
    The Caroline Flanagan Podcast

    Welcome to the Caroline Flanagan Podcast A podcast for Lawyers with Imposter Syndrome who want to stop sabotaging their success and start progressing their career I’m Caroline Flanagan - the Coach for lawyers with Imposter Syndrome. With 9 years experience as an international finance lawyer, I know exactly what it’s like to work in a high pressure environment. I understand the fear and anxiety brought on by Imposter Syndrome, that leads you to overthink, overwork, self sabotage and play small That’s why each week I bring you the unique process and tools I used to solve my Imposter Syndrome so that I could get out of my own way and fulfil my potential. I don't rely on tricks and confidence quick fixes whose effects don’t last. I give you a proven process, the practical tools and I teach you the skills in a way that means you don’t just progress your career, you progress who you are.
    enCaroline Flanagan100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Episode #149 The 4 Pillars of Career Progression

    Episode #149 The 4 Pillars of Career Progression

    Why do you need to change the way you think about career progression goals?

    1. Many of You HAVE no career progression goals at all.  
    • You’re floating along 
    • You have no intention or direction 
    • Maybe it hasn’t occurred to you that you should. 
    1. A lot of you have this idea that career progression is only about getting a promotion. 

    2. Some of you do have a career progression goal, but it’s not the right one. 

    3. You have a career progression goal, it’s the right one, but the way you’re chasing after that goal is going to make it unsustainable when you get there.

    So you’re either 

    • underestimating the IMPORTANCE of career progression and/or
    • you’re taking such a narrow a view of it, (I.e. that career progression = promotion) that you are missing out on the VALUE of other forms of career progression. 

    This means you are denying yourself the opportunity to create the results of:

    • Being in a better place in your career today than you were yesterday
    • Or at the end of this year than you were last year 
    • And to have as your future goal: the ambition of being in a better place in your career at the end of 2023 than you are the beginning.


    In this last episode of the Caroline Flanagan Podcast, we cover: 

    1. Why you should ALWAYS have a career progression goal.
    2. Why it’s really important to make sure that your goal is the RIGHT goal. 
    3. How to choose the right goal by focusing on the 4 Pillars of Career Progression, the concept we teach in Imposter Syndrome Coaching.
    4. What the 4 Pillars of Career Progression are and how to use them.

    In my Imposter Syndrome Coaching programme, you do a Progression Audit to work out which of the 4 pillars needs the most immediate attention, and we spend 6 months progressing that pillar first.  When you do the work to progress one pillar,  this has a knock on effect of progressing the other pillars too.

    You can get started RIGHT NOW with identifying your progression goal for the next 6 months. I’m giving you FREE ACCESS to the Progression Audit Form (the exact same one we use when you join in Imposter Syndrome Coaching) to everyone who joins my Waitlist. .   

    To access your audit now, join the Waitlist. Add your details there, and a link to the Progression Audit will be sent straight to your inbox.  

    And make a note! Enrolment for Imposter Syndrome Coaching opens on 6th December. So head over to the waitlist and get your Progression Audit. This is your opportunity to be ready for when doors open on enrolment. 

    This is the last episode of The Caroline Flanagan podcast and we’re excited to have recently introduced a brand new podcast, Legal Imposters, which is super tailored especially for lawyers with Imposter Syndrome. You can listen to it here, and head on over to LinkedIn to subscribe to the Imposter Syndrome in Law newsletter. 

    Episode #148 Welcome to Legal Imposters!

    Episode #148 Welcome to Legal Imposters!

    This week we’re launching a brand new podcast exclusively for lawyers. Welcome to Legal Imposters! The podcast will have all the helpful Imposter Syndrome advice and information you have been used to if you have been following the Caroline Flanagan podcast over the last couple of years, but will be tailored to be even more specific to lawyers, going deeper and serving you better. 

    This introductory episode is to welcome fellow legal imposters into the fold, and to explain to you how the key to tackling your Imposter Syndrome lies in turning it into your strength and using it to your advantage in your career.

