
    The Guilty Tester

    Do you ever feel guilty for not meeting the standards set by others in the Software Testing community? Okay, you're in the right place then.
    aaDavid Duke35 Episodes

    Episodes (35)

    2022 Learning Challenge - Would Heu-Risk It

    2022 Learning Challenge - Would Heu-Risk It

    Do you work in software development? Do you have strong ideas about how software should be developed and tested? Do you sometimes need a refresher of the things that should be important when testing software? Do you want to hear a suggestion for that? You’re in the right place then. This is the guilty tester podcast

    Below, you can find links for Lena's website, the E-book and the deck of cards. You can also search for hard copy purchases.





    QualityBashUK - Learning Challenge - Month 10

    QualityBashUK -  Learning Challenge - Month 10

    Do you work in software development? Do you have strong ideas about how software should be developed and tested? Do you want to know why I think TestBashUK 2022 could have been called QualityBashUK 2022? You’re in the right place then, this is the guilty tester podcast.

    Here's a bunch of links to some of the presenters mentioned:


    and the link to the TestBashUK 2022 page https://www.ministryoftesting.com/dojo/series/testbash-uk-2022 

    2022 Learning Challenge - Quality Coaching Book

    2022 Learning Challenge - Quality Coaching Book

    Do you work in software development? Do you have strong ideas about how software should be developed and tested? Are you curious about the role of a quality coach? You’re in the right place then, this is the guilty tester podcast.

    Anne Marie's book can be found by looking for it on her website: https://www.annemariecharrett.com/ 
    Matt Wynne's Example Mapping Workshop : https://cucumber.io/blog/bdd/example-mapping-introduction/ 


    2022 Learning Challenge - Testbash World 2022

    2022 Learning Challenge - Testbash World 2022

    Do you work in software testing? Do you have strong ideas about how software should be developed and tested? I watched some of the talks from Testbash World 2022. Do you fancy hearing about them in vague and yet painful detail? You've in the right place then.

    Francis Ho: Director of Quality at Auror - https://www.linkedin.com/in/francis-ho/ 
    Mike Talks : https://twitter.com/TestSheepNZ
    Kika Ganesan : https://www.linkedin.com/in/kiruthikaganesan/
    Samuel Nitsche: https://twitter.com/Der_Pesse
    Mahathee Dandibhotla - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mahatheed/
    Anindita Rath - https://www.linkedin.com/in/anindita-rath-7607b090/


    Podcasts - Month 3 - Part 2 - Learning Challenge 2022

    Podcasts - Month 3 - Part 2 - Learning Challenge 2022
    Do you work in software development? Do you have strong ideas about how software should be developed and tested? Do you feel guilty because your learning has stagnated? Do you STILL have a testing podcast but rarely listen to technical podcasts? You're in the right place then, this is The Guilty Tester.
    A list of links for the podcasts mentioned in this episode can be found in the linked blogpost

    Podcasts - Month 3 - Part 1 - Learning Challenge 2022

    Podcasts - Month 3 - Part 1 - Learning Challenge 2022
    Do you work in software development? Do you have strong ideas about how software should be developed and tested? Do you feel guilty because your learning has stagnated? Do you have a testing podcast but rarely listen to technical podcasts? You're in the right place then, this is The Guilty Tester.
    A list of links for the podcasts mentioned in this episode can be found in the linked blogpost

    Agile Testing - Month 2 - Learning Challenge 2022

    Agile Testing - Month 2 - Learning Challenge 2022
    Do you work in Software Development? Do you have strong ideas about how software should be developed and tested? Are there important testing books that you have only ever read the intro? Do you feel guilty about it? You might be in the right place then. This, is the Guilty Tester Podcast.
    This is the book I talk about alot in the episode : https://agiletester.ca 


    The Guilty Tester
    aaMarch 07, 2022

    Cypress - Month 1 - Learning Challenge 2022

    Cypress - Month 1 - Learning Challenge 2022
    Do you work in Software Development? Do you have strong ideas about how software should be developed and tested? Do you feel guilty about areas of your skillset that are underdeveloped or rusty? You might be in the right place then.
    The Guilty Tester
    aaJanuary 31, 2022

    New Years Resolution 2022

    New Years Resolution 2022

    Do you work in or near Software Testing? Do you ever think that there's something you should be doing that you aren't doing enough of? Well, you're in the right place then.

    I make a new year's resolution and encourage you to do so as well.

