
    The Gametime Guru

    If you're looking for a unique perspective on sports, we'll bring you the content you want. Through interviews with different guests around the sports industry, we are delivering a panoramic view on sports. My goal is to help you see the world of sports through a different lens!
    enShane Larson376 Episodes

    Episodes (376)

    Dean Tolson: The Man Who Was an Illiterate NBA Player Turned College Graduate (Magna Cum Laude) Preaches Importance of an Education

    Dean Tolson: The Man Who Was an Illiterate NBA Player Turned College Graduate (Magna Cum Laude) Preaches Importance of an Education

    Dean Tolson was an unbelievably talented athlete. The man could jump out of the gym, and couldn't be stopped on the basketball court. He came from a poverty stricken area, and his mother who worked tirelessly to help the kids, had to make some very difficult decisions in her life when Dean and his siblings were younger. (You'll hear this in the interview)

    All of this helped build him into the man he became. The one problem with his recruiting process, were his grades! 

    Dean struggled in school. And we'll hear about his college experience on how he was able to remain academically eligible to play in College until he was drafted in the NBA. Dean was truly illiterate and struggled to read and write. This came back to hinder him as he got older.

    We'll hear about his NBA experience and what it was like playing at that level, and the differences between the NBA then and the NBA now. What was it like playing for Bill Russell who drafted Dean to the Seattle Supersonics? We get to hear all the stories today. 

    Upon finishing his basketball career, Dean made a choice (thanks to his mother) to go back to college and actually take it seriously this time. He realized he needed an education and that he wouldn't make it far without one. 

    Not only did Dean end up going back and having success, he ended up getting his Masters Degree and graduating Magna Cum Laude!! 

    Now the best part about all of it is, Dean has written a book about his journey and all that he has overcome! He's sharing it with the world. It's called:

    "Power Forward: My Journey from Illiterate NBA Player to a Magna Cum Laude Master’s Degree" 

    I would love for all of you to take a look at the book and purchase a copy today!

    Head here to find out more about his book: https://www.deantolson.com/book/  

    We hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast! 

    This episode is brought to you by Athlete Narrative

    If you are interested in building your brand and reputation on Social Media so you can leverage your Name, Image, and Likeness when you get to the next level, make sure to checkout Athlete Narrative!!

    You can receive 10% off your monthly subscription (making it ONLY $90/month) to use their services, by using my link here:

    I'm grateful for the opportunity to partner with an awesome company like them and want to give back to the listeners and athletes from all over!


    If you would like to watch the show, please feel free to follow me on YouTube and catch the video podcast from each of the guests!



    Come follow The Gametime Guru on the various social media platforms!

    Facebook: The Gametime Guru - https://www.facebook.com/gametimeguru 

    Twitter: @thegametimeguru - https://twitter.com/thegametimeguru 

    Instagram: @gametimeguru - https://www.instagram.com/gametimeguru/ 

    TikTok: @thegametimeguru - https://www.tiktok.com/@thegametimeguru 


    If you are a business owner, and you have heard about ClickFunnels, then you know the power it can have on your business!! 

    EVERYONE is always looking for a discount to ClickFunnels, and I have it for you right here! 


    If you want to get ClickFunnels at a MAJOR discounted rate, then click the link above and you can literally SAVE HUNDREDS PER YEAR on the subscription! 

    Get it TODAY! 


    The Gametime Guru
    enMarch 08, 2024

    Nate Daniels: Former Professional Football Player and Current Owner of Daniels Sports Performance

    Nate Daniels: Former Professional Football Player and Current Owner of Daniels Sports Performance

    Nate Daniels understands what it takes to compete at a high level. The former professional football player, where he is a member of the Ferrum College Football Hall of Fame as you can see here: https://ferrumpanthers.com/honors/hall-of-fame 

    In our discussion we will get to know more about Nate's story growing up. How he competed and trained in a way that allowed him to take advantage of his skillsets on the field. And we'll chat about the mental side of the game and what's required for athletes to truly optimize their skillsets. 

    Nate is the owner of Daniels Sports Performance and the CEO of Next Level Athletes - https://www.instagram.com/nextlevelathletes_official/ 

    He's also a speaker and an author!! His childrens books are available at the link below so you can purchase one from him. 

    It's an amazing opportunity to hear from someone who KNOWS what it takes to get to the next level and has the ability to actually teach others that important skill. But he can teach others in a variety of settings, whether it be through podcasts, Ted Talks, Childrens Books, Training Sessions, and more! 

    Nate is an incredible human being and I'm looking forward to sharing his story with the rest of you today! Thanks for tuning into the podcast! 

    Follow Nate on Social Media: 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@natedaniels_1?lang=en 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danielssportsperformance/ 

    Nate's Books: 



    If you are a business owner like Nate, and you have heard about ClickFunnels, then you know the power it can have on your business!! 

    EVERYONE is always looking for a discount to ClickFunnels, and I have it for you right here! 