    We bust the three Imposter Syndrome myths: 

    • That it’s ‘just you’ and that everyone else is confident and capable. 
    • That Imposter Syndrome is a problem that you need to fix.
    • That Imposter Syndrome is a sign of weakness.  

    And we explain how rather than ‘fixing’ your Imposter Syndrome, you need to change:

    • The way you think about your Imposter Syndrome.
    • The way you think about YOURSELF as a person with Imposter Syndrome.
    • The way you think about what it means to succeed in the legal industry.

    We’ll explore all of this in detail over the coming episodes. But if you're a lawyer, you want more, your negative thoughts about belonging and deserving are holding you back, you’re ready to stop doing that, and you’re now ready to see what you’re capable of, you’re in the right place!  

    Welcome to Legal Imposters. We’re so excited you’re here. 

    SUBSCRIBE and tell ALL your fellow lawyers – everyone needs to know how to feel good about their Imposter Syndrome!

    In Imposter Syndrome Coaching we follow a simple practical process for progressing your career when you have Imposter Syndrome. Enrolment for the next programme opens soon. Join the waitlist so that you’ll be the first to know! 

    Episode #147 Recession Proof Your Career

    Episode #147  Recession Proof Your Career

    With all this talk of a cost of living crisis and recession, it’s tempting to hunker down and play it small. 

    But if you want to keep your career on track during difficult times you need to do the opposite.  

    It’s more important than ever that you take control of your career, by:

    • Being visible 
    • Adding value, and 
    • Building relationships. 

    I’m not here to scaremonger or to try to make you worried. But in turbulent times, when there are so many things in the world that are out of your control, one thing you can have power over is the direction and progression of your own career. 

    In this episode, I explain:

    • How to think about uncertainty so that you do not panic, or ignore coming change, and
    • What to do to bolster your career so that you are in a position of strength to weather the prospective storm.

    The episode covers all you need to do to ‘double down’ on your career so that you make yourself the most visible, valuable and well-connected lawyer you can be. I explain how you should do this, even, and in fact, especially, when you suffer from Imposter Syndrome. 

    Because it’s your Imposter Syndrome that is holding you back. 

    It’s what stands between you and doubling down. And doubling down is how you make your career more resilient and ensure it’s sustainable in troubled times. 

    In Imposter Syndrome Coaching we follow a simple practical process for progressing your career when you have Imposter Syndrome. You get everything you need to double down and recession-proof your career.  Enrolment for the next programme opens soon. Join the waitlist so that you’ll be the first to know! 

    Episode #146 The Five Emotions

    Episode #146 The Five Emotions

    If you think progressing your career when you have Imposter Syndrome is all about the action, think again.  

    It's the emotions that drive your actions that count. Why?

    • Because emotion lies behind everything we do. 
    • Because FEAR is the emotion behind your Imposter Syndrome, driving overworking, overthinking, playing small and self sabotage – which are the behaviours keeping you stuck and stopping you progressing the way you want or need to. 
    • Because if you want to progress, you need to a) be AWARE of the emotions that don’t serve you and b) learn how to TURN ON those that do.  

    And the good news is, you only need to master 5 of them! 

    In this podcast episode, I describe the 5 emotions that you need to choose to feel, and then explain how to feel them consistently and intentionally, if you are going to progress your career.  

    NB - confidence is not on the list! 

    Tune in now to find out what these 5 emotions are. And If you're a lawyer with Imposter Syndrome seeking better balance, more recognition, more confidence or you just want to do your day job with a lot more ease, check out Imposter Syndrome Coaching for lawyers. Enrolment opens soon. Join the waitlist so that you’ll be the first to know! 

    Episode #145 - Faking It Til You Make It

    Episode #145 - Faking It Til You Make It

    You can’t short cut your way to confidence.  

    Faking it ‘til you make it may help you out when you need a quick fix, but it is not a long term strategy for building confidence. 

