
    The Expat Chat

    The Expat Chat is a weekday podcast where we interview inspiring expats who have thrown off the constraints of western congestion to enjoy their dream lifestyle in other parts of the world. If you want to combine the travels of Rick Steves and Samantha Brown with the lifestyle freedom of Tim Ferriss then this is for you.Subscribe today.
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    Episodes (140)

    Travel Perks Are Worth the Effort

    Travel Perks Are Worth the Effort

    Kay Dougherty was a successful well paid but stressed high heeled member of the Boston financial establishment when the financial crisis hit in 2008 and her company chose to downsize. In her mid 50’s Kay found getting a new job to be a challenge. Always a lover of travel she discovered a new role as a marketing consultant which paid the bills and have her increased freedom to travel more.

    Her travel blog of her adventures with her sister drew attention thanks to Kays contagious humor and led to a large social media following which opened up opportunities for Kay to enjoy sponsored trips from travel companies.

    Nearly 4 years on Kay is able to travel 3-4 months per year but is on the brink of expanding herself further and devoting more time to travel and earning an online income from it. In this interview she shares her take on becoming a travel writer, travelling safely as a woman and what young people should consider before jumping into an expat travel lifestyle.

    If you want travel stories with a sense of humor you’ll love following Kay on http://blondebrunettetravel.com

    What I learned from Kay’s interview:

    1. It does take a lot of followers to make a living from travel blogging. Kay freely admits that despite having a large following on social media circles it’s no guarantee of income. She does get a lot of complementary travel opportunities however and that is certainly a perk worth having!
    2. Kay raised a very good point about safety. A lot is written about the dangers of traveling overseas however most trouble spots in foreign countries are easy to identify and stay clear of – more so than is becoming the case in western countries where outbreaks of violence or terrorism are more random.
    3. Kay’s development into travel writing was quite slow. She initially went from an employment situation where her limited holidays were an add-on to her work schedule to a consulting situation (admittedly not of her own choice) where she was able to plan her holidays first and fit her consulting around it. This has enabled her to find her feet, increase her travel experiences, build some key relationships with travel boards, cruise ship companies and other travel providers, and develop her blog to the point where she now has a platform to develop a larger income stream and travel more.
    The Expat Chat
    enFebruary 24, 2016

    How I Moved Countries and Started Two Online Businesses

    How I Moved Countries and Started Two Online Businesses

    Well they say love can make you do things you don’t expect. For Andrea Gomez the prospect of moving from her home in Colombia to the Netherlands was not something she had expected growing up in Bogota!

    Andrea moved to be with her Dutch boyfriend around 8 months ago - to a small village near the border with Germany, and is slowly getting used to European life including climate changes that she never had to deal with before.

    In today’ s interview Andrea talks about what she loves about the Dutch way of life and the process she went through to gain her residency. She also discussed how she was able to start not one but two online businesses with no previous experience.


    What I learned from speaking with Andrea:

    1. If you are looking to become a Dutch resident brush up on your language skills. This is a requirement for initial residency and then again, with more advanced skills, when seeking a longer term residency. Andrea initially had to travel in and out of Holland for 90 day periods at a time until her initial paperwork was passed.
    2. What hidden talents have you not exploited? Andrea knew she had some talent as an artist but it took the expat experience to bring it out of her – and develop a surprising little business that probably wouldn’t have started had she stayed in Colombia.
    3. Shifting is a wonderful time to break out of your old mental barriers – many of which are self-imposed. No one knows you and no one cares. It’s a liberating time to explore things about yourself you may never have discovered.
    4. Cycling is the way to go in Holland. The flat countryside lends itself to it and bikes take priority over all other modes of transport meaning accidents are relatively rare.
    The Expat Chat
    enFebruary 21, 2016

    Village Life in Cambodia - How Volunteering has Changed My Life

    Village Life in Cambodia - How Volunteering has Changed My Life

    Cambodia offers its visitors a land of contrasts. Larger cities like Phnom Penh are fast developing a western style with many of the fast food chains setting up shop. But head to rural Cambodia and you take a step back in time to a place where life is a lot simpler.

    One person enjoying the benefits of Cambodian village life is Kirsty Thorpe, an Australian teacher who has been volunteering with a child rescue organization a couple of hours from Phnom Penh.

    In todays interview Kirsty shares what she loves about Cambodia, how she came to be involved in helping these young people and what you need to be wary of if you plan on volunteering overseas.

