
    The Doctor’s Crossing Carpe Diem Podcast

    Are you a physician who’s questioning your career path? If you’re at the white coat crossroads, for whatever reason, this podcast is for you. We’re going to help you find your best path forward, whether it’s to be happier in patient care, transition to a nonclinical career, or do something completely different. In the weekly podcasts, we’re bringing you all the good stuff: -Actionable tools and resources to help you start making positive changes. -Interviews with physicians who’ve found new and fulfilling ways to practice as well as those who’ve transitioned into nonclinical careers. -Concrete advice for applying to jobs, using LinkedIn, interviewing, negotiating, and much more. Your host, Dr. Heather Fork, is a former board-certified dermatologist who transitioned into full-time career coaching for physicians over 10 years ago. She is a master certified coach who has been helping hundreds of physicians find ways to be happier both in medicine and beyond. Come visit us at www.doctorscrossing.com to learn more!
    enHeather Fork174 Episodes

    Episodes (174)

    You Don’t Need To See Where You’re Going To Move Forward. A Physician Finds A Great Surprise On The Other Side Of The Fog At The Crossroads.

    You Don’t Need To See Where You’re Going To Move Forward. A Physician Finds A Great Surprise On The Other Side Of The Fog At The Crossroads.

    Ever found yourself at a crossroads, wondering if there's more to your career than meets the eye? Join us this week with our guest, Dr. Leif Lovig, a pediatric cardiologist, as he unveils his journey through career dissatisfaction toward clarity and fulfillment. Dr. Lovig's story reveals the challenges, victories, and transformative insights encountered along the way, showcasing how physicians can redefine success and find professional fulfillment beyond the conventional path.

    You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here:


    In this episode we’re talking about:

    • Recognizing how personality traits influence career decision-making.

    • Embracing uncertainty with resilience and introspection

    • How to redefine success and find fulfillment beyond traditional norms

    • Importance of negotiating workload, schedule, and compensation

    • The role of coaching and mentorship in career transitions

    • Leveraging relationships within the medical community for opportunities

    • Finding courage to move forward despite uncertainties in career trajectories

    Links for this episode:

    Private 1:1 Consultations - If you would like some confidential help with your career situation, Dr. Heather Fork offers one-hour Zoom consultations. This one-hour coaching session may be all that you need to gain clarity and have some concrete steps for moving forward. Dr. Fork also has a 5-month coaching program for those physicians wanting additional assistance (subject to availability). For more information please reach out to Kati at team@doctorscrossing.com.

    The CDC - Diverse Opportunities With Or Without A Medical License

    The CDC - Diverse Opportunities With Or Without A Medical License

    Are you wondering how you can make a global impact while still leveraging your clinical skills? Join us in this fascinating conversation with Dr. Nick Agathis as he shares insights into his role at the CDC as a medical officer specializing in pediatric TB, HIV, and advanced HIV disease. Dr. Agathis highlights the diverse opportunities available at the CDC for physicians, ranging from data analysis and epidemiology to consulting and service delivery. He shares his own journey from clinical medicine to public health, emphasizing the rewarding impact and fulfillment he finds in his current role.

    You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here:


    In this episode we’re talking about:

    • Dr. Nick Agathis’ journey from clinical medicine to public health, emphasizing the rewarding impact and fulfillment he finds in his current role.

    • Exploring the impactful work Dr. Agathis does for pediatric TB, HIV, and advanced HIV disease, including his role in reducing pediatric mortality.

    • Discovering the diverse range of opportunities available at the CDC, regardless of specialty

    • The skills that you can leverage to start a career at the CDC or in public health

    • The structure and flexibility of working at the CDC

    • What the EIS fellowship is and who is eligible

    • Learning about how you can contribute to global health initiatives.

    Links for this episode:


    LinkedIn for Physicians Course - Would you rather clean out your garage or attic than “put yourself out there” and network? No worries! My LinkedIn course is geared to make networking doable and fun. I will show you how to connect with people who can be helpful for your career, what to put in your messages, and how to apply strategically for the job you really want. You can learn more about this course and get a sneak peek inside right HERE.  

