
    The Jonathan Kogan Show

    The Jonathan Kogan Show brings you the most important, underreports news (and hot takes) that you need to know but the mainstream media is not covering. If you are searching for the truth, and of course the cold hard facts, then this podcast is for you. But, if you are looking for fake news and distractions from the real news, then you will be better off going to CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News. We do not cater to any corporations or powerful elites, but rather everyday peasants who simply want to know what is really going on without the propaganda. All Channels: https://jsk.transistor.fm/
    enJonathan Kogan240 Episodes

    Episodes (240)

    The TRUTH behind the Jewish tunnels! - #237

    The TRUTH behind the Jewish tunnels! - #237

    When you think the world can't get any crazier, it does! From wars going on everywhere to Jewish tunnels in NYC, it simply never ends. Actually to tell you the truth, it's the beginning of 2024 and I'm afraid we are just getting started. There's no better way to start off the New Year than with some headphones listening to The Jonathan Kogan Show. We are back and more alive than ever! Let's get this thing going again and I appreciate you for listening. Here's to what will be the wildest year of your life. Buckle up!

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    Go F*ck Yourself! - #236

    Go F*ck Yourself! - #236

    With all of the madness going on in the world, we finally have "big name" people coming to our team: Pro-Humanity. From Conor McGregor to Elon Musk, there are popular individuals -- with enormous followings -- speaking the truth. Our movement has been going on for quite awhile and sometimes it takes people longer to see what we have seen so long ago. Let's cover the truth and nothing but the truth on The Jonathan Kogan Show!

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    Assessing Rising Tensions: The Iran Situation Explained - #235

    Assessing Rising Tensions: The Iran Situation Explained - #235

    In this episode, we delve into the complex geopolitical landscape surrounding Iran and the escalating tensions in the region. We'll explore the historical context, key players, and the factors contributing to the current situation. Join us as we break down potential scenarios, examine the diplomatic efforts, and discuss the implications of this critical global issue. Stay informed and gain a deeper understanding of the Iran situation in this informative and balanced discussion.

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    The Alarming Truth: Government Corruption & the Road to World War III 🚨- #234

    The Alarming Truth: Government Corruption & the Road to World War III 🚨- #234

    In this eye-opening episode, we delve deep into the unsettling reality of government corruption and its potential to ignite World War III. Join us as we explore the hidden agendas, power struggles, and international tensions that may be pushing our world closer to the brink of conflict. Discover the critical issues at play and the urgent need for transparency and accountability in our governments. Don't miss this crucial discussion that could shape our future. Stay informed, stay vigilant, and let's work towards a more peaceful world together. #GovernmentCorruption #WorldWarIII #GlobalCrisis

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    Behind the Curtain: Rattled U.S. Government Fears Wars Could Spread - #233

    Behind the Curtain: Rattled U.S. Government Fears Wars Could Spread - #233

    Never before have we talked to so many top government officials who, in private, are so worried about so many ⁠overseas conflicts⁠ at once.

    Why it matters: We don't like to sound dire. But to sound a siren of clinical, clear-eyed realism: U.S. officials say this confluence of crises poses ⁠epic concern and historic danger⁠.

    Behind the scenes: Officials tell us that inside the White House, this was the heaviest, most chilling week since President Biden took office just over 1,000 days ago.

    • Former Defense Secretary ⁠Bob Gates⁠ — who ran the Pentagon under presidents of both parties, George W. Bush and Barack Obama — tells us America is facing the most crises since World War II ended 78 years ago.
    • He explains the White House's system overload like this: "There's this gigantic funnel that sits over the table in the Situation Room. And all the problems in the world end up coming through that funnel to the same eight or 10 people. There's a limit to the bandwidth those eight or 10 people can have."
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    Crisis in the Levant: Unraveling the New Israel Conflict - #232

    Crisis in the Levant: Unraveling the New Israel Conflict - #232

    In this episode of 'Crisis in the Levant,' we delve deep into the events leading up to Israel's most recent conflict. From regional power dynamics to the voices of those directly affected, join us as we navigate the intricate tapestry of politics, history, and humanity that surrounds this latest chapter in the enduring saga of the Middle East.