    You can find out more on Kirsty blog at https://cambodianlife2015.wordpress.com


    What I learned from Kirsty’s interview:

    1. It amazes me the attitude of people who have been through so much. Cambodia lost up to an estimated 3 million people -almost 25% of the population - to Pol Pot’s oppressive regime yet the people are consistently ranked amongst the warmest you can find.
    2. Again South East Asia gets top marks for safety. We’ve interviewed a number of women including Alice Nettleingham who consistently tell us how safe they find it and Cambodia is no exception.
    3. If you plan on volunteering ask where the money goes. Many organizations are honorable but there are others who are profiteering majorly from their efforts. Talk to those in charge, determine if the costs are relative to where you are going and make sure you get full disclosure on where the money ends up. If it goes to the community great, but in many cases administration charges can be inflated.
    4. Would your career benefit from the experience of volunteering? As a teacher Kirsty has been able to further her professional development through her teaching there. Perhaps your job could provide a similar opportunity?
    The Expat Chat
    enFebruary 17, 2016

    Living and Traveling in Costa Rica

    Living and Traveling in Costa Rica

    Not everyone plans a move overseas. For Samantha Wei it was meeting her partner Yeison, a Costa Rican native,that was the catalyst for her move there from the United States 3 years ago. After an initial period of settling in she now considers Costa Rica to be home and has made a new life, and a very successful online business since moving there.

    We caught up with Samantha to discuss the process of adapting to a new country and culture, the relative merits of the two towns she has mainly live in Jaco, and El Coco and how they differ to city life in San Jose, and some of the myths around moving to Costa Rica (not everything is as cheap as you think).

    You can find out more and grab a copy of Samantha and Yeison’s free e-book “Travel and Discover Costa Rica” via their blog www.mytanfeet.com

    What I learned from speaking with Samantha:

    1. Sometimes learning a language can be easier learning with someone else than with a local. They tend to speak slower and are more patient with you as they are in the same situation
    2. Although Costa Rica is cheaper in many ways there are things you need to be aware that are more expensive than the US. Gas is dearer as is purchasing vehicles, and you will be charged an annual tax on the value of your vehicle even if you bring your old car in with you. Some food such as cheese and meat can also be dear as are electronic goods. If visiting home it can sometimes be a good idea to load up on things you can’t find affordably while living there
    3. Internet can be a problem and is also quite expensive. Samantha found however that having a portable hotspot was cheaper than normal internet and gave her the chance to work from anywhere – including the beach!
    4. Healthcare is generally pretty good. You may be looking at paying out of pocket which is cheaper than the US but if you choose to become a resident you may qualify for the government’s monthly healthcare package of around $40.
    5. $US are widely accepted in most places but if you have other currencies you will need to switch to Costa Ricans colones.
    6. Costa Rica has 26 different micro-climates, something for everyone. It doesn’t matter where you are you will only be a few hours away from a temperature and conditions that will suit you!
    7. Check out our other interviews with Danna Bowman and Dan Gaskell for their perspective on living in Costa Rica.
    The Expat Chat
    enFebruary 10, 2016

    The Foodies Guide to Traveling the World

    The Foodies Guide to Traveling the World

    Part of the enjoyment of another countries culture is exploring the food options. You can discover so much about a country and really discover the rich flavors that are available in each region that are unique to the area.

    Two travelers on a quest to uncover the world’s finest foods are Rosemary Kimani and Claire Rouger. The couple left their corporate positions in the U.S. in August 2015 and their journey so far has helped them find the finer detail of food in Uruquay, Argentina and now Chile where we caught up with them in downtown Santiago.

    You can check out their tips and free guides at their blog http://authenticfoodquest.com

    What I learned from speaking with Rosemary and Claire:

    1. Air BNB can provide you not only with accommodation but a chance to have locals show you their local knowledge
    2. Be wary of inflation in Argentina – they are noticing prices change while they were there and found many costs to be considerably higher than travel books and blogs had stated at an earlier time. They are using trail wallet and are keeping costs to around $US2500 per month so far
    3. One of the best ways to discover local food is to visit the local food market when first arriving in town and you will see what’s available. Talk to the stall owners as they will be eager to share their local delicacies with you
    4. Be aware of eating safely on the road. They recommend checking that the cashier handling is separate to the food preparation, that the stall is kept busy and food is turned over, and they carry their own utensil (fork at one end spoon at the other) if they are concerned about utensil hygiene.
    5. Like Chris Stevens these guys have opened a Charles Schwab account. You can use any ATM anywhere and Schwab will reimburse you the other banks fees. This can add up if making frequent withdrawals.
    The Expat Chat
    enFebruary 07, 2016

    Escape The Cubicle - How To Leave the 9 to 5 For a Life of Travel

    Escape The Cubicle - How To Leave the 9 to 5 For a Life of Travel

    If you’re a stressed out business owner working 60-80 hour weeks and dreaming of a life of travel take heart – so was Nicole Connolly. The former Brisbanite ran a successful business but like many we interview, she felt something was missing from her life – mainly travel and the freedom to enjoy herself.

