
    The Equip Project Podcast

    The Equip Project is designed to help people engage with the Christian faith in a thoughtful, and reasonable way. Our goal is to help provide clarity and understanding, as we seek to tackle many of the cultural and intellectual challenges to Christianity.
    en-usThe Equip Project87 Episodes

    Episodes (87)

    S8 E5 - Gospel Contradictions?

    S8 E5 - Gospel Contradictions?

    In this season we have been talking about the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. For the past 250 years the Gospels have been a battleground. Critical scholars have done their best to portray the Gospels as fictions invented by the early Church to serve political purposes. 

    In this episode we discussed alleged contradictions in the Gospels. We work our way through a number of examples, and seek to show that the Gospel accounts are coherent and, therefore, can be trusted. 

    The Equip Project Podcast
    en-usDecember 20, 2023

    S8 E4 - The Words of Jesus

    S8 E4 - The Words of Jesus

    We’ve called this season ‘Battleground’ because the four Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John – have been attacked in recent centuries by critical scholars who argue that the Gospels don’t contain an accurate record of what Jesus said and did. 

    In this episode we will be thinking particularly about what Jesus said. Do the Gospels record Jesus actual words accurately, or do the words attributed to him really come from the Gospel writers themselves?

    The Equip Project Podcast
    en-usDecember 01, 2023

    S8 E3 - The Quest for the Historical Jesus

    S8 E3 - The Quest for the Historical Jesus

    We’ve called this episode ‘The Quest for the Historical Jesus.’  The basic idea is that critical scholars try to dig a great ugly ditch between what they term 'the authentic Jesus', the Jesus of history, and 'the Christ of faith'. According to these critical scholars, the Gospels are the product of the early church. For mainly political reasons, the early church invented the Christ that we know. And so the job of the scholar is to sift through the Gospels, like an archaeologist who carefully chips away at different levels of an ancient structure until we get to the rock bed of the authentic Jesus.

    In this episode we push back against such criticism and discover that it really shouldn't worry faithful Christians at all. 

    The Equip Project Podcast
    en-usNovember 25, 2023

    S8 E2 - Between the Testaments - Part II

    S8 E2 - Between the Testaments - Part II

    In the first two episodes of Season 8, we consider the historical context of the Gospels. We'll think about the blank page in our Bibles that separates the last book of the Old Testament from the first book of the New Testament. There's a 400-year gap between the end of Malachi and the Gospels. It's sometimes called the intertestamental period.

    This historical context really matters. Many young Christians can believe that Bible history exists in a parallel universe from the rest of world history. It's as if the Bible begins in a land far far away. But Christianity is truth revealed in history. So one of our big aims in these first two episodes is to show how biblical history is woven seamlessly into world history. Christianity is not a cunning fable. It is about real historical events. 

    We hope Season 8 is a blessing to you. To God be the Glory.

    The Equip Project Podcast
    en-usNovember 17, 2023

    S8 E1 - Between the Testaments - Part I

    S8 E1 - Between the Testaments - Part I

    This season we're going to be thinking about the gospel records, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Those four books take us to the heart of Christianity. And, for a long time, they've been a battleground.

    Critics of Christianity have launched wave after wave of attacks on the historicity and the theological coherence of the Gospels. We're going to examine many of the arguments advanced by biblical critics against the trustworthiness of the Gospels. It's vital that believers have confidence in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John because our faith is built entirely on the person and work of Jesus Christ. If the gospel authors have written a fiction, or if they're horribly biased, then our faith is a castle built on sand.

    We'll think about the quest for the authentic Jesus. That's a term used by critical scholars who treat the four Gospels as literary rubble that must be sifted to find some evidence of the central figure of Christianity.

    Then we'll tackle the controversy over Jesus's words. Do the Gospels record Jesus's exact words? Or did the Gospel writers just give us a gist of what he said? Another critical question that is often raised relates to the reliability of the Gospel documents: how can we have confidence that we're reading eyewitness accounts of Jesus's life?

    And finally, we'll delve into some of the classic questions about contradictions in the Gospels.

