
    The Embark Podcast

    Over the course of my life, I have had a plethora of experiences. Some good, and some bad. I have traveled around the country, worked the land, served in our nation’s military, and always believed in giving back to the communities we live in. Throughout the past few decades of my life, I've discovered one common factor: We all have a story to tell. All of us have experienced love, loss, success, and failure. I've made it my passion and my mission to find these amazing people. I'm going to tell their stories, embrace the positive impacts they are making in the world around them, and learn as much as I can in the process. My hope is that you and I can collectively formulate a greater understanding of the human race, and thus we can better understand ourselves. I will be on this endless journey; seeking people out to tell their stories that will inspire you.
    enHonor Hill Tactical31 Episodes

    Episodes (31)

    Episode 10: Kayla Hodges

    Episode 10: Kayla Hodges
    Kayla is a van lifer, writer, former soldier, and creator of “A Captain’s Log”.
    After finishing her time in the US Army as a company commander, she’s currently living out of her 4x4 Mitsubishi Delica van and traveling the US.
    Inspired by ideas like self-reliance, off-grid living, and minimalism, she’s incrementally learning to slow down, let go, refocus on health, and escape what’s been her version of the rat race.
    Kayla’s other focus is providing encouragement to junior military leaders through thought pieces and educational articles in an effort to help others with the complicated and nuanced task of navigating through military organizations.

    For more info on our guest Kayla Hodges -
    Instagram: @kaptain.kayla
    Website: www.acaptainslog.com ,

    ~Music by Army Veteran, musician, artist, activist *YETI TEARS*
    IG: @yetitears
    Spotify: Yeti Tears
    Twitch: yetitears

    Interested in coming on the podcast with your story of making a positive difference? Reach out to Us!
    ~Adam DeRito
    IG: @adam.derito
    Facebook & Twitter: Adam DeRito
    Website: www.adamderito.com ,

    IG & Facebook: @honorhilltactical
    Links: https://linktr.ee/HHTmedia ,

    Episode 9: Nick Shelton

    Episode 9: Nick Shelton
    If the Dos Equis man could be manifested in real life, it would be Nick Shelton. Nick is a communication and social strategy coach, helping introverts, shy and socially awkward people, upgrade their lives, and lifestyles. Nick grew up as a shy guy in Texas, so shy in fact, that his teachers thought he was deaf / mute and put him in a special needs class! Ironically, it was here where he learned some sign language. A complete introvert, Nick wanted to elevate his social circle, and his life. However he had no idea how to do it. So what did Nick do? Through trial and error, Nick developed a step-by-step method for social networking, and elevating one’s lifestyle. Over 20 years, Nick has accumulated all these experiences, and wrote a best selling book “An Introvert’s Guide to World Domination”. Want to sail around on a yacht? Drive around in a Mazzerati? Hang around with jet pilots? Nick’s superb methodology breaks it all down step by step and gives you the tools to elevate your own life, and achieve the unexpected. Be seen. Be known. Be remembered.

    For more information on our guest Nick Shelton:
    LinkedIn: Nick Shelton
    Instagram: @realnickshelton
    YouTube: Nick Shelton
    Website: www.connectedintrovert.com ,

    ~Music by Army Veteran, musician, artist, activist *YETI TEARS*
    IG: @yetitears
    Spotify: Yeti Tears
    Twitch: yetitears

    Interested in coming on the podcast with your story of making a positive difference? Reach out to Us!
    ~Adam DeRito
    IG: @adam.derito
    Facebook & Twitter: Adam DeRito
    Website: www.adamderito.com ,

    IG & Facebook: @honorhilltactical
    Links: https://linktr.ee/HHTmedia ,

    Episode 8: Autumn Schlimmer

    Episode 8: Autumn Schlimmer
    Autumn Schlimmer joined the Navy with one objective; to become a Master of Arms and to become the best canine handler that she could be. Receiving high accolades during her initial entry training and all through canine handler school, she arrived at her first duty station and was immediately instructed to dye her naturally blonde hair. Forced to work graveyard shift and her canine taken from her without justification, her shipmate accused her of drug use without any evidence, nor drug test. Within ninety days of her first assignment, she was kicked out of the Navy without an actual justification. For the past decade, Autumn has been fighting the Naval Board of Corrections of Military Records to give her a proper discharge, appeal her service records, and still be able to serve as a canine handler in the civilian world. In a remarkable feat of personal resilience, Autumn has become an avid knifemaker, motorcycle rider, and still works with explosives detection within the K-9 Community.

