
    The Healthy Skin Show

    Fed up with those skin rashes that just won't go away? Join clinical nutritionist, skin rash expert, and eczema warrior Jennifer Fugo to explore alternative ways to look at your frustrating skin conditions. Together, we'll dive deep to empower and inspire you to see your symptoms from a totally different perspective. Each episode tackles a wide range of chronic skin rash issues including (but not limited to) eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, vitiligo, and seborrheic dermatitis. We pull back the curtain to dish on nutrition, diet, root causes, detoxification, lifestyle changes and even innovative published research that doesn't seem to trickle down to your doctor.
    enJennifer Fugo340 Episodes

    Episodes (340)

    334: When Liver Detox Problems Become Fatty Liver Disease w/ Dr. Ilana Gurevich

    334: When Liver Detox Problems Become Fatty Liver Disease w/ Dr. Ilana Gurevich

    Did you know that non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common type of liver disease? (And it absolutely is tied to skin issues too!)

    Fatty liver disease, also now referred to as metabolic dysfunction-associated liver disease, is the result of inflammation.

    It is associated with other common health issues like high lipids, high blood sugar, metabolic syndrome, and autoimmune disease.

    The good news is, in the early stages, when you’re just starting to show fatty liver signs (like elevated liver enzymes), fatty liver is reversible!

    To share more valuable information about this liver disease, like fatty liver symptoms, how to get diagnosed, NAFLD treatment, and fatty liver diet, I’m joined by Dr. Ilana Gurevich.

    Dr. Gurevich is a board-certified naturopathic gastroenterologist and a fellow of the American Board of Naturopathic Gastroenterology. She graduated from the in 2007 with her doctorate in naturopathic medicine from NUNM.

    She runs a gastroenterology-focused private practice in Portland, Oregon specializing in treating IBD, IBS, SIBO and other functional GI disorders. She is an educator who lectures about both conventional and natural treatments for gastrointestinal conditions, and is a mentor for physicians, helping them navigate complex GI disorders.

    Dr. Gurevich was nominated as a Top Doc by Portland Monthly in 2014, 2016, 2020, and 2021.  She was the recipient of the 2022 Borborygmus Lifetime Achievement Award by the GastroANP.

    In This Episode:

    • What is liver disease?
    • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): The most common liver disease
    • How inflammation causes non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (aka metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease)
    • How does high blood sugar affect liver cells?
    • Nervous system-liver connection
    • What causes fatty liver disease symptoms?
    • Microbiome-liver health connection
    • How is fatty liver disease diagnosed?
    • Who is at risk for fatty liver disease?
    • Fatty liver treatment options
    • Is drinking coffee or coffee enemas helpful for liver health?


    “The liver…is the largest organ of detoxification, second to the skin. And because of that, everything is running through it, including all of the pesticides, toxins, immunological factors and everything else that we're exposed to on a daily basis. And in today's day and age, it's very, very easy to make that load on the liver too heavy. When that load on the liver is too heavy, you can get progressive liver disease.”

    “Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is the most common liver disease that's out there. And it is associated with a lot of other diseases…It is associated with high lipids. It is associated with high blood sugars and metabolic syndrome…There are factors of liver disease that tie into almost every autoimmune disease, and the sicker you are, the more weight that liver is carrying, so the more likely you are to have an inflammatory process of the liver.”


    Find Dr. Gurevich online

    Research: https://elifesciences.org/articles/44116

    Turd Nerds Podcast

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 282: Metabolic Dysfunction Disaster Fueling Skin Problems w/ Dr. Robert Lustig


    Healthy Skin Show ep. 047: Will A Liver Detox Help My Skin Rashes?

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 177: Liver Detox - Skin Rash Connection, Part 1

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 186: Liver Detox - Skin Rash Connection, Part 2

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 190: Liver Detox - Skin Rash Connection, Part 3

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 242: When A Liver Detox Can Help Your Skin (And When It Can’t)

    333: Guttate + Scalp Psoriasis Treatment (Case Study With LOADS Of Hidden Triggers)

    333: Guttate + Scalp Psoriasis Treatment (Case Study With LOADS Of Hidden Triggers)

    If you’ve ever wondered if it’s possible to unravel the frustrating symptoms of scalp psoriasis with a more natural or integrative approach, you’re in for a treat.

    I’m sharing a case study from one of my real-life psoriasis clients who has lived with both scalp psoriasis and guttate psoriasis on her body for nearly 30 years.

    When my client first found me, she was pretty sick – struggling with more than just her skin.

    And I find that many psoriasis warriors don’t know about the deep connections of psoriasis to other body systems (aka. comorbidities).

    By just trying diets, cleanses or detoxes, it can feel like you’re doomed to suffer with psoriasis, but research shows us that there’s so much more going on under the surface.

    And as a result, it means that there is actually a lot that you can do – even if diet changes aren’t working.

    I shared another case study on an eczema client a few weeks ago and it’s my hope that this will be just as helpful!

    So let’s dive in…

    In This Episode:

    • Complex scalp psoriasis case with TONS of inflammation (my own client)
    • What her psoriasis (scalp and guttate) history looked like before we started working together
    • Assessments I used to uncover hidden root causes of her psoriasis
    • Key clinical findings of her guttate and scalp psoriasis (and other symptoms)
    • Other body systems that CAN’T be ignored in psoriasis
    • Where my client is on her psoriasis-healing journey


    “The sheer severity and number of times my client had food poisoning while traveling was probably one of the most important details.”

    “Current estimates point toward 20% of those with psoriasis also have SIBO.”


    Apply to work with my virtual clinic HERE

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 148: How I Turned My Psoriasis Around

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 217: Health Concerns Linked to Psoriasis

    332: SIBO Symptoms Trigger Rosacea, Psoriasis + Eczema w/ Dr. Allison Siebecker

    332: SIBO Symptoms Trigger Rosacea, Psoriasis + Eczema w/ Dr. Allison Siebecker

    Struggling with SIBO symptoms like bloating, abdominal pain, constipation, gas, and diarrhea, can be very frustrating.

    SIBO (short for small intestine bacterial overgrowth) is basically what it sounds like: Bacteria overgrow in the small intestine leading to many symptoms that impact the gut and other body systems.

    The presence of SIBO can trigger IBS, SIBO malabsorption (where you don’t absorb the nutrients from food and end up with nutrient deficiencies), and even anxiety due to inflammation.

    And SIBO symptoms can also include skin problems! For example, there’s an established SIBO-rosacea connection: Research has shown that SIBO is present in about 77% of people with rosacea!

    Additionally, SIBO is found in about 20% of psoriasis cases.

    In this episode, I’m joined by Dr. Allison Siebecker to answer all of your burning SIBO questions. We’ll discuss common (and uncommon!) SIBO symptoms, SIBO test options, as well as how to treat SIBO (the conventional vs alternative options).

    Dr. Allison Siebecker, ND, LAc, MSOM has been specializing in small intestine bacterial overgrowth (aka SIBO) since 2011. She is the 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award recipient from the GastroANP, has been teaching Advanced Gastroenterology at NUNM since 2013, and is an award-winning author.

    Dr. Siebecker was the co-founder and former Medical Director of the SIBO Center for Digestive Health at NUNM. Her integrative SIBO protocols have helped thousands worldwide.

