
    The Global Fluency Podcast

    This is a space we've created to discuss all aspects of diversity, inclusion, equity, awareness and representation. Join us to keep the conversation going!
    enBerthine Crevecoeur West42 Episodes

    Episodes (42)

    Elijah Nicholas – The Future is Trans Positive – Spreading Joy is My Portion!

    Elijah Nicholas – The Future is Trans Positive – Spreading Joy is My Portion!

    Join us for some wonderful conversation with Trans Advocate and Author, Dr. Elijah Nicholas, as he shares his journey of owning his truth as a transgender man and how it opened up his pathway to freedom. Dr. Nicholas shares his personal goal to prescribe an injection of hope into the lives of the members and allies of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, and Asexual (LGBTQIA+) community. Dr. Nicholas also shares the journey behind his recent book, entitled “Madoodle.” You don’t want to miss this episode!

    Elijah Nicholas – The Future is Trans Positive – Spreading Joy is My Portion!

    Elijah Nicholas – The Future is Trans Positive – Spreading Joy is My Portion!

    Join us for some wonderful conversation with Trans Advocate and Author, Dr. Elijah Nicholas, as he shares his journey of owning his truth as a transgender man and how it opened up his pathway to freedom. Dr. Nicholas shares his personal goal to prescribe an injection of hope into the lives of the members and allies of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, and Asexual (LGBTQIA+) community. Dr. Nicholas also shares the journey behind his recent book, entitled “Madoodle.” You don’t want to miss this episode!

    Sandy Chavarria – Cultural Competence as an Applied Strategy for Mitigating Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)

    Sandy Chavarria – Cultural Competence as an Applied Strategy for Mitigating Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)

    Join us for this highly informative conversation with Sandy Chavarria, as she shares her experience as a youth advocate and community outreach coordinator to mitigate human trafficking and helping survivors heal from sexual abuse. We also discuss ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences), how they are measured and her role in helping raise awareness on trends, implications, determinants of health, brain development, prevention strategies and opportunities. You don’t want to miss this episode!

    Stacie Elam – Exploring Cultural Bias and Inequitable Norms Within the School System

    Stacie Elam – Exploring Cultural Bias and Inequitable Norms Within the School System

    Join us for this riveting conversation with Stacie Elam, Founder of School Dismissed, LLC, as we discuss her experiences as a student and educator, systemic practices and cultural bias within the school system, equitable access to academic advancement, advocacy and her film, Robbed: A Mother’s Peril - The Kelley Williams-Bolar Story. You don’t want to miss this episode!

    Aisha DeBerry – Empowering Communities on the Margins Through Intentional Allyship

    Aisha DeBerry – Empowering Communities on the Margins Through Intentional Allyship

    Join us for the great conversation with Diversity & Inclusion Strategist, Social Justice Advocate, Facilitator and Law Lecturer, Aisha DeBerry, as she describes her work with organizations to build equitable and inclusive workplaces through her social justice framework approach that encompasses community organizing principles, cultural competency training, and leadership development strategies. Aisha further discusses how understanding intersectionality and allyship can empower communities on the margins. You don’t want to miss this episode!

    Saurel Quettan – The Journey to Becoming an Inclusive Leader

    Saurel Quettan – The Journey to Becoming an Inclusive Leader

    Join us for this great conversation with Saurel Quettan, as he shares his insight on evolving into the leader you want to become by shedding the ego and creating equity through intentional actions and inclusive measures. Saurel shares his core beliefs on inclusive leadership by demonstrating how compassion and vulnerability are the characteristics of courageous leadership. You don’t want to miss this episode!

    Punam Saxena - Empowering Parents to Navigate the Education System

    Punam Saxena - Empowering Parents to Navigate the Education System

    Join us for this riveting conversation with Punam V. Saxena, as she shares her experience and insight on parenting, language, culture, special education and navigating the school system. Punam serves to empower parents and teachers to help them build authentic and proactive relationships to help children become more engaged and thrive in school. You don’t want to miss this episode!

    Jean-René Rinvil - Twoub Mantal - Mental Health in the Haitian Community

    Jean-René Rinvil - Twoub Mantal - Mental Health in the Haitian Community

    Join me for this eye-opening conversation with acclaimed filmmaker and advocate, René Rinvil, who has produced award-winning films and documentaries, including "Twoub Mantal," an exploration of mental health in Haiti through the experience of Richard Saintal, a social worker from the Cite Soleil region of Port-au-Prince. Jean-René also shared the cultural, social, financial, emotional, and organizational aspects of those seeking mental health services. He emphasizes the importance of understanding each of these aspects in order to design culturally competent care. His poignant film also brings awareness to the many barriers that continue to exist for people seeking mental health services, including stigma, access, and cost.

    Christal Michele Cherry - Boardroom Diversity

    Christal Michele Cherry - Boardroom Diversity

    Join us for this great conversation with Christal M. Cherry, President and Executive Consultant at The Board Pro, as she shares her insights on Board diversity, the value it brings, as well as the challenge of recruiting and retaining diverse Board members. Learn more about how best practices and the lived experiences of Board members are the best barometer for making decisions that are going to impact the lives of marginalized communities. Learn how diversity of thought, experience, race, age and socioeconomic status can create a highly effective and responsive Board. You don’t want to miss this episode!