    If you want to get ClickFunnels at a MAJOR discounted rate, then click the link above and you can literally SAVE HUNDREDS PER YEAR on the subscription! 

    Get it TODAY! 



    The Gametime Guru
    enMarch 01, 2024

    Kyle Kamp: Professional Dietitian from Valley to Peak Nutrition Discusses Nutrition for Athletes

    Kyle Kamp: Professional Dietitian from Valley to Peak Nutrition Discusses Nutrition for Athletes

    You know what they say, "I wish I knew then, what I know now." 

    That's literally how I feel when it comes to nutrition, especially in the world of athletics. That is why today, we're bringing on a professional dietitian from Valley to Peak Nutrition, Mr. Kyle Kamp. 

    Kyle and I will be chatting about the details that go into nutrition, and how athletes can optimize their performance through the proper nutrition. 

    We touch base on pre game nutrition, recovery meals, the importance of fruits and veggies, and much more! 

    Kyle is a performance nutrition & weight loss coach who has his OWN story of taking control of his health. What makes his story unique is that he started with SMALL choices that he made over time to help him build the healthy habits that he could sustain. 

    Nutrition is a numbers game, and Kyle will share some of the tips and tricks that athletes (and anyone in general) can use to get themselves on the right path in regards to their health. 

    I'd encourage all of you to tap into this and follow Kyle on Social Media so you can see and hear more of what he has to say!! 

    Follow Valley to Peak Nutrition: https://www.instagram.com/v2pnutrition/ 

    And a massive shoutout to my friend Brittany Race and her husband Devin for the connection with Kyle!! I always appreciate the assists! 

    Come follow The Gametime Guru on the various social media platforms!

    Facebook: The Gametime Guru - https://www.facebook.com/gametimeguru 

    Twitter: @thegametimeguru - https://twitter.com/thegametimeguru 

    Instagram: @gametimeguru - https://www.instagram.com/gametimeguru/ 

    TikTok: @thegametimeguru - https://www.tiktok.com/@thegametimeguru 

    Also, a massive initiative for me this year is YouTube!! Please come and follow me on YouTube to catch the interviews but also the additional content I provide such as "The Gametime Grind" segments!




    Kamalei Correa: Football and Faith Discussion with the Former NFL Linebacker out of Boise State University

    Kamalei Correa: Football and Faith Discussion with the Former NFL Linebacker out of Boise State University
    A MAJOR focus for me in 2024 is building out YouTube!! Please consider following me on YouTube and watching the show from there! 



    Kamalei Correa was a standout linebacker when he played at Boise State University. He made a major name for himself, and made the very most of his situation, even when he was going through the coaching changes that occurred at Boise State during his tenure there. He was so good in fact, that he made his way into the NFL, being drafted by the Baltimore Ravens in the 2nd Round of the 2016 NFL Draft!! 

    In today's interview, we chat with Kamalei about his career!! There are some incredible insights from the athletic and business side of things, that you'll definitely want to hear! 

    Our conversation also has a major focus on his Faith in Jesus Christ. I'd encourage ALL to listen to this. It's an incredible transformation story and one that I'm grateful Kamalei shared, because it can definitely help younger athletes to remember their purpose and remember Christ throughout their athletic journey!! 

    We'll learn about the impact his Faith had (good and bad) during his career and what he's learned from that. The life lessons that have come with it! And how he intends to take those life lessons with him into the next phases of his life! 

    This is an incredibly humble man who is super inspirational. He keeps things raw and to the point in our interview. He's straight forward yet super understanding! I hope you all feel his love for others in this interview. And I hope you are able to take as much away from this conversation as I did! I'm super stoked to share this with you all! 

    As mentioned in this interview, Kamalei is taking some of his insight and knowledge and passions from the sports world, into the business world. He went to Barber School and is opening up his own shop "Novelty Salon" in Boise, ID! 

    I would encourage anyone in the treasure valley, to go and check it out! 

    Novelty Salon:  https://www.instagram.com/noveltysalon/ 

    I want my listeners to show some support for this amazing human being who is really doing his best to mentor younger individuals and bring a positive force to the community! 


    Come follow The Gametime Guru on the various social media platforms!

    Facebook: The Gametime Guru - https://www.facebook.com/gametimeguru 

    Twitter: @thegametimeguru - https://twitter.com/thegametimeguru 

    Instagram: @gametimeguru - https://www.instagram.com/gametimeguru/ 

    TikTok: @thegametimeguru - https://www.tiktok.com/@thegametimeguru 


    Tariq Abed: Cut from Middle School and Ended up Playing In College! An Inspirational Journey!

    Tariq Abed: Cut from Middle School and Ended up Playing In College! An Inspirational Journey!
    This episode is brought to you by Athlete Narrative

    If you are interested in building your brand and reputation on Social Media so you can leverage your Name, Image, and Likeness when you get to the next level, make sure to checkout Athlete Narrative!!

