
    The Contemplative Life

    Discover the gifts of deep listening and spiritual companioning. This podcast is dedicated to helping people become familiar with the wide variety of contemplative practices that have been developed over hundreds of years and are continuing to develop even to this day. We also hope to create a space for people to learn more about spiritual direction, also known as spiritual companioning. Our interest is in allowing "the contemplative" to become a part of our regular life experiences, and so we cover a lot of ground! How does Art fit? Music? Exercise? How does my personality play into my experiences? What if I don't feel comfortable with silence? What if I don't even know what I think about God? And what you'll find is that, since there are 3 of us co-leading the podcast, each of us often comes with a slightly different point of view. So there's no cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all conversations! We hope you'll join us!
    en-usChristina Roberts, Chris Roberts, and Kristina Kaiser164 Episodes

    Episodes (164)

    Ep 144 What is…Centering Prayer

    Ep 144 What is…Centering Prayer

    What does it look like for us to sit in silence, whether it be for two minutes or twenty? As we sit in that silence, what do we do with it? Is it a time for rolling over the to-do’s of our day, for sitting with an image or a phrase? Is it something we do alone or with others? On this week’s podcast, we explore the ins and outs of Centering Prayer - its origins, the “rules,” why we sometimes need to interpret those “rules,” and why we find the experience so enriching and grounding. Join us as we consider this relatively modern form of prayer that bears the mark of Perennial Wisdom.

    Additional Resources
    Open Mind, Open Heart by Thomas Keating

    Thomas Keating, Thomas Merton, Spirituality, Prayer, Contemplative Prayer, transformation, anxiety

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    The Contemplative Life
    en-usOctober 24, 2023

    Ep 143 What is…Kataphatic Prayer

    Ep 143 What is…Kataphatic Prayer

    As we continue our “What is” series, we turn our attention to prayers that use words, which may well be the most popular form of prayer in Western culture. Join us as we talk about the many personal and communal ways that prayer can lead us to transformation. Consider with us why it is absolutely okay that the words of yesterday may not fully encapsulate what is true and authentic for us today. And take some time to wonder in what ways kataphatic prayer might be beneficial for you.

    Additional Resources
    Ep 142 What is…Apophatic Prayer from The Contemplative Life
    Podcast: Ep 11 Embodied Spirituality from The Contemplative Life

    Transformation, Prayer, Kataphatic, Apophatic, Poetry, Journaling, Sung Prayer

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    Ep 142 What is…Apophatic Prayer

    Ep 142 What is…Apophatic Prayer

    Do you ever wonder about the value of sitting in silence or of rhythmically repeating a word or phrase over and over again? Join us as we talk about the many possibilities that we (and others we know) have discovered for engaging this prayer practice - a form of prayer that exists specifically for helping us connect with - and encounter - Divine Presence. While it may seem counterintuitive to spend any amount of time in extended pause, what practitioners report time and time again is that it helps them feel at peace, see possibility, and experience connection. May it be.

    Additional Resources
    The Cloud of Unknowing by Unknown

    Stillness, Prayer, Spirituality, Apophatic, Prayer Beads, Breath Prayer, Lectio Divina

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    Ep 141 What Is…Contemplative Prayer

    Ep 141 What Is…Contemplative Prayer

    On this week’s podcast, we begin a new series, exploring words that are often heard in contemplative circles. Our journey through this series begins with Contemplative Prayer. Join us as we consider how this form of prayer tends to expand and open our awareness in ever-deepening ways, how we discover layers we may not have been aware of before, and most profoundly, how our connection to Divine Presence becomes more accessible in our day-to-day lives as a result of these many and varied forms of prayer.

    Additional Resources
    The Contemplative Heart by James Finley
    Book: Wild Mercy by Mirabai Starr
    Book: Being Home Gunilla Norris

    Divine Presence, Prayer, Spirituality, Yin Yoga, Jesuits, God in the Ordinary, Sacred

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    Ep 140 I’m Feeling…Numb

    Ep 140 I’m Feeling…Numb

    Many of us can relate to feeling like there’s just too much, that whatever we’re doing is never enough, that the things we’re facing are more than we can bear. We live in a culture that is constantly calling us to more and that asks us to continually be at the top of our game. On this week’s podcast, we talk about why so many of us revert to numbing when we begin to feel those feelings of overwhelm, stress, and exhaustion. We examine how the contemplative life can help us in the midst of these difficult emotions and experiences. And we consider the possibility that there may be some positive things we can do to numb that can ultimately lead to feeling satisfied, fulfilled, and rested.

