
    The Everyday People Podcast - By The HR Dad

    This Podcast is dedicated to telling your big story! Extraordinary things happen all of the time, with everyday people just like you and me. With years of experience as an HR executive and being a Dad, I see everyday greatness…every day. It's my joy and privilege to get to share those stories of greatness. Welcome to the internationally loved podcast were all my guests are nominated by someone else who thinks they have an incredible story to share! Is Your Big Story Next? Onward and up! Greg Brenner Aka "TheHRDad"
    enGreg Brenner32 Episodes

    Episodes (32)

    Episode #30 Glenn Lundy - I Was Invisible

    Episode #30 Glenn Lundy - I Was Invisible

    Have you ever felt invisible?

    Glenn Lundy had felt that way and lived through the consequences of being invisible. Listen in on how Glenn manages to escape a life that only focused on his mind and body. He lived the life of if it felt good in his mind and with his body, he did it. That path led him to destructive behaviors that almost claimed his own life. 

    Glenn is a now a parent of 8 mouths that he and his wife need to feed. His journey to business and life success had major set backs and pot holes. Those roads that were once so bumpy only became smooth when he learned about his own spirituality and fighting through comfortability. 

    Please listen, subscribe, rate and share this podcast and episode about Glenn Lundy on all popular platforms across the galaxy like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Play Music or where ever you listen to popular podcasts.  

    Onward and up!

    Greg Brenner 

    Episode #29 Naheed Khan - Arranged Marriage

    Episode #29 Naheed Khan - Arranged Marriage

    An arranged marriage in this century? Yep, it still happens as we learn together. Can you imagine living in a society as a woman, where your parents still pick your husband...until death do you part?

    This is Naheed Khan's everyday story as she shares her deepest lows to her highest highs, in search for a life that was meaningful. She chose to buck societal pressures to be a certain kind of a woman. In other ways she kept her word to honor her parents even when it hurt her the most. 

    This is a story of life and almost losing it all, to fighting to be yourself, on your own terms.   

    Please listen, subscribe, rate and share this podcast with your friends :). Catch this episode about Naheed on all popular platforms.

    Onward and up!

    Greg Brenner - The HR Dad 

    Episode #28 Dr. Michelle Gordon - Suffering is Optional

    Episode #28 Dr. Michelle Gordon - Suffering is Optional

    Is there more? The "White Lab Coat" is synonymous with being smart, a healer, and even having Godlike qualities to those who get healed. Doctors amass wealth, respect and healthy egos. They have it all or so it would seem. 

    Dr. Gordon, now a recently retired board certified surgeon was on the front lines of Covid 19 in New York during it's now infamous surge in 2020 but that is not her real story. She chose to heal herself before healing one more patient, which has brought her to a calling of helping woman through Menopause. 

    Listen in on how Dr. Gordon's life took many different turns from dealing with molestation, a sick baby, divorce, being unemployable and finally finding love and her true purpose.      

    Please listen, subscribe, rate and share this podcast with your friends :). Catch this episode about Dr. Michelle Gordon on all the popular platforms. 

    Onward and up! 

    Greg Brenner - The HR Dad

    Episode #27 Marty Nocchi - A Priest No More

    Episode #27 Marty Nocchi - A Priest No More

    The feeling of "I can't breathe" has come to mean different things in 2020. Listen in on how Marty's incident and that feeling of he can't breathe followed him into his career and calling of being a Catholic Priest. 

    Marty was a kind soul to speak with, a deep thinker and one even as Priest had many everyday problems that he shares. He will give you the glimpse into his rise and fall of his life of being a spiritual leader. 

    Please listen, subscribe, rate and share this podcast and episode about Mary Nocchi on all popular platforms. 

    Onward and up! 

    Greg Brenner

    Episode #26 Rebekah Charleston - A Sexually Exploited Life

    Episode #26 Rebekah Charleston - A Sexually Exploited Life

    A good family and a good girl, then it all changed. Listen how bullying, depression and rape led to a life no girl should ever have to endure. 

    Rebekah's story took many turns which led her to sex trafficking and being sexually exploited. This story will disturb you and make you cringe. At the same time this story will school you on how the sex trade works and how the prey gets caught and eventually escapes.

