
    The Lesley Riddoch Podcast

    Scottish politics dissected from a left, pro-independence stance. Each week, award-winning broadcaster and journalist, Lesley Riddoch chews over the week’s news with former media lecturer and Dundee United fan, Pat Joyce. If you like intelligent, quirky chat about Scottish society and culture, and Scottish, UK and international politics analysed from a Scottish perspective; this podcast is for you.
    enLesley Riddoch20 Episodes

    Episodes (20)

    It's Not What You Think

    It's Not What You Think

    Back after the two week break when Pat decided to take his holidays at precisely the wrong, political, time.
    In this "while he was away" episode we kick off with our reaction to the return of George Galloway to Westminster after his thumping victory in the Rochdale by election.
    As Galloway enters Parliament Lee Anderson departs from the Tory Party to join Reform. This plus speculation on Kate's family photo took up 40 minutes of The World at One on Radio 4. Lesley questions the focus and asks if this represents the values and priorities of Scots.
    We take a look at Hunt's Budget. What traps has he laid for an incoming Labour government? What does it say about Starmer's Labour when it is committed to the same "We can't max out the country's credit card" narrative?
    Sticking with Westminster, is there merit in Keith Brown's suggestion that the SNP should consider Sinn Fein style abstentionism?
    Keith has also been blunt in his calling for Stephen Kerr MSP's candidacy for the Conservative Party be removed after his recent comments on Humza Yousaf and the Scottish Government's funding of UNRWA.
    Growth is the cry from both Labour and the Tories but the UK's is anaemic in comparison to that of the USA. What part, if any, will the economy play in the upcoming Presidential election? Biden and Trump have their nominations sewn up but will Trump's culture wars appeal beyond his base?
    Labour also seem about to back Michael Gove's controversial redefinition of extremism. We examine the backgrounds of those driving this and its potential implications.
    Along the way we also cover Michelle Donelan's libel case, the showing of Lesley's Denmark movie to MSPs, the special women's edition of the National and what inspired it, and baggage shenanigans at Edinburgh airport.
    If you want to see Lesley's Denmark movie follow this link

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    Scotonomics Festival-Podcast Extra

    Scotonomics Festival-Podcast Extra

    In this podcast extra we speak with William Thomson who along with Kairin Van Sweeden co-founded Scotonomics. It was set up with" a commitment to enhancing economic literacy and fostering discussions that are informed, objective, and accessible to a wide audience, with a particular focus on the economic context of Scotland."
    A major part of this is its annual Scotonomics Festival which is taking place in various venues across Dundee and online from Friday the 22nd of March until Sunday the 24th.
    It's Scotland’s biggest festival of economics with over 30 sessions covering aspects of the Scottish, UK and global economy with academics, activists, economists, policymakers, politicians and the public coming together to discuss people, place and planet.
    We cover what the founding principles and ideology of Scotonomics are and just what they mean for Scotland in the here and now and in an independent future.

    If you're interested in attending here's the link
    As well as the events in Dundee there will be an "Economics of the Real World" event  at Leith Dockers Club on Thursday March the 21st. Four internationally renowned economists will challenge  the mainstream economic dogma currently dominating political thought.
    This includes screening of the movie "Finding the Money"
    It follows former chief economist to Senator Bernie Sanders, Stephanie Kelton, on a journey through Modern Money Theory or “MMT”, to unveil a deeper story about money, injecting new hope and empowering democracies around the world to tackle the biggest challenges of the 21st century: from climate change to inequality.
    It will also be shown in Dundee

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    Stitch ups, Suspensions and Statements

