
    The HD Your Biz® Show - Human Design for Business with Jamie Palmer

    If you want to dive deeper into human design for business this is THE show for you to HD Your Biz! As an entrepreneur, you can leverage your human design to create a life (and business) in high definition. Are you ready to tune up the definition in your life and business using your unique human design blueprint? If you want to activate your business genius, build a life on your terms and space more joy, abundance, and flow then stay tuned for the HD Your Biz podcast. I firmly believe that if each one us can embody and become who we are meant to be the world will be a better place. I am your host Jamie Palmer and this is the HD Your Biz Podcast.
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    Episodes (28)

    Begin Again - Reflections on Letting Go

    Begin Again - Reflections on Letting Go

    For those who are caught in the in between and messy middle

    This is a love note, poem, short story or novella on peeling back the layers of the world and beginning again. Those who are straddling two worlds and stuck in between. Those who are breaking cycles. Those who are letting go. Those who are shattering the way things are supposed to be done and doing it in their own way. Those who are getting vulnerable. This is for every person who’s doubted themselves, who said yes when they wanted to say no, who has shrunk themselves into the box of someone else’s expectations. This is for the dreamers, the creatives, the artists, the entrepeneurs, the ones who want to do it on their own terms.

    You know who you are.

    I see you, I believe in you and there is hope. There is light at the end of the tunnel. There is a way out when you break the chains of the chatter of your mind. I’ve spent the last 9 months tuning out the noise and tuning into my being, my knowing and my truth. Nine months of truly leaning into my power. I know the pains. I know the heartache. I know the struggle. I know it’s easier to sucomb then become but I promise you there is light. I promise the air is crisper. The light is lighter. The being is purer when you come out on the other side. It gets easier, lighter, and more fulfilling.

    Not Self Of the Mind in Human Design - Should'ing Yourself in Business

    Not Self Of the Mind in Human Design - Should'ing Yourself in Business

    Shoulding yourself and the not self of the mind in business.

    The not-self of the mind in human design is centered in logic and sense making. While this can be useful in business, it can also lead you to 'should'ing" yourself with all those things that you are supposed to be doing. Learn more about the centers in human design, their not self themes or "should" themes in business. How to recognize with more speed when you are shoulding yourself in business. 


    Have you ever thought to yourself, “Oh I should do that.” Or “ I should do this”. Over the last couple of weeks I have been hearing it more and more, with clients, colleagues and in social media. The reality is I’m guilty of “should’ing myself” from time to time as well. The more I pay attention the more I hear it in different iterations as well, “this makes sense” or my personal favorite. “on paper this looks great.”

    When I take a step back to think about what “should’ing actually is especially through the lens of human design it is the not-self.


    The should’ing shows up in our

    • Marketing & keeping up with the latest trends like tik tok or reels
    • Sales & selling systems & tools
    • Need to try the new thing, tool, or thing aka Glittery Object Syndrome
    • Offers & business model trends
    • What our idea of “success” is
    • Working hours
    • Pricing
    • Time frame to respond

    If we examine our “should’ing” through the lens of human design this is the not self of the mind. The not-self of the mind is the spokesperson or mental monologue of the mind when we are out of alignment within one of our centers or with our strategy and authority.  In the human design body graph there are several places where we can be in the not self or low expression


    With our type – projector – bitterness & resentment, manifestor – anger & shame, manifesting generator – frustration & anger, generator – frustration, reflector disappointment.


    And with the 9 centers – head, ajna, throat, identity, heart, sacral, spleen, solar plexus and root.


    For this discussion on should’ing and the not self of the mind in business, we are going to stick with the not-self of the centers. There are three ways centers show up in the bodygraph – defined – colored in, undefined – white with only gates, open – no gates. Within each center there is a polarity and a dichotomy. The high expression and the low expression, particualy with the undefined centers (the white ones). The undefined centers are the places where we take on conditioning and end up in the not self. Of which, the mind, is the not-self spokesperson of these centers or the voice of the “should”. The conditioning comes from friends, family, coaches, those around us, society, culture norms, social media and more. When we are in the “not self” we are out of alignment with our strategy and authority. The not-self of the mind is a tricky thing because it wants to logic us. It’s sole purpose is to keep us alive. The mind, through the lens of human design, is here to be in service of others. It is not here to be used as a decision making tool for us to operate on ourselves. That is what our strategy and authority is for.