    🍀March Madness Discount on LinkedIn Course For Physicians - for all of March 2024 you can receive a discount up to 25% on this course. Simply reach out to us at team@doctorscrossing.com and let us know what you would like to learn how to do on LinkedIn and my assistant Kati will give you a coupon code for the course. Discount expires March 31st, 2024.

    So What If You Leave Medicine and It’s A Mistake? - A Physician’s Inspiring Story Of Figuring It Out By Trying Things Out

    So What If You Leave Medicine and It’s A Mistake? - A Physician’s Inspiring Story Of Figuring It Out By Trying Things Out

    Are you feeling stuck in your medical career, unsure of your next steps, or struggling to find satisfaction in your current role? In this episode, we welcome back Dr. Rinku Mehra, a pediatric endocrinologist with a remarkable journey of career exploration and evolution. Dr. Mehra's story serves as a beacon of hope for physicians facing similar challenges, demonstrating that you don’t have to get it right out of the gate when you’re at the crossroads. Medicine is not a one-way street and you can go back and forth and carve your own path to fulfillment. 

    You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here:



    In this episode we’re talking about:

    • Dr. Mehra’s journey in overcoming dissatisfaction in clinical practice

    • Navigating nonclinical roles from the FDA to utilization management

    • Lessons learned from transitioning back to clinical care after a stint in a nonclinical role

    • Dr. Mehra's gradual exploration of alternative career paths

    • Pursuing further education and its impact on the entrepreneurial mindset

    • How Dr. Mehra's MBA experience sparked her entrepreneurial spirit and ultimately led her to launch her own telemedicine practice

    • Insights into overcoming imposter syndrome and embracing uncertainty in career transitions

    • The importance of self-reflection, mentorship, and perseverance in navigating a nontraditional medical career path


    Links for this episode:

    Dr. Rinku Mehra’s Practice Website 


    For information on Dr. Mehra’s Doc Launch Academy for those of you wanting to start your own practice, contact her at doclaunchacademy@gmail.com 

    Use this QR code to join the waitlist!

    Physician Transition Starter Kit - A “must have” when you’re questioning your career path. This 25-page guide answers many of your questions about career transition, nonclinical options, and how to just get started.

    Episode #40: Could Chart Review Be for You? With Dr. Rinku Mehra


    5 Myths Busted About Being a Physician Entrepreneur

    5 Myths Busted About Being a Physician Entrepreneur

    Can doctors successfully navigate the world of entrepreneurship while maintaining their medical careers? Is it really true that physicians are not good at business or with money? Dr. Kim,  an anesthesiologist, entrepreneur, and founder of the Passive Income MD group, shares his transformative journey and debunks five myths that all too commonly keep physicians from embracing their entrepreneurial spirit. 

    Whether you're contemplating a side venture or dreaming of financial freedom through innovative pathways, this episode will help free you from limiting beliefs that run the risk of holding you back. Join us as we explore how you, too, can carve out a fulfilling career path that transcends traditional boundaries and brings your entrepreneurial vision to life.

    You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here:



    In this episode we’re talking about:

    • The journey of Dr. Peter Kim from anesthesiology to entrepreneurship

    • Debunking common myths that deter physicians from exploring entrepreneurial paths

    • Strategies for physicians to gradually transition into business while maintaining their current job

    • The importance of a growth mindset and resilience in the face of career challenges

    • How physicians can leverage their unique skills and experiences to create value in the marketplace

    • Encouragement for physicians to explore entrepreneurship as a means to achieve greater control over their careers and personal lives

    • Insights into the Leverage and Growth Summit, a free event designed to inspire physicians with stories of medical professionals who've successfully ventured beyond traditional clinical roles


    Links for this episode:

    Episode 38 Is There An Entrepreneur Hiding In You? With Dr. Peter Kim


    Dr. Peter Kim’s Leverage & Growth Virtual Summit is back and will be starting February 26 - March 1, 2024! This annual summit is geared to help you get inspired with ideas to gain greater control over your time, income, and life in general. 

    Peter is featuring inspiring ideas & success secrets from 30+ entrepreneurial docs… this online event will reveal the “insider” info you need to succeed in business.

