
    The Founder Pack Podcast

    With Brendon Rod | A show for current and future startup founders who want to get inspired and grow their knowledge with quick tactical insights from other founders and functional experts.
    enITSPmagazine31 Episodes

    Episodes (31)

    A Conversation With Damien Filiatrault, Founder And CEO @ Scalable Path | The Founder Pack Podcast With Brendon Rod

    A Conversation With Damien Filiatrault, Founder And CEO @ Scalable Path | The Founder Pack Podcast With Brendon Rod

    “...people want to work remotely, there's a large and growing number of talented people out there that have gotten a taste of it and they wanna keep it.”

    Damien is the founder and CEO of Scalable Path, a software staffing agency that matches leading companies and startups with vetted, remote software developers. Since Scalable Path was founded in 2010, the company has amassed a freelance network of over 23,000 software developers in 177 countries.

    Previously, he headed PHP development at SolutionSet, where he spent five months managing a team of developers in Goa, India.

    Key topics:

    1. Remote is here to stay. Adapt or miss out on great talent
    2. Edgelords: Malcolm Gladwell and Elon Musk
    3. Adapting to the rising costs of developers
    4. Why the US developer talent pool is playing catch up
    5. Seven qualities that differentiate a great programmer from a good programmer


    Damien Filiatrault
    Founder and CEO @ Scalable Path [@ScalablePath]
    On Twitter | https://twitter.com/_damienf
    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/damienf/


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    Product Requirements Guide: https://www.scalablepath.com/project-management/product-requirements-document-guide


    To see and hear more The Founder Pack Podcast content on ITSPmagazine, visit:

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    We’re stronger together. Keep connected with The Founder Pack podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and Google Podcast.

    A Conversation With Kirk Marple, CEO & Founder @ Unstruk Data | The Founder Pack Podcast With Brendon Rod

    A Conversation With Kirk Marple, CEO & Founder @ Unstruk Data | The Founder Pack Podcast With Brendon Rod

    “ …money is the killer, but time is the biggest killer because you end up just being too close to the end of your runway.”

    Kirk Marple is the CEO and Founder of Unstruk Data, a new company that is Building the industry’s leading Unstructured Data Warehouse for automating data preparation via metadata enrichment, integrated compute, and graph-based search.

    Kirk has over 25 years of experience developing media management pipelines, leading DevOps at venture backed companies and structuring successful exits. He holds multiple patents and industry awards, and has truly established himself as an industry leader.

    Key topics:

    1. Kirks pragmatic product ideation process
    2. Walking through Kirks product research phase
    3. Finding your customers watering holes
    4. Kirks top 3 bang for buck marketing channels
    5. Your marketing automation doesn't need to be expensive to work well


    Rapid Fire Questions


    Kirk Marple
    CEO & Founder @ Unstruk Data [@unstruk]
    On Twitter | https://twitter.com/KirkMarple
    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirkmarple/


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    To see and hear more The Founder Pack Podcast content on ITSPmagazine, visit:

    Join The FOUNDER Pack community
    Community: www.thefounderpack.com
    Newsletter sign-up: https://brendonrod.substack.com/

    We’re stronger together. Keep connected with The Founder Pack podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and Google Podcast.

    A Conversation With John Cooley, Co-founder & Chief of Products @ Nanoramic Laboratories | The Founder Pack Podcast With Brendon Rod

    A Conversation With John Cooley, Co-founder & Chief of Products @ Nanoramic Laboratories | The Founder Pack Podcast With Brendon Rod

    “So I think it comes down to finding something you care about, focusing on that and doing it well. It's unlikely that co-founders are gonna find the same exact sort of description of that."

    Dr. Cooley co-founded Nanoramic in 2009, where he currently serves as Chief of Products and Innovation, focusing on technology development and commercialization.

    He has over 10 years of experience in leading fast-paced product development in electronic systems, power systems, and energy storage devices.

    At Nanoramic, John led the execution of the first product lines and has co-authored multiple winning grant proposals.

