
    The evrē Podcast

    UCHealth presents The evrē Podcast series. We’re taking our signature wellness event celebrating all women and breaking it down into episodes where we’ll connect with special guests and top health experts to help you live your best life.
    enUCHealth12 Episodes

    Episodes (12)

    Meditation: The New Superpower | The evrē Podcast | UCHealth

    Meditation: The New Superpower | The evrē Podcast | UCHealth

    Mindfulness is the practice of grounding yourself in the present moment and there are many ways of practicing it. Meditation, yoga and mantras are just some examples of ways to be mindful. The practice, which has been around for centuries, is now being used by doctors and therapists to help people deal with stress, anxiety, depression, pain management, finding happiness and so much more. Find out how mindfulness works on your brain and learn ways to fit it into your life.

    Hormones and Your Health | The evrē Podcast | UCHealth

    Hormones and Your Health | The evrē Podcast | UCHealth

    Our hormones make us who we are and are essential to good health. But when they’re out of balance, they can be extremely disruptive to our well-being. For women, there are many times throughout life that our hormones naturally change, starting with puberty, then around pregnancy, and again during
    perimenopause and menopause. In this episode, Dr. Laura Borgelt talks all about these changes and the other ways hormones can affect us over the course of our lives.

    Love Yourself | The evrē Podcast | UCHealth

    Love Yourself | The evrē Podcast | UCHealth

    We all struggle with loving ourself, whether it’s our body, appearance, or what we can or can’t do as women. But we are stuck with ourself our whole life, so we have to find a way to come to terms with who we are or we risk always feeling bad. There are many ways to combat negative thoughts and to find self-acceptance and self-love. In this episode, we explore common
    negative self-talk and ways to change our negative habits so we can learn to love ourself.

    Believe and Achieve | The evrē Podcast | UCHealth

    Believe and Achieve | The evrē Podcast | UCHealth

    We all have things we want to accomplish, big and small. The key to our success is knowing how to set realistic goals and overcome obstacles along the way. In this episode, we talk to the highly accomplished Dr. Kathleen Flarity, brigadier general, who discusses her experience with goal setting and shares some unexpected advice.

    Attitude of Gratitude | The evrē Podcast | UCHealth

    Attitude of Gratitude | The evrē Podcast | UCHealth

    Practicing gratitude may seem cliché, but there is scientific evidence that remembering what we are grateful for can positively impact both our physical and mental health. This episode discusses the ways you can start a gratitude practice and how to overcome the times you feel you have nothing to be grateful for.

    Make a U-turn | The evrē Podcast | UCHealth

    Make a U-turn | The evrē Podcast | UCHealth

    Life is full of unexpected events. As we’ve seen with COVID-19, some events are more unforeseen than others. How can we get through challenging times and find ways of turning them into positive experiences? Dr. Margarita Sevilla discusses her amazing life and shares how she has grown from her own life’s challenges.

    Debunking Health Myths | The evrē Podcast | UCHealth

    Debunking Health Myths | The evrē Podcast | UCHealth

    Knowing what information sources to trust can be tricky. As a result, health myths spread easily.
    However, when we know the facts, we can be proactive about our health and can make choices that are
    not just healthy but can be life-saving. In this episode, we explore where to find reliable information online
    and we debunk a bunch of health myths that affect women.

    Do Hard Things | The evrē Podcast | UCHealth

    Do Hard Things | The evrē Podcast | UCHealth

    Resilience is the ability to get through tough times. While some people are taught resilience at a young
    age, others build it through challenging experiences. Either way, learning how to be resilient in the face of
    things we can’t control is relevant to everyone. Life is full of challenges, both big and small. This episode
    discusses the ways we can learn and grow from difficult experiences instead of letting them overwhelm

    Strength in Numbers | The evrē Podcast | UCHealth

    Strength in Numbers | The evrē Podcast | UCHealth

    Humans are social beings. We thrive when we are together and suffer when we’re not. This year has really put that fact into focus. Host Gloria Neal talks with clinical psychologist, Dr. Carrie Landin, about how to survive isolation due to COVID-19, dealing with challenging relationships, building a relationship with yourself and more.