    Find out how to leverage your skills and medical degree for new opportunities - Use this link to save your FREE spot while there’s still time: https://passiveincomemd.com/LGS2024-Heather-Fork


    Navigating your career with a disability or chronic illness

    Navigating your career with a disability or chronic illness

    How do you cope and adapt when your own health becomes a barrier to practicing medicine? This week I’m speaking with Dr. Courtney Barrett, an internal medicine physician, who helps us navigate this pivotal question. Dr. Barrett shares her personal journey and provides insight into managing life and a medical career with significant health challenges. Her story is not just one of resilience, but also a guiding light for physicians who find themselves not by choice on a similar path.

    You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here:



    In this episode we’re talking about:

    • The emotional impact of chronic illness on a physician’s career and identity

    • How Dr. Barrett continues to find ways to practice while dealing with multiple medical conditions 

    • The complexities of balancing medical practice with personal health challenges

    • Enhancing patient relationships despite health challenges

    • Career shift: From hands-on care to telemedicine

    • Finding strength in physician support networks

    • Key resources for physicians facing health barriers

    Links for this episode:


    Physicians For Physicians Facebook Group - This is a private (nonsearchable) Facebook group for physicians dealing with a chronic illness and/or a disability. To inquire about joining this group, please send an email to physiciansforphysicians@gmail.com.


    Private 1:1 Consultations - If you would like some confidential help with your career situation, Dr. Heather Fork offers one-hour Zoom consultations. This one-hour coaching session may be all you need to gain clarity and have some concrete steps for moving forward. Dr. Fork also has a 5-month coaching program for those physicians wanting additional assistance (subject to availability). For more information please reach out to Kati at team@doctorscrosing.com


    Episode 77 - A Career-Ending Injury Leads To A New Direction

    Tired of Failing to Make Changes That Matter to You? Start With This Simple Yet Powerful Exercise

    Tired of Failing to Make Changes That Matter to You? Start With This Simple Yet Powerful Exercise

    Do you find yourself making massive resolutions, only to quit a few weeks or days into the year? There is a surprisingly simple strategy to break out of your rut. In this follow up to episode 167, I share my Big C Little c exercise to support you further in accomplishing your goals. If you would like an easy, effective technique to build up success, you will want to tune in, then download my free commitment template. I want 2024 to be the best ever year for you - let’s make it happen! 

    You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here: www.doctorscrossing.com/episode168 


    In this episode we’re talking about:

    • An early career practitioner whose Big C is finding career satisfaction

    • An important question to ask yourself to keep forward momentum

    • A ‘helper type’ surgeon who made a goal of stronger boundaries

    • A physician that wishes to handle tense situations more calmly

    • How implementing a ‘pause’ button can support your Big C commitment

    • The power of writing for greater self awareness

    • Breaking down the Big C, Little c exercise


    Links for this episode:

    If you enjoyed this exercise, you can grab the ‘Big C Little c’ free download! Click here to download the template that will walk you through this exercise that you can use for your own commitments.

    Consultations are now available! I am excited to announce that I have worked on my schedule to allow time for more 1:1 consultations. If you would like to have a one-hour initial consult with me to discuss your career situation, I’d love to see how I can help. This can be a one-off session to help you gain clarity and have some steps to move forward, or it can be the start of our working together for a number of months in my Carpe Diem program. For details and to schedule, please reach out to my wonderful assistant, Kati at team@doctorscrossing.com

    Afraid You Won’t Achieve Your Goals This Year? Do This and Make Change Happen!

    Afraid You Won’t Achieve Your Goals This Year? Do This and Make Change Happen!

    Are you still riding the wagon of your New Year’s goals, or did you fall off some time this month? Many of us don’t even bother with resolutions for fear of failure, and the statistics are stacked against us. In today’s solo episode, I am here to share a manageable strategy that will empower you to make - and keep - your commitments to yourself. No shame, blame, or complicated plans necessary!

    You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here: www.doctorscrossing.com/episode167 


    In this episode we’re talking about:

    • What statistics say about our ability to commit to resolutions

    • A simple, effective tactic to meet your goals this year

    • An example using a meditation practice

    • Having grace with yourself when you fall off the wagon

    • Different scenarios, from improving health to changing careers

    • Determining the 'lemonade stand' version of your goals

    • Staying curious as you navigate your commitments


    Links for this episode:

    Check out our Free Resouces! Under the Freebie tab on our website, you can find free resource guides on a variety of topics including resumes, interviewing, LinkedIn, medical writing, pharma, chart review, time management, and telemedicine. There is also a starter kit to help you move forward when you’re feeling stuck at the crossroads. Please help yourself!