    In This Episode:

    • What is small intestine bacterial overgrowth (aka SIBO)?
    • SIBO symptoms + surprising triggers
    • SIBO-rosacea connection + (other skin rash connections)
    • SIBO breath test vs other testing options
    • How to treat SIBO (conventional vs alternative SIBO treatment options)
    • Myth busting: Can you stop SIBO with a SIBO diet (low FODMAP)?
    • Nervous system dysregulation + SIBO


    “Our small intestine is where we digest and then absorb our nutrients from our food. And when there's too many bacteria overgrown there or methanogens, they interfere with that process. It can cause malnutrition and then all sorts of other problems. Skin problems can be one of them.”

    “What are those symptoms [of SIBO]? Abdominal bloating, that could come with discomfort, general pain or discomfort in the abdomen, constipation or diarrhea or a mixture of the two. So those are our core symptoms. There can also be nausea, a feeling that food is sitting in the stomach and won't move down. There could be gas exiting, so burping or excessive flatulence.”


    Find Dr. Siebecker online

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 018: SIBO-Skin Rash Connection w/ Amy Hollenkamp

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 019: SIBO-Rosacea Connection w/ Dr. Leonard Weinstock

    SIBO Recovery Roadmap® Course

    For practitioners: The SIBO Pro Mini Course (SAVE $220)

    For practitioners: Check Your Blindspots and Become A Better SIBO Practitioner book

    Nerva App (for IBS symptoms)

    331: Eczema Symptoms-Skin Color Connection: Why Skin Tone May Make Certain Symptoms WORSE w/ Dr. Shawn Kwatr

    331: Eczema Symptoms-Skin Color Connection: Why Skin Tone May Make Certain Symptoms WORSE w/ Dr. Shawn Kwatr

    Did you know that the severity of eczema symptoms + skin color have a unique relationship? That certain eczema symptoms can be WORSE for skin of color versus white or lighter skin tones?

    While practitioners are typically taught about the “classic eczema patient” who has itchy eczema, there is huge variation in how atopic dermatitis (eczema) manifests on different skin tones.

    Eczema on black skin, for instance, often presents as itchy skin bumps in areas not usually associated with atopic dermatitis.

    One main metric used to diagnose eczema is redness. But inflammation and eczema on dark skin often show up purple or grey, which makes it tough for practitioners to diagnose — especially if they were only taught to look for redness.

    So today, let’s dive into the complex topic of eczema symptoms + skin color thanks to NEW RESEARCH from returning guest – Dr. Shawn Kwatra!

    We talk about why people of color so often struggle to get a correct skin rash diagnosis (black skin versus asian skin versus white skin), different ways chronic skin rashes manifest in different races, and much more!

    This topic is of particular importance because rashes (depending on race) can present looking more like psoriasis when it’s actually eczema – thus leading to misdiagnosis. Plus we’re discussing how to measure how itchy you are (no matter your skin tone) so you can convey it accurately to your doctor.

    Shawn Kwatra, MD, is a Director of the Johns Hopkins Itch Center and an Associate Professor of Dermatology at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, MD, USA.

    He specializes in medical dermatology areas of clinical expertise, including atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, chronic itch of unknown origin and dermatology for ethnic skin. Dr. Kwatra also runs a basic science laboratory and clinical trials unit and is funded by the National Institutes of Health and multiple foundations.

    Dr. Kwatra has been an author or co-author on over 200 publications and author of the book Living with Itch.

    This was such a fascinating conversation and I am so excited to share it with you!

    In This Episode:

    • Eczema symptoms-skin tone connection: How rashes look different based on skin color
    • Why eczema symptoms can be mistaken for psoriasis
    • Importance of serum IgE lab test for eczema
    • Who is MOST affected by Prurigo Nodularis?
    • Why topical steroids create eczema white patches on skin
    • Non-steroidal medication options for eczema symptoms
    • How skin of color patients lose out on getting better treatment options
    • BEST way to show your dermatologist how itchy you are


    “If you have atopic dermatitis and you are a skin of color patient, and particularly an African American patient, you're more likely to develop these small bumps for your eczema or prurigo nodules.”

    “If you apply a topical steroid for a long time, your skin actually gets lighter. And sometimes it takes many months to years to go back, and sometimes it can actually even be permanent. So we have to be really careful in skin of color patients when we're giving topical steroids, of the potency, and the duration of use, even on the scalp.”


    Find Dr. Shawn Kwatra online here and here | Twitter

    Get Dr. Kwatra's book Living with Itch: A Patient's Guide

    Diagnosing Atopic Dermatitis in Skin of Color (Dr. Kwatra’s paper)

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 275: Why You're So Itchy (HINT: It's Probably Not Histamine) w/ Dr. Shawn Kwatra

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 302: What Is Prurigo Nodularis: Triggers, Body Connections + Crazy Itch w/ Dr. Shawn Kwatra

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 168: Misdiagnosis of Chronic Skin Conditions In Skin of Color w/ Dr. Hope Mitchell

    330: Everything You Need To Know About Dairy Allergy (In Food + Skincare Products)

    330: Everything You Need To Know About Dairy Allergy (In Food + Skincare Products)

    If you have a dairy allergy, it probably doesn’t surprise you that it’s one of the more complex common food allergies.

    While there are 25 proteins in milk (yes, you read that right!), only a handful have been shown to trigger antibody production against them.

    Now, remember that a dairy allergy is different from being lactose intolerant. Lactose intolerance is considered a non-allergic reaction to milk products that can lead to uncomfortable GI symptoms like bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

    Anaphylactic dairy allergy symptoms include hives, swelling, coughing, wheezing, nausea, and vomiting, and these usually manifest shortly after you eat the food containing dairy.

    BUT this is where it gets confusing.

    There are several non-IgE-mediated milk allergy symptoms that affect the gastrointestinal tract. These reactions are immune-mediated…which can make it really difficult to differentiate between lactose intolerance and a true milk products allergy.

    Dr. Stacy Silvers returns to the podcast to clear up some confusion surrounding the complexity of dairy allergy. He’s a board-certified allergist specializing in environmental and food allergy diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. And he oversees the allergy program and protocols, and also leads the food allergy and oral immunotherapy (OIT) program at Aspire Allergy & Sinus.

    Dr. Silvers is considered an expert in the field of food allergy diagnosis and treatment and I’m THRILLED to share this interview with you!

    In This Episode:

    • Are there specific milk proteins that cause dairy allergy symptoms?
    • A1 casein vs A2 casein in dairy (which is better tolerated?)
    • Can you have a dairy allergy to whey protein?
    • Testing options to figure out a dairy allergy
    • If you have a milk products allergy, are you only allergic to cow’s milk?
    • Can you stop dairy allergies? (OH BOY!)
    • Dairy in topical products IF you have a dairy allergy


    “When you're looking at anaphylactic reactions to milk, there is a very, very high likelihood of there being cross-reactivity between cow's milk, goat, and sheep's milk. 90%, 95% of the time, if you react to cow's milk, you’ll react to those other milks.”

    “What we find is the majority of infants or toddlers who have a milk allergy do have it resolved as they get older…It's roughly 50% will have it resolved by age six, according to one study. And it can oftentimes get better as the years go on after that.”