    For more information about our guest Autumn Schlimmer:
    Instagram @fraulinek9 and @heyautumndontfall

    ~Music by Army Veteran, musician, artist, activist *YETI TEARS*
    IG: @yetitears
    Spotify: Yeti Tears
    Twitch: yetitears

    Interested in coming on the podcast with your story of making a positive difference? Reach out to Us!
    ~Adam DeRito
    IG: @adam.derito
    Facebook & Twitter: Adam DeRito
    Website: www.adamderito.com ,

    IG & Facebook: @honorhilltactical
    Links: https://linktr.ee/HHTmedia ,

    Episode 7: Amy Franck

    Episode 7: Amy Franck
    Ms. Amy Braley Franck began her career as a Department of the Army Civilian in July of 2013 as a Victim Advocate and has held the position of Sexual Assault Response Coordinator and Sexual Assault Program Manager for a 2- and 3-star Army Service Component Commands. Ms. Braley Franck has been identified on two separate occasions as a Whistleblower for her actions to protect her clients, as a catalyst for change. Ms. Braley Franck holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology and Business from the University of Maryland. Ms. Braley Franck is credentialed through NOVA D-SCAAP as Level IV Military Advocate. She is a certified Child Abuse Investigator and Nationally certified Forensic Interviewer, conducting interviews for local law enforcement, Army CID, FBI and Homeland Security and has been tendered an expert witness in Child Molestation and Abuse hearings.
    Ms. Braley Franck pioneered and managed the first Tele-Medicine Model Child Advocacy center in Columbus, Georgia through a partnership created with Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. She previously worked with the Child Abuse Specialists at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta providing professional development instruction to medical providers on recognizing and responding to child abuse and maltreatment.
    Ms. Braley Franck has been successful in writing grants for funding programs, developing and managing budgets and supervising reporting requirements. She has also been recognized by GEN Ray Odierno serving on his Sexual Assault Advisory Board and GEN Mark Milley in her Strategic Plan addressing Sexual Assault and Harassment. In 2015, her efforts championed to open the first Sexual Assault Resource Center in Italy under the leadership and support of LTG Darryl Williams. Ms. Braley-Franck has over 15,000 hours of victim advocacy and has conducted over 3,000 interviews of children/adolescents who have been sexually abused or witnessed violent crimes. She has given lectures at the National Organization of Victim Advocates Conference on providing Advocacy Services.

    For more information on Amy Franck and the Never Alone Advocacy group:
    Twitter: @Neveraloneadvo1
    Instagram: @Neveralonesoldiers
    Website: http://www.neveraloneadvocacy.org/ ,

    ~Music by Army Veteran, musician, artist, activist *YETI TEARS*
    IG: @yetitears
    Spotify: Yeti Tears
    Twitch: yetitears

    Interested in coming on the podcast with your story of making a positive difference? Reach out to Us!
    ~Adam DeRito
    IG: @adam.derito
    Facebook & Twitter: Adam DeRito
    Website: www.adamderito.com ,