    In our first two episodes, however, we'll consider the historical context of the Gospels. We'll think about the blank page in our Bibles that separates the last book of the Old Testament from the first book of the New Testament. There's a 400-year gap between the end of Malachi and the Gospels. It's sometimes called the intertestamental period.

    This historical context really matters. Many young Christians can believe that Bible history exists in a parallel universe from the rest of world history. It's as if the Bible begins in a land far far away. But Christianity is truth revealed in history. So one of our big aims in these first two episodes is to show how biblical history is woven seamlessly into world history. Christianity is not a cunning fable. It is about real historical events. 

    We hope Season 8 is a blessing to you. To God be the Glory. 

    The Equip Project Podcast
    en-usNovember 10, 2023

    S7 E7 - Surviving the Storm

    S7 E7 - Surviving the Storm

    In the final episode of season 7 we’ll take a step back and survey the various storms we’ve discussed, so that our listeners can see the logic that underpins this season. And then we’ll think Biblically about how to survive the storms that are heading our way over the next few years.

    The Equip Project Podcast
    en-usJune 22, 2023

    S7 E6 - Conspiracy Theories

    S7 E6 - Conspiracy Theories

    We’ve called this season Twitterstorms, because we’re discussing controversies that have blown up in the US among Christians in recent years. In this episode we talk about conspiracy theories. Be prepared for questions about QAnon and the Great Reset...

    The Equip Project Podcast
    en-usJune 09, 2023

    S7 E5 - The New New Atheists

    S7 E5 - The New New Atheists

    Back in 2007, the term “the New Atheists” was applied to men like Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins. They were fairly brutal enemies of Christianity. They saw it as a poisonous thing, a belief system that had blighted humanity for a thousand years. And they were determined to destroy Christianity. So Hitchens wrote God is not great. Dawkins wrote the God Delusion.

    But in the past decade, something new has happened. The New Atheists are now dismissed by most public intellectuals. They are seen as a bit embarrassing, even by their fellow atheists. And in their place we have a group of academics who, while they are not Christians, are much more sympathetic to Christianity. These are the people we’re calling the new, new atheists.

    The Equip Project Podcast
    en-usMay 24, 2023

    S7 E4 - Setting Scripture Aside

    S7 E4 - Setting Scripture Aside

    This season we've been focussing on some of the big controversies that have hit evangelicalism in recent years. In this episode, we use a case study to consider the subtle ways Scripture can be set aside in order to nudge Christians towards false theological positions and beliefs. 

    The Equip Project Podcast
    en-usMay 10, 2023

    S7 E3 - How to Study the Bible: Poetry

    S7 E3 - How to Study the Bible: Poetry

    It's one thing to listen to a Bible teacher talk about a passage of Scripture. But in our personal study, how should we go about making sense of it? Are there any techniques that might help a young adult engage more effectively with the Bible? 

    Our desire is that the Lord might use these episode to equip you and encourage you when it comes to studying the Bible. 

    The Equip Project Podcast
    en-usApril 19, 2023

    S7 E2 - Authority & Abuse

    S7 E2 - Authority & Abuse

    Welcome to  a new season of the Equip Project Podcast! 

    This season is called 'Twitter Storms'. We've decided to discuss some of the controversies that have erupted within Christians circles in the past year. Our aim is not to gossip, but rather to use some of these controversies to prepare ourselves for times when we face similar situations. 

    We trust God uses this season to bless and help you in your Christian walk. 

    The Equip Project Podcast
    en-usApril 11, 2023

    S7 E1 - Tim Keller and his critics

    S7 E1 - Tim Keller and his critics

    Welcome to  a new season of the Equip Project Podcast! 

    This season is called 'Twitter Storms'. We've decided to discuss some of the controversies that have erupted within Christians circles in the past year. Our aim is not to gossip, but rather to use some of these controversies to prepare ourselves for times when we face similar situations. 

    We trust God uses this season to bless and help you in your Christian walk. 

