
    The Fashion Buddha Podcast

    Oftentimes I have found that many people get stuck around one of 2 subjects...Love or Money...or a bit of both. Why don't we talk about the things that we so deeply desire? It's taboo? It's rude? It's private? Join me on a journey where I chat with remarkable women being open and candid around getting stuck in the realms of love or money. These are subjects often considered impolite or uncomfortable, yet they form crucial aspects of our lives. The podcast aims to break the silence, encouraging open conversations about love, money, sex, and all the desires that shape our existence. By addressing these survival elements head-on, we empower ourselves to break free from societal constraints and pursue the lives we once only dreamed of. It's our time to embrace authenticity and start living a life beyond societal norms.
    enChristy Teloh100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Style & Soul Reformed Bite Sized Podcast Ep 109: Becoming more in order to have more

    Style & Soul Reformed Bite Sized Podcast Ep 109: Becoming more in order to have more

    In my journey of growth...growing myself/growing my business I've leared that in order for me to have more, I have to become more.  Become bigger, stronger, emotionally, mentally, resilient, courageous and move through life despite my fears and insecurities.  It takes me a long time to learn, but when I do, I do not forget and it becomes a part of me.  I have known this and never truly given myself credit for this. I feel like we all have this super power.  It's just a matter of how many of us are willing to wade through the redundancy of making it part of who and what we are when building our charachters.



    Style & Soul Reformed Bite sized Podcast Ep 108: Wading through a difficult Season

    Style & Soul Reformed Bite sized Podcast Ep 108: Wading through a difficult Season

    I'm wading through a tough season and I'm not going to lie, it's not easy.  I have noticed that I'm less of a wreck than I would've been even a few years ago.  Doing the 'work'..meditation, daily exercise, healthy eating, catching the negative self talk, etc and etc has helped me level up.  Dealing with life, circumstances disappointments and tragedies will happen.  You need to be prepared to handle life as it happens and my practices have reinforced my belief that I can get through anything. I like myself, I love myself and I will get though and be stronger, wiser and better for all of it. 

    Style & Soul Reformed Bite sized Podcast Ep 107

    Style & Soul Reformed Bite sized Podcast Ep 107

    Being small (personality, emotionally and professionally)is how I played most of my childhood into my teen years and also into my adult life.  It made it easier for me to feel invisible and play into that small space. I didn't have to try very hard or accept responsibility for myself or my outcomes as long as things looked OK on the surface. Not facing fears was my M.O.

    I think over the past 3 years I've started unpeeling those layers that have held me back.  It has allowed me to open and experience an authentic freedom from the mental and emotional 'prison' I had built up.  My evolution still unfolds on a daily basis but the fact that I've started this process makes me feel very grateful and proud.


    Style & Soul Reformed Bite sized Podcast Ep 106 Doing the hard work

    Style & Soul Reformed Bite sized Podcast Ep 106 Doing the hard work

    I'm reflecting a lot this wk.  On a lot of things...my progress as I'm on this mission to take total control of myself, the reactions to my feelings, my goals and making all of my dreams come alive.  It's an inside job.  It is a full time gig to catch myself, my limiting beliefs and my judgement of myself and course correct it.  I'm not going to quit doing it but it is not easy.  Just talking through some tacticle things that is helping me.  What do you do to take charge of yourself and your life?

    Style & Soul Reformed Bite sized Podcast Ep 105 Staying Neutral

    Style & Soul Reformed Bite sized Podcast Ep 105 Staying Neutral

    As I continue to evolve and grow, I'm trying to figure out a lot about myself from what I listen to.  Staying neutral in both high and low situations is currently what I've been pondering.  How do you feel when you get upset...I mean physically.  Can you catch yourself before reacting?  How do you feel when you are ecstatic?  Can you control yourself then?  I'm talkign through the ideas on being neutral to be able to empower myself and control my life through controlign my thoughts and emotions. 


    Style & Soul Reformed Bite Sized Podcast Ep 104 We are all a part of one larger whole

    Style & Soul Reformed Bite Sized Podcast Ep 104  We are all a part of one larger whole

    What I'm realizing more now than ever is that I and we are all interconnected from a spiritual standpoint.  

    We all have a heart, a soul and our own personal purpose in life.  We all want to be seen, heard, feel like we belong and that we are loved.  As I navigate my own journey of self discovery I'm just chatting about my own shifts in the puzzle of life to make things come together to make clearer sense to me. 


    Style & Soul Reformed Bite sized Podcast Ep 103 Facing your fears head on

    Style & Soul Reformed Bite sized Podcast Ep 103 Facing your fears head on

    I think I went quite a while avoiding all of the things I wasn't comfortable with.  It was easier for me than facing the facts of all of the unknowns.  In this episode I'm talking about being ashamed of things, facing them head on and moving past them in productive ways.  What are the things you know you aviod in your life that you know you need to deal with?  

    Style & Soul Reformed Bite sized Podcast Ep 102

    Style & Soul Reformed Bite sized Podcast Ep 102

    Taking responsibility for my own pain is something that has really enhanced my life in a way that I never knew possible. Feeling empowerd to own my own life, my own circumstances and my own reactions to things has allowed me to take ownership over myself.  It's allowed me to free myself of being the victim of my life and it's relieved me of a lot of pain I've held onto from the past.  It's been quite a process, I'm still processing it but what I do know is that until you are able to own your life you will never be totally free. 

