
    The Craig T. Owens Audio Blog

    Just like my written blog except you get to hear me talk!
    enCraig T. Owens100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    No need to prove it

    No need to prove it

    Worldly minded leaders are always trying to leverage their positional authority to force people to follow them. But Jesus shows us that godly leaders have a moral authority that draws people to them.

    This is part 78 in my series on godly leadership. You can check out all of my posts in this series by clicking here.

    You can order my book When Sheep Bite here.

    ►► Would you please prayerfully consider supporting this ministry? My Patreon supporters get behind-the-scenes access to exclusive materials. ◀︎◀︎

    Unusually usual

    Unusually usual

    If you want to experience something usually powerful in your life, you may need to add something usual to your life. 

    Check out the video version of this episode of The Podcast.

    My new book When Sheep Bite is available for pre-order!

    Here are a bunch of ways to get in touch with me and follow along with other projects on which I am involved

    ►► Would you please prayerfully consider supporting this ministry? My Patreon supporters get behind-the-scenes access to exclusive materials. ◀︎◀︎

    Walking boldly in dark places

    Walking boldly in dark places

    It appeared that the ministry of Jesus hit a snag right at the beginning when He was rejected by His hometown. But this was actually a part of God’s plan so that people living a dark place would experience His light. This should help us walk boldly in our dark places today.

    Watch the video of this sermon here

    If you would like to follow along with all of the messages in this series called Jots and Tittles, you can find them all here.

    ►► Would you please prayerfully consider supporting this ministry? My Patreon supporters get behind-the-scenes access to exclusive materials. ◀︎◀︎

    Influencers give away their power

    Influencers give away their power

    If God has given you influence as a leader, it is never to further your agenda but to help others grow. Leadership is about servanthood. If we try to make leadership about others serving me, we will quickly get ourselves in trouble. 

    Check out the video version of this clip. 

    Check out this full conversation Greg and I had on an episode of The Craig and Greg Show called “The responsibility of power.”

    I unpack this idea of servant-leadership in my book Shepherd Leadership: The metrics that really matter.

    A related blog posts I reference in this clip is—Live like a star.

    ►► Would you please prayerfully consider supporting this ministry? My Patreon supporters get behind-the-scenes access to exclusive materials. ◀︎◀︎

    The bitter helps the sweet

    The bitter helps the sweet

    Have you ever been going through a difficult time in your life and wondered to yourself, “What in the world is going on here?” I might have a different way for you to think about that!

    Check out the video version of this episode of The Podcast.

    My new book When Sheep Bite is available for pre-order!

    Here are a bunch of ways to get in touch with me and follow along with other projects on which I am involved

    ►► Would you please prayerfully consider supporting this ministry? My Patreon supporters get behind-the-scenes access to exclusive materials. ◀︎◀︎

    God in the footnotes?

    God in the footnotes?

    What do we do with the parts of the Bible that seem to have been moved to a footnote? Do we ignore them? Do we excuse them? Or can we use them to point people to the glory of God?

    Check out the video version of this sermon here. 

    If you missed any of the other messages in this series, you can check them all out here.

    ►► Would you please prayerfully consider supporting this ministry? My Patreon supporters get behind-the-scenes access to exclusive materials. ◀︎◀︎

    Make your people a priority

    Make your people a priority

    If you are a leader in your organization, there are a couple of often overlooked actions that are sending clear signals to your teammates. The question is: Are those signals telling them how valuable they are to you and your organization?

    Check out the video version of this short clip from The Craig And Greg Show where we discuss how performance reviews can be a great opportunity to move your team forward.

    If you would like to watch the full Craig And Greg Show episode on performance reviews, check it out here.

    You may also be interested in two previous blog posts where I unpack some ideas on how to improve all of the relationships that are meaningful to us—Missing Ingredient and Be All There.  

    My new book When Sheep Bite is available for pre-order!

    Here are a bunch of ways to get in touch with me and follow along with other projects on which I am involved.

    ►► Would you please prayerfully consider supporting this ministry? My Patreon supporters get behind-the-scenes access to exclusive materials. ◀︎◀︎


    A leader’s example

    A leader’s example

    As goes the leader, so go the people. The sooner godly leaders leverage this truism, the more of God’s blessing their people can experience.

    This is part 77 in my series on godly leadership. You can check out all of my posts in this series by clicking here.

    ►► Would you please prayerfully consider supporting this ministry? My Patreon supporters get behind-the-scenes access to exclusive materials. ◀︎◀︎

    God’s honor is at stake

    God’s honor is at stake

    God’s honor is at stake in how I live, so I must constantly allow the Holy Spirit to help me answer the questions, “How am I living?” and “How am I representing God?”

