
    The Enlightening Soul with Shelley Young

    Offering information, guidance, and encouragement for those on their spiritual journey.

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    Episodes (34)

    #32 | Rob Gauthier - The Human Behind the Content

    #32 | Rob Gauthier - The Human Behind the Content

    Shelly Young talks with Rob Gauthier over an intimate and heartfelt conversation of the life behind the The E.T. Whisperer.



    Music used with permission and written by: Carol Dinalo Hall

    Podcast produced by Cottonwood Stone - www.CottonwoodStone.com

    #26 | The Empowered Change Of Focus

    #26 | The Empowered Change Of Focus

    If you are wishing to have more of something in your life, start to explore whether your focus, thoughts, and actions are towards the inclusion of it. What are your beliefs about it? That it is hard to get, impossible to find, available for others but not for you? If you start to look for the presence of it in your life, however small, you shift from experiencing it as something outside of yourself and difficult to attain into something you already have. By acknowledging that and having gratitude for it, you will only grow your experience of it because now you have claimed it as already existing for you. That is the empowered change of focus from exclusion to inclusion and how all great things are created. The time is now to start to understand the incredible power of small shifts of conscious awareness and the changes of potential they create. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



    Music used with permission and written by: Carol Dinalo Hall

    Podcast produced by Cottonwood Stone - www.CottonwoodStone.com

    #24 | Where Is Your Focus?

    #24 | Where Is Your Focus?

    Instead of being on the lookout for what you can reject from your experience, what if you shifted your focus onto what you wish to include as part of your experience? We’ll tell you what would happen. You would feel much more satisfied with your life, you’d be paving a path forward of preference and appreciation, and because you’d be practicing inclusion, you’d be moving from separation consciousness into unity consciousness. All of these are game changers and all they take is a shift of focus. Look how powerful you truly are! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



    Music used with permission and written by: Carol Dinalo Hall

    Podcast produced by Cottonwood Stone - www.CottonwoodStone.com

    #23 | Does Unconditional Love Mean I Need To Accept People's Treatment Of Me No Matter What?

    #23 | Does Unconditional Love Mean I Need To Accept People's Treatment Of Me No Matter What?

    It's Metaphysical Monday! Today's post answers the question, "Does unconditional love mean I need to accept people's treatment of me no matter what?"

    Unconditional love can be a confusing concept. Misuse of the concept can result in denying ourselves and allowing another to walk all over us without any repercussions in order for us to deem ourselves spiritual. This has opened the door for people to stay in out of balance, co-dependent, or even abusive relationships. Unconditional love never asks that you must deny or reject yourself and your needs in order to love another.

    Unconditional love without healthy boundaries can be a recipe for disaster. If you have had trouble with boundaries in the past, it might help to start to look at boundaries as not a rejection we use as a punishment or a triggered reaction, but rather a new point of connection that is consciously chosen that serves everyone involved.

    Unconditional love says I love you for being part of the whole and I have love and compassion for where you are on your journey. It in no way means you have to be a doormat for another while they are in the process of figuring themselves out. That is where healthy boundaries come in. While a lot of people think healthy boundaries are about shutting people out, in reality, healthy boundaries are about finding the point of connection that is safe and empowering for everyone involved.

    Allowing yourself to be abused or mistreated in any way is not practicing unconditional love for yourself. It is also not loving to support someone in continuing to show up in such a lesser version of themselves if they are not behaving respectfully to themselves or to others.

    People grow from having consequences to their actions. By not making them accountable, you are keeping everyone in an abuse loop where no growth can occur. Further, allowing someone to continue to treat you badly will only erode their sense of worth and add to the healing they will eventually need to do because it will add shame and regret to the pile.

    Unconditional love says I love you for where you are on your journey so for both of us to have what we need, this is our connection point. If you can't meet me there right now, I understand. Because I love you the door will be open for you to come closer if some growth and evolution occurs and we can connect in a way that supports us all.

    But for right now, this is where it is most empowering for both of us. It is empowering for me, because it keeps me safe and grounded in my truth and wisdom, and it is empowering for you because I want you to learn and grow. I allow your guides to take on that job of leading you with my full faith and trust because I don't have the vantage point to know what you are here to learn and experience.

    We can love people in whatever remembrance of self they are in. We can give them grace if they come around from a new level of understanding, just as we appreciate when people have grace for us when we make mistakes. That is also the embodiment of unconditional love.