    Private 1:1 Consultations - If you would like some confidential help with your career resolutions, I offer an hour-long consultation via Zoom. This session may be all that you need to gain clarity and have some steps for moving forward. If after this consultation you prefer additional support, there is the option of doing one of my coaching programs (subject to availability). For more information please reach out to Kati at team@doctorscrosing.com

    A Rewarding Job Open To IMGs And Others - Clinical Drug Development

    A Rewarding Job Open To IMGs And Others - Clinical Drug Development

    Pharma - it’s not just for US licensed physicians with years of experience! We are picking up where we left off on Episode 160 with returning guest Dr. Annie Warsi. We will be learning what physicians do in clinical development and what type of background, skills, and personality are a good fit for this area. If you are an international medical graduate, or simply interested in transitioning into pharma, you will find great insight in Dr. Warsi’s story.

    You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here: www.doctorscrossing.com/episode166 


    In this episode we’re talking about: 

    • What clinical drug development looks like within the pharma industry

    • A typical day in this role

    • Bedside skills and their relevance during drug trials

    • Attention to detail and other sought after traits

    • When a willingness to learn can outweigh lack of experience

    • The rewarding nature of this work

    • What to write in your cover letter - and what to avoid


    Links for this episode:

    Episode 160: Getting A Nonclinical Job In Pharma Without a US Residency

    Download your free Pharma Insider's Guide. Get an overview of the different areas for physicians in pharma as well as tips to start building your platform to make a transition.

    LinkedIn for Physicians Course - If you’d like to learn how to customize your LinkedIn profile to make it stand out to recruiters, this course walks you through all the steps with short, actionable videos and cheat sheets for each lesson. This course takes the guesswork out of using LinkedIn!

    Afraid The Door Will Close If You Leave Medicine? Here’s Some Advice

    Afraid The Door Will Close If You Leave Medicine? Here’s Some Advice

    If you’re at the white coat crossroads, you may be afraid that if you leave medicine the door will close and you won’t be able to get back in. Returning guest, physician reentry expert Dr. Robert Steele is here to share some inspiring stories about physicians returning to practice after a gap and wise advice on how to plan ahead before you leave. Dr. Steele describes the various avenues physicians can use to return to practice depending on how long they have been gone, their specialty, and unique circumstances. 

    You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here: www.doctorscrossing.com/episode165 


    In this episode we’re talking about:

    • The benefits of keeping your license active

    • The minimum requirements to maintain your license 

    • Returning to practice before - or after - the 2 year mark

    • How this applies to surgical specialties

    • The benefit - and flexibility - of having a mentor

    • One physician’s journey from revocation, back to full practice

    • How temporarily leaving medicine can become a gift upon reentry


    Links for this episode:

    Episode #15: Reentry – Can You Get Back in if You Leave Medicine? with Dr. Robert Steele 

    Physician Transition Starter Kit - A “must have” when you’re questioning your career path. This free 25-page guide answers many of your questions about career transition, nonclinical options, and how to just get started moving forward. 

    IMEs - A Side Gig For a Variety of Specialities

    IMEs - A Side Gig For a Variety of Specialities

    Would you like to utilize your clinical skills in a new way? Joining us today is Dr. Steven Borzak, a practicing cardiologist with a successful side gig offering Independent Medical Evaluations. He shares a wealth of insight about the role that will help you decide if it is right for you. Together we also explore how to prepare for and get started doing this work!

    You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here: www.doctorscrossing.com/episode164 


    In this episode we’re talking about:

    • What exactly is an IME (Independent Medical Evaluation)?

    • Whether or not you might need to give a deposition 

    • Steps to get started in this work, regardless of your specialty

    • Training and certification options

    • How Expert Witness work and doing IMEs are a natural combination

    • Aspects to consider if IME work is right for you

    • Typical compensation


    Links for this episode:

    SEAK IME Training Course and Resources

    Free Expert Witness Webinar.

    If you are doing IME work, you may also be interested in honing your skills as an expert witness and developing this as a side gig. On Wednesday, January 17th at 7:00 PM EST, I will be hosting a free webinar with Dr. Gretchen Green, where she will be talking about being an expert witness to help you assess if it would be a good fit for you. 