    It’s often one of the ‘tricks’ you’re advised to use to help you ’overcome’ your Imposter Syndrome - a mindset tactic that encourages you to do something you’re terrified or reluctant to do. It works on the premise that if you ‘pretend’ to be able to do something often enough, or for long enough, you grow the capability to actually do it. 

    Sounds good, right?

    The problem with faking it though is that your relationship with yourself doesn’t change. It gives you a mask to wear, it makes you well-practised - but you are still practising being someone you are not. The best way to ‘make it’ is by gaining confidence in who you really ARE. 

    In this episode, I cover all the downsides to the faking it approach and describe what you need to do instead. I explain how you need to put in the work to discover who you really are, and learn to take action from a place of trusting that you are enough.

    This is the method I teach in Imposter Syndrome Coaching. Enrolment for the next coaching programme is coming soon. Make sure you’re on the waitlist so that you’re the first to. know.

    We’re also excited to be launching a new podcast on 1 November - ‘Lawyers with Imposter Syndrome’. It will have lots of client case studies, interviews, and will revisit key issues about Imposter Syndrome in the Legal industry. It will also support you through Imposter Syndrome Coaching. 

    Episode #144 You Asked. I Answered

    Episode #144 You Asked. I Answered

    I had lots of questions about Imposter Syndrome Coaching at the end of the Masterclass on Monday. Here are the answers I delivered live for you on LinkedIn and Facebook earlier this week. 

    The deadline for applications to ISC for lawyers is Monday 3rd. If you're a lawyer and you think Imposter Syndrome may be holding you back in your career, this programme is for YOU. For details on how to apply, head to carolineflanagan.com/imposter-syndrome-coaching

    Remember, doors close at midnight on Monday 3rd October so don’t delay. Get your application over to me asap.  


    P.S. If you still have unanswered questions, email me here  or you can DM in all the usual places on social. 

    Can’t wait to see you in the program! 

    Episode #143 How to progress - the Masterclass!

    Episode #143 How to progress - the Masterclass!

    Monday’s Masterclass really was a masterclass! I covered everything you need to know about progressing your career – from the 4 step simple process, to the skills and the tools you need to succeed. 

    If you were there, this episode will be a useful reminder of all the reasons why you should drop what you’re doing right now and rush to apply for Imposter Syndrome Coaching. 

    If you missed Monday’s class, today’s you’re lucky day. Listen, learn, then get yourself over to the application page asap.  

    Remember, doors close at midnight on Monday 3rd October so don’t delay. Get your application over to me asap.  


    P.S. If you still have unanswered questions, email me here  or you can DM in all the usual places on social. 

    Can’t wait to see you in the program! 

    Doors are open!

    Doors are open!

    The doors to Imposter Syndrome Coaching for lawyers are now open!  

    Tune into this special announcement to find out everything you need to know to apply, including details of the money back guarantee. 

    Don’t delay! Doors close at midnight on Monday 3rd October so get your application into me asap.  

    If you still have unanswered questions, email me here or you can DM in all the usual places on social.  

    Can’t wait to see you in the program! 


    Episode #142 Taking Credit for Your Work

    Episode #142 Taking Credit for Your Work

    If you are given praise or positive feedback for your work, do you enthusiastically accept it? 

    Or do you find yourself attributing your success to someone or something else? Or perhaps keep your wins to yourself? Do you, in effect, refuse to take credit for your achievements?

    When you have Imposter Syndrome, you feel compelled to avoid being exposed as the fraud you think you are. This means you indulge in Self-Sabotage, one of the 4 negative behaviours (or 4 Horsemen as I call them) that characterise Imposter Syndrome. Refusing to take credit for, or capitalise on, your successes, is a sure-fire way to sabotage or undermine your career progression.

    In this week’s podcast episode, I show you how to look more compassionately and proactively at your achievements, and, something typically overlooked, the other ways in which you have made clear and measurable progress to date. What I talk about here will help you become more confident and level up the way you think about yourself.