    Find Dr. Silvers online

    Follow Aspire Allergy on Instagram

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 269: Allergy Testing: Everything You Need To Know w/ Dr. Stacy Silvers

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 327: Demystifying Food Allergy Signs, Symptoms + Skin Rash w/ Dr. Ruchi Gupta

    Additional Research:

    Cow Milk Allergy

    Modulation of Milk Allergenicity by Baking Milk in Foods: A Proteomic Investigation

    Food Allergies and Cross-Reactivity

    329: Crazy Eye Rash Trigger! Demodex Mites Treatment + Triggers w/ Dr. Carly Rose

    329: Crazy Eye Rash Trigger! Demodex Mites Treatment + Triggers w/ Dr. Carly Rose

    If you struggle with eyelid inflammation (aka. blepharitis), crusty eyes in the AM or ocular rosacea, Demodex mites treatment might be in your future thanks to an overgrowth of these little critters!

    Demodex mites are a common, naturally-occurring commensal skin parasite that live, feed, poop, and die on your skin and on eyelashes and eyebrow hairs.

    While that may sound (really) gross, they are usually not an issue…unless the Demodex mites overgrow.

    Eyelid inflammation, irritated eyes, crustiness on your lashes in the morning, and eye discomfort are signs of Demodex mites overgrowth.

    Luckily, identifying these frustrating blepharitis symptoms and starting a demodex mites treatment can help save the day (and your eyes). My guest today is sharing a ton of tips to help do this including eyelid washes, natural remedies for demodex mites treatment, and much more!

    Dr. Carly Rose is a returning guest to the show. She is a distinguished optometrist who earned her Bachelor of Science in Biology from Northern Kentucky University. She pursued her optometry studies in Chicago and completed a year-long residency at the Cincinnati VAMC Eye Clinic.

    Her unwavering dedication to understanding the complex disease of dry eye, as well as investing in cutting-edge research, has earned her widespread recognition in the industry as a leader in dry eye diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Rose's practice is called Eyecare on the Square in Mariemont, Ohio where she offers the most effective and advanced treatments available to her community.

    Did you know that eye inflammation could be a sign of Demodex mites overgrowth? Share your questions, comments + experiences in the comments below!

    In This Episode:

    • What is blepharitis and what are common blepharitis symptoms?
    • Demodex mites: what are they and how are they linked to eye inflammation and ocular rosacea?
    • Signs of Demodex blepharitis (caused by Demodex overgrowth)
    • Who is at risk for developing an overgrowth of Demodex mites on face?
    • How to get checked for Demodex mites overgrowth
    • Demodex mites treatment options (conventional vs natural remedies)
    • Why AVOID tea tree oil home remedy for demodex mites overgrowth around eyes
    • Demodex overgrowth prevention tips


    “Demodex is a naturally occurring parasite. Most of us have it, anywhere from 30% to 100% prevalence. And it's very, very common. The issue is when it becomes overgrown.”

    “...the life cycle [of Demodex mites] is a few weeks long, and they die off and start to decompose in your lash follicles. All of this inflammation can be linked to ocular rosacea, anywhere from 65% to 85%.”


    Follow Dr. Rose and her practices on Instagram here, here, and here | TikTok | website

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 312: Castor Oil Benefits For Eyelashes + Eyebrows (Do's + Don'ts) w/ Dr. Carly Rose

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 285: Got Dry, Irritated, Red Eyes? Sneaky Triggers You Wouldn't Think Of w/ Dr. Carly Rose

    Healthy Skin Show 210: How Steroid Creams Impact Your Eyes w/ Dr. Brian Boxer Wachler

    Healthy Skin Show 201: Before You Put Anything Around Your Eyes…w/ Rachael Pontillo

    Healthy Skin Show 276: Dupixent Eye Side Effects: What's Going On? {RESEARCH} w/ Dr. Roselie Achten

    Demodex Blepharitis: A Comprehensive Review of the Disease, Current Management, and Emerging Therapies (RESEARCH)





    Demodex Mites Treatment Product Recommendations

    We Love Eyes - All Natural Tee Tree Cleansing Oil

    We Love Eyes - Tree Tree Eyelid foaming Cleanser

    OCuSOFT HypoChlor Spray

    Zocular ZocuFoam Eyelid Cleanser

    Demodex Mites Treatment Prescription Eye Medication


    328: Client Case Study: Severe Eczema On Feet + Body

    328: Client Case Study: Severe Eczema On Feet + Body

    If you’ve ever wanted a sneak peak behind some of the eczema cases that I work on, I’m sharing a fascinating healing journey of a client with severe eczema on feet + her body!

    This client was excited to be a part of this new case study series I’m bringing to the podcast to help inspire other eczema warriors out there.

    It’s easy to give up especially if you start to feel like there are no answers or causes of eczema – that it’s just a mystery! But I hope that this journey for my real-life client dealing with eczema on feet + her body will remind you that you just have to keep digging!

    And that healing can take time – sometimes more than you’d prefer to give it.

    This journey for my client has spanned two years (not like the quick fixes claimed online).

    She had A LOT to deal with in stages so that she could still be a functioning human being who showed up at her job ready to work.

    I plan to share more of these types of case studies soon on other skin conditions so stay tuned!

    In the meantime, let’s dive into this eczema on feet + full body case…

    In This Episode:

    • Severe eczema on feet + body case study (with my own client!)
    • What her eczema journey was like before we started working together
    • Assessments I used to uncover hidden root causes of eczema on feet + body
    • Key clinical findings of her severe eczema case
    • What’s a realistic timeline for severe eczema spanning decades?
    • Where my client is on her eczema-healing journey


    “After consistently working on root causes, this summer was the first time that she could wear shorts in the past 6 years.”

    “Depending on your case’s complexity, your timeline may be longer than what you expect – especially with issues present for many years if not decades.”


    Apply to work with my virtual clinic HERE

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 109: Eczema Triggered By Hidden Infections [CASE REPORT]

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 257: Itchiness + Histamine Intolerance – Why Am I Itchy?

    327: Demystifying Food Allergy Signs, Symptoms + Skin Rash w/ Dr. Ruchi Gupta

    327: Demystifying Food Allergy Signs, Symptoms + Skin Rash w/ Dr. Ruchi Gupta

    Spotting food allergy signs quickly can be tricky, especially since they don’t manifest in everyone in the same way.

    But it’s so important to be able to identify the symptoms of food allergies, because a whopping 1 in 13 kids have at least ONE food allergy. And that number is surprisingly high for adults, too.

    Food allergies are an IgE immune-mediated reaction. Essentially, your body sees a particular food as an invader, so it goes on attack by releasing chemicals like histamine.

    So if you’ve ever wondered what causes food allergies, common food allergy signs, and whether you can prevent them altogether, this episode is for you!

    My guest is not only an expert in food allergies, but she’s also a mom raising a child with life-threatening food allergies. Her invaluable information and insight about what’s driving food allergies in kids and adults is really sobering, some of which may surprise you (as it did me).

    My guest today is Ruchi Gupta, MD, MPH, a Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and a Clinical Attending at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago.

    Dr. Gupta has over 20 years of experience as a board-certified pediatrician and health researcher and currently serves as the founding director of the Center for Food Allergy & Asthma Research (CFAAR).

    She is world-renowned for her research on the epidemiology, economic impact, prevention, and management of allergic conditions, and strives to find answers and shape policies surrounding these conditions in order to reduce burden and improve health equity.

    Do you have personal experience with a food allergy? Are you comfortable identifying food allergy signs should they arise? Share your questions, comments + experiences in the comments below!