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    Down Under Cover: Exposing America's Hidden Censorship Web - #231

    Down Under Cover: Exposing America's Hidden Censorship Web - #231

    In this compelling episode, we delve deep into the shadows of the American media landscape to uncover the intricate web of the censorship industrial complex. Journey with us as we explore the often unseen forces that shape what Americans see, hear, and ultimately believe. From the hushed corridors of power to the silent battles in newsrooms, we expose the mechanisms and motivations behind information suppression in the land Down Under. We shed light on a system designed to control narratives and question whether true freedom of speech still exists in America.

    Tune into this episode and discover the untold story of a nation's struggle with censorship.

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    Debt's Tipping Point: Navigating the Looming Financial Storm - #230

    Debt's Tipping Point: Navigating the Looming Financial Storm - #230

    In this episode of ⁠'Debt's Tipping Point,'⁠ we delve deep into the undercurrents of the impending debt crisis. From the historical patterns that have led us here to the global implications of unchecked borrowing, we'll explore the factors that are pushing economies to the brink.

    Whether you're a financial enthusiast or just someone concerned about the future of our global economy, this episode offers a comprehensive look at a topic that affects us all.

    Join us as we navigate the stormy waters of the looming financial crisis.

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    Exposing the Mainstream Media: The Dark Side of Sam Bankman-Fried They Won't Tell You About - #229

    Exposing the Mainstream Media: The Dark Side of Sam Bankman-Fried They Won't Tell You About - #229

    Unveiling the truth behind the media's portrayal of Sam Bankman-Fried. While mainstream outlets celebrate him as a financial hero, we dive deep into the hidden stories and allegations that paint a different picture. Join us as we dissect the facts, separate fiction from reality, and challenge the narratives that big media wants you to believe.

    Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more investigative insights.

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    Debate Night: Unmasking the GOP Showdown Live! - #228

    Debate Night: Unmasking the GOP Showdown Live! - #228

    Join us for a riveting, real-time exploration of the Second GOP Presidential Debate as it unfolds live! In 'Debate Night: Unmasking the GOP Showdown Live,' we bring you front-row seats to the high-stakes clash of ideas, strategies, and personalities in the race for the White House. Our expert panel dissects the candidates' performances, disentangles the key issues, and offers insightful commentary on the moments that could shape the future of American politics.

    Tune in for a rollercoaster ride through the world of politics, as we dissect, analyze, and unravel the drama as it happens, right before your ears!

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    The Hidden Agenda: Exploring the Impact of Illegal Immigration - #227

    The Hidden Agenda: Exploring the Impact of Illegal Immigration - #227

    In this thought-provoking episode, we dive deep into the complex and often contentious issue of illegal immigration. Join us as we dissect the multifaceted aspects surrounding this topic, from the economic and social impacts to the policies and motivations behind it.

    🔍 Key Discussion Points:

    1. Economic Realities: We explore how illegal immigration affects job markets, wages, and local economies, providing data-driven insights.
    2. Social Dynamics: Delve into the social and cultural implications of illegal immigration, including community integration and diversity.
    3. Policy Landscape: Understand the existing immigration policies, their history, and potential reforms that may shape the future.
    4. Conspiracies vs. Realities: We address common misconceptions about a supposed "hidden agenda" behind illegal immigration.
    5. Balanced Perspectives: Our goal is to offer a balanced, fact-based analysis that encourages constructive dialogue and understanding.

    Join us for an informative and unbiased discussion that aims to shed light on this important global issue. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe to stay updated on our latest episodes!

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    Ending the WHO Tyranny - #226

    Ending the WHO Tyranny - #226

    "To sustain the funding base beyond the crisis we need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as pan-influenza or pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process."

