
    The Divine Feminist

    Feminism, but connected. The Divine Feminist is a deep dive into feminism for today; the kind of movement that recognises the everyday struggles as symptoms rather than causes of our toxically unbalanced society. So how do we fix that? By reconnecting with ourselves and remembering that there is another way... a way to the sacred balance that represents the road to fulfilment for each of us, and paves the way to a more balanced and fulfilling world.
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    Episodes (76)

    Grounding the sacred: When human meets soul

    Grounding the sacred: When human meets soul

    As we conclude our journey through the thirteen keys for self-reconnection and balance, Ceryn invites you to consider those ideas of Human and Soul, and what they really mean.

    All too often in these spiritually-focussed circles, we see our human selves being diminished and painted as less than the soulful side of us; but the truth is that both are vital.

    It is only within the synergy of the two that we are able to find a true sense of the sacred in ourselves and our lives. But how do we do that? The answer to that might just come in the form of our 13th key, grounding.

    Dive in while we explore all this and more.

    Episode Notes

    • Within this episode, Ceryn mentions the book Wake Up Mother which she is involved with. To learn more about Wake Up Mother, visit the project website.
    • Meanwhile, Ceryn also references two other books, specifically:
      • Eyes Wide Open by Mariana Caplan
      • Soulcraft by Bill Plotkin.
    • The Divine Feminist will be taking a break after this episode. Be sure to subscribe to the podcast to be amongst the first to know when we return. In the meantime, if you'd like to stay up to date with Ceryn and her work, check out the following:
    • If you would like to order one of Ceryn's Soul Integration Readings, do so before 14th March 2023 to enjoy the current package and pricing. 
    • Music is Start Again by Alex Beroza, copyright Alex(2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here
    • Finally, if you enjoy The Divine Feminist and would like to buy Ceryn a Ko-fi, you can do that here.

    Confronting the challenges and creating change: A conversation with Laura Bates

    Confronting the challenges and creating change: A conversation with Laura Bates

    This month's episode of the Divine Feminist is a special one, as Ceryn talks with Laura Bates about her work and experiences to date.

    Founder of The Everyday Sexism Project and author of eight books to date, Laura is involved with a number of programmes and campaigns that demand real change from those at the very top of our societies, and works in schools across the UK and beyond to educate young people about sexism, consent and sexual violence.

    Her latest book, No Accident, is the second of her fictional works and, though aimed at young adults, provides a powerful and important perspective on these subjects and their impacts upon young people today.

    Episode Notes

    Opening to the possibility of beauty

    Opening to the possibility of beauty

    As we move onto the twelfth of our thirteen keys for self connection and sacred balance, Ceryn invites you to journey with the ideas of outcome and possibility.

    We live in a world that so often wants us to focus on outcomes; definitive outcomes that can be objectively glasses as "good" or "successful". And there are definitely times when such a clear focus is useful or even necessary.

    But how often does that mindset rob us of possibility, and of all that can unfold if we allow ourselves to step into the unknown.

    What is the key to moving into that place of possibility? Ceryn calls it beauty, but not the type of beauty we're used to hearing or reading about.

    After all, this isn't about checking off boxes on a societally defined list of what makes us acceptable. Instead is it about aligning ourselves with a true sense of beauty; one that involves awe, wonder, and is in the closest place imaginable if only we allow ourselves to open to it. 

    Episode Notes

    Honouring our wildness: Embracing what can be found on the other side of death

    Honouring our wildness: Embracing what can be found on the other side of death

    As we move on to the eleventh of our thirteen keys for self connection and sacred balance, Ceryn invites you to journey with her as she faces one of the scariest topics of all: Death.

    But how would our relationship with that concept - and equally with the ideas of life, birth and rebirth - be if we had been raised in a world that focussed more on the yin side of life? A world that taught us life was a cyclical rather than a linear process.

    The key to doing that? To breaking out of the linear A to B idea of life and moving instead into a place of true cyclical living? Wildness. And the courage to come back to ourselves and to nature.

    Join Ceryn to talk about exactly that, and the path that lies open to each of us as when we choose to turn that key.

