
    The Equipped For Life Podcast

    The Equipped For Life Podcast is dedicated to providing men with spiritual knowledge and insight from the teachings of Jesus and the Bible. Whether you're just starting your journey of faith as a Christian or you're a seasoned disciple, Equipped For Life is here to ensure you have the tools you need to handle life's many challenges. 

    en-usB.C. Vine28 Episodes

    Episodes (28)

    One Black Man And An All White Church | Conversation With Pastor G. Laine Robinson

    One Black Man And An All White Church | Conversation With Pastor G. Laine Robinson

    What is like being a Black pastor in a predominantly White Church? Is the love of Christ enough to cover cultural differences? How do we know when we are meant to be a blessing or we are meant to be blessed? What tools do we need in order to help people navigate the growing confusion in today's society. On this special edition of The Equipped For Life podcast we chat with Pastor G. Laine Robinson about these burning questions and more. 

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    Abraham, Jesus, And Me? The Old And New Covenant

    Abraham, Jesus, And Me? The Old And New Covenant

    What does the life of Abraham have to do with us as modern day Christians? What is significant about the sacrifice of Isaac? Why does God call certain men into covenant? What does any of it have to do with Jesus. Join us on the this episode of the Equipped For Life podcast as we dive into a teaching on Abraham in the Old Testament with brother Clint Carter. 

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    How To Live With Honor In A Dishonorable Society

    How To Live With Honor In A Dishonorable Society

    What does it mean to show honor? To your mother? To your father? To your neighbor? To your boss? To your spouse? How do we honor those we don't respect or who treat us with dishonor? On this episode of the Equipped For Life podcast we chat with Mike Ryherd about the concept of honor in a society that seems to be losing what it means to live honorably. 

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    Jesus The Cloud Rider. Exploring The Book of Daniel

    Jesus The Cloud Rider. Exploring The Book of Daniel

    Who does the Bible say rides on the clouds? How many times is this referenced? Why is it significant? Who is the Son of Man? What does that even me? On this episode of Equipped For Life we explore the prophetic text of Daniel 7:13 and discuss its significance and meaning. You don't want to miss this episode!

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    Jesus, Where Art Though? Exploring The Old Testament

    Jesus, Where Art Though? Exploring The Old Testament

    Is Jesus mentioned in the Old Testament? How many times exactly? What books does he show up in? Where can we find the prophesies? Are Christians reaching for signs or are there really types and shadows of His coming? Join us on in the episode of The Equipped For Life podcast as we explore the Old Testament on a search for glimpses of the Messiah's presence. 

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    Reshaping American Culture: Can It Be Done?

    Reshaping American Culture: Can It Be Done?

    Is it possible to reshape the culture in America? Do Christian men have the ability to affect change in American society? Have men lost their influence? Join the men of Equipped For Life as we discuss how we can stand our ground and make a positive impact in an ever changing societal landscape. 

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    STOP Making New Year's Resolutions! Let God Plan Your Future!

    STOP Making New Year's Resolutions! Let God Plan Your Future!

    God has a unique and specific plan for your life. It's time to dig deep and see what you were created to do. On this episode of The Equipped For Life podcast we dive into the concept of vision casting for the future and tapping into God's intentional, purposeful and unique plan for your life. Start the New Year right and see what God has for you this year and beyond. 

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    I'm Broke! Does God Want Me To Be Poor?

    I'm Broke! Does God Want Me To Be Poor?

    The concepts of poverty and wealth are hard topics for us to tackle and adding spirituality into the mix doesn't make it any easier. On this episode of The Equipped For Life podcast we dive into how God views prosperity and blessings and how we should posture our hearts around money and giving. 

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    Do You Believe In Miracles? Tis The Season!

    Do You Believe In Miracles? Tis The Season!

    Do You Believe In Miracles? During the Christmas season it's easy to minimize the meaning and importance of God's miracles in our lives. As we approach the holidays let's evaluate how God uses miraculous events in our lives to remind us of his glory and power. Join us as brother Mike Ryherd walks us through a lesson on the miracles and wonders of the Most High God. 

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    For information on EFL, in person group studies, or donation opportunities please visit eflpodast.buzzsprout.com.