    Thankfully there are people like Rebekah who are making a different to eradicate this "business".   

    Please listen, subscribe, rate and share this podcast episode about Rebekah Charleston on all popular platforms.  

    Onward and up.

    Greg Brenner

    Episode #25 Madeleine Black - The Accidental Forgiver

    Episode #25 Madeleine Black  - The Accidental Forgiver

    Madeleine was muted after being ganged raped at the age of 13 years old. She takes on her journey of recovering from a terrible trauma that nearly left her dead, to finding her way to marriage and motherhood. 

    Her story weaves us through the pain one experiences and how she eventually unlocked the shackles in her mind that she was haunted with post the rape. 

    If anyone has dealt with physical trauma like rape and the emotional rape that ensues, please hear her story as it can help you find your way to freedom from the abuse. That abuse left a scar well after the physical pain wore off.

    Please listen, subscribe, and share this podcast episode about Madeleine Black, her gang rape and how she found the keys that eventually unlocked her and left her Unbroken.

    Onward and up!

    Greg Brenner

    The HR Dad   



    Episode #24 Nadine Langlois - Love Addiction

    Episode #24 Nadine Langlois - Love Addiction

    Have you ever wanted to be rescued? Are you someone's savior? Nadine takes us through her life of love addiction and the highs and lows of relationships. 

    Growing up from the ashes of dysfunction to becoming a person who needed love, Nadine's personal journey will resonate to all of you who love, love and the good, the bad and everyday realities love brings.

    Please listen, subscribe, share this podcast episode about Nadine Langlois and her love addiction and how she found her way out of it.

    Onward and up!

    Greg Brenner

    The HR Dad      

    Episode #23 Mark Metry - Mental Malfunction

    Episode #23 Mark Metry - Mental Malfunction

    You feel like you are born flawed from God...

    You can be surrounded by people who love you dearly and you love them and you can still be very lonely. This is where Mark was and this can be the life of someone that suffers from social anxiety.

    Many times his heart and brain felt locked so he would not be hurt again. This desensitizes one to life. Mark began to learn to manage this anxiety through nutrition among other things and eventually he unlocked his mind, heart and even his gut.     

    Listen to Mark Metry's story of Social Anxiety and how he has learned to grow from the inside out.  

    Onward and up!


    The HR Dad

    Episode #22 Tabitha Cavanagh -The Connector Beat Cancer

    Episode #22 Tabitha Cavanagh -The Connector Beat Cancer

    Woman in their 30's are not supposed to get stage 3 colon cancer.  Tabitha took it and beat it through a bad ass mindset that was filled with connection and faith. 

    As if cancer was not enough Tabitha was laid off while pregnant and again after a double mastectomy. Life has not always been easy but with a wonderful attitude and a passion for connecting people together has helped her defy death and devastating events.

    Tabitha now advocates for others who fight and or have lost the fight to this horrible disease. Listen in to Tabitha's everyday people big story. 

    Onward and up!


    The HR Dad

    Episode #21 Mary Henderson - Radical Changes

    Episode #21 Mary Henderson - Radical Changes

    "My daughter is not going to prostitute herself on a stage" Those words came from Mary's mother. That was in response when Mary told her Mom she wanted to go to an arts school to learn how to perform. That moment started a downward spiral that lasted close to 15 years and nearly destroyed her. 

    Mary has gone through many radical changes during her life. She has "had it all" and gave that all up to find her true self that was staring at her in the mirror. Listen to Mary's story if you have ever been lost in life, forced to make radical changes and claw back to the top of a new mountain.  

    Onward and up!


    The HR Dad  

    Episode #20 Ruqya Khan - Not All About Diapers & Dishes

    Episode #20 Ruqya Khan - Not All About Diapers & Dishes

    Life is not all about Diapers and Dishes, is the epiphany this Mother came to the conclusion with after always doing the right things. Is there more, is always a difficult question to answer when you are in the search for meaning.

