
    The Ghost Helpers™ Show

    Join Tina Erwin and Laura Van Tyne as they magically reawaken the ancient connections between science, psychology and spirituality to enable us to understand the logical causes and effects of things that happen in all of our lives. Listening to them is like pulling back the curtain of darkness and finally 'getting it,' finally seeing the truth.
    en-usTransformation Radio - New Mainstream in Talk Radio99 Episodes

    Episodes (99)

    The Power of a Spiritual Retreat

    The Power of a Spiritual Retreat

    How do you renew yourself after spiritual service?

    How do you find soul peace? Where can that place be?

    Join us as we explore Monument Valley with our guide Scott Laws.

    On this our last show, we will share our method of renewal as Scott tells why this sacred valley is so special.

    We will also be sharing what lies ahead for us!

    The Ghost Helpers™ Show
    en-usJanuary 30, 2020

    How old can a ghost be?

    How old can a ghost be?

    "You gotta help us!" These two little boys approached Tina when she was visiting ancient Roman baths, in Bath England, in 2016. These souls were over 1,000 years dead and they still had no clue they had died.


    Tina and I are sharing some amazing ghost stories of ancient ghosts. Which leads to the question, How old is too old to STILL be a ghost? Find out this week!

    The Ghost Helpers™ Show
    en-usJanuary 23, 2020

    Organ Donation

    Organ Donation

    "He told me his name in dream after dream and I verified that he was in fact my organ donor."

    "I've always had brown eyes and after my double organ transplant, I now have green eyes."

    Why does an organ donor need 'extra' help after death?

    How can we help these 'special category' of souls?

    You will definitely want to listen to this poignant show.

    The Ghost Helpers™ Show
    en-usJanuary 16, 2020

    Encore: The Truth about Ouija Boards

    Encore: The Truth about Ouija Boards

    Hitler had one. It was made of sterling silver. It's suposed to be an innocent toy for children produced by Hasbro. The truth is it opens portals to darkness and demonic beings. We are going to share true stories of how these dark entites can and do attach to the player and their friends and family. 

    If this is such an innocent toy, then what spirits was Hitler talking to? Why did he use this board? If you are on the fence about the evil a ouija board can bring in, you won't want to miss this show. We will also share with you how to properly dispose of the board to break the magic. Yes, magic.


    The Ghost Helpers™ Show
    en-usDecember 26, 2019

    Holiday Spirits and the year of Firsts

    Holiday Spirits and the year of Firsts

    The Holidays are supposed to be "the most wonderful time of the year and everyone telling you to be of good cheer" as the song goes. But... what if this is your first Holiday season without your loved one?

    Tina and I are dedicating this show to what we call "the year of firsts". That first Christmas, Chanukah, birthday, father's day celebrations, et...  will never be the same. This is something that we will all go through at some point in our lives and we hope you will be able to join us live or listen to the podcast later. 

    What is Spiritual Health and Soul Restoration?

    What is Spiritual Health and Soul Restoration?

    Ghost Helpers is about the soul. We all discuss our mental, emotional, physical, and even financial health. What precedes all of this is our spiritual health. What does our spiritual health look like? How can we work on it? Can we help others? We are taking a deep dive on an important subject and sharing with you true ghost stories that illustrate how we can help ourselves in a most profound manner. Trust us, this will be a fun and informative show!

    The Ghost Helpers™ Show
    en-usDecember 12, 2019

    What Happens When I Die?

    What Happens When I Die?

    There is not one person who has not wondered or asked the question: What happens when I die? What's it like to die? Is it painful? Is it scary? Will I know what to do? How do I know what's true? Is belief in crossing over enough? Is there something I can do to ensure I cross over? Doesn't everyone cross over?

    We are sharing with you what we have learned in the many years we have helped those who have died. Some of these ghost stories will amaze, inspire and shock you.

    The Ghost Helpers™ Show
    en-usDecember 05, 2019

    Ghosts of Thanksgiving

    Ghosts of Thanksgiving

    Thanksgiving and other holidays will always bring up memories. This can be especially true if a loved one has recently died. Those emotional hauntings can be hard, especially during that "year of firsts", first birthday, first Thanksgiving, etc. This show discusses some ways to cope with those difficult times and Laura shares a rather humorous ghost story involving a horse and 3 turkeys.

    The Truth about Ouija Boards

    The Truth about Ouija Boards

    Hitler had one. It was made of sterling silver. It's suposed to be an innocent toy for children produced by Hasbro. The truth is it opens portals to darkness and demonic beings. We are going to share true stories of how these dark entites can and do attach to the player and their friends and family. 

    If this is such an innocent toy, then what spirits was Hitler talking to? Why did he use this board? If you are on the fence about the evil a ouija board can bring in, you won't want to miss this show. We will also share with you how to properly dispose of the board to break the magic. Yes, magic.