    Episode Notes

    • Within this episode, Ceryn mentions three exciting events she is involved with at this time, which are:
    • Ceryn also mentions the work of Bola Juju, who you can learn more about here.
    • Meanwhile, a recording of The Selkie Song, from Sharon Blackie's If Women Rose Rooted can be found here.
    • To keep up with the latest from Ceryn and all things Divine Feminist, follow @divine.feminist on Instagram.
    • Music is Start Again by Alex Beroza, copyright Alex(2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here
    • Finally, if you enjoy The Divine Feminist and would like to buy Ceryn a Ko-fi, you can do that here.

    Connection: The power in every facet of your being

    Connection: The power in every facet of your being

    As we continue our journey through the thirteen keys to sacred balance and self re-connection, we come back to that very idea of connection and, in particular, what that means when it comes to ourselves.

    We are all multi-faceted beings; different voices within us bringing their thoughts, hopes and fears to the table, while the fact that we exhibit different aspects of ourselves in different situations is perfectly natural and even wise rather than a sign that we're somehow inauthentic.

    Join Ceryn for a discussion of all of this and more as she invites you to consider the key of connection, and how we can all work with this within ourselves and the world.

    Episode Notes

    Boundaries: Because you're worth it

    Boundaries: Because you're worth it

    As we continue our journey through the thirteen keys for sacred balance and self-reconnection, Ceryn invites you to consider the idea of boundaries - what they are and how we set them.

    Boundaries are something we hear a lot about in today's world, and even more so as we walk this path of Divine Feminism and realise that, for all of patriarchy's work to steer us away from boundaries, neither we nor the planet can sustain the constant drive to take without limit.

    But for so many of us, the very term is something we've never been taught, and one we need to truly deep dive with in order to understand and integrate on our terms.

    And even when we have the "what", there is work to be done to understand how we can set and maintain boundaries in our own lives. And that's where today's episode comes in.

    Episode Notes

    • Within this episode, Ceryn mentions three projects that she is working on right now, specifically:
      • Her Summer Soul Session workshops, running weekly throughout August with replays available to buy now. Learn more about those at cerynrowntree.com/courses.
      • The Reiki Level One course she is running with Rachael Morley, complete with an in-person ceremonial weekend in London. Find out more about that here.
      • The Awakening Festival this September, at which Ceryn will be presenting the first ever in-person Project Earthwork event alongside Rachael and Yolandi Boshoff.
    • Ceryn also mentions the book that she is currently reading, You Do You by Sarah Knight.
    • To keep up with the latest from Ceryn and all things Divine Feminist, follow @divine.feminist on Instagram.
    • Music is Start Again by Alex Beroza, copyright Alex(2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here
    • Finally, if you enjoy The Divine Feminist and would like to buy Ceryn a Ko-fi, you can do that here.

    Allowing: Standing firm and embracing flow

    Allowing: Standing firm and embracing flow

    It sounds like a contradiction doesn't it? Yet as we journey with allowing, the eighth key to self-reconnection and sacred balance, that's exactly where we find ourselves. 

    We live in a world of action, shoulds and to-do lists; one that will tell us that doing is the only way to be.

    But of course we know that's not the case, that the true sense of being is much more flowing; is something that leaves room for rest, for magic, and for someone else to take the reins. 

    The key to getting there? Allowing. Allowing ourselves to both take control over what is right for us, and relinquish control over what the next steps look like.

    Join Ceryn as she dives into exactly what this means, for us and our world.

    Episode notes 

    • Are you ready to dive more deeply into your own journey of self-reconnection and sacred balance? There are many ways you can do that, all of which can be found on Ceryn's website.
    • Within this week's episode, Ceryn mentions two sets of workshops she is running, specifically:
    • To keep up with the latest from Ceryn and all things Divine Feminist, follow @divine.feminist on Instagram.
    • Music is Start Again by Alex Beroza, copyright Alex(2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here
    • Finally, if you enjoy The Divine Feminist and would like to buy Ceryn a Ko-fi, you can do that here.

    Pleasure: Reclaiming our Divine birthright

    Pleasure: Reclaiming our Divine birthright

    When it comes to these thirteen keys to self-connection and alignment, pleasure is perhaps the one that has had the most myths built around it by patriarchy. 