    Additional Resources
    How to Lose Weight for the Last Time by Katrina Ubell

    #Toxic Achievement Culture #Dopamine #Serotonin #Mindfulness #Boredom #Overwhelmed #Stressed

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    Ep 139 I’m Feeling…Muted

    Ep 139 I’m Feeling…Muted

    Do you ever feel sort of blah, like you’re neither quite happy but not necessarily depressed either - just, sort of, in the middle? On this week’s podcast, we explore reasons for why this feeling can occur. We talk about when this might be a good thing for us, when it’s okay to just rest in that space. But we also talk about what to do when this is less of a good thing for us. Join us as we talk about how the contemplative life can help us tend to what is going on, both internally and externally, in our lives. 

    Additional Resources
    YouTube Channel: Oliver Anthony
    Cookbook: SImply in Season by Mary Beth Lind and Cathleen Hockman-Wert

    Ageism, #SeasonsofLife, #PurposeandMeaning #SeasonsofRest #Pause #HelpingOthers #FeelingBlah #Community #Pandemic

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    Ep 138 I’m Feeling…Jumbled

    Ep 138 I’m Feeling…Jumbled

    Ever feel unsure about what to think? Find yourself having trouble expressing yourself? This week’s podcast leads us to talking about how using our contemplative practices can be of use when we’re feeling too much inner swirl. Whether we’re trying to get back into the swing of things or we just don’t know where to go next, feeling jumbled is an experience common to us all. And because no two people or situations are exactly alike, the things that each of us needs in any particular moment are as unique as we are. Join us as we share our own stories and talk about what it might look like to create safe spaces for one another when life is feeling a bit too jumbled.

    #Holding Space #Internal Processor #External Processor #Brainstorm #Making Plans #Feminine Energy #Masculine Energy #Confusion

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    Ep 137 I’m Feeling…Spiritual Loneliness

    Ep 137 I’m Feeling…Spiritual Loneliness

    For those who aren’t sure if their questions are welcome, for those who have physically been relocated, for those who are wondering if they need a new community, for anyone feeling spiritually without friends or company…This week’s podcast aims to encourage the one who is feeling grief and loss spiritually. It is okay to name your feelings. Join us as we talk about what it looks like to return to balance in this area of our wellbeing - because when one part of us is feeling unwell, the whole of our being suffers.

    Additional Resources
    Life after Lifestyle by Toby Shorin

    #SpiritualCompanions #LiminalSpace #NamingEmotions #SpiritualFriends #Culture #Wellbeing #Loneliness

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    Ep 136 Teresa of Avila: Mystics/Contemplatives Exploration

    Ep 136 Teresa of Avila: Mystics/Contemplatives Exploration

    Teresa of Avila was a nun in the Carmelite Order who lived during the time of the Spanish Inquisition. Her life and her writings speak to us about what it looks like to truly find union with God in the midst of our struggle and difficulty. She teaches us that this deep connection with the Divine is not just for the spiritual giants but for all of us. On this week’s podcast, we spend time asking: Is it possible to have a deep and meaningful connection with the Source of all life without the difficulties? Can we experience God’s presence in the exceptionally ordinary moments of our lives? Join us as we talk about the inspiring and thought-provoking life of Teresa of Avila.

    Additional Resources
    The Interior Castle by Teresa of Avila

    #DarkNightOfTheSoul #Distraction #Prayer #UnionWithGod #Difficulties #Meditation #CenteringPrayer #Petition #PraythePsalms #VictorFrankl

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    Ep 135 Brother Lawrence: Mystics/Contemplatives Exploration

    Ep 135 Brother Lawrence: Mystics/Contemplatives Exploration

    Brother Lawrence, a 17th century Carmelite monk offers us hope for the future and a chance to see how God is present to our lives in the here and now. Join us as we talk about some of the themes from his spiritual practices that continue to inspire us today - how awareness allows us to connect with God in even the most ordinary of things, how it grounds us and reminds us of goodness. In a world where we are constantly being asked to prove how we measure up, Brother Lawrence’s contemplative practices help us to find that spiritual space that we can so easily become disconnected from.

