
    The Call Kent Podcast

    The Call Kent podcast is a regular podcast where you call in with a question and Kent answers. Call in with your questions right from your web browser with any device at https://kentcdodds.com/call
    enKent C. Dodds187 Episodes

    Episodes (187)

    A Button Per form or One Form with Multiple Buttons

    A Button Per form or One Form with Multiple Buttons

    Hi Kent,

    It's Jan đź‘‹

    When creating a dropdown menu (e.g. to pick a role in an organization), would you wrap the whole menu in a form tag and then render multiple buttons within that form (one for each role)? Or would you render multiple forms (one for each role) with each having their own submit button?

    Thanks a ton if you answer!

    Best regards, Jan

    A Button Per form or One Form with Multiple Buttons

    Toasts in Remix

    Toasts in Remix

    Hi Kent,

    It's Jan.

    I'm currently working on implementing toasts in a Remix app. I was using the Epic Stack as a reference.

    BTW, thank you for creating it, it's so nice to take some features and functionalities from it when you need them!

    Anyways, it looks like the implementation of the toast in the Epic Stack does NOT work with JavaScript disabled. But theoretically, you could make toasts in Remix progressively enhanced by giving the close button a form and prevent default when JavaScript is enabled.

    It looks like the library you're using in the Epic Stack - Sonner - does NOT expose the close button, so you can't progressively enhance it.

    Was it a conscious decision to make the toast JavaScript only? Or let me ask the decision more openly, what are your thoughts on this?

    As always, thanks a ton!

    Toasts in Remix

    Unpaid internships and indentured servitude

    Unpaid internships and indentured servitude

    So, recently I started looking for my first software job. The first offer I received was from a company looking for an intern. The internship had the following conditions: 1) the first 3 months of it are unpaid 2) you have to sign a contract after the 1st month of it that obligates you to stay at the company 2 years after the internship is ended. I rejected it because I felt like you never know what that company may turn out to be. For example, it may try to exploit you and pay you the bare minimum for the job you're doing preventing your career growth and your only option may be to wait for that contract to expire and then start looking for a higher position at another company. I'd like to ask your opinion about:

    • unpaid internships
    • internships that obligate you to stay at the company for 1 or 2 years once the internship is ended
    • companies that follow both of these practices
    Unpaid internships and indentured servitude

    It's fine to re-render

    It's fine to re-render

    My question is around the optimization techniques that a lot of people apply to React apps. I see very often how devs focus on executing their components only once or twice. What I think matters at the end is if there any changes in the actual DOM tree. If not they in theory should be ok to see your functional components fired many times.

    It's fine to re-render

    Generating CSS with Remix Resource Routes

    Generating CSS with Remix Resource Routes

    Hi Kent. I am building an app where product sellers can add their products and they by default get a website listing their products.

    On the app can make some basic customizations for their store website such as color, border radius etc. And each store owner's website is a subdomain. e.g kentstore.xyz.com

    I am using remix for the stores. On page load, I want to fetch the styling config for the website from the db.

    What would be the best approach for this ?. Your insight would be very valuable to me

    I look forward to your response.

    PS: I am totally loving the epic-web course. You're simply amazing.

    Generating CSS with Remix Resource Routes

    Using Downshift with Conform to manage an input

    Using Downshift with Conform to manage an input

    Hi Kent ! I'm Virgile, big fan of your work, and I have a question regarding your article 'Full Stack Component'.

    I am currently using a combobox, managed by useCombobox from the downshift library.

    But I would like conform to take over the input props management, while still getting the autocomplete features.

    I'm curious how you would implement it.

    Using Downshift with Conform to manage an input