    Yet to reclaim pleasure on our own terms is to reclaim our power, and so much more besides. 

    So what does that involve? And how do we work out what the word even means for us? 

    Join Ceryn to dive into the idea of pleasure; the myths and lies we've been sold about it, how its reclamation can benefit us, and where we begin on our own journey back to that concept. 

    Episode notes 

    • Are you ready to dive more deeply into your own journey of self-reconnection and sacred balance? There are many ways you can do that, all of which can be found at The Divine Feminist website.
    • Meanwhile within this week's episode, Ceryn mentions three things, specifically:
    • To keep up with the latest from Ceryn and all things Divine Feminist, follow @divine.feminist on Instagram.
    • Music is Start Again by Alex Beroza, copyright Alex(2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here
    • Finally, if you enjoy The Divine Feminist and would like to buy Ceryn a Ko-fi, you can do that here.

    True power is responsible

    True power is responsible

    As we continue to work through the thirteen keys to self-connection and sacred balance, we come to key six, responsibility.

    And with it, we remember the words of Spiderman's Uncle Ben: "with true power comes true responsibility." Because that's precisely where responsibility becomes so important; at a time that increasingly asks and invites us to step into our power, the key to doing that appropriately is in owning that power responsibly.

    But what does that mean? And how can we be sure that we will use our own power responsibly in a world that gives us so many examples of the opposite?

    Join Ceryn for a deep dive into exactly this subject, and get in touch on the details below to share your experiences with this key, we would love to hear them. 

    Episode notes 

    Our journey with faith

    Our journey with faith

    As we journey together through the thirteen keys to self re-connection and sacred balance, Ceryn invites you to think about your own experiences with faith over the past few weeks, and shares insight into her journey with this.

    After all, working with these keys is not as simple as a discussion, or some time spent pondering while listening to a podcast, but has a tendency to be much more in-depth. Working with these keys can and will unlock something for us if only we are prepared to tune into that experience for ourselves. 

    Episode notes 

    • Are you ready to dive more deeply into your own journey of self-reconnection and sacred balance? There are many ways you can do that, including:
    • Ceryn also mentions the book Playing Big by Tara Mohr
    • To keep up with the latest from Ceryn and all things Divine Feminist, follow @divine.feminist on Instagram.
    • Music is Start Again by Alex Beroza, copyright Alex(2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here
    • Finally, if you enjoy The Divine Feminist and would like to buy Ceryn a Ko-fi, you can do that here.

    You've got to have faith

    You've got to have faith

    Faith has become such a burdensome and often empty world in our societies today, but I truly believe it's one of the most important qualities we can cultivate.

    Not necessarily in a God, Goddess or anything else outside of ourselves - although what you choose to believe in is entirely up to you, but faith in yourself and in the world around us.

    After all, faith is what gives us a reason to keep pushing against the institutions and ways of being that are so determined to keep us small. 

    Faith is the light that gleams to us at the end of the tunnel and reminds us that something else is possible, even on the days when all seems lost.

    And faith is the thing that reminds us that who we are is enough, giving us the courage and the power to reconnect more fully with ourselves in all of the ways that are needed. 

    As Ceryn journeys through the thirteen keys that unlock the doors back to self-reconnection and sacred balance, she invites you to dive deeply with her into the idea of faith, and to consider what that really means for you.

    Episode notes 

    • Are you ready to dive more deeply into your own journey of self-reconnection and sacred balance? There are many ways you can do that, including:
    • Ceryn also mentions a number of books and practices which may be of interest, including:
    • To keep up with the latest from Ceryn and all things Divine Feminist, follow @divine.feminist on Instagram.
    • Music is Start Again by Alex Beroza, copyright Alex(2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here
    • Finally, if you enjoy The Divine Feminist and would like to buy Ceryn a Ko-fi, you can do that here.

    Pause and connect: Listening to ourselves to find the next step forwards

    Pause and connect: Listening to ourselves to find the next step forwards

    Stepping outside of the usual rhythm of The Divine Feminist podcast to share an update, Ceryn invites you to come back to yourself and reminds us all of the power of pausing to connect.

    As we work together to move our world into a place of greater alignment, never has it been move important to bring ourselves into that place too.