    Key topics:

    1. How to manage both founder and product hats simultaneously
    2. Insider tips on co-founder harmony
    3. Bringing products from concept to commercialization
    4. GTM strategy when there is no market
    5. Johns GTM framework


    John Cooley
    Co-founder & Chief of Products, Nanoramic Laboratories [@NanoramicLabs]
    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/john-j-cooley/


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    To see and hear more The Founder Pack Podcast content on ITSPmagazine, visit:

    Join The FOUNDER Pack community
    Community: www.thefounderpack.com
    Newsletter sign-up: https://brendonrod.substack.com/

    We’re stronger together. Keep connected with The Founder Pack podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and Google Podcast.

    A Conversation With Shaunak Roy, Founder & CEO @ Yellowdig | The Founder Pack Podcast With Brendon Rod

    A Conversation With Shaunak Roy, Founder & CEO @ Yellowdig | The Founder Pack Podcast With Brendon Rod

    “I would say that prioritising for knowledge building and connection building is probably the most important thing in a community”

    Shaunak is the founder and CEO of Yellowdig, a community-driven active learning platform adopted by over 130 colleges and universities, K12 schools, and corporate training clients.

    Shaunak graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering from IIT Bombay and completed his graduate studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

    Prior to founding Yellowdig, Shaunak spent a decade advising global companies on technology, strategy, and growth.

    Key topics

    1. Macroeconomic trends impacting higher education
    2. The power of community for companies and customers
    3. Key ingredients for a thriving community
    4. How to achieve community adoption and traction early on
    5. When not to go down the path of community


    Shaunak Roy
    Founder & CEO @ Yellowdig [@Yellowdig]
    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/shaunak-roy-65231b/
    On Twitter | https://twitter.com/shaunak_roy


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    To see and hear more The Founder Pack Podcast content on ITSPmagazine, visit:

    Join The FOUNDER Pack community
    Community: www.thefounderpack.com
    Newsletter sign-up: https://brendonrod.substack.com/

    We’re stronger together. Keep connected with The Founder Pack podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and Google Podcast.

    A Conversation With Zack Schuler Founder @NINJIO | The Founder Pack Podcast With Brendon Rod

    A Conversation With Zack Schuler Founder @NINJIO | The Founder Pack Podcast With Brendon Rod

    “...don't wait for a sales call to explain what you're all about. Let people taste it before the sales call really even happens”

    Zack Schuler is the Founder and former CEO of NINJIO, an I.T. Security Organization headquartered in Southern California founded in 2015.

    Prior to NINJIO, Zack founded Cal Net Technology Group, an I.T. Consulting and Security firm in 1995 out of his fraternity house at the age of 21. Over the next 18 years, Zack grew Cal Net into one of the larger MSP's in Southern California before selling the company to a private equity firm in 2013.

    Key topics

    • 2x founder lessons learned
    • Don’t wait for a sales call to explain what you're all about
    • Think different not better
    • Zacks' recipe for hiring and retaining great talent
    • Why selling to the most capable equity group is more important than a higher dollar amount


    Zack Schuler
    Founder @NINJIO [@Im_Ninjio]
    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/zschuler/
    On Twitter | https://twitter.com/zschuler


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    To see and hear more The Founder Pack Podcast content on ITSPmagazine, visit:

    Join The FOUNDER Pack community
    Community: www.thefounderpack.com
    Newsletter sign-up: https://brendonrod.substack.com/

    We’re stronger together. Keep connected with The Founder Pack podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and Google Podcast.

    A Conversation With Dan Draper, CEO And Founder @ CipherStash | The Founder Pack Podcast With Brendon Rod

    A Conversation With Dan Draper,  CEO And Founder @ CipherStash | The Founder Pack Podcast With Brendon Rod

    “There was a famous quote from an investor that said, as an investor, you should invest in lines, not dots.”

    Dan is the CEO and founder of CipherStash, a Sydney based data security startup building a searchable encrypted data storage platform for sensitive data.