    The Equip Project Podcast
    en-usMarch 28, 2023

    S6 E7 - How to Study the Bible: Narrative

    S6 E7 - How to Study the Bible: Narrative

    In the final episode of Season 6 we ask: 'How should we go about studying the Bible?'
    It's one thing to listen to a Bible teacher talk about a passage of Scripture. But in our personal study, how should we go about making sense of it? Are there any techniques that might help a young adult engage more effectively with the Bible? 

    Our desire is that the Lord might use this episode to equip you and encourage you when it comes to studying the Bible. 

    The Equip Project Podcast
    en-usNovember 22, 2022

    S6 E6 - 1 & 2 Samuel: Leadership

    S6 E6 - 1 & 2 Samuel: Leadership

    In this episode we discuss 1st and 2nd Samuel. In the original Hebrew manuscripts, Samuel was a single book, but it was divided into two by the translators who produced the Septuagint. 

    The historical background to Samuel is really dark. The period of Israel’s history
    known as the Judges had left the nation at its lowest ever point. Israel was riddled with idolatry and corruption and violence. It looked as if the wheels had come off God’s plan for His people. But Samuel records the rise of King David, and David transforms the life of the nation. By the time his reign ends, he is an emperor. Israel had every reason to believe that it might end up as one of the major players in the ancient Near East, like Assyria or Babylon.

    But not long after David dies, the nation is torn apart, and divides into the Northern Kingdom and Judah in the south. The Northern kingdom is essentially destroyed by Assyria, and Judah limps on as a minor player for a few centuries until the exile to Babylon.

    Samuel records the rise of Israel from its lowest point to its highest, in terms of
    building a stable and strong society. And that gives us our first clue about the book’s big idea. The issue being raised by Samuel is the question of leadership.

    The Equip Project Podcast
    en-usNovember 08, 2022

    Equip Live - What's Wrong With The World?

    Equip Live - What's Wrong With The World?

    In our first ever Equip Live we address the question 'What's Wrong With the World?' before turning to questions submitted by the audience.

    God used this live event to greatly encourage us, it was brilliant to get the chance to meet so many Equip listeners. Thank you all for coming along! 

    We hope to run more live events in the coming months, so keep an eye on our Instagram page! 

    The Equip Project Podcast
    en-usNovember 01, 2022

    S6 E5 - Isaiah

    S6 E5 - Isaiah

    This week, we tackle one of the longest books in the Bible – the prophecy of Isaiah. Isaiah is 66 chapters long and has been called the Romans of the Old Testament. But the truth is that most preachers just dip into it. Chapter 9’s promise of the Messiah is read in most Carol services. Isaiah’s vision of the Holy One in Chapter 6 is really famous, as is the beautiful poetry about creation in Chapter 40. And of course most of us could recite Chapter 53 from memory. But there are huge swathes of the book that we rarely go near. Join us to learn more about this remarkable book. 

    The Equip Project Podcast
    en-usOctober 18, 2022

    S6 E4 - Philippians: The Trajectory of Life

    S6 E4 - Philippians: The Trajectory of Life

    This season we are going to try something that we’ve never attempted before. In each episode, we’ll take a book of the bible and ask: 'what is the big idea that underpins this book?' So we won’t be delving into individual chapters or verses. We’ll take a helicopter view of the entire book, and ask: what would be missing in the canon of 66 books if this particular book was missing?

    In Episode 4 we consider the book of Philippians. 

    The Equip Project Podcast
    en-usOctober 05, 2022

    Queen Elizabeth II - A Reflection

    Queen Elizabeth II - A Reflection
    We give thanks to God for Queen Elizabeth II, for her 70 years of faithful service, and for her consistent witness to her Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. 

    In this special episode we reflect on her Christian faith.

    The Equip Project Podcast
    en-usSeptember 09, 2022

    S6 E3 - John: Knowing God

    S6 E3 - John: Knowing God

    This season we are going to try something that we’ve never attempted before. In each episode, we’ll take a book of the bible and ask: 'what is the big idea that underpins this book?' So we won’t be delving into individual chapters or verses. We’ll take a helicopter view of the entire book, and ask: what would be missing in the canon of 66 books if this particular book was missing?

    In Episode 3 we consider the Gospel of John.

    The Equip Project Podcast
    en-usSeptember 02, 2022