    Embrace Forgiveness And Let Go Of The Past

    Embrace Forgiveness And Let Go Of The Past

    It's time to put past hurt behind. It's time to forgive yourself for the mistakes you've made. How can you move forward if you can't embrace God's forgiveness? How can you receive God's plan to restore your life if you're holding on to what was? On this episode of The Equipped For Life podcast we learn to embrace forgiveness and let go of the past. 

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    For information on EFL, in person group studies, or donation opportunities please visit eflpodast.buzzsprout.com.

    Mind Control: Satanic Technology Takeover

    Mind Control: Satanic Technology Takeover

    Is today's modern technology corrupting your mind? Are you being led astray by the endless flow of content flooding your eyes? Do you find yourself wasting away staring at your device for hours on end? If so, technology may be controlling your mind. Join the men of Equipped For Life as we dive into a discussion surrounding the dangers of being engulfed with modern day technology. 

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    Living In A Sexless Marriage

    Living In A Sexless Marriage

    Has the love dried up in your marriage? Are you and your wife struggling to find intimate connection? Are you at a loss for how to rekindle your love life with your spouse? Well don't be discouraged. There is hope! On Episode 16 of The Equipped For Life podcast we discuss how to change the course of your marriage. You won't want to miss this episode. 

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    Liar Liar Soul On Fire

    Liar Liar Soul On Fire

    On Episode 15 of the Equipped For Life Podcast we discuss the lies we tell each other, the lies we tell ourselves, and the lies the world tells us all. Join Hollywood acclaimed actor Jason Mitchell and study leader, Todd Peterson as we discuss the importance of living a life of truth as a disciple of Jesus. 

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    A Glass Of Wine. A Shot of Judgement. Straight Up or on The Rocks?

    A Glass Of Wine. A Shot of Judgement. Straight Up or on The Rocks?

    A little bit of wine or no wine at all? How much is too much and how little is too little? What does the Bible really say about alcohol? Is it permissible to consume it? Is it beneficial for the disciple to partake in the consumption of alcohol? Where exactly is the line between moderation and drunkenness? Join the men of Equipped For Life as we dive into a discussion on drinking alcohol from a biblical perspective. 

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    Get High Or Walk With Jesus. Which Do You Prefer?

    Get High Or Walk With Jesus. Which Do You Prefer?

    Drugs or Jesus is the question we're asking on this episode of The Equipped For Life podcast. Join the men of EFL alongside our special guest, Robert Borelli, author of the book, The Witness as we discuss the impact that drugs and alcohol have on our spirit, mind, and body and how we as disciples should approach drug use.  

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    Pornography is killing you and destroying your life. Men, we have to STOP now! On this episode of The Equipped For Life podcast we discuss the impact of pornography on the Spirit, soul, and body and how we can combat the onslaught of sexually immoral content bombarding us everywhere. 

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    God Condones Murder. The Proof Is In Scripture!

    God Condones Murder. The Proof Is In Scripture!

    In what circumstances can a disciple commit murder? Does God allow us to kill things? Join our discussion as brother Todd Peterson makes the case for justifiable premeditated murder directly from the teachings of Jesus and the writers of the New Testament. You won't want to miss this discussion!

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    Manifestation And Gifts Of The Spirit. What Does It Mean?

    Manifestation And Gifts Of The Spirit. What Does It Mean?

    Do you understand what it means to manifest the gifts of the Spirit? Do you wonder about healing? Speaking in tongues? The gift of prophecy? Join the men of Equipped For Life as we dive into a study on spiritual manifestation from 1 Corinthians 12:7 with brother Morris Hunter. 

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    Is God's Forgiveness Really Unconditional?

    Is God's Forgiveness Really Unconditional?

    Does the Bible truly teach unconditional forgiveness? Are there limits to God's love and grace? When is it acceptable to withhold our forgiveness from others? Are there transgressions to great to forgive? Join the men of Equipped for Life as we dive into the Scriptures to explore the concept of unconditional grace and forgiveness. 

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    Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers? 7 Things Blocking Your Prayers!

    Why Doesn't God Answer My Prayers? 7 Things Blocking Your Prayers!

    Does it ever feel like God doesn't answer your prayers? What is going on? Why doesn't he hear us? Join us on The Equipped For Life podcast as we discuss the 7 things hindering your prayer life with Pastor G. Laine Robinson. 

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    For information on EFL, in person group studies, or donation opportunities please visit eflpodast.buzzsprout.com.