    Stitch ups, Suspensions and Statements

    Sometimes a series of events can encapsulate the state of the United Kingdom, the cynical manipulation of tensions surrounding Gaza for party political and personal advantage., the relationship between the media and the political establishment , and the reality of the position of the  SNP at Westminster.
    Last Wednesday saw the House of Commons descend into chaos as the Speaker, Sir Lindsay Hoyle , broke with Parliamentary procedure, and the advice of the Clerks, to allow a Labour amendment to the SNP Opposition Day motion calling for an immediate ceasefire and an end to Israeli collective punishment. We examine those events , the role of the Speaker, the ramifications of his decision and his reasons for making it.
    We also give our immediate reaction to the UK government's statement on Gaza this Tuesday afternoon. The statement given as the reason for Hoyle to reject the SNP call for an SO24 debate. A debate he had promised to grant the SNP last week.
    The focus has shifted from the situation in Gaza, aided by political commentators , on to alleged threats to MPs' security hard on the heels of Lord Walney's report on political violence. Who is Walney? What was in his report? Can he be trusted as an impartial actor in the current context of pro Palestinian protests?
    Meanwhile , while claiming "words are important" , the Tory Party is mired in an Islamophobia crisis with Rishi Sunak and a string of ministers refusing to say that ex Deputy Chair of the party Lee Anderson was racist in his attack on Sadiq Khan. This while ignoring Suella Braverman and ex PM Liz Truss's recent similar outbursts. Weakness or a symbol of a hierarchy of racism within the Conservative Party?
    Today is the 50th anniversary of the long secret McCrone Report with its revelations on the potential impact on the Scottish economy of North Sea oil and its implications for Scottish independence.
    The National has published the report in full. Read it and weep.
    Simon Forrest CEO of Nova Innovation has written about the  current "  tragedy played out in Scotland " with the failure of both the UK and Scottish governments to reap the benefits of Scotland's new energy bonanza. Renewables.
    Tickets for Lesley's Denmark film are still available right here

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    A Question of Leadership

    A Question of Leadership

    Does the murder of Alexei Navalny signal the end or a new beginning of anti Putin activism in Russia? Is it also a wake up call for those of us in the West who have taken our eyes off the developments in Russia, Ukraine, and the destabilization of the region?
    Despite the row over accusations of antisemitic statements by prospective Parliamentary candidates the Labour Party romped to two outstanding victories in the Kingswood and Wellingborough by-elections. We examine Rishi Sunak's response to these losses and ask if he might call a snap election. If he is still Tory leader.
    Meanwhile Scottish Labour held its annual conference with a significant focus on Anas Sarwar as leader. Sarwar was quite willing to state his willingness to stand up to Starmer. Will this show of independence stretch to his two Scottish MPs following the Scottish Labour conference position and voting with the SNP on its motion calling for an immediate Gaza ceasefire?
    In response to Scottish Labour’s plans for a windfall tax on oil profits, more than 800 oil ,engineering, and business executives have raised concerns that this could lead to massive job losses in the North East. The SNP is even more committed to phasing out of oil and gas production in an independent Scotland. We ask where stands the Just Transition and the development of local industry and training?
    All this plus the origins and consequences of the Right to Buy policy and the thorny question of Ullapool and its train station.
    If you want to see Lesley's Denmark movie check out this link

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    All the Rs

    All the Rs

    In the latest and biggest U-turn in a series of policy reversals Sir Keir Starmer ditched the £28 billion spending target central to Labour's Green Prosperity Plan.
    Why and why now?
    To add to his woes as further revelations appeared on, Azhar Ali, Labour's candidate in the Rochdale by-election, there was a volte face and Ali was deselected. He remains on the ballot as the decision was made too late to remove him.
    We again ask. Why? Why now?
    As accusations of antisemitism are thrown around between and across political parties and individuals has the distinction between anti Jewish racism and anti Zionism been forever blurred?
    Michael Matheson's resignation over the iPad data bill has led to a Cabinet reshuffle. Who's in? Who's out? What makes a "good" minister?
    Professor Jim Gallagher was given a platform on Good Morning Scotland to outline Our Scottish Futures plans on reforming Scottish local government. He argued that Scotland was an over centralized country. His solution seemed to be  bigger local authorities. At the time of recording we could find no trace of the report on their website. However "Rewiring Scotland" has now appeared. We shall, no doubt, return to examine it in greater depth next week.
    A stooshie has broken out over the re-opening of the Redcoat cafe in Edinburgh Castle. A petition asking for it to be renamed has attracted thousands of signatures. The controversy has engaged such luminaries as Professor Sir Tom Devine and us.
    Tickets are still available for the remaining dates of Lesley's Denmark movie. Link below