    The mind, is rational, reasonable, sense-making and logical. It yearns to do the thing or things that make the most sense based on what we have seen, read about or experienced. The mind operates from a place of fear and pressure. It is primitive in this sense even though it is very powerful (and convincing). For many of us we live in the place of “if this makes sense then it must be correct for me.” I know I have operated in this way in the past even when my gut was screaming for me to go in a different direction. The challenge with this is that our gut, intuition or inner knowing will often nudge us to do x and our mind ‘logics” us out of those decisions.


    When we leverage human design as tool we rely on our authority for our decision making process rather than the logic of our mind especially when it comes to our business. Our strategy – projector – wait for the invitation / recognition, generator – respond / know thyself, manifesting generator – visualize, respond &  then inform, manifestor – initiate / inform, reflector – wait a lunar cycle..


    Part of the reason I believe this to be so important, especially, for my fellow entrepreneurs is because when we are out of alignment we aren’t in the highest expression of ourselves. We will struggle to reach the full potential of who we are when we are in the not-self. The reality is when we leverage human design as a tool to look at where we are out of alignment it is because we have gotten lost somewhere along the way. We have fallen off track with our strategy and authority. We gave our power away. We outsourced our thinking. Ultimately leaving us in a place where we didn’t expect to be. We have taken on conditioning and our carrying something that is not ours. In our undefined centers we can take on layers and layers of conditioning along the way and we lose ourselves. We lose sight of our lighthouse.

    I love using the lighthouse here as a metaphor because if you think of what a lighthouse does it stands tall shining its light. If you think of your human design blueprint as a lighthouse and the light shining round and round from the lighthouse as your strategy and authority. When we take on layers and layers of conditioning we can get pulled out to sea and lose sight of our light. We lose sight of where we are and we have to come back home again to ourselves.


    So the mind and the not-self of the mind, it is here to keep us alive but it is not here to help us live out the fullest expression of our being. The mind is not here to help us fuel our passions and spark a fire within us. The mind is not for fulfilling your purpose. It is literally here for survival. So when we use our mind for decision making we betray our future selves. We betray our bigger purpose. We betray the impact, we as entrepreneurs want to make. However, our minds are brilliant tools when they are in service of the other. The mind is simply not here to operate on itself. Imagine if you broke your arm and you needed surgery. You wouldn’t try and operate on yourself. Next time your mind attempts to take over your strategy and authority think of this as operating on yourself. It’s not the best idea.


    Now let’s get back to the centers…For each of the centers the not-self of the mind, the “should’ing” is going to show up in a different way. For example:


    With the Head :

    • “ I should be further along”
    • “I should know more”
    • “I should be able to figure this out”
    • “I should get to work but I’ll just spend five more minutes scrolling”


    With the Ajna

    • “I should do this because this is what is normal / typical / standard for my industry”
    • “I shouldn’t do this because people will think I’m weird”
    • “I should do this because this is what’s expected of me in my industry.”
    • “I should know what to do next”


    With the Throat

    • “I should be showing up online and get more visible”
    • “I should be making Tik Toks or reels or (insert trend here)”
    • “I should be getting more likes/engagement/interaction”
    • “I shouldn’t bother showing up online no sees my stuff anyway”
    • “I should do this podcast interview because it’s going to get me exposure”


    With the Identity

    • “I should do it this way because x is doing it that way”
    • “I should have a 5 year plan for my business”.
    • “I should know what my purpose/strengths/passions/direction are”
    • “I should love what I do because it’s my business but…”


    With the Heart

    • “I should raise my prices”
    • “I should try this new thing/tech/trend because I don’t want to miss out”
    • “I should join this program because that is THE thing that will change the game for me.”
    • “I should do this thing because then they will finally see my worth/how valuable I am”


    With the Sacral

    • “I should do a course and a evergreen product and a ______ and a _________ (all the things)”
    • “I should keep working even though I’m exhausted
    • “I should be working since it is “work hours”
    • “I should set better boundaries with my clients but __________”
    • “I should stay focus on my goals but I fear I’m going to miss out if I don’t say yes / do this thing”


    With the Solar Plexus

    • “I should be happy”
    • “I should keep doing this because it is easy even though I hate it”
    • “I should go this route because I don’t want to waste all the effort I put in”
    • “I should go this route because I don’t want to upset / let my team / people down.”
    • “I should talk to x because I’m not happy but it’s easier just to do it myself”