    IG & Facebook: @honorhilltactical
    Links: https://linktr.ee/HHTmedia ,

    Episode 6: Casey Mauro

    Episode 6: Casey Mauro
    Dancer on land and fish by sea, Casey is a blend of intellect and embodiment. She holds a degree in Biology/Neuroscience, Yoga Therapy YTRx-500 and NASM Certified Personal Trainer. Casey worked as a neuroscience research assistant at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine NYC, while pursuing a career as a professional dancer, model and actor. In the early 2000’s, she starred as one of the decoy’s for Chris Hansen’s “To Catch a Predator” in her hometown of New Jersey where she helped take over 30 pedophiles out of our society. She moved to Los Angeles where she continued her performance career and finding more balance and quality of life back from NYC burnout and lack of self care.
    Years of physical injuries, concussions, anxiety, and taking life too seriously has led her to create a program to self healing and daily routines and rituals to balance the nervous system with a toolbox of both Western and Eastern Medicine modalities.
    Casey has combined her love for movement, breathwork, neurophysiology, nutrition and yoga into a private practice as a holistic health program to guide others to improve their health to increase vitality and finally let their inner superhero come out and play.

    For more info on today’s guest ~ Casey Mauro
    Instagram: casey_mauro
    Email: cmauro732@gmail.com
    TikTok: CMauro732

    ~Music by Army Veteran, musician, artist, activist *YETI TEARS*
    IG: @yetitears
    Spotify: Yeti Tears
    Twitch: yetitears

    Interested in coming on the podcast with your story of making a positive difference? Reach out to Us!
    ~Adam DeRito
    IG: @adam.derito
    Facebook & Twitter: Adam DeRito
    Website: www.adamderito.com ,

    IG & Facebook: @honorhilltactical
    Links: https://linktr.ee/HHTmedia ,

    Episode 5: Karli Klinger

    Episode 5: Karli Klinger
    Unbeknownst to most of the American public, not everyone who joins the military is a trigger puller, or a Navy SEAL. In fact, over 90% of the American military is composed of just ordinary people, performing extraordinary tasks. Meet SGT Karli Klinger. Originally a medic in the Wyoming National Guard, she decided to push her limits and achieve her dream job: An active duty Army Flight Paramedic. A survivor of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and even overcoming members of her own chain of command telling her she would never amount to anything; join me as I discuss with SGT Klinger about personal resilience. That when someone tells us NO, that it just makes the fire inside us grow exponentially!

    ~Music by Army Veteran, musician, artist, activist *YETI TEARS*
    IG: @yetitears
    Spotify: Yeti Tears
    Twitch: yetitears

    Follow SGT Karli Klinger
    Instagram: @Karli.Klinger

    Interested in coming on the podcast with your story of making a positive difference? Reach out to Us!
    ~Adam DeRito
    IG: @adam.derito
    Facebook & Twitter: Adam DeRito
    Website: www.adamderito.com ,

    IG & Facebook: @honorhilltactical
    Links: https://linktr.ee/HHTmedia ,

    Episode 4: Dana Bollen

    Episode 4: Dana Bollen
    Who is Dana Bollen? The freaking manager for the incredible American Band from Massachusetts; PIEBALD! Dana and I randomly met in Denver at a concert when I took an infamous video of him jamming on the cowbell with the very band he manages! Dana is a world traveler, entrepreneur, creator and host of the “Two Week Notice Podcast”, and of course, the manager of PIEBALD! Join us as we talk about the music that made us, why music is just plain awesome, and why the most important life lesson we can learn from Dana and PIEBALD is that “We just need to rage more with our friends!”

    ~Music by Army Veteran, musician, artist, activist *YETI TEARS*
    IG: @yetitears
    Spotify: Yeti Tears
    Twitch: yetitears

    Follow: Dana Bollen
    Instagram: @danafuggenb , @twoweeknoticepodcast
    Check Out music by PIEBALD : https://www.piebald.com/ ,

    Interested in coming on the podcast with your story of making a positive difference? Reach out to Us!
    ~Adam DeRito
    IG: @adam.derito
    Facebook & Twitter: Adam DeRito
    Website: www.adamderito.com ,

    IG & Facebook: @honorhilltactical
    Links: https://linktr.ee/HHTmedia ,

    Episode 3: Chef Andrew Gruel

    Episode 3: Chef Andrew Gruel
    American Chef Andrew Gruel is originally from New Jersey, and is a television personality currently based in Orange County, California. He is the founder, CEO, and executive chef of Slapfish, a seafood restaurant based out of Huntington Beach, California; Big Parm, a pizza restaurant in Tustin, California; and Two Birds, a chicken restaurant in Irvine, California.