    We play Dr. David Martin's unbelievable speech at the European Parliament, which is a must listen to at the end of the episode. Also, we cover other topics, such as, Russell Brand, Stock Market concerns, Empire State Building antics, Darien Gap updates, Regulatory Capture insights, Depleting the SPR again, and recent changes in election integrity.

    Share this episode with everyone who needs to hear it!

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    Did Zelensky threaten the West? - #225

    Did Zelensky threaten the West? - #225

    Curtailing aid to Ukraine will only prolong the war, Mr Zelensky argues. And it would create risks for the West in its own backyard. There is no way of predicting how the millions of Ukrainian refugees in European countries would react to their country being abandoned. Ukrainians have generally “behaved well” and are “very grateful” to those who sheltered them. They will not forget that generosity. But it would not be a “good story” for Europe if it were to “drive these people into a corner”.

    Additionally, the UN declares an "Information War" and what needs to be done to successfully censor the internet. There's so much going on in 2023 and we are just trying to keep up! You don't want to miss this episode.

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    Exploring the Impact of Immigration in NYC: Challenges and Opportunities - #224

    Exploring the Impact of Immigration in NYC: Challenges and Opportunities - #224

    In this episode, we delve deep into the complex and multifaceted issue of immigration in the vibrant and diverse city of New York. Join us as we explore the challenges and opportunities presented by immigration, shedding light on the experiences of undocumented individuals striving to make a life in the city that never sleeps.

    Our goal is to foster a thoughtful and nuanced conversation around this topic, considering the economic, cultural, and social aspects of immigration in New York City. Tune in to gain insights into the dynamic interplay between immigration and NYC's rich tapestry, and discover how this issue impacts us all in different ways. Let's engage in an open and respectful conversation that seeks to bridge divides and build a more inclusive and informed community.

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    Preparing for the Future: Navigating the Possibility of a New Pandemic - #223

    Preparing for the Future: Navigating the Possibility of a New Pandemic - #223

    Explore the potential challenges of a new pandemic with our latest podcast episode, 'Preparing for the Future: Navigating the Possibility of a New Pandemic.'

    Join us as we delve into expert insights and practical tips to help you stay informed and ready. In a world where uncertainties exist, arming yourself with knowledge is key.

    Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of what the future might hold and how you can proactively prepare. Stay ahead of the curve and empower yourself with actionable strategies.

    Listen now to be ready for whatever comes next.

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    Inside the Arena - Unveiling the 2024 GOP Presidential Debate - #222

    Inside the Arena - Unveiling the 2024 GOP Presidential Debate - #222

    Step into the heart of American democracy with "Inside the Arena," the podcast that brings you an exclusive and in-depth analysis of the pivotal events shaping the nation's political landscape. In our latest episode, we delve into the electrifying atmosphere of the first GOP Presidential Debate of 2024.

    As microphones pick up the passion and tension on stage, our podcast hosts leave no stone unturned, providing context to every policy proposal, fact-checking statements in real-time, and offering historical comparisons to previous debates that shaped the course of American politics.

    From the rise of new faces to the strategies of seasoned politicians, "Inside the Arena" delivers unbiased, thought-provoking analysis that transcends party lines. We aim to bring clarity to the intricacies of the debate, helping you navigate through the political rhetoric and make informed judgments about the contenders' visions for the nation's future.

    Tune in to our podcast as we capture the essence of democracy in action, making sense of the memorable moments, the unexpected twists, and the defining exchanges that will undoubtedly influence the upcoming election season. Whether you're a political junkie, a concerned citizen, or someone curious about the future of the United States, "Inside the Arena" is your ultimate guide to decoding the first GOP Presidential Debate of 2024. Subscribe now and stay informed!

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    Rich Men North of Richmond - #221

    Rich Men North of Richmond - #221

    In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into the concept of the ⁠"Fourth Turning,"⁠ a term coined by historians William Strauss and Neil Howe to describe the cyclical pattern of generational dynamics and societal change. As we explore the current events shaping our world, we uncover how people are coming together in the midst of this turning, creating a powerful sense of unity and collective action.