    With the Spleen

    • “I should show up but I’m afraid I don’t know enough / not expert enough.”
    • “I should do x because Sarah does it that way and I fear if I don’t do it that way I won’t be successful.”
    • “I should pivot my business but I’m just going to keep holding on because I’m afraid of _____”
    • “I should do x but I’m afraid / overwhelmed / have anxiety about doing x because I might fail / be successful / have to let go”
    • “I should do this now instead of later because I fear I will _________”


    With the Root

    • “I should hurry up because I’m behind”
    • “I should do this because x is already doing it and I have to keep up”
    • “I should do ____________ even though I’m already stressed”
    • “I should do this because my clients/family/friends/person needs me”
    • “I should try this new thing even though it might sabotage this other thing I’m working on”
    • “I should be able to get past this block/level/limiting belief. What is wrong with me?


    When I hear that logic of the mind, that sense making, it is often a sign that the person is in their not self. They are should’ing themselves with reason why they should do this or that. Although intuitively they might not necessarily agree with their “should’ing”. In human design we rely on strategy and authority for our decision making process


    For example, I'm a projector with emotional authority. For me I first have to wait for the invitation and receive recognition from the other then I have to ride the highs and lows of my emotional wave and get to an emotional neutral. Once I am at that neutral, I can then discern if that is the right decision for me.

    I might be recognized to do this thing, but then I also have to ride my emotional wave to discern, is this actually the right thing for me to do? I recently got invited to write a chapter for a book. It is with a great publisher and I got the invite and recognition on why I would be the right expert and writer. So I can enter into this knowing I followed my strategy of waiting for the invitation and recognition.


    Now I have to lean into my emotional wave to discern do I actually want to do this? Is the timing right? Is this a yes for me.  I caught myself in the process in this “should’ing”. “I should do this because you know, this is going to help get me exposure”. The not self of the throat. I should do this because it's going to position me as an expert. Not self of the identity center. I should do this because the human design world is growing so fast and I have to keep up.” The not-self of the root center.


    All of these shoulds kept coming up and I had to get out of my not-self thinking and into my authority. I knew it was the right thing for me and I had 75% buy in however I wanted to make sure the timing was right and I could follow through on it. Ultimately, I said yes but I honored the highs and lows of my emotional wave before I committed.  


    For each type there is a strategy and an authority. Each authority corresponds to a spot to a center in the body. When we are in alignment of our strategy and authority the authority is being leverage to make decisions instead of the mind. When we are should’ing and logicing and sense making we are in the not-self of the mind in one of our centers. My goal in sharing all of this with you is that you can begin to recognize this in yourself with more ease, less resistance, and faster.


    When you leverage your mind for decision making instead of your authority you will often find yourself in frustration, anger, resentment or overwhelm. The mind is simply here to be in service of others and keep your alive from a primal survival level. It will always lead you astray in expressing the highest version of yourself.


    Ultimately what happens when we use our minds in service of our decision making in our businesses it becomes sort of a huge problem. Because one decision made by the mind, followed by another and another and another leads us out to sea where we can no longer see the light of our lighthouse. Instead we can lean into the innate inner knowing of our intuition, our gut response, our bodies, which is ultimately our authority. Our bodies hold the truth of what is best for us not the shoulding or logic or sense making of the mind. Just become something look good on paper doesn’t mean that is actually what sparks our passion and drive. That logic and should’ing is the not who you are. It is simply how you are experiencing the world based on conditioning you have taken on. That baggage, conditioning, not-self whatever you want to call it. The layers you are carrying that are not your. You can put them down. You can free yourself from the weight of conditioning with a bit of work.


    It's incredibly freeing once you put it down. I’ve been studying human design for three years now and living in alignment with my strategy and authority. I notice now with so much more speed when I am should’ing myself and When I’m out of alignment. That is because I’ve gotten to know myself better. I’ve gotten to know where I tend to take on conditioning and I’ve been working through peeling back all the layers of stuff that is not mine. Human design has given me a framework for my intuition. Language to understanding my uniqueness and process for how I’m best to interact with the world.