    Ruqya or RK takes us on the journey of her story from leaving her country because of an impending war, to staying briefly in a refugee camp and settling in her new country with 27 people under one roof. From there RK learned to fall in love with words and begin to write.

    This episode will open up your perspectives on different cultures and teach us how your up bringing even with the best intentions shapes you in ways that might not align with who we are inside. Ruqka gives up a look inside of a person who has grown and really teaches that our words matter and that our kids our watching us. 

    Onward and up!


    The HR Dad  

    Episode #19 Larry Levine - Selling From His Heart

    Episode #19 Larry Levine - Selling From His Heart

    Seeking the "approval" from a parent can drive or haunt a child for a life time. Larry Levine talks about his life lessons while Selling From The Heart. If you are in sales this is a must listen to episode. More importantly if you are a parent, you have a profound impact on your children good or bad and that can haunt or help you kids on their journey as Larry teaches us.  

    Listen in to Larry's journey from failures, mentorship  and professional lessons to success, all while living from the heart. As you will find very quickly on this podcast episode Larry goes deep.

    He is an open book from his relationship with his rocket scientist dad who rarely showed him the love and the approval he always wanted, to getting fired in middle age to helping sales professionals succeed and win.

    Larry is a 100% heart guy, please enjoy his everyday people  story...

    Onward and up!


    The HR Dad  

    Episode #18 Helene Rennervik - Your Son Has Cancer...

    Episode #18 Helene Rennervik - Your Son Has Cancer...

     "Your son has cancer." The "C" word is bad enough all by itself, add three words to Cancer and it becomes devastating. Listen to Helene Rennervik tell her Everyday People Story of hearing those words that were directed at her nine-year-old son. "Is he going to die?" and "How am I going to tell him?" These questions  and more raced through her mind.

    Helene shares how she handled this news and some of the unlikely sources of inspiration in this journey. Prior hardships helped prepare her this unthinkable moment. She learned so much about her family and herself, as she had to learn to be present in every moment of life.

    Listen to Helene Rennervik's everyday people story on today's episode! 

    Please share and rate this podcast wherever you listen to popular podcasts. That would be incredible and I would have so much gratitude for your kind act!  

    Onward and up! 


    The HR Dad


    Episode #17 Lucy Schalkwijk - A Woman on a Woman's Mission

    Episode #17 Lucy Schalkwijk - A Woman on a Woman's Mission

    Lucy Schalkwijk is a woman who is on a mission driven to help woman grow! As a young woman she bucked the status quo and questioned her future life in thinking is the regular job and being in the same apartment for 30 years going to be enough for her. She said no and left home and went to a foreign country to begin fulfilling her mission.   

    Her mission is to connect and empower career woman and she does it in all places Africa. The mission came alive in a discussion with one other woman. From one discussion to now she has over 400 members in her non profit many from some of the poorest areas in her country.  

    Listen to Lucy's everyday people story on today's episode! 

    Please share and rate this podcast where ever you listen to popular podcasts. That would be incredible!  

    Onward and up! 


    The HR Dad



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Check In #1 - The Pandemic, The Problems & Proliferation of Panic

    Check In #1 - The Pandemic, The Problems & Proliferation of Panic

    Have you have heard of the Coronavirus pandemic thing going around? Unless you are off totally off the grid, you most likely have heard about it. A lot of people I know are concerned and panicked. 

    This is my first "check in" episode, where it is just you and me and no guest(s). Today, I share my thoughts on the current state of things with this pandemic and think about ways to calm ourselves.  

    I wish you all much health and safety. If you are being impacted by the virus either physically, emotionally or directly through your family, your business or your work, I am thinking about you and sending positive vibes your way. 

    Stay healthy my friends and we will endure this together.

    Oh yeah don't forget to breathe in then out -- Repeat!  

    Onward and up!


    The HR Dad,                                                                                    If you love this podcast please rate and share it! 

    Episode #16 Will Holdren - A Christian Teenager

    Episode #16 Will Holdren - A Christian Teenager

    If you have lost faith in youth today, you must listen in to Will who is an 18-year-old faith-based high school senior. He has accomplished a whole bunch of stuff at a very young age.

