
    The Chefpreneur Show

    The Chefpreneur movement is all about Chefs who have taken a risk to put their future into their own hands. Join Chef Andres as he wants to educate, motivate, and inspire Chefs to start their own Personal Chef Business and put the Restaurant and Hotel industry on its back. Tune in and Join the Movement!
    enAndres Hinojosa64 Episodes

    Episodes (64)

    Are you a "real" Chef?

    Are you a "real" Chef?

    How do you define a Chef? Is it someone who has a degree? Who is experienced? Someone who has the grit to work his or herself up the ladder?


    What I believe is that being a chef isn’t about all the credentials. It’s all about what being a chef means to you. How being a chef makes a difference in your life or how you've changed someone else’s life with the service you gave?

    Ultimately, your guests won’t care about your title, what they'll care about is the service that you will give them, that they feel cared for and cared about. It’s all about the value that you give being a passionate cook!


    Listen to this week’s podcast to learn more, but please send any questions you have to podcast@chefpreneurprogram.com



    You can join and register for our 14-Day Personal Chef program at www.14daypersonalchef.com. Whether you want to start how to find your first strategic partnership for your business or just want to make some extra money part-time as a side gig we can help you find your first or next client in 14 days or less! 


    You can also join and register for our Free webclass at https://www.chefpreneurprogram.com/webinar-page where I will teach you 3 things: What you need legally to get started, how to find the right clients and how to give an amazing experience to your clients.


    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking this link: http://bit.ly/iamchefpreneur_youtube and don’t forget to turn on the notifications to gain access to more great content!


    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion at http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group and this is a good start in surrounding yourself with the right people in starting the business and interact with like-minded chefs who are on a mission to break free from their kitchen job and build their own empire! 




    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a stand for their Personal Freedom by breaking the Chains of a Kitchen Job and building their own Personal Chef Business.


    The future is yours… put it into your own hands!

    What is the best way to advertise a Personal Chef Business?

    What is the best way to advertise a Personal Chef Business?

    Advertising is a tricky part of having a Personal Chef Business. There have been many times I've seen this question asked within our movement group. These days, maximizing the internet is the best way to do it, especially during a time such as this in 2020 when everyone is home more often than they're out.

    But in order to find clients, you will need to find leads first. You can do this organically by going on social media which varies from YouTube, Instagram and Facebook. Other platforms could also be Yelp and Thumbtack as these help your business get more exposure in the market. But none of these guarantees you leads since everything still depends on the right messaging and processes you have to turn those leads into paying clients.
    Paid ads such as Google Adwords is another strategy. But this requires strategic content with the right messaging since you don’t want to waste the money you’re investing for ads.


    The best strategy that I can guarantee good results is by doing strategic partnerships! This is what I teach to my students and what I use with my own personal chef business as well! You can never go wrong with this strategy as this is the fastest and easiest way in getting quality leads.


    Listen to this week’s podcast to learn more, but please send any questions you have to podcast@chefpreneurprogram.com




    You can join and register for our 14-Day Personal Chef program at www.14daypersonalchef.com. Whether you want to start how to find your first strategic partnership for your business or just want to make some extra money part-time as a side gig we can help you find your first or next client in 14 days or less! 


    You can also join and register for our Free webclass at https://www.chefpreneurprogram.com/webinar-page where I will teach you 3 things: What you need legally to get started, how to find the right clients and how to give an amazing experience to your clients.


    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking this link: http://bit.ly/iamchefpreneur_youtube and don’t forget to turn on the notifications to gain access to more great content!


    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion at http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group and this is a good start in surrounding yourself with the right people in starting the business and interact with like-minded chefs who are on a mission to break free from their kitchen job and build their own empire! 



    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a stand for their Personal Freedom by breaking the Chains of a Kitchen Job and building their own Personal Chef Business.


    The future is yours… put it into your own hands!

    Why now is the best time to start a Personal Chef Business

    Why now is the best time to start a Personal Chef Business

    I started my personal chef business, Dinner with a Chef, 3 yrs ago. And right then, I knew that this was going be the future for chefs and cooks who wanted to start a business without the crazy overhead.


    The usual norm in the culinary industry is that if you want to be successful, you need to pay your dues and the work really comes with different stresses which makes it challenging to enjoy your work and passion. That is why I pushed on this movement to help and inspire other cooks and chefs in building their own personal chef business.


    If we focus our passion and energy on doing something that we love and actually putting it up as a business such as this one, you’ll be amazed at the things that you can accomplish. There’s freedom in having a business but it is still not easy. It needs some hard work! 


    The first 45 days during this pandemic, to be honest, it did hit my business hard. I got around $4-5K worth of refunds from cancellations. But soon after that, more clients wanted to still have that intimate and safe celebration for their birthdays, anniversaries, and to share that experience with their loved ones. People now more than ever want to experience a good dining experience. 


    I am encouraging you to at least try and make little steps towards this opportunity! Now is the best time for being a personal chef! The clients have little choice but to use us, but I also encourage you to take this leap and make this happen. Do small steps such as researching or you can listen to some of my podcasts as a starter or just by joining my free Facebook for like-minded chefs!




    You can join and register for our 14-Day Personal Chef program at www.14daypersonalchef.com. Whether you want to start an actual business or just want to make some extra money part-time as a side gig we can help you find your first or next client in 14 days or less! 

    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking this link: http://bit.ly/iamchefpreneur_youtube and don’t forget to turn on the notifications to gain access to more great content!