    This work takes time. It takes time to reestablish trust with our bodies when we have been relying on our minds for years. It takes time, repetition and a bit of belief in listening to your authority instead of our minds. In our culture we are programed to rely on our minds from a very early age. You woudn’t go to the gym for the first time in years and expect to be able to dead lift 250 pounds. The same goes for trusting your authority (and strategy). Start with small decisions first. Look back on your past lived experiences when things have worked out (or haven’t) and go step by step through what happened. Did you rely on your mind? Or did you trust your gut?


    I encourage you  to lean into that inner nudge, that voice within that spark, that passion, that fire, that thing that you want to do, that doesn't make sense because ultimately, that's probably the right thing for you. I invite you to lean in, lean into the knowing, lean into the nudge, lean into the spark, lean into the intuition because what, what would happen if instead of saying, you know, I should follow this blueprint because blah, blah, blah. And what if instead we blazed the trail. What we did things on our own terms and followed the thing that didn’t make sense.


    What if instead we just completely imagined a new business model or a new way to do things or a better way to serve our clients. What if we just put down the shoulds and really just embrace the possibilities. The possibility we can kind of create the life that we want to create and the business that we want to create on our own terms, when we stay true to who we are. If you are someone who wants to lean into your intuition, who wants a framework for that inner knowing, I encourage you to join me for the HD Your Biz Summer cohort in the in the next four weeks. If you sign up by May 29th you can get it with my birthday early bird pricing of $497 instead of $997.

    The Human Design Reflector In Business

    The Human Design Reflector In Business

    Let's talk about the Human Design Reflector in Business

    The human design type reflector accounts for less than 1% of the population. The reflector is here to be a mirror to the envirornment, people and community that surrounds them. The reflector sees the depths of humanity, the flaws, the strengths, the weaknesses and everything in between. Relfectors have the ablity to see the gifts and potential in others. The reflector strategy is to wait 28 days before making decisions. The reason reflectors need to wait 28 days is because that allows the moon to cycle through the 64 gates in the human design chart. This allows the reflector to one day have an inner knowing what is correct for them. In business, the reflector, is here to cultivate an envirornment and community that sparks joy and excitement for them. An aligned reflector is one who lives in the present, is in an envirornement that makes them feel really good, surrounded by people they trust and gives them gift of wonder and awe of, "who am I today?" Since a reflector is reflection of their envirornement they are constantly changing and/or are chameleon like. 

    A healthy reflector is one who is part of or has created a community that makes them feel really good. They are aware that their have a great deal of openness in their chart and regularly spend time in nature to filter off the energy that is not theirs. They are an old soul, often, wise beyond their years. They have a knack for seeing the depth of people and a kean sense for when someone is ready to step into and live their full potential. Relfectors are here to see the true authentic potential in others. 

    Reflector's signature theme is that of excitement and delight. A reflector experiences this when the people and community they are a part of surprise them. This could be an actual surprise or a surprise in getting invited to do something they didn't expect. Reflectors want to sample all that life has to offer. They love to experience the depth of the world and all its dichotomy. This excitement and delight of the surprise happens when the reflector doesn't expect the behavior of the other. Since reflectors see the highs and lows of the human experience the excitement of this surprise is a delightful surprise something the reflector didn't expect. 

    The not-self theme of the reflector is disappointment. Disappointment for the reflector often happens when those in their community don't reach their potential. When the reflector experiences the lows of the human experience, when someone isn't fulfilling their potential. Reflectors have to learn to dance with this disappointment as it is real but it is not their own. The reflector cannot own that the other is not fulfilling their potential. They job is simple to see the potential in others not carry it. Disappointement can run rampet for reflectors when they are in the wrong envirornement. This is because envirornment plays such a key factor in the health and success of the reflector. The role for the reflector is to find the envirornement where they thrive and that feels good to them in all aspects of their life. Creating practices where reflectors dispell the energy of others is key for them in living to the highest expression of themselves. 

    In business, reflectors do best in communities where there is a healthy, vibrant culture, whatever that means for them. Reflectors will need to honor their chamleon like personality as it cycles through the lunar cycle and understand which gate definition is actually theirs. This definition can offer some insight into the passion and fulfillement that the reflector seeks. Allowing reflectors the space to be who they are on whatever day is key for them to live in alignement. Reflectors live in the moment and find joy in the hear and now. Cultivating a business that doesn't lock them into one thing is key. 