    In This Episode:

    • Dr Gupta’s personal experience with food allergies
    • What’s driving the explosion in food allergies (in children and adults)
    • Differences between food allergies, food intolerances and food sensitivities
    • Food allergy signs and anaphylaxis signs (you might overlook)
    • Anaphylaxis treatment options (why to NOT use Benadryl if you notice food allergy signs)
    • Shocking food allergy trigger (NEW RESEARCH)
    • Updated food allergy prevention tips for parents


    “About 8% of kids have food allergy. Now that's about 1 in 13, or 2 in every classroom. So it's a lot.”

    “If you only give Benadryl, it may mask some of the symptoms because it takes away maybe some of the rash and some of the itching, but the reaction continues to happen in your body.”

    “One of the biggest hypotheses right now is if a food is introduced through your skin before your gut, then your immune system goes on the attack.”


    Find Dr. Gupta online | Instagram | Instagram | Facebook | Facebook | Twitter | Twitter

    Find Yobee online and on Instagram

    Get Dr. Gupta’s book, Food Without Fear

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 269: Allergy Testing: Everything You Need To Know w/ Dr. Stacy Silvers

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 321: Before You Invest in Food Sensitivity Testing (What You Need To Know)

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 291: Can You Stop Eczema, Allergies + Asthma In Kids? w/ Dr. Chris Thompson

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 265: Problem with Antihistamines That No One Tells You w/ Dr. Chris Thompson, MD

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 262: Why Your Child's Risk of Allergies, Eczema + Asthma Is So High w/ Meenal Lele

    326: Bleach Baths Debunked: Why Mineral Baths Are So Much Better

    326: Bleach Baths Debunked: Why Mineral Baths Are So Much Better

    Tempted to try a bleach bath for eczema skin rashes? Did your doctor recommend them? Before you go dumping Clorox into your bath water — you need to hear this. Because honestly, the science doesn’t support bleach baths which was highlighted by Dr. Peter Lio at the Eczema Expo 2023 meeting. Turns out that the research on this outdated practice isn’t as helpful as everyone thought, which is why I recommend a mineral bath over a bleach bath for rashes every single time.

    Now, I know that there’s information out there recommending bleach baths for rashes, eczema, hives, and fungal infections. A simple Google search will turn up results suggesting this practice is totally safe. Especially since many dermatologists have promoted bleach baths as helpful tools for a long time.

    But newer data just doesn’t support this idea as newer studies suggest bleach baths just aren’t very effective. And that’s not to mention the fact a bleach bath can dry your skin out and INCREASE itchiness. Plus, if you’re sitting in a bleach bath, you’re exposing your lungs to chlorine, which isn’t a great idea.

    Let’s explore some of the studies that have debunked the bleach bath myth and what the science says is way better for your skin.

    Spoiler: mineral baths are a much better option!

    In This Episode:

    • What is a bleach bath for eczema?
    • Recommended eczema bleach bath ratio from doctors
    • Side effects of doing an eczema bleach bath (no one tells you)
    • What is a mineral bath soak — and why is it so much better than bleach?
    • Bleach bath alternatives like baking soda, sulfur, colloidal oatmeal, and pink Himalayan salt – how do they stack up?
    • Why mineral bath soak can support your skin barrier and reduce angry skin


    “If you took a bleach bath that’s strong enough to kill the bacteria that may be on your skin — you’d expose yourself to dangerous levels of bleach!”

    “A 2020 review… concluded that mineral-rich waters (in particular salty and sulfur waters) demonstrated anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial activity.”


    Get the Soothing Skin Soak + MSM from DermaQuell to use 3-4x per week!

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 107: Symptoms Of A Staph Infection On Your Skin

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 149: How Staph Aureus Wrecks Your Skin

    325: Keratosis Pilaris Treatment, Causes + Remedies w/ Dr. Julie Greenberg, ND

    325: Keratosis Pilaris Treatment, Causes + Remedies w/ Dr. Julie Greenberg, ND

    If you've been disappointed by keratosis pilaris treatment options + natural remedies -- you're not alone!

    Keratosis Pilaris (aka. Chicken skin)  is a complex, poorly understood skin problem that can make you feel really insecure (because of how it looks). It can also make your skin texture feel unpleasant + rough (potentially triggering skin picking).

    The most common keratosis pilaris treatment includes scrubbing off the involved areas of rough skin, but beyond that – you’re probably already figured out the options are limited.

    There is no medicine for keratosis pilaris AND there's very little research on keratosis pilaris causes.

    That’s because conventional medicine doesn’t recognize it as a significant skin problem, even though the Cleveland Clinic states that "about 50% to 80% of teenagers and 40% of adults will develop" keratosis pilarsis during their lifetime. (ref)

    I previously discussed keratosis pilaris diet concerns HERE, and wanted to share more up-to-date info that will hopefully help you on your journey to ditching chicken skin!

    My guest today is Dr. Julie Greenberg, a licensed Naturopathic Doctor (ND) and Registered Herbalist RH(AHG) who specializes in integrative dermatology, holding degrees from Northwestern University (BA), Stanford University (MBA) and Bastyr University (ND). She is the founder of The Center for Integrative & Naturopathic Dermatology Inc, a holistic clinic that approaches skin and hair problems by finding and treating the root cause. She has presented at multiple conferences and she teaches dermatology classes at naturopathic medical schools and is a highly sought-after speaker at conferences across the U.S.

    What keratosis pilaris treatment options have you tried? Share your questions, comments + experiences on KP in the comments below!

    In This Episode:

    • What is Keratosis Pilaris?
    • Causes of Keratosis Pilaris (yes, there's a gut connection!)
    • Where does Keratosis Pilaris shows up on the body
    • Keratosis Pilaris treatment options (conventional vs integrative)
    • Keratosis Pilaris home remedies -- do any really work?
    • Fat-soluble nutrients tied to Keratosis Pilaris
    • Conditions associated with Keratosis Pilaris
    • What does the research on KP say?


    “If you have a problem like a filaggrin gene mutation and you're not naturally producing a lot of filaggrin, you're not going to be producing a lot of Natural Moisturizing Factor. You're going to be prone to these dry skin diseases like ichthyosis vulgaris, eczema, and keratosis pilaris.” [19:45]

    “...It’s linoleic acid, alpha-linoleic acid, these are other types of essential fatty acids that are different than just the EPA and DHA that you get from fish oil. It's bigger than just a fish oil problem.” [21:32]

    “It's definitely the check engine light that is flashing and your body is telling you, ‘Hey, we're having an abnormal process here because something is wrong.’ It's not just a cosmetic issue.” [23:05]


    Find Dr. Greenberg online and on Instagram

    Healthy Skin Show 061: How To Get Rid Of Keratosis Pilaris (Naturally)

    Healthy Skin Show 095: Can Histidine Supplementation Help Leaky Skin & Eczema? [RESEARCH]

    Healthy Skin Show 220: The Gut Microbiome Of Acne [NEW RESEARCH] w/ Dr. Julie Greenberg

    Healthy Skin Show 310: Integrative Perioral Dermatitis Treatment Options w/ Dr. Julie Greenberg, ND

    Got Gluten Skin Problems? The Top 18 Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

    324: Regenerative Farming vs Plant-Based Diet: What’s Best? w/ Diana Rogers, RD

    324: Regenerative Farming vs Plant-Based Diet: What’s Best? w/ Diana Rogers, RD

    Whether you’re considering a plant-based diet or you’re wondering if there’s ANOTHER option to better, healthier farm practices – we need to talk about regenerative farming.