    Join us as we navigate through the latest headlines, dissecting the stories that are reshaping our societies, economies, and cultures. From technological breakthroughs to geopolitical shifts, we'll explore the multifaceted aspects of today's news landscape.

    But this episode goes beyond mere news analysis. We'll examine the ways in which communities are responding to the challenges and opportunities presented by the Fourth Turning. From grassroots initiatives to global movements, we'll highlight inspiring stories of people collaborating across generations and backgrounds to drive positive change.

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    Tragic Loss: Ecuadorian Presidential Candidate Shot Dead - What Really Happened? - #220

    Tragic Loss: Ecuadorian Presidential Candidate Shot Dead - What Really Happened? - #220

    In this ⁠thought-provoking episode⁠, we delve into the unsettling events that have shaken the world of politics. Join us as we uncover the ⁠tragic story of an Ecuadorian politician⁠, a promising presidential candidate whose life was cut short by a shocking act of violence. As we investigate the circumstances surrounding their untimely demise, we'll strive to separate fact from speculation.

    But that's not all – the political landscape is rife with turmoil as other world leaders find themselves entangled in a web of obstacles preventing them from participating in upcoming elections. Are these instances of election restrictions mere coincidences, or could there be a deeper, more complex narrative at play?

    Drawing from reliable sources and expert insights, we aim to shed light on the realities of these situations without sensationalizing or jumping to conclusions. Our goal is to foster understanding and provide viewers with a well-rounded perspective on the challenges facing democracy worldwide.

    Join us as we navigate through the twists and turns of this intricate global political web, seeking to unravel the truth behind these events and the potential impact they may have on the ⁠future of democratic processes⁠.

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    Rise Up Unfiltered: Dismantling Self-Censorship and Championing the People's Voice - #219

    Rise Up Unfiltered: Dismantling Self-Censorship and Championing the People's Voice - #219

    In this empowering episode, we're throwing caution to the wind and diving headfirst into a thought-provoking discussion on the art of self-expression and the importance of standing unwaveringly on the side of the people. Join us as we peel back the layers of self-censorship and explore the liberating journey towards embracing authenticity. 🎙️

    Discover how stifling our voices can inadvertently hinder progress and change. We're delving into stories of individuals who defied the norm, shattered constraints, and paved the way for genuine conversations. From everyday heroes to historical trailblazers, we'll explore the impact of unfiltered narratives and the profound connections they forge.

    Join us as we unpack the transformative effects of standing in solidarity with the people, amplifying voices that deserve to be heard. From grassroots movements to online activism, we'll delve into the dynamic ways individuals are making an impact and fostering inclusivity.

    Tune in to this riveting episode as we embark on a journey of self-discovery, encouraging you to cast aside the veil of self-censorship, stand boldly alongside the people, and celebrate the strength that emerges from embracing unfiltered authenticity. 🎧🗣️

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    Trump Indicted: Unraveling the Legal Storm + Candid Insights from Joe Rogan & Patrick Bet-David! - #218

    Trump Indicted: Unraveling the Legal Storm + Candid Insights from Joe Rogan & Patrick Bet-David! - #218

    In this riveting installment, we dive headfirst into the explosive topic of Trump's indictment, dissecting the legal intricacies and ramifications surrounding the former president. Brace yourself as our expert panel unravels the complexities, offering insights, analysis, and predictions on the unfolding legal storm.

    But that's not all! Prepare for a thought-provoking segment where we explore the recent appearance of Patrick Bet-David on Joe Rogan's podcast. Join us as we uncover the candid and enlightening conversation between these two influential figures, delving into their perspectives on crucial issues and thought-provoking ideas.

    With insider knowledge and captivating discussions, this episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking an in-depth understanding of Trump's indictment and a peek into the minds of Joe Rogan and Patrick Bet-David. Tune in now and join the conversation as we navigate through these enthralling topics with our esteemed guests and thought leaders!

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