
    The Good Financial Cents Show w/ Jeff Rose, CFP®

    Helping you achieve financial freedom by dumping debt, investing like a champ, and building wealth on your terms.
    enJeff Rose318 Episodes

    Episodes (318)

    Ep. 160 - Is Lending Club Still a Legit Investment?

    Ep. 160 - Is Lending Club Still a Legit Investment?

    There was a time where I was making over a 17% return and I didn’t have to worry about the stock market.


    Then a few years ago, my world changed when they took this investment away.


    There are a lot of people that think this is still around.  


    Today I want to answer the question - Is Lending Club still around and is it Legit?


    I will also share some alternatives to use in place of Lending Club.


    02:24 Are they legit

    08:14 My account is still earning interest

    09:15 Lending Club retires the note platform

    14:55 Alternatives to Lending Club

    20:55 Investing in Art Investments


    Lending Club Alternatives:





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    Ep. 159 - Rich Vs Wealthy - How Much Do You Need to Make To be in Top 10%

    Ep. 159 - Rich Vs Wealthy - How Much Do You Need to Make To be in Top 10%

    How much money do you think it would take to be in the top 10%, worldwide, in net worth?


    What is the difference between being rich vs wealthy?


    The World Inequality Lab released a report that took a look at the income or net worth of every Country that exists. It showed that the average adult, worldwide, makes $23,380.  To be in the top 10% globally, you would need to make $122,100


    06:08 Is being rich defined by how much you make?

    11:55 If you are chasing true wealth, you need to do this.

    12:55 You aren’t wealthy until you have something money can’t buy.

    14:25 Time is your most valuable and limited asset.

    17:45 Take control of your money generating assets.


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    Ep. 158 - How to Compete Every Day (even during difficult times)

    Ep. 158 - How to Compete Every Day (even during difficult times)

    “If they are the people that love and support you, they don’t care., do what you have to do to take care of your family or to get there.  The people that judge you are the ones that aren’t taking risks, are not betting on themselves, don’t care about you and your best interest.  They just care about making themselves look better. Those really aren’t the people we should be listening to.” 


    That is a brief clip from my interview with Jake Thompson. For those of you that don’t know Jake, he is the type of guy that will inspire you to live a better life.


    He truly motivates me to compete every. Single. Day.


    Jake’s path to success was not an easy one, but he still found a way to win at everything he puts his heart towards.


    04:04 What are you doing right now?

    05:10 Is every day a compete kind of day?

    08:31 When did you first start as an entrepreneur?

    10:03 What got you to the point of starting the compete every day business?

    14:54 Tell us about the emotional journey of moving from a start up to a successful business.

    21:49 Will you do what it takes to reach your goal?

    22:50 What are some of the biggest changes your business has went through.

    28:04 What is the scariest investment you’ve made in your business.

    32:40 What was your hope, or your goal, when writing your book?





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    Ep. 157 - How to Double Your Savings Account in 12 Months (Do this One Thing)

    Ep. 157 - How to Double Your Savings Account in 12 Months (Do this One Thing)

    If you are looking at your savings account and it is make you SICK…this may be just the podcast for you.


    I am going to answer a simple question on how you can double your savings account in 12 months.


    01:50 My daily routine

    04:54 The key to double your savings

    08:36 The 52 Week Challenge

    10:01 Automate it!

    12:44 Set reminders for review



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    Ep. 156 - 7 Best Hedges in the Face of Inflation

    Ep. 156 - 7 Best Hedges in the Face of Inflation

    You’ve seen the headlines again and again.


    Inflation is here.  It’s time to freak out!


    Or is it?


    Let’s take a look at some of the best hedges to beat inflation.


    03:23 Gold

    06:34 Real Estate (REITs)

    9:40 Aggregate Bond Index

    12:13 Stock Market

    15:08 Treasury Inflated Protected Securities (TIPS)

    17:20 Series I Bonds

    21:20 Bitcoin




    5 Best Hedges in the Face of Inflation





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    Ep. 155 - Can You Have a Roth IRA and SEP IRA at the Same Time? (Ask a CFP®)

    Ep. 155 - Can You Have a Roth IRA and SEP IRA at the Same Time? (Ask a CFP®)

    You know you love the Roth IRA!


    What’s NOT to love about free tax money?


    Sometimes it is nice to get that tax deduction.


    There is a pre-tax retirement tool called the SEP IRA - we are going to answer a reader question today about the SEP IRA.