    She set out 4 years ago on an adventure with her husband Mike, initially relying on savings but soon built herself an online business helping others – firstly with their social media, but more recently teaching others to build a successful online business like the one she now has.

    We caught up with Nicole in the Bahamas where she shares her journey and provides the step by step process to starting an online business yourself.

    You can check out Nicole’s story at www.suitcasestories.com or find out how to build your own online business at http://quitthecubicle.co/details


    What I learned from Nicole:

    1. Imagine the worst that can happen and if you can handle it then go ahead! In Nicole’s case she always believed that if the travel lifestyle didn’t work out she could always head for home again
    2. You don’t need higher education to be successful. Nicole is proof of that having left secondary school after only two years. She has taught herself through course and learnings what she needs to know rather than relying on “recognized” education.
    3. It’s important to set your goals before deciding what business is right for you. Do you want to be location independent? Is the money important or the lifestyle? Making these decisions can help avoid pain later if you’ve gone down a path that doesn’t match your objectives.
    The Expat Chat
    enFebruary 03, 2016

    How To Buy a French Winery When You Don’t Know What You’re Doing

    How To Buy a French Winery When You Don’t Know What You’re Doing

    Would you buy a winery if you knew nothing about wine? What about if there was no one there who could show you and the winery had been in liquidation? Add to it the fact that you were moving to a strange country where you weren’t fluent in the language and had to deal with local business practices that can be challenging and it sounds like a recipe for disaster!

    10 years on from their move to France expat South Africans Caro and Sean Feely have developed a working winery and are loving life in the Saussignac region, around an hour from Bordeaux.

    Caro joined us to discuss life in France, the challenges of starting a new business in an industry you’ve never been involved in and how the recent tragedy in Paris has affected the people of France.

    You can find out more about Feely Wines and Caro’s books at www.feelywines.com

    What I learned from speaking with Caro:

    1. Sometimes following your passion does work out. Despite the odds against them these two have made their passion work and are now grateful for the new life they have.
    2. Aren’t neighbors wonderful! Without the support of surrounding wine growers (who might be viewed as competition) Caro and Sean would probably never have succeeded with their venture
    3. Sean and Caro were able to use their Irish residency as a back door to France. It is relatively easy to become an Irish citizen if descended from one. This is a second passport option I’m exploring myself as it provides easy long term access to much of Europe. I’ll be sharing my experiences of applying for my Irish passport in an upcoming issue of The Expat Chat magazine.
    The Expat Chat
    enJanuary 31, 2016

    How To Live an Uncluttered Life

    How To Live an Uncluttered Life

    One of the first steps in any journey to become an expat is getting rid of the clutter – be it physical or mental – that is part and parcel of any home and any life.

    The first step on this journey is having clarity in what you want and what you need in order to achieve it, then eliminating the surplus that sucks your time and energy; be it items, issues or relationships.

    Today via livestream Blab we speak with Warren and Betsy Talbot of www.anunclutteredlife.com about their journey towards an uncluttered life from their former stressed corporate lifestyles, how to focus on what you should eliminate from your life and the simple steps to saying no that can release you from the guilt that others might put upon you (or you upon yourself)

    If you’re seeking more clarity and less clutter in your life I urge you to check out their Clarity Clinic program at http://clarityclinic.anunclutteredlife.com/ref/12/

    If you’d like to join our live stream interviews where you can ask questions via your keyboard check out our page at https://blab.im/theexpatchat and follow us for updates on future livestream interviews.

    What I learned from Warren and Betsy:

    1. Uncluttering your life doesn’t have to mean minimalism. Each person’s definition is different and if having a big house is still part of your plans don’t feel you need to give up on it. Warren doesn’t have a mobile – this is part of their definition but doesn’t have to be yours. Do what works for you.
    2. Happiness is not about adding more to your life but taking things away. We all have habits we have created, many of which don’t serve us but we still do them. Even taking little steps can be a good start. Change the way you go to work for example. Question everything you do, everything you spend and everyone you deal with and whether they are there from habit or there on merit.
    3. I love their way of saying No! Don’t say “sure” if someone asks a favor until you know what you are getting yourself into. Be clear in saying no but add “this time” after it so you’re not completely closing the door – and offer an alternative solution that works for you and still helps keep the other party happy
    The Expat Chat
    enJanuary 27, 2016

    Siestas in Seville and My Random Travel Experiments

    Siestas in Seville and My Random Travel Experiments

    For Karen McCann and her husband the prospect of early retirement left them feeling a little bored. They had always been avid travelers and a visit to Seville in Spain convinced them that it would be the perfect place to start a new life.