    Dr. Green will also be sharing some details about her Virtual Expert Witness School, which will be starting at the end of January. For more information about this free webinar and to save your seat, click here.

    Episode #20: Expert Witness, IMEs, and Life Care Plans with Dr. David Oliveri

    Episode #113: Expert Witness - A Well-Paying Flexible Side Gig with Dr. Gretchen Green

    Facing Your Finances At The Crossroad - How To Be Empowered And Take Charge!

    Facing Your Finances At The Crossroad - How To Be Empowered And Take Charge!

    Does the thought of paying off student loans or retirement planning make you more anxious than you ever felt in the emergency room? Managing your money is infinitely easier than becoming a doctor, but it doesn’t always feel that way. Joining us for the first episode of 2024 is returning guest, Dr. Jordan Grumet. Dr Grumet is here to help us reframe our perspectives around money and debt, empowering us to take control of our finances, confidently.

     You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here: www.doctorscrossing.com/episode163 


    In this episode we’re talking about: 

    • Dr. Grumet’s journey to financial literacy and expertise

    • Viewing our money anxieties through a new lens

    • Navigating student loan debt effectively

    • The power in seeing money not as a goal, but as a tool

    • Transferable skills as a physician

    • How to calculate realistic retirement goals

    • Simple tips to begin investing 


    Links for this episode: 

    Dr. Jordan Grumet’s website

    Dr. Jordan Grumet’s Earn and Invest Podcast

    Taking Stock – A Hospice Doctor’s Advice on Financial Independence, Building Wealth, and Living a Regret-Free Life

    Private 1:1 Consultations - If you would like some confidential help with your career situation, Dr. Heather Fork offers one-hour Zoom consultations. This one-hour coaching session may be all that you need to gain clarity and have some concrete steps for moving forward. Dr. Fork also has a 5-month coaching program for those physicians wanting additional assistance (subject to availability). For more information please reach out to Kati at team@doctorscrosing.com

    Dr. Gretchen Green’s Expert Witness Start-Up School will take you from ‘curious’ to courtroom ready.

    This comprehensive program has empowered countless physicians, guiding them to establish a fulfilling side business as Expert Witnesses. Discover the satisfaction of this impactful work while cultivating a secondary income stream and enjoying a flexible work schedule.

    Enrollment for this opportunity opens from January 19th to 30th, but why wait? Secure your spot on the waitlist today and be among the first to unlock the door to a fulfilling and rewarding new career.


    My Meeting With A Zen Master And 5 Key Questions I Ask Physicians At The Crossroads

    My Meeting With A Zen Master And 5 Key Questions I Ask Physicians At The Crossroads

    Are you ready to leave the physician crossroads behind in 2024? Today we begin with my experience meeting an incredibly insightful Zen master. On top of the guidance for my personal situation, I still carry what else I gained: a deeper understanding of how to do the same for my own clients. This solo episode is a window into my 1:1 work where I share five crucial questions that I ask during consultations to bring clarity and help physicians illuminate their path forward.

    You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here: www.doctorscrossing.com/episode162 


    In this episode we’re talking about:

    • The transformative advice I received from a Zen master

    • How quickly the heart of a matter can be exposed

    • Your chief complaint and what is at the root of the issue

    • Understanding your past for a clearer future

    • Looking to the future to clarify your present

    • Financial aspects to consider at the crossroads

    • Fear: the biggest roadblock to significant change


    Links for this episode:

    Episode #152: 5 Ways To Get Unstuck At The Crossroads

    Private 1:1 Consultations - If you would like some confidential help with your career situation, Dr. Heather Fork offers one-hour Zoom consultations. This one-hour coaching session may be all that you need to gain clarity and have some concrete steps for moving forward. Dr. Fork also has a 5-month coaching program for those physicians wanting additional assistance (subject to availability). For more information please reach out to Kati at team@doctorscrosing.com

    Having Trouble Making Decisions? Access Your 3 Centers of Intelligence For Greater Clarity!

    Having Trouble Making Decisions? Access Your 3 Centers of Intelligence For Greater Clarity!

