
    THE EVANS LIFE: A Remarkable Adventure

    Welcome to our podcast! We promise you that in the coming days, weeks, months, and years, we will be here for you, on this podcast. We are building something remarkable. And we want to help you build something remarkable too. We’re all on different paths and journeys. Yours will not be like ours necessarily. But we believe it can and will become something precious and incredibly valuable to you.
    enBob and Diane Evans94 Episodes

    Episodes (94)

    The Value of Gratitude

    The Value of Gratitude

    The benefits of gratitude are many. In fact, gratitude can cancel out a whole host of negative emotions, and be the gateway to something that is in short supply in the world right now. Empathy.

    In this episode of the Evans Life, A Remarkable Adventure, Bob, Diane, and Stacey talk about ways to incorporate gratitude into your daily life. And they answer the Question of the Week; Why do we sometimes concentrate on what isn't right in our lives, instead of what is?

    What A Week!

    What A Week!

    Murphy's Law is REAL!!! 

    These past two weeks (really) have been ones for the books. Challenge after challenge after challenge. Not life-shattering, just major developments that make you wonder if you should have stayed in bed. 

    If you've ever had days or weeks or months like that, Diane has some great advice to help you get through it.

    Being There

    Being There

    Just showing up is 90% of it. Just showing up.

    And we almost didn't. 

    Join us on this episode of the Evans Life, A Remarkable Adventure podcast to hear how we snatched victory from the jaws of defeat in a way that we'll never forget. 

    And you probably won't either.

    Walking in the Footsteps of Giants

    Walking in the Footsteps of Giants

    Every four years our children get to retrace some of the footsteps of the Mormon Pioneers, many of whom lost their lives on their trek west. It is a life-changing event.

    In this episode, Joseph, Grace, Emmalee, and Isaac join us to recount what they experienced; the fun, the funny, and the sobering realizations that we all drink from wells we did not dig, and stand on the shoulders of giants.

    Post Las Vegas

    Post Las Vegas

    Baby watch is over!!!! Paul and Lauren's little baby girl Lennon is finally here!!! And she is SO cute!!!

    Not only that, but Diane, Stacey, Grace, Emmalee, Jaxon, and Brock spent 7 DAYS in Las Vegas. Why?

    Grace won a scholarship to Season Finale, the national dance convention where the best dancers in the country are trained by the finest instructors and celebrity artists.

    Now, all the big kids are about to re-enact a pioneer trek across part of Wyoming.

    What a summer so far!!!!

    Crossfit Semifinals

    Crossfit Semifinals

    When our ninth child Michael became one of two Crossfit athletes from Utah to qualify for the International NoBull Syndicate Crown Crossfit Semifinals to be held in Knoxville, Tennessee Diane's response was immediate, "We're going. All of us." 

    And so we did.

    Out of nearly 300,000 Crossfit athletes around the world, only 30 qualified for the semifinals in Knoxville. The top five athletes moved on to the finals.

    This episode of the Evans Life, A Remarkable Adventure recounts that incredible experience. To watch Michael win one of his heats, click on this link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxR7QEWYTtw 

    The 5 Love Languages

    The 5 Love Languages
    What if he thought she loves gifts, but in fact she loves quality time together? What if she thought he loves acts of service, but in fact he loves physical touch?

    Knowing your spouse, significant other, or children's love languages is critical in helping them to feel truly loved, and building a strong and lasting relationship.

    Bob, Diane, and Stacey take the 5 Love Languages Quiz, and encounter some surprises along the way.

    The Profile Book

    The Profile Book
    Whether it's putting together a profile book for your upcoming adoption, or embarking on a new chapter in your life, listening to that inner voice and having the courage to do what it tells you to do makes all the difference. 

    Erica Chancellor (etsy.com/shop/littleknithomeco) shares her inspiring story of adoption, and how she helps other adoptive families prepare the all-important Family Profile Book. 

    A Birth Mother's Heart

    A Birth Mother's Heart

    Adoption is very emotional. For everyone. The adoptive parents are nervous, anxious, longing to love, and full of hope and even faith.

    But what about the birth mother? This young woman will become a new mother, with all that that entails physically and emotionally. And will then, in what is usually a very short time, hand her baby over to strangers to raise and call their own.

    Ashley Mitchell (bigtoughgirl.com) became a birth mother at age 26. In this episode, Bob & Diane visit with her about what she was feeling then, and continues to feel now, as a wife and mother of two, and a birth mother of one.

    The Inner Experience with Psychologist Russell Hurlburt

    The Inner Experience with Psychologist Russell Hurlburt

    Where do our thoughts come from? Whose voice is that we're hearing in our head? How do our thoughts and inspiration intersect or overlap? 

    These are just some of the questions we put to psychologist Russell Hurlburt at UNLV, an expert on the inner experience, as we drill down on how what we think and feel affect the decisions we make, and how we behave.

    Prepare for a fascinating and stimulating discussion.

    Adoption By Design

    Adoption By Design

    If you had to make a brochure that succinctly describes you and your family, could you do it? What would you say? What pictures would you include? How would you convey what you're truly like in a way that would touch someone's heart?

    In this episode we talk with Kendra from Adoption By Design about that very thing. And with Kendra being on her own adoption journey, we know you're going to fall in love with her, just as we did!

    A Trip To New York - and Back

    A Trip To New York - and Back

    Sometimes adventure lies just beyond a spur-of-the-moment decision. Who knew what lie ahead for Stacey as she and her friends decided on a whim to buy those cheap airline tickets to Boston, and then New York?

    You'll find out in this episode, as Bob, Diane, and Stacey recount her Remarkable Adventure, and catch you up on their adventurous life back at home.

    Glow Kids - The Cost of Screen Addiction

    Glow Kids - The Cost of Screen Addiction

    Sandy Hook, and other tragedies like it; infants dying of neglect as their parents played video games; the loss of real human interaction and person-to-person learning. These, and much more, are the terrible costs of our digital age. Little children, and even infants, are given screens in the name of educating, entertaining, and babysitting them.

    But what it's doing to their brains and their lives will terrify you when you hear what psychologist and best-selling author Nicholas Kardaras, Ph.D. presents in this interview with Bob & Diane.  

    How to Make Decisions in Life, Part 4 - Rabbi Avremi Zippel

    How to Make Decisions in Life, Part 4 - Rabbi Avremi Zippel

    For ten years while he was growing up Rabbi Avremi Zippel was sexually abused by his caretaker. In recent years, he decided it was time to come forward. Now, his abuser is in prison. And he is a vocal advocate for sexual abuse victims in religious communities.

    Through his life experience and religious training he has developed tremendous insight into not only the worth of a soul, but making use of that divine spark in each of us to help guide our lives.

    You'll enjoy listening to Bob and Diane's conversation with this very wise man.