
    The High Conflict Co-Parenting Podcast

    Co-Parenting is the relationship that never ends. If your ex is difficult to deal with, if you are experiencing high-conflict and/or the children are being hurt by the behavior of your ex partner, then this show is for you. You may not be able to change them but you CAN change everything that your child needs to be healthy and happy. Listen in as Charlie and Brook discuss the principles, tools and techniques available in order to create peace in high conflict co-parenting relationships.
    enBrook Olsen256 Episodes

    Episodes (256)

    Episode 281 Rethinking Narcissism With Author Dr. Craig Malkin PhD

    Episode 281 Rethinking Narcissism With Author Dr. Craig Malkin PhD

     In this Episode Brook interviews Dr. Craig Malkin, author of the internationally acclaimed, Rethinking Narcissism is a clinical psychologist and Lecturer for Harvard Medical School with over 30 years of experience helping individuals, couples, and families. 

    This interview goes into the creation of the Narcissistic personality and separates out the healthy and unhealthy parts of narcissism. Another must listen to multiple times.

    You can access Dr. Malkin's website: http://www.drcraigmalkin.com/
    Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9X9sdn_4JtZxqIoGA9Xnkg

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    Episode 280 Distortions and Triggers With Dr. Debra Dupree

    Episode 280 Distortions and Triggers With Dr. Debra Dupree

    In this episodeDive into the captivating world of human interaction with Dr. Deb Dupree on her guest appearance on “The High Conflict Co-Parenting” Podcast.  Join Dr. Deb and Brook Olsen as they explore the intricate workings of our brains in conflict situations, unraveling the neuroscience of conflict to shed light on 10 common triggers for fear-based, emotional reactions and the barriers that hinder effective communication.
    Through expert analysis and engaging storytelling, listeners gain a deeper understanding of why and how conflicts arise and why it can feel like others aren't truly listening. Dr. Deb reveals the neuroscience behind people in conflict, offering practical strategies for overcoming communication obstacles and fostering genuine connection.
    For more information and to book Dr. Deb Dupree for your podcast or speaking event, visit
    or connect on LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/debradupree

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    Episode 279 A Time for Transformation and New Thinking With Shelly Boismenu

    Episode 279 A Time for Transformation and New Thinking With Shelly Boismenu

    In this episode Brook has guest Shelly Boismenu MFT as his guest. Brook and Shelly discuss how the period of time during high conflict divorce and custody struggles, is one of the most fertile times for transformation and new ways of thinking. Looking toward what you want to create rather than the pain of the past and what has you stuck. By working with someone that understands both the phycology and court system it becomes easier to navigate the road blocks one sets for themselves and chart a course to a more stable future. 
    Shelly Boismenu has been a private practice mental health therapist for the past twenty years. A decade ago, she encountered, and successfully applied a set of profound teachings in her own intense custody and co-parenting experience. Since then, she has been teaching these principles to women in similar unwanted circumstances with great success. Shelly joins Brook this month to teach the connection between your thoughts and your reality, the most important thing to do when you are in the midst of an unwanted custody experience and how to maintain a steady practice to shift your inner landscape and watch the outer landscape transform. 
    Shelly can be contacted via her website: http://www.shellyboismenumft.com/

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    Episode 278 Finding The Yes With Your Children in Kid Friendly Terms with Tamara Fyke from Love in a Big World

    Episode 278 Finding The Yes With Your Children in Kid Friendly Terms with Tamara Fyke from Love in a Big World

    In this episode Brook brings in guest Tamara Fyke, Tamara Fyke is a creative entrepreneur with a passion for kids, families, and urban communities. She is the creator and founder of BlueWonder Creative which focuses on children’s mental health and wellness in education through Love In A Big World.
    Finding yes and navigating power struggles with children at all levels. Love in a Big World has created resources for both parents and educators to help children thrive and succeed. Enjoy this podcast!!!

    You can find Love in a big world at 

    You can follow Brook on Instagram @ highconflictdiversionprogram

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    Episode 277 Principles and Strategies for Mediating High Conflict Divorce and Custody With Attorney and Mediator Scott Levin

    Episode 277 Principles and Strategies for Mediating High Conflict Divorce and Custody With Attorney and Mediator Scott Levin

    In this episode Brook has special guest Attorney and Mediator Scott Levin in to discuss some of the  Principles and Strategies for mediation in high conflict divorces. Scott, after many years of successful litigation practices decided to move into servicing his clients through mediation rather than the often venomous and destructive path of litigation. In this interview Brook and Scott discuss some of the strategies he uses during mediation in high conflict cases and how, when done in a principled and strategic manner can result in successful mediation. 