    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion at http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group and this is a good start in surrounding yourself with the right people in starting the business and interact with like-minded chefs who are on a mission to break free from their kitchen job and build their own empire! 


    And if you’ve decided to take the leap and take your personal chef business seriously, then we invite you to Enroll in the Masterclass Online Program, just head to https://www.chefpreneurprogram.com/start From there, you will be guided through the process of how to be a successful personal chef! 




    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a stand for their Personal Freedom by breaking the Chains of a Kitchen Job and building their own Personal Chef Business.


    The future is yours… put it into your own hands!

    If at FIRST, you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again!

    If at FIRST, you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again!

    In putting up any kind of business, it takes hard work and perseverance to reach success. Some of my students said that they’ve started out the Personal Chef Business before but always end in failure. For me, the most ambitious person and the one who wants it the most is the one who always succeeds in this business.


    The purpose of this podcast is to give hope and motivation to those who are pursuing or already have an existing personal chef business and adjusting mentally because I personally know that it’s difficult to stay motivated. 


    People often think that it’s easier to give up and that’s why most people don’t garner much success in life. Although there are certain things in life where giving up may be necessary, most are just excuses. Remember that excuses are the rabbit holes of failure. Instead, get up and dust yourself off and try again! 


    What you need to do to achieve success are the following:


    1. Do not give up! Keep trying and keep doing! Don’t stop and don’t get tired until you reach your goal.
    2. Look for someone that has already achieved the level of success that you want for yourself. Start looking around for someone who can teach or mentor you. Because you’ll be sure that these people know what they are doing and they have already experienced a level of hardship before reaching their success.
    3. Look for an accountability group or person so whenever you feel down or discouraged, you can get motivation support and encouragement to keep going.



    You can join and register for our Free webclass at www.thechefpreneurwebinar.com where I will teach you 3 things: What you need legally to get started, How to find the right clients and how to give an amazing experience to your clients.


    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking this link: http://bit.ly/iamchefpreneur_youtube and don’t forget to turn on the notifications to gain access to more great content!


    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion at http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group and this is a good start in surrounding yourself with the right people in starting the business and interact with like-minded chefs who are on a mission to break free from their kitchen job and build their own empire! 


    And if you’ve decided to take the leap and take your personal chef business seriously, then we invite you to Enroll in the Masterclass Online Program, just head to https://www.chefpreneurprogram.com/start From there, you will be guided through the process of how to be a successful personal chef! 




    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a stand for their Personal Freedom by breaking the Chains of a Kitchen Job and building their own Personal Chef Business.


    The future is yours… put it into your own hands!

    How to charge like a Caterer for a large event as a Personal Chef!

    How to charge like a Caterer for a large event as a Personal Chef!

    I don’t normally advertise getting large events as a Personal Chef, but a regular client requested to have us for her brother’s birthday. 


    Here’s a walk-through on how I did it and what important points you should remember right at the planning stage up to the execution date of the event.


    1. For a large event, it’s important that you have sufficient manpower. Which as for me, we’re 5 in the team. 
    2. In planning the menu, choose a food that you are sure that you can execute in a home setting and execute that on some level. This can be simple food but elevated with the proper technique and taste. If for a small crowd, you can quite experiment with your dishes. But for big events, it’s better that you do simple, non-far fetched foods. 
    3. Set a time sufficient for the preparation. Which as for my team, we prepped for 4-hours which gave us time to prepare everything.
    4. It is the experience that you are selling. Not just the food but everything. That experience of serving them hot and fresh food compared to catering businesses where they just heat up everything. Just the aroma itself of the food is the big plus!
    5. When doing the costing, don’t breakdown the additional costs such as travel and additional staff. Instead, package everything up on a per head basis as this may seem that they got a good deal from you.


    The outcome? Overwhelmed and overly happy bride because of the feedback from the guests on how amazing the event was. Just keep everything simple but make a lasting experience to the client and you will definitely go a long way! 




    You can join and register for our Free webclass at www.thechefpreneurwebinar.com where I will teach you 3 things: What you need legally to get started, How to find the right clients and how to give an amazing experience to your clients.


    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking this link: http://bit.ly/iamchefpreneur_youtube and don’t forget to turn on the notifications to gain access to more great content!


    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion at http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group and this is a good start in surrounding yourself with the right people in starting the business and interact with like-minded chefs who are on a mission to break free from their kitchen job and build their own empire! 


    And if you’ve decided to take the leap and take your personal chef business seriously, then we invite you to Enroll in the Masterclass Online Program, just head to https://www.chefpreneurprogram.com/start From there, you will be guided through the process of how to be a successful personal chef! 




    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a stand for their Personal Freedom by breaking the Chains of a Kitchen Job and building their own Personal Chef Business.


    The future is yours… put it into your own hands!

    Is finding more leads the first step to getting more clients?

    Is finding more leads the first step to getting more clients?

    In a Personal Chef business, the “finding more clients” phrase should be changed to “find more leads”. As the first step in growing your personal chef business is by getting leads. Leads then turn into paying customers, which is then called “clients”.


    Leads are people who are actively looking for personal chef services in what you provide. However, you will need an effective sales process to turn those leads into clients. If your process is broken, ineffective and not well planned, you won’t turn them into clients.


    The basic steps in doing this are: 


    1. Have the right messaging on your website or business page. Having good messaging brings in the RIGHT leads because they’ll know what you are actually offering.
    2. A process on how to sell your services by contacting the lead. You should know how to actually sell your services as this can make or break your business
    3. Stick to your worth as the right clients will come around. You don’t need to lessen your worth just to make the sell.
    4. Never start your conversation with the price. It is the kiss of death. Focus on the need of the client and always control the conversation.