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    Polls Apart

    Polls Apart

    Saturday the third of February 2024 was an historic moment as Michelle O'Neil became the first republican to hold the position of First Minister in the 103 year history of Northern Ireland. Both she and the DUP's Deputy First Minister Emma Little- Pengelly have a family background in the paramilitaries and yet both made impressive speeches emphasizing cooperation and conciliation. We look at this and the promises and potential pitfalls on the return of Stormont.
    Sir Keir Starmer's Labour continue to lead in the polls but internal party polling shows that it is losing support among the Muslim community over its stance(s) on Gaza. What do the polls show and will Labour lose votes not only among Muslims over this? Meanwhile in the latest U-turn Starmer has abandoned the pledge to reform/abolish the House of Lords and threatened MPs who don't toe the party line with deselection for the upcoming General Election.
    Details of Michael Gove's secret State of the Union poll have now been made public post the Scottish Covid Inquiry and it makes very interesting reading.
    Lesley reflects on Nicola Sturgeon's appearance at the inquiry.

    Meanwhile  has Rishi Sunak sunk to a new low with his Piers Morgan Rwanda bet?
    If you want to see Lesley's Denmark movie here's the link

    All this plus Lesley's mystery patient experience, the coverage of King Charles' cancer diagnosis and the usual meanderings frae Pat.

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    A Proportionate Response

    A Proportionate Response

    This is the bumper episode to end all bumper episodes.
    We reflect on the DUP behind the scenes maneuvers that looks like leading to a return of devolved government in Northern Ireland. What are the details of the deal done between the DUP and the UK government and what political impact will it have both domestically and in the UK?
    The drone attack on Tower 22 and the death of three US serviceman has added yet another layer of complexity to the expanding crisis in the Middle East. What will Biden's response be? How connected was it to the situation in Gaza?
    We also examine the ICJ rulings on potential Israel genocide in Gaza, the Israeli reaction and the defunding of UNRWA.
    Donald Trump won the New Hampshire Republican primary. Is this the end for Nikki Haley or is there still more to play for in the race for the GOP's presidential nomination?
    Michael Gove was the "star turn" in the Scottish leg of the Covid Inquiry. We ask just who was playing politics during the pandemic?
    All this plus epic bus journeys, speirin Scoats, and double heel day.
    If you fancy seeing Lesley's new film on Denmark, follow this link

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    Rebel Rebel

    Rebel Rebel

    In this week's episode
    The much trumpeted and poured over Tory rebellion in the Commons over the Rwanda Bill fizzled out but it looks like it will face defeat in the Lords. We cheer the humanitarian victory but what does it say about the state of British politics when we rely on the unelected chamber?
    As DeSantis drops out of the race to be the GOP presidential candidate the circus moves on to New Hampshire and its primaries. Nikki Haley is the last candidate standing as the Trump juggernaut rumbles on. The Donald is way ahead in local Republican polls but what part will the 40% Independents play in the final result?
    Biden is not on the ballot in the Democratic primary but will a low turnout and lack of "write ins" be blow to his re-election strategy?
     We discuss Lesley's latest National article which looks at the contest and what lessons the SNP could learn from Biden's lack of popular appeal.
    Talking of the SNP Humza Yousaf has expressed his unease at the "National" element of the party name. Where did the name come from? Should it be changed and to what?
    Meanwhile the Covid Inquiry Scottish phase has begun. We try and get our heads around the WhatsApp messages kerfuffle.
    Emily Thornberry was the latest politician to claim that Netanyahu's rejection of the two-state solution was somehow an outlier within Israeli politics and that there were significant opposition voices. We question that assumption.
    According to a new report for Centre for Cities, the average person in the UK has lost out on an average of £10,200. The figures are even worse in Scotland. It rises to £45,240 for Aberdeen, which is the worst-hit city in the report.
    For those of you who don't know the great Dick Gaughan and his work here's a few wee links.

