
    The Killing IT Podcast

    IT authors and entrepreneurs Ryan Morris, Karl Palachuk, and Dave Sobel provide commentary on the changing world of technology opportunities and emerging tech. We want to expand the discussion from the SMB IT channel to all things tech - with one eye on the future and the other on profits. Join us!
    enKarl W. Palachuk100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    Episode 186 - Juicy tech states, Metaverse's standing, and THOR's Day

    Episode 186 - Juicy tech states, Metaverse's standing, and THOR's Day

    Topic 1: Some juicy stats...


    The U.S. tech market accounts for 35% of the total world market.

    The U.S. tech industry is expected to grow by 6.7% in 2022.

    The U.S. tech industry employs roughly 12.2 million workers as of 2020.

    Check out these stats and let us know what stood out to you. 

    These stats open up the floor to new approaches to shake up the industry. Those currently in the industry can take these numbers as a driving force to recruit more inclusively.

    Topic 2: Checking in on the metaverse: Is this a thing yet?



    Meta hosted a big event to announce … a more expensive VR headset. And in spite of some really enthusiastic promotion, the question remains whether immersive VR or integrated AR will actually be a thing. While some industrial- and business-related use cases are emerging, the user numbers don’t sound remotely impressive … suggesting that Meta Mark has work to do to convince us to volunteer to feel car sick.

    Topic 3: STORY 2: THOR’s Day … the role & opportunity of mobile internet & power services


    Natural disasters have put the fragile state of our telecommunications and internet and power systems in the spotlight. To put it kindly: there are many holes. So wireless companies and others have stepped up to provide temporary coverage & access. The question is whether this is a sufficient solution for an advanced economy … and whether there is an opportunity for location technology solution providers to step in and create a point-to-point network that can meet the needs of a population amidst increasingly frequent and devastating storms.

    Sponsor Memo: Huntress

    hack_it returns this Nov. with hack_it 2022.

    It's a hands on, interactive cybersecurity training designed to help you thin like a hacker and provide the security training you can use today to level up your own defenses.

    Join Huntress Co-founder and CEO Kyle Hanslovan, Huntress threat researches, and soon to be announced special guests for two and a half days of cybersecrutiy education for the community, by the community.

    Content over three days, including an optional lab and it's all virtual. 

    Attend from your desk, couch, swing set, or wherever you feel most comfortable. 

    Sign up at https://hack-it.com


    Episode 185: Dodging an Existential Bullet, Google Shuts Down Stadia, & Ambient Intelligence

    Episode 185: Dodging an Existential Bullet, Google Shuts Down Stadia, & Ambient Intelligence

    Topic 1: The Open Internet as We Know It Dodged an Existential Bullet Last Week



    In an election for the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), members chose Doreen Bogdan-Martin from the United States – the first-ever woman to hold the post. But that is not the reason this election was monumentally important: it was literally a showdown between an open internet and an authoritarian-controlled internet. And almost every single human on Earth didn’t know it even happened … or what the consequences may have been. Consider us lucky.

    Topic 2: Google Shuts Down Stadia Online Gaming Service … Does Google Have an Innovation Problem?


    Google announced it’s shutting down the 3-year old Stadia gaming service … the latest in a long line of big technical breakthroughs that Google has failed to turn into big business successes. Why did this (seemingly really cool) new service not succeed? And does this hint at a bigger issue about Google’s ability to grow? Or … about the ability of tech giants in general to grow at a rate that is “enough” for their thirsty shareholders?

    Topic 3: Amazon Wants to Cocoon You With ‘Ambient Intelligence’

    The company’s new smart gadget uses radar to track your breathing while you sleep. It’s part of Amazon’s plan to weave its products invisibly into your life.

    Meet “Halo Rise” - Because they couldn’t come up with a creepier name.

    Consider it the opposite of the metaverse. 



    Sponsor Memo: IT Service Provider University

    IT Service Provider University helps you improve the business side of your business.

    We launched IT Service Provider University in 2013 and today we offer more than twenty courses on every aspect of running your consulting business. 

    IT Service Provider University provides training and pathways to certification for individual IT Service Providers as well as offering company-level certifications.

    Pathways Include: Management, Technician, Sales/Marketing, Service Manager, Front Office.

    Learn more about professional classes and certifications at https://ITSPU.com




    Episode 184: Public cameras and Privacy Concerns, Machine Translation, and Darth Vader!

    Episode 184: Public cameras and Privacy Concerns, Machine Translation, and Darth Vader!

    Topic 1: Public Cameras, Social Media, Art, and Privacy concerns

    Great article on how to use publicly-available surveillance systems and open source facial recognition to mash up Instagram selfies with Earthcam video. 

    Artist shows all the “behind the scenes” activities that go into professional selfies - all while violating copyrights and GDPR on a grand scale.


