
    The Creative Soulpreneur Podcast with Nick Demos

    Through storytelling and in depth interviews with expert Thought Leaders, Entrepreneurs, and Artists Nick guides the creative entrepreneur to unblock and unleash their creative genius. With talks on both intuition and structured strategies he helps them tap into their soul's purpose so they can create financial abundance and a creative business with lasting impact.
    enNick Demos131 Episodes

    Episodes (131)

    111. Creative Purpose Unleashed: A Roadmap to Aligning Passion, Spirituality, and Entrepreneurship

    111. Creative Purpose Unleashed: A Roadmap to Aligning Passion, Spirituality, and Entrepreneurship

    Creative Purpose Unleashed: A Roadmap to Aligning Passion, Spirituality, and Entrepreneurship


    Episode # 111


    Nick breaks down the 5 steps of his creative purpose process so you can align your physical, spiritual, and mental life with your business.



    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.



    Take the Creative Manifestation Quiz www.manifestationquiz.com


    Meditate with Nick for FREE:  Insight Timer


    110. Transform Imposter Syndrome to Creative Genius with Diana Sofia

    110. Transform Imposter Syndrome to Creative Genius with Diana Sofia

    Transform Imposter Syndrome to Creative Genius with Diana Sofia


    Episode #110


    Diana Sofia is a corporate dropout turned Subconscious Reprogramming Coach for coaches and entrepreneurs. Her love for personal development and human transformation was first ignited while recovering from debilitating anxiety and depression in her early 20s. After working in sales and marketing in the corporate world for ten years, she decided to make the science of human transformation her full-time career.
    Early in her journey, she discovered the key role that the subconscious mind plays in our everyday behaviors, emotions, and, ultimately, our success and well-being. So she specialized in subconscious reprogramming as well as its various modalities and techniques. Now, she helps entrepreneurs & coaches ditch imposter syndrome & fear of being seen/judged so they can make offers & serve unapologetically.



    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.



    You'll Learn:


    How can we overcome ingrained limiting beliefs and not believe every thought that comes to our minds? -By becoming aware of our thoughts, emotions, and sensations, we have the choice to not believe them and find evidence to counter them.


    What techniques can help in subconscious reprogramming and overcoming imposter syndrome?- Subconscious reprogramming techniques, such as visualization, embodiment, hypnosis, EFT tapping, and NLP can be effective in addressing and shifting imposter syndrome.


    How can we remove paralyzing or inhibiting thoughts that block our creativity and action? - By recognizing negative thoughts as just thoughts and not believing them, we can remove the blocks that hinder our creativity and action.


    How can past failures impact our self-perception and imposter syndrome? - Past "failures" can trigger fear, doubt, and imposter syndrome. They can make us question our capabilities and worthiness, but we can overcome them by owning and learning from these experiences.


    What is the Diana's perspective on failure and imposter syndrome? - Diana views failure as a valuable learning experience that has helped her overcome imposter syndrome. She emphasizes the importance of being in alignment with your passions and talents.


    How can words and affirmations help in reprogramming the subconscious mind? - Diana acknowledges the power of words in programming the subconscious mind. She created a hypnosis recording with affirmations to reprogram mindset and embody your creative self, resulting in an unleashed creative flow.


    What is imposter syndrome, and how does it connect to fear? - Imposter syndrome is the fear of not being good enough or being seen as a fraud. It involves dismissing one's own abilities and focusing on the gap between where one is and where they want to be.


    What role does the subconscious mind play in imposter syndrome? - The subconscious mind stores massive amounts of data that influence our awareness. It can trigger anxiety, unworthiness, self-doubt, and feelings of not deserving or not being good enough, intensifying imposter syndrome.


    How can we heal and reduce imposter syndrome through subconscious reprogramming? - By diving deep into the subconscious, processing past events, and performing emotional clearing, it is possible to heal and reduce the intensity of imposter syndrome.


    What techniques does Diana use in her practice to address imposter syndrome and fears?- Diana uses hypnosis, EFT tapping, Rapid Resolution therapy, and NLP as tools in their practice. She follows her intuition to select the most appropriate method for each individual.

