What is President Joe Biden's biggest liability as he runs for reelection? Republicans could give you a lot of answers, but the most important is the president's age. He's 80 now and would be 82 upon beginning a second term and 86 at the end of it. He looks and sounds every minute of his age. Having such an elderly chief executive is unprecedented in American history.

    The Bidens reaped millions for talking about the weather?

    The Bidens reaped millions for talking about the weather?
    The House Oversight Committee has released a new report on the progress of its investigation into Biden family influence-peddling during the time Joe Biden was vice president of the United States. "Committee staff is releasing payments from Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan that occurred during Joe Biden's vice presidency," the report said. "The committee has now identified over $20 million in payments from foreign sources to the Biden family and their business associates."

    What Hunter Biden made

    What Hunter Biden made
    The government still has not released the original plea agreement between the Justice Department and Hunter Biden, even though it was the subject of three hours of discussion and debate in open court this week. Fortunately, Politico has published a bootleg copy — cellphone photos of a printout of the document — or otherwise, we would not know the lengths to which the DOJ went to accommodate the president's son.

    Politicize defense? Never!

    Politicize defense? Never!
    There has been a highly political battle on Capitol Hill — actually, that's the only kind of battle they have on Capitol Hill — over defense policy and spending. The fight has been on two fronts: 1) passage of the yearly National Defense Authorization Act, which sets military spending levels, and 2) a Republican senator's decision to block Senate confirmation of military promotions until the Biden Pentagon changes its policy on abortion.

    The 2024 election year will be a year of trials

    The 2024 election year will be a year of trials
    Every now and then, the attorney general, whoever he or she is, whichever administration he or she serves, writes a memo called "Election Year Sensitivities." The purpose is to remind the Justice Department's 115,000 employees that they should not allow politics to influence their work.

    Cocaine runaround at the White House

    Cocaine runaround at the White House
    Republicans in Congress are starting to ask questions about last weekend's discovery of a baggie of cocaine in the White House. On Friday morning, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY), best known as the chief investigator of Hunter Biden on Capitol Hill, sent a letter to Kimberly Cheatle, head of the Secret Service. "The presence of illegal drugs in the White House is unacceptable and a shameful moment in the White House's history," Comer wrote. "This incident has raised additional concerns with the committee regarding the level of security maintained at the White House." Comer requested a briefing for the committee by no later than next week.

    The stuff Hunter Biden didn't get indicted for

    The stuff Hunter Biden didn't get indicted for
    There's no doubt Hunter Biden had some serious tax problems. In the 2010s, he took in millions from shady overseas business dealings, trading on the name of his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, and had a history of filing his returns late with six-figure amounts of taxes due. There was also his lowlife, high-cost drug addict lifestyle in which he threw away hundreds of thousands of dollars on prostitutes and crack. He had personal financial problems most people don't share.

    Impeaching Joe Biden

    Impeaching Joe Biden
    Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) said she will bring articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden to the House floor and that she will do it in a way, a parliamentary maneuver called a privileged motion, that will force the House to take a vote on it. Boebert's effort to impeach the president focuses on his mishandling of the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border.

    Why did Trump do it?

    Why did Trump do it?
    There are a lot of questions surrounding the federal indictment of former President Donald Trump, which alleges that after leaving the White House, Trump kept secret national defense information he was not legally allowed to possess. Questions such as: Did Trump, as president, have the authority to decide what to keep, and what to give to the National Archives, after leaving office? And just how sensitive were the documents he kept? And even if Trump lacked the specific authority, and the papers were sensitive, has the Justice Department overreached by charging Trump with 37 felonies?
    The Byron York Show
    enJune 20, 2023

    The growing Republican crowd

    The growing Republican crowd
    Miami Mayor Francis Suarez announced Thursday that he is running for the Republican nomination for president. Suarez released a video of himself in athletic clothes running around Miami as dramatic music swelled behind him. "When I was elected, the city was broke and broken," he says in the video. "But we came together, and I won my mayoral election with over 80% of the vote." (Critics quickly pointed out that Miami has a city manager government in which the mayor has relatively little power.)

    Trump: Documents investigation is 'election interference'

    Trump: Documents investigation is 'election interference'
    There are reports the Biden Justice Department is on the verge of indicting former President Donald Trump in the classified documents investigation. Not only would such an indictment be the first federal charge against a former president, but it would also be the first time a sitting president's administration has indicted a leading opposition party candidate in the run-up to a presidential election.