    In summary, reflectors are the rarest of the types. Reflectors are truly unique people who are here to mirror back to the rest of the types the highest expression of themselves. They see the other types for their authentic selves and reflect back to them their potential. Reflectors must honor their yearning to be someone different each and every day. Reflectors most important joy is to find an envirornement that feels really good to them and lining up a team of trusted advisors to aid them in their decision making process. 

    Have questions about the reflector type? Feel free to ask them below.

    The Manifesting Generator In Business

    The Manifesting Generator In Business
    The human design type manifesting generator accounts for 32% of the population. The manifesting generator is here to first visualize the outcome they want to achieve, then tap into their sacral response and then inform the key parties in their life of their actions.  In business, manifesting generators are best suited in a fast paced work environment where they can bounce from task to task, project to project since multi-tasking is their superpower. Manifesting generators are here to do work they love, work that brings them joy. They thrive in business when they can interact with different projects and people and can pursue multiple passions.  Manifesting generators need to balance time in relation, working alongside people and time alone. MG's move quickly and can feel slowed down by others however MG's need others in order to be successful.  A healthy manifesting generator is one who is tapped into their sacral response of un-huh (yes)  and ut-huh (no). They can literally feel the push and pull from within their bodies. It is almost as if they light up from within if something is a yes for them. Many adult manifesting generators struggle to connect with this feeling in their body. A great way to reconnect with a manifesting generator's sacral is to find someone you trust and have them ask the manifesting generator yes or no questions. This could be something as simple as, What do you want x for dinner? Your name is X? Are you x years old? Open-ended questions don't work well for a manifesting generator.

    Many of my clients are manifesting generators and they thrive when they have space and freeom to do what they want and oscilate between working with people and doing their own thing. Manifesting generators do not like to be tied down. They like their space and multi-tasking process. Do not try and change their process, it works for them. Manifesting Generators may seem to the outside world to be super human in what they can achieve since they are always working on multiple projects.

    The not-self theme of the manifestng generator is anger and frustration. If a manifesting generator is experiencing anger or  frustration then they are often out of alignment with their design. Frustration happens for manfiesting generators when often when they have said yes to something that was really a no or if they are feeling like other people are slowing them down and they would like to move faster. Anger happens for manifesting generators often when they have failed to inform the key people in their lives and created turbulance with their inner circle. MG's will often be angry when they are asked to focus instead of honoring their unique process of getting things down. Manifesting generators often like to move fast but they must balance this quick movement with understanding that to speed up they must first slow down and respond. An unaligned manifesting generator finds timeselves in a dance with the universe carefully visualizing the outcomes they desire, pausing to dance with the universe and then taking taking action. Of course, the caveat to this is the emotional authority manifesting generator. 

    In business, manifesting generators do best in envirornments that move quickly where they can multitask or are not stuck focusing on one project. For example, this could be in a mastermind envirornment where there are lots of people to interact with or with course where they can both teach, research/learn and then do. Manfiesting Generators are here to do work they love to do and they often see an interconnectedness between things that they other types might not see since their focus is more singular. Manifesting generators are often happy to work along doing their own thing for hours at a time. They apprecaite having freedom and don't like to have to be teethered to a computer for hours on end. Walk and talks are a great way for manfiesting generators to burn off their energy while also working/doing something they love.

    In summary, manifesting generator are amazing humans who have the ablity to multi-task. These individuals are multi-passionate, empowered and embody what it means to be an individual. They apprecaite freedom and do best when they pause before speeding up.

    Have questions about the generator type? Feel free to ask them below.

    The Human Design Generator in Business

    The Human Design Generator in Business
    The human design type generator accounts for 37% of the population. The generator is here to respond and to know themselves. In business, generators are best suited to do work they love, that brings them joy and they can lay their head on the pillow at night, exhausted, after a day well spent. They thrive in business when they get to go deep and do work that lights them up. Generators are deeply relational people, they love working with and getting to know others. Generators thrive when they can go deep with one task and stay focused, unlike the manifesting generator who thrives on multi-tasking. Generators do best when they don’t have to switch from task to task as they can often struggle to refocus.  A healthy generator is one who is tapped into their sacral response of un-huh (yes)  and ut-huh (no). They can literally feel the push and pull from within their bodies. It is almost as if they light up from within if something is a yes for them. Many adult generators struggle to connect with this feeling in their body. A great way to reconnect with a generator’s sacral is to find someone you trust and have them ask the generator yes or no questions. This could be something as simple as, What do you want x for dinner? Your name is X? Are you x years old? Open-ended questions don’t work well for a generator. My youngest is a generator and if I ask him, What do you want for breakfast? I get a deer in the headlights looks. However, if I asked him, do you want cheerios? I would get an immediate reaction that bubbles up from within. That is the sacral response. Often from a very young age generator children are told to “use their words”. This is the beginning of the conditioning of the sacral because the sacral response does not originate in the throat, it comes from within the gut.