    They moved with their dog in 2004 and have loved life there ever since. Karen’s past career as a journalist has led her on to becoming a successful travel writer with two of her travel books already achieving No 1 status on Amazon. The couples experiments in travel – including a nomadic journey through the railways of Europe and a journey they made completely without luggage have allowed them to embrace their new lifestyle and do things they would never have done back home.

    We caught up with Karen to discuss the process of moving, life in Seville and how becoming an expat allows you the freedom to truly enjoy yourself.

    You’ll find details of Karen’s books and her blog at her website http://www.enjoylivingabroad.com

    What I learned from Karen’s interview:

    1. Be prepared for paperwork if moving to Spain. They are experts in it! The McCanns have to regularly renew their visas and do find that things may differ between what the internet tells them and what they might find out when they get to the consulate. This is the Spanish way of life and you need to embrace it. Make sure you start your visa process in your own country before leaving to allow more time
    2. Be willing to try before you buy into it permanently. The McCanns rented their Cleveland home for six months to make sure they were happy in Seville before returning to sell up. Being clear on what you want is important as you will feel some emotional pull during the process and you need to keep reminding yourself of your objective.
    3. It’s not difficult to relocate pets. The McCanns were able to move their dog reasonably easily with them but be conscious of their new environment and whether it is a large contrast to what they are used to and if they will be happy there.
    4. Spain is a step back to a more simpler time. Siestas are still the way in the southern regions and house calls by doctors are still quite common! The Spanish love the family environment and for many westerners moving it’s the return to the simpler life that often brings back memories and has the greatest appeal.
    5. Don’t overpack! I love the experiments these guys do and their journey without luggage sounds like fun. It’s interesting to know however that not having nightwear is the one thing that a luggage-less traveler will struggle without!
    6. For about life in Spain check out our interviews with Molly Piccavey and Alan and Heidi Wagoner
    The Expat Chat
    enJanuary 24, 2016

    Why Eastern Europe Will Be the Next Travel Hotspot

    Why Eastern Europe Will Be the Next Travel Hotspot

    In the search for the next travel destination many names and places are thrown around. From Asia to South America various publications try and pick the next place that people should start visiting.

    In today’s interview we talk with well-known travel blogger Barbara Weibel about Eastern Europe, an area often left off the travel radar. We talk about her favorite city Budapest and one of her favorite countries Croatia, but we also explore a few places often neglected in travel discussions including Albania, Rumania and Bulgaria to name a few.

    Barbara joins us for our first live stream video interview to discuss these countries. You can follow her blog at www.holeinthedonut.com or subscribe to join our next live stream chat at https://blab.im/theexpatchat

    What I learned from talking to Barbara:

    1. Parts of Eastern Europe still lack some of the infrastructure of it’s western cousin but it doesn’t mean it lacks for culture or sophistication. Concerts and performances are available for cents on the dollar and cities like Budapest allow you to enjoy Michelin star restaurants for well under $US100.
    2. Barbara is able to average around $US30 per day living costs in Eastern Europe, far more affordable than Western Europe. Apartments in cities like Budapest can be had for under $US400 and many cities offer free walking tours from locals who can tell you the best things to see and do.
    3. Barbara recommends bus travel in Eastern Europe. Unlike the west train travel is archaic, slow and unhygienic. Buses travel quicker are more comfortable and often offer free wifi.
    4. Talking to locals will enhance your travel experience. Even if you’re staying in top hotels and taking tours step outside the normal boundaries and see who you can meet. Some of Barbara’s best experiences have come from the generosity of strangers who often go out of their way to share the true culture of their communities.
    The Expat Chat
    enJanuary 20, 2016

    Managing Your Money on the Road

    Managing Your Money on the Road

    Many of our interviewees have become accidental permanent nomads, starting off on a gap year with no plans then deciding to become a fulltime traveler. The next issue is always then income – how to fund the new lifestyle in place.