    You can receive 10% off your monthly subscription (making it ONLY $90/month) to use their services, by using my link here:

    I'm grateful for the opportunity to partner with an awesome company like them and want to give back to the listeners and athletes from all over!


    Tariq Abed shared a post on his TikTok Channel that caught my attention, the post itself was INSPIRING and I knew I had to reach out to him and get him on my show! So glad that we connected because this is a POWERFUL ONE!! 

    See, I've witnessed so many young kids who have a LOVE for sports, be RUINED by the politics of sports at a young age. Even kids as young as elementary school, don't truly understand how to react to the 'failure' in sports, so if they don't make a team, they end up STOPPING completely. And it's truly devastating and heartbreaking to witness. 

    What I love about Tariq's story, is his pure determination to KEEP GOING. When his pride was hit after being cut multiple times in middle school, guess what he did? He kept working!! And you'll hear how his dad helped along in the process as well as he kept working on his game. Little by little Tariq kept getting better. Kept getting reps. Kept playing the game! 

    Tariq ended up being able to play collegiate basketball and experience the ups and downs that come with that too. Today we will see and hear the story behind it all though! It didn't happen overnight, in fact it took a LOT of time! And I want you to be able to feel the emotions like I did when I was interviewing him! 

    If you are a parent who might be listening and you have a young one who might be experiencing this and you're struggling on how to handle it, please take notes on this. I want younger kids to be able to continue enjoying the game they love because it brings so much peace and happiness to their lives. 

    If you would like to follow Tariq on social media please check him out here: 

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@alwaysballingeveryday 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tariqmabed/ 

    Find his music by following his LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/SlimProphet 

    Massive shoutout to Tariq for helping provide such massive value to my listeners!! Thank you SO MUCH! 




    Brandon Barnes: Former MLB Outfielder and VP of Athlete Narrative

    Brandon Barnes: Former MLB Outfielder and VP of Athlete Narrative

    This episode is brought to you by Athlete Narrative

    If you are interested in building your brand and reputation on Social Media so you can leverage your Name, Image, and Likeness when you get to the next level, make sure to checkout Athlete Narrative!!

    You can receive 10% off your monthly subscription (making it ONLY $90/month) to use their services, by using my link here:


    I'm grateful for the opportunity to partner with an awesome company like them and want to give back to the listeners and athletes from all over!


    Brandon Barnes was initially going to college to be a football player. But Baseball took over in his blood and he had to change course!! What is crazy about that though, is that he changed his course to baseball and ABSOLUTELY took the bull by the horns. 

    Today we'll hear of his incredible journey which was FULL of ups and downs. He spent SEVEN years in the minors. Many people telling him that his dream of playing in the big leagues was over. But with the support of his spouse along with his relentless pursuit of his own dreams, he kept going and found himself playing in the Majors! 

    We'll get to hear about his experiences through the minors as well as his time in the big league with the Houston, Colorado, and Cleveland! (trust me there are some amazing stories and life lessons along the way) 

    What I love is how relatable he is to the younger athletes out there today! His story is one of passion and drive and overcoming failure! I want to encourage every young athlete to listen to this episode and take notes on the amazing insight Brandon shares. 

    We'll also hear about the skillsets that he learned through Baseball that translate directly to his business life. Whether it be Real Estate or with his role at Athlete Narrative (which he is a VP of), he can directly translate some of these skills to the business world, and I REALLY want you to take note of this as well. 

    So many incredible golden nuggets in this one today! As you saw in the intro, if you'd like to sign up or have your child sign up for Athlete Narrative to utilize their services to help your child build their brand as an athlete, consider using my code to receive a 10% discount each month on the subscription. 

    And make sure to follow Brandon on Social Media as well as Athlete Narrative: 

    Brandon Barnes Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brandonbarnes_1/ 

    Athlete Narrative Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/athletenarrative/ 

    Discount for Athlete Narrative through GTG: https://ambassador.athletenarrative.com/shane-larson-join  

    Come follow The Gametime Guru on the various social media platforms!

    Facebook: The Gametime Guru - https://www.facebook.com/gametimeguru 

    Twitter: @thegametimeguru - https://twitter.com/thegametimeguru 

    Instagram: @gametimeguru - https://www.instagram.com/gametimeguru/ 

    TikTok: @thegametimeguru - https://www.tiktok.com/@thegametimeguru 


    The Gametime Guru
    enFebruary 02, 2024

    Dustin Zieman: Walk-On Warrior and Former Utah State Runningback

    Dustin Zieman: Walk-On Warrior and Former Utah State Runningback

    Dustin Zieman's story is one that you must listen to if you would like a story on BETTING ON YOURSELF!! 

    When he didn't like his situation he was in, he made a choice to bet on himself and go for a spot on the Utah State Football roster. Needless to say, he made it on the team and has learned some amazing life lessons along the way. 

