
    The Job Free Economy Podcast

    Are you tired of making other people rich? Ever found yourself wishing for more than the 9-to-5 grind, yearning for financial and personal freedom far beyond the confines of traditional employment? You're not alone. 

    Welcome to "The Job Free Economy" podcast, your ultimate guide to breaking free from the chains of conventional work.

    Hosted by a once-regular employee who transformed his life from scarcity to being a multimillionaire, this podcast bridges the gap between the world of employment and true financial autonomy. Dive deep into discussions that'll reshape the way you view wealth creation and personal success. We're not just talking about quitting your job; we're charting the journey to a life where financial worries are a relic of the past.

    Here, we empower you with actionable insights on:

    • Transitioning from being an employee to owning a scalable business.
    • Harnessing the cash flow from your venture to build multiple streams of passive income.
    • Maximizing the four types of leverage to multiply your earnings without multiplying your hours.

    In the Job Free Economy, it's not about how many hours you clock in, but the value you bring to society. It's a lifestyle, an evolution, a revolution. A space where you're compensated for your genuine worth and where freedom—both financial and personal—becomes second nature.

    Join us and become a part of this transformative movement. Because life's too short to make others rich. Welcome to the future of wealth creation. Welcome to "The Job Free Economy."

    en-usJoe Herbert64 Episodes

    Episodes (64)

    My 10 Ways to Get Other People's Money

    My 10 Ways to Get Other People's Money

    Welcome to the Job Free Economy Podcast with Joe Herbert, where your host and curator of Self-made Wealth, Joe Herbert, shares insights into the world of financial freedom and personal success. In this episode, Joe discusses the ten ways to get other people's money and explores strategies for achieving true financial independence.

    Top 5 Important Points:

    • Understanding the definition of income and its various forms, from wages and salaries to dividends and royalties.
    • Embracing the concept of leveraging other people's time, knowledge, money, and property for financial growth.
    • Exploring income sources beyond traditional employment, such as dividends, interest, selling property, and passive income models.
    • Identifying ethical and legal considerations when seeking ways to get money from others.
    • The importance of transitioning from being an employee or self-employed to becoming a business owner or investor for long-term financial success.

    Get Connected:

    Subscribe to the Job Free Economy Podcast for more valuable insights into achieving financial and personal freedom. Stay updated on new episodes and join the conversation by downloading Joseph Herbert's free ebooks at www.selfmadewealth.co. Connect with like-minded individuals in the Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/jobfreeeconomy.

    My 8 Money Mindset Principles to Become Rich

    My 8 Money Mindset Principles to Become Rich

    My 8 Money Mindset Principles to Become Rich

    Becoming rich and achieving financial and personal freedom is all about mindset and knowledge. If you want to become rich, the very first thing that must change is the way you think about money.

     You must understand money is symptom. It is an outcome.

    People are not poor because they lack money. Rich people are not rich because they have money.

    Rich people don’t live their lives the way they do because they have a lot of money.
    Rich people have a lot of money because of the way the live. their lives.

     There is no better example of this thinking renaissance than in my book,

    Get Rich in 5 Hours: How to Go From Being Poor to Being Rich

    In the book I identify the 6 Life Assets every person has and what to do and not do with them if you want to have a lifestyle of expansion, growth, abundance, and prosperity.

     I wrote the book because I wanted to share with everyone how I changed what I was doing with my 6 Life Assets, in particular the Life Asset of Mindset and how it pertains to financial and personal freedom.

     No. 1 - Be very very clear on your WHY

    1.  Take care of my family

    2.  Help other people

    3.  Have a life full of personal freedom

     No. 2 - Cash Flow Quadrant

    Employee                    Business Owner

    Self-employed                    Investor


    ·      Owners and Others

    o  A consumer or a producer

    o  A tenant or a landlord

    o  An employee or an employer

    o  A Spender or an investor


     No. 3 - Money is not the root of all evil. It is okay to love money

     No. 4 - You either grow or you die

     No. 5 - View money as a multiplier – What would you do with a $1,000,000?