    You can join and register for our Free webclass at www.thechefpreneurwebinar.com where I will teach you 3 things: What you need legally to get started, How to find the right clients and how to give an amazing experience to your clients.


    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking this link: http://bit.ly/iamchefpreneur_youtube and don’t forget to turn on the notifications to gain access to more great content!


    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion at http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group and this is a good start in surrounding yourself with the right people in starting the business and interact with like-minded chefs who are on a mission to break free from their kitchen job and build their own empire! 


    And if you’ve decided to take the leap and take your personal chef business seriously, then we invite you to Enroll in the Masterclass Online Program, just head to https://www.chefpreneurprogram.com/start From there, you will be guided through the process of how to be a successful personal chef! 




    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a stand for their Personal Freedom by breaking the Chains of a Kitchen Job and building their own Personal Chef Business.


    The future is yours… put it into your own hands!


    The Vision for the Chefpreneur Movement in 2020 and How You'd Fit Into it

    The Vision for the Chefpreneur Movement in 2020 and How You'd Fit Into it

    How we started and why: In 2018, I was trying to transform and expand my business in different cities. What I found, is that it would be a lot of management on my part so I started to dive in and get in touch with the past chefs that I’ve worked with. In a way, I was trying to get them join the team. They were thrilled and helped me out. But as we got into the details of how they can get involved, that’s when I found out that there were a lot of interested chefs, who were not within my circle of friends and past co-workers, who wanted to be in the business. Many people started messaging me on FB and IG and even emailed me asking: how to get started? So it got me thinking, maybe there is a need for this. I remember when I started my PC business 5yrs ago, there was really no direction out there on how to go about starting a personal chef business. That got me thinking that maybe, these people want to learn from me, from what I have done and so there’s this chance that I could help them. That’s when I realized that I don’t want to just expand my business, but also to mentor, coach and help other chefs all over the US and now, globally, have their own personal chef business. 


    I started with listing what worked for my business and what didn’t and just basically put it all into a program. I’ve had 30 students so far who have taken the program and I am proud to say that they were able to achieve good results. And when I started this podcast, my aim was to just reach more chefs and give them the opportunity to see what’s out there for them in the culinary industry. 


    The vision I have this 2020 for the Movement is to make it a lot bigger and to tell as many chefs and cooks about the opportunity of being a personal chef. Also, I plan to put out more content, kicking up the YouTube channel game and bring out more free video lessons and more free training to be able for you to really understand the possibilities and opportunities that are in this industry already. We do not necessarily need to team up but market up each other and this will dramatically change the culinary scene where the consumers will now recognize us and they will get more of our services. 


    Last year, we launched the Chefpreneur Masterclass. It’s a step by step program that takes you to starting and running a personal chef company for yourself. So far, 30 students have taken up the Live Chefpreneur Masterclass and they are getting great results. 


    But this year, we launched the Online Chefpreneur Masterclass which covers everything as the Live version. But you can go at your own pace, with all the workbooks, worksheets, and everything else included.


    This 2020, my goal is to help more chefs have their own personal chef business by doing the following:

    1. Live event with around 100 tickets as I want to meet everyone and interact with you all
    2. Build more programs: 
    1. Launch the foundational online masterclass
    2. And, teach you paid advertising and in-depth sells process for your business which I will learn from executing it in my own business first.



    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a stand for their Personal Freedom by breaking the Chains of a Kitchen Job and building their own Empire!


    The future is yours… put it into your own hands!




    You can join and register for our webinar in www.thechefpreneurwebinar.com where I will teach you 3 things: What you need legally to get started, How to find the right clients and How to give an amazing experience to your clients.


    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking this link: http://bit.ly/iamchefpreneur_youtube and don’t forget to turn on the notifications to gain access to more great content!


    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion at http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group and this is a good start in surrounding yourself with the right people in starting the business and interact with like-minded chefs who are on a mission to break free from their kitchen job and build their own empire! 

    And if you’ve decided to take the leap and take your personal chef business seriously, then we invite you to Enroll in the Masterclass Online Program, just head to https://www.chefpreneurprogram.com. From there, you will be guided through the process of how to be a successful personal chef!

    An interview with our Masterclass: Online student Jerry Peterson

    An interview with our Masterclass: Online student Jerry Peterson

    We have a special episode today as we interview Chef Jerry Peterson, one of the students of the Chefpreneur Masterclass: Online Program. 


    Today, we talked about his day JOB before being a Personal Chef and how he came across and decided that being a personal chef is where he wants to be in the Culinary Industry. Also, we learned how he started to build his business with the help and guidance of the Masterclass Online Program. He also gave us a glimpse of how his first client or gig went and what are the were the ups and downs.




    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a stand for their Personal Freedom by breaking the Chains of a Kitchen Job and building their own Empire!


    The future is yours… put it into your own hands!




    Download our FREE E-book at https://www.becomeachefpreneur.com as your Ultimate Guide to get you started on your Personal Chef Business.


    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking this link: http://bit.ly/iamchefpreneur_youtube and don’t forget to turn on the notifications to gain access to more great content!


    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion at http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group and this is a good start in surrounding yourself with the right people in starting the business and interact with like-minded chefs who are on a mission to break free from their kitchen job and build their own empire! 