    109. The Impact of the Pandemic: Creativity and Self-Perception with Susan Lambert

    109. The Impact of the Pandemic: Creativity and Self-Perception with Susan Lambert

    The Impact of the Pandemic: Creativity and Self-Perception with Susan Lambert


    Episode #109

    Susan Lambert is an R-LCSW Psychotherapist who has been in practice in New York for 26 years after a successful career as an actress, singer and arts teacher and program designer.Susan believes in a holistic approach to the work and the process of psychotherapeutic work and brings to the work a respect and belief in the power of curiosity and creativity to ever person she works with, as well as the knowledge and skill sets she has learned over the years.Her group work, which has found success globally centers around relevant topics to all human endeavors as well as creating community and developing the notion that we are all in this together.




    You'll Learn:

    How did the pandemic impact Nick and Susan's sense of identity and self-perception?- The pandemic caused them to feel a loss of identity due to the lack of familiar mirrors reflecting their sense of self.


    What were some challenges faced by frontline workers during the pandemic?- Frontline workers felt isolated but did not have the luxury of being able to stay home like others.


    How did they feel about reentry into normal life after isolation?- Reentry into normal life feels challenging and requires small steps of adjustment.


    How did the pandemic affect their creativity?- The pandemic led to periods of sluggishness in her creative thinking.


    How did their perspective on time change during the pandemic?- They believe that our relationship to time would have changed regardless of the current situation.


    How did the pandemic impact people's friendships and social activities?- Many people are questioning their friendships, social activities, and career choices during this time.


    What do they believe will be more prevalent in the future?- They believe that integration will be more prevalent in the future.believes that integration will be more prevalent in the future.


    How did the pandemic force people to look within themselves?- The pandemic forced people to look within themselves and realize that is where they always end up.


    How did the pandemic affect Nick's  awareness and presence?- He feels more alive and aware now, especially during the COVID era.


    What is the importance of embracing the unknown in the creative process?- Embracing the unknown is the beginning of curiosity and creativity. 


    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.

    108. Behind the Scenes of Invisible: The Making of a Documentary about Fibromyalgia

    108. Behind the Scenes of Invisible: The Making of a Documentary about Fibromyalgia

    Behind the Scenes of Invisible: The Making of a Documentary about Fibromyalgia


    Episode #108

    On this episode of The Creative Soulpreneur, we explore the intersection of health, creativity, and documentary filmmaking. Our host, Nick, and guests Rose Harwood and Pallavi Sastry share their experience with fibromyalgia, including the challenges of diagnosis and navigating the wellness industry. We dive into the making of Nick's documentary about fibromyalgia and the importance of sharing stories about chronic, invisible illnesses. We also discuss the similarities between fibromyalgia and Long COVID and advocate for a more compassionate and less ableist culture towards those dealing with health issues. Tune in to learn more about this important topic and how creativity can be a powerful tool for advocacy and education.


    You'll Learn:


    What is the main message of the episode? Answer: The main message of the episode is that seeking a diagnosis for a health issue may not always be helpful, and it's important to focus on managing stress and improving emotional health to navigate a healthy lifestyle.


    What is fibromyalgia? Answer: Fibromyalgia is a condition that affects the body and mind, causing chronic pain, fatigue, and sleep problems. It is difficult to diagnose because there are no concrete or blood tests for it, and there is a lot of confusion surrounding it.


    What are some simple steps to improving health? Answer: Improving stress levels and sleep quality can be simple steps to improving health.


    Why is being too rigid with lifestyle change negative? Answer: Being too rigid with lifestyle changes can negatively impact mental health.


    How can the wellness industry be dangerous?Answer: The wellness industry can be dangerous because it promotes rigid rules and labels, which can be detrimental to one's health.


    Why is it important to take a look at stress and emotional health to navigate a healthy lifestyle? Answer: It is important to take a look at stress and emotional health to navigate a healthy lifestyle because they can have a significant impact on physical health.


    What is Rose Harwood's experience with fibromyalgia? Answer: She had experienced fibromyalgia in their teenage years and had difficulty managing it, but she has since found ways to manage it and believes that getting a label for it is not always necessary.


    What inspired Nick to make a documentary about fibromyalgia?Answer: Nick was approached by someone with an idea to make a documentary about fibromyalgia, which appealed to him as he was already at a point of wanting to expand their creativity and open to new possibilities.


    What is Long COVID and how does it relate to fibromyalgia? Answer: Long COVID is a condition where people experience symptoms of COVID-19 for weeks or months after the initial infection. The episode suggests that there are similarities between Long COVID and fibromyalgia, and watching the documentary about fibromyalgia may provide education that applies to Long COVID.


    What is the healthcare system's role in the opioid epidemic? Answer: The healthcare system has created a population of people addicted to painkillers because they don't know what else to do. The system has given a lot of painkillers but not much other treatment, which has contributed to the opioid epidemic.