    ·      Loan it out

    ·      By a rental property

    ·      Invest in yourself-education with a coach, take a Seminar, online course, Join a paid Mastermind group

    ·      Start a business

    ·      Use it to Monetize your own knowledge and skills through coaching services, paid masterminds, digital courses, etc.

    ·      Buy products you can sell for a profit

    ·      Flip a house, car, or business – it can be someone else’s, become a broker

     No. 6 – If you want more money, then solve bigger problems

     The Law of Compensation

    “The amount of income and goods you receive is in direct ratio to the need for what you do, your ability to do it and the difficulty there will be in replacing you.”


    “Your income is directly proportional to the value you bring to other people”

     Joe Herbert

    “You must work smart and hard over time bringing value to other people”

     Airbnb, Uber, Amazon 

    Zewe deal, Hoffman deal in Millcreek

    Next Level Mastermind


     No. 7 - The 4 types of Leverage

    1.  Other People’s Time

    2.  Other People’s Money

    3.  Other People’s Knowledge

    4.  Other People’s Property


    No. 8 - Get Other People’s money instead of earning it yourself – leverage OPM

    Get $1 from a million people instead of trying to earn a million on your own

    ·      Find a private lender and borrow their money

    ·      Become a Private lender and collect interest

    ·      Rent other people’s stuff to other people – Uber, Airbnb, jewelry, clothing, purse swap, etc.

    Get connected : </

    The Life Asset of Money and Why Most People Not Rich?

    The Life Asset of Money and Why Most People Not Rich?

    Introducing "The Job Free Economy Podcast with Joe Herbert"! Join Joe, your host and curator of Self-made Wealth, as he delves into the keys to financial and personal freedom. In episode 23, Joe explores the life asset of money, discussing its impact on our lives and sharing insights on wealth education, accumulation, protection, and the four stages of wealth. Discover why it's okay to love money and the various paths to financial freedom. Tune in for valuable advice on building a job-free economy and taking control of your time and income. Don't miss out on this journey to financial independence!

    Top 5 Important Points:

    • Money as a Life Asset: Understand the significant impact of money on personal and financial freedom.
    • It's Okay to Love Money: Embrace the idea of loving money for the right reasons, such as taking care of family and contributing to philanthropy.
    • Four Stages of Wealth: Learn about wealth education, accumulation, protection, and minimizing taxes as crucial stages in building financial freedom.
    • Seven Wealth Paths: Explore different paths to wealth, including inheritance, gambling, taking over family businesses, being an employee, professional athlete/entertainer, starting a company, and the job-free economy.
    • The Job Free Economy: Discover a low-risk, low-barrier-of-entry path to personal and financial freedom, allowing you to quit your job within 2 to 6 years.

    Get connected:

    Subscribe to "The Job Free Economy Podcast" for regular updates on episodes and valuable insights. Don't miss out on the journey to financial and personal freedom. Also, download Joseph Herbert's free ebooks at www.selfmadewealth.co and join the Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/jobfreeeconomy to be part of the conversation and network with like-minded individuals.

    Knowledge is Power!

    Knowledge is Power!

    Introducing "The Job Free Economy Podcast with Joe Herbert"! Join your host, Joe Herbert, the curator of Self-made Wealth, in exploring the keys to financial and personal freedom. In this episode, Joe delves into the transformative power of knowledge as the fourth life asset. Discover how self-education can lead to success, and learn about Joe's personal journey from relying solely on formal education to embracing self-education at the age of 42. Gain insights into the top forms of self-education, from books and YouTube to mastermind groups. Get ready to unlock the secrets of the job-free economy!

    Top 5 Important Points:

    • Knowledge as a Life Asset: Understand the pivotal role of knowledge in transforming your life and achieving your goals.
    • Joe's Journey: Learn about Joe's personal experience, transitioning from relying on formal education to embracing self-education at 42.
    • Forms of Self-Education: Explore various forms of self-education, including books, YouTube, podcasts, seminars, and mastermind groups.
    • Recommended Books: Joe shares a list of 12 essential books for business people, investors, and entrepreneurs, emphasizing the impact of reading on success.
    • Mastermind Groups: Discover the power of mastermind groups in accelerating personal growth, gaining motivation, and achieving exponential success.