    You can visit Scott's website for more information on his practice at    https://sandiegofamilylawyer.net/

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    Episode 276 Navigating High Conflict Divorce and Custody with Therapist Brian Burns From the Bad Weather Podcast

    Episode 276 Navigating High Conflict Divorce and Custody with Therapist Brian Burns From the Bad Weather Podcast

    In this episode Brook has guest therapist Brian Burns of the Bad Weather podcast in to discuss Navigating High Conflict Divorce and Custody. Brook and Brian take a dive into the Karpman Drama Triangle and pull it apart in a deeper discussion of the role   parents play in it, and how it sets the energetic template for how children experience being caught in the middle of the conflict. Brook and Brian discuss how a parent can disengage from the triangle and take self responsibility to navigate the long game. Enjoy!!!

    You can follow the Bad Weather Podcast at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bad-weather-podcast/id1667974583

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    Episode 275 The Effects of Trauma on Childhood Development and Relationships, A Interview With Dr. Peter A. Levine PhD

    Episode 275 The Effects of Trauma on Childhood Development and Relationships, A Interview With Dr. Peter A. Levine PhD

    In this Special Episode Brook has Special Guest Dr. Peter Levine. Brook Studied under Dr. Levine and assisted in 2 years of the Somatic Experiencing™ Trainings. Much of Brooks approach comes from studying Dr. Levine's work. In this episode Brook discusses Dr. Levine's new book "The Autobiography of Trauma and delves into how generational and cultural trauma affects imprints on people, a fascinating conversation that is touched on. As well as the perceptions vs realities that can come out of the experience of trauma. Brook and Dr. Levine also delve into how co-regulation can have as positive effect on a child's development and the Huge need for parents to do their own personal work in order to establish a calm sense of self that they can transfer to their children. 
    Please go the somatic experiencing website https://www.somaticexperiencing.com/about-peter to find all of the upcoming workshops and offerings they have to offer.

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    Episode 274 Continuing A Conversation on Codependency and Parenting with Ross Rosenberg

    Episode 274 Continuing A Conversation on Codependency and Parenting with Ross Rosenberg

    In this episode Brook is a guest on Ross Rosenberg's Podcast "The Self-Love Recovery Podcast" https://www.selfloverecovery.com/pages/podcast
    Much of this episode is a continuation of the discussion on Codependency and Parenting that Brook and Ross began on The High Conflict Co-Parenting Podcast Episode 265 When Brook had Ross on as a guest.

    You can find more about Ross and his amazing work at https://www.selfloverecovery.com

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    Episode 273 Finding Resilience During the Chaos

    Episode 273 Finding Resilience During the Chaos

    You can follow Brook on Instagram @ highconflictdiversionprogram

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    Episode 272 Brook's Interview With The Bad Weather Podcast

    Episode 272  Brook's Interview With The Bad Weather Podcast

    This episode is from an interview that Brook did on the Bad Weather Podcast. The Bad Weather Podcast is one that is focused on helping people navigating divorce and high conflict divorce. These gentlemen bring humor and intelligence to a difficult subject. Enjoy!!!

    You can follow the Bad Weather Podcast at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/bad-weather-podcast/id1667974583

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    Episode 271, Understanding The Harm Parents Cause Children During Hostile Divorce. A Conversation with Joni and Lawrence Jones Co-Founders of Point C

    Episode 271, Understanding The Harm Parents Cause Children During Hostile Divorce. A Conversation with Joni and Lawrence Jones Co-Founders of Point C

    In this Episode Brook interviews Joni and Lawrence Jones Co-Founders of Point C. Lawrence is a retired Superior Court trial judge in New Jersey and Joni is a mental health professional the served under two New Jersey governors. Point C is a non-profit who's mission is to empower parents and professional to put the well-being of the children as a priority and to illuminate the unintentional harms that parents can cause children during a hostile, high conflict separation or divorce and to advocate for a more respectful approach. 

    You can visit the Point C website to further understand the wonderful resources available there at www.pointcdivorce.com

    You can follow Brook on Instagram @ highconflictdiversionprogram

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    Episode 270 Red Pill or Blue Pill Piercing the Veil Waking Up in The Matrix

    Episode 270 Red Pill or Blue Pill Piercing the Veil Waking Up in The Matrix

    Using the analogy of the choice of taking the red pill or the blue pill from the Matrix movie, Brook and Tony discuss the choices of waking up to different ways of processing situations and using critical thought and sense making to explore different ways of being and ways of thinking a seeing the realities of where you are in your process. Not only learning for your self with the help of a High Conflict Coach the skill sets to move toward resolutions for your situations but also teaching your children those skillsets as they develop in order to enable them to navigate relationships and conflict in a more healthy manner. Enjoy¡¡¡