    Previously, Dan has worked as a VP of Engineering at Medical Director and at Expert360 and is also the Executive Producer of the forthcoming docu-series, Debugging Diversity.

    Dan is an experienced cryptography engineer and his mission is to empower all developers with the knowledge they need to build secure applications.

    Key topics

    • Insider tips for the Australian startup ecosystem
    • The best investor outreach tip
    • Investors invest in lines not dots
    • Inbound vs outbound investor relations
    • Tips for building diversity early into your startup


    Dan Draper
    CEO and Founder at CipherStash [@cipherstash]
    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/ddraper/
    On YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/c/CodrTv1


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    To see and hear more The Founder Pack Podcast content on ITSPmagazine, visit:

    Join The FOUNDER Pack community
    Community: www.thefounderpack.com
    Newsletter sign-up: https://brendonrod.substack.com/

    We’re stronger together. Keep connected with The Founder Pack podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and Google Podcast.

    A Conversation With Tim Kachuriak CEO & Founder @ NextAfter | The Founder Pack Podcast With Brendon Rod

    A Conversation With Tim Kachuriak CEO & Founder @ NextAfter | The Founder Pack Podcast With Brendon Rod

    “... in fundraising, usually if you ask somebody for money, they give you advice. But if I go and ask people for advice, they usually give you money..."

    Tim Kachuriak is the founder and Chief Innovation and Optimization Officer for NextAfter, a fundraising research lab consultancy, and training institute that works with charities, nonprofits and NGOs to help them grow their resource capacity.

    Tim is a nonprofit thought leader, lead researcher and co-author of the Online Fundraising Scorecard and The Midlevel Donor Crisis.

    He has also trained many organizations in fundraising optimization around the world and is a frequent speaker at international nonprofit conferences.

    Key topics

    • Dissecting The Challenges between Startups and Enterprises
    • Embrace The Pivot
    • Know Your Value Proposition
    • Fortune Favors The Brave During A Recession
    • Rapid Fire Questions


    Tim Kachuriak
    CEO & Founder at NextAfter [@NextAfter_]
    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/timkachuriak/
    On Twitter | https://twitter.com/DigitalDonor


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    To see and hear more The Founder Pack Podcast content on ITSPmagazine, visit:

    Join The FOUNDER Pack community
    Community: www.thefounderpack.com
    Newsletter sign-up: https://brendonrod.substack.com/

    We’re stronger together. Keep connected with The Founder Pack podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and Google Podcast.

    A Conversation With Greg Edwards, CEO @ CryptoStopper | The Founder Pack Podcast With Brendon Rod

    A Conversation With Greg Edwards, CEO @ CryptoStopper | The Founder Pack Podcast With Brendon Rod

    "Not becoming emotionally attached and separating your personal life from the business is critical because it doesn't define your life. And so, you need that separation."

    Greg has been a technology entrepreneur since 1998. Before Greg founded CryptoStopper, he started Axis Backup, a backup and disaster recovery company for the insurance industry which was acquired by J2 Global, freeing Greg to create CryptoStopper and focus exclusively on cybersecurity.

    Key topics

    • Unlimited Vacation? Does it work?
    • Why We Hate The MVP
    • How Laser Focus Helps Drive Product Solution Fit
    • Ship It. Startups Need Customer Feedback Loops ASAP!


    Greg Edwards
    CEO at CryptoStopper [@CryptoStopper]
    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/gedwardswpd/


    Brendon Rod
    On ITSPmagazine  👉 https://www.itspmagazine.com/itspmagazine-podcast-radio-hosts/brendon-rod


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    To see and hear more The Founder Pack Podcast content on ITSPmagazine, visit:

    Join The FOUNDER Pack community
    Community: www.thefounderpack.com
    Newsletter sign-up: https://brendonrod.substack.com/
    On Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheFounderPack
    On LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/thefounderpack/

    We’re stronger together. Keep connected with The Founder Pack podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and Google Podcast.