    Meanwhile Lesley continues her tour with the new Denmark film. If you fancy seeing it, here you go.

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    Back in the US of A

    Back in the US of A

    I don't know about you folks, but it doesn't seem like two minutes since the last US Presidential elections.  Yet here we are January 2024, and the results of the Iowa Republican caucus are in and it's a resounding victory for Donald Trump. We try and make sense of this most arcane aspect of American political life and what the figures tell us about the potential of another Trump presidency.
    Here in the UK, there will be a General Election this year and YouGov have just published a massive "super poll" predicting an almost unprecedented wipe-out of the Tory Party and a massive Labour majority. The SNP being predicted to lose around half its seats while remaining, just, the largest party, ahead of Labour.
    How is the SNP responding to this threat and what is its campaign strategy?
    However, that General Election might be closer than we think if the Conservative" Five families" put their money where their mouths are and rebel on Sunak's Rwanda Bill. Will Lee Anderson et al be the turkeys who vote for Christmas?
    Tension in the Middle East continues to ramp up with the USA and UK taking military action against the Houthi rebels in the Yemen. Who are the Houthis and what do they want?
    If you want to see Lesley's Denmark film here's a list of dates, times, and venues

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    Communication Breakdown

    Communication Breakdown

    It's the first episode after our Christmas break and there's certainly a lot to talk about. When wasn't there?  I hear you ask.
    The political parties are definitely shifting into election mode. Big speeches from Sir Keir Starmer, Humza Yousaf, and Anas Sarwar.
    Meanwhile Rishi Sunak, and his communications "experts" decided that a mash-up video of Home Alone and Love Actually was just the job to promote Sunak as the man to be Prime Minister.
    We dissect not just that video but those speeches to examine the terrain the election will be fought on in Scotland.
    2024 sees the 25th anniversaries of both the Scottish Parliament and the Senedd. We ask the question why the Labour Party in Wales has taken such a radically different perspective and position on "nationalism" to that of Scottish Labour.
    Mr. Bates v The Post Office has struck a popular chord probably not seen since Cathy Come Home. Why has it taken 25 years for this scandal to attract so much attention and for how long can those responsible avoid the consequences?
    Along the way we also discuss reform of the NHS, the movie "One Life", dodgy festive period breakfasts and screenings of Lesley's latest film Denmark: State of Happiness
    Details of where and when you can see it right here

    And here

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    Richard Wyn Jones-Podcast Special

    Richard Wyn Jones-Podcast Special

    Richard Wyn Jones is Director of Cardiff University's Wales Governance and Dean of Public Affairs is our guest on this podcast special.
     His current work focuses on contemporary Welsh politics, devolved politics in the UK and nationalism. He is also considered to be one of the founders of Critical Security Studies.

    Richard is a regular and widely respected broadcaster, commentating on Welsh politics in both Welsh and English for the BBC in Wales and across the UK. He has presented two TV series and is a regular columnist for the Welsh language current affairs magazine Barn. In addition, he has contributed comment columns to a number of newspapers including the Western Mail, Irish Times, The Guardian and Sunday Times.
    Richard is a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales and the Academy of the Social Sciences.