    Additional Resources
    Practice of the Presence: A Revolutionary Translation by Carmen Acevedo Butcher
    Book: Being Home by Gunilla Norris

    #Awareness #Ordinary #Prayer #BrotherLawrence #spiritual #lettinggo #Peace #Trust

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    Ep 134 St. Thérèse of Lisieux: Mystics/Contemplatives Exploration

    Ep 134 St. Thérèse of Lisieux: Mystics/Contemplatives Exploration

    St. Thérèse of Lisieux becomes our spiritual companion this week as we talk about how she continues to inspire people yet today with this idea that little acts make a big difference. Have you ever found that one person’s simple act of kindness made your whole day better? On this week’s podcast, we talk about how surprisingly impactful it is when one person’s small gesture winds up increasing our quality of life. Join us as we take delight in the simple joys that St. Thérèse has passed down to us.

    Additional Resources
    The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin
    The Book of Joy
    The Little Way of St. Thérèse of Lisieux
    A Little White Flower: The story of St. Thérèse of Lisieux
    The Lives We Actually Have by Kate Bowler and Jessica Richie
    Sally’s Baking Addiction

    #ThereseofLisieux #Mystics #LittleWay #Love #SimpleActs #Kindness #Compassion

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    Ep 133 St. Benedict: Mystics/Contemplatives Exploration

    Ep 133 St. Benedict: Mystics/Contemplatives Exploration

    On this week’s podcast, we turn to St. Benedict whose life and work offers us a practical approach to living that has influenced many across time. Join us as we talk about how his Rule of Life has helped us find everything from spontaneity to pause, has increased our ability to be more present to this moment now, and has given us a framework for the ongoing journey of life. Allow old words to take on new meaning as we continue our Mystics and Contemplatives series.

    Additional Resources
    Make Music Day, national event on the day of summer solstice

    #StBenedict #RuleofLife #rebirth #order #joy #delight #prayer #humility #conversion #DeepListening

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    Ep 132 Hildegard von Bingen: Mystics/Contemplatives Exploration

    Ep 132 Hildegard von Bingen: Mystics/Contemplatives Exploration

    On this week’s podcast, we explore the life and work of Hildegard von Bingen, a multi-faceted woman who lived in the Middle Ages and yet continues to inspire people today. Join us as we talk about what it must have been like to have visions at the age of 3, begin convent life at 8 years old, and live in a world where few women were given permission to speak to both lay people and clergy alike. Come along and be in awe with us as we discuss this woman who was speaking about social justice and the interconnectedness of all things long before “being woke” was even a twinkle in our collective eye.

    #ecospirituality #equality #Divine #Spiritual #PerennialWisdom #InnerWisdom #Interconnection #balance #prophetic #womenleaders #mandalas

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    Ep 131 Julian of Norwich: Mystics/Contemplatives Exploration

    Ep 131 Julian of Norwich: Mystics/Contemplatives Exploration

    On this week’s podcast, we take our inspiration from Julian of Norwich, an Epsicopalian nun who lived during the time of the Black Plague. In a season where suffering and trauma were hitting such a large population of people, Julian’s message brought hope. That same message continues to bring comfort and inspiration today as well. Join us for a conversation about what it can look like to stay connected to the Divine, even in the midst of the messy middle.

    Additional Resources:
    Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich

    #Oneing #Equality #Contemplative #Spirituality #Prayer #Unity #AllShallBeWell

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    Ep 130 St. Patrick: Mystics/Contemplatives Exploration

    Ep 130 St. Patrick: Mystics/Contemplatives Exploration

    Our exploration of mystics and contemplatives begins with St Patrick, the patron saint both of Ireland and of dreams. Have you ever had a dream that just stuck with you, so much so you felt like maybe it meant something? If so, you have something in common with St. Patrick. On this week’s podcast, we spend time asking: What sort of forgiveness may have been required for St. Patrick to return to a people who had enslaved him for years? We also ask: When did he become interested in connecting with people from where they were at? And in what ways does his desire to communicate contemplative ideas inspire us towards similar ends? Join us as we talk about the remarkable life of St. Patrick: dreamer, forgiver, and innovator.