    The question: “I have a question about the SEP and Roth IRA - if my employer does not offer any type of retirement benefits, but I do have a Roth IRA from a previous employer - I am regularly contributing to my Roth IRA - also I would like to contribute to a SEP or Simple.  Can I contribute to each without penalty?  I am above the age of 50, what is the best route for me to contribute without getting a penalty/


    I have spent a lot of time answering questions about the Roth IRA, but this one is unique.  He is asking if he can have a SEP and a Roth.

    6:00 What is a SEP and how does it work?
    7:33 3 steps to set up a SEP
    8:06 SEP vs Roth IRA from employer perspective
    9:15 Who can open a SEP or Simple IRA
    10:25 Contribution limits
    15:45 Can you have both a SEP and Roth IRA?


    Distribution Rules for SEP IRAs

    Rules and Limits to Open a SEP IRA for 2022

    Roth IRA vs Traditional IRA: Understand the Difference


    Ep. 154 - The Best Roth IRA Investments (for long-term wealth)

    Ep. 154 - The Best Roth IRA Investments (for long-term wealth)

    It’s a good day when we have a Good Financial Cents subscriber that is interested in ‘tax free money.’


    That tells me you are listening and ready to take charge of your life.


    Today’s question comes from Aaron:


    “I am 28 years old and I keep hearing how much you love the Roth IRA. I am finally ready to get one but I am not sure which will give me the highest return - should I go with a bank or one of those online brokers?”


    I would like to point out that a Roth IRA is not an investment, rather it is an investment tool.  You are not buying a Roth IRA, you are opening a Roth IRA account and putting investments into that account.

    04:27 Take advantage of those tax free benefits
    05:30 Bank or Online broker
    07:04 Avoid these types of investments
    11:57 Best investments to add to your Roth
    14:15 The Blended Approach
    18:09 Diversified Stock Approach
    19:43 The paycheck stock method
    22:24 Get Techie Method
    25:23 Buy it like Buffet
    26:14 Real Estate in your Roth
    28:30 Adding cryptocurrency to your Roth




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    Ep. 153 - He Gave Away (over) $1 Million Before the Age 40 - Giving Away 44% of His Income This Year

    Ep. 153 - He Gave Away (over) $1 Million Before the Age 40 - Giving Away 44% of His Income This Year

    Many people are familiar with the ‘FIRE’ movement. Fire stands for:







    If you are a FIRE advocate, you are saving large amount of your income - 30, 40 or 50% (or greater). People on the outside can’t understand how you can save so much.


    If you have a hard time understanding how someone could save 50% of their income, imagine someone giving half of their income away!


    I’m doing to introduce you to Bob Lotich who is giving away 44% of his income.  He has given away over a million dollars by the time he turned 40.

    04:03 One Year Sabbatical

    06:15 The ‘Aha’ moments

    10:15 How did it feel when you started giving?

    19:04 At what point was 10% not enough for a tithe

    22:45 What is your take on true financial freedom

    25:18 How hard was it to increase the % you were giving each and every year?

    27:08 How do you make your contributions automatic?

    30:01 What is an example of a situation or a person that you are able to plant the seed of giving?

    33:06 How do you encourage someone to start giving, even if they do not feel able?

    34:50 What message do you hope readers will get out of your new book Simple Money Rich Life?



    Simple Money Rich Life



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    Ep. 152 - 17 Investment Ideas for $10,000

    Ep. 152 - 17 Investment Ideas for $10,000

    You have hit a crucial investing milestone. Congratulations!!


    You have $10,000 and you want to invest - but where? What?  There are so many options.


    Don’t worry, I’ve got you - with 17 different investment ideas.


    03:48 High interest/high yield savings account

    04:59 Auto-pilot investing

    06:52 Real estate 

    09:22 Dividend paying stocks

    11:33 Cryptocurrency

    13:13 Investing in home renovations

    16:42 Coaching program

    14:41 Your credentials 

    18:19 Get a license (real estate or life insurance)

    18:33 Get a degree 

    18:49 Online Courses

    20:58 Start a business

    20:58 Open a Franchise 

    21:50 Start a podcast

    21:50 Start a blog

    22:22 Reselling on Amazon FBA

    23:36 Pay off debt



    How to Invest in Dividend Stocks



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    Ep. 151 - Yes, You Can Really Make (almost) 10% With This Safe Investment

    Ep. 151 - Yes, You Can Really Make (almost) 10% With This Safe Investment

    Let me know if this sounds like a dream come trie:


    You can purchase a safe investment, guaranteed by the government,  and make almost 10% return. (Does that exist?)