    Never heard of regenerative farming or regenerative agriculture before?

    Don’t worry – you’re not alone because most people think their options are only conventionally farmed produce and animal products, or organic.

    But that’s NOT true.

    So if you care deeply about the quality of the produce you eat AND the welfare of the animals raised for their products

    And you’re concerned about the quality of the soil, avoiding chemicals sprayed on fields, the treatment and wages of the farmers involved…

    Then I URGE you to consider regenerative farming as a better way forward that IS actually good for you and good for the planet.

    I’ve touched on regenerative farming in my dairy series HERE, but my guest today is extremely knowledgeable on this.

    She travels all over the world advocating for and lecture on the benefits of regenerative farming while inviting audiences to rethink the plant-based diet narratives that I too have become critical of.

    Joining me is Diana Rodgers, RD, who is a “real food” nutritionist and sustainability advocate based near Boston, Massachusetts. She runs a clinical nutrition practice, hosts the Sustainable Dish Podcast, and speaks internationally about the intersection of optimal human nutrition, regenerative farming, and food justice. Diana is co-author of Sacred Cow: The Case for (Better) Meat and the director and producer of the companion film, Sacred Cow. Her nonprofit, the Global Food Justice Alliance, advocates for the inclusion of animal-sourced foods in dietary policies for a more nutritious, sustainable, and equitable worldwide food system.

    I’m excited for you to hear this thought-provoking (and surprising) conversation!

    In This Episode:

    • What is regenerative farming? (How is it different than organic?)
    • What are monocrops + why are they so destructive to the environment?
    • Why meat isn’t considered part of “clean eating”
    • Deceptive marketing tactics used by plant-based diet proponents (especially towards young women)
    • Nutrient deficiencies triggered by plant-based diet
    • What type of meat is MOST nutritious (based on farming method)
    • Tips to buy regenerative agriculture produce + meat affordably
    • What if you can’t find organic or grass-fed meat options?


    “You want to have as many different species of life, both plant and animal, on a farm as possible because that makes more resilience” [24:10]

    “If you add up the dairy and beef cattle, all the cows in North America, it is just about equivalent to the bison plus all the other ruminant animals that were here before we got rid of all those animals. So we don't have net more, we just have different animals.” [30:29]


    Find Diana online | Instagram | Youtube

    Check out the Sacred Cow site or go directly here to Buy the Book | Watch the Film

    Healthy Skin Show 294: Dairy vs Non-Dairy Milk: Which Is Better For You, Your Skin + The Planet? (PART 1)

    Healthy Skin Show 295: Dairy vs Non-Dairy Milk: Which Is Better For You, Your Skin + The Planet? (PART 2)

    Healthy Skin Show 296: Dairy vs Non-Dairy Milk: Which Is Better For You, Your Skin + The Planet? (PART 3)

    Healthy Skin Show 281: Why Protein Intake Is So Important For Skin Health w/ Dr. Gabrielle Lyon

    Healthy Skin Show 268: Plant-based Vs Carnivore Diet: What’s Best For Chronic Skin Issues?

    323: SNEAKY Perimenopause Symptoms + Signs (No One Talks About) w/ Dena Norton, RD

    323: SNEAKY Perimenopause Symptoms + Signs (No One Talks About) w/ Dena Norton, RD

    Women are very poorly educated on perimenopause and perimenopause symptoms! So much so that we often assume that the subtle, annoying signs of perimenopause are the result of something else.

    You probably know some signs of menopause like hot flashes or night sweats.

    But as you hit your late thirties to early forties, things start to change that your doctor might tell you are “normal” and nothing to worry about.

    Even though they don’t seem normal.

    Things like midsection weight gain, skin elasticity + texture changes, mood shifts, poor sleep, brain fog, loss of muscle tone (or difficulty maintaining muscle), fatigue, heavier periods, and low libido are the more common perimenopause symptoms.

    So what’s a gal to do?

    Ignore it and hope it sorts itself out?

    Or start to pay attention and make certain changes?

    Because I’m in this boat now, I know how important it is to dive into the vast topic of perimenopause. 

    My guest today is Dena Norton, MS, RD, a registered dietitian with over 15 years of experience in conventional and holistic health. Though she helped perimenopausal women for years, she became one of them - getting hit with low libido, love handles, and sleep disturbance. This wake-up call drove her to research perimenopause symptoms more deeply than ever. What she learned reduced her symptoms and put her back in control of her health! Dena is passionate about helping fellow 40-something women navigate this topsy-turvy stage of life with proven strategies to curb nagging symptoms and optimize the aging experience!

    If you are struggling with perimenopause symptoms, what’s your biggest concern? Tell me about it in the comments below or on the Youtube video!

    In This Episode:

    • Perimenopause - What is it + when does it begin?
    • Sneaky perimenopause symptoms no one talks about
    • Protein intake + perimenopause diet: How much should you eat? 
    • Perimenopause symptoms signaling menopause is near
    • Problems with sex hormone testing (BEFORE you buy a test)
    • 5 Key strategies to reduce annoying perimenopause symptoms
    • Hormone replacement therapy (HRT): Dangerous or worth doing?


    “I think [HRT] is fabulous. And almost every woman is a candidate, despite what she thought about her family history or whatever risk factors omitted her from that conversation.” [28:58]

    “All of us think of hot flashes and night sweats because that's what Grandma and Mom experienced, and that's really later down the line for most women, especially if you are an earlier starter… but some of the earliest [signs] that I see are things like sleep disruption, mood changes + anxiety more so than depression.” [28:39]


    Find Dena online | Instagram | Facebook

    DOWNLOAD Dena's High vs. Low Hormone Symptoms Guide

    Healthy Skin Show 015: Alternative Remedies For Lichen Sclerosus w/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

    Healthy Skin Show 286: Is This Normal? (Rashes "Down There" + Hormones Edition) w/ Dr. Jolene Brighten 

    Healthy Skin Show 180: How Hormones Impact Your Immune System + Skin Health w/ Heather Zwickey, PhD

    322: Does Collagen Work? (Top Collagen Benefits For Skin) w/ Dr. Tony Youn

    322: Does Collagen Work? (Top Collagen Benefits For Skin) w/ Dr. Tony Youn

    If you’re on the fence about collagen (as well as how to build more of it), I’m excited to share that research now demonstrates the many collagen benefits that exist.

    Collagen for skin health is crucial, along with the many ways it supports your gut and joint health too! I talked about collagen benefits as well as collagen peptides + collagen protein supplements, but I’ve never really shared about other factors to build collagen.

    And it’s that piece about building collagen that’s such a big deal because we’re each faced with a collagen problem which is to some degree unavoidable as well as exposure-driven…

    First, as you age, you will experience an accelerated loss of collagen in the skin and joints.

    Second, prolonged exposure to medications like topical steroids also rapidly breaks down collagen in the skin.

    This is why it’s so important to care about collagen benefits and how to build collagen now!

    My guest has been on the show before and has a ton of experience in this area. His NEW book Younger For Life comes out soon to show you how to more naturally deal with aging and the loss of your body’s collagen.

    Known as America's Holistic Plastic Surgeon®, Dr. Anthony Youn, MD, FACS is a nationally-recognized, board-certified plastic surgeon and hosts the popular podcast The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show. He is the author of the best-selling books The Age Fix, In Stitches, and Playing God. Dr. Youn is the most followed plastic surgeon on social media, with over 4.5 million subscribers on his YouTube Channel and 8 million followers on TikTok. His new book, Younger for Life is a complete holistic guide to turning back the clock using the process of Autojuvenation®.