    Style and Soul Reformed Bite sized Podcast Ep 101 My evolution of self awareness

    Style and Soul Reformed Bite sized Podcast Ep 101 My evolution of self awareness

    The unfolding of my development over the past years has been quite the journey.  Certain days have been slow and felt painful and other days are liberating and freeing.  It is what we call doing 'the work'.  As much as certain times has brought me to my knees, I am grateful for all of the things I have learned about myself, the things I have let go of and the things I have been able to forgive. 

    Style & Soul Reformed Bite sized Podcast Ep 100 Know your worth is not tied to $$

    Style & Soul Reformed Bite sized Podcast Ep 100 Know your worth is not tied to $$

    I have a lot of trauma from my past regarding money being tied to my self worth, my freedom and my value as a wife and mother. I have had to heal a great deal of all of these falsehoods and am still in the process of doing so.  I remind myself of who and what I am daily in my meditation and prayer.  I have come to the realization that money is only a piece of paper, it's an exchange of energy for a service or a product and it is not tied to someone's heart or soul.  It gets wrapped in a lot of emotional baggage but that is just us as humans putting labels and judgements on the exterior things in life.  Just talking through my process of understanding the difference between me and my bank account.

    Style & Soul Reformed Convos: Amanda Rea

    Style & Soul Reformed Convos: Amanda Rea

    I absolutely love speaking with people that align with me on a spiritual/heart set level and Amanda is one of those special connections that I have made.  Amanda is an amazing model/actress in LA and she delves into her path navigating Hollywood and working on making her dreams into realities.  Her story involves incredible reslience, faith and good old fashioned hard work.  She's a strong, beautiful and inspirational force with so much more good ahead of her in her journey.

    Style & Soul Reformed Bite sized Podcast Ep 99 My own human experiment

    Style & Soul Reformed Bite sized Podcast Ep 99 My own human experiment

    Throughout my journey of unpeeling the layers and knowing myself on a deeper level, I have come to learn that faith along with doing the work and having a knowing ness is the recipie for success.  I have heard stories that include the same principles over and over again.  I am in the process, I am working on myself and my company and I am working as if...as if I have already achieved my goals, working as if I already have the money, planning as if I have the headcount.  This is me betting on myself.  

    Style & Soul Reformed Convos with Kate V

    Style & Soul Reformed Convos with Kate V
    This week's female business owner is Holistic KV.   She's an amazing Tik Tok'er that started her wellness and lifestyle account a few years ago and also a former NYC Fashion industry buyer.  We are talking about her journey in NYC over 10 years of the fashion hustle as well as her decision to jump off of that train and into the world of being her own business owner.

    Style & Soul Reformed Bite sized podcast Ep 97 Do you ID with your emotions?

    Style & Soul Reformed Bite sized podcast Ep 97 Do you ID with your emotions?

    My question is this...Do you let your emotions take control over you?  Do you identify AS your emotions?  There have been times in my life that I have literally felt posessed by my emotions...my anger, my resentment, my jealousy & my fears.  

    I have recently declared that I am working on never being 'shook' by the outside world again.  By things that happen in life...stresses, disappointments, losses, etc.  This is a lifetime of work ahead of me but I will get better and better with everything I overcome.  

    What do you do to strengthen yourself?

    Style & Soul Reformed Bite sized Podcast Ep 96 Ending the suffering

    Style & Soul Reformed Bite sized Podcast Ep 96 Ending the suffering
    The idea of suffering was singular for me for many years.  I thought of it as the physical idea of suffering.  What I now realize is that we as human beings live a life of suffering.  We suffer emotionally ie: anxiety, worry, self hatred, stress, self doubt, etc.  It's endless really.  The only prision we have is the prison of living in our own heads, our own misery.  What I realize is that there is a way out.  It's a practice of not letting your feelings control you.  Empowering yourself to think and feel and be the way that you choose.  Take care of your body, exercise and eat well.  Take care of your mind...meditate, breathe slow down your racing thoughts and take care of your soul by reaching inward to tap into what brings you alive.  


    Style & Soul Reformed Convos: How to build your life based on a dream with Jenelle Hamilton

    Style & Soul Reformed Convos: How to build your life based on a dream with Jenelle Hamilton

    Building a business is definitely not for the faint of heart.  Jenelle Hamilton, owner and CEO of Jenelle Hamilton PR shares her story of resilience, grit and good old fashioned pure faith.  Starting her business from her laptop at home she nurtured and grew the business into a leading Bi-Coastal PR Agency with multiple employees and locations across the US. 


    Style & Soul Reformed Bite Sized Podcast Ep 94 Mental Armor

    Style & Soul Reformed Bite Sized Podcast Ep 94 Mental Armor

    I got to thinking this morning about myself and how I let things into my mind....and then I go run with them.  I have done this for the better part of my life where I take something some one said or did or I took a rejection or a comment and I turned it into a whole story.  I let my mind run w/ the thought which turned into an emotion and then I let it stop.... Stop me from moving forward most of the time.  

    This episode is about starting the practice of building a mental armor.  Not letting things into my frame of thinking that does not serve me or move me towards my dreams and goals.  

    Do you let people affect how you feel and react to your life?

    Style & Soul Reformed Bite sized Podcast Ep 93: From Self loathing to Self loving

    Style & Soul Reformed Bite sized Podcast Ep 93: From Self loathing to Self loving
    It has been quite a journey of discovery to go from self loathing to self loving.  The first step in the process is realizing that the feelings that I had about myself were very negative.  Once I realized this I was able to start taking steps to change it.  As you start the process to loving yourself I believe the tools and the insights come to you if you are looking for them.  Once you start the practices the momentum builds and the pieces of what you like about yourself start to build you up.  It's a beautiful process that doens't quite get to an end.  You just need to keep on going.