    Unconditional love is fair and consistent. It knows when to step in and when to step back. It honours the growth and sovereignty of everyone involved in the healthiest ways.

    So if loving a person is hurting you, you may wish to step back and reevaluate where the best connection point is for you. But know even if it needs to be quite a distance from where you are right now, it doesn't mean you don't love them. It just means you love them enough to allow them to start to have the appropriate responses to their actions, and that is exactly what will facilitate growth and ultimately pave the way for them to be able to connect with you in a closer, and safer way, in



    Music used with permission and written by: Carol Dinalo Hall

    Podcast produced by Cottonwood Stone - www.CottonwoodStone.com

    #22 | You Wouldn't Have Chosen a Recurring Theme If You Didn't Have Everything You Need to Master It.

    #22 | You Wouldn't Have Chosen a Recurring Theme If You Didn't Have Everything You Need to Master It.

    We understand that so many of you are deeply dedicated to your growth and evolution. Rather than seeing recurring themes as frustrating, we wish for you to realize they are simply in place so you can never, ever miss an opportunity for growth and expansion. In a sense, you could look at it as a built-in safety net you have provided for yourself because you had the desire to explore and master that certain theme.

    Your soul really doesn't care whether you get everything there is to know about a theme in your first dance with it or your fiftieth because your soul knows that all experiences have value for you and that all movement ultimately ends up being forward movement. Whether it comes from figuring out what you don't want first, or whether it comes from just following your preferences, there is no right or wrong because it will all eventually lead you to the same place.

    So be easy on yourselves and know that you wouldn't have chosen a theme if you didn't have everything in place you needed to master it. It is up to you how you decide to approach it, but rest assured you are thoroughly loved and supported however that may be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



    Music used with permission and written by: Carol Dinalo Hall

    Podcast produced by Cottonwood Stone - www.CottonwoodStone.com

    #21 | How Do I Know if a Theme is Showing Up Due to Growth or Because I Am Missing Something?

    #21 | How Do I Know if a Theme is Showing Up Due to Growth or Because I Am Missing Something?

    We spoke yesterday of how the reemergence of a theme can be a sure sign of your evolution. This might lead you to ask, “How do I know a theme is showing up again due to growth or because I’m somehow blocked and missing something?”

    It is quite easy to tell the difference. If you are blocked or missing growth opportunities within a theme, you will be feeling quite triggered. Likely the theme has been a constant, as your soul has been trying to get your attention to address it. You may still be having the same thoughts you have always had about it, or be very resistant to even look at it.

    If you have experienced growth within a theme, you will have had a break from it for a while. When it comes back around, you will have less emotional charge about it. You will be able to examine it with curiosity and see something new that you hadn’t been able to see before.

    Generally speaking, each time a theme comes around it becomes easier and easier to look at. That is because you are gaining mastery over the theme, and are no longer feeling powerless about it. The first times you are really willing to explore it often are the most difficult but the first steps are also the most powerful because you are taking your power back. While we understand it is never fun to look at difficult topics, what is even more painful is feeling powerless in the face of them and trying to stay in a state of unconsciousness with them.

    The fear of looking at your theme is often worse than actually doing it, so we encourage you to begin to take baby steps of exploration, secure in the fact that your guides, angels, and highest self will be there loving you through every step. It is work that you will be happy you did because it will lead you to greater peace every time that theme comes around until it holds no charge for you at all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



    Music used with permission and written by: Carol Dinalo Hall

    Podcast produced by Cottonwood Stone - www.CottonwoodStone.com

    #20 | Are Memories of Old Wounds Coming Up for You?

    #20 | Are Memories of Old Wounds Coming Up for You?

    Memories of old wounds may be coming up, not as a punishment or an indicator of how much more work you need to do on yourself, but rather as an opportunity to explore them from your latest level of attainment. Often you will go through a shift that will allow you to process them more thoroughly from a new space of wisdom, greater understanding, better self love and respect, or simply to show you how far you have come. As you have certain themes you wish to gain mastery over in this life expression, this is all part of the process and never an indication there is something wrong. In fact, it is a sure sign of evolution and progress. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



    Music used with permission and written by: Carol Dinalo Hall

    Podcast produced by Cottonwood Stone - www.CottonwoodStone.com

    #19 | Do Narcissists Really Target Empaths?

    #19 | Do Narcissists Really Target Empaths?