    So if you’re curious why and how to build more collagen, add collagen protein into your routine, and ultimately reap collagen benefits, this episode is for you!

    My favorite tip to add collagen protein to my diet is to include a scoop in with my daily cappuccino or mocha!

    Do you have a favorite meal or tip to increase collagen protein intake? Leave a comment below or on my Youtube Video!

    In This Episode:

    • Aging - What’s actually driving this process?
    • Acute chronic stress: How it impacts skin health
    • How long should you fast to boost cell clean-up + rejuvenation?
    • How blood sugar imbalances destroy collagen + increase collagen protein needs
    • Do topical vitamin C + retinoids build collagen?
    • Is alcohol BAD for your skin (and as toxic as many claim)?
    • Diet strategies + collagen protein tips to boost your body stores of collagen


    “Sugar can bond to the collagen of your skin and create AGEs. Basically, these are advanced glycation end products where it causes that collagen that normally is in nice, kind of tight fibers to become kinked and to become misshapen. And that can cause premature aging.” [13:19]

    “The way I look at vitamin C as far as a topical form is that it may not necessarily impact the collagen production so much in that way as I think it's more for antioxidants and fighting free radicals, which is one of the main sources of aging of our skin, but ingesting enough vitamin C is definitely important for your collagen production.” [18:24]


    Find Dr. Youn: online | Instagram | Tiktok | Youtube

    Get Dr. Youn’s NEW BOOK – Younger For Life → HERE

    Try these collagen-boosting products: Quell Protein Powders | PaleoValley meat sticks | Quell C+ Boost Powder

    Dry Farm Wines – Get an extra bottle for a penny HERE with your first order!

    Orion RLT – Use code HEALTHYSKINSHOW to get 10% off my favorite Red Light Units!

    Healthy Skin Show 033: Tackling Scars And How To Support Sensitive Skin w/ Dr. Anthony Youn

    Healthy Skin Show 112: How To Deal With Hyperpigmentation w/ Dr. Anthony Youn

    Healthy Skin Show 147: Could Breast Implant Illness Be Your Rash Trigger? w/ Dr. Anthony Youn

    Healthy Skin Show 184: Is Collagen Good For Eczema, Psoriasis + Other Skin Rashes?

    Jennifer's appearance on Dr. Youn's podcast, The Holistic Plastic Surgery Show – Episode 136: The Healthy Skin Diet

    321: Before You Invest in Food Sensitivity Testing (What You Need To Know)

    321: Before You Invest in Food Sensitivity Testing (What You Need To Know)

    Before you buy food sensitivity testing, you need to hear this because so many people are harmed by these tests. For one thing, food sensitivity testing is touted as a miracle, cure-all answer for skin rashes. So when you take the test, cut out the foods, and your rash is still flaring up — it can leave you feeling really lost and even hopeless that things will ever change.

    AND for many, food sensitivity tests trigger food fear that drives unnecessary diet restrictions that do more harm than good negatively impacting not just your physical health, but also your mental well-being.

    That’s not a great place to be.

    And then there’s the fact that these tests are expensive. So, if you fork out the money for one of these food sensitivity tests, and you don’t see the results you were hoping for, now you’re out of hope and you’re out a serious bit of money too which could have been better spent on other tests which are more helpful.

    Especially since food sensitivity testing CAN’T identify root cause problems triggering skin rashes or flare-ups.

    That’s why today, we’re diving into food sensitivity, what results mean for your rash, and asking the big question, “Does food sensitivity testing work?”

    And because it’s so common to have low stomach acid when you struggle with skin rashes – especially if you suspect that your rash is triggered by the foods you eat — be sure to try my completely free DIY Low Stomach Acid Test before you do anything else. This simple at-home test can help put you on the right track!

    In This Episode:

    • What’s a Food Allergy Vs Food Sensitivity Vs Intolerance?
    • What exactly is food sensitivity testing, anyway?
    • Are food sensitivity tests accurate? My answer might surprise you!
    • Hair Vs Blood Food Sensitivity Test — Which Is better?
    • Can you become sensitive to a food you eat daily? (like eggs?)
    • Leaky gut + your skin rash: What’s the connection?
    • How to reintroduce a food after an elimination diet
    • What I recommend instead of food sensitivity testing


    “The problem is that food sensitivity tests are not accurate. There’s little evidence to support the idea that IgG testing can uncover food sensitivities. In fact, both the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology and the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology warn against using food sensitivity tests as diagnostic tools.”

    “Food sensitivity testing results are highly changeable depending on your current diet. So it’s not uncommon to see all of your favorite foods that you eat daily show up as moderate or even high food sensitivities leading you to think that they are now bad for you.”

    320: Best Lymphatic Drainage Routine For Face + Body (WITHOUT Expensive Tools) w/ Leah Levitan

    320: Best Lymphatic Drainage Routine For Face + Body (WITHOUT Expensive Tools) w/ Leah Levitan

    Many health experts swear that to be truly healthy, you’ve got to “move the lymph” using some sort of lymphatic drainage routine – often with expensive tools or techniques. The hope is that you’ll somehow clear infections, lose the bloat, and clean out toxins.

    While yes, lymphatic drainage is important, it’s not a miraculous solution.

    The type of lymphatic drainage routine you choose and when you do it is pretty important (especially if you’re dealing with chronic illness, active rashes, or coming down with something).

    So many illnesses are impacted by the lymphatic system which is why doing something to support moving the lymph is important. That’s why addressing the lymphatic system and adding lymphatic drainage massage to your routine can be so helpful – AND deeply calming for your nervous system.

    But a lot of what you learn online and from influencers about a good lymphatic drainage routine is inaccurate so I invited today’s guest on the show to share a better approach!  We’re going to talk about the whole lymph system, lymphatic drainage, and easy-to-do lymphatic massages to do at home!

    Leah Levitan, MT, MLDC, CLT is the founder of Lymph Love Club. She is a licensed massage therapist and certified lymphedema therapist. She helps women on their healing journey achieve more balanced health beyond what they thought was possible using the most powerful and influential system in their body, the lymphatic system.

    Have you ever tried a lymphatic drainage routine before? If so, how has it helped you? Share your tricks and methods in the comments below or on my Youtube video.

    In This Episode:

    • How the lymphatic system impacts ALL organs in your body
    • Detoxing vs. moving lymph – What’s the difference?
    • Best gadgets + tools for your lymphatic drainage routine
    • How to do lymphatic drainage that’s effective
    • Debunking lymphatic drainage myths from influencers
    • When lymphatic drainage is helpful (and when to absolutely AVOID IT)
    • Can you do lymphatic drainage too much?


    “The lymphatic system doesn't detox, but our detox organs do.” [5:33]

    “A big part of what makes the lymphatic system so magical is the fact that it's like basically our immune system. This lymphatic fluid carries the white blood cells of our immune system and it just helps us; it prevents illness and disease.” [15:50]


    Find Leah online & get her FREE dry brush guide | Instagram | TikTok | Youtube

    Healthy Skin Show 205: Gua Sha + Body Brushing For Skin Health w/ Gianna De La Torre, L.Ac

    Get 10% OFF your first Wildling purchase with code HEALTHYSKINSHOW

    319: Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: What is MCAS + Why It's So Devastating w/ Jill Carnahan

    319: Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: What is MCAS + Why It's So Devastating w/ Jill Carnahan

    Have you ever heard of mast cell activation syndrome but thought it was the same thing as histamine intolerance? It’s not… MCAS or mast cell activation disorder is much more serious!