    The not-self theme of the generator is frustration. If a generator is experiencing frustration then they are often out of alignment with their design. Frustration comes for generators when they have failed to respond. Many unaligned adult generators are in a near-constant state of frustration because they are behaving like manifestors and initiating. Generators are designed to be in a dance with the world and everything they do is in response to a stimulus. Generators often end up in frustration because they didn’t wait to respond and instead went ahead with an initiation. Generators will often feel a sense of frustration as well when they aren’t doing work that they love. This frustration is a great place to shine awareness on because this is a clear sign that they are out of alignment with their design or as I like to say, there is a flag on the field like in the NFL when a player gets a penalty. The sooner the generator can become aware that they are in their not self themes the sooner they can move into alignment.

    In business, generators do best in response. For example, this could be posting in a community what kind of content do you want to experience from me? Then answer the questions that come up. Or creating a program after hearing over and over again from clients, I’d love for you to do x. Of course, this assumes it is a sacral yes. Generators are here to do work they love and are passionate about This work should be deep relational and in connection with others. This connection lights them up. Generators crave depth and understanding. Honor that pull to go deep.

    In summary, generators are incredible beings who are here to move humanity forward with their contributions. Generators will have the energy to work, long and focused hours when they have found work they love.

    Have questions about the generator type? Feel free to ask them below.

    The Human Design Manifestor in Business

    The Human Design Manifestor in Business
    In episode 3, I am diving into the human design manifestor type in business. Manifestors account for 8% of the population. The manifestor strategy is to initiate and inform. Their signature theme is peace, and when they are in the not-self, they experience anger. While initiating may come very naturally to manifestors, informing may not for fear of being controlled. Informing is simply a way for the manifestor to avoid resistance in their relationships. Manifestors have a powerful and piercing aura. They are change-makers and catalysts for change; however, this can often make people feel on edge around the manifestor.  Manifestors do not like to be controlled since their potent and piercing aura often gets shut down by the adults in their lives from a very early age. Manifestors want to go where the wind will take them, so as children, this often gets them into situations where they fail to inform the adults in their life. They end up creating turbulence for themselves because of their initiation. 

    Many adult manifestors in business have to reconnect with their initiating power. Manfiestors by design like to do catalytic work that is often short-term. They prefer business containers where they can get in, get change and get out. Their tremendous initiating power wears out, and as non-energy beings, they need to rest. While manifestors are strong starters, they struggle to finish. Many manfiestors loathe having to go back and finish things because they skipped steps, so pairing up with a generator with high attention to detail is essential. 

    Manifestors are powerful beings when healthy. An aligned manifestor sparks change and impact for good in the world. When a manfiestor is out of alignment, they often will experience anger. This anger is typically rooted in the fact that they created resistance for themselves in their close relationships because they failed to inform. This is especially challenging for entrepreneurial manifestors since they get these brilliant ideas and simply want to run with them. Anger also erupts for the manifestor when they are being controlled. Manfiestors thrive on doing their own thing, in their way, on their terms. 

    Manifestors are very self-contained and don't see why others would worry about what they are doing. They can seem like a lone wolves. That is because they are the only type that is here to start things and initiate. Generators and manfiestoring generators, who are both very relational beings, are here responding to the manifestors initiations. 

    Manfiestors thrive when they write down a list of people in their inner circle to inform. This informing is not about changing what the manifestor is doing but simply for the sake of letting someone know. Especially since some of the initiations, a manifestor, may come out of the blue. This informing is merely to keep others in touch with what the manfiestor is doing. The manfiestor, when healthy and aligned with their design, will feel a sense of peace at the end of the day. 

    Suppose you want to dive deeper into your manfiestor type. In that case, you can download my free Human Design Made Simple eBook or head on to humandesignyourbusiness.com and order a human design snapshot, a 5 to 7-page custom document on your own human design blueprint. 