    The mind is often considered the pinnacle of reason and our go-to for problem-solving. While it is a very important resource, it is only one of our three centers of intelligence. We have the head center of intelligence, but we also have the heart and the gut. Listening to all three of our centers is key to effective decision-making. Join me to learn how to connect with all three of your centers and how to recognize when a center is unbalanced. Your Head, Heart, and Gut are waiting to be heard so they can share their unique wisdom.

    You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here: www.doctorscrossing.com/episode161


    In this episode we’re talking about: 

    • The Head Center - is it balanced, or are you over or underthinking?

    • The Heart Center - is it healthy, too emotional, or even numb?

    • The Gut Center - is it balanced, or in reaction mode?

    • Scenarios in which clients gain insight from this exercise

    • How to consult your own intelligence centers

    • My own experience with using this process

    • What to do if you desire more support

    Links for this episode:

    Consultations are now available! I am excited to announce that I have worked on my schedule to allow time for more 1:1 consultations. If you would like to have a one-hour initial consult with me to discuss your career situation, I’d love to see how I can help. This can be a one-off session to help you gain clarity and have some steps to move forward, or it can be the start of our working together for a number of months in my Carpe Diem program. For details and to schedule, please reach out to my wonderful assistant, Kati at team@doctorscrossing.com

    Getting A Nonclinical Job In Pharma Without a US Residency

    Getting A Nonclinical Job In Pharma Without a US Residency

    Whether you received your medical training internationally or never completed residency, you are not alone. Dr. Annie Warsi, an OB-GYN trained in Pakistan, is joining us today as a senior medical director in clinical development. After moving to the US, she began her nonclinical career as a medical writer and shares valuable insights from her journey into the pharmaceutical industry. Tune in for a lively discussion on the variety of ways physicians without US residencies can find fulfilling roles leveraging their expertise.

    You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here: www.doctorscrossing.com/episode160 


    In this episode we’re talking about:

    • Different areas of potential roles within the pharmaceutical world

    • Entry-level jobs that are more accessible than you may think

    • Getting in the door without board certification

    • Dr. Warsi’s beginnings as a medical writer

    • The importance of negotiating compensation beyond base salary

    • Networking as the key to your success

    • Unexpected avenues to pursue for a nonclinical position


    Links for this episode:

    LinkedIn for Physicians Course - Would you rather clean out your garage or attic than “put yourself out there” and network? No worries! My LinkedIn course is geared to make networking doable and fun. I will show you how to connect with people who can be helpful for your career, what to put in your messages, and how to apply strategically for the job you really want. You can learn more about this course and get a sneak peek inside right HERE.

    How To Navigate That First Call With Recruiters

    How To Navigate That First Call With Recruiters

    You are looking for a new career and have started the process of reaching out to recruiters. You got a favorable response, and it’s time for the introductory call. But… what now? This week I'm thrilled to bring back one of my favorite physician recruiters, Syl Marcus from episode 12, a seasoned professional with over two decades of experience. Syl shares valuable insights on navigating your first recruiter call, crafting a compelling resume, effective networking strategies, and the importance of focus when transitioning away from clinical practice. I'm honored to welcome Syl Marcus back and I'm sure you'll find her wisdom truly invaluable.

    You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here: www.doctorscrossing.com/episode159 


    In this episode we’re talking about:

    • Putting your best foot forward in a digital world

    • What to expect from the initial recruiter call

    • How to broach the topic of compensation

    • Tips for answering the big question, “Tell me about yourself”

    • Should a discussion of burnout be on the table?

    • The importance of transparency when you have ‘dings’ on your resume

    • Syl’s expert advice on resume-building and networking strategies 


    Links for this episode:

    Episode #12 With Syl Marcus - Top Insider Advice From A Recruiter 

    LinkedIn for Physicians Course - If you’d like to learn how to customize your LinkedIn profile to make it stand out to recruiters, this course walks you through all the steps with short, actionable videos and cheat sheets for each lesson. This course takes the guesswork out of using LinkedIn!

    Carpe Diem Resume Kit - Converting your CV to a resume helps recruiters better understand why you are a great match for a specific job. My resume kit will guide you through creating a polished resume for your desired job. Templates are included as well as a bonus on writing your cover letter. Give yourself the best chance of getting that interview! Learn more HERE!