    Our Guests:

    107. Breaking Expectations, Finding Freedom and Pride: A Journey Within with Rachel Freemon Sowers

    107.   Breaking Expectations, Finding Freedom and Pride: A Journey Within with Rachel Freemon Sowers

    Breaking Expectations, Finding Freedom and Pride: A Journey Within with Rachel Freemon Sowers


    Episode # 107


    On this episode of The Creative Soulpreneur, Nick and guest Rachel Freemon Sowers dive deep into the importance of finding joy and authenticity in one's life. Rachel shares her personal struggles with societal expectations and feelings of inadequacy, as well as her journey towards prioritizing joy and self-love. From overcoming anxiety in a dark tunnel to coming to terms with her own LGBTQ+ identity, Rachel shares valuable insights into the power of self-acceptance and healing. Tune in for a thought-provoking conversation on finding joy and healing in a world that often tries to keep us down.


    You'll Learn:

    How did Rachel used to present herself to others in the past? Answer: Joyful and fun, but it was often a mask she put on for appearances.


    What does Rachel prioritize now in her life, and why? Answer: Doing things that truly bring her joy, to be her authentic self, and to form genuine connections with others instead of fake intimacy and connection which is common in society today.


    How does Rachel overcome anxiety while biking through a dark tunnel?Answer: By having faith in herself, communicating with others, and slowly pedaling through the darkness.


    What is the main metaphor Rachel uses to describe a difficult time in life, and what are the tools being discussed to help with it? Answer: A tunnel. The tools being discussed are said to help find a way out of the darkness and towards a fun, joyful life.


    Why is finding joy in life emphasized, and how has Rachel struggled with finding it in the past? Answer: It is emphasized because finding joy is important for being authentic and forming genuine connections with others. Rachel struggled with finding joy due to feelings of inadequacy and external expectations.


    Is self-improvement a one-time fix? and what is the key to self-improvement? Answer: No, it is a work in progress. The key is to accept and acknowledge all parts of oneself without judgment or self-shame.


    What is Nick and Rachel's experience with religion and how has it contributed to feelings of shame and guilt? Answer: Nick did not grow up in a religious household but prayed to God at 14 to not make him gay despite already knowing he was and felt guilt and shame. Rachel states how the societal message to LGBTQ+ individuals is that they are even more flawed for being who they are.


    How did Rachel take ownership of their life when she was in a difficult situation? Answer: She realized they needed to heal herself and committed to going within themselves. She left friend groups, stopped talking to people, and decided to take ownership of her life.


    What was Nick's experience running away to New York City and how did it affect his perspective on shame and expectations? Answer: Nick ran away to New York City with the goal of becoming a Broadway performer but realized that running away didn't solve all his problems as the issues still existed even if he was in a new environment. Rachel was shamed for her actions in a religious context, but she doesn't regret them and noticed hypocrisy in the behavior of preachers who told her how to behave but acted differently behind the scenes. She also noticed that as a young woman, she was expected to behave differently from men.



    Morgana's The Creative Soulpreneur Episode

    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.

    106. Understanding the Mind-Body-Spirit with Autoimmune with Michele Spring

    106. Understanding the Mind-Body-Spirit with Autoimmune with Michele Spring

    Understanding the Mind-Body-Spirit with Autoimmune with Michele Spring


    Episode # 106


    On this episode of The Creative Soulpreneur, we talk about the importance of switching between the rest and digest mode and fight or flight mode for our health, and how many people get stuck in the latter mode. Our guest, Michele Spring shares how pranayama or breath work can regulate the nervous system and bring us to a relaxed state. We also discuss the autoimmune protocol, specific ways to reintroduce foods, and how a holistic approach to health can lead to finding clues about a patient's condition. Lastly, we explore qigong, a Chinese movement practice that moves life force energy through the body and helps with energy and blood flow. Our speaker shares a personal experience with thyroid issues and how an elimination diet improved their symptoms drastically.



    You'll Learn:

    What is the difference between the rest and digest mode and the fight or flight mode?- The body is supposed to switch between the rest and digest mode and the fight or flight mode every few hours.


    What can cause someone to be stuck in the fight or flight mode?- Deadlines, bills, past trauma, or triggers in the environment or senses can cause someone to be stuck in the fight or flight mode.


    What are some of the important housekeeping activities that are disrupted when someone is stuck in the fight or flight mode?- Toxin removal, tissue repair, immune system function, and memory consolidation are some of the important housekeeping activities that are disrupted when someone is stuck in the fight or flight mode.