    The episode covers:

    • How to identify the circumstances where you are currently not taking credit for things that you should be.
    • The common mistakes you are making in dealing with success or praise.
    • The ways in which discounting your achievements is undermining your progress.
    • What you can say or do instead to take credit for your achievements and internalise your successes.

    Having Imposter Syndrome means your brain will resist these changes. One of the biggest values of my Imposter Syndrome programme is that I coach you through this discomfort. Sign up to my FREE MASTERCLASS on MONDAY 26TH SEPTEMBER 18.00 PM UK “How to Progress Your Legal Career (when you struggle with Imposter Syndrome) to hear more. 

    Bonus Series P5: How will you know when you get there?

    Bonus Series P5: How will you know when you get there?

    So you know you have Imposter Syndrome. You understand how it's holding you back in your career and you're clear about how you want to progress. But how will you know when you get there and who do you need to become along the way?

    When coaching my clients on how to achieve their progression goals, I don't just set off in the vague hope of helping them get what they want. We get really clear on how you'll know when you get there and we always measure your progress. Because more important than achieving your goal is who you become along the way.

    24 Sept 2022 - Pre-enrolment to Imposter Syndrome Coaching opens to WAITLIST
    Join here:

    26 Sept 2022 - FREE MASTERCLASS: How to Progress your Legal Career. Register here:

    Enrolment to Imposter Syndrome Coaching for Lawyers is open Apply here:

    Monday 3 Oct 2022 Midnight - Enrolment closes. Application deadline.


    Bonus Series P4: HOW do you want to progress?

    Bonus Series P4: HOW do you want to progress?

    It's easy to talk about wishing you could progress your career and the things that are holding you back, but have you thought about what you want that progress to look like? Feel like? And who you will be on the other side of that progress?

    In this episode, I invite you to cast aside your thoughts about why you're not progressing, and take yourself to a place where you know what progression means to you and you start to believe that it's possible.

    Referenced in this episode:
    24 Sept 2022
    - Pre-enrolment to Imposter Syndrome Coaching opens to WAITLIST
    Join here:

    26 Sept 2022
    - FREE MASTERCLASS: How to Progress your Legal Career. Register here:

    Enrolment to Imposter Syndrome Coaching for Lawyers is open
    Apply here:

    Monday 3 Oct 2022 Midnight UK
    - Enrolment closes. Application deadline.

    Bonus Series P3: Is Imposter Syndrome holding you back?

    Bonus Series P3: Is Imposter Syndrome holding you back?

    So you think you have Imposter Syndrome. But why does it matter? Why should you care? Because it's holding you back, that's why. In this episode, I talk about the negative impact Imposter Syndrome can have on a career and how you know it is negatively impacting yours.

    Referenced in this episode:
    24 Sept 2022
    - Pre-enrolment to Imposter Syndrome Coaching opens to WAITLIST
    Join here:

    26 Sept 2022
    - FREE MASTERCLASS: How to Progress your Legal Career. Register here:

    Enrolment to Imposter Syndrome Coaching for Lawyers is open
    Apply here:

    Monday 3 Oct 2022 Midnight UK
    - Enrolment closes. Application deadline.

    Bonus Series P2: How do you know you have Imposter Syndrome?

    Bonus Series P2: How do you know you have Imposter Syndrome?

    Feeling like a fraud and that your success is down to luck are sure signs of Imposter Syndrome, but they are not the only ones. There are a whole bunch of Secret Signs nobody talks about, and you need to know what they are. In this episode I share exactly what they are and how you know they apply to you, and answer any questions you may have.

    Referenced in this episode:
    24 Sept 2022
    - Pre-enrolment to Imposter Syndrome Coaching opens to

    Join here:

    26 Sept 2022
    - FREE MASTERCLASS: How to Progress your Legal Career. Register here:

    Enrolment to Imposter Syndrome Coaching for Lawyers is open
    Apply here:

    Monday 3 Oct 2022 6PM UK
    - Enrolment closes. Application deadline.