    Topic 2: Machine translation - what if the translation misses subtlety?  

    In our global society, we are starting to lean heavily on these online translating tools. Because of this, we are now at a place where machine translation is reasonably advanced…“Reasonably” being the operative word. 

    So what happens when we rely on machine accuracy in times of life and death? What are the real human implications of being lost in translation? 



    Topic 3: Darth no more? Is an AI Darth Vader still a valid Darth Vader?

    To immortalize one’s voice–any ethics concerns here? And by doing so, will there be any room for new talent? Will we continue to recycle a pool of posthumous talent? How far will we go with synthesizing a living, breathing human? 


    Sponsor Memo: Nodeware

    Know about Nodeware?

    Nodeware is an in-demand and real-time cybersecurity solution that helps businesses reduce their risk of ransomware or other cyber attacks —all with breakthrough simplicity and affordability.

    With truly continuous vulnerability scanning, even during normal business hours, you’ll get real-time alerts of network access & new found risks, with easy and insightful reports to take action on and report to your customers.

    Want to learn more?

    Visit https://nodeware.com/partners to find out more

    Episode 183: ETFs, US Military on social media, & Metaverse as a service,

    Episode 183: ETFs, US Military on social media, & Metaverse as a service,

    Topic 1: NANC and KRUZ ETFs - Outperforming the Market 

    Now you too can get away with insider trading. These new Exchange Traded Funds track the performance of members of Congress. 


    Topic 2: US Military on social media to engage in psychological operations. 

    What's new this time? 



    Topic 3: Metaverse-as-a-Service

    Nvidia is counting on metaverse FOMO to drive enterprises to its Omniverse-as-a-service platform. Think subscription-based digital twins.

    Nvidia brings you a new service category. As the Register reports: You didn’t ask for it, but here it is.



    Sponsor Memo: NSITSP

    Are you a professional member of the National Society of IT Service Providers? If you’re within the sound of my voice, you should be!

    The NSITSP is dedicated to promoting professionalism in all IT services, and improving our industry’s reputation to your clients, the government, and the media. Our industry faces challenges from ransomware, the insurance industry, government regulators, and bad actors from within. 

    Join the NSITSP and help us improve our industry and our reputation. Visit https://NSITSP.org and join today.


    The Killing IT Podcast
    enSeptember 27, 2022

    Episode 182: "Good" hack for SolarWinds, "Bad" security for Twitter, and "Sock Puppet" phishing

    Episode 182: "Good" hack for SolarWinds, "Bad" security for Twitter, and "Sock Puppet" phishing

    Topic 1: Could it actually be possible that the SolarWinds hack was “good” for their business?


    No one would argue that being the victim of “the largest and most damaging security breach in US history” is a good thing. But as a result of the hack, SolarWinds took unprecedented steps to fundamentally reengineer their approach to security and dev-ops … and they are telling a surprisingly compelling story about how this makes them the most secure system in the industry. What’s more, it seems like customers are listening … and buying. Do you buy it?

    Topic 2: Headline: Twitter is bad at data security and privacy.

    Conclusion: No duh.


    The Twitter whistleblower testified in congress yesterday … and he made the “shocking” accusation that Twitter doesn’t have (and never has had) sufficient control systems for data protection. Thank you, Captain Obvious. This brings up a few questions: 1) does any social media company have sufficient data controls (no); 2) is there any appetite to make social media companies accountable for actual privacy / security (no); and 3) why does our society accept the presence of a tech platform that is “too big to control” and not simply turn it off if it can’t be made secure?

    Topic 3: Because Security needs another piece of jargon: Beware Sock Puppet phishing


    Or would you rather call the attack 'multi-persona impersonation' (MPI)? That’s the name used by researchers at Proofpoint.

    Basically, this is an orchestrated attack where the bad guys control multiple email accounts and email back and forth with the target in the middle of the cc: string. The idea is to provide (fake) social proof. 


    Sponsor Memo: SBTTC

    This podcast is sponsored by the Small Biz Thoughts Technology Community. Check us out at https://www.SmallBizThoughts.org

    Forms, templates, and checklists are just the start. Our Community includes ALL of the best-selling books on managed services in all available formats, plus free training, members-only programs, and the best business training available to managed service providers anywhere.

    Plus, we have weekly live members-only Zoom calls. The average member saves more than 200% of their membership cost each year. We are totally dedicated to YOUR success. 

    Just because you're in business for yourself doesn't mean you have to go it alone. Join us today at https://www.SmallBizThoughts.org




    Episode 181: SMBs need MSPs, Age-Appropriate Design Code Act, & Police subscribe to "Fog Reveal"

    Episode 181: SMBs need MSPs, Age-Appropriate Design Code Act, & Police subscribe to "Fog Reveal"

    Topic 1: Any surprises in the research? SMBs need MSPs

    “A new survey of over 500 IT decision makers at small and medium businesses, from threat detection and response specialist Vade, shows 69 percent say a serious breach had bypassed their current email security solution.