    But what does it mean to connect to ourselves, and why is that so vital for us and the world?

    Episode notes 

    • In today's episode Ceryn mentions a number of ways that you can dive more deeply into all things sacred balance, alignment and connection, including:
    • Ceryn also mentions a number of books and practices which may be of interest, including:
    • To keep up with the latest from Ceryn and all things Divine Feminist, follow @divine.feminist on Instagram.
    • Music is Start Again by Alex Beroza, copyright Alex(2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here
    • Finally, if you enjoy The Divine Feminist and would like to buy Ceryn a Ko-fi, you can do that here.

    Honouring the whole: Empathy, diversity, and moving forwards together

    Honouring the whole: Empathy, diversity, and moving forwards together

    The cult of individualism is not working for us - as individuals or societies. Yet the idea that we are all exactly the same is dismissive, disrespectful and dangerous.

    Humanity faces a time of great peril, one that we must work through together if we have any chance of surviving.

    But what does that mean?

    Join Ceryn as she talks about the power in our differences, and about what can be found from embracing each and every one of our skills, talents, and perspectives; as well as the beauty of empathy - both the need for it and the work required to find it more broadly.

    Episode notes 

    • If you'd like to learn more about The Divine Feminist and the topics Ceryn speaks about on today's episode, check out The Divine Feminist book. Click here to learn more and order your copy today.
    • Within today's episode, Ceryn mentions (again!) the wonderful book See No Stranger: A memoir and manifesto of revolutionary love by Valarie Kaur
    • If the journey of your own alignment and expansion is something you want to lean into more deeply, then head over to The Divine Feminist Community for support and guidance. The community is open to members now, featuring exclusive content to deepen your journeys with this and all future episodes of the podcast. To learn more, or to join us today visit www.divinefeminist.com/community.
    • And remember, to keep up with the latest from Ceryn and all things Divine Feminist, follow @divine.feminist on Instagram.
    • Music is Start Again by Alex Beroza, copyright Alex(2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here

    We're in this together: Individualism, the collective and supporting us all to shine

    We're in this together: Individualism, the collective and supporting us all to shine

    We live in a world of such division, where we are continually encouraged to focus on the differences between us and how those separate us from one another.

    But though that focus has led us and our societies deep into a place of division, that is not to say that our differences should be ignored, forgotten, or glossed over.

    After all, it is our differences that make us beautiful, powerful even. so how do we unpack the divisions from the differences and support ourselves and our world to move forward?

    Join Ceryn as she discusses exactly this. 

    Episode notes 

    • If you'd like to learn more about The Divine Feminist and the topics Ceryn speaks about on today's episode, check out The Divine Feminist book. Click here to learn more and order your copy today.
    • Some of the resources Ceryn mentions are:
    • Ceryn mentions Project Earthwork, which she is involved with in support of our planet. Visit the Project Earthwork website at projectearthwork.org, or check out recordings of the latest meditation events on YouTube.
    • If the journey of your own alignment and expansion is something you want to lean into more deeply, then head over to The Divine Feminist Community for support and guidance. The community is open to members now, featuring exclusive content to deepen your journeys with this and all future episodes of the podcast. To learn more, or to join us today visit www.divinefeminist.com/community.
    • And remember, to keep up with the latest from Ceryn and all things Divine Feminist, follow @divine.feminist on Instagram.
    • Music is Start Again by Alex Beroza, copyright Alex(2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here

    Returning to centre: Truth, discernment and honouring what is right for us

    Returning to centre: Truth, discernment and honouring what is right for us

    Following our journey with the subject of knowledge - both inner and outer - Ceryn discusses the synergy that can be found when we transcend those binaries and instead consider the idea of truth.

    But truth itself may not be as simple as we have for so long been told, so join Ceryn on a discussion of that subject together with questions about what truth means to us personally and how we can connect to that more deeply.

    From there, we talk about the idea of discernment, and how we can cultivate this to come back to a place of greater alignment with ourselves and our own truths - individually and collectively. 