    Recently, Chef Gruel engaged with MSNBC television host, Stephanie Ruhle, where he was indirectly accused of using the American Rescue Plan’s Paycheck Protection Program to underpay workers, only to benefit himself. As a highly successful business owner who has raised over $400k to help struggling restaurant owners during this pandemic, and one who has not had to lay off a SINGLE employee, Chef Gruel is a model citizen and business owner who has demonstrated that exemplary leadership and determination can solve more problems in today’s country than big government politicians can.

    For more info on our guest Chef Andrew Gruel~
    Instagram: @AndrewGruel
    Twitter: @ChefGruel
    Website: http://chefgruel.com/index.php ,
    https://www.today.com/food/grill4seafood4surf4n4turf4burgers4shrimp4cubano41D79976234 ,

    ~Music by Army Veteran, musician, artist, activist *YETI TEARS*
    IG: @yetitears
    Spotify: Yeti Tears
    Twitch: yetitears

    Interested in coming on the podcast with your story of making a positive difference? Reach out to Us!
    ~Adam DeRito
    IG: @adam.derito
    Facebook & Twitter: Adam DeRito
    Website: www.adamderito.com ,
    IG & Facebook: @honorhilltactical
    Links: https://linktr.ee/HHTmedia ,

    Episode 2: Michela Morellato

    Episode 2: Michela Morellato
    Meet the italian television personality who married an American paratrooper, survived the world of human trafficking in the global entertainment industry, and then ensured that Major General Joseph Harrington (former AFRICOM Commander) was removed from his position in Vincenza, Italy. Co-Founder of the Never Alone Advocacy Group, Michela constantly helps others seek justice who have been retaliated against by the United States military.

    ~Music by Army Veteran, musician, artist, activist *YETI TEARS*
    IG: @yetitears
    Spotify: Yeti Tears
    Twitch: yetitears

    ~To find out more about the Never Alone Advocacy Group:
    IG: NeverAloneSoldiers
    Website: www.neveraloneadvocacy.org ,

    ~Follow: Michela Morellato
    Instagram: @michelamorellato
    www.michelamorellato.com ,
    Make sure to read her book “A Talent for Trouble” - available on Amazon.com ,

    Interested in coming on the podcast with your story of making a positive difference? Reach out to Us!
    ~Adam DeRito
    IG: @adam.derito
    Facebook & Twitter: Adam DeRito
    Website: www.adamderito.com ,
    IG & Facebook: @honorhilltactical
    Links: https://linktr.ee/HHTmedia ,

    Episode 1: Colin Sesek

    Episode 1:  Colin Sesek
    SSG Colin Sesek spent four years on active duty as a combat medic with the 82nd Airborne Division, and is currently a Special Operations Medic assigned to the 19th Special Forces Group.
    He has deployed to numerous locations across the Middle East, Asia, and Africa; both as a soldier and as a Blackwater Contractor.
    In his civilian job, Colin is also a public school educator. Join Colin on his journey of discovering who he is, and how we all can find our “middle” to make the world a better place.

    ~ Colin Sesek
    IG: @combattourist
    For information about the play “Bent Compass”:
    IG: @bentcompass

    IG & Facebook: @honorhilltactical
    Links: https://linktr.ee/HHTmedia ,
    ~Adam DeRito
    IG: @adam.derito
    Facebook & Twitter: Adam DeRito

    Embark Podcast Trailer

    Embark Podcast Trailer
    This podcast is about life, learning, triumph, and failure. I can't tell you where we are going, but I assure you, its where you want to be. There's always a bigger story, and there is always another way to find it. I'm Adam DeRito, and welcome to The Embark Podcast.

    IG & Facebook: @honorhilltactical
    Links: https://linktr.ee/HHTmedia ,
    ~Adam DeRito
    IG: @adam.derito
    Facebook & Twitter: Adam DeRito