    It's perhaps not surprising then that SMBs are increasingly likely to turn to managed service providers, with 96 percent of organizations either currently outsourcing at least some of their needs to MSPs or planning to do so in the future.” 

    See https://betanews.com/2022/09/08/smbs-turn-to-msps-to-improve-cybersecurity/

    Topic 2: California passes well-intentioned “Age-Appropriate Design Code Act”

    ...and then makes it unenforceable  because of absurd fines.
    With fines at $7,500 per affected student, the only options are 1) Go out of business, or 2) Use every penny you have to fight enforcement of the law.



    Topic 3: Police departments subscribe to a geolocation database that lets them bypass warrants to track mobile devices.

    The database “Fog Reveal” is available by subscription. For less than $10,000/year, law enforcement agencies can search historical records from 250 million mobile devices. This gives them the power to create "patterns of life" analysis on individuals. The cell phone tracking tool allows them to track GPS movements going back months. Very often, this is done without warrants.


    ...and don’t forget www.Data.gov  - over 335,000 government databases open to the public.


    Sponsor: Nodeware

    Know about Nodeware? 

    Nodeware is an in-demand and real-time cybersecurity solution that helps businesses reduce their risk of ransomware or other cyber attacks —all with breakthrough simplicity and affordability.

    With truly continuous vulnerability scanning, even during normal business hours, you’ll get real-time alerts of network access & new found risks, with easy and insightful reports to take action on and report to your customers.

    Want to learn more? Visit https://nodeware.com/partners to find out more.



    Episode 180 - AI "Accountability", Quietly Quitting, & the Right to Tractor Repair

    Episode 180 - AI "Accountability", Quietly Quitting, & the Right to Tractor Repair

    Welcome to Episode 180 of the Killing Podcast with special guest host Nadia Karatsoreos!

    Nadia has assisted channel partners and customers in building their businesses by adopting best practices and resources that are proven to accelerate success and deliver an exceptional experience to the businesses they serve.

    A results-oriented professional who puts partners first, Nadia has many years of experience in business development, community and channel relations. Her career in the MSP space started with Level Platforms in 2010 and since then she has held various roles at other vendors like GFI, Datto, NetApp and now Malwarebytes.  She has also served on Executive Councils for CompTIA's Managed Services, Cloud and Future Leaders Communities.

    Nadia has been recognized by CRN as one of the Top Women of the Channel for multiple years (including 2022) and one of the Top 100 People You Don't Know but Should in 2016.

    Topic 1: Do we need an AI “Accountability” board?

    “Governments should protect residents from the harms of artificial intelligence and provide means of redress, according to researchers at the University of California, Berkeley.

    In a white paper from Berkeley’s Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity, the researchers said that anyone who has been harmed or damaged from the deployment of AI should have the right to complain to an agency or department that has oversight of that AI-driven system or be able to take legal action."



    Topic 2: Quietly Quitting - The Hot New Fad - without an agreed-upon definition

    Some articles describe Quietly Quitting as taking back work/life balance. Other describe it as doing the bare minimum.

    We speculate on what it is, and what it might mean.


    Is QQ a natural consequence of employers’ push to get employees back in the office at any cost?


    The real question is: can you sincerely create engagement and community without being in the same office location 5 days a week? (Short answer: yes.) 

    Topic 3: Do you have the right to repair . . . your tractor?

    Wired magazine discusses “jailbreaking” your John Deere.

    Seriously: This will affect the larger right to repair debate.


    Sponsor Memo: Linode

    Linode – a top Infrastructure as a Service provider has resources specifically for helping MSPs explore the alternative cloud. Discover this growing market: one of the best-kept secrets in building a scalable, thriving, modern Managed Service Provider business. Learn about the cloud provider landscape, improving KPIs, security, and more in Linode's free ebook, The MSP's Guide to Modern Cloud Infrastructure, available now.

    This resource and more at http://linode.com/mspradio



    Episode 179: Reverse Mentoring, Internships during cybersecurity shortages, and Amazon in healthcare

    Episode 179: Reverse Mentoring, Internships during cybersecurity shortages, and Amazon in healthcare

    Topic 1: Reverse mentoring in the technology industry increases understanding and opens opportunities for both sides of the mentor relationship


    Everyone knows a person of “a certain age” who is not as connected to or fluent with a new technology … even in the IT channel. And ironically, those people are much more likely to be senior executives in the business of IT. How will those highly experienced update their tech knowledge and bring new strategies to leveraging tech for business and for diversity in the industry? Talk to a youth.