    Are there narcissists out there? Absolutely. Is getting into a relationship with one incredibly painful and completely draining? Absolutely. But to present it as if the narcissist is some kind of boogeyman that is hiding in the bushes waiting for the poor unsuspecting empath to come along is, I think, only a way to perpetuate victim consciousness, which really doesn't do anyone any good.

    A fairer assessment would be that narcissists are over-takers, so they are naturally going to be attracted to over-givers. Empaths, by their nature, are very sensitive, loving people who have a lot to give. In fact, they often give and give without much concern for receiving for themselves. Narcissists take and take, without much concern for giving of themselves. So if you can step back and look at the overall dynamic that is occurring, you can see how both are completely out of balance, which is what is facilitating such a match.

    Further, the narcissist is looking for an external to make them whole. They seek and seek for the next thing to fill them up, not realizing that the only thing that will make them whole comes from inside. Because the empath will never be able to fill them up, they will want more and more and will ultimately blame the empath for their lack of ability to fix them or make them feel better. To them, you promised to love and understand them into wellness and you broke your end of the bargain.

    The empath is also looking for an external to make them feel whole. Although they are incredibly well-meaning, they feel like their love and guidance can fix the person. They give and give looking for that external result, only to be disappointed time and again by how the other person can't appreciate their efforts or change. 

    So what is the purpose of these types of relationships? A very out of balance empath will often need things to reach epic proportions before they will finally accept that they also deserve to receive. If they are ready to shift, these relationships allow them to start to love themselves more, respect themselves more, find healthier boundaries, become more discerning, and finally seek a relationship that is far more satisfying to them because they will enter a flow of both loving and being loved.

    If you have already had a narcissist experience and have worked on your own self love, respect, balance, and boundaries, and understand each person is responsible for their own growth, you will never ever fall back into a narcissist relationship. You will see it a mile away for what it is and will not need to repeat it because you have already had the experience and used it for your own evolution.

    I hope this all helps you move beyond the old fear that if you are an empath, you have to be on the lookout for narcissists that are out to target you. If you have done your work and are prioritizing respect and empowerment for everyone involved, the narcissist will have no interest in you at all. You can still be your loving sensitive self without fear because you will have found your own balance and that is a beautiful gift.



    Music used with permission and written by: Carol Dinalo Hall

    Podcast produced by Cottonwood Stone - www.CottonwoodStone.com

    #18 | You Can't Complete a Puzzle by Only Using Pieces You Like

    #18 | You Can't Complete a Puzzle by Only Using Pieces You Like

    Dear Ones, you can't complete a jigsaw puzzle by only using the pieces that have colours you like. Other colours and shades create contrast and depth and add to the beauty of the whole. So it is with your embodiment process. As you accept all the aspects of you you realize they all lend themselves to the unfoldment and discovery of the beauty of the whole that is you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



    Music used with permission and written by: Carol Dinalo Hall

    Podcast produced by Cottonwood Stone - www.CottonwoodStone.com

    #17 | Do You Practice Inclusion for All Aspects of Self?

    #17 | Do You Practice Inclusion for All Aspects of Self?

    You might think of the process of healing separation as starting to bring aspects that have been denied back into the fold. Do you hold love for yourself or are you perpetually rejecting yourself? Do you deny the human part of you and try to just embrace the spiritual part of you? Do you dismiss your own wisdom or inner knowing in order to please another? Do you put aside your own hopes and dreams until later because others might not agree with them?

    Recognizing the ways you reject, abandon, neglect, or dismiss your truth is absolutely essential before you can move into the embodiment of your own wisdom, beauty, and power. As you begin to embrace and accept all aspects of you, you create the foundation for your own empowerment, and begin anchoring the energy of unity consciousness and unconditional love. When you begin to experience yourself as whole, what you create becomes much more aligned to the truth of you.

    So we highly recommend the next time you brush yourself aside you stop for a moment and instead decide to honour and love whatever part of you that was looking for their right to be heard and acknowledged. You just might be surprised at how profound the healing can be just by practicing inclusion for yourself. From there you will be much better able to also practice inclusion with your truest preferences and your life will shift in truly remarkable ways. As always, it all begins within and from there all else becomes possible. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



    Music used with permission and written by: Carol Dinalo Hall

    Podcast produced by Cottonwood Stone - www.CottonwoodStone.com

    #16 | The Realization and Embodiment of Your Divine Inclusion

    #16 | The Realization and Embodiment of Your Divine Inclusion

    Your evolutionary journey is taking you from separation consciousness to unity consciousness. Now is the ideal time to start to explore how you have wished to stay separate, or ways you have believed that you are separate.