    Get connected:

    Subscribe now to "The Job Free Economy Podcast" for regular updates on new episodes and valuable insights into achieving financial and personal freedom. Also, don't miss out on the opportunity to download Joseph Herbert's free ebooks at www.selfmadewealth.co and join the conversation in the Facebook Group at Job Free Economy Facebook Group.

    My 6 Step plan for Successful Time Blocking

    My 6 Step plan for Successful Time Blocking

    Welcome to the Job Free Economy Podcast with Joe Herbert, your host, and curator of Self-made Wealth, the CEO of an online wealth education company. In this episode, Joe shares valuable insights on time management to help you achieve your goals and create lasting positive change in your life.

    Top 5 Points:

    • Time Management Plan: Joe discusses a six-step time management plan to enhance your ability to leverage the life asset of time and achieve your goals effectively.
    • Importance of Accountability: Joe emphasizes the need for an accountability coach or partner, someone to share your goals and schedule with, who can hold you accountable during your blocked-out time periods.
    • Learn to Time Block: Joe highlights the importance of time blocking, whether using digital calendars or physical planners, to schedule specific times for working on your goals and avoiding procrastination.
    • The Power of Saying No: Joe explains the significance of learning to say no to interruptions and time-wasting activities, allowing your life to revolve around your goals rather than the other way around.
    • Create a Distraction-Free Environment: Joe advises finding a dedicated space where you won't be distracted or interrupted while working on your goals, and the importance of turning off technology to maintain focus.

    Get connected :

    Subscribe to the Job Free Economy Podcast for more valuable insights on achieving financial and personal freedom. Stay updated on new episodes, and don't forget to download Joseph Herbert's free ebooks at www.selfmadewealth.co. Join the conversation and network with others in the Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/jobfreeeconomy.

    Where Does all Our Time Go?

    Where Does all Our Time Go?

    Introducing "The Job Free Economy Podcast with Joe Herbert"! Join your host, Joe Herbert, the curator of Self-made Wealth, as he delves into the keys to creating massive positive change in your life. In this episode, Joe continues the discussion on the third life asset, time. Get ready to explore the categories of time usage, understand the crucial distinction between unavoidable and avoidable time wasters, and discover practical strategies to maximize your time for personal and financial freedom.

    Top 5 Important Points:

    • Foundational Life Assets: Learn about the six life assets—time, mindset, knowledge, people, money, and health—that shape your success and happiness.
    • Time Management: Uncover the importance of focused and efficient time use for personal growth and improvement across all life assets.
    • Categories of Time Usage: Explore the main categories of how we typically spend our time, from sleeping and working to unexpected interruptions and unavoidable time wasters.
    • Avoidable Time Wasters: Identify and eliminate activities that don't contribute to your goals, making room for self-education and wealth-building endeavors.
    • Self-Education and Wealth Building: Understand the pivotal role of dedicating time to self-education and creating passive income for achieving financial and personal freedom.

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    Subscribe now to "The Job Free Economy Podcast with Joe Herbert" for insightful episodes and practical strategies to transform your life!

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    The Life Asset of Time

    The Life Asset of Time

    Welcome to "The Job Free Economy Podcast" with Joe Herbert, your host and curator of Self-made Wealth, the CEO of an online wealth education company. In this episode, Joe dives into the crucial life asset of time and its impact on achieving success and financial freedom.

    Top 5 Important Points:

    • Time is the only life asset we all have in equal measure, and how we use it plays a significant role in determining our success.
    • Successful individuals focus on using their time to make money, self-educate, improve their lives, and contribute positively to others.
    • Time is the foundation of other life assets like mindset, knowledge, people, money, and health; efficient time management is essential for leveraging these assets.
    • You can't save, find, or make time; the key is to stop wasting time and focus on creating the life you desire.
    • Whatever you spend a lot of time doing, that's what you become good at; Joe emphasizes the importance of aligning your time with activities that contribute to your goals.