    Today’s guest dives into what are mast cells and will show you how mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) is distinctly different and more complex than histamine intolerance.

    Though I have spoken about histamine intolerance before (I do see a lot of clients who struggle with this along with chronic hives and dermatographia), it’s important to know if what you’re dealing with is in fact mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) because of how it will impact your MCAS treatment plan.

    So, today I’m joined by the perfect person to talk about what are mast cells and how to deal with MCAS mast cell issues, Dr. Jill Carnahan! She is Your Functional Medicine Expert® dually board certified in Family Medicine for 10 years and in Integrative Holistic Medicine. She is the founder and Medical Director of Flatiron Functional Medicine. As a survivor of breast cancer, Crohn’s disease, and toxic mold illness, she specializes in searching for the underlying causes of illness through cutting-edge lab testing and personalized medicine protocols.

    Have you ever suspected or been treated for MCAS? Share your thoughts and experience in the comments below or join the conversation in my Youtube comments!

    In this episode:

    • What is MCAS? (Why is it different from histamine intolerance?) 
    • MCAS mast cell diet and environmental triggers
    • Is there a genetic component to MCAS cases?
    • MCAS testing + current diagnostic criteria for MCAS
    • Mast cell activation disorder treatment options 
    • Thoughts on feeling hopeless from chronic illness


    "Mold just has this deep predisposition to trigger our immune system to be overactive through the mycotoxins it produces." [09:09]

    “It can be a very mild case, but the latest research from the CDC says one in five adults [who] have long COVID symptoms, including mast cell activation.” [14:29]


    Find Dr. Carnahan online | Instagram | Facebook

    Dr. Jill's book Unexpected: Finding Resilience through Functional Medicine, Science, and Faith and film Doctor/ Patient

    Healthy Skin Show 036: Using Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN) For Chronic Skin Rash Conditions

    Healthy Skin Show 166: Mold + Histamine Connection w/ Dr. Jill Crista

    Healthy Skin Show 257: Itchiness + Histamine Intolerance - Why Am I Itchy?

    Healthy Skin Show 261: Chronic Hives: Why They Aren't Going Away

    Mast Cell Current Diagnostic Criteria (Consensus-2)

    318: Oral Microbiome: A Trigger of MASSIVE Inflammation w/ Dr. Victoria Sampson

    318: Oral Microbiome: A Trigger of MASSIVE Inflammation w/ Dr. Victoria Sampson

    Did you know that the inflammation that drives your eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, etc., could be triggered by your oral microbiome?

    That's right...

    Inflammation that shows up on your skin is often triggered elsewhere! And one often overlooked spot in the body is your mouth.

    Like your gut microbiome (which I've talked a lot about on the show), your oral microbiome is also incredibly diverse and can, due to a variety of factors, become dysbiotic or imbalanced.

    The resulting immune response from your body can trigger cytokines that then end up elsewhere, increasing inflammation.

    My guest today -- Dr. Victoria Sampson -- is a brilliant dentist who joined me to blow your mind about all of the intricate relationships between inflammation, cytokines, oral microbiome, testing and best dental practices to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

    She's a functional dentist and researcher based in central London. She obtained her Bachelor's in Dental Surgery from Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry and is now known for her work in developing salivary diagnostics, microbiome testing and incorporating artificial intelligence into everyday care. Her work has been acknowledged worldwide resulting in her becoming a scientific advisor, board member and clinical lead of multiple dental companies globally. Victoria has published numerous papers in the UK and internationally and was the first dentist in the world to link gum disease with worse COVID complications. Victoria is also the first dentist to be shortlisted for Forbes 30 under 30 in Healthcare and Science in Europe and has now founded her own multidisciplinary health center in London aimed at putting the mouth back in the body and connecting the oral microbiome with general health.

    Because of my own journey overcoming gingivitis (which I firmly believe was due to both poor habits and a dysbiotic oral microbiome), I'm fascinated by this information. So if you've also struggled with dental issues or are looking for clues to what's driving the inflammation under the surface, this is an excellent conversation!

    What's been your experience with gingivitis and dental issues? Have you ever considered that there could be an oral microbiome imbalance partly to blame? Share your thoughts in the comments!

    In this episode:

    • Connection of oral microbiome + severity of Covid-19 (research)
    • The spectrum of oral and gum disease- what it looks like
    • How pathogenic bacteria travels throughout the body in leaky gum syndrome
    • What are the red complex pathogens?
    • Top nutritional deficiencies or even diseases seen from the oral standpoint and the symptoms
    • WHY you shouldn't be using mouthwash right after brushing your teeth


    "You're nine times more likely to be in the ICU and to be intubated [with COVID] if you have severe periodontal disease." [05:55]

    "You can get a lot of nutritional deficiencies in the mouth. It presents in the mouth first before you might see symptoms elsewhere, and the reason for that is because the oral mucosa, so the skin lining the inside of your mouth, it regenerates at a much faster rate than most other parts of your body." [20:07]


    Find Dr. Sampson online | Instagram

    Could there be a link between oral hygiene and the severity of SARS-CoV-2 infections? {RESEARCH}

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 303: How To Reverse Gingivitis + Bleeding Gums

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 293: Watch Out For This Inflammatory Mouth Bacteria To Your Skin + Health w/ Dr. Mark Cannon, DDS

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 260: Oral Microbiome-Skin Rash Connection w/ Dr. Mark Burhenne

    Try Risewell for some great toothpaste and oral care products (no fluoride). Use HEALTHYSKINSHOW for 10% OFF!

    317: Itchy, Painful Rash From Thyroid Disease: Your Guide to Stopping It

    317: Itchy, Painful Rash From Thyroid Disease: Your Guide to Stopping It

    Can you get a rash from thyroid disease? Yes, yes you can. And in this episode, I’m connecting the dots between autoimmune thyroid disease and chronic hives.

    Today, we’re digging into how your thyroid can affect your skin, and how you can determine if yours is part of your rash trigger.

    If you’ve been struggling with a rash that just won’t disappear and you feel like you’re running out of options (and hope!) be sure to download the Stop My Rash Guide here so you can figure out your root cause combo and finally get to the bottom of your skin rash.

    In This Episode:

    • What are urticaria, chronic hives, and dermatographia?
    • Chronic hives treatments and why they don’t always work
    • The interesting connection between chronic hives, thyroid, and autoimmunity
    • What is Hashimoto’s and are you at risk of developing a thyroid disease rash?
    • How to get your doctor to run a full thyroid panel


    “While it’s true that hives, dermatographia, and urticaria are associated with histamine overload, if Zyrtec for urticaria doesn’t work for you, you’re often left with few options. Maybe, if you’re lucky, your doctor might order allergy testing, but most people find themselves at a frustrating dead end if antihistamines for urticaria aren’t a magic bullet.”

    “For some people, one of those early symptoms is chronic urticaria. But they can’t connect that back to their thyroid because their doctor is possibly only running cursory thyroid bloodwork — looking for levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone, or TSH. Problem is, your TSH is only going to be elevated after your thyroid has been significantly damaged. So TSH isn’t enough to tell you what’s going on.”