    Chris Stevens had completed a degree on photography back in England before he decided to head away. While traveling through Australia he met up with a guy who had built a successful travel blog who showed Chris how he could build his own online business. He had already trained as a surf instructor and had been earning an income doing that while traveling around. With the benefit of his photography training, surfing instructions and his new established blog Chris was soon able to sustain himself in a variety of ways on the road.

    We caught up with him in Vietnam where he shared his story of travel, how he measures his costs and the different ways he can make a living while on the road.

    You’ll find Chris at http://www.epicgapyear.com   http://www.backpackerbanter.com

    What I learned from talking to Chris:

    1. Be cheeky. Chris has established some good brand relationships just by asking, which can not only provide an income source but some free travel opportunities as well. As he says they can only say no.
    2. He is meticulous in measuring costs and like Norbert Figueroa uses the Trail Wallet app to measure expenses. He manages to balance out costs between two of his more favored destinations – Asia and Australia. His costs for 2014 averaged out at $US9000 for the year ignoring airfares but even with flights he can generally stay under $US40 per day which is his target.
    3. Having multiple bank accounts and payment options is important as is diversifying his income. Chris has both British and Australian bank accounts meaning he’s not vulnerable or reliant on one place. He’s not a big fan of credit cards but receives a lot of his online income via Paypal which he can then transfer to a debit cash card for use abroad. Americans traveling can take advantage of having a Charles Schwab account which makes travel easier.
    4. If setting up a travel blog be patient. You don’t always get immediate results and unfortunately many throw the towel in before things start to kick in.
    The Expat Chat
    enJanuary 18, 2016

    Living and teaching in China

    Living and teaching in China

    Back in 2007 Ian Clavis was working in IT in London. The Liverpool native was becoming tired and bored with city life in England and when a friend suggested he could get a position teaching English in China Ian jumped at the chance.

    7 years on Ian has made a home for himself in Chengdu, China a large city of over 10 million people near the border with Tibet where he has a Chinese wife and the recent addition of a young son.

    I caught up with Ian to discuss life as an expat in China and were surprised to find a country that was far more lenient with foreigners than what I had expected.

    If you’re interested in moving to China check out Ian’s blog at https://ianclavis.wordpress.com or you can listen to his podcast where he offers advice on living in China at https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/tic-china/id1048429938

    What I learned from Ian:

    1. China is more relaxed with westerners than I had expected. Ian is pretty much free to do what he likes there and doesn’t encounter any issues with the authorities. Many people work in China without the appropriate visas but seem to encounter few problems – especially when working online. There are internet restrictions but like Josh Cahill Ian is able to work around that with a VPN.
    2. Recent changes to travel visas now mean that Australians and US citizens can effectively stay 10 years allowing for leaving the country every 90 days. A quick trip to Hong Kong and back is usually enough to satisfy these requirements.
    3. Health care is poor with a shortage of resources. Fortunately private health is good and very affordable. The recent birth of Ian’s son, including 12 months of follow up care only cost $US3000 in total.
    4. Care should be taken when purchasing property. If buying new most places come unfinished and the electrics would need to be redone. Expect to have to finish it off yourself as the standard and pride in workmanship sounds close to non-existent! That said foreigners are now able to buy properties and take out mortgages directly.
    The Expat Chat
    enJanuary 17, 2016

    From successful stockbroker to financial disaster - how the GFC became my blessing

    From successful stockbroker to financial disaster - how the GFC became my blessing

    In 2008 Tomislav Perko had it all. A successful stockbroking career in his home town of Zagreb, Croatia saw him eating in fine restaurants, wearing fine suits and living the good life. It was perfect – until the financial crisis saw him lose his and his families investments and left him deeply in debt.

    He had been offering couchsurfing space to travelers including Josh Cahill and their inspiring stories of traveling for little or no cost got him thinking – could he travel the world with no money?

    Eventually he took the plunge heading off on a 5 year odyssey which included sailing the Indian Ocean and surviving on an average of $10 per day. His adventures gained him attention including the opportunity to Ted Talk, and he has now gone onto to sharing his stories with audiences around Europe.