    Subscribe to "The Job Free Economy Podcast" for more insightful episodes on achieving financial and personal freedom. Don't miss out on updates and exclusive content. Also, download Joseph Herbert's free ebooks at www.selfmadewealth.co and join the conversation in the Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/jobfreeeconomy.

    The Chain of Events

    The Chain of Events

    Introducing the Job Free Economy Podcast with Joe Herbert! Join Joe, your host and curator of Self-made Wealth, in this episode as he delves into the fascinating concept of the "chain of events" that unfolds from our associations with people. Learn how surrounding yourself with the right individuals can set off a positive chain leading to prosperity and success. Joe shares personal stories and insights, emphasizing the impact of every connection on your life. Tune in to discover how to identify and cultivate relationships that can shape a brighter future.

    Top 5 Important Points:

    • The Chain of Events: Explore Joe's theory on the inevitable chain of events that result from your associations with people, either positive or negative.
    • Rich Get Richer: Understand the philosophy behind the saying "the rich get richer" and how it relates to surrounding yourself with successful individuals for a prosperous life.
    • Real-Life Examples: Dive into Joe's personal experiences, like transitioning from a corporate job to real estate, and trace back the positive chain of events that led to his success.
    • Mastermind Groups: Discover the power of joining seminars, conferences, business clubs, service organizations, and mastermind groups to surround yourself with like-minded, positive individuals.
    • Life Asset of People: Learn strategies to find and connect with people who can trigger positive chain reactions in your life, ultimately contributing to your success and personal growth.

    Get connected:

    Subscribe to the Job Free Economy Podcast for more insights into achieving financial and personal freedom. Visit www.selfmadewealth.co to download Joseph Herbert's free ebooks and be part of the conversation by joining the Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/jobfreeeconomy.

    The Influencers in Our Lives

    The Influencers in Our Lives

    Introducing "The Job Free Economy Podcast with Joe Herbert," where your host and curator, Joe Herbert, dives deep into the intricacies of building wealth and achieving financial freedom. In this episode, Joe explores the influential role of the people in our lives and how they impact our health, happiness, mindset, personal growth, wealth, and income.

    Top 5 Important Points:

    • Choose Your Life Partner Wisely: Your life partner has a profound impact on your future. Select someone who shares positive attitudes, makes responsible choices, and supports your goals and dreams.
    • Family Dynamics Matter: Family members, including parents and siblings, exert significant influence. Be mindful of their impact, and if needed, limit discussions about your goals with those who may not fully support or understand them.
    • Work Environment Matters: Your boss, coworkers, and the workplace culture play a crucial role in your life. Surround yourself with individuals and employers who encourage growth and create a positive work atmosphere.
    • Evaluate Friendships: Friends can either be cheerleaders or obstacles. Assess whether your friends contribute positively to your goals and dreams, and minimize time with those who may hinder your progress.
    • Conduct a People Audit: Regularly assess the people in your life. Identify their current roles (mentors, cheerleaders, critics, etc.), determine their impact, and actively work towards reshaping relationships for mutual growth.

    Get connected:

    Subscribe now to "The Job Free Economy Podcast" for more insights and practical tips on achieving financial and personal freedom. Join the conversation and network with like-minded individuals in the Facebook Group at Job Free Economy Facebook Group. Plus, download Joseph Herbert's free ebooks at SelfMadeWealth.co to kickstart your journey to success.

    The 6 Types of People in our Lives

    The 6 Types of People in our Lives

    Welcome to the Job Free Economy Podcast with Joe Herbert! I'm Joe, your host and the curator of Self-made Wealth, the CEO of an online wealth education company. In this episode, we delve into the six types of people that can shape our lives. From mentors to toxic blockers, we explore how these individuals influence our journey to success and financial freedom.