    Get labs run HERE that you can order yourself at a flat rate

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 261: Chronic Hives: Why Won’t They Go Away

    RESEARCH - Relationship between Chronic urticaria and autoimmune thyroid disease

    Stop My Skin Rash Guide FREE download

    316: Elimination Diets, Disordered Eating + Food Fear w/ MaryCatherine McDonald, PhD

    316: Elimination Diets, Disordered Eating + Food Fear w/ MaryCatherine McDonald, PhD

    Elimination diets can be therapeutic tools to support your health. But they also have the power to trigger disordered eating patterns + food fear.

    Except for a few instances, elimination diets aren't meant to be long-term health solutions — even when it comes to chronic skin problems like eczema or psoriasis or any of the other skin conditions I talk about here.

    Health books + wellness influencers who declare otherwise have unfortunately helped perpetuate a state of deep confusion, fear, anxiety + even cult-like thinking that doesn't necessarily serve your relationship with food.

    As a result, people are more confused than ever about what's “good or bad”, “safe or unsafe”, healthy vs unhealthy…

    I have a deep concern as a clinical nutritionist about the way elimination diets have been glorified.

    Especially when you become so afraid to eat based on what you've read in a book or online (especially in facebook groups) that it seems like everything is poison.

    We have research proving the damage that elimination diets can cause (especially in those with chronic skin conditions).

    And one issue worth raising is that the disordered eating patterns + food fear can be triggered by the trauma caused as a result of doing excessive elimination diets (especially for an extended period of time).

    My guest today guest deeply understands this because of her own personal journey working with trauma as well as experiencing serious health challenges.

    That's why I'm welcoming back MaryCatherine McDonald, PhD to the show! She's a research professor and life coach who specializes in the psychology of trauma, stress, and resilience. She has been researching, lecturing, and publishing on the neuroscience, psychology, and lived experience of trauma and stress since beginning her PhD in 2009. She is passionate about destigmatizing trauma, stress, and mental health issues in general, as well as reframing our understanding of trauma to better understand and treat it.

    She's the author of Unbroken: The Trauma Response Is Never Wrong: And Other Things You Need to Know to Take Back Your Life — which I've personally read + give five stars on!

    Have you experienced food fear or struggle with what foods are “safe” or “good” to eat because of elimination diets or things you've read online (or maybe were told by a practitioner)? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

    In this episode:

    • Understanding the relationship of trauma, elimination diets + food fear
    • How food fear manipulates your body to experience physical symptoms
    • Dangers of labeling food “good or bad”
    • How disordered eating is related to control
    • Thoughts on wellness influencers, cult-like behaviors + disordered eating
    • Tips to soothe fear + anxiety (that don't involve elimination diets)


    “A lot of the reason that people go on elimination diets is because there's some sort of thing going on with them that doesn't make sense, and that can be experienced as a body betrayal. I'm trying to eat; I'm trying to do this very normal thing, and my body is betraying me- and that is potentially traumatic.” [03:24]

    “You're creating a fear response. You're conditioning a fear into the system. You're labeling sometimes an entire food group as “bad, evil, problematic, or dangerous”, and your system is listening.” [11:22]

    “There's different theories about where eating disorders come from and how they crop up, but there's at least one theory that says that it's a way to gain control over a world that feels outside of your control.” [22:01]


    Find Dr. McDonald online | Instagram | TikTok

    Get her book — Unbroken: The Trauma Response Is Never Wrong: And Other Things You Need to Know to Take Back Your Life

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 305: Eliminations Diets, Food Fear + Healing Skin Rashes {NEW RESEARCH}

    Healthy Skin Show ep. 087: Skin Picking Triggered By Chronic Skin Rashes

    Healthy Skin Show 297: Deconstructing Trauma + Chronic Skin Problems w/ Mary Catherine McDonald, PhD

    315: What Is Contact Dermatitis? (Triggers, Testing + Treatment You Need To Know) w/ Dr. JiaDe (Jeff) Yu

    315: What Is Contact Dermatitis? (Triggers, Testing + Treatment You Need To Know) w/ Dr. JiaDe (Jeff) Yu

    If you've ever wondered, "what is contact dermatitis?" -- you're in for a treat because this episode is going to blow your mind!

    My guest Dr. JiaDe (Jeff) Yu lectured on contact allergic dermatitis at the Eczema Expo 2023 hosted by the National Eczema Association, and I found his presentation so valuable that I invited him here to share the ins + outs on the topic.

    We covered a ton of information, but what I can say is that contact dermatitis is complex!

    Allergic contact dermatitis isn't like a traditional allergy in specific ways (especially when it comes to using antihistamines to get things under control).

    There's unfortunately a significant issue with both false positive AND false negative results from testing. AND how to treat contact dermatitis will vary depending on several factors (like whether it's a topical problem versus a systemic one).

    If you aren't familiar with Dr. JiaDe (Jeff) Yu, he's an Assistant Professor of Dermatology at Harvard Medical School and a dual board-certified adult and pediatric dermatologist practicing at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, MA. He is the Director of Occupational and Contact Dermatitis Clinic and the Associate Director of Clinical Trials. He has a niche interest in pediatric allergic contact dermatitis and has published numerous peer-reviewed articles on allergic contact dermatitis and atopic dermatitis in leading dermatology journals. He has received numerous research grants from the Dermatology Foundation, American Contact Dermatitis Society, and the Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance to better understand the biomedical underpinnings of allergic contact dermatitis. Dr. Yu is the President-Elect of the American Contact Dermatitis Society and has been invited to lecture nationally and internationally on his areas of expertise.

    Have you had any personal experience with contact dermatitis? I'd love to hear your story, comments + questions on this topic in the comments below!

    In this episode:

    • What is contact dermatitis (and is it genetic)?
    • Contact dermatitis compared to food or environmental allergies
    • Which antihistamines don't work for contact dermatitis
    • Top contact dermatitis allergies
    • The antibiotic that's a common allergy
    • If you're reactive to medical gloves...
    • Crazy "hidden" sources of contact dermatitis allergens
    • Testing for contact dermatitis (beware of your results)


    "When you do get a cut or a scrape, the skin barrier is physically damaged, therefore allowing the introduction of new allergens into the skin. So when you put on a triple antibiotic, which includes three different antibiotic components, neomycin, bacitracin, as well as polysporin, you give your body the opportunity to learn about these allergens and then become allergic to them. " [10:03]

    "Disperse dyes are the most common thing that causes contact dermatitis in clothing- specifically disperse blue dyes. " [20:50]

    "Vitamin B12 is very high in cobalt because vitamin B12 is also known as cobalamin and in the middle of it, there's a cobalt molecule. So, people who have high doses of vitamin B12 can actually get a rash due to the ingestion of cobalt if they have cobalt dermatitis." [24:39]


    Follow Dr. Yu on Instagram | Twitter

    Dr. Yu's clinic: The Contact Dermatitis & Occupational Dermatology Clinic

    Healthy Skin Show 114: Why Preservatives In Skincare Can Be A Good Thing w/ Rachael Pontillo

    Healthy Skin Show 246: Everything You Need To Know About Skin Tests (Done By Your Dermatologist) w/ Dr. Peter Lio

    Healthy Skin Show 229: Lanolin Allergy + Vitamin D

    Healthy Skin Show 037: Nickel Allergy And Eczema w/ Dr. Peter Lio