    You can find out more about Tomislav at his blog www.tomislavperko.com

    What I learned from Tom:

    1. There are really only 3 travel costs you need to control; transport, accommodation and food. Tom was able to reduce his transport by hitchhiking, and his accommodation by couchsurfing leaving only the third as an issue. Sometimes he could reduce his food costs to nothing by dumpster diving behind supermarkets or grabbing food off diners plates after they left.
    2. Volunteering is a great way to live for free. Tom would either pre-arrange a volunteer stint through an organization like WWoof, Helpx and Workaway or look to help out locally when he arrived at a venue. In these cases he was able to cover his food and accommodation in return for a few hours work.
    3. It was interesting to hear his experience after 5 years of wanting to start settling down. Much like Audrey Scott and Daniel Noll who set up their Berlin base after too many years on the road many travelers do reach a point where constant travel becomes hard to sustain and the need to find a base for shorter journeys is strong.
    4. Hitchhiking is always perceived as dangerous but Tom only had one incident of theft during the 5 years – as we say the world is safer than the media portray.
    The Expat Chat
    enJanuary 14, 2016

    Tbex – the travel blogger conference; with Conference Director Mary Jo Manzanares

    Tbex – the travel blogger conference; with Conference Director Mary Jo Manzanares

    One of the most fascinating things with interviewing travel bloggers as part of our show is that you discover a world that you never knew existed before – the further you go in the more people you find and you start to discover a whole community existing below the level of normal everyday life.

    At the heart of that community is Tbex – the travel blogger exchange. Tbex is not an organization but a series of three events held each year across North America, Europe and Asia where travel bloggers and advertisers can meet, learn and network with each other to further build their blogs and their business relationships.

    From a beginning of 200-300 attendees just a few short years ago Tbex now has around 800-1000 attendees at their events. We caught up with Mary Jo Manzanares Conference Director for Tbex (and an avid travel blogger herself at http://www.travelingwithmj.com ) to find out more about how it operates and what travel bloggers and those starting out need to know if they wish to attend.

    You can find out more about Tbex and their event schedule at http://tbexcon.com

    What I learned from talking with Mary Jo:

    1. Tbex is surprisingly easy and affordable to join. They place no restrictions on who can go and at around $US127 for a multi-day event it represents excellent value for those wanting to get established in the travel blogging hemisphere.
    2. The conferences offer three great opportunities – firstly it’s a chance to learn with breakout sessions being run by guest speakers and professionals on all areas of enhancing your travel blog. Secondly it offers networking opportunities with unofficial down time and organized speed networking events where bloggers can learn from each other…and thirdly it presents opportunities to establish advertising relationships with industry affiliates eager for fresh ways to promote their products to a captive market.
    3. If you’re looking to establish yourself in the travel blogging space it’s important to be different. It’s becoming an increasingly competitive market and not everyone is able to pick up good sponsorship opportunities. You don’t need to be a fulltime nomad in order to establish a travel blog though with many writers coming from vastly different fulltime and part-time backgrounds.
    The Expat Chat
    enJanuary 13, 2016

    50 Jobs in 50 States in 200 Days – How I Spent My Extended Honeymoon

    50 Jobs in 50 States in 200 Days – How I Spent My Extended Honeymoon

    Living an expat lifestyle doesn’t always mean having to leave the country (we’ve coined the phrase inpats especially for people who become nomads at home). For Heath Padgett the boredom and long hours of a sales job proved too much. Soon to be married, his fiancée Alyssa and he hit upon the idea of having an extended honeymoon through all 50 States with the mission of doing one days work in a job in each state. They decided they wanted to film a documentary about their journey and before they knew it had a sponsor onboard and were drawing the attention of CNN, Business Insider and Fox News.

    12 months on we caught up with Heath to discuss his adventure, their upcoming documentary Hourly America and the myth of work that still pervades much of society – that being busy is the answer to everything.

    You can check out Heaths website and the upcoming launch of his documentary at http://www.heathpadgett.com


    What I learned from talking with Heath:

    1. Firstly if there are young people out there like Heath and Alyssa willing to question the status quo and take a chance on their future then our future is in bright hands. They have a wonderful can-do spirit and attitude that will never leave them wondering how they will get by.
    2. You can create your own opportunities if you’re prepared to think outside the square. These guys have created a sustainable lifestyle opportunity literally from nothing – it wasn’t even their intention but when you’re prepared to be different people will follow you and opportunities will open up. They now have the world at their feet.
    3. We do specialize in looking busy without getting results don’t we? The guilt of work attitude has to change and be replaced with a desire to spend time on something that you are passionate about and leads to results. More work life balance is needed and this won’t happen until more people question the status quo – but it’s beginning to happen.
    4. If you like the idea of being a nomad but don’t want to travel overseas then don’t. Chuck and Lori Ros spend a good part of their year traveling within the US as do other travelers and as Heath details in the interview you can travel around the U.S. almost as affordably in an RV as living in many expat havens. Find what works for you and just do it!
    The Expat Chat
    enJanuary 12, 2016

    Finding Money on the Road – Starting Our Income As We Traveled

    Finding Money on the Road – Starting Our Income As We Traveled

    You’ll love today’s interview with Stephenie and Tony Harrison. In 2013 these guys hit the road for an undetermined length of time relying on savings they had made during the previous 3 years. (Tony had been a graphic designer while Stephenie was completing research for her degree in neuroscience). 12 months into their journey they knew they wanted to travel fulltime – Tony could pick up work doing graphics and designing websites but what could Stephenie do?