    Top 5 Important Points:

    • The Importance of Mentors: Joe emphasizes the critical role mentors play in personal and financial growth. Finding someone with expertise, ethical behavior, and a teaching mentality can have a profound impact on your journey.
    • Building Your Business Team: Joe discusses the significance of assembling a business team, consisting of professionals like attorneys, accountants, and real estate agents. These trusted individuals act as mentors in their respective fields.
    • Team Members and Cheerleaders: Joe highlights the value of having team members who invest time and support in your mission. Cheerleaders, even if they can't provide specific expertise, offer emotional support and motivation.
    • Handling Critics: Joe addresses the challenge of dealing with critics and the importance of developing resilience against external opinions. He advises on turning critics into neutral observers or, when necessary, limiting their influence.
    • Identifying and Removing Toxic Blockers: Joe stresses the detrimental impact of toxic blockers—individuals who lead toxic lives and hinder your progress. He encourages listeners to distance themselves from such influences for personal well-being.

    Get connected: 

    Subscribe to the Job Free Economy Podcast for regular updates on insightful episodes. Additionally, download Joseph Herbert's free ebooks at www.selfmadewealth.co and join the Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/jobfreeeconomy to be part of the conversation and network with like-minded individuals.

    The Power of People - Introduction

    The Power of People - Introduction

    Introducing "The Job Free Economy Podcast with Joe Herbert," where your host and curator of Self-made Wealth, Joe Herbert, delves into the secrets of building a life of financial and personal freedom. In this episode, Joe explores the powerful impact of surrounding yourself with the right people and how it can lead to positive, permanent change. Get ready to unlock the potential of your life assets and superpowers with Joe's insights.

    Top 5 Important Points:

    • The Power of People: Learn how the people in your life, both positive and negative, can significantly influence your happiness, success, wealth, and overall well-being.
    • Cardinal Rule for Change and Growth: Discover why surrounding yourself with the right people is a fundamental rule for achieving positive transformations in various aspects of your life.
    • The One-Person Effect: Understand the profound impact one person can have on your life, whether as a mentor propelling you towards growth or a toxic influence derailing your progress.
    • Choose Your Circle Wisely: Joe shares personal anecdotes highlighting the importance of consciously selecting the individuals you spend the most time with and the role they play in shaping your outcomes.
    • Identifying Six Types of People: Look forward to the next episode where Joe will dive into the details of six basic types of people—mentors, team members, cheerleaders, neutral individuals, critics, and toxic influences—and how to navigate each relationship.

    Get connected:

    Ready to transform your life? Connect with Joe and kickstart your journey to financial and personal freedom. Subscribe to the podcast for regular updates and explore Joe's free ebooks at www.selfmadewealth.co. Join the conversation and network with like-minded individuals in the Facebook Group at Job Free Economy Facebook Group.

    The Mindset Muscle

    The Mindset Muscle

    Welcome to the Job Free Economy Podcast with Joe Herbert! I'm Joe Herbert, your host, and curator of Self-made Wealth, the CEO of an online wealth education company. In this episode, we delve into the concept of your mindset being a muscle that needs training, drawing parallels between physical and mental fitness. Join me on this journey of building your mindset muscle for a quantum leap toward financial independence and wealth.

    Top 5 Important Points:

    • Your mindset is like a muscle, and everyone has a mindset muscle.
    • Successful and wealthy people actively train their mindset muscle, making it strong and capable.
    • A poorly developed mindset muscle can hinder your life and financial success.
    • Building and maintaining your mindset muscle helps you handle life's challenges and stress effectively.
    • Training your mindset muscle is a continuous process, much like physical fitness, and requires positive inputs and habits.

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    Subscribe for updates on new episodes, and don't forget to download Joseph Herbert's free ebooks at www.selfmadewealth.co. Join the conversation and network with others in the Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/jobfreeeconomy.