    How can Pranayama or breath work help regulate the nervous system?- Pranayama can move a person from a state of sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) to parasympathetic nervous system (relaxation), making it easier to regulate the nervous system.


    What are some of the foods recommended to be reintroduced first during the autoimmune protocol?- Nuts and seeds are some of the first things to bring back during the autoimmune protocol.


    What are some helpful techniques for uncovering hidden beliefs and traumas that may be holding someone back?- Techniques such as journaling, guided meditation, and hypnosis can help uncover hidden beliefs and traumas that may be holding someone back.


    What is the difference between Eastern and Western approaches to medicine?- In Eastern philosophies, a root cause approach is taken, while in Western medicine, doctors tend to focus on individual parts of the body rather than how they work together.


    What is Qigung, and how does it help with health benefits?- Qigung is an ancient Chinese movement practice that moves qi or life force energy through the body. It helps unlock stagnant chi that can cause health problems, provides more energy, and moves blood through the body, including joints and places that would not be exercised through normal activities.


    What are some of the benefits of taking a root cause approach to health?- Taking a root cause approach could lead to finding clues about a patient's health condition and treating it holistically.


    What was the speaker's experience with hypothyroidism and celiac disease, and how did they recover?- The speaker was prescribed medication for hypothyroidism, but after seeing a functional medicine practitioner, was diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis and celiac disease. They went on an elimination diet called the autoimmune protocol, removing problematic foods and reintroducing them methodically. Within three weeks, they felt better than they had in 15 years.


    How to FInd Michele Spring





    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.

    105. A Deep Look into Stress and Anxiety

    105. A Deep Look into Stress and Anxiety

    A Deep Look into Stress and Anxiety


    Episode # 105


    Nick offers a deeper insight into what causes Stress and Anxiety, and what you can do to conquer them.



    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.

    104. Finding Purpose with Laurie Wright

    104. Finding Purpose with Laurie Wright

    Finding Purpose with Laurie Wright


    Episode # 104


    Laurie Wright, also known as Not Your Average Grandma, is the founder of the Second Half SPARK School™ and host of Living Your Sparked Second Half podcast. Her mission is to help women over 50, who wake up most days feeling unmotivated and unexcited about life, discover new purpose so they can spend the rest of their life doing the things that light them up most.


    You'll Learn:


    The importance of being quiet


    How to fail gracefully and learn


    How to find your purpose no matter what your age










    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.

    103. Aligning Your Natural Cycle with Your Business with Renae Fieck

    103. Aligning Your Natural Cycle with Your Business with Renae Fieck

    Aligning Your Natural Cycle with Your Business

    with Renae Fieck


    Episode # 103


    Renae is a mom of 3 and occupational therapist. She helps women optimize their time and energy through unlocking the power of their cycles so that they can be thriving high achievers. Through her method she helps women balance the demands of life, make a bigger impact, and get bigger results without adding more stress or needing more time. She’s the host of the Cycle Advantage Podcast. She can be found at renaefieck.com.



    You'll learn:


    The 4 phases of a woman’s natural cycle


    The rhythm of a man’s natural cycle


    When to hustle and when to retreat and how to find balance


    And, how you can use technology to help!


    Website: https://renaefieck.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/renaefieck/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/risingmoms



    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.

    102. Healing Trauma with Greg Weiting

    102. Healing Trauma with Greg Weiting

    Healing Trauma

    with Greg Weiting


    Episode # 102


    Things You Learn:


    How trauma manifests


    What it means to be an Embodied Leader


    Redefining your Dharma


    Letting go of the stigma of mental health


    Greg Weiting Website

    Greg Weiting Instagram



    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.

    101. Why You Need a Creative Niche

    101. Why You Need a Creative Niche

    Why You Need a Creative Niche

    with Jessica Osborn


    Episode # 101

    Website: https://www.jessicaosborn.com


    Social media:







    You'll Learn:


    What it means to be magnetic to attract clients


    Why narrowing your focus leads to greater growth


    Why defining your own niche is essential for creatives




    The #1 reason why you're finding it hard to market your creative business



    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.

    100. 10 Lessons from 100 Episodes!

    100. 10 Lessons from 100 Episodes!

    10 Lessons from 100 Episodes!


    Episode # 100!!!


    Join Nick in celebrating our 100th Episode by looking back at 10 major lessons he's learned along the way.