    And if you’ve decided to take the leap and take your personal chef business seriously, then we invite you to Enroll in the Masterclass Online Program, just head to https://www.chefpreneurprogram.com/masterclass-online. From there, you will be guided through the process of how to be a successful personal chef! 

    Why you shouldn’t focus on getting more inquiries until you master this one thing

    Why you shouldn’t focus on getting more inquiries until you master this one thing

    What is this one thing that you should master in having a business? It is to know “How to effectively sell”. Let’s say your business is like a car, which needs gas and engine to run. The gas represents the inquiries you receive every day while the engine serves as the selling skill in your business. If your engine is not working properly, the gas is useless and therefore you won’t get to your destination. The same goes for your business. If you’re receiving hundreds of inquiries a week but don’t know how to make these as paying customers, it’s useless.


    So what can you do? Here are 3 tips in making that inquiry a sure sell:


    1. The entire communication is not about you but about the customer. Know what their needs are that you can fulfill? 

    Remember that if you don’t put them first, you won’t win. Most of the chefs today have their Facebook and website information be all about them, but in reality, nobody cares!


    1. Whenever you are selling somebody something, you have to be in control of the conversation.

    Start understanding that you are guiding them in booking your services and this takes you to have to be in control. You can’t let them drive the conversation. Guide them. Stir the ship, they’ll trust you if you do this and more likely that they’ll book and hire you. 


    1. You have to talk to somebody either over the phone or in person. 

    This part is lost nowadays. Many opted for the use of online applications to book them and make everything automated. Being on a personal level because this word is in our job description as a “Personal Chef”.


    I use these 3 selling techniques in my own Personal Chef Business and have a 94.6% closed rate of booked inquiries. This technique is also what I teach in my step by step Masterclass Program. A more depth discussion and additional selling techniques were also discussed at the class. 


    If you apply these 3 techniques, I can guarantee an increase in your bookings 50% or more.



    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a stand for their Personal Freedom by breaking the Chains of a Kitchen Job and building their own Empire!


    The future is yours… put it into your own hands!




    Download our FREE E-book at https://www.becomeachefpreneur.com as your Ultimate Guide to get you started on your Personal Chef Business.


    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking this link: http://bit.ly/iamchefpreneur_youtube and  don’t forget to turn on the notifications to gain access to more great content!


    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion at http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group and this is a good start in surrounding yourself with the right people in starting the business and interact with like-minded chefs who are on a mission to break free from their kitchen job and build their own empire! (I know this is a repeat of the line above in bold, but this is for people who are new to the community so we want to drive these principles home)

    Why are you Charging so Little for your Services

    Why are you Charging so Little for your Services

    So, let’s discuss why are you charging so little for your services. Some might probably say that this is about confidence issues. That they are not yet confident in charging higher because they are still starting out and testing the water. 


    Simply put, it is natural when starting up a business. People tend to be shy and undersell their services just for the sake to have a sale. BUT, we need to understand what is at stake and sacrificed by doing that.


    When you start a business and you undercharge, the tendency is that you won’t perform well and in return, your clients won’t get the experience that they would have wanted. Whereas, if you charge higher, your instinct is that “my client will be paying this much and therefore, I should perform well. I will show up on time. I will pay more attention to the food and to the details of the service”. 


    See the difference? You will be driven more because you will get paid more and in return, your clients will get awesome service and you will then get a lasting impression. Definitely a win-win, right?




    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a stand for their Personal Freedom by breaking the Chains of a Kitchen Job and building their own Empire!


    The future is yours… put it into your own hands!




    Download our FREE E-book at https://www.becomeachefpreneur.com as your Ultimate Guide to get you started on your Personal Chef Business.


    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking this link: http://bit.ly/iamchefpreneur_youtube and  don’t forget to turn on the notifications to gain access to more great content!


    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion at http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group and this is a good start in surrounding yourself with the right people in starting the business

    The 3 Excuses that are Getting in Your Way of Being Successful

    The 3 Excuses that are Getting in Your Way of Being Successful

    Thank you so much for tuning in! This podcast episode starts off with a question from Lamar of the Chefpreneur Movement group. His question is: 


    “What are some ways you can think that are effective marketing tips and ways to get new potentially high end and consistent clients?”  


    First, prior to finding the right client, it is important to know what your brand is all about. Know what your niche is. People won’t resonate with what you’re putting out there if you don’t understand what you are doing. You also don’t want to just attract anybody. You want to attract people who are really looking for your specific services.

    Second, once you know your niche, find other people that are serving those clienteles already. Look for other services of companies where those clienteles usually go to or use. You can go and partner with those companies to have them refer you. Or maybe some services that they may potentially be using. Most of my students in the Chefpreneur Masterclass got their 1st clients via strategic partnerships even without the website and barely setup. 


    If you have questions, just send it to podcast@chefpreneurprogram.com or join the Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group. To join the group, go to http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group


    I chose this topic because I want to help as many more chefs from the bottom of my heart. And I did notice this from many chefs that I encountered or talk to in the Facebook group. We do love to get hold or reach our dreams and goals but unfortunately, there’s so much more that’s holding us back. And the only person that can actually fix that is you.  The usual reason is FEAR which is a cop-out answer. You need to be more specific.


    I narrowed down 3 reasons:

    1. You don’t have enough money- true that you do need a dollar amount. But wrong to look at money as a cost instead of an investment. If you want it bad enough, you’ll find the money. 
    2. I don’t have enough experience- one of my students in the masterclass is a truck mechanic. Has no degree and experience. You don’t need a degree. But you just need the grit and passion for cooking. The entire experience is what they are paying for, not just the food. 
    3. I don’t have the time- this ties into everything. If I have time to watch on youtube or other things. You can set this up 3-6mos or less, working and functioning already.


