
    The Entrepreneur's Adviser

    The Entrepreneur’s Adviser is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and senior executives develop effective strategies to grow their businesses in a crowded marketplace. Hosted by serial entrepreneur Jon Peyton, this thought-provoking podcast offers key advice, tactics, and insight to help business owners succeed. If you’re looking for an honest, “gloves are off” approach to the entrepreneurship journey, this is the podcast for you.
    enJon Peyton44 Episodes

    Episodes (44)

    Episode 44: The Entrepreneur's Accountability Plan

    Episode 44: The Entrepreneur's Accountability Plan

    If the best laid plans can go awry and your B.H.A.G. becomes derailed do you throw everything out and start all over? Or do you pivot so you can stay accountable to your goals, to yourself, to your employees, or to your family? In today's episdoe Jon Peyton interviews Executive Accountability Coach Chris Waldron to better understand why people act the way they do, ways to get out of your own way, and steps you can take to remain accountable to those relying on you!

    If you need help becoming accountable, or staying accountable, to the goals you laid out in your life consider reaching out to Chris Waldron!

    Episode 43: The Entrepreneur's B.H.A.G

    Episode 43: The Entrepreneur's B.H.A.G

    When was the last time you checked your B.H.A.G? Too often we set goals for ourself only to never go back to check if we are still on track to achieving them. In today's episode Jon Peyton discusses the importance of creating a Big. Harry. Audacious. Goal. and how to track your progress as you pursue this massive goal!

    If you're building a business and need help defining your B.H.A.G. or creating value within your company, consider reaching out to my affiliated partner Value Creation Consultancy™!

    Episode 42: The Entrepreneur's Mental Roadblock

    Episode 42: The Entrepreneur's Mental Roadblock

    Mental health has been on the forefront of mainstream headlines over the previous years, and yet there still remains a stigma amongst Entrepreneurs and Executives that they should remain steadfast, unbreakable, and stoatic in order to keep up appearances within their family - or company. Your host, Jon Peyton, sits down with Dr. Ryan Carboneau to discuss some of the issues that Entrepreneurs and Executives face AND why therapy can be a safe space for these groups to express themselves without fearing blowback, ridicule, or being made to feel "less than".

    Do you suffer from high stress, the pressure to perform, or find it lonely at the top? Consider reaching out to Dr. Ryan at Northern Virginia Therapeutic Services! If you are not located in Virginia, or available for telemed, consider looking for support on Psychology Today.

    Episode 41: The Entrepreneur's Rocky Roadmap

    Episode 41: The Entrepreneur's Rocky Roadmap

    It's a common saying... one that people sometimes forget... but it's no less true, especially in your personal and business lives. "The best laid plans" is a saying that has the best of intentions but usually results in a missed opportunity - IF - you don't know how to pivot. Join host Jon Peyton as he discusses ways to build a strong business - or financial - plan and discover ways to pivot if you find yourself off track!

    Episode 39: The Entrepreneur's Team Leaders

    Episode 39: The Entrepreneur's Team Leaders

    Welcome back to Season 2 of The Entrepreneur's Adviser! This is going to be a jam packed season with new stories and strategies, but that's not all! Your host, Jon Peyton, has lined up a number of experts in various fields to share their experience on topics ranging from therapy to coaching, finances to marketing, leadership to operations, and more! But that's not all! In addition to experts you will hear from entrepreneurs who are in the middle of building their business. They will share their struggles, successes, and how they integrate business with personal.

    In today's episode Jon discusses the importance of not being the smartest person in the room. Namely he outlines the problems with being the smartest person in the room and how it can hurt the growth of your company. To address this issue Jon explains how to incircle yourself with people who will help you grow your business.