    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.

    99. What is Money?

    99. What is Money?

    What is Money?


    Episode # 99


    Nick explores the history of money... What is it? WHOSE is it? How can you get it?


    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.

    98. Finding Your Voice with Katherine Beck

    98. Finding Your Voice with Katherine Beck

    Finding Your Voice with Katherine Beck


    Episode # 98


    With over 20 years of being 'the voice' of big brands, Katherine Beck (voiceover artist & voice coach) is the leading authority on how to influence your audience through the power of your voice so you can create a greater impact in the world and make more money doing what you love to do. With over 30 years of performance experience and training, Katherine has developed her own unique methodology to voice training that applies to Entrepreneurs, Actors, Broadcast Journalists and Podcasters. Speaking of podcasts, she is also the host at a #1 globally ranked podcast, The Voice of Your Brand


    You'll Learn:


    How to Stand Out with Your Messaging


    How Your Voice can Shift Your Brand


    How to Step into Your Authority


    and How Culture and Communication Come Together









    97. Creative Magic with Katie Rayle

    97. Creative Magic with Katie Rayle

    Creative Magic with Katie Rayle



    Episode #97


    As a movement guide in health and wellness, Katie has 15 years of extensive work in Private Pilates practice.  Her groundbreaking method, Core L’ etoile combines traditional teachings with subtle body techniques, energy work, and visualisation to release prohibitive holding patterns and reshape physical manifestation.  Classes incorporate small props to ground the body into new connection enhancing and ritualizing Katie’s integrative approach to movement. She has recently designed and produced a product kit (launching late 2022) to reach more communities with her alignment method.  Katie is a former professional dancer/singer/actress who has also continues to have a deep passion and interest for the entertainment business.  She swears her Pilates work has helped her keep dancing into her 40’s.  You will find her choreographing 1-2 projects a year as a balance to seeing clients, teaching on retreat and workshops with her new product.  She lives in Venice, CA with her boyfriend and their dog Vi. 


    For sessions/class/ product: www.coreletoile.com
    For online class library: www.katierayle.com
    Instagram: @katierayle

    Discount code: PRESALE



    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.

    96. Your Relationship with Money

    96. Your Relationship with Money

    Your Relationship with Money


    Episode # 96

    Nick takes a deep dive into your relationship to money.



    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.

    95. Learning to Receive with Michelle Crowder-Soellner

    95. Learning to Receive with Michelle Crowder-Soellner

    Learning to Receive with Michelle Crowder- Soellner


    Episode #95


    Get a sneak peek of the behind the scenes of Nick Demos Media with business Integrator Michelle Crowder-Soellner plus what she learned in an amazingly difficult 40th year.


    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.


    94. The Simple Way to Authentic Networking

    94. The Simple Way to Authentic Networking

    The Simple Way to Authentic Networking

    Episode  # 94


    Nick shares with you how to make networking easier!


    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.

    93. Conscious Self-Parenting with Rachel Duffy

    93. Conscious Self-Parenting with Rachel Duffy

    Conscious Self Parenting with Rachel Duffy


    Episode #93


    Rachel helps fix every relationship in your family. She works with parents to help them raise kids without bribing, constantly rewarding or yelling, threatening or ending the day feeling guilty so you can finally build. deep connection, harmony and find ease in your family life. She is both a Trauma Informed Coach and a Certified Conscious Parenting Coach, with a JD in Family Law. With over 2 decades of combined experience as a Family Lawyer and Parenting Coach, Rachel has spent her entire adult life in the trenches with families. Rachel uses a proprietary combination of practicaland tactical tools alongside deeper traumainformed healing modalities, spiritual growth and a good dose of wisdom. Unlike traditional coaching models that rely on quick fixes to put out fires, Rachel helps you create life lasting change by showing you how to identify and address the root causes of draining relationships in your family.


    You Learn: 


    How compassion is key to healing


    When you create the story 


    3 ways to regulate your nervous system (breath work, relationship, environment)


    Nick Demos is a Tony and Olivier Award winning Broadway producer, documentary filmmaker, conscious business coach and manifestation expert With over 15 years of teaching pranayama (breath work), yoga and creativity as well as thirty years in the entertainment industry, he has travelled from the Tony Awards to ashrams and run a multi-million dollar business in between. Nick helps you clear blocks and tap into your creative intuition so you can tell your stories and manifest the business and life of your dreams creating wealth and impact.




    IG: https://www.instagram.com/rachelduffyhere/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sagacitylab/