    Remember that the decision for change and being successful is in your own hands, no matter how you feel and what others say to you. 


    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a stand for their Personal Freedom by breaking the Chains of a Kitchen Job and building their own Empire!


    The future is yours… put it into your own hands!


    We just also released the Chefpreneur Masterclass Online. Don’t forget to enroll in this game-changing, complete 10-module class. It will teach you the step by step process in putting up your own Personal Chef Business. Enroll in our program today: https://www.chefpreneurprogram.com/masterclass-online


    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking this link: http://bit.ly/iamchefpreneur_youtube and don’t forget to turn on the notifications to gain access to more great content!


    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion at http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group and this is a good start in surrounding yourself with the right people in starting the business

    How to find the RIGHT clients

    How to find the RIGHT clients

    Thank you so much for tuning in! This podcast episode starts off with a question from Emily of the Chefpreneur Movement group. Her question is: 


    “Does anyone here in the group offer mostly pastry related services such as in-home baking classes or pop-ups?”.


    I personally believe that there is a good opportunity with in-home baking classes! Even more so now because of the rise of social media, and that many people love doing and making “DIY” projects. Another idea, aside from doing in-house classes, would be to connect with caterers in your area and create a dessert tasting menu. You can price this on a per head basis, plus the cost of groceries. Another plus for this is that desserts usually has low grocery cost which will make it very attractive to clients. 


    If you have questions about personalizing menu options for your client you must listen to this week’s podcast! Please send any questions that you might have to podcast@chefpreneurprogram.com and join the Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group. To join the group, go to http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group

    When starting a business, it is important that you first identify your niche, as this will also define the messaging, branding, content, etc that you want to put out there for your future clients. Identifying your niche will narrow the scope, which can lead you to the RIGHT clients. Emphasis on the word “right” because many prospect clients may come and inquire, but the ones who appreciate the service you provide would be the “right” client for you. 


    I’ve come across many chefs who are ranting and frustrated with their business, as they keep on doing or serving clients that are not within their niche. Ultimately, they end up losing the business.


    Remember that your messaging has to resonate with the clients. Your services should be clear and create an impact on those looking for YOUR services. Your niche is what you are passionate about, so it is important to make it clear on all your platforms (website or social media). Aside from the right messaging, you need to have a sufficient process immediately; this starts with booking up to the event proper. 


    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a stand for their Personal Freedom by breaking the Chains of a Kitchen Job and building their own Empire!


    The future is yours… put it into your own hands!


    If you haven’t scheduled a 30 minute FREE consultation call with

    me, book now by going to https://www.chefpreneurprogram.com/strategy-session


    Our FREE E-book is still available! Download yours at

    https://www.becomeachefpreneur.com to get you started on your Personal Chef Business.


    Don’t forget to register for the FREE web class entitled "How

    to Start your own Personal Chef Business for $500 or less without quitting your

    day job!”. Register here to reserve your spot: https://www.thechefpreneurwebinar.com


    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking this link:

    http://bit.ly/iamchefpreneur_youtube and  don’t forget to turn on the notifications to gain

    access to more great content!


    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group

    to be part of the discussion at

    http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group and this is a good start in surrounding yourself with the right people in starting the business

    The 3 Pieces of Software You Need to Run a Successful Personal Chef Business

    The 3 Pieces of Software You Need to Run a Successful Personal Chef Business

    If you want to start, grow, or run a Personal Chef business of your own, then you’re in the right place. This is where like-minded chefs come to learn, and listen to all the “in’s and out’s” of the Personal Chef Business. This episode starts with a question from one of our Masterclass students, Michelle Hallet, which she posted in our Chefpreneur Facebook Group (click here to join our FREE Facebook group). Michelle said that she would love “to hear a play by play on how I personally do a plated dinner service.”

    For a plated dinner service, I usually arrive 3 to 4hours ahead of the scheduled dinner time. It is always good to have more time for the preparation of the dish and services, just in case. I also have either an event head or a server with me when I do plated meals, as they are the ones who help me in preparing the table and the flatware. While doing the setup, I make sure to put the dishes in a plate warmer prior to serving to make sure that the food will arrive to the client warm. I always try to plan and time things out ahead of time. For example, while I am plating the salad, I will start to prepare the entrée. I pace the cooking based completely on my clients. I never want to rush them, since we are catering to them, unlike in the restaurant business.

     If you have questions about personalizing a dinner for your client you must listen to this week’s podcast! Please send any questions that you might have to podcast@chefpreneurprogram.com and join the Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group. 

    To join the group, go to http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group

     The 3 Softwares that I recommend using for your Personal Chef Business are based on my own experience. Please remember that all managing styles are different and you may need more programs, or different programs dependent on you. 

    First, you will need a software to design your menus, website, and general graphics. We want this to be easy to use and budget-friendly so I highly suggest Canva.com! Canva is extremely affordable, but also comes with free templates and versions to make it simple and user-friendly.

    Second, everyone needs a GSuite (by google)! Google has their own cloud, known as the Google Drive, where you can save all your files, access it both from your laptop and mobile phone, and allow others to edit and access from anywhere in the world with wifi. It has Docs (similar to Word), Sheets (similar to Excel), Slides (similar to PowerPoint), and other functions that are similar to Microsoft. The Google Suite is amazing and very affordable too!