    Episode 38: The Evolutionary Step For Every Entrepreneur

    Episode 38: The Evolutionary Step For Every Entrepreneur
    Change? No thanks, most of us will say. Change is uncomfortable, even if you know you need to do it. In this final episode of The Entrepreneur’s Adviser™ Season 1, host Jon Peyton explains why change is so hard but so necessary, especially when it comes to selling your business. Jon discusses how to prepare yourself for the major life change that is exiting your business, including deepening your relationships, finding a new project or hobby, and spending time rediscovering who you are (and who you want to become).

    Episode 37: How Entrepreneurs Prepare For The Exit

    Episode 37: How Entrepreneurs Prepare For The Exit

    So, you have conducted your exit planning and decided to sell your business. Now what? This last leg of your business journey needs to be done right so that you can go out in style. In today’s episode of The Entrepreneur’s Adviser™, host Jon Peyton discusses how to prepare your business for A sale in the best way possible. Jon also goes over the three reasons you may want to exit the business and how to navigate it: if you’ve reached the limits of what you can do, if another great opportunity has popped up, and if your journey in this area has come to an end.

    Episode 36: The Entrepreneur's Goal Of Building An Exit

    Episode 36: The Entrepreneur's Goal Of Building An Exit

    As an entrepreneur, the last thing on your mind is probably what will happen to your business years and years from now. Chances are, you probably haven’t thought much about what your life will look like at that point. Now that we’ve covered preparing for retirement, today’s episode of The Entrepreneur’s Adviser™ is about exit planning. Host Jon Peyton dives into the difference between lifestyle entrepreneurs and value creators and how to decide what to do with your business down the road. This episode covers three main areas: the impact on friends, family, and community, the benefits of building a value-rich company, and the issue of how few entrepreneurs ever sell their business.

    Episode 35: The Entrepreneur's Retirement Fallacy

    Episode 35: The Entrepreneur's Retirement Fallacy
    Do entrepreneurs ever truly retire? The answer is yes, although it can be a highly dreaded process. If you’re worried retirement will be the end of your purpose and that you’ll have nothing more to give, this one’s for you. In today’s episode of The Entrepreneur’s Adviser™, host Jon Peyton explains that retirement doesn’t have to be a bad thing. It’s all about the mentality you have, so Jon is sharing three things to help you better mentally position yourself for retirement: the light at the end of the tunnel, the transition, and the purpose.

    Episode 34: How Entrepreneurs Protect Their Family's Legacy

    Episode 34:  How Entrepreneurs Protect Their Family's Legacy
    Now we’ve covered business estate planning, but what about your personal estate? Even if you’re not much of a planner, the best time to start your after-life planning is now. In today’s episode of The Entrepreneur’s Adviser™, host Jon Peyton discusses the primary documents you need to be familiar with to successfully plan your personal estate. Jon explains the importance of power of attorney, medical directives, wills, trusts, and letters of intent.

    Episode 33: The Four Ways Entrepreneurs Protect Their Business's Legacy

    Episode 33: The Four Ways Entrepreneurs Protect Their Business's Legacy

    Since the only guarantees in life are taxes and death, today’s episode of The Entrepreneur’s Adviser™ is all about business estate planning. Is your business prepared for your death? Host Jon Peyton explains how to protect your business so that it will continue to thrive even after you’re gone. The four main areas of discussion are power of attorney, succession planning, impact to the company’s value, and buy-sell agreements. After learning all this information, your business will be ready (but hopefully not too ready) for you to kick the bucket.

    Episode 32: The IRS Lets Entrepreneurs Do This To Lower Their Personal Taxes

    Episode 32: The IRS Lets Entrepreneurs Do This To Lower Their Personal Taxes

    If there’s anything more confusing than business taxes, it has to be personal taxes. In today’s episode of The Entrepreneur’s Adviser™, host Jon Peyton discusses the information you need to truly understand your personal taxes and make sure you are not overpaying. Jon dives into the areas of personal taxes he sees people struggling with, including knowing which taxes you're subject to, and the difference between marginal tax brackets and effective tax.