    These life lessons have helped him in his profession as a strength trainer, as well as a football coach at the Junior College Level. He's also putting together his course and material ONLINE for his business "Walk-On Warrior" which we'll link down below. 

    Today you'll learn about attitude and perseverance as well as the mentality that is required to compete at a very high level! You're going to hear the truth and realize for yourself whether you want to put in the work that's required or not!! 

    So tune in today, and make sure to share the Walk-On Warrior content with your friends and family who could benefit from it! 

    Checkout Walk-On Warrior TODAY!!! - https://walkonwarrior.myclickfunnels.com/optin--20fe0 

    Follow Dustin on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zieman33/ 



    If you are interested in building your brand and reputation on Social Media so you can leverage your Name, Image, and Likeness when you get to the next level, make sure to checkout Athlete Narrative!! 

    You can receive 10% off your monthly subscription (making it ONLY $90/month) to use their services, by using my link here: 


    I'm grateful for the opportunity to partner with an awesome company like them and want to give back to the listeners and athletes from all over! 


    The Gametime Guru
    enJanuary 26, 2024

    CJ Montes: College Quarterback at Fordham University

    CJ Montes: College Quarterback at Fordham University

    A few years back, we had the chance to speak with CJ when he was still in High School, and since that time, we have the amazing chance to chat with him again. Since that time we first spoke with CJ, he's had quite the journey to get where he is now, and along the way, he's learned A LOT as he's battled adversity in a variety of ways. 

    Today we'll get to learn about some of that. And how you can actually react in a positive way to adversity so that you can learn and grow from it. We'll also learn about the importance of finding a school that best suits what you want to accomplish and best suits your skillset. 

    CJ is a very talented athlete, and we'll chat about some of the inside stuff on how he keeps himself prepared mentally and physically to make sure he can keep on top of his grades while he also stays on top of his athletics. 

    You're absolutely going to love this episode, which is being brought to you by Nations Best Football. We appreciate them for the partnership for the last 5 years and look forward to continuing to work together. Follow Nationsbest Football on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nationsbestfootball/ 

    Nations Best does a phenomenal job at highlighting youth, high school, college, and professional level athletes through their platform! 

    And remember if you're looking to help you with your branding as an Athlete, consider taking a look at Athlete Narrative. The cost is ONLY $100 a month to take advantage of the platform, and they will take care of all the branding for you so you can build your platform, leverage your Name, Image, and Likeness, while you are able to focus on your sport! 

    You can get 10% off each month's payment if you sign up for Athlete Narrative using my link below. Yes this goes to benefit my business, but if you plan to use the service and would like to not only receive a discount of 10% but also support The Gametime Guru platform, I'd appreciate if you used my link below:


    The Gametime Guru
    enJanuary 19, 2024

    Brian Fullmer: CEO and Founder of Athlete Narrative

    Brian Fullmer: CEO and Founder of Athlete Narrative

    Brian Fullmer is not new to the business world, nor the world of athletics. In fact, with his business knowledge and passion for sports, he wanted to help create a solution for athletes when it came to allowing them to leverage their Name, Image, and Likeness, starting with building their platforms. 

    That's where Athlete Narrative comes in. We're going to learn about this new app today and how it works to help these athletes build their brand and platform, so when they get to the next level, they can leverage that to be able to monetize it, while also not having to constantly worry about 'posting content' 

    We're definitely in a special place with the sports world now. And it's time for athletes to take advantage of these athletic gifts they've been given which can help them later on in life too, from a monetary standpoint. 

    Listen today as Brian breaks down what Athlete Narrative is all about and why you should be looking into this if you are an athlete or a parent. (yes I said parent as you will LOVE this app and what it's all about).

    The best part? The cost. It's MORE than affordable to take advantage of the services being provided. For just $100 a month, you can get ALL that's spoken about in this interview!! EVERYTHING. The content, the education, the protection, etc. For $100 a month! 

    Now the even better part to that? You can get 10% off each month's payment if you sign up for Athlete Narrative using my link below. Yes this goes to benefit my business, but if you plan to use the service and would like to not only receive a discount of 10% but also support The Gametime Guru platform, I'd appreciate if you used my link below: 


    Thanks for tuning into the show, and if you'd like to give Brian and Athlete Narrative a follow on Social Media, their links are below: 


    Brian Fullmer: https://www.instagram.com/brian.fullmer/

    Athlete Narrative: https://www.instagram.com/athletenarrative/


    Come follow The Gametime Guru on the various social media platforms!