    See also: https://relaxfocussucceed.com/2022/06/millennials-and-gen-x-are-not-a-problem-to-be-dealt-with/

    Topic 2: Apprenticeships are going into industries beyond the trades … are reinforcements on the way? Or are companies still insisting on only hiring “the best of the best” in tech roles?


    It’s well known that there are massive shortages of cybersecurity workers … at the same time as cyber threats are are escalating. How can the industry catch up? Certainly not by insisting on advanced credentials for candidates who need to do jobs that focus on mass quantity cyber threats. BTW: there’s a big difference between an “internship” and an “apprenticeship.”


    Companies are shifting from rapid hiring to layoffs … while still indicating they intend to hire. It’s a natural impulse to continuously improve the mix of talent in your workforce, but will this strategy of “only the best” ever catch up with cybersecurity needs?

    Topic 3: Amazon is leaning into the healthcare industry … with some fairly predictable performance so far


    The notion of a business model is fairly straightforward: what you do + who you do it for x how you do it = how you make money. Not too many variables, and every time someone says they’re going to use technology to revolutionize or disrupt an industry, what they really mean is that they will replace human labor with technology for one of the business model elements. To absolutely no one’s surprise, Amazon’s efforts to disrupt the healthcare industry are leading to less human involvement in healthcare delivery. Is that a good thing?

    Sponsor Memo: Gozynta

    Do you like getting paid? Then make it easy for your customers with Gozynta Payments.

    Do you teach your customers not to click on links from strange domain names like mymsp.monkeypayments.com or slowbooks.com? Gozynta Payments uses your branding and domain name. No redirects. No confusion.

    Gozynta Mobius is trusted by over a thousand MSPs to sync financial data. Their new product Gozynta Payments is built with the same care and empathy to make the payment process easy for your customers.

    Episode 178: Cybersecurity Fundamentals, Gender Equity in Tech, Amazon maps your home

    Episode 178: Cybersecurity Fundamentals, Gender Equity in Tech, Amazon maps your home

    Topic 1: It’s time for cybersecurity to focus on the fundamentals instead of the “glory” case


    In a world where we are addicted to having every possible device connected to the internet, the attack surface for cybersecurity threats gets bigger every day. But despite the dire prognosis for current cybersecurity capabilities, it can indeed get better, says former CISA head in Black Hat keynote.

    Topic 2: Why Can’t Tech Fix Its Gender Problem?


    Everyone can admit it: the tech industry has a massive problem with gender equity. But it’s one thing to acknowledge the problem, and another to actually do something about it. The questions that matter are: why does the problem exist…and what can we do to fix it? Hint: it’s always about the money.

    Topic 3: Will Amazon Map the Inside of Your House?


    “AFTER DECADES OF creating war machines and home cleaning appliances, iRobot agreed to be acquired by Amazon for $1.7 billion, according to a joint statement by the two companies. If the deal goes through, it would give Amazon access to yet another wellspring of personal data: interior maps of Roomba owners’ homes.” - Wired Magazine

    Sponsor Memo: Huntress

    In the fight against today’s cybercriminals, we are much stronger as a community. That’s why Huntress is proud to launch the Huntress Neighborhood Watch Program: a collection of resources designed to help elevate the broader security community.

    To kick off the Neighborhood Watch Program, Huntress is offering "internal use" licenses. These licenses will be available to the entire MSP community—regardless of if you are a Huntress partner or not—and will give you unrestricted access to the Huntress Managed Security Platform and their team of 24/7 threat hunters.

    Harden your defenses, protect your own backyard, and better serve your customers by joining the Neighborhood Watch Program.

    Join the neighborhood or learn more at http://huntress.com/neighborhood

    Episode 177 - Apple & Lamborghini, Women better at driverless cars, and "the Cloud Native" label

    Episode 177 - Apple & Lamborghini, Women better at driverless cars, and "the Cloud Native" label

    Topic 1: Possible Topic (KP) - Apple hires Lamborghini's chief of chassis development for its Car team


    Actual topic: Have we lost the distinction between industries? Can anyone get into the car business? After all, Amazon and Google want to get into it.

    Recall: General Dynamics and General Electric were both into pretty much any industry where they could make money. Are the “giants” of today just the latest generation of mega conglomerates? And what does that mean for our economy going forward? How does the small business make the most of this?

    Topic 2: Women are better than men when it comes to self-driving cars
    Women better in driverless cars than men:


    When the need arises to take control, women have faster reflexes, better reactions, and are better at keeping the vehicle under control. Future SD cars may need to consider operator sex when handing over control.

    Topic 3: The Cloud Native Label 

    Vendors keep misusing the “cloud native” label. Customers may not care.

    We keep applying “cloud native” to things like Kubernetes that are expressly not native to the cloud. Does it matter?

    Sponsor Memo: PC Matic 

    PC Matic — Endpoint Security built on a zero trust/default deny foundation.