    Lastly, I recommend either a CRM (Customer Relations Management) tool such as Infusionsoft, or an Invoicing tool such as Quickbooks online. I personally use Infusionsoft! One of my favorite features is that it’s linkable to my website! Whenever there are inquiries, all information will go straight to my Infusionsoft, and I can search the client by their name and attach any necessary documents needed, such as a menu, their food restrictions, allergies, etc. Infusionsoft also has an e-mail marketing feature which I use for my monthly e-mail campaign. The downfall is that it’s pretty robust and expensive. So if you are still a starting business and you think that you still won’t be needing this, a tool for Invoicing will be the best next option. An automated invoicing tool can ease out your financial transactions and will ensure that everything on your business is visible.


    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a stand for their Personal Freedom by breaking the Chains of a Kitchen Job and building their own Empire!

     The future is yours… put it into your own hands!

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    me, book now by going to https://www.chefpreneurprogram.com/strategy-session

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    https://www.becomeachefpreneur.com to get you started on your Personal Chef Business.

     Don’t forget to register for the FREE web class entitled "How

    to Start your own Personal Chef Business for $500 or less without quitting your

    day job!”. Register here to reserve your spot: https://www.thechefpreneurwebinar.com

     Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking this link:

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    to be part of the discussion at

    http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group and this is a good start in surrounding yourself with the right people in starting the business



    Why Many of You Won’t Make it in the Personal Chef Business

    Why Many of You Won’t Make it in the Personal Chef Business

    Why Many of You Won’t Make it in the Personal Chef Business


    Chef Andres begins this podcast episode by answering a question from one of the members of The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group, Angela. The question is:


    “Can a Personal Chef Service compete with boxed meal services such as Blue Apron, Purple Carrot, etc?”


    A Personal Chef Business is way different from Boxed meal services. The difference is with time. I had clients in my personal chef business who tried the boxed meal service and for them, the difference and probably the downfall for this business is that the clients still have to cook or re-heat the foods which require effort. Aside from this, it creates tons of waste due to the packaging materials and in the end, the consumers may feel environmental guilt. Wherein a Personal Chef Business, all the client has to do is to sit back, relax and wait for the food to served to them; which saves them time, effort, and provides more options for meal choices and decisions.


    Listen to this week’s podcast to learn more, but please send me any questions that you might have to podcast@chefpreneurprogram.com or support@chefpreneurprogram.com. Also, join the Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group and post your questions there and you can also suggest for some Podcast topics that interest you. To join the group, go to http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group


    So, why many of you won’t make it in the Personal Chef Business? The answer is simple: It’s because you truly believe you can’t make it! Simply put, this is due to lack of confidence, lack of experience, and too much insecurity.


    Another explanation may be that probably you’re thinking that starting up a Personal Chef Business costs a lot of money. We’ve discussed this on a past podcast episode that you can start the business with just $500 or less which covers the necessary permits and insurance. 

    Second, one may also think you don’t have enough experience and probably due tolack of confidence with your dishes.


    BUT, if you are passionate about food, cooking and you deliver a good service, you can be successful in this business! Remember, food is only 30% of the services but you NEED to be able to solve your clients' problems


    The solution is simple: build your confidence so you can over deliver to your clients! You can build your confidence up by:

    1. Start! Get your head in the game and start somewhere. This can be done by attending trainings and investing into yourself.
    2. Find people who will guide you. Surround yourself with mentors and like minded people. Follow people who have done this, those who have failed, and those who are now successful. These people have done it all and will show you their mistakes, so you don't make the same ones! It's the easiest and fastest way to learn the business.


    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a stand for their Personal Freedom by breaking the Chains of a Kitchen Job and building their own Empire!


    The future is yours… put it into your own hands!


    If you haven’t scheduled a 30 minute FREE consultation call with me, book now by going to https://www.chefpreneurprogram.com/strategy-session


    Our FREE E-book is still available! Download yours at https://www.becomeachefpreneur.com to get you started on your Personal Chef Business.


    Don’t forget to register for the FREE webclass entitled "How to Start your own Personal Chef Business for $500 or less without quitting your day job!”. Register here to reserve your spot: https://www.thechefpreneurwebinar.com


    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking this link: http://bit.ly/iamchefpreneur_youtube and  don’t forget to turn on the notifications to gain access to more great content!


    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion at http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group and this is a good start in surrounding yourself with the right people in starting the business


    The Fastest Way to Find a Client!

    The Fastest Way to Find a Client!

    Thanks for tuning in! This weeks podcast episode starts off with a question from Matt of the Chepreneur Movement Facebook Group. His question was:


    Do you take your own plates, flatware, pots, and pans to the client’s house?”


    The beauty and the advantage of having a Personal Chef Business is that you won’t need to shell out much overhead cost for equipment in making and presenting high-quality food. Let me share with you what I do in my own Personal Chef Business. What I personally do is that I don’t bring my own flatware, silverware, pots, pans, etc. to a Client’s house. I use as much as what is available at the clienteles’ house as possible. Why? It makes it easier and gives a better experience to the clients and so I could focus more on the task at hand which is to give them high-quality service and food. It is also better as we don’t want to leave or forget any equipment behind at the client’s place. But, if you need an equipment to pull off your dish, you can definitely do so.  