    Pre-order my new bokk When Sheep Bite and check out other projects I am working on at http://linktr.ee/craigtowens

    ►► Would you please prayerfully consider supporting this ministry? My Patreon supporters get behind-the-scenes access to exclusive materials. ◀︎◀︎

    The Craig and Greg Show: The power of a coach

    The Craig and Greg Show: The power of a coach

    Do you need to have a coach? If you answered “yes” then you’re already on the right track! If you said “no,” Greg and I would like to challenge you a little. Join us as they discuss how coaching isn’t just about correcting mistakes, it’s also about maximizing your existing skills to the highest level possible.

    Check out the video version of this episode of The Craig And Greg Show.

    If you don’t already have a coach, we would love to help you out! Visit the coaching page at https://maximizeleadership.com and fill out the form at the bottom. We have a great group of experienced coaches that can help you reach the next level in your leadership.

    Speak the truth in love

    Speak the truth in love

    The thing that people need most to move ahead might be right on the tip of your tongue.

    Check out the video version of this episode of The Podcast.

    Some resources from this episode:

    The Scriptures I reference: Proverbs 27:5-6; Proverbs 12:18; Ephesians 4:15

    Check out my blog post True Friends.

    And a couple of related videos where I talk more about this topic: We need loving friends and A true friend loves you enough to confront you with the truth.

    My new book When Sheep Bite is available for pre-order!

    Here are a bunch of ways to get in touch with me and follow along with other projects on which I am involved

    ►► Would you please prayerfully consider supporting this ministry? My Patreon supporters get behind-the-scenes access to exclusive materials. ◀︎◀︎

    Prepared to pass the test

    Prepared to pass the test

    God lovingly prepares us for the tests and temptations we are going to face so that we will be victorious in them. This is what happened to Jesus and it’s how He wants us to pray. 

    Check out the video version of this sermon. 

    Download the sermon notes for this message here → http://bible.com/events/49214591

    Check out all of the sermons in this series here → https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL80P8Ab2wQPIJKzhIzYZx-EnY67bq8Ohh 

    You may want to check out “No Condemnation” and “Fight Like Jesus” on my blog. Go to http://craigtowens.com and type those posts in the search box. 

    Get in touch with m at http://linktr.ee/craigtowens.

    If you’ve missed any of the previous messages in this series looking at the model prayer Jesus taught us, you can find them all here.

    ►► Would you please prayerfully consider supporting this ministry? My Patreon supporters get behind-the-scenes access to exclusive materials. ◀︎◀︎

    Shut the door on the devil’s lies

    Shut the door on the devil’s lies

    There is a way we can keep the door cracked open for the devil to whisper his slander to us, and there is a way to slam the door shut! Jesus said one of the best ways to shut the door on the slanderous lies of the devil is to forgive people who have injured us.

    Check out the video version of this clip.

    The verses I reference in this clip are John 10:10; John 8:44; Revelation 12:10; Luke 17:-5; Psalm 103:12; Isaiah 1:18; 2 Corinthians 5:21.

    The full sermon that this clip comes from is Faith to Forgive.

    And check out this post where I talk about the Security we have in standing on God’s promises of forgiveness.

    ►► Would you please prayerfully consider supporting this ministry? My Patreon supporters get behind-the-scenes access to exclusive materials. ◀︎◀︎

    The words of Jesus

    The words of Jesus

    When Jesus spoke, His audience hung on His every word. Can the same be said of us today? I believe it can! 

    To go a little deeper on this topic, check out Whose Words Have Weight? and The Timeliest of Words.

    Pre-order When Sheep Bite at http://linktr.ee/craigtowens.

    ►► Would you please prayerfully consider supporting this ministry? My Patreon supporters get behind-the-scenes access to exclusive materials. ◀︎◀︎

    Our growing communication problem

    Our growing communication problem

    Our society seems to have a growing communication problem. I’d like to talk with you a little bit about that, and share four things for us to try.

    Check out the video version of this episode of The Podcast.

    Check out my blog post Interruptions: The relationship killer.

    Here’s a video where I talk more about the Golden Rule.

    My new book When Sheep Bite is available for pre-order!

    Here are a bunch of ways to get in touch with me and follow along with other projects on which I am involved

    ►► Would you please prayerfully consider supporting this ministry? My Patreon supporters get behind-the-scenes access to exclusive materials. ◀︎◀︎

    Faith to forgive

    Faith to forgive

    Jesus taught us to pray to be thankful for our own forgiveness and to ask for our Heavenly Father’s help in giving forgiveness to others. The disciples of Jesus found this so challenging that they asked Jesus to increase their faith. Truly we need faith to be forgiving people! 

    Watch the video version of this sermon here. 

    Check out my written blog, follow my podcasts, and even pre-order my newest book When Sheep Bite at http://linktr.ee/craigtowens.

    You can download notes for this sermon here → http://bible.com/events/49209509