
    The Easier Way to Sell Presents... Close the Deal Without Selling

    Are you in Appointment Based Sales? Then you know how frustrating it is when you don't close that sale you were expecting. The Easier Way to Sell helps you turn your contacts into contracts more easily and more often. To find out about this easier way… just listen to the Close the Deal Without Selling Podcast. Listen to the first three, or four episodes and you'll discover how to shift your sales effectiveness into a higher gear. For 30 plus years, the developer of the Easier Way to Sell, Ike Krieger, provided this training to thousands of clients. Those who use the system see their business increase by 20 to 50% in under a year. When you use this time-tested system, your prospects give YOU the sales presentation – willingly - and then close themselves. The Close the Deal Without Selling podcast will help you turn your vision of what it means to be a salesperson upside down. In a good way. Say Goodbye to Sales Frustration. Say Goodbye to Sales Stress. Say Hello to the Easier Way to Sell Get ready to learn. Get set to take notes. Go to Close the Deal Without Selling Podcast.
    enIke Krieger60 Episodes

    Episodes (60)

    Ep. 59 | Let's Review the System

    Ep. 59 | Let's Review the System

    Close the Deal Club LogoEPISODE 59

    of the 

    Close the Deal
    Without Selling

    This episode examines further the Easier Way to Sell Guidelines. Get your FREE copy of the Guidelines when you download the sample of the Close the Deal Without Selling Action Guide and Training Manual.

    Go to https://www.ClosetheDealWithoutSelling.com

    In addition, we're going to review the Yes Formula and examine the language you can use to turn your appointments in sales more easily and more often.

    Enjoy the episode.

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    Ep. 58 | Sales and Happiness

    Ep. 58 | Sales and Happiness

    Close the Deal Club LogoEPISODE 58

    of the 

    Close the Deal
    Without Selling

    This episode looks at the different approaches to feeling gratitude and experiencing happiness in sales and in life.

    Our guest, Edwin Edebiri, the Chief Happiness Officer of the Happy Neighborhood Project, shares his suggestion on how to achieve happiness as a choice... and the mindset necessary for that choice to be made.

    We explore the next Easier Way to Sell guideline. This sales rule to live by is… know the problem you solve.

    Do you know the problem you solve? Maybe not. Listen and find out.

    Enjoy the episode.

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    Ep. 57 | Solve the Problem

    Ep. 57 | Solve the Problem

    Close the Deal Club LogoEPISODE 57

    of the 

    Close the Deal
    Without Selling

    If you want this system to work for you then you must learn how to be a problem solver.

    In most cases salespeople feel the need to make a sale and therefore each and every sale solves a problem of their own.

    The Easier Way to Sell system suggests that you place your focus on solving the problem of your prospect.

    If you solve the problem of your prospect and get compensated for it what happens to your problem? It disappears.

    In the second segment you'll be party to a conversation that suggests you can access that authentic way of being with a prospect by viewing that prospect through a filter of platonic love.

    That may sound off the wall... and after listening to this segment you may think otherwise .

    Finally, you'll hear a great conversation between fellow sales trainer and author, Allan Langer and myself.

    Lots of good tips and tools available in our conversation and I'll bet you find this segment worthwhile.

    Enjoy the episode.

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    Ep. 56 | Think Like A Doctor

    Ep. 56 | Think Like A Doctor

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    EPISODE 56

    of the 

    Close the Deal
    Without Selling

    In this episode we are moving to the fourth of the Easier Way to Sell Guidelines.

    This guideline is called Think Like a Doctor 

    Why think like a doctor? Aren't we talking about sales?

    Think of it this way...

    • Doctors are Curious, Authentic, and Neutral.
    • Doctors diagnose before they prescribe.
    • Doctors get information... not give it.
    • Doctors ask diagnostic open-ended questions.

    Think Like a Doctor.

    The second segment deals with the inability to keep quiet when selling.

    Sure. You might be able to be quiet for a bit of time, but it's uncomfortable. After all, you've got things to say.

    Well. Instead of shutting up as way of being quiet we're going to take a look at shutting down your response mechanism.

    Don't Shut -Up. Shut Down.

    What part can Artificial Intelligence play in the realm of Sales Training?