    Episode 31: Successful Entrepreneurs Do This To Lower Their Business Taxes

    Episode 31: Successful Entrepreneurs Do This To Lower Their Business Taxes
    We’ve all experienced the fear and stress that comes from paying business taxes (or at least trying to). In fact, tax season can feel like the Grim Reaper knocking at your door. In today’s episode of The Entrepreneur’s Adviser™, host Jon Peyton goes over three ways to reduce the impact of taxes on your business. There are three specific areas to target: your business structure, how you pay yourself, and the expenses you deduct. Jon discusses what you can do with this information to make tax time more bearable.

    Episode 30: How Successful Entrepreneurs Distribute Money To Build Personal Wealth

    Episode 30: How Successful Entrepreneurs Distribute Money To Build Personal Wealth

    Whether it’s investing in the stock market, real estate, or crypto, there are important factors to assess when it comes to your personal wealth. In today’s episode of The Entrepreneur’s Adviser™, host Jon Peyton discusses considerations like return of investment, opportunity costs, risk profiles, and more when deciding what to do with your money. Investments and timelines should be decided based upon your goals and aspirations, and Jon explains what to think about if you want to delegate your funds to a qualified financial adviser. 

    Episode 29: How Entrepreneurs Reinvest Into Their Business To Create Value

    Episode 29: How Entrepreneurs Reinvest Into Their Business To Create Value
    When it comes to investing in your business, objective numbers and ratios can help you leverage your growth. In today’s episode of The Entrepreneur’s Adviser™, host Jon Peyton explains some helpful measurements to understand the health of your business (e.g. current and quick ratios), but also some ways to measure the profitability of your business. Knowing these numbers can be especially important if you want to demonstrate to third party investors that your business is on the right track.

    Episode 28: How Entrepreneurs Should Use Insurance To Protect Themselves

    Episode 28: How Entrepreneurs Should Use Insurance To Protect Themselves
    Just as you need to protect your business with the right type of insurance, you have to do the same with your personal wealth. So what type of insurance you should be thinking about? On today’s episode of The Entrepreneur’s Adviser™, host Jon Peyton discusses what you need to consider when purchasing three important types of insurance: property-casualty, disability, and health. As your lifestyle and wealth changes and grows, it’s essential to periodically reexamine insurance limits, deductibles, premiums, and other rules. Jon will help you understand what you need using concrete scenarios.

    Episode 27: How Entrepreneurs Should Use Insurance To Protect Their Business

    Episode 27: How Entrepreneurs Should Use Insurance To Protect Their Business

    When it comes to building wealth, it’s essential to protect it. On today’s episode of The Entrepreneur’s Adviser™, we’ll dive into the topic of insurance, which is wealth protection. Host Jon Peyton will explain the importance of insuring your business, providing several scenarios worth considering. There are all sorts of insurance out there, but Jon focuses on the two big ones: key-person insurance and buy-sell agreement

    Episode 26: How Entrepreneurs Should Manage Their Personal Cash

    Episode 26: How Entrepreneurs Should Manage Their Personal Cash

    We will continue our discussion of cash management this week on The Entrepreneur’s Adviser™, but we’ll shift into understanding it from a personal perspective. Not surprisingly, the three statements we talked about last week are still applicable when it comes to examining your personal finances. Host Jon Peyton explains the different ways to pay yourself from your business profits, as well as some smart ways to invest.

    Episode 25: How Entrepreneurs Should Manage Their Business Cash

    Episode 25: How Entrepreneurs Should Manage Their Business Cash
    Let’s break down the broad topic of building wealth from last week’s episode into smaller categories, and let’s look at them from two perspectives: business and personal. On this week’s episode of The Entrepreneur’s Adviser™, host Jon Peyton examines cash management from a business point of view, and to do that he will be explaining three different statements every business owner needs to understand: the cash flow statement, the balance sheet, and the income (or profitability) statement. Lots of practical information, so get ready to tune in!