    The Human Design Projector in Business

    The Human Design Projector in Business
    In episode 2, I begin my deep dive into the projector type in business in the human design system. There are five types in the human design system, projector, manifestor, manifesting generator, generator and reflector. Type is how you are designed to interact with the world.  On today's episode, I discuss the projector type in detail including the projector strategy to wait for the invitation or the recogniation, the projector not-self of bitterness, resentment and burnout and the projector in marketing. 

    Twenty percent of the population is a projector. Projectors are not here to work in the traditional sense of the word, they are here to be guides and leaders in the new world we are naviagiting. Projectors who allow themselves to be seen and show up in alignement with their design will find their signature theme of success because the recognition and invitations will flow for them. Waiting for the invitiation (or recognition) is the projector strategy and they will often be met with resistance if they don't first wait for the invitaiton especially when offering up unsolicited advice. 


    The not-self theme of the projector is bitterness and restenment which is often when they have not waited for an invitation or they have settled for one that doesn't feel right. It may in fact on paper look good but something about it is off. Projectors should never settle. Their energy is potent, powerful and they love to go deep. So making sure they say yes to the right invitiations is key for them to living in congruence with their design. Invitations will not stop flowing when projectors are allowing themselves to be seen in congruence with their design. 

    In marketing and business projectors need to show up in order to receive invitations. Showing up for them means following the flow of their potent energy and sharing when they feel called. Projectors want to go deep with people so creating community is important. While consistency may not be their strength, depth is. Projectors will show up and create one powerful, potent post and then wait a week. This works for them and honors their energy. Projectors are here to show us a new way to work in the world and through out the traditional sense of the word work. 

    In terms of a business model projectors should create a business where they go deep with people while also honoring the ebbs and flows of their energy and allowing for periods of rest. Designing a business around this is key for the projector to avoid burnout. 

    While projectors are not working they should be allowing themsevles to pursue their passions and doing deep. This doesn't necessarily mean resting on the couch, it could mean backpacking outdoors or whatever the projector is passionate about. 

    If you want to dig deeper into your human design grab my Human Design Made Simple for Business eBook at www.hddefined.com

    If you feel invited to delve deeper into your design, tune up the definition in your life and business join me for the HD Your Biz 12 Week Group Program. You can learn more at www.hdyourbiz.com

    My Journey With Human Design

    My Journey With Human Design

    Hello Everyone and Welcome to the first episode of the HD Your Biz Podcast! I am your host Jamie Palmer and I am excited to share with you more about human design, building a business based on who you are as a person and supporting in putting down the conditioning you've been carrying. My goal with this podcast is to share with you the wild world of human design, support you in building a strengths aligned strategy that feels good on the inside and build a business with flow, abundance and impact. 

    My journey with human design began back in 2019 and the deeper I dove the more logical it became to the point where I simply couldn't unsee human design. I began leveraging for myself and I watched as my world radically tranformed in a very short period of time. I then began leveraging human design with my kids and my family, then clients. Their transformations were nothing short of amazing. 

    The more I dove deeper into the depths of human design, the more "sense" it made. To the point where, I have now put it at the forefront of how I support my clients in building a life and business they love. 

    In human design there are 5 types, projector, manifestor, manifesting generator, generator and reflector. Type is how you interact with the world. 

    There are 12 profiles composed of 6 different lines. A profile will be something like 3/5 or 6/2. Profile is the baseline for your personality. 

    There are 7 authorities. Authority is your decision making style. 

    There are 9 centers based on the chakra system The head, ajna, throat, identity, heart, spleen, sacral, solar plexus and root. 

    There are 64 gates and 32 channels which give depth to your personality and energy you have consistent access to. 

    All of this makes up your human design blueprint. 

    My intention with this podast is to help educate you on what human design is, while holding space for you to make discoveries, putting down the weight of conditioning that you may be carrying and build a business you love based on who you are as a person. 

    I want you to throw all the shoulds, this is the way its been done, and imagine what life could be like if you only worked to your strengths. 

    I firmly believe that if each one of us can become more of who we are menat to be this world would be a better place. 

    This is the HD Your Biz Podcast. Let's live life (and biz) in high definition using your unique human design blueprint. 

    If you want to learn, download your chart and get my Human Design Made Simple eBook head on over to www.jamielpalmer.com


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