    Setbacks and Mistakes

    Setbacks and Mistakes

    Introducing "The Job Free Economy Podcast with Joe Herbert"! Join Joe, your host and curator of Self-made Wealth, as he delves into the nuances of success, failure, setbacks, and mistakes in this episode. 

    Here are the top 5 takeaways:

    • Setbacks vs. Failures: Learn the crucial distinction between setbacks and failures and how handling them impacts your mindset muscle.
    • Quotes for Success: Joe shares powerful quotes, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and learning from mistakes, featuring insights from Zig Ziglar.
    • Common Setbacks: Explore common setbacks that everyone faces, from flat tires to economic downturns, and understand how successful people minimize their impact.
    • Mistakes as Learning Opportunities: Embrace mistakes as part of the journey to success. Joe shares personal experiences and insights into turning financial meltdowns into valuable lessons.
    • Handling Mistakes: Discover the six steps to handle mistakes effectively, from immediate resolution to learning and growing, and the significance of not giving up on your goals.

    Get Connected:

     Subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, iHeart, Stitcher, and Spotify. For more resources, download Joseph Herbert's free ebooks at www.selfmadewealth.co. Join the conversation and network with others by joining the Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/jobfreeeconomy.

    10 Steps to Accomplish Any Goal

    10 Steps to Accomplish Any Goal

    Introducing "The Job Free Economy Podcast with Joe Herbert"! Join your host, Joe Herbert, CEO of Self-made Wealth, in this episode where he shares his 10 steps to accomplish life-changing goals. From setting realistic goals to creating a system for tracking progress, Joe provides valuable insights to help you achieve success. Tune in for practical tips and real-life examples that can significantly increase your chances of reaching any realistic goal.

    Top 5 Important Points:

    • Make Your Goal Realistic: Setting achievable goals increases the likelihood of success.
    • Specific and Well-Defined Goals: Clearly define your goals for better focus and accomplishment.
    • Set a Time Period or Date: Attach a timeframe to your goals to create a plan for success.
    • Put Your Goals in Writing: Studies show that writing down goals increases the chances of achieving them.
    • Break Larger Goals into Smaller Steps: Achieve big goals by focusing on smaller, manageable steps.

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    Subscribe for Updates: Don't miss out on valuable insights and episodes! Subscribe to "The Job Free Economy Podcast" for regular updates.

    Free eBooks and Join the Conversation:

    Download Joseph Herbert's free ebooks at www.selfmadewealth.co and be part of the conversation by joining the Facebook Group at Job Free Economy Facebook Group.

    Change is Good

    Change is Good

    Welcome to the Job Free Economy Podcast with Joe Herbert, your host and curator of Self-made Wealth, the CEO of an online wealth education company. In this episode, Joe delves into the transformative power of change and its pivotal role in the journey from poverty to wealth. Join the conversation as he shares insights, personal experiences, and practical steps to embrace positive change and achieve financial freedom.

    Top 5 Important Points:

    • Embrace Change for Growth: Change is not just good; it's essential for personal and financial growth. Learn how to leverage change to move from a scarcity mindset to an abundance wealth mindset.
    • Overcoming Fear of Change: Understand that fear of change is normal. Joe shares his personal experiences and strategies to overcome the fear of the unknown, empowering you to take the necessary steps towards a better life.
    • Successful People Love Change: Discover why successful and wealthy individuals embrace change. Learn how change brings opportunities, and why incorporating it into your life can lead to financial freedom.
    • Continuous Learning and Networking: Explore the habits of successful people, such as Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, who invest time in daily learning and expanding their circle of influence. Understand the importance of knowledge, relationships, and self-improvement.
    • Voluntary vs. Involuntary Change: Joe discusses the inevitability of change and how you have the power to decide the kind of change you want in your life. Differentiate between voluntary and involuntary changes, and prepare yourself for a rapidly evolving global economy.

    Get Connected :

    Subscribe to the Job Free Economy Podcast for regular insights on achieving financial and personal freedom. Don't miss out on future episodes that will guide you on your journey. Also, visit www.selfmadewealth.co to download Joseph Herbert's free ebooks and join the Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/jobfreeeconomy to be part of the conversation and network with like-minded individuals.