    A Conversation With Joe De Pinto, Co-Founder @Haste Arcade & Vice President Of Sales @Barpay | The Founder Pack Podcast With Brendon Rod

    A Conversation With Joe De Pinto, Co-Founder @Haste Arcade & Vice President Of Sales @Barpay | The Founder Pack Podcast With Brendon Rod

    Some of the greatest boxers, comedians, and even some athletes have been born out of poverty. Similarly, innovation and high-growth companies are born during downturns.

    After spending 4 years playing professional baseball in the Chicago White Sox farm system, he co-founded his first venture, Barpay, in 2015 with Daniel Wagner. The company has since grown to become a leader in the mobile ordering and payment space for in-venue dining at bars, restaurants, and hotels, as well as digital menus, with more than 15,000 accounts throughout the United States.

    In January 2021, along with Wagner, he co-founded Haste, the world’s first Instant Leaderboard Payout arcade.

    Key topics

    • Bitcoin Misconceptions
    • Persistence during a recession pays off
    • Rapid fire questions


    Joe De Pinto
    Co-Founder @Haste Arcade [@hastearcade] & Vice President of Sales @Barpay [@barpayapp]
    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/joe-de-pinto/


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    To see and hear more The Founder Pack Podcast content on ITSPmagazine, visit:

    Join The FOUNDER Pack community
    Community: www.thefounderpack.com
    Newsletter sign-up: https://brendonrod.substack.com/

    We’re stronger together. Keep connected with The Founder Pack podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and Google Podcast.

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    A Conversation With Slater Victoroff, Founder & CTO @ Indico | VP of Research At NeoCybernetica | The Founder Pack Podcast With Brendon Rod

    A Conversation With Slater Victoroff, Founder & CTO @ Indico | VP of Research At NeoCybernetica | The Founder Pack Podcast With Brendon Rod

    Layoffs are always the first thing that people jump to and think about. But I think that it's really important to also realize that you can hurt or help your company depending on how you do it.

    Indico was founded by Slater Victoroff in an Olin College dorm room (literally) as a developer platform aimed at making deep learning more accessible to those with only a basic knowledge of programming.

    He raised ~$5M of venture capital from top-tier VCs including General Catalyst, .406 Ventures, Boston Seed, Hyperplane as well as many high-profile Boston Angel Investors.

    He now also serves as VP of Research @ Neo Cybernetica

    Key topics:

    1. Creative ways to keep your team during a recession
    2. How to avoid the death spiral
    3. Practical ways to weather the storm
    4. Looking deeper at how you deliver ROI across Net
    5. Revenue Retention (NRR)


    Slater Victoroff
    Founder & CTO @ Indico [@indicoData]
    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/slatervictoroff/


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    To see and hear more The Founder Pack Podcast content on ITSPmagazine, visit:

    Join The FOUNDER Pack community
    Community: www.thefounderpack.com
    Newsletter sign-up: https://brendonrod.substack.com/

    We’re stronger together. Keep connected with The Founder Pack podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and Google Podcast.

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    A Conversation With Will Rush, CEO & Founder at Stack | The Founder Pack Podcast With Brendon Rod

    A Conversation With Will Rush, CEO & Founder at Stack | The Founder Pack Podcast With Brendon Rod

    As human beings usually get two to three recessions in our entire career. And so, what you do with them, I think can be incredibly powerful. They can be opportunities.

    Over the past twelve years, Will has worked with seven different billion-dollar banking and securities companies and today he shared with us his insights as a founder and how his company is navigating the current recession.

    Key topics:

    • The Recession
    • Recession Strategy & Advice
    • Rapid Fire Questions


    Will Rush
    CEO & Founder at Stack
    On LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/will-rush/


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    To see and hear more The Founder Pack Podcast content on ITSPmagazine, visit:

    Join The FOUNDER Pack community
    Community: www.thefounderpack.com
    Newsletter sign-up: https://brendonrod.substack.com/

    We’re stronger together. Keep connected with The Founder Pack podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and Google Podcast.

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