    You can follow Brook on Instagram @ highconflictdiversionprogram

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    Episode 269 Walking the Razor's Edge Through the Eye of the Needle, a Conversation of Balance, Focus, and Non-Dualistic Thinking

    Episode 269 Walking the Razor's Edge Through the Eye of the Needle, a Conversation of Balance, Focus, and Non-Dualistic Thinking

    In this Episode Brook Talks about the seemingly unsurmountable course of balancing the task of being on the planet and parenting dealing with not only the stresses of life but the stresses of being in a high conflict co-parent situation. Seeing the goal of launching healthy children and finding joy in this life isn't an easy talk and requires focus and strong intention. This episode discusses and acknowledges that process. Enjoy!!!


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    Episode 268 Journey Beyond Divorce Interviews Brook On Parallel Parenting

    Episode 268 Journey Beyond Divorce Interviews Brook On Parallel Parenting

    This Episode is and interview that Brook did with Karen McMahon from Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast. It centers around High Conflict Parallel Parenting and is well worth the listen. Enjoy!!

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    Episode 266 Creating a Narrative VS What is Your Story

    Episode 266 Creating a Narrative VS What is Your Story

    In this episode Brook and Tony discuss the difference between telling a story and creating a narrative. The story is something that you tell yourself and others that has your beliefs and perspectives and can often be self deceptive and not fact based. A narrative is fact based and is meant to lead the listener to a conclusion based on same. Listen to the differences that are explored in this podcast as there can be fine lines that need to be explored. Also we want to distant ourselves from our stories so we don't get stuck in the vortex of the vale that can come with our story. Enjoy!!!


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    Episode 267 High Conflict Co-Parenting Styles,Problematic-Pathological Parenting

    Episode 267 High Conflict Co-Parenting Styles,Problematic-Pathological Parenting

    In this episode Brook and Michell discuss some of the unconscious ways parents inject behaviors into their parenting and how it affects the children and the unintended consequences there of. Enjoy!!!

    You can follow Michelle on instagram @coachmichellesd. 

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    Episode 265 Breaking Free, Understanding Codependency, Narcissistic Abuse and Gaslighting with Ross Rosenberg M.Ed, LCPC, CADC

    Episode 265 Breaking Free, Understanding Codependency, Narcissistic Abuse and Gaslighting with Ross Rosenberg M.Ed, LCPC, CADC

    In this episode Brook has special guest Ross Rosenberg. Ross is a master psychotherapist, author of the book "Human Magnet Syndrome", public speaker, expert witness, and educator. Ross has reconceptulized the notion of codependency in to what he calls Self Love Deficit Disorder. This is a fascinating interview that everyone needs to listen to multiple times. 

    You can find more about Ross and his amazing work at https://www.selfloverecovery.com

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    Episode 264 Setting Strategies and Moving Toward Goals, Reverse Engineering

    Episode 264 Setting Strategies and Moving Toward Goals, Reverse Engineering

    In this episode Brook and Michelle discuss the importance of having a coherent strategy that is well thought out and that can have a set of goals that can be worked toward. The notion here is to Mind Map out the strategies by setting the goals and the reverse engineering them. Seeing the completed picture and setting the pathway from there. Enjoy

    You can follow Michelle on instagram @coachmichellesd. 

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    Episode 263 Divorce Financial Planning, This Can’t Be Overlooked, With Justin Reckers CFP CDFA

    Episode 263 Divorce Financial Planning, This Can’t Be Overlooked, With Justin Reckers CFP CDFA

    In this episode Brook has special guest Divorce Financial Planner Justin Reckers to discuss the importance of understanding your financial future and having a professional helping you map it out. Enjoy!!!

    You can contact Justin Reckers at https://wellspringdivorce.com/san-diego/

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    Episode 262 Responsibility, Choices within Choices, Outcomes and the Continuing Unfolding of Life. Don’t Regret, Grow

    Episode 262 Responsibility, Choices within Choices, Outcomes and the Continuing Unfolding of Life. Don’t Regret, Grow

    In this episode Brook and Michelle discuss the importance of having deep thought as you make choices about how you approach the conflict with the other parent, thinking about long term outcomes and then taking responsibility for the unfolding. This is something that as parents it is important to model for the children but equally teaching them the skillset so as adults they are able to be more present for the choices that they make and see how their interactions create outcomes. This is a thought provoking episode. Enjoy!!!

    You can follow Michelle on instagram @coachmichellesd. 

    Free High Conflict Diversion Program Booklet: “When Co-Parenting Doesn’t Work.”


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    For classes or one on one consults with Brook please visit our http://www.highconflict.net website to register.