    Finally - a light weight, simple to deploy & easy to manage approach to application allowlisting.

    The perfect compliment to your current security stack.  No minimums and no annual contracts.

    Find out more about by visiting PCMatic.com/MSP today.

    Episode 176 - The Education Market, Knowledge, & the Metaverse

    Episode 176 - The Education Market, Knowledge, & the Metaverse

    Topic 1: The Education Market 

    We have all come across a job ad looking to fill an entry level position with a PhD level education. We have also witness countless college drop outs excel in high-skill, high paying positions. So what do certifications achieve if not job security? 

    Topic 2: Knowledge, Tagging, Researching, and Cross Referencing

    In this everchanging industry companies are always looking forward. And they are propelled onward by a culture and data base to let them know what they have done and can't do and are suppose to do.

    Yep, it comes down to that ole cliche: Knowledge is power. 

    Topic 3: The Opportunities Around The Metaverse 

    The futurists are here. (Which also makes the presentist. Theseus's ship or something, you know.) But it doesn't mean the ideas presented by them have caught up.

    The Metaverse-is it here yet?

    How can we test the viability of something that isn't yet tangible? What is the metaverse forecast? And will it open up doors to new, unthinkable opportunities?

    Sponsor Memo: Linode

    Linode – a top Infrastructure as a Service provider has resources specifically for helping MSPs explore the alternative cloud.

    Discover this growing market: one of the best-kept secrets in building a scalable, thriving, modern Managed Service Provider business.   

    Learn about the cloud provider landscape, improving KPIs, security, and more in Linode's free ebook, The MSP's Guide to Modern Cloud Infrastructure, available now.

    This resource and more at linode.com/mspradio.  

    Episode 176 - The Education Market, Knowledge, & the Metaverse

    Episode 176 - The Education Market, Knowledge, & the Metaverse

    Topic 1: The Education Market 

    We have all come across a job ad looking to fill an entry level position with a PhD level education. We have also witnessed countless college drop-outs excel in high-skill, high paying positions. So what do certifications achieve if not job security? 

    Topic 2: Knowledge, Tagging, Researching, and Cross Referencing

    In this everchanging industry companies are always looking forward. And they are propelled onward by a culture and data base to let them know what they have done and can't do and are suppose to do.

    Yep, it comes down to that ole cliche: Knowledge is power. 

    Topic 3: The Opportunities Around The Metaverse 

    The futurists are here. (Which also makes the presentist. Theseus's ship or something, you know.) But it doesn't mean the ideas presented by them have caught up.

    The Metaverse-is it here yet?

    How can we test the viability of something that isn't yet tangible? What is the metaverse forecast? And will it open up doors to new, unthinkable opportunities?

    Sponsor Memo: Linode

    Linode – a top Infrastructure as a Service provider has resources specifically for helping MSPs explore the alternative cloud.

    Discover this growing market: one of the best-kept secrets in building a scalable, thriving, modern Managed Service Provider business.   

    Learn about the cloud provider landscape, improving KPIs, security, and more in Linode's free ebook, The MSP's Guide to Modern Cloud Infrastructure, available now.

    This resource and more at linode.com/mspradio.  

    Episode 175: Supply Chain, Boost Domestic Semiconductor Production, Tech Journalism Accessibility Problem

    Episode 175: Supply Chain, Boost Domestic Semiconductor Production, Tech Journalism Accessibility Problem

    Topic 1: An Update Discussion on All Things Supply Chain--Is it getting any better?


    Ongoing supply chain issues / chip shortages have caused persistent delays in the auto industry … among other impacts. The question after 2 ½ years of disruption is whether the IT supply chain is any more healthy and whether industries have learned to adapt to the new levels of uncertainty and supply.


    Modernizing the supply chain is an existential priority for our customers … and for our own businesses. If we can’t trust the availability of products or forecast the timing of shipments, how can we maintain credibility with our customers? Also … this would be a terrific business opportunity for a systems-thinking solution provider. Sounds like a new focus area for MSPs!


    It’s time for the IT channel to re-think how we design systems and solutions for our customers: if the chip supply isn’t getting any better, simply re-selling the latest vendor product isn’t going to solve your customers’ needs any time soon. So what are you going to do about it?

    Topic 2: Bill to Boost Domestic Semi-conductor Production

    Recently, the senate voted on a bill that would increase domestic semiconductor production--the goal being to strengthen the American economy and to possible out-compete China. 

    We hope to proceed successfully! ...And hopefully with caution. 



    “Everyone, that is, except accessibility-minded writers like Steven Aquino. Aquino, who is disabled, finds laptop keyboards difficult to use, due both to the fine motor skills required to perform the shortcuts and to the cognitive load required to remember them. The touch bar allows him to access in one tap features that would otherwise require multiple — everything from sending emails to selecting emojis.”