    Facebook: The Gametime Guru - https://www.facebook.com/gametimeguru 

    Twitter: @thegametimeguru - https://twitter.com/thegametimeguru 

    Instagram: @gametimeguru - https://www.instagram.com/gametimeguru/ 

    TikTok: @thegametimeguru - https://www.tiktok.com/@thegametimeguru 


    Kaden Johnson: Backup to Scholarship - Journey to JUCO Basketball

    Kaden Johnson: Backup to Scholarship - Journey to JUCO Basketball

    As we jump into 2024, one of the BEST updates I have to share with everyone is my partnership with Athlete Narrative. I'm an Ambassador for them because I truly believe in what they're doing to help athletes with their branding and marketing of their own name, image, and likeness. If anyone has questions regarding this, please email me or DM me on my platforms, but using my link, you can receive a 10% discount monthly for the duration of your membership. Athlete Narrative is the FUTURE of branding for athletes!! I know this will be a MASSIVE resource for athletes AND parents! Checkout the link below!! 


    This episode is an INCREDIBLE opportunity to learn about perserverance from a current JUCO basketball player, who made his way to the college ranks after a LOT of hard work. We don't just say that, you're actually going to hear and see WHAT he had to do exactly in order to make his way into the college basketball world!

    I met Kaden when he was playing basketball at a local high school here in Idaho, in the city of Eagle. Kaden didn't really get on the court much at that time, but I always knew that he had the body type to play at the next level. And when I heard his story, I KNEW he had to be on the show! He currently is playing at Blue Mountain Community College in Pendleton, OR. 

    Blue Mountain is part of the NWAC.

    Today you're going to hear what it takes to get there. You're going to hear about the hard work, daily consistency and discipline it takes, the adversity you may have to go through, and you're going to hear about the attitude and mindset required to reach your goals. 

    Ultimately, what I hope you gain from this interview, is an appreciation for Kaden's story. This is a man who had a goal, and didn't allow anyone around him to deter him from that. In fact, he doubled down on himself, and bet on himself (something MANY of us can learn something about and apply more into our own lives). 

    Please tap into this episode, and the only thing I ask is if you enjoy the interview, that you provide a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify for us! Thank you so much! 

    And if you want to follow Kaden's journey, follow him on Instagram: 

    @kaden_johnson.2 - https://www.instagram.com/kaden_johnson.2/ 


    Come follow The Gametime Guru on the various social media platforms!

    Facebook: The Gametime Guru - https://www.facebook.com/gametimeguru 

    Twitter: @thegametimeguru - https://twitter.com/thegametimeguru 

    Instagram: @gametimeguru - https://www.instagram.com/gametimeguru/ 

    TikTok: @thegametimeguru - https://www.tiktok.com/@thegametimeguru 


    Erica Suter: Speed and Strength Coach for Female Soccer Players

    Erica Suter: Speed and Strength Coach for Female Soccer Players

    The former 3x All-American Soccer Player from Johns Hopkins University, 2x Published Author, and current speed and strength coach for female soccer players, joins the show today! 

    Who better to learn from than one who has BEEN THERE!!  Today you're going to hear about the importance of speed and strength training for female athletes! 

    Oftentimes, we hear about the men training for speed and strength, but we don't hear too much about the women's side of things! Today you'll hear about Erica's story and how she was able to make her way to play college soccer and compete at a VERY high level, earning All-American honors THREE TIMES!  

    Take a listen to this one today and make sure you take note of what she has to say! Please read below to take advantage of some of the awesome resources she has which include her social media, her book, and her services as a coach! 

    Thankful for her joining the show and look forward to seeing where she continues to take her business and the lives she will continue to touch! 

    Follow Erica on Social Media: 

    Instagram: @fitsoccerqueen - https://www.instagram.com/fitsoccerqueen/  

    Book a Call with Erica:


    2x Published Author / Snag her book today: 

    Female Athlete High Performance: Building Fast, Strong, and Powerful Female Athletes 


    If you happen to be listening to this on an Apple Device (i.e. iPhone, iPad, Mac, etc.) make sure to subscribe but also, LEAVE ME A REVIEW! 

    Reviews help the show's growth as it helps the show get in front of more people across the globe! 

    A simple review can do wonders for the exposure and can get the guest's story out to more! Subscribe and Review today! 


    Make sure to snag your GTG Freedom T-Shirts TODAY!! - www.thegametimeguru.com/freedom 


    The Gametime Guru
    enDecember 29, 2023

    Winston Venable: Former Boise State and Professional Football Player

    Winston Venable: Former Boise State and Professional Football Player

    When I was serving my church mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I was two weeks away from returning home after two years. The Boise State football program was playing TCU in the Fiesta Bowl that year, and I had the chance to watch that game from Brazil. The game ended after a Winston Venable interception of TCU's Andy Dalton. And I became an INSTANT Winston Venable fan from there on out (mind you that's the first time I had seen him play) 

    Today I get to interview Winston as we dissect his football career, which was FAR from ordinary. It was a path that not many know or understand. It was unique. He wasn't just one of those "5-Star D1 Recruits" coming out of a big time high school. He had to take the unique journey to get to the Division 1 Level of football and he'll explain that to you today. 

    What's also interesting in this conversation is hearing his experiences and his perspective on professional football. He had a chance to play in the NFL for the Chicago Bears organization as well as play in the CFL. Find out why he says the CFL was an overall 'better experience' as you listen in to today's episode! 