    Bonus Series P1: What is Imposter Syndrome?

    Bonus Series P1: What is Imposter Syndrome?

    Depending on which research you believe, 60-90% of us have experienced Imposter Syndrome at some time in our lives. But what exactly is Imposter Syndrome? And how do you know you have it? Tune in to find out.

    Referenced in this episode:
    24 Sept 2022
    - Pre-enrolment to Imposter Syndrome Coaching opens to WAITLIST
    Join here:

    26 Sept 2022
    - FREE MASTERCLASS: How to Progress your Legal Career. Register here:

    Enrolment to Imposter Syndrome Coaching for Lawyers is open
    Apply here:

    Monday 3 Oct 2022 6PM UK
    - Enrolment closes. Application deadline.

    Episode # 141 Being Visible

    Episode # 141 Being Visible


    Being visible is a core essential for career progression.

    • It’s how people get to know who you are 
    • It’s how they get to experience your value 
    • It’s how they learn to trust you enough to: 
          - give you opportunities
          - recognise you
          - support you
          - promote you.

    But when you have Imposter Syndrome, your fear of being exposed means that visibility is the last thing you want. You’ll go to great lengths to avoid it, by:

    • Turning down opportunities to showcase your value
    • Not going for a promotion
    • Avoiding networking events
    • Avoiding public speaking
    • Being intimidated by social media.

    Perhaps you only do one or a couple of the above. But the problem is that any of these behaviours can hold you back and stop you from realising your true potential.

    In this episode, I describe my own personal problem with Imposter Syndrome and visibility; raising my profile on social media. 

    I explain how, like me, you need to identify WHAT you should do to raise your visibility, and, more importantly, HOW you should do it. I share with you the results of an exercise I teach in Imposter Syndrome coaching which helps you to embrace negative emotion in order to do the things that will make you visible.

    You don’t have to make this journey alone. I teach you the process for becoming more visible in Imposter Syndrome Coaching for Lawyers, and I coach you every step of the way. You also get the support of other members of the group who are on the same journey. With this level of support, your success is inevitable. Enrolment opens 12th September for 7 days only and places are limited. As a lawyer with Imposter Syndrome, you have to check out this programme. Get your name on the waitlist now, so you are the first to hear.  I will be prioritising applications from people who are already on the Waitlist when enrolment opens. 


    Episode #140 The Goldilocks Gauge

    Episode #140 The Goldilocks Gauge

    There’s a fine line between Overworking and working hard to produce results. So how do you tell the difference? 

    The answer is the Goldilocks Gauge.

    Overworking is all the work you do that is driven by fear. It takes up valuable time but adds little or no value. Such as:

    • Labouring over emails.
    • Excessively checking your work.
    • Prolonging tasks so you never finish your work, you only ever run out of time.

    Overworking makes you inefficient and puts your career at risk. If you want to progress your career, you need to learn how to stop.

    In this episode, I introduce you to ‘The Goldilocks Gauge’ - the unique tool you learn in Imposter Syndrome Coaching to help you understand what is the ‘just right’ amount of time to spend on your work. This is the efficiency sweet spot.

    You’ll learn how to evaluate how long things will take, and a formula to work out how long tasks SHOULD be taking you so you can stop Overworking and focus only on the work that will produce the best results.

    The better you get at stopping overworking, the more efficient you’ll be, the better balance you’ll have, and the more your career will progress.


    To get started on stopping Overworking with The Goldilocks Gauge, join the next class of Imposter Syndrome Coaching. Enrolment for the next class is on September 12th 2022. Be the first to know by Signing up to the waitlist here.





    Episode #139 Get Out Of Your Own Head

    Episode #139 Get Out Of Your Own Head

    Stop Overthinking. Get out of your own head. When you have Imposter Syndrome, one of your biggest struggles is with Overthinking. If your Imposter Syndrome is triggered, the fear and anxiety send you spiralling into thought drama. By worrying, panicking and mentally preparing for the worst, your brain is trying to protect you from potential danger. 