    Wingman CEO, Shruti Kapoor, explains some of the advances in technology that allow for the use of Ai while you're actually on a sales call.

    What might it mean to you and your sales effectiveness if you had a "little voice in your ear" telling you in real time to talk less or ask a well-formed question?

    What might the impact on your quest for selling success be with an AI sales "wingman" by your side?

    Truly a fascinating conversation.

    Enjoy the podcast.


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    Ep. 55 | Dog Training and Sales Training?

    Ep. 55 | Dog Training and Sales Training?

    Close the Deal Club LogoEPISODE 55

    of the 

    Close the Deal
    Without Selling

    In this episode we are moving to the third of the Easier Way to Sell Guidelines.

    This guideline, called Talk Less. Sell More, may sound like an easy solution to your sales problems. however, your current communications habits lead you to respond to stress and frustration in different ways. For sales people that way is usually talking too much.

    Learn how to talk less. You'll sell more.

    What does dog training have to do with sales training?

    Late in the episode you'll hear me talk about a well known trainer named, Zak George.

    To say the least, I was pleased and surprised to discover that Zak and I agree.  Communications between humans and communications between humans and dogs can be most effective using the right language, the right practice, and the right attitude.

    Enjoy the episode.

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    Ep. 54 | Authentic Engagement

    Ep. 54 | Authentic Engagement

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    EPISODE 54

    The title of this episode says it all.

    What approach are you using to further yourself along the path of authentic engagement?   

    You'll take a giant step when you improve your ability to first create and then present yourself in a welcoming environment.

    This environment makes it easier to sell.

    The foundational strength of this environment comes from... and is built upon authentic engagement.

    A big thanks to Rhond Sher for her powerful and practical tips on how to maximize your engagement efforts on LinkedIn.


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    Ep. 53 | Who Are You?

    Ep. 53 | Who Are You?

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    EPISODE 53

    Imposter Syndrome has visited all of us during our lives.

    Your question becomes...

    How long are you willing to allow this troubling condition to remain in your headspace?

    Listen and discover how prone you are to this all too real experience of the mind and body.

    Plus, my friend Thomas Bloomer shares his thoughts about selling and sales.

    His wisdom and experiences are worth the price of admission

    When you look up the word mentor in the dictionary there's a good chance you'll see a picture of Tom.


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    Ep.52 | Truth or Fact?

    Ep.52 | Truth or Fact?

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    EPISODE 52

    What is one truth, or certainty that you were taught about sales and selling that you no longer adhere to, or believe?

    What caused you to change your mind?

    Here are a few “truths” that I talk about in episode.

    - Giving your presentation early in the appointment helps make the sale.

    - You must educate your prospects.

    - Objections come with the territory

    I believed all of these when I started in sales and sold that way. I didn’t like to sell that way.

    That’s why I created the Easier Way to Sell.

    Listen and discover options to each of the above truths.

    Plus, you’re in for a treat. and that treat is named Larry Long Jr.

    I’ve known Larry for a few months, and I have to tell you… in that short time Larry has moved me, touched me, and inspired me.

    Larry and I share a love of baseball and sticking with that theme I nominate Larry for the triple crown of motivation.

    This conversation is worth a listen.


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    Ep. 51 | What's the Problem?

    Ep. 51 | What's the Problem?

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    EPISODE 51

    On to 100

    Business is the ability to solver other people's problems and get compensated for it.

    Most of the time salespeople are trying to solve their own problem and just make the sale.

    Solve other people's problems... and yours get solved also.

    That's what make the Easier Way to Sell easier.

    Here's the link to the Action Guide Pages that are yours to download.

    Click here:

    FREE Download "Whose Problem Are You Trying To Solve?"

    Enoy the PODCAST.


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    Ep.50 | Positive Language

    Ep.50 | Positive Language

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    EPISODE 50


    In this episode we'll look at a common language approach that causes you grief. It's correctable but you must know about it first.

    We had an enjoyable conversation with authors Brett Coopeer and Evans Kerrigan. We delve into a good back and forth about emotional intelligence as well as the updated effectiveness of the D.I.S.C. Personality Test.

    Enoy the PODCAST.

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    Ep. 49 | Two Gems

    Ep. 49 | Two Gems

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    EPISODE 49

    In this episode I have two gems for you.