    Episode notes 

    • If you'd like to learn more about The Divine Feminist and the topics Ceryn speaks about on today's episode, check out The Divine Feminist book. Click here to learn more and order your copy today.
    • In today's episode, Ceryn speaks of the World Central Kitchen, although other wonderful organisations are also doing great work around the world.
    • Ceryn also mentions Caroline Criado Perez' book Invisible Women, on the subject of data bias.
    • If the journey of your own alignment and expansion is something you want to lean into more deeply, then head over to The Divine Feminist Community for support and guidance. The community is open to members now, featuring exclusive content to deepen your journeys with this and all future episodes of the podcast. To learn more, or to join us today visit www.divinefeminist.com/community
    • And remember, to keep up with the latest from Ceryn and all things Divine Feminist, follow @divine.feminist on Instagram.
    • Music is Start Again by Alex Beroza, copyright Alex(2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here.

    Honouring the knowledge spectrum: Finding our centre in the age of information

    Honouring the knowledge spectrum: Finding our centre in the age of information

    We live in a world which sees us constantly bombarded by information.

    And let's never forget the brilliance of that; the opportunities it provides for us to learn, particularly for and from those who may once have been excluded from mainstream sources of education or training. 

    But there are downsides too: the ways in which that barrage of information can drown out that inner voice, the information inadequacy it can give us, and the sheer difficulty we can find in navigating that whole spectrum of available information in order that we can find the right way forwards for ourselves, and more.

    The challenges of our age of information have never been more apparent.

    So how do we navigate that spectrum of knowledge? And more, how and where do we begin to root ourselves in order to find a path back to our own centre. 

    Following the thread of the Divine Feminist book, this week's episode sees Ceryn dive deep into that discussion of inner and outer knowledge, and how those sources of information can make themselves known to us. 

    Episode notes 

    • If you'd like to learn more about The Divine Feminist and the topics Ceryn speaks about on today's episode, check out The Divine Feminist book. Click here to learn more and order your copy today.
    • Within the episode, Ceryn mentions her upcoming course on space holding, Hold and Be Held, beginning on 17th February. The course is available to book now and we'd love to see you there!
    • Ceryn also mentions the work of writer and activist Lyla June
    • She also mentions the book Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert.
    • If the journey of your own aligned expansion is something you want to lean into more deeply, then head over to The Divine Feminist Community for support and guidance. The community is open to members now, featuring exclusive content to deepen your journeys with this and all future episodes of the podcast. To learn more, or to join us today visit www.divinefeminist.com/community
    • And remember, to keep up with the latest from Ceryn and all things Divine Feminist, follow @divine.feminist on Instagram.
    • Music is Start Again by Alex Beroza, copyright Alex(2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here.

    Our truest expansion: Finding the courage to grow

    Our truest expansion: Finding the courage to grow

    Following our recent discussion on the much-talked-about inner between love and fear, The Divine Feminist asks you to consider what happens when we transcend that binary and honour the full spectrum of both our love and our fear - as well as everything that lies between.

    The result? We reach a place of expansion. Empowered expansion which is fully aligned with our hearts and Souls.

    Of course the path to do that isn't always easy, and so often asks us to embrace the depths of our own courage.

    What does that truly mean? That's a bigger question, and one Ceryn talks about at length in this week's episode. So listen now to learn more and dive deeper into your own journey of courageous expansion.

    Episode notes 

    • If you'd like to learn more about The Divine Feminist and the topics Ceryn speaks about on today's episode, check out The Divine Feminist book. Click here to learn more and order your copy today.
    • Within the episode, Ceryn mentions her upcoming course on space holding, Hold and Be Held, beginning on 17th February. The course is available to book now and we'd love to see you there!
    • Ceryn also mentions the difference between bravery and courage, as outlined in this blog post by Brette Warshaw.
    • If the journey of your own aligned expansion is something you want to lean into more deeply, then head over to The Divine Feminist Community for support and guidance. The community is open to members now, featuring exclusive content to deepen your journeys with this and all future episodes of the podcast. To learn more, or to join us today visit www.divinefeminist.com/community
    • And remember, to keep up with the latest from Ceryn and all things Divine Feminist, follow @divine.feminist on Instagram.
    • Music is Start Again by Alex Beroza, copyright Alex(2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here.


    Love vs Fear: Witnessing the power and the beauty of your wholeness

    Love vs Fear: Witnessing the power and the beauty of your wholeness

    Love and Fear. 