    Recognizing her skills in research they discovered an opportunity in Google adwords and Stephenie has now firmly established an online business that she never could have imagined when they left. As she loves to say – you don’t need to see the whole staircase to climb the stairs!

    You can find out more about their adventures and online businesses via their website http://www.20yearshence.com

    What I learned from speaking with Tony and Stephenie:

    1. You don’t need your income in place when you leave. These guys didn’t even know how long they would go for – but once they decided they needed money they approached it in a very pragmatic fashion. Much like Stacey Kuyf these guys have been willing to make up the income as they go along.
    2. Going home to cement their future was important. They were disciplined enough to return state side to build up their business before leaving again…and they set some very clear income and timeframe goals as to what and when they needed it by. Had they stayed on the road the process of building their business may have taken longer and been more expensive.
    3. They told everyone their plans. It’s easy to be quiet in case you fail but by letting others know what you want to do means opportunities open up – as happened with Google adwords.
    4. Traveling with pets needn’t be a hassle. They have found crossing into Mexico relatively easy. They secured a health certificate for both dogs before going and although they may occasionally pay a little more in rent because of animals, the costs of good quality vet care, which is easy to find, is as little as 1/3 to ¼ of what they would pay in the U.S.
    5. You can find affordable parts of Playa del Carmen – their rent of $US480 per month include utilities and internet for a one bedroom apartment near the ocean…and at $US13 per day to have two meals per day out life isn’t so bad!
    6. I loved Stephenie’s saying about learning to value her happiness. Sometimes you can be made to feel guilty for doing what you love. It’s a timely reminder that we are all here to enjoy life while we have it.
    The Expat Chat
    enJanuary 11, 2016

    The World is Our Classroom; Teaching My Son Without School

    The World is Our Classroom; Teaching My Son Without School

    The economic crisis of 2008 was a catalyst for so many of our interviewees to up sticks and hit to road. Lainie Liberti’s marketing business worked with green entities and non-profit organizations who were among the first to feel the pinch. With her business struggling and her 9 year old son Miro not enjoying his school environment Lainie decided they would hit the road for a 12 month adventure through South America.

    8 months into the trip they both realized they were loving it enough to continue but savings were starting to dwindle and Lainie knew she needed a more permanent means of educating Miro. She discovered unschooling and became an instrumental advocate for children being world schooled from the environment in which they travel.

    8 years on she and her teenage son are still loving their South American adventure. We caught with Lainie in Mexico where she shares the experiences of what made her hit the road and how their unique partnership and approach to education has provided Miro with an environment in which to thrive.

    You can find out more about their adventures at their travel blog http://www.raisingmiro.com and learn more about the world of unschooling at http://projectworldschool.com


    What I learned from this interview:

    1. Whether you believe in life outside the education system or not this interview is worth listening to. Lainie has not only gone against the normal approach to education – what she calls radical unschooling – but has thrown the normal mother/child relationship on its head with the partnership arrangement the two have to travel. Everyone has their own opinion on what is right for them but there is little doubt, in Lainie’s case, that she considers it has been a success in raising Miro. Other interviewees such as Talon Windwalker and Alyson Long can vouch for the benefit that unschooling and world schooling has offered.
    2. A blonde woman and a child in South America sounds like a recipe for danger and many people warned Lainie before leaving that she was taking a large risk. In most cases these people were well meaning but were not speaking from personal experience. In 8 years of travel the pair have had one break in – something that may have happened just as easily in Los Angeles.
    3. Unschooling is becoming more accepted by colleges and universities and doesn’t mean children have to turn their back on higher education if they go down this path. Even ivy league schools are starting to look at unschooled enrolees who often approach their higher education with more enthusiasm and better background knowledge than their mainstream counterparts.
    The Expat Chat
    enJanuary 10, 2016

    Raising My Kids in Rural Romania

    Raising My Kids in Rural Romania

    Heading: Raising My Kids in Rural Romania

    If you want a simple life there can be few places better to move to than a village in Romania. For Alyson Long and her family of two young boys frustration with the education system led her to take her eldest out of school and, with the families new found freedom, they set about a world travel adventure using their savings of $20,000.