    Additional Resources:
    Ep 128: Do-Overs, Apologizing, and Forgiveness by The Contemplative Life

    #HarrietTubman #Celtic #Innovation #Spirituality #Psalms #Forgiveness #Prayer

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    Ep 129 Agape

    Ep 129 Agape

    Today, we’re joined by Lead Pastor of The River in New York City, Charles Park, who is sharing with us about what Agape love is and why it’s so important to our overall well-being. Do you ever find that you’re measuring yourself harshly - your looks, your professional performance, your social competency? Perhaps you’ve experienced the loss of a close friend after years of trusting them with your life. Or maybe you’ve found yourself being critical of your neighbors, co-workers, even random strangers you encounter at the store. On this week’s podcast, Charles offers us insight into why Agape became what Jesus called “the greatest of all commandments.” Join us as we talk about learning how to see the signs of a life depleted of Agape and what you can do to reconnect.

    Additional Resources:
    The River
    Agape in The New Testament, 3 Volumes by Ceslaus Spicq

    #Agape #LettingGo #Judgment #Criticism #Forgiveness #GreatestCommandment #Culture #Spirituality

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    Ep 128 Do-Overs, Apologizing & Forgiveness

    Ep 128  Do-Overs, Apologizing & Forgiveness

    Sometimes the words fly out of our mouth too fast, or we hit the send button too soon. Our desire to have a good relationship is there, but we need a do-over. On this week’s podcast, we talk about what it takes to do more than put a bandaid over the wounds we inflict on one another. Sometimes, it’s as simple as starting the conversation over. But at other times, we may need more. When this happens, it’s likely time to take steps related to the deeper journey of forgiveness, or even deeper still, the journey of reconciliation. Join us as we talk about the needs that exist when relationships go awry.

    Additional Resources:
    Ep 119 Caretaking as a Spiritual Practice by The Contemplative Life

    #do-over #forgiveness #reconciliation #apologizing #contemplative #timeout #DesmondTutu #trust #innerwisdom

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    Ep 127 Healing

    Ep 127 Healing

    What does it look like to experience healing in the spiritual sense? Healing is often a journey requiring support, nourishment, and practice. In this week’s podcast, we take time to consider a few common triggers that have historically created wounding. We talk about why healing is best done in a holistic environment. And we talk about the importance of going slow so that we don’t shock our systems beyond what they can bear. Healing is a vulnerable subject, but the need for healing is common to us all. May you be well in your own journey towards healing.

    #healing #spirituality #vulnerability #soul-care #contemplative #practice #soul

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    Ep 126 Transitions

    Ep 126 Transitions

    Today we contemplate the difference between “the good” and “the perfect.” Oftentimes, we live our lives through the lens of a series of expectations. But what happens when those expectations don’t play out the way we thought they would? What does it look like to explore our lives with the understanding that life is dynamic - always changing, always being reborn? Join us as we consider the in-between spaces of our lives from the perspective of possibility.

    Additional Resources:
    Ep 118 Spirituality in Times of Wilderness
    Daily Reflection: Rohr Daily Meditations: God’s Goodness is Dynamic
    Daily Reflection: Rohr Daily Meditations: Letting Go of What We Have Known

    #Brian McLaren #Courage #Transition #Creativity #Evolution #Spirituality #Rebirth

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    Ep 125 Increasing Our Wellbeing

    Ep 125  Increasing Our Wellbeing

    Many of us have probably heard someone say, “Oh that’s just the way that I am,” which causes us to believe we can never change, which then causes us to feel stuck, which then lowers our sense of wellbeing. But on this week’s podcast, we talk about 4 key areas you can focus on in order to increase your sense of wellbeing. Join us as we talk about the journey-like nature of wellbeing, the twists and turns we’ve discovered on our own journeys, and what sorts of things are contributing to our sense of wellness now.

    Additional Resources:
    The plasticity of well-being: A training-based framework for the cultivation of human flourishing
    Mindfulness App: Healthy Minds Innovations
    Podcast: Ep 54 The Gift of Self-Awareness from The Contemplative Life
    Poem: For Equilibrium from To Bless the Space Between Us  by John O’Donohue

    #Wellbeing #MentalHealth #SpiritualHealth #RichardRohr #Spirituality #Awareness #Connection #Insight

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