    He is a 3 sport high school athlete, is popular and befriends everyone, plays drums in his church band, has written a book that is sold on Amazon, yes, Amazon, and if that is not enough, he is 100% grounded in his religion. 

    Will has not taken a puff of anything including vaping, his lips have not touched alcohol and he has never touched a drug. He has some internal battles like most teenagers yet he still is wonderful! 

    Will is an aspiring entrepreneur and will be shipping off to college next year. If you need a little restore in kids, or you need some motivation with your raising your own kids, give a listen in to Will as he is pure and one cool cat!    

    If you enjoy the Everyday People Podcast - By The HR Dad, please share it and give a positive 5-Star rating so that more people can find the podcast. I would be most appreciative!

    Onward and up!

    Greg Brenner, The HR Dad


    Episode #15 Melissa Hughes - The Grateful Brain

    Episode #15 Melissa Hughes - The Grateful Brain

    The Grateful Brain was the title to one of Melissa's blog posts and I thought it was the perfect title for her episode, as she is a self-proclaimed neuroscience geek. 

    Melissa has extensively studied how the brain works and how the brain function can help people in workplaces work better together. From gratitude to making sure people matter are just some of the things Melissa covers with me.

    Give a listen to learn about the brain and how it works so that you can give your mind a fighting chance to be used to the best of its ability!   

    If you enjoy the Everyday People Podcast - By The HR Dad, please share it and give a positive rating so that more people can find the podcast. I would be most appreciative!

    Onward and up!

    Greg Brenner, The HR Dad



    Episode #14 Heather Younger - Fired with Dignity

    Episode #14 Heather Younger - Fired with Dignity

    Heather never felt growing up that she was enough. Born into a family that was multi cultural, mixed in with different races and religious belief's. Like most kids she just wanted to fit in.

    Unfortunately, Heather usually felt like the outcast. Professionally she did the corporate thing until she was laid off. This rocked her world as the main bread winner in her family, it was devastating.

    This brought her right back to her childhood feeling of being an outcast. Thankfully she was laid off with dignity and learned to flip a switch. That switch turned out to be a blessing for her as she began to launch her business.

    Give a listen in to this mother of 4 and her journey. Heather has effectively learned to flip the switch to a better (action packed) life!      

    If you enjoy the Everyday People Podcast - By The HR Dad, please share it and give a positive rating so that more people can find the podcast. I would be most appreciative!

    Onward and up!

    Greg Brenner, The HR Dad


    Episode #13 Amy Blaschka - The Ghost Writer Who Stopped Hiding

    Episode #13 Amy Blaschka - The Ghost Writer Who Stopped Hiding

    Amy shares her non-linear journey in becoming a writer. She see's the brilliance in others and writes about it. Being a writer comes with a sense of vulnerability that you must overcome which is not always easy if you are the sensitive kind. 

    Ghost writers can be hidden in plain sight and Amy shares her thoughts on how she has stopped hiding. People tell her things and she writes their stories which is very much her own brilliance. Amy is chock full with a contagious energy as she shares her journey and her desire to "just be" in her everyday life.  

    If you enjoy the Everyday People Podcast - By The HR Dad, please share it and give a positive rating so that more people can find this podcast. I would be most appreciative!

    Onward and up!

    Greg Brenner, The HR Dad


    Episode #12 Adam Posner - Fired By Gary Vee Turned Solopreneur

    Episode #12 Adam Posner - Fired By Gary Vee Turned Solopreneur

    Seven months into his new job at Vayner Media Gary Vaynerchuk's company Adam is let go - fired - kaput. He just bought an expensive house in the burbs child on the way. Around the same time, his daughter had to spend a week in a burn unit by a terrible accident that involved Adam's mother.

    Adam hit rock bottom and yet refused to let that those events define him. When he got fired at Vanyer, Gary Vee gave him one piece of advice which was "to STOP focusing on what you suck at and DOUBLE Down on your strengths."

    Turn into to hear Adam Posner's story of doubling down!

    If you enjoy this episode and podcast please share and give a positive rating so that more people can hear this episode and many more to come.           

    Onward and up!

    Greg Brenner, the HR Dad