    Listen to this week’s podcast to learn more, but please send me any questions that you might have to podcast@chefpreneurprogram.com or join the Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group

    and post your questions there. To join the group, go to http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group


    In a Personal Chef Business, there are three points which have to be your foundation in getting clients:

    1. Make sure that your messaging is based or tied with the niche you want for your business and that you’re speaking to the right clients. You should define and know your niche to know your market. Instead of thinking that you should have plenty of inquiries, make sure that you’re putting out the proper messaging that is aligned with your niche and target market.
    2. You have to find other products and services that these clients are already using. For example, If you want to target people who are into the Keto diet, then understand what are these people using or going to such as doctors, gyms, etc.. From there, make partnerships with those businesses. Make them refer you to their clients, which is also your target market.
    3. Learn how to sell your services. Help the client envision their success and results with your services. You have to give that vision to your clients. Show them what difference your business can make in their lives. And, remember to give your clients an awesome journey of doing business with you.


    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a stand for their Personal Freedom by breaking the Chains of a Kitchen Job and building their own Empire!


    The future is yours… put it into your own hands!


    If you haven’t scheduled a 30 minute FREE consultation call with me, book now by going to https://www.chefpreneurprogram.com/strategy-session


    Our FREE E-book is still available! Download yours at https://www.becomeachefpreneur.com to get you started on your Personal Chef Business.


    Don’t forget to register for the FREE web class entitled "How to Start your own Personal Chef Business for $500 or less without quitting your day job!”. Register here to reserve your spot: https://www.thechefpreneurwebinar.com


    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking this link: http://bit.ly/iamchefpreneur_youtube to gain access to more great content!


    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion at http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group


    Stay tuned for next week’s Podcast entitled: Why many of you won’t make it in the Personal Chef Business?



    Where are you at in your career, and can you relate?

    Where are you at in your career, and can you relate?

    This podcast episode is all about the testimony of Chef Lena Buggs, a member and student of the Chefpreneur Movement. We discuss how she has started her own Personal Chef business. Five questions were answered by Chef Lena:


    1. Prior to joining the program, what do you want in your culinary career?
    2. What is your Culinary background?
    3. What is your vision for your business?
    4. For 10yrs, Why didn’t you pursue your business?
    5. What made you quit your JOB and step out on your own?


    Aside from these questions, Chef Lena also shares her breakthroughs and realization from being a culinary slave to someone who has built her own empire in her business!


    Listen to this week’s podcast to learn more and please send me any questions that you might have to podcast@chefpreneurprogram.com or join the Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group and post your questions there. To join the group go to http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group


    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a stand for their Personal Freedom by breaking the Chains of a Kitchen Job and building their own Empire!


    The future is yours… put it into your own hands!


    If you haven’t scheduled a 30 minute FREE consultation call with me, book now by going to https://www.chefpreneurprogram.com/application-page


    Our FREE E-book is still available! Download yours at https://www.becomeachefpreneur.com to get you started on your Personal Chef Business.


    Don’t forget to register for the FREE webclass entitled "How to Start your own Personal Chef Business for $500 or less without quitting your day job!”. Register here to reserve your spot: https://www.thechefpreneurwebinar.com


    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking this link: http://bit.ly/iamchefpreneur_youtube to gain access to more great content!


    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion at http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group


    The 3 Stages of Selling your Personal Chef Services

    The 3 Stages of Selling your Personal Chef Services

    Thanks for tuning in! This weeks podcast episode starts off with a question from Natasha of the Chepreneur Movement Facebook Group. Her question was:


    “I was asked to cater a retreat’s breakfast, lunch, and dinner. What is the best way to charge it?”


    The idea of pricing has been a question that is common not only with personal chefs, but to all business owners. Three-pointers that I can give to you is that first: Pass the grocery cost to the clients because it is really hard to quote a price as the market cost fluxuates. Second: it is okay to charge a daily rate based on how many people you are going to serve. Charge a flat rate for your services plus the groceries. And lastly third: the service cost you tell your client should include the cost for additional help, such as your assistant or another chef and waiter. You do not want to give your client an option to choose a cost with or without help. It would also be a good upsell when you tell your client that “yes, it’s me and my assistant” or “it's me and my chef” because it gives the client assurance that you will get the job done.


    Listen to this week’s podcast to learn more, but please send me any questions that you might have to podcast@chefpreneurprogram.com or join the Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group and post your questions there. To join the group go to http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group


    In a Personal Chef Business, there are three stages in the selling process. First is Messaging which plays an important role on your website to attract clients. It is important to know the right messaging that you should put on your website. Second is having a good procedure, system, and interface on your website for the clients to easily navigate and make a transaction with you. This is an important piece in your Personal Chef Business. Remember, sure buys are better than having many website visitors but no sells. Lastly, having a good selling process. This is where the client actually buys your services. Your target here is not being pushy BUT assuring your clients that what you offer to them can make their lives better or else, easier. Lose the perception that selling is bad. It is important that you believe in your product, which is your service so that you can sincerely deliver that to your clients. Remember to give your clients an awesome journey of doing business with you.


    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a stand for their Personal Freedom by breaking the Chains of a Kitchen Job and building their own Empire!


    The future is yours… put it into your own hands!


    If you haven’t scheduled a 30minute FREE consultation call with me, book now by going to https://www.chefpreneurprogram.com/application-page


    Our FREE E-book is still available! Download yours at https://www.becomeachefpreneur.com to get you started on your Personal Chef Business.


    Don’t forget to register for the FREE webclass entitled "How to Start your own Personal Chef Business for $500 or less without quitting your day job!”. Register here to reserve your spot: https://www.thechefpreneurwebinar.com


    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking this link: http://bit.ly/iamchefpreneur_youtube to gain access to more great content!