    There’s also a browser extension called Axe Dev Tools:






    Sponsor Memo OITVOIP

    Did you know about STIR/SHAKEN?  If you’re doing voice for your customers, you had better — the deadline was June 30.

    This technology is focused on reducing robocalls, and providers have to take action.

    Are you compliant? The team at OITVOIP has put together resources for you to learn more…or, for their customers, it’s already handled.

    Want to learn more?

    Visit oit.co/mspradio/ for resources to help make sure you’re covered.




    Episode 174: Considerate AI, Crypto Crashes Once Again, and Domain Names

    Episode 174: Considerate AI, Crypto Crashes Once Again, and Domain Names

    Topic 1: Sony’s racing AI destroyed its human competitors by being nice (and fast)


    Etiquette and risk analysis is the secret success! This perhaps suggest that talent and skill are not the only key factor to progress...and maybe not even the defining factor.

    Topic 2: The Crypto Crash … Lessons from a Previous Era of Technology Crash Economics


    The parallels between today’s crypto winter and the technology crash of 20 years ago are multiple … with some vital differences. What lessons can be drawn from past experience to help the industry survive the lean times? And what do you believe the next “real” phase of practical applications for crypto will be?

    Topic 3: What Part of the Tech Industry Grows During a Recession? Domain Name Registration!


    Data from GoDaddy shows a strong correlation between economic downturns and an increase in the number of new domains registered. In simple terms, layoffs lead to entrepreneurial startup momentum. But that’s not the only force driving the online presence market … and the value of existing “good” domain names is rising. (Another killer business opportunity for Karl, who owns many domain names.)

    Sponsor Memo: FieldEffect 

    MSPs are frequently at the forefront of cyber security challenges. Between changing customer expectations and the growing threat landscape, you are stretched thin.  Need a helping hand?

    Download research sponsored by FieldEffect, and learn how offering MDR increases revenue, simplifies operations, and maximizes margins for MSPs.

    This independent analysis explores the growing managed detection and response (MDR) market and how MSPs can differentiate their managed security service with the right MDR solution.

    You'll also find insights from five MSPs who have added co-va-lence, a hybrid MDR solution, to their offerings and the positive impact it has had on business.

    Want to learn more? Check the link in the show notes.



    Episode 173: EU's Regulation of US Tech Giants, Cybersecurity at Entry Level, and Water Tracking in a Drought

    Episode 173: EU's Regulation of US Tech Giants, Cybersecurity at Entry Level, and Water Tracking in a Drought

    Topic 1:

    EU Passes DSA & DMA Legislation to Increase Regulation of US Tech Giants


    New legislation in Europe is designed to address a gap in GDPR that left larger tech companies unregulated by providing specific rules and significant consequences for platforms that do not do enough to moderate illegal content or allow fair competition.


    Topic 2: 
    The Way Forward for Cybersecurity Progress is to Begin at the Entry Level


    Cybersecurity is a massive challenge, and it’s getting more complex each day. As a result, the approach to solving the problem has become a focus on stealing away existing senior-level experts to solve the big challenges. But that approach does nothing to address the huge gaps in available people with relevant cybersecurity skills. There needs to be a shift to focus on the entry level to build a sufficient industry bench of talent.


    Topic 3: 
    It’s Hot Out There … and it Is Getting Hotter for Data Centers


    Data center services are a hot topic across the IT industry as customers increasingly move to public and private hosted infrastructure solutions. But data centers are also literally hot … and they require massive amounts of energy and water to keep the machines from melting. Until now, water usage in data center operations have been mostly secret, but this trend isn’t going to survive as the temperature rises … and that means cloud operators need to think of a plan to address this in practice and in public relations.

    See also the heroes in Las Vegas

    26% reduction in water usage since 2002 while adding 750,000 in population.



    Sponsor Memo: Cisco

    Did you know Cisco helps Managed Services Providers directly? Know about the Cisco Partner Program? Focused on helping partners combine managed services expertise and service creation with innovative Cisco technology and proven go-to-market resources, there’s a program option for you.

    With provider pricing, MDF, and marketing resources coupled with Cisco’s leading technologies including Meraki, Duo, and Umbrella, learn more with the link right in the show notes.



    Keywords / tags


    Episode 172 - Paying online mods, The Un-Hackable Russia, and Yandex

    Episode 172 - Paying online mods, The Un-Hackable Russia, and Yandex

    Topic 1:

    Is there value in paying these volunteers, or more value in not paying them?

    Online moderators' contributions to open forum platform Reddit are estimated to be worth 3.4 million dollars in a given year. That accounts to roughly 3% of revenue Reddit generated through ads alone in 2019. In other words, you can argue there is room in the budget to compensate online moderators. 

    But contributing to a community/activity you are passionate drives people to participate beyond a monetary value so is it really necessary? 