    Again, I always ask that you take the time to take notes on this. Please pay attention to this unique story from one of the all-time greats from Boise State University! 


    Come follow The Gametime Guru on the various social media platforms!

    Facebook: The Gametime Guru

    Twitter: @thegametimeguru

    Instagram: @gametimeguru

    TikTok: @thegametimeguru


    The Gametime Guru
    enDecember 22, 2023

    Daquawn "Cheetah" Brown: Origins of "The Squabble"

    Daquawn "Cheetah" Brown: Origins of "The Squabble"

    Former collegiate and professional defensive back, Daquawn "Cheetah" Brown, and creator of the hit 'celebration' "The Squabble" joins us today on the podcast!! 

    What an awesome, insightful show we have for you today! 

    We'll discuss Cheetah's football career which included playing for Snoop Dogg's SYFL as a youngster (and we get to hear how Snoop was a mentor for Cheetah in his early days), as well as being recruited by Mike Leech at Washington State. We talk about playing football in the Pac 12 as well as playing professionally and the life lessons he took from football. 

    The focus of the interview will be on the celebration dance that is taking the country by storm, called "The Squabble." If you follow sports, you've probably watched many athletes do this dance/celebration without even realizing what it was. Today we get to hear about the origins of the dance and hear how Daquawn started it with his friend (all from competing playing a video game) and how it's evolved since then. 

    This is a great opportunity to be educated and entertained at the same time!! We're looking forward to watching the rest of Daquawn's journey, so if you'd like to show your support for him, hit him with a follow on Social Media to see where he goes from here. 

    Instagram: @cheetahgoingleague - https://www.instagram.com/cheetahgoingleague/ 

    Twitter (X): @Cheetahgoinleague - https://twitter.com/Cheetahgoinleeg 

    We'd also like to thank Nations Best Football for their partnership with The Gametime Guru and for helping us connect with Daquawn for today's interview. Nations Best continues to provide spotlights for youth, high school, college, and professional level athletes all around the country! 

    Follow Nations Best Football on Instagram today: https://www.instagram.com/nationsbestfootball/ 


    Come follow The Gametime Guru on the various social media platforms!

    Facebook: The Gametime Guru

    Twitter: @thegametimeguru

    Instagram: @gametimeguru

    TikTok: @thegametimeguru



    If you happen to be listening to this on an Apple Device (i.e. iPhone, iPad, Mac, etc.) make sure to subscribe but also, LEAVE ME A REVIEW! 

    Reviews help the show's growth as it helps the show get in front of more people across the globe! 

    A simple review can do wonders for the exposure and can get the guest's story out to more! Subscribe and Review today! 


    The Gametime Guru
    enDecember 15, 2023

    Misty Buck: Mental Health & Mindset Coach

    Misty Buck: Mental Health & Mindset Coach

    Another assist from my good friend, Dre Baldwin on this one as he connected me with Misty Buck! 

    Misty is an incredible human being who has found a need in the sports world, and has truly leveraged her skillset and knowledge to help out athletes in the realm of mental health and mental conditioning. 

    We all know how sports take a toll PHYSICALLY, but the mental aspect of the game is often neglected. Often times athletes don't know where to turn to even WORK on their mental performance. They don't even realize what they can do to improve in those areas, but Misty is here to help with all of that! 

    She's pin pointed some areas and can help out athletes in this space and today on the show she shares some of her knowledge with us! 

    Misty has written two books as well which will be posted below and I'd HIGHLY encourage you to check them out! 

    Make sure to follow her on her social media page and reach out if you have any questions


    Instagram: @themistybuck - https://www.instagram.com/themistybuck/ 

    Misty's LinkTree - https://linktr.ee/themistybuck 

    Checkout Misty's books below: 

    Athlete Branding Blueprint: A Holistic Guide to Creating Your Legacy from Mindset to Marketing 

    Athlete Mental Health Playbook: A guide to mental wellness for athletes


    Come follow The Gametime Guru on the various social media platforms!

    Facebook: The Gametime Guru

    Twitter: @thegametimeguru

    Instagram: @gametimeguru

    TikTok: @thegametimeguru


    Podchaser: EEvgqo3MVcmYeagDS1KU 

    Robby Ellis: The Movement Doc - Changing the Game in the Neuro Orthopedic World

    Robby Ellis: The Movement Doc - Changing the Game in the Neuro Orthopedic World

    Robby Ellis is truly a 'movement specialist' and he does amazing work with people of all ages. I happened to come across his page on Instagram, because I follow a fighter he works with, Alan Belcher!

    In this episode you're going to learn SO MUCH about Robby and what he's teaching people. Not only do we get to hear about his athletic background in sports (which includes college football) but we get to pick his brain on a variety of topics. 

