
    The KrisAnne Hall Show - Its Moving Day!

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    Episodes (99)

    Criminalizing Natural Rights

    Criminalizing Natural Rights
    Its voting day and this will be a very challenging show for some. So don't say you were not warned. Time to consider the really important issues. The ones that make a difference, not the ones that we are being force-fed by the political machinery. Its ALWAYS #LibertyFirst here! SWITCHING TO SOUNDCLOUD. NO MORE PODOMATIC SOON.

    Chris Wallace Thinks Thomas Jefferson Is a Threat to America & Other Attacks on Liberty

    Chris Wallace Thinks Thomas Jefferson Is a Threat to America & Other Attacks on Liberty
    The lunacy of the media, the irrational and unlawful behavior of the judiciary, believe it or not they are all tied together. Not ignorance, but willful denial of easily obtainable facts and the rule of law that you and I are bound to, but they seem to feel impervious to. George Washington, Thomas Paine, & Thomas Jefferson have some very stern words for us. Do we have ears to hear?

    Toy Bombs and Snowflake Triage

    Toy Bombs and Snowflake Triage
    What a ridiculous world we live in, toy bombs, incompetent politicians, investigations, and costumes that are dangerous to our health. This is what we are teaching our children and this is what the world sees. Time to take back the culture of America from these insane snowflakes & their mind-numbing ideologies.

    Extreme Partisan Politics Driving Destruction Of America

    Extreme Partisan Politics Driving Destruction Of America
    Federal Supremacists, Judicial Supremacists, Political Supremacists, Right, Left, Republican, Democrat, Me, You... all of these positions and none are actually about America or Liberty. Time for us to listen to a President who holds some REAL wisdom and start dealing with the issues that are truly important, not just want the supremacists and radicals want us to hear.

    Marxists Call For Violent Revolution in Texas

    Marxists Call For Violent Revolution in Texas
    Politicians, Pundits, and Non-Profits calling evil, good and good, evil are not only normalizing a Marxist political coup of our Constitutional Republic, they are educating the future of America and utilizing the leaders of this movement as political advisers... all with YOUR tax dollars. Isn't it time we stop being dragged around by the dictated narrative and designed drama and start defending the real way of the life in America? It must begin with YOU!

    Criminal Eric Holder Running For President?

    Criminal Eric Holder Running For President?
    The criminality of the political elite, is once again on display, will it once again go unnoticed by the talking heads and political elite? America deserves BETTER! But I have no faith in the Republican party leadership to do what they should do to call out these criminals. So guess what, the people need to pick up the mic and shout from the highest places, "we want political criminals prosecuted not rewarded by running for office!"

    The Truly Disgusting Bigotry of The Left

    The Truly Disgusting Bigotry of The Left
    It has become overwhelmingly apparent that the Leftist will not be satisfied until we are a completely and violently divided country based upon their false divisions and hypocritical paradigms. These examples should truly offend everyone with a love for liberty. But fret not! A new liberty army is rising, and I am not discourage. To the contrary, I am vigorously encouraged!