     But when the perceived danger is a work challenge, all this Overthinking isn’t protective, it’s detrimental. 

     Being ‘in your own head’ means: 

    •    You’re not fully present in your environment. 
    •    You experience the world through the filter of your negative thoughts. 

    So you are:  

    • Less  efficient (things take you longer). 
    • Less effective (you’re less focused).   
    • More hesitant, quieter, withdrawn (where you are making negative assumptions).  

    All of which stops you from progressing in your career. 

    In this podcast episode, I explain the importance of ‘getting out of your own head’. 

    We cover: 

    • Why you need to be able to shift your attention away from your thoughts and direct it towards what is actually happening right in front of you.  
    • When you need to be able to do it. 
    • How to do it. 
    • The Blink-of-an-eye Attention Redirection strategy I teach in Imposter Syndrome Coaching. 
    • Obstacles to expect and how to overcome them. 

    When you’ve learned how to stop Overthinking you are more alert and focused and 100x more effective. You notice more. You think more clearly, solve problems more quickly. You’re free to be creative, more responsive. And you’ll be so much more in control. 

    Join Imposter Syndrome Coaching to learn the tool that will help you get out of your own head. Enrolment for the next class opens on 12th September 2022. Click here to find out more and join the waitlist.  

    Episode #138 What is Coaching?

    Episode #138 What is Coaching?

    Coaching seems to be ubiquitous these days, but do you really understand what good coaching is, what sort of coaching to choose, how it works, or how it can help you progress your career?

    It’s time to go back to basics.

    In this podcast episode, I get to the bottom of the coaching conundrum, and give you all the information you need to make an informed decision about Imposter Syndrome Coaching. 

    I cover:

    • What coaching is: an explanation of the listening and questioning technique that helps you get from where you are now to where you want to be. 
    • What coaching is not.
    • Who coaching is for.
    • How coaching works.
    • The best conditions for coaching.
    • The value of coaching: how is it worth the money?
    • What to look for in a coach.

    I also explain how Imposter Syndrome Coaching ticks all these boxes in a unique coaching programme  tailored just for lawyers with Imposter Syndrome. 

    Coaching will take you further than you can go by yourself. If you’d like to give it a try, the next class of Imposter Syndrome Coaching is coming soon. Click here to join the waitlist and find out more. 

    Episode #137 Self Evaluation

    Episode #137 Self Evaluation

    Do you ever take time out to evaluate your own performance?

    Many people struggle to honestly assess how they’re doing.

    • It takes effort; when you have Imposter Syndrome, looking for the things you have done wrong or could improve is a massive trigger.
    • It feels time consuming.
    • You don’t have a process; self-evaluation is not a skill that is usually taught. 

    But self-evaluation is one of the most important lessons you learn in Imposter Syndrome Coaching. It’s the process that ensures that every time you go through a growth cycle , you are progressing through the cycle (I.e. improving), instead of just going round in circles! Together with asking for feedback, it’s the part of the process which is going to most accelerate your progress towards your goal. 

    In this episode, I cover:

    • What to evaluate 
    • How to evaluate

    I explain how in Imposter Syndrome Coaching, we take a unique approach: Imposter Syndrome is not a problem you need to fix, it’s just the puzzle you need to solve.

    And that is the puzzle of who you are.

    When you know who you are, and you take action from “who you are” instead of who you’re not: you get access to all the resources you need to fulfil your potential. 

    • You don’t succeed by doing. you succeed by being.
    • You don’t succeed because of a list of achievements, or what you’ve done, you succeed because of who you’ve become. 

    So in Imposter Syndrome Coaching, I teach you to evaluate your performance differently. It’s not about what you did, it’s all about who you were.

    In this episode, I walk you through the step-by-step process to evaluate who you were when you performed each action, and explain how you can act on the results of your self evaluation to progress.

    Who you are is your most valuable asset.  Self evaluation is about holding yourself accountable to showing up as who you are. If you’d like to get started, book a free consultation with me.