    One of those gems is my favorite tip of all.

    Once you feel comfortable using this tip your sales life will never be the same.

    The 2nd Gem 

    Sales and Marketing Expert, Marcus Chan.

    Visit his site: www.MarcusChan.io/resources

    Enoy the conversation.

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    Ep. 48 | More Revenue

    Ep. 48 | More Revenue

    Episode 48:

    Increasing revenue and making more money is the goal of most businesses. What makes a company successful when it comes to increasing revenue? What steps can you take to have your business become the model for making more money.

    The guest on today's podcast is, Mary Grothe. The problem Mary solves for her clients is... No matter how hard they work they just can't seem to produce the revenue they want.

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    Ep. 47 | De-Stress Yourself

    Ep. 47 | De-Stress Yourself

    This all-video episode https://youtu.be/fp0ZMoDWqD4 of Close the Deal Without Selling, features my friend and former CEO of the North Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce, Nikki Basi. Together we explore a selling process in which there is NO presentation, NO objections, and NO closing... yet the sale is completed successfully. How is that accomplished? Watch the video to see why the Easier Way to Sell should be part of your professional sales toolkit.

    Episode 47: 

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    Ep. 46 | Success = IQ or EQ?

    Ep. 46 | Success = IQ or EQ?

    Episode 46: 

    Emotional Intelligence

    Does IQ or EQ make more of a difference in your sales success?

    Listen and find out.

    We'll discuss the reasons why people with a high IQ and a Low EQ are less successful than those with a lower IQ and a higher EQ.

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    Coupon Code: EQ46

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    Ep. 45 | Acting the Part

    Ep. 45 | Acting the Part

    Episode 45: 

    How an Acting Class Will Help Your Sales Career

    Join me for a conversation with my guest, Hollywood Acting Coach, Judy Kain. Discover just how closely the skill set of acting and the skill set of sales are alike.

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    Ep. 44 | It's Right There

    Ep. 44 | It's Right There

    Episode 44: 

    Good Stuff

    When's the last time you contacted someone on your current client list?

    Listen and Learn a system created by WSJ, Best Selling author Alex Goldfayn, to contact existing clients… , and increase your income...

    Alex will provide you with yet another way to turn your contacts into contracts more easily and more often.

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    Ep. 43 | Sales Shyness

    Ep. 43 | Sales Shyness

    In Episode 43 of Close the Deal Without Selling
    Hosted by Ike Krieger.
    Our Guest: Dr. Mark Goulston

    The following segments will help you
    Sell and Market Better -

    -How to deal with Emotional Shyness

    -Communicate More Effectively with Prospects.

    -Learn the consequences of Sales Dissonance

    -Synchronizing your sales and marketing efforts

    -De-escalate a communication

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    Ep. 42 | Just Listen

    Ep. 42 | Just Listen

    In Episode 42 of Close the Deal Without Selling
    Hosted by Ike Krieger

    • What are you Listening For when you sell?
    • Surgical Empathy wins the day
    • Break though with your cold emails.
    • Strengthen Relationships... especially if you're in sales.
    • B2B Make your Buyer the Hero



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    Ep. 41| Get Out of Your Sales Trance

    Ep. 41| Get Out of Your Sales Trance

    In Episode 41 of Close the Deal Without Selling
    Hosted by Ike Krieger


    • Coping with Covid
    • Preparing to sell again
    • Sales Hypnosis
    • Proposal Burnout



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    Ep. 40 |The Problem You Solve

    Ep. 40 |The Problem You Solve

    In Episode 40 of Close the Deal Without Selling
    Hosted by Ike Krieger

    • Clarity Through O.E.Q.s
    • Use Your Note Sheet (Pg.381)
    • Six Steps to O.E.Q. Success (Pg.182)
    • Echo Listening Defuses Objections
    • Improve Your Spoken Business Introduction
    • Freeway Terms (Pg. 327)
    • Chunking and Selling

    Cold Call Script

    Hi my name is _________________

    I don't know if that rings a bell but I'm in the ______________ business.

    if I can briefly share what this call is about you can decide whether or not we continue the conversation.

    Is that OK?

    And I promise I'll be brief .

    When they say yes, you go into your problem statement




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