    After the first year which saw them sidetracked to the United Kingdom for family reasons they eventually visited Romania, which they promptly fell in love with. They are using it as their new found base and are in the process of purchasing a property while Alyson’s husband tops up the coffers periodically with temporary chef work in London.

    We caught up with Alyson where we discussed the benefits of living in a Romanian village and how she brings up her children in an unschooled environment

    You can check out Alyson’s blog at http://worldtravelfamily.com

    What I learned from this interview:

    1. There is an increasing move by many parents towards using the unschooling approach to raising their children (see our interview with Talon Windwalker). Those that follow this path speak highly of the benefits of doing so and how their children are more responsive to their learning environment as a result.
    2. Romania still offers an old style of living. Cities like Bucharest are modern large metropolis’s but you can still find shades of 19th century life in villages like the Long’s where horse and cart is not uncommon and basic utilities can’t be taken for granted

    We’ve discovered yet another way to make money on the road – temping. Alyson’s husbands skills as a chef sees him as a man in demand and he can pick up some short term work pretty much as he likes. The Long family use this as a good reason to visit London and replenish the coffers before heading off on a trip. Living in rural Romania keeps the costs down and means he doesn’t need a fulltime job to sustain their lifestyle

    The Expat Chat
    enJanuary 07, 2016

    My Expat Life in Granada, Spain

    My Expat Life in Granada, Spain

    There are two types of expats – those who move to another country but retain their current lifestyle and live very much within an expat community as they had back home. Then there are those for whom moving is a chance to embrace a whole new way of life and effectively become a local. Molly Piccavey is definitely the later.

    She has spent the last 18 years living in Spain, firstly in Barcelona and now Granada where she is largely welcomed as a local. In this interview Molly shares her experiences of living in Granada, why so many expats move home again and what she feels expats need to consider before moving abroad

    You can follow her journey and life in Granada at her blog http://piccavey.com


    What I learned from this interview:

    1. Be conscious that moving overseas is not a magic bullet. If you are looking to escape from something then be careful you aren’t taking the problem with you! Molly recommends spending the first period of time in a new culture observing how things are done and adapting to the new lifestyle. You are in someone else’s territory and need to embrace the fact.
    2. Be conscious of exchange rates if relying on income from back home. If you can spread your risk by earning some local income this will definitely help
    3. Be careful buying property.  There is a lot of paperwork to deal with and Molly recommends getting a local helper to ease you through the experience and red tape
    4. Spain is a great environment for families as the Wagoners showed. Family culture is important to the Spanish and they embrace it in everything they do.
    The Expat Chat
    enJanuary 06, 2016

    How The Crowd Can Help Fund Your Travels

    How The Crowd Can Help Fund Your Travels

    So often we see examples of people who don’t travel simply because they wont permit themselves to. In this day and age many people have jobs that will let them hit the road – two such examples are Evo Terra and Sheila Dee. Evo’s work as a digital strategist (and Sheila’s as an instructional designer) gives them complete freedom to work from anywhere, and with their child now of adult age they saw no reason to stay at home.

    In January 2015 they headed off covering much of Western Europe before heading down under via Thailand, China and Vietnam. We caught up with them in Australia where they shared their definition of what opportunistic travel is all about. As part of their strategy the two don’t rely on any one source of income, running their own podcast and receiving funds through their crowdfunding site on Patreon where they offer supporters postcards in return for patronage.

    You can follow their journey, listen to their podcast and support their postcards at www.shevo.wtf 

    What I learned from talking with Evo and Sheila:

    1. They have been inventive with their income sources using crowdfunding site Patreon to offer postcards from their journey in return for a monthly contribution. Although having only started this year they are already achieving over $300 per month from the site – enough to feed them for a month in many countries.
    2. Skyscanner is a big favorite for Sheila’s flight planning and the couple like to specialize in hunting out the flights that others won’t take.
    3. Work like your internet won’t last. Being digitally dependent can cause difficulties if you have tight deadlines and a poor signal. Don’t put yourself in the position of relying on the internet at the last minute.
    4. You really don’t need stuff – as Sheila says why would 2 people need 3 televisions! Cutting things out of your life won’t deprive you of what really matters – the experiences that define your life.
    5. Despite events that have happened overseas – in some cases around the same time that they were visiting the countries, both Evo and Sheila are very conscious of how the media can make events seem bigger and more dangerous than they are. Tragedies do happen, and you need to be wary, but they have not felt unsafe at any stage of their adventures on the road.
    The Expat Chat
    enJanuary 05, 2016

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