    The 11 Beliefs for Massive Positive Growth

    The 11 Beliefs for Massive Positive Growth

    Welcome to "The Job Free Economy Podcast with Joe Herbert," where we dive deep into the beliefs and principles that pave the way to financial and personal freedom. In this episode, Joe explores 11 powerful beliefs that can break the chains of negativity and backward thinking, laying the foundation for prosperity and wealth in every aspect of your life.

    Top 5 Important Points:

    • Belief Shapes Reality: Understand the profound impact of your beliefs on your life, shaping your mindset, actions, and ultimately, your success.
    • Take Responsibility: Accept complete responsibility for your current situation. Stop blaming external factors and start building the life you desire.
    • Control Your Future: Realize that you have the power to shape your future. Your choices and actions today determine the trajectory of your life tomorrow.
    • Change is essential: Successful people actively seek and embrace change, understanding its role in personal growth and success.
    • Others' opinions don't define you: Ignore the naysayers and negative influences; focus on your goals, and don't let external opinions dictate your journey.

    Get connected:

    Subscribe to "The Job Free Economy Podcast" for insightful episodes on achieving financial and personal freedom. Don't miss out on updates; be part of the conversation and network with like-minded individuals. Download Joseph Herbert's free ebooks at www.selfmadewealth.co and join the Facebook Group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/jobfreeeconomy.

    The Money Playbook

    The Money Playbook

    Introducing "The Job Free Economy Podcast with Joe Herbert," where your host and curator of Self-made Wealth, Joe Herbert, takes you on a journey to financial and personal freedom. In this episode, Joe shares his money playbook—a secret weapon for life-changing techniques. Join him as he discusses how to manifest and acquire wealth, positive energy, and leverage the law of attraction to transform your life.

    Top 5 Important Points:

    1. The Money Playbook as a Blueprint for Change: Joe emphasizes the importance of tools, systems, and plans to change your life, comparing it to building a house or starting a company.
    2. Benefits of Using the Money Playbook:
    • Clearly define what you want out of life through why statements.
    • Maintain focus on your life goals.
    • Generate daily positive energy and thoughts.
    • Raise expectations for life.
    • Motivate yourself to take action and pursue your goals.

         3. Creating Your Money Playbook: Joe guides you on creating your physical money        
            playbook     using a composition-style notebook, highlighting the significance of       
            handwriting over using digital tools.

         4. Sections of the Money Playbook:

    • Why Statements: Clearly define your reasons for wanting a better life.
    •  Cash Flow Creed: A set of fundamental beliefs about abundance, prosperity, and money.
    • Success Manifesto: 11 foundational statements forming a successful wealth mindset.
    • Declarations, Motivations, Gratitude, and Goals: Daily exercises to reinforce positive affirmations, motivations, gratitude, and goals.

         5. The Power of Reading Aloud: Joe stresses the impact of reading your playbook out loud to enhance memory retention and motivation, backed by studies showing the effectiveness of vocalizing affirmations.

    Get Connected:

    Subscribe to "The Job Free Economy Podcast" for weekly insights on achieving financial and personal freedom. Don't miss out on Joe Herbert's free ebooks at www.selfmadewealth.co. Join the conversation and network with others in the Facebook Group at Job Free Economy Facebook Group.

    Meditation for Wealth Building

    Meditation for Wealth Building

    Welcome to the Job Free Economy podcast, hosted by Joe Herbert, the curator of Self-made Wealth, an online wealth education company. In this episode, Joe dives into the transformative power of meditation in developing a positive wealth abundance mindset. He shares insights, techniques, and the benefits of incorporating meditation into your life. Discover how successful individuals, from CEOs to athletes, use this tool in their journey to success.

