
    The Conservative Underground Show's Podcast

    Common Man - Common Sense. The Conservative Underground Show takes on all of the issues of the day in an unapologetic TRUE conservative approach. My friends our republic is under attack. The looney left is trying to hijack our way of life, our values and our society to fit their perverse intentions and we are NOT going to let them get away with it. This show, YOUR show is dedicated to preserving those individual liberties and personal freedoms we value so deerly. We are all about dilligance, freedom and personal responsibility !!!!
    en-usConservative Underground Podcast9 Episodes

    Episodes (9)

    Conservative Underground - Thursday 02 January 2014

    Conservative Underground - Thursday 02 January 2014
    On this episode of the Conservative Underground ... Apathy in the conservative movement - avoid it like the plague ... More attacks on smoking - Total ban even e-cigs, on college campuses ... Mayor DeBlasio - New York City's Last Stand The Big Government Liberal Media Complex obsession with Homosexuality & Race... Listener E-Mails .... Income Inequality ... and more !

    Conservative Underground - Monday 25 November 2013

    Conservative Underground - Monday 25 November 2013
    The BIG Three: 1. JFK In Memorial: Face of a generation; More Conservative than liberals want you to know; Myth of Camelot a. KERA News - Oswald Family b. YouTube - Kennedy Inaugural 2. Knock out attacks: The Youth Culture a. NBC News - Knock Out Attacks on the rise 3. Filibuster no more: First signs of the end for the Democrat Senate Majority a. Heritage Foundation - They Got Away With It b. New York Times - View On Nuclear Option 2013 c. New York Times - View On Nuclear Option 2005 d. Daily Caller - Obama Backs Democrats Nuclear Option 4. Iran – The other Nuclear Option this week a. My Way News - AP Iranian Nuclear Deal Reached

    Conservative Underground - Tuesday 23-October-2013

    Conservative Underground - Tuesday 23-October-2013
    Hello everybody, Doc Wythe here, your host of the Conservative Underground. Home of the original Blue Collar Political Happy Hour. I’m just a Common Man, with enough Common Sense to avoid the liberal fantasy camp responsible for our nation’s ills and as always proud to be humble. This show takes on all the issues of the day with an unapologetic TRUE conservative approach. Join this proud Reagan Conservative, Charter Member of the Great Silent Majority and Founder of the Bitter Clinger Wing of the Republican Party and tell a friend to tell a friend about the Conservative Underground. I am fighting against the Looney Left and their efforts to move this Republic closer to a euro style socialistic state which is financially and morally bankrupt. The United States is a Republic, if we can keep it. Follow Doc on Twitter – @DocWythe or email your thoughts to conservativeunderground1776@gmail.com – Friend Doc Wythe on Facebook and “LIKE” the fan page for The Conservative Underground. The Conservative Underground – Saving our Republic one podcast at a time !

    Conservative Underground - Tuesday 17-September-2013

    Conservative Underground - Tuesday 17-September-2013
    Hello everybody, Doc Wythe here, your host of the Conservative Underground. Home of the original Blue Collar Political Happy Hour. I’m just a Common Man, with enough Common Sense to avoid the liberal fantasy camp responsible for our nation’s ills and as always proud to be humble. This show takes on all the issues of the day with an unapologetic TRUE conservative approach. Join this proud Reagan Conservative, Charter Member of the Great Silent Majority and Founder of the Bitter Clinger Wing of the Republican Party and tell a friend to tell a friend about the Conservative Underground. I am fighting against the Looney Left and their efforts to move this Republic closer to a euro style socialistic state which is financially and morally bankrupt. The United States is a Republic, if we can keep it. Follow Doc on Twitter – @DocWythe or email your thoughts to conservativeunderground1776@gmail.com – Friend Doc Wythe on Facebook and “LIKE” the fan page for The Conservative Underground. The Conservative Underground – Saving our Republic one podcast at a time !

    Conservative Underground - Monday 16 September 2013

    Conservative Underground - Monday 16 September 2013
    Hello everybody, Doc Wythe here, your host of the Conservative Underground. Home of the original Blue Collar Political Happy Hour. I’m just a Common Man, with enough Common Sense to avoid the liberal fantasy camp responsible for our nation’s ills and as always proud to be humble. This show takes on all the issues of the day with an unapologetic TRUE conservative approach. Join this proud Reagan Conservative, Charter Member of the Great Silent Majority and Founder of the Bitter Clinger Wing of the Republican Party and tell a friend to tell a friend about the Conservative Underground. I am fighting against the Looney Left and their efforts to move this Republic closer to a euro style socialistic state which is financially and morally bankrupt. The United States is a Republic, if we can keep it. Follow Doc on Twitter – @DocWythe or email your thoughts to conservativeunderground1776@gmail.com – Friend Doc Wythe on Facebook and “LIKE” the fan page for The Conservative Underground. The Conservative Underground – Saving our Republic one podcast at a time !

    Conservative Underground - Friday 02-August-2013

    Conservative Underground - Friday 02-August-2013
    Hello everybody, Doc Wythe here, your host of the Conservative Underground. Home of the original Blue Collar Political Happy Hour. I’m just a Common Man, with enough Common Sense to avoid the liberal fantasy camp responsible for our nation’s ills and as always proud to be humble. This show takes on all the issues of the day with an unapologetic TRUE conservative approach. Join this proud Reagan Conservative, Charter Member of the Great Silent Majority and Founder of the Bitter Clinger Wing of the Republican Party and tell a friend to tell a friend about the Conservative Underground. I am fighting against the Looney Left and their efforts to move this Republic closer to a euro style socialistic state which is financially and morally bankrupt. The United States is a Republic, if we can keep it. Follow Doc on Twitter – @DocWythe or email your thoughts to conservativeunderground1776@gmail.com – Friend Doc Wythe on Facebook and “LIKE” the fan page for The Conservative Underground. The Conservative Underground – Saving our Republic one podcast at a time !