    The Intersection of Variety and Familiarity in the Medical Monitor Role

    The Intersection of Variety and Familiarity in the Medical Monitor Role

    If you are on the hunt for your perfect nonclinical role, you’ve probably heard a lot of different job titles - but what do these positions really entail? Today we are opening the ‘black box’ of pharma once again to shed light on Medial Monitors, with special guest and former client Dr. Jason Steinberg. Dr. Steinberg highlights the responsibilities of a medical monitor at a large Contract Research Organization, and how he found both job satisfaction and a work-life balance in this field.

    You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here: www.doctorscrossing.com/episode158 


    In this episode we’re talking about:

    • Dispelling the mystery around this nonclinical profession

    • How burnout and repetition led Dr. Steinberg to the white coat crossroads

    • The day-to-day duties of a medical monitor

    • How to process adverse event reports

    • What really goes on in a bid defense meeting

    • Who would be a great fit for this role

    • Important details such as compensation and qualifications


    Links for this episode:

    What Exactly Does A Medical Monitor Do - Blog with Dr. Kelly Curtis

    Pharma Insider's Guide - Get an overview of the different areas for physicians in pharma as well as tips to start building your platform to make a transition.


    Doing Disability Reviews From a Physician Who’s Been on Both Sides

    Doing Disability Reviews From a Physician Who’s Been on Both Sides

    If you're someone who enjoys the detective work within medicine, disability reviews may be just the field for you. Dr. Tim Bergan joins us today to share his journey in the field of disability and worker’s compensation review. His journey began as a family physician in the Navy, where an interest in occupational medicine first took hold as he witnessed the wide range of accidents and injuries that can happen on a large aircraft carrier.  We delve into his career path and discuss the ins and outs of doing disability reviews.

    You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here: www.doctorscrossing.com/episode157


    In this episode we’re talking about:

    • The unique experience of a family physician on a Navy ship

    • Common specialties for doing disability reviews

    • What sort of experience and training is necessary to enter this field

    • How Dr. Bergan was able to advocate for his patient and have her case approved

    • Typical compensation for both independent reviews and full-time employment

    • Where to start your job search if you’re interested in case reviews

    • What type of personality would most enjoy this work


    Links for this episode:

    Dr. Tim Bergan on LinkedIn

    Chart Review List & Tips - Chart review is a great way to use your medical knowledge, earn side income, and develop new skills. This guide includes more than 50 chart review companies and a sample email template for reaching out to recruiters.

    Looking for more information on a specific topic or career direction? Use the search function on the podcast page and explore over 150 available episodes.

    🎉OUR BLACK FRIDAY SPECIAL IS HERE: We’re offering the LinkedIn Course for Physicians or The Carpe Diem Resume Kit for 30% off with code: BLACKFRIDAY 🎉

    My LinkedIn video course walks you through creating your own stand-out LinkedIn profile and gives you step-by-step instructions for networking, sending messages, searching for and applying to jobs. 

    LinkedIn is where most of my clients do their online networking and land jobs. 

    You can learn more about the course HERE. Make sure to use the discount code BLACKFRIDAY for 30% off! 

    The Resume Kit will help you convert your CV to a Rockstar Resume so that you can land that nonclinical job! It comes with video tutorials, step-by-step guides, bonus resources, resume templates, and so much more.

    The discount code is good RIGHT NOW until Sunday, November 26th at Midnight. 

    How To Start A Side Gig Or Business As A Patient Navigator

    How To Start A Side Gig Or Business As A Patient Navigator

    Are you passionate about patient advocacy? Do you find yourself helping others navigate the healthcare system, but can’t imagine charging or being a business owner? My guest, Dr. Nicole Rochester thought she would always be employed as a pediatrician but all that changed when she needed to advocate for her father during a health crisis. Fast forward to today, Dr. Rochester has her own business helping patients and their families navigate the healthcare system and get the best care possible. Dr. Rochester returns to the podcast to discuss how she conquered her fears to start her patient navigation business, Your GPS Doc, and how you can do this too even if you never dreamed of running your own company.