    The truth is you are part of the greater whole that is Source. You can never truly be separate from it. Your enlightenment journey is finding your way back to realizing you are part of God. You always have been and you always will be.

    The separation you feel when you find yourself on the other side of the veil in a human body is illusion. So to begin our messages for the week, we ask you to explore all the ways you believe you are separate and all the ways you continue to keep yourself separate, and we will be discussing them in the messages to come. You are ready to begin the process of the realization and embodiment of your divine inclusion and we are excited to walk this journey with you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



    Music used with permission and written by: Carol Dinalo Hall

    Podcast produced by Cottonwood Stone - www.CottonwoodStone.com

    #15 | Angel Signs

    #15 | Angel Signs

    It’s Metaphysical Monday! Today I would like to talk about how to deepen your relationship with the angels through angel signs.

    Angel signs are a wonderful way to experience your connection with the angels without needing any specific spiritual skills or mediumship abilities. They can show up in many ways. In fact, the angels truly enjoy coming up with creative ways to show you they are near and love to watch your reaction when you see the sign they have placed on your path!

    Angel signs can show up in so many ways! They are tangible proof that the angels are listening and always there to love and serve you. Common signs associated with angels are finding feathers, the appearance of cardinals, angel songs, the word angel showing up in unexpected places, coming across artwork or statues that are angelic in nature, angel shaped clouds, and so many more.

    But they can also appear in ways that are specific to you. Ask the angels for a sign they are with you and watch what shows up! They may decide that dragonflies are your special indicator, or another insect, bird, creature, or element from nature.

    I have had so many wonderful signs show up in so many different ways. You can always tell an angel sign because they catch your attention and they feel special and rather otherworldly. The other day I was walking to my car, which I keep parked in the garage. When I got back from running errands, there was a large fluffy white feather right where I walk to get back in the house. It just wasn’t there when I left and the garage was closed the whole time I was gone. Of course it felt magical so I kept it!

    When I was driving to move from Canada to the US, I was praying as I drove for a sign that I was doing the right thing. Not much happened for the first 7 hours of my trip, but suddenly there was the biggest, most vibrant rainbow I’d ever seen. Then a few miles down the road there was another one. And another one. And another one! There were a total of 7 rainbows that I saw, one after the other. It was completely reassuring and an absolutely amazing experience.

    Another time I was on a road trip and asked the angels for a sign and a short while later an eagle showed up and flew right along side my car. Yet another time I was road tripping and asked the angels for a sign and about an hour later a car passed me with the license plate that said dr angel. I highly recommend inviting the angels to join you as you travel!

    But you certainly don’t need to travel to connect with the angels. Simply ask them to make their presence known by giving you a sign and pay attention to what shows up. It is such a lovely way to see how loved and supported you really are and to make them a part of your day to day life, no special skills, rituals, or level of attainment required.

    The more you realize and use the supports that have always been in place for you, the deeper your faith and trust becomes which will start to shift your life in the most marvellous ways. The angels are just waiting for you to open yourself up to acknowledge them and let them in. If you haven’t already, today would be a great day to ask for a sign and start to develop that wonderful relationship that will only grow and deepen with time.



    Music used with permission and written by: Carol Dinalo Hall

    Podcast produced by Cottonwood Stone - www.CottonwoodStone.com

    #14 | Are You in the Habit of Giving Your Power Away?

    #14 | Are You in the Habit of Giving Your Power Away?

    Your embodiment process is the discovery of your own divine capability as the empowered creator of your life expression. As you move further and further along your evolutionary journey, you come to realize you are an individuated aspect of Source energy and as such, there is nothing stronger than you. You either give your power away or you don’t.

    As you sit with this idea, we invite you to be very honest with yourself and simply explore the ways you may be in the habit of giving your power away. Why do you do that? To please others? Because you think it would be too hard to shift out of that pattern? Are you afraid of change or how others will react to it? Are you reluctant to give up the old disempowered story of you because you’ve identified with it for so long?

    The fact is, while those are very common fears, none of them are valid enough to make you deny your own growth and truth. By honouring the unfoldment of your evolutionary process, you serve not only yourself, but others and the planet, as well. It is safe for you to begin to shift out of the old and embrace the new, empowered you. In fact, that is exactly what your soul has been encouraging you to do all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



    Music used with permission and written by: Carol Dinalo Hall

    Podcast produced by Cottonwood Stone - www.CottonwoodStone.com


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