    Top 5 Points from the Episode:

    • Meditation is a habitual process that trains the mind to focus and redirect thoughts, promoting mental clarity and emotional stability.
    • It's a powerful tool to counteract stress, anxiety, and doubt, essential for anyone striving to make significant life changes.
    • Meditation is a means of transforming the mind, encouraging concentration, clarity, emotional positivity, and understanding the true nature of things.
    • Joe outlines a six-step meditation process, including gratitude statements, visualization, and connecting with the subconscious mind.
    • Learn how meditation can trigger the law of attraction, generating positive energy and attracting desired outcomes.

    Call-to-Action (CTA):

    Subscribe to the Job Free Economy podcast for more insightful episodes on financial and personal freedom. Don't miss out on updates and valuable tools. Also, download Joseph Herbert's free ebooks at www.selfmadewealth.co. Join the conversation and network with others in the Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/jobfreeeconomy.

    The Wealth Paths

    The Wealth Paths

    A Wealth path is any way a person can go from not being wealthy to being wealthy. Inheritance, Gambling, taking over the family business, starting a successful business, inventing an instant success product or service, and Get Rich in 5 Hours are all potential paths to wealth.

    Welcome to the Job Free Economy podcast, hosted by Joe Herbert, the curator of Self-made Wealth, a leading online wealth education company. In this episode, Joe delves into the various paths to wealth, sharing his personal journey and insights on achieving financial freedom.

    Top 5 Important Points:

    • Wealth Paths: Joe discusses different ways individuals can move from a non-wealthy to a wealthy status, covering topics from inheritance to professional athleticism.
    • Realistic Approaches: Highlighting paths like taking over a family business or having a job with a pension, Joe explores practical strategies for financial security.
    • High-Risk Paths: Joe talks about the allure of starting a successful company or inventing a product and selling it—a high-risk, high-reward approach that requires careful consideration.
    • 5-Hour Wealth Formula: Joe introduces a revolutionary concept—his "Get Rich in 5 Hours" path. Discover the two essential components that can accelerate your journey to financial freedom.
    • Realistic Success: Uncover the achievable nature of Joe's recommended path, offering a pragmatic approach that allows individuals to attain financial freedom within a surprisingly short timeframe.

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    Subscribe for regular updates on the Job Free Economy podcast to gain valuable insights into achieving financial and personal freedom. Additionally, explore Joe Herbert's free ebooks at www.selfmadewealth.co and join the conversation on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/groups/jobfreeeconomy.


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    Visualization and Vision Boards

    Visualization and Vision Boards

    Introducing "The Job Free Economy Podcast with Joe Herbert"! In this episode, Joe dives into the power of visualization and vision boards to enhance your positive wealth abundance mindset and achieve your goals. Join him as he shares personal anecdotes and practical tips on how seeing and touching your aspirations can drive you to take actionable steps towards success.

    Top 5 Important Points:

    • The Power of Seeing and Touching: Joe emphasizes the impact of consistently exposing yourself to the objects of your desire, whether it's a dream home, a business, or a personal goal.
    • Personal Success Stories: Through personal experiences, Joe illustrates how his dedication to visualizing and interacting with his goals led to significant achievements, from buying a dream bike to owning a hunting camp for his father.
    • Applying Visualization to Business: Learn how Joe's passion for real estate and investment properties drove him to take actions, including finding ways to secure funds for properties he desired.
    • Using Vision Boards Effectively: Joe provides practical steps for creating a vision board that aligns with your "why statement." He explains the importance of incorporating phrases, pictures of connected individuals, and visuals of your desired achievements.
    • Consistent Visualization Leads to Success: The key takeaway is that consistently visualizing your success and aligning it with your "why statement" will propel you to take actions that ultimately lead to achieving your goals.

    Get connected :

    Subscribe to "The Job Free Economy Podcast with Joe Herbert" for more insightful episodes on achieving financial freedom and success. Don't miss out on updates and exclusive content—subscribe on iTunes, iHeart, Stitcher, Spotify, and tune in. Also, download Joseph Herbert's free ebooks at www.selfmadewealth.co and join the vibrant conversation on Facebook at Job Free Economy Facebook Group.