    I’m sure you saw the headline last week that said in March the CPI is up 8.5% from 1 year ago.  That is the fast annual gain since December 1981.


    What does that mean?


    CPI is a measure of the price of goods and services we purchase - it is a measure of inflation.


    01:54 Areas with largest increase in costs.

    02:46 Inflation hedges

    05:14 Safe investment that will yield almost 10% return

    08:40 Is there a catch/limitation?

    09:50 Holding I Bonds

    10:37 Should you buy now or later?



    5 Best Hedges in the Face of Inflation

    Best Low-Risk Investments for 2022





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    Ep. 150 - 1,400 Shares of $VOO or a Backyard Paradise - Which Would You Choose?

    Ep. 150 - 1,400 Shares of $VOO or a Backyard Paradise - Which Would You Choose?

    What would you rather have, 1) a backyard paradise or 2) an investment that pays dividends for life?


    You probably need more context to truly answer this question.


    I saw a lot of people on twitter talking about investments with VOO (Vanguard 500 Index Fund ETF), this prompted me to make a tweet of my own.


    I tweeted a picture of our backyard which included our pool and the poorhouse / my YouTube studio. This was the caption ‘I could have bout 1400 shares of VOO but decided my backyard paradise was a better investment - lifetime memories = generational dividends.’


    We decided that we wanted to invest some money into a pool which grew into a pool house, an interruption free studio for video recording, and some space for guests to stay when visiting.


    We are very happy with our decision and we have already made so many memories in this space.


    How about you?  Is there anything that you have purchased that you feel will have generational dividends for you and your family?


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    Ep. 149 - We Spent $12,283 on Our Kids Teeth - Invisalign Vs Braces (which one is better?)

    Ep. 149 - We Spent $12,283 on Our Kids Teeth - Invisalign Vs Braces (which one is better?)



    That is how much it costs to get three of our kids braces.


    Well, 2 got braces and 1 got Invisalign.


    Today we are going to talk about:

    • How much it costs to get braces in today’s inflationary market. 
    • How much it costs to get Invisalign.
    • Which one is better?


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    Ep. 148 - My M1 Finance Portfolio Returns - 3 Year Review

    Ep. 148 - My M1 Finance Portfolio Returns - 3 Year Review

    When you are a certified financial planner there is a lot of pressure when I reveal my investment portfolio.


    My returns should be phenomenal - like 2-3 times higher than the average investor.


    Regardless, I am about to share my returns on not one but two M1 Finance accounts with you.


    It has been so long since I’ve logged into my M1 Finance accounts..I am almost afraid to look.


    I hope this walk through of my accounts will show you just how easy it is to set up an account and start investing with M1 Finance.


    03:09 Quick overview of M1 Finance
    05:00 How are the markets doing right now?
    06:17 Let’s look at the first M1 finance account
    09:02 The 2nd (and larger) M1 Finance account
    21:34 Buying Bitcoin ProShares Trust



    M1 Finance Review – Revolutionizing Robo-Investing



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    Ep. 147 - Craziest Home Buyer Story I've Ever Heard (Coincidence or God?)

    Ep. 147 - Craziest Home Buyer Story I've Ever Heard (Coincidence or God?)

    If you are in the process of trying to buy a house, you know how crazy it is right now.


    Especially if you live in an area with a high demand, like here in Nashville, TN.


    You are either paying way over market value or using some unconventional methods to find a house.


    I want to share a story with you about a couple, friends of mine, that were searching for a house to purchase after moving to the Nashville area.


    After months and months of working with a Realtor they were getting absolutely nowhere.

    They finally found their dream home and you'll never believe how they did it.




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    Ep. 146 - From 0 to $36,000 in 1 Month - How These Teachers Quit Their Jobs and Flipped Their Life

    Ep. 146 - From 0 to $36,000 in 1 Month - How These Teachers Quit Their Jobs and Flipped Their Life

    “In the last 8 years we’ve had 4,000 people come through the flipped lifestyle community.”

    This is from an interview I did with a good friend, Shane Sams.  They have an amazing story! 

    Shane says he even has to pinch himself to make sure he isn’t dreaming.

    Tune in for the full story of how Shane and Jocelyn quit their jobs and flipped their life.