    Topic 2: 

    Russia has always been recognized as a haven for hackers. 

    It is not recognized as such because of its superior encryption, ingenius malware, or anything like that; Rather, it reigns number one by fear alone. 

    It has been instilled in us that Russia is the big bad of the cyberspace.

    The drive to fight back has always been overshadowed by the fear that doing so might open up a Pandora's box of Russian retaliation. 

    However, as hacktivists and criminals become major players in the conflict in Ukraine, we might be able to gain some leverage in the near future. 

    It would mean taking a huge step towards chaos but sometimes things need to get worse in order to get better. 



    Topic 3:

    Yandex, the perfect Russian tech company, falls on hard times.

    Yandex is what can be recognized as the "Google of Russia." They own 60% of search in Russia...Plus taxi apps, emails, robot food delivery, and more.

    But now, the Kremlin has forced them to filter all of its content and create and distribute pro-government media. This has led to a loss of over 2,500 employees and a devastating blow to the company's reputation.


    Sponsor Memo: PC Matic

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    Finally - a light weight, simple to deploy & easy to manage approach to application allowlisting.

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    Episode 171 - Remote Deepfakes, Roe v. Wade: Data Privacy, G7 funds Cybersecurity

    Episode 171 - Remote Deepfakes, Roe v. Wade: Data Privacy, G7 funds Cybersecurity

    Episode 171 - Remote Deepfakes, Roe v. Wade: Data Privacy, G7 funds Cybersecurity  


    Topic 1: “More” people are using Deep Fakes to apply for remote tech jobs.

    File under, “you thought the world couldn’t get any weirder.”...
    The employment crisis has born a new adversary: Deepfake remote workers. Thankfully, their sole intent isn't to steal your job.

    Sort of.

    While these deepfake applicants are actively participating in the employment process, the function of the deepfake is to phish data where it otherwise could not. This includes, job interviews, resume data, job questions, etc. 

    That said, as more information is gathered via the onboarding process, the easier it becomes to synthesize a perfect candidate. And if hired, this would mean access to sensitive company data. 

    And considering heightened labor shortages, deepfakes may have the same hiring potential as anyone else in the pool. 

    People Are Using Deepfakes to Apply for Remote Tech Jobs:



    Topic 2: Roe v Wade: Law change implications on data privacy


    What does overturning Roe Vs. Wade mean for privacy and data ownership law surrounding menstrual cycle tracking apps? And does HIPAA protect you as an individual or does it protect the company that owns your medical information?

    We discuss the legal protection or lack thereof surrounding the new implications of Roe V. Wade in the digital landscape. 


    Topic 3: G7 funding cybersecurity . . . and setting the U.S. as the standard-bearer. 

    We’re the good guys, right? So we should obviously write the rules.

    However, if we continue to "cut-off" those within the realm of what we as westerns deem as the good guys, we might create an even badder....well, bad guy. 

    Key State Official Warns of ‘Peril’ as US Pursues Cybersecurity Goals at G7 - Nextgov:


    See also:


    Sponsor Memo: Acronis

    Are you still relying on a frustrating patchwork of legacy solutions?

    Modernize your cybersecurity and data protection with Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud. It’s a single solution that combines backup, anti-malware, and endpoint protection management.

    As an MSP, you can easily improve clients’ security posture, eliminate complexity, and generate more recurring revenue.

    Learn more about Acronis Cyber Protect Cloud at Acronis.com.

    Keywords / tags


    Episode 170: Time Crystals, "Responsible AI", and Google pays for Wikipedia

    Episode 170: Time Crystals, "Responsible AI", and Google pays for Wikipedia

    Topic 1: 4D Time Crystals created by Google Quantum Computing.

    We’ve mentioned 4D printing, which involves 3D printing with materials that then change over time. Now 4D Time Crystals designed by Google Quantum Computer.

    Herein we bring you the definition of a quantum computer, along with an advancement in science brought about by said quantum computer. Let the arguments begin, but it looks like we’ve discovered a new phase of matter in physics.

    Who cares? Well, we’ve actually entered the era in which quantum computers are used for truly amazing advances at a reasonable price. The 4D crystals may bust open all kinds of new advancements in manufacturing and other areas.

    And our exponential expansion of technology continues. We’ll see how long before this results in changes we have to manage back in the “real” world.

    From DW News:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfSbC2Y0WPo - What are Time Crystals?

    From Physics Girl:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieDIpgso4no - a friendlier explanation.


    Topic 2: Microsoft rolls out “Responsible AI” framework and resources

    As AI becomes increasingly commercially accessible, mainstays in technology finally begin to address the need for an ethical framework. For Microsoft, this means the release of their "Responsible AI". 