    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion at http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group

    Confidence or Arrogance?

    Confidence or Arrogance?

    Thank you so much for tuning in! This podcasts episode starts off with a question from Erron, one of the webinar’s students. His question is:


    “I want to learn about personal equipment setup and packaging meals for reheating and what does a client expects with that?”.


    Okay, when it comes to Weekly Meal Preparation Services, proper packaging plays a major role in how you can deliver your products; ensuring that your clients will be satisfied and happy with your services. Pick a packaging material that is conducive for cold storage and can withstand reheating either via oven or microwave. A good example of this is Pyrex Glass dishes or containers. You can pop it directly into the freezer then into the oven or even the microwave for reheating without fear of ruining it. Labeling your products and reheating instructions are also necessary for this kind of business to ensure that the quality of your products is well preserved.


    Listen to this week’s podcast to learn more, but please send me any questions that you might have to podcast@chefpreneurprogram.com or join the Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group and post your questions there. To join the group go to http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group


    Confidence and Arrogance can be quickly mistaken in the culinary industry. Some chefs indeed tend to be Arrogant due to their skill set. But the difference between the two is very important. By definition, Confidence is a feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something. While Arrogance is the quality of being arrogant, too much self-importance or putting yourself on a pedestal above others. These two may reflect on the way you talk to your clients. Being confident is being able to answer the what’s and why’s of your business. This also gives assurance to your clients that you can justify your pricing and really can deliver the service that you promised. Meanwhile, Arrogance is just talking about yourself, your background, your skill set and what you can do out of that skill set. You see, a great background is a plus but what’s important to the client is that you assure him that every penny that he will spend on your service should be worth it. This is accomplished by simply asking your client what can you do for them and what are their expectations of you.


    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a stand for their Personal Freedom by breaking the Chains of a Kitchen Job and building their own Empire!


    The future is yours… put it into your own hands!


    Our FREE E-book is still available! Download yours at https://www.becomeachefpreneur.com to get you started on your Personal Chef Business.


    Don’t forget to register for the FREE webclass entitled "How to Start your own Personal Chef Business for $500 or less without quitting your day job!”. Register here to reserve your spot: https://www.thechefpreneurwebinar.com


    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking this link: http://bit.ly/iamchefpreneur_youtube to gain access to more great content!


    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion at http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group

    Serve your Clients as if your life depends on it!

    Serve your Clients as if your life depends on it!

    Chef Andres Hinojosa starts this week’s podcast by answering a question e-mailed by Tiffany, one of the members of the Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group. The question is: “Where and how do I find clients consistently? And how do I find good or right clients?” Upon starting up a business, it is important that you know your vision specifically along with your niche to know exactly where you want to be headed and what kind of client you want to target. Once these are set and determined, the easiest and fastest way to get clients is that go to the services that they use the most. Making these Strategic Partnerships will help you get the ”right” clients who are willing to pay you what you are worth without sacrificing your brand. Listen to this week’s podcast to learn more, but please send any questions you have to podcast@chefpreneurprogram.com or join the Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group and post questions there as well. To join the group go to: http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group


    In having a Personal Chef business, giving 110% of your efforts and service to each and every client is very important. Each of your client serves as your steps in reaching success in your business. In doing so, that serves as part of your marketing strategy. This can be an opportunity for referrals and returning clients. Having and knowing your vision for the brand is also important to ensure that you won’t get lost in committing to your upcoming clients.


    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a leap of faith, start their own business, and create experiences they want to create with nothing holding them back!


    The future is yours … put it into your own hands!


    Don’t forget to register for the FREE webclass on April 18, 2019 at 10am PST, entitled "How to Start your own Personal Chef Business for $500 or less without quitting your day job!”. Register here to reserve your spot: http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-webinar


    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking this link: http://bit.ly/iamchefpreneur_youtube to get access to more great content!


    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion at http://bit.ly/chefpreneur-movement-group

    How WE can change the Industry!

    How WE can change the Industry!

    This podcast episode starts with a question from Jennifer, a member of the Chefpreneur Movement Facebook group. Her question is related to the last podcast episode topic: Pricing. She asks, “How do you price kids?”. For kids, it is important that you price on an age range basis because not all kids eat the same. A series of age range which Chef Andres uses in his personal chef business is to be discussed. Listen to this week’s podcast to learn more, but please send any questions you have to podcast@chefpreneurprogram.com or join the Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group and post questions there as well.


    The culinary industry is comprised of various professionals who are successful and have had their own business. There are also many that are overworked and underpaid as employees. This is where the vision of the Chefpreneur Movement started. To help and guide those who are enslaved by their J.O.B., and help them in earn more money and live a better life. It is meant to help them get what they deserve without investing too much money in starting a personal chef business. This change could be promoted, one chef at a time. Once the significance of what a personal chef is becomes recognized by the client, the perception of going out to eat and dining will also definitely change. This will completely change the Culinary Industry!


    We are motivating, educating, and inspiring chefs to take a leap of faith, start their own business, and create experiences they want to create with nothing holding them back!


    The future is yours … put it into your own hands!


    Don’t forget to register for the FREE webclass on April 18, 2019 at 10am PST, entitled "How to Start your own Personal Chef Business for $500 or less without quitting your day job!”. Register here to reserve your spot: www.thechefpreneurwebinar.com


    Subscribe to our YouTube Channel by clicking this link: http://bit.ly/iamchefpreneur_youtube to get access to more great content!


    Also...make sure you join The Chefpreneur Movement Facebook Group to be part of the discussion!