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    14 Legit Ways Real People Make Money on Facebook

    Here Are the Best Online Jobs to Make Real Money

    17 Best Online Jobs for Teens


    Ep. 145 - $2 Million is Not Too Much Life Insurance

    Ep. 145 - $2 Million is Not Too Much Life Insurance

    Two Million Dollars


    That is a lot of money.

    (When I say that I can’t help but think of Dr. Evil saying ‘One Million Dollars.’)


    Today we are not talking about how to make millions or how to invest millions - we are talking about protecting your family.


    If something were to happen to you, does your family have the means to maintain the lifestyle you live now?


    How do you know how much you’ll need?


    Tune in and I’ll walk you through the process of picking a policy that works for your family and how much it will cost you.


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    The Best Life Insurance Companies for 2022

    How Much Does a Million Dollar Term Life Insurance Policy Cost?

    Five Life Insurance Riders You Need To Be Aware Of

    Ep. 144 - How to Make $1,000 Per Month (Part 3 of 3)

    Ep. 144 - How to Make $1,000 Per Month (Part 3 of 3)

    Are you tired of learning about ways to make an extra $1,000 per month?


    I hope not!


    I am excited to continue this series with the final 10 ways I want to share with you.


    01:36 #21 Creating an online course
    04:24 #22 Creating a digital product
    06:24 #23 Become a freelancer
    08:23 #24 Tutoring #25 Teaching English as a second language
    09:16 #26 Amateur Sports Referee
    10:06 #27 Become a HandyMan
    10:48 #28 Rent out storage space in your home
    12:35 #29 List your services (talents) for hire
    14:02 #30 Flipping websites #31 Buying websites to generate passive income


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    Ep. 143 - How to Make $1,000 Per Month (Part 2 of 3)

    Ep. 143 - How to Make $1,000 Per Month (Part 2 of 3)

    We are still talking about how to make an extra $1,000 a month on the side (or take it to a full-time gig if you like.


    We covered the first 10 ways to make that $1k/month in Episode 142.  We are going to dive right in to #11 and beyond today.


    01:25 #11 Podcasting
    06:28 #12 Start a YouTube Channel
    08:15 #13 Reselling Garage Sale/Flea Market Items
    10:59 #14 Reselling Sneakers
    13:43 #15 Reselling Sports Cards
    17:14 #16 Trading Options
    20:17 #17 Credit Card Rewards
    24:27 #18 Paying off Student Loans
    26:21 #19 Amazon FBA
    28:55 #20 Become a Virtual Assistant


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    How To Make $1,000 Per Month in Dividends

    Best Items for Garage Sale Flipping for Fun and Profit

    $0 to $1000 a Month with Amazon FBA

    7 Rules I Learned After Going Broke in Real Estate Investing


    Ep. 142 - How to Make $1,000 Per Month (Part 1 of 3)

    Ep. 142 - How to Make $1,000 Per Month (Part 1 of 3)

    I was putting on a favorite pair of lounge paints the other day.  I placed my hand in my pocket and found a $20!


    It’s always fun finding extra cash in your pocket.


    Want to know what is even more fun?  Making extra money every month!


    In this 3-part podcast I am going to share over 30 ways you can make extra money on the side.


    30 ideas may seem a bit overwhelming, but I know that not every idea will work for everyone.  My hope is that by sharing all 30 everyone will find something what will work for their situation.


    05:50 #1 Selling eBooks
    09:17 #2 Freelance Writing
    11:49 #3 Blogging
    14:29 #4 FaceBook Ads
    17:53 #5 Crypto Bot Trading
    20:07 #6 Dividend Income
    20:50 #7 Cryptocurrency Savings Accounts
    22:42 #8 Real Estate Rental Income
    24:02 #9 Personal Coaching/Consulting
    26:56 #10 Membership Communities

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    How To Make $1,000 Per Month in Dividends

    7 Rules I Learned After Going Broke in Real Estate Investing


    Ep. 141 - How to Become a Part-Time Financial Coach (Ask a CFP®)

    Ep. 141 - How to Become a Part-Time Financial Coach (Ask a CFP®)

    Do you have a passion for helping people with their money but have a hard time figuring out how to go about it?


    Could you be a part-time money coach?


    We recently had a subscriber ask: I’ve started taking CFP courses and I want to start part-time helping families get their finances in order. I was wondering if you could offer any advice in regards to this.


    04:18 - Is this a viable option?
    06:35 - Requirements/Certifications of a financial coach.
    08:48 - What is your money story?
    13:11 - What is your speciality?
    15:44 - What is your specific solution?
    16:38 - What will you charge?


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