    There's some great conversation regarding weight lifting (traditional) and whether or not it directly translates to the sports in which we're competing in. As well as the overall discussion of the 'linear' training and linear neuro patterns we create from repetitive training this way! 

    Super insightful interview coming your way today on this one!! 

    I would HIGHLY encourage you to checkout Robby's page. I personally have implemented some of his mobility training when I am warming up for workouts now, all because I enjoyed what he was sharing and I can tell you right now, it's worked for me! So I want you to take a look into his page and see what he's about! 

    Instagram: @movement_doc - https://www.instagram.com/p/Cwy0PpXNabw/ 

    From his page you can get access to what else he's providing so tap in! 

    Thankful for Robby joining the show and sharing his knowledge with my audience! 

    If you enjoy this interview, please leave us a review on Apple Podcasts and/or Spotify so we can spread this message to more and more people! 


    Come follow The Gametime Guru on the various social media platforms!

    Facebook: The Gametime Guru

    Twitter: @thegametimeguru

    Instagram: @gametimeguru

    TikTok: @thegametimeguru


    Make sure to snag your GTG Freedom T-Shirts TODAY!! - www.thegametimeguru.com/freedom 


    The Gametime Guru
    enDecember 01, 2023

    Darnell Kelly: High School Quarterback - Class of 2026

    Darnell Kelly: High School Quarterback - Class of 2026

    Today we speak to the Class of 2026 Quarterback from Peachtree Ridge High School out of Georgia, Darnell Kelly! 

    Darnell is listed as a pro-style quarterback, and today in our interview you'll get to know what his true style of play really is. This is a young man who can truly do it all and is equipped with the skillsets to take over a game with his arm (first), but also his legs! 

    We'll get to learn about Darnell himself and what he enjoys doing on and off the field, as well as how he is able to focus on his academics to ensure he keeps his grades up at school. 

    Learn about some of his favorite moments in football and who his mentors are. 

    It's always a pleasure getting to know about the young athletes and who inspires them! This is a very special episode of The Gametime Guru Podcast. 

    We want to shoutout Nations Best Football today for being the sponsor of today's podcast! Make sure to follow @nationsbestfootball on Instagram and other platforms to get information on youth, high school, college, and professional football players across the nation! 

    We'd also encourage you to follow Darnell on his social media platforms: 

    Instagram: @the_createdplayer - https://www.instagram.com/the_createdplayer/ 

    Twitter (X): @TCreatedplayer - https://twitter.com/TCreatedplayer 


    Come follow The Gametime Guru on the various social media platforms!

    Facebook: The Gametime Guru

    Twitter: @thegametimeguru

    Instagram: @gametimeguru

    TikTok: @thegametimeguru


    Make sure to snag your GTG Freedom T-Shirts TODAY!! - www.thegametimeguru.com/freedom 


    Todd Peay: Creator of the Defender 5 Hydroguard

    Todd Peay: Creator of the Defender 5 Hydroguard

    This episode is being presented by Nations Best Football! 

    We are proud to bring on, Todd Peay to the show as we get to hear about the product he invented which is bound to completely change the sports industry. The Defender 5 Hydroguard is a mouthguard built not only for protection, but for hydration. 

    As we get to know Todd better on today's episode, we're going to be hearing his story behind the creation and what truly was the inspiration behind it all. 

    This is an episode that ALL football players need to pay attention to!! You're going to want to get in on this one when this product comes out! 

    Make sure to follow Todd on his various platforms: 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/defender5hydroguard

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_defender5/ 

    Website: https://www.d5hydroguard.com/ 

    Coaches, athletes, parents, from all over the globe, pay attention! This is the first of its kind and something you absolutely do not want to miss out on! 

    And I'd like to encourage all of you to follow Nations Best Football on Instagram as they continue to highlight football players from all over the country! Check them out here: 



    Come follow The Gametime Guru on the various social media platforms!

    Facebook: The Gametime Guru

    Twitter: @thegametimeguru

    Instagram: @gametimeguru

    TikTok: @thegametimeguru


    The Gametime Guru
    enNovember 17, 2023

    The Jace Whiting Story: House of Hoopers Chronicles - From Overseas Adventures to Boise State Glory

    The Jace Whiting Story: House of Hoopers Chronicles - From Overseas Adventures to Boise State Glory

    The time has come, where we get to hear from yet another, member of the "House of Hoopers" also known as the Whitings. 

    As you may recall, I've had the blessing and honor of speaking with Trent and Amari on episode 238 of the show: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-238-amari-and-trent-whiting-house-of-hoopers/id1195653965?i=1000553709136 

    And then not too long later, I spoke with Amber Whiting, on episode 254: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/interview-with-amber-whiting-head-coach-byu-womens/id1195653965?i=1000568434066 

    Now is our chance to hear from Jace, who is currently playing basketball at Boise State University and is in his Sophomore year.  This interview is jam packed with insight that will be FANTASTIC for younger athletes! 