    Carol Muleta - Empowering Families with Inclusive Parenting Strategies

    Carol Muleta - Empowering Families with Inclusive Parenting Strategies

    Join us for this highly-informative interview with Carol Muleta, CEO & Founder of The Parenting 411®, as we discuss her role in improving parent-child communications, strategies for addressing challenging behaviors and creating cooperation and collaboration with the goal of strengthening family connection. Carol shares the importance of finding opportunities for allowing children to develop courage. Learn how her experiences have shaped her inclusive, cross-cultural and inter-generational parenting framework. You don’t want to miss this episode!

    Daniela Semeco - Linguistics & Allyship

    Daniela Semeco - Linguistics & Allyship

    Join us for this great discussion with Daniella Semeco, as we discuss being a polyglot, linguistics and allyship. We will also discuss her unique background and how this led to her ground-breaking invention of Polyglotte® 2.0, a universal keyboard for iPad and PC (Windows OS), which empowers users to type correctly in multiple languages without slowing down. With currency signs and optimization for law, science, math and finances, her unique and intuitive layout supports 25 languages and over 200 symbols. Through innovation,  Daniela has bridged the gap between diversity and technology. You don’t want to miss this episode!

    Brenton Webber - Dopamine, Diversity and The Customer Experience

    Brenton Webber - Dopamine, Diversity and The Customer Experience

    Join us and our special guest, Brenton Webber, as we discuss our shared human experience and its role in business to enhance overall customer experience. We explore socioeconomic differences and the glaring inequities compounded by COVID-19. Learn more about the role dopamine plays in customer experience and how paying attention to the human quotient, knowing our why and adapting futurist thinking styles can enhance B2B and B2C customer inisights. You don't want to miss this episode!

    The Global Fluency Podcast
    enFebruary 23, 2021

    Dr. Diem Mooney - Organizational Industrial Psychology and its Role In DEI

    Dr. Diem Mooney - Organizational Industrial Psychology and its Role In DEI

    Join us and our special guest, Dr. Diem Mooney, as we discuss his work within the the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion sphere and the role organizational psychology plays therein. Dr. Mooney also shares with us his work in dispelling stereotypes, creating space and opportunities for differences, while also empowering others to develop their skillsets and reframe their experiences through his innovative training techniques. You don't want to miss this episode!

    Alicia Butler Pierre - The Power of an Effective Process

    Alicia Butler Pierre - The Power of an Effective Process

    Welcome to Season 2 of The Global Fluency Podcast! Join us and our special guest, "The Smooth" Operator," Alicia Butler-Pierre, as we discuss how she became a process expert and the role an effective process plays in empowering you for success. Alicia shares her experience as a woman in technology, who used her process skills to train those with different learning styles, while bridging education, gender and skills gaps. You don't want to miss this episode!

    Dr. Dani Lee Harris - Gender Identity

    Dr. Dani Lee Harris - Gender Identity

    Join us for this powerful discussion with Dr. Dani Lee Harris, President of TRUTH, Inc., for our conversation on the oneness in us all, gender identity and being intersex. Dr. Dani shares his journey of self-discovery and the socio-emotional challenges faced by intersex people, in addition to his work serving as an advocate for intersex youth, gender awareness, representation and equity.

    Brenden Kumarasamy - How To Communicate Effectively

    Brenden Kumarasamy - How To Communicate Effectively

    Join us for this great discussion with Brenden Kumarasamy, Communication Expert and Founder of MasterTalk, as we discuss his evolution into a multilingual Keynote speaker, applying strategic techniques in order to engage audiences from diverse backgrounds, differing communication styles and mastering the art of public speaking.

    Mischelle ONeal - Empowering Mindset

    Mischelle ONeal - Empowering Mindset

    Join us for this great discussion with Mischelle O'Neal, Founder of Mastering Your Monday, LLC, as we discuss creating an empowering mindset, in her movement to empower women to combat feelings of being overwhelmed, over-committed and under-appreciated. Mischelle discusses her experiences living abroad, as well as her expertise in providing a framework for women to create the control they desire and orchestrate that “pivotal fresh start,” one Monday at a time so they can concentrate on the things and people that matter most in their lives.   

    Mischelle ONeal - Empowering Mindset

    Mischelle ONeal - Empowering Mindset

    Join us for this great discussion with Mischelle O'Neal, Founder of Mastering Your Monday, LLC, as we discuss creating an empowering mindset, in her movement to empower women to combat feelings of being overwhelmed, over-committed and under-appreciated. Mischelle discusses her experiences living abroad, as well as her expertise in providing a framework for women to create the control they desire and orchestrate that “pivotal fresh start,” one Monday at a time so they can concentrate on the things and people that matter most in their lives.   

    Kelly (Grzech) Henriquez - Transphobia Within the Healthcare Interpreting Profession

    Kelly (Grzech) Henriquez - Transphobia Within the Healthcare Interpreting Profession

    Join us for this enlightening and candid conversation with Kelly (Grzech) Henriquez, creator of the Queer-Friendly Interpreters & Translators Group, as we discuss transphobia within the Healthcare Interpreting profession, the role of language in LGBTQ+ terminology, recognizing the gender binary, best practices in healthcare interpreting for LGBTQ+ patients and creating safe Interpreter spaces that are inclusive of the LGBTQ+ community.

    Scott Aaron - Resilience

    Scott Aaron - Resilience

    Join us for this great conversation with Scott Aaron, the Human Connection Expert, as we discuss the topic of resiliency, understanding the power of human connection and overcoming obstacles in life and business. As Scott takes us on his journey of personal growth and entrepreneurship, he displays how the power of human connection is something within us all. He speaks about not only the global pandemic, but the personal pandemics we all experience. Learn how Scott chose empathy as his driving force to develop his solution-oriented mindset.