    The Ghost Helpers™ Show
    en-usNovember 21, 2019

    What's It Like to Live in a Haunted House?

    What's It Like to Live in a Haunted House?

    I remember thinking, "How can I have this many dead in my house? If they were living, I would be in violation of a fire code!" 


    "I was walking down the stairs and I felt this cold wave go right through me. Next thing I know, this creepy see through man was standing behind me!"


    "Every morning the kitchen cabinets are wide open and the throw pillows are on the floor."


    "I see this shadow out of the corner of my eye and when I look, it's gone."


    "I tried to sage my house and then I got pushed and scratched! And I was the only one home!"


    We spent years figuring out how to properly get rid of all these beings and entities that were interferring in our normal lives. It was a form of spiritual warfare and not for the faint of heart. We will share true stories and offer some insights in how to take your power back!

    The Ghost Helpers™ Show
    en-usNovember 14, 2019

    Do Ghosts Have Akashic Records?

    Do Ghosts Have Akashic Records?

    "No matter where I move, these ghosts keep finding me. How is that?" This week we share an amazing story about a man who kept connecting to ghosts of his past life, the souls who never crossed over and found him in this life!


    This story has all types of twists and turns. Tune in and find out why these ghosts kept connecting to him through his aka cords. (And what aka cords and akashic records are and how they affect our soul evolution.)

    Our Most Memorable True Ghost Stories

    Our Most Memorable True Ghost Stories

    This week we are sharing some of our most memorable true ghost stories!

    • A nice ghost decided he wanted a tour of the town he built and he hopped into Laura's convertible.
    • A ghost who survived the holocaust, but who's grief was so tremendous he didn't know what to do at death.
    • A young girl who went on a blind date using a dating app that went horribly wrong.
    • How a ghost who's energetic signature was so strong that she managed to sieze the engine of a brand new BMW on a California freeway.
    • How a teenager's drug use created a portal and caused a murder.
    • Then there is our most chilling ghost story of all times. This one took us over a week to shake off and it started with us remote viewing a property in WA state.

    These are some of our most memorable ghost stories, some are funny, some are sad, and some are terrifying! Plus, you wil lfind out what can happen when you cross over a loved one! 


    Can a Ghost Possess You?

    Can a Ghost Possess You?

    "Mo-om! Mom! Mom! Mom! This bad spirit man popped into my room and said he wanted my body! And he tried to get in right here (pointing to her solar plexus) but popped him out! I popped him out, mom!" She was so proud of herself. I was so weak at the knees and all I could think of was I had to make these sandwiches and get my kids to school on time.

    Join us as we explore what possession looks like on many levels. You won't want to miss this show!

    How Do You Find the Help You Need?

    How Do You Find the Help You Need?

    What do you do when your house is so haunted that 2 hours of consecutive sleep is now highly coveted? How do you get past the emotion of listening to the horrible deaths that the ghosts so deperately want to share with you? Why is this a "gift"?


    In this show, we are sharing ghost stories and ways to help them AND you! When we can cross over the dead, it helps the dead and the living.

    Ghosts, the Paranormal and Children

    Ghosts, the Paranormal and Children

    "Mo-om!!" Ugh. Whenever my little one would say the word "mom" with two syllables I knew the next thing to come out of her mouth would not be a normal thing. It would be a paranormal thing. And, frankly, the paranormal thing is flipping exhausting.


    "Mo-om! She's back and she says she's going to stab me!" she shrieked. My little girl was being terrified by things that I couldn't see or hear. I often wondered when- and if- this nightmare would ever end. Having a psychic child, really and truly is no gift. It's simply hard work.


    Having a psychic child is no gift. :) If you have, or know of a child, who seems to be a bit more sensitive, an empath, can see and hear things, or if you are an adult who carries these traits, this is a show you will not want to miss. This show is about getting your power back from the paranormal world, to understand it and to control those elements as best as you can. 



    Soul Journey after Suicide

    Soul Journey after Suicide

    "Is my brother going to Hell?" That's what my papa is telling us and he's a preacher. "I love my brother and I don't want him to suffer anymore. I see him in my home and I don't know what to do. My papa also says that I can go to Hell for talking to people like you."  This was the beginning of a very interesting phone call with a young woman who's brother took his life. Tune in and find out what happened!

    The Suicide Secret

    The Suicide Secret

    I asked my neighbor, "How did you get in my closet? Why are you here? What happened?"  I had no idea that he had died a few days ago. He started to cry. "How could I do this to my son? What was I thinking?" Tune and and find out what happened. We talk to the dead and listen to their stories and that includes those who die by suicide. We will share with you valuable information that the dead have told us and why this information is so important to share and to get this 'secret' out in the open to help others. It could just save the life of a loved one!  Plus, we will also share how you can help a loved one, even in death. 

    The Ghost Helpers™ Show
    en-usSeptember 19, 2019