    You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here: www.doctorscrossing.com/episode156


    In this episode we’re talking about: 

    • Dr. Rochester’s journey from employee to successful entrepreneur

    • When you love your current role, but feel called to something new

    • Mindset challenges that may hold us back

    • How the greatest growth happens through making mistakes

    • What professional health advocacy entails 

    • Important details such as insurance, compensation, and scheduling

    • Dr. Rochester’s program to help you start your own patient navigation business


    Links for this episode:

    Dr. Rochester’s Website

    Apply for Dr. Rochester’s Coaching Program

    Your GPS Doc Instagram

    Your GPS Doc Facebook 

    Episode #68: Being A Patient Advocate Is a Real Option - with Dr. Nicole Rochester

    Episode #84: She Loves Being Employed As A Patient Advocate - with Dr. Caitlin Fawcett

    Top Reasons Why You May Not Be Getting Nonclinical Job Interviews - Part 2

    Top Reasons Why You May Not Be Getting Nonclinical Job Interviews - Part 2

    If you've been submitting applications for nonclinical positions without success, a number of factors could be influencing your outcomes. In this second episode of a two-part series, I will be sharing eight more reasons why you might not be securing those interviews, as well as ways to maximize your search efforts.  With the right strategy in place, that hoped-for call from a recruiter may be just around the corner.

    You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here: www.doctorscrossing.com/episode155


    In this episode we’re talking about: 

    • When to begin interview prep - it’s sooner than you may think

    • How your age may prove to be an asset into your 40s, 50s and beyond

    • How licensure weighs in 

    • The influence of job location and the home advantage 

    • The power of a well-written cover letter

    • Ways that an online presence can boost your odds

    • Tips for presenting job transitions and employment gaps on your resume


    Links for this episode:

    Episode #154: Part 1 of this 2-part series

    Episode #145: 5 Ways a Resume Can Help You Stand Out for Nonclinical Jobs

    10 Tips To Rock Your Interviews - Following these 10 tips will help you strategically prepare for your nonclinical job interviews. You will be more confident, relaxed, and ready to do your best!

    Carpe Diem Resume Kit - Converting your CV to a resume helps recruiters better understand why you are a great match for a specific job. My resume kit will guide you through creating a polished resume for your desired job. Templates are included as well as a bonus on writing your cover letter. Give yourself the best chance of getting that interview!

    LinkedIn for Physicians - This fun course shows you how to create a stand-out profile on LinkedIn and use the powerful features to advance your career goals. The short video lessons guide you step-by-step on how to grow your connections, network successfully, and search for and apply to jobs. Included are cheat sheets for each lesson, examples of physician profiles, and a bonus PDF on how to rock your informational interviews.

    Top Reasons Why You May Not Be Getting Nonclinical Job Interviews - Part 1

    Top Reasons Why You May Not Be Getting Nonclinical Job Interviews - Part 1

    How long have you been on the job hunt? I empathize with the frustration that can arise from dedicating time to numerous job applications, only to face silence or rejection. Having guided numerous clients through this journey, I'm here today to offer insights and real-life examples that shed light on the various factors impacting our pursuit of a nonclinical job! Join me as we explore how to overcome these obstacles and increase your odds of landing that coveted interview.

    You can find the show notes for this episode and more information by clicking here: www.doctorscrossing.com/episode154


    In this episode we’re talking about:

    • The optimal timing for submitting your application

    • Assessing the influence of competition in the job market

    • How your specialty can impact your search

    • The significance of carefully analyzing the job description

    • Talking to those in the know

    • How to expand your network to uncover great opportunities

    • Further ways The Doctor’s Crossing can assist you


    Links for this episode: 

    Episode #145: 5 Ways a Resume Can Help You Stand Out for Nonclinical Jobs

    10 Tips To Rock Your Interviews - Following these 10 tips will help you strategically prepare for your nonclinical job interviews. You will be more confident, relaxed, and ready to do your best!

    Carpe Diem Resume Kit - Converting your CV to a resume helps recruiters better understand why you are a great match for a specific job. My resume kit will guide you through creating a polished resume for your desired job. Templates are included as well as a bonus on writing your cover letter. Give yourself the best chance of getting that interview!

    LinkedIn for Physicians - This fun course shows you how to create a stand-out profile on LinkedIn and use the powerful features to advance your career goals. The short video lessons guide you step-by-step on how to grow your connections, network successfully, and search for and apply to jobs. Included are cheat sheets for each lesson, examples of physician profiles, and a bonus PDF on how to rock your informational interviews.