    The intro, outro and inbetween is music from the Blue Dot sessions, sourced from freemusicarchive.org 

    Beth Marshall - Part Two

    Beth Marshall - Part Two

    Do you work in or near Software Testing? Are you flexible on most things but have an absolute line that you refuse to cross? Do you ever wonder what other peoples absolute lines are? You’re in the right place then. This is the guilty tester podcast

    Part Two of my chat with Beth Marshall - https://beththetester.com/

    The intro, outro and inbetween is music from the Blue Dot sessions, sourced from freemusicarchive.org 

    The Guilty Tester
    aaFebruary 24, 2021

    Beth Marshall - Part One

    Beth Marshall - Part One

    Do you ever think that there’s more value in collaboration and admitting your limitations than there is in trying to push a strong agenda or claim you’re the best at everything? You may well be in the right place then, this is the guilty tester podcast.
    Part One of my chat with Beth Marshall - https://beththetester.com/

    The intro, outro and inbetween is music from the Blue Dot sessions, sourced from freemusicarchive.org 

    Christmas 2020 - Dear Santa

    Christmas 2020 - Dear Santa

    Do you work in software development? Do you ever wish that all your software development woes could be solved by a magical man in a red suit with a beard? 

    The intro, outro and inbetween is music from the Blue Dot sessions, sourced from freemusicarchive.org 

    The annoying bell sounds are provided by The Guilty Tester

    The Guilty Tester
    aaDecember 23, 2020

    What Was I Thinking

    What Was I Thinking

    Do you work in software development? Do you have strong ideas about what testing means? Do you think your definitions of testing have changed over time? You're in the right place then. This is The Guilty Tester.

    Also, just a reminder that there’s still 40% off all products in all formats at manning.com with the code podguilty20   

    The intro, outro and inbetween is music from the Blue Dot sessions, sourced from freemusicarchive.org 

    Misconceptions Of Automation Testing

    Misconceptions Of Automation Testing

    Do you work in Software Development? Do you ever feel guilty for not meeting the standards set by others in the Software Testing community? Do you ever have very strong opinions about replacing manual regression tests with front end automation? Okay, you are in the right place then. 

    Earlier in the year @SanjayKumaarr asked on twitter: "What are the misconceptions in Automation Testing?"

    I break down all the reasons I think the following is wrong:

    "You can solve all your problems with a long release cycle by getting your testers or automation specialists to simply find all your current manual regression test cases and writing them in front end automation without talking to the Devs or Business representatives."

    Also, just a reminder that there’s a 40% off all products in all formats at manning.com with the code podguilty20   

    The intro, outro and inbetween is music from the Blue Dot sessions, sourced from freemusicarchive.org 

    Useless Skills

    Useless Skills

    Do you work in Software Development? Do you ever wonder if you’ve got the right skills for your job, or maybe too many skills, or maybe some of the wrong skills? Okay, you are in the right place then.

    In this episode I ponder on a question which @Beth_AskHer posed: "I hear a lot about the seemingly endless plethora of tech skills testers “must have” - but I’d love your take on what skills they don’t (or soon won’t) need."

    Also, just a reminder that there’s a 40% off all products in all formats at manning.com with the code podguilty20

    The intro, outro and inbetween is music from the Blue Dot sessions, sourced from freemusicarchive.org

    Mikolaj Pawlikowski - Chaos Engineering

    Mikolaj Pawlikowski - Chaos Engineering

    Do you work in Software Development? Do you ever feel guilty for not keeping up with all the newer ideas and practices you hear other people talking about? Okay, you are in the right place then. 

    I talk to Mikolaj Pawlikowski (@mikopawlikowski) about Chaos Engineering, we chat about the things it has in common with what I think of as Software Testing and he lets me know how guilty I should be feeling if I’m not currently doing any Chaos Engineering. 

    His book is available here : https://www.manning.com/books/chaos-engineering?query=Miko%C5%82aj%20Pawlikowski

    There’s a 40% off all products in all formats at manning.com with the code podguilty20   

    His newsletter is available here: https://chaosengineering.news/

    Github: https://github.com/seeker89

    The intro, outro and inbetween is music from the Blue Dot sessions, sourced from freemusicarchive.org

    Works For Me

    Works For Me

    Do you ever feel guilty for not meeting the standards set by others in the Software Testing community, or even the standards you are setting for yourself? Okay, you are in the right place then. 

    I talk about my relationship with the phrase Works For Me and why it says a lot about my history as a Software Tester. Also I say the phrase more times than you ever wanted to hear anyone say.

    The intro, outro and inbetween is music from the Blue Dot sessions, sourced from freemusicarchive.org

    Do The Things You Like More

    Do The Things You Like More

    Do you ever feel guilty for not meeting the standards set by others in the Software Testing community, or even the standards you are setting for yourself? Okay, you are in the right place then. 

    I felt guilty about not doing much coding any more and not knowing much about the trendy testing frameworks. What have I done to cope with this guilt? That's what I discuss in this episode.

    The intro, outro and inbetween is music from the Blue Dot sessions, sourced from freemusicarchive.org