    Jace talks about his days growing up overseas while his dad was playing professionally, and what he took from being around his dad (Trent) all those years. Learning to respect and appreciate 'the grind' of the game. We also discuss the AAU experience for Jace and one of the turning moments for him as a basketball player that occurred. 

    Another very important topic of conversation, is Jace's mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He served a two year mission preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, and returned home and went to play college basketball. We'll discuss his mission and how it helped him in his journey. We'll talk about getting back into basketball shape upon returning home, and chat about how that transition went getting back into the regular world.  

    And of course we'll discuss his time at Boise State thus far and what it has been like. What some of his favorite moments have been. Who his favorite teammates and competitors have been. And much more...

    Oh and we'll get his insight on 'who the best Whiting hooper really is in that house haha" 

    This is such a great interview and I'm super grateful for Jace's willingness to join me amidst his busy schedule. Tap in and enjoy! 

    And if you happen to like this interview, and want to show your support, please write a review for us on Apple Podcasts. 

    And ,ake sure to snag your GTG Freedom T-Shirts TODAY!! - www.thegametimeguru.com/freedom 



    Come follow The Gametime Guru on the various social media platforms!

    Facebook: The Gametime Guru

    Twitter: @thegametimeguru

    Instagram: @gametimeguru

    TikTok: @thegametimeguru


    The Gametime Guru
    enNovember 10, 2023

    John Wheeler: Princeton Offense Guru

    John Wheeler: Princeton Offense Guru

    John Wheeler has a very high IQ when it comes to installing the Princeton Offense into basketball programs and making it work for their personnel. 

    I'll admit, for years, I was a major skeptic of the Princeton Offense. It seemed slow and behind the times in regards to the 'basketball of today' which typically is a faster pace, but after speaking with John and getting to know him better, it was VERY educational and insightful to gain his insight. 

    In today's interview, please get ready to take notes. And if you are like me, and had pre-conceived ideas of this topic, please come to this interview with an open-mind so you can be open to learning something new. 

    In our discussion John opens up about his time at Ohio State University where he actually was on the practice squad for the Women's Team?!! Yeah you heard that right. That's actually a thing, and this was in the early 2000s and he'll explain how that happened and how he even found himself in that position. But that was a moment in time that shifted John's career in a positive way. 

    With mentors that have helped guide him, John found a passion for coaching and now, because of his expertise, he is able to help SO MANY coaches and programs with his knowledge. He has taken his knowledge to the internet and provides courses and trainings on the Princeton Offense. 

    Get to know John today on the show and if you'd like to check out what he has to offer, I'd highly encourage you to checkout his site: https://theprincetonoffense.com/allaccess-optin 

    You can follow him on Social Media as well: 

    I hope you enjoy the episode! Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts or even on Spotify to show your support! 


    Come follow The Gametime Guru on the various social media platforms!

    Facebook: The Gametime Guru

    Twitter: @thegametimeguru

    Instagram: @gametimeguru

    TikTok: @thegametimeguru


    The Gametime Guru
    enNovember 03, 2023

    Tyren Johnson: Professional Basketball Player and Creator of "Make Em Pay Mindset"

    Tyren Johnson: Professional Basketball Player and Creator of "Make Em Pay Mindset"

    In this episode, host Shane Larson sits down with professional basketball player Tyren Johnson for an in-depth conversation about his journey in the world of basketball.

    Join us as we explore Tyren's background as a basketball player, including his upbringing and the impact of AAU basketball on his development. Discover what it truly means to work hard from a young age and how it shaped Tyren's mindset and approach to the game.

    They'll dive into the politics of the NBA and also learn as Tyren shares his experiences and insights from his time playing overseas. Gain a firsthand perspective on the challenges and opportunities that arise when transitioning to international basketball.

    But Tyren's story doesn't end on the court. As a business owner, he has developed his own "Make Em Pay Mindset," training others on how to harness doubt as fuel for success. Tune in to learn from Tyren's wisdom and discover the mindset required to excel at the next level of basketball.

    Whether you're a basketball enthusiast or simply seeking inspiration, this episode offers valuable insights into the ins and outs of the game. Join us as we dive into the world of basketball with Tyren Johnson, a seasoned professional who continues to make waves in the sport.

    Don't miss out on this opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of what it takes to succeed in basketball, straight from someone who is currently playing at the highest level. Tune in to The Gametime Guru podcast and elevate your game!

    A reminder that this episode is brought to you by: Deluca Insurance Group

    Head to - https://delucainsurance.com/about-us/

    With DeLuca Insurance Group, you get a dedicated agent ready to help you make well-informed decisions about protecting your lifestyle. I’m here with the know-how and products to help you manage your family’s risks, no matter what stage of life you are in. An open appointment book, along with coverage for everything from home, auto, collector cars and life to farms and businesses, means you can feel good that I’m more your ally than your agent. 

    #TheGametimeGuru #InternationalBasketball #TyrenJohnson