    Primary Responsible AI page:


    The Responsible AI Standard:


    See also the extensive “Transparency Notes” on Azure, connected spaces, OCR, vision, speech, etc.

    Responsible AI principles include Fairness, Reliability & Safety, Privacy & Security, Inclusiveness, Transparency, and Accountability.





    Topic 3: Google is paying Wikipedia for greater access to their information

    This is great news for Wikipedia. But with monopolization of information, can we successfully buy into the notion that “the crowd” is smarter than any one person?


    Sponsor Memo: Aite-Novarica Group

    MSPs are frequently at the forefront of cyber security challenges. Between changing customer expectations and the growing threat landscape, you are stretched thin.  need a helping hand?

    Download research firm, Aite-Novarica Group’s report, sponsored by FieldEffect, and learn how offering MDR increases revenue, simplifies operations, and maximizes margins for MSPs.

    This independent analysis explores the growing managed detection and response (MDR) market and how MSPs can differentiate their managed security service with the right MDR solution.

    You'll also find insights from five MSPs who have added co-va-lence, a hybrid MDR solution, to their offerings and the positive impact it has had on business.   Want to learn more? Check the link in the show notes.



    Episode 169 - Sentient AI, Privacy Legislation, and the Digital Twins

    Episode 169 - Sentient AI, Privacy Legislation, and the Digital Twins
    Topic 1: Sentient AI?
    Is it real? Should you lose your job over it? 
    For starters, violating an NDA and whistleblowing are vastly different reasons to be fired. 
    Besides, this so-called sentient AI could easily just be a complex game of 20 questions; pattern matching at it's best. That said, this freaked-out-ness might be a good indicator that we are getting too close to comfort.
    Topic 2:
    Will privacy legislation happen?
    The internet was made for sharing data. Sooner or later, that 140 characters or less post about that weird thing your boss does with his hands would be inevitable! However, as individuals, we cherish our privacy and are entitled to at least an elective form of privacy.  
    I mean, sharing your boss's quirks online is far from sharing your social security number or the name of your first born...Besides, he's a cool guy once you look pass his jazz hands. 
    Additionally, enforcement of privacy laws are practical but sometimes that extra step is damning for commerce. 
    Topic 3:  Digital Twins
    A pop quiz for all you die hard Killing It listeners: "What is a digital twin?"
    That's right, the digital twin has grown lungs and is making its way into the collective consciousness after its ten year stint as a dinner table tall tale. 
    An impending existence adjacent to the metaverse, this digital representation shifts and grows with its physical world counterpart; kind of like your weird baby cousin who decides to parrot your every word and move, it is constantly growing and learning...

    Sponsor Memo: AgileBlue 
    AgileBlue is a 24/7 SOC, XDR and SOAR providing managed breach protection including monitoring, detection, and automated response to cloud, networks, and endpoints.
    Helping MSPs build their cyber business while increasing gross margins, ARR and stickiness.
    AgileBlue’s partner program engages, enables, supports, and rewards your business growth with a white-labeled security dashboard, pooled pricing, marketing collateral, and purpose-built sales content. A 24/7 extension of your team, learn more at agileblue.com 


    Episode 168 - The Criteria of the "Tech Company", the Consumption Model, and Working Trackers

    Episode 168 - The Criteria of the "Tech Company", the Consumption Model, and Working Trackers
    Topic 1:

    What does tech company even mean?  

    RoW is a good resource to better gauge who can call themselves a tech company. We might want to reframe this seemingly exclusive title. What is the criteria a company must meet to be able to slap this title on a business card?





    Topic 2: Do we think subscription / consumption model is souring?

    The ideal business model is evershifting. But the supscription based and reoccuring model is exploding. With our indiviudalistic society, people want to exercise their right to choose...So as long as you are focused on customer success, it's more than likely said choice would be in your favor. 




    Topic 3: Trackers are working - a bit of follow-up on the Wired story.

    Crypto has moved from the “anonymous” nirvana to a perfect paper trail. Well, bitcoin trail.

    Historic sanctions against Russia-based cryptocurrency exchanges have had a desired effect, but robust enforcement of laws to counter money laundering internationally is needed to really thwart ransomware perpetrators, according to witnesses testifying before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee. 


    Dave’s interview - business of tech - 


    Sponsor Memo: SBTTC

    his podcast is sponsored by the Small Biz Thoughts Technology Community. Check us out at www.SmallBizThoughts.org.

    Forms, templates, and checklists are just the start. Our Community includes ALL of the best-selling books on managed services in all available formats, plus free training, members-only programs, and the best business training available to managed service providers anywhere.

    Plus, we have weekly live members-only Zoom calls. The average member saves more than 200% of their membership cost each year. We are totally dedicated to YOUR success. 

    Just because you're in business for yourself doesn't mean you have to go it alone. Join us today at www.SmallBizThoughts.org.