    We're often told that this is the binary through which we choose to live our lives.

    Follow the path of fear and you'll find yourself in a place of joy, comfort and beauty. But allow the voice of fear to guide you and you will only ever star stuck, restricted and frustrated. 

    But what if the flow between these two voices within us - and all those that lie between - is much more in-depth, and if both fear and love have much to teach us about how we can best take care of ourselves and the glorious world around us?

    Join Ceryn as she talks through the duality of love and fear, and invites us to reconsider each of those energies within ourselves and our lives.

     Episode notes 

    • If you'd like to learn more about The Divine Feminist and the topics Ceryn speaks about on today's episode, check out The Divine Feminist book. Click here to learn more and order your copy today.
    • Within the episode, Ceryn mentions two of the ways you can work with her more deeply. They are:
    • If the journey of your own aligned expansion is something you want to lean into more deeply, then head over to The Divine Feminist Community for support and guidance. The community is open to members now, featuring exclusive content to deepen your journeys with this and all future episodes of the podcast. To learn more, or to join us today visit www.divinefeminist.com/community
    • And remember, to keep up with the latest from Ceryn and all things Divine Feminist, including the forthcoming book of the same name, follow @divine.feminist on Instagram.
    • Music is Start Again by Alex Beroza, copyright Alex(2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here.

    Sacred Balance and Synergy: Remembering yourself as the whole damned cake

    Sacred Balance and Synergy: Remembering yourself as the whole damned cake

    As we continue our deep dive into the topics covered in The Divine Feminist book, Ceryn invites you to consider the ideas of sacred balance and synergy, and how these affect your own life and the wider world.

    Together we talk about the power of breaking out of the dualistic boxes that have, for so long, been imposed upon us and about the power that can be found in embracing wholeness - not only for a sum of its parts but for the synergy that comes in bringing those parts together.

    Along the way we consider how to go about that and what such an approach could mean for each of us - and for the whole world too.  And together we remember that we are not simply a list of ingredients but are, and always have been, the whole damned cake.

    Episode notes 

    • If you'd like to learn more about The Divine Feminist and the topics Ceryn speaks about on today's episode, check out The Divine Feminist book. Click here to learn more and order your copy today.
    • Within the episode Ceryn mentions Glennon Doyle's book Love Warrior. Learn more about that here.
    • Elsewhere in the episode, Ceryn mentions the current sale on her Soul Integration Readings, running throughout January. Visit her website to learn more.
    • If the journey of your own aligned expansion is something you want to lean into more deeply, then head over to The Divine Feminist Community for support and guidance. The community is open to members now, featuring exclusive content to deepen your journeys with this and all future episodes of the podcast. To learn more, or to join us today visit www.divinefeminist.com/community
    • And remember, to keep up with the latest from Ceryn and all things Divine Feminist, including the forthcoming book of the same name, follow @divine.feminist on Instagram.
    • Music is Start Again by Alex Beroza, copyright Alex(2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here.

    A space for self-connection and remembrance: Yule special mini episode

    A space for self-connection and remembrance: Yule special mini episode

    As we head into this time of year that is often busy and stressful for so many of us, this Divine Feminist mini-episode invites you to connect back into yourself and remember what is truly important to you. 

    Sharing more about Yule and the energies that underpin this time of year, Ceryn invites you to take a short break from the outside world and instead join her on a journey back to ourselves.

    Episode notes 

    • Ceryn's book The Divine Feminist is now on sale! Click here to learn more and order your copy.
    • Within this week's episode, Ceryn mentions the upcoming Project Earthwork meditation. Visit this page to learn more, and join our group to be the first to know when the event replay goes live.
    • If the journey of your own aligned expansion is something you want to lean into more deeply, then head over to The Divine Feminist Community for support and guidance. The community is open to members now, featuring exclusive content to deepen your journeys with this and all future episodes of the podcast. To learn more, or to join us today visit www.divinefeminist.com/community
    • And remember, to keep up with the latest from Ceryn and all things Divine Feminist, including the forthcoming book of the same name, follow @divine.feminist on Instagram.
    • Music is Start Again by Alex Beroza, copyright Alex(2014), sourced through YouTube and available to hear in full here.