    We explore the Welsh political landscape with Richard in light of Mark Drakeford's recent resignation announcement

    We then move on to the fascinating findings contained in Englishness: The Political Force Transforming Britain where Richard and Ailsa Henderson, Professor of Political Science at Edinburgh University, draw on data from the Future of England Survey, a specially commissioned public attitudes survey programme,to explore the political implications of English identity, and the nature of English nationalism.
    In September 2023 Richard and Ailsa also co-authored The Ambivalent Union report which revealed different attitudes within and between the UK’s constituent units towards the European Union, it also revealed the ambivalence of attitudes towards the union of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

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    The Break Up Of Britain-Podcast Special

    The Break Up Of Britain-Podcast Special

    Inspired by the works of Tom Nairn, who died in January this year, the Break Up Of Britain Conference was held in the Assembly Rooms Edinburgh on November the 18th.
    The conference focused on the future of the United Kingdom, its nations, and the European Union.
    This podcast special features the opening panel session chaired by Adam Ramsay openDemocracy's special correspondent.
    Professor Will Storrar-current Director of the Center of Theological Inquiry at Princeton University. He has led research on the potential of global civil society and digital democracy
    Caroline Lucas MP - has twice led the Green Party of England and Wales and has been the Member of Parliament for Brighton Pavilion since the 2010 general election. She was re-elected in the 2015, 2017 and 2019 general elections.
    Clive Lewis MP - has been the Member of Parliament for Norwich South since winning the seat at the 2015 general election. He was a candidate for Leader of the Labour Party in the 2020 leadership election. He is a member of the Socialist Campaign Group parliamentary caucus.
    Leanne Wood - served as the leader of Plaid Cymru from March 2012 to September 2018, and served as a Member of the Senedd from 2003 to 2021.
    And oor ain Lesley Riddoch
    Noo a correction fir an error Lesley made in her speech. Denmark's GDP per capita is one third higher than the UK's no three times higher. Still no bad fir a wee nation.

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    Money Money Money

    Money Money Money

    In the last podcast of 2023, we give our initial reaction to the Scottish Budget. How will the much trumpeted 1.5 billion pound "blackhole" be filled?
    Baroness Michele Mone and her husband Douglas Barrowman appeared on the BBC's Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg programme, Baroness Mone conceded she will benefit from the profits made by PPE Medpro, which is led by her husband. She also admitted she repeatedly lied about her non-involvement with the company. Will she be used as a lightning rod by the Tories to divert attention from the bigger scandal of cronyism at the heart of the UK government response to the Covid crisis? Will she spill the beans? And how did Kuenssberg handle the interview?
     Nadine Dorries, remember her, has made accusations that Sir Robbie Gibb, one of the non-exec directors on the BBC Board who is responsible for upholding and protecting its independence, sought to influence the appointment of the Head of Ofcom.

    Speaking at an event in Italy, Rishi Sunak said "enemies" could use immigration as a "weapon" by "deliberately driving people to our shores to try to destabilise our society". and hinted at the need to change international law on immigration, telling the crowd at Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's Atreju political festival: "If we do not tackle this problem, the numbers will only grow. "It will overwhelm our countries and our capacity to help those who actually need our help the most.
    Have far right policies become so embedded in the Conservative Party that the UK Prime Minister can address a far-right convention and talk of shared values?
    With yet more horror stories emerging from Gaza how long can the international community, yes you the USA and UK, stay silent on an immediate ceasefire?

    We asked you to get in touch with your experiences of Curriculum for Excellence and Lesley goes through some of your replies.

    We also look back at our favourite things from 2023.

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    Chaos Theory

    Chaos Theory

    It's not been a great week for Rishi Sunak.
    First off was his appearance at the Covid Inquiry following hard on the heels of that of Boris Johnson. We look at the testimony of this pair and what it says about the state of the UK.
    As we record, Sunak is scuttling around trying to ensure he can scrape together enough votes to stave off defeat on the Second Reading of his Rwanda Bill.
    Talking about scuttling, Graham Stuart UK Climate Minister has been summoned back from COP28 to take part in the Rwanda vote right at the critical moment when last minute negotiations are taking place over the watering down of the text calling for phasing out of fossil fuels.

    Much has been made of Scottish "failings" when it comes to the recent PISA results from the OECD with negative comparisons being made with England. We take a look behind the headline figures and other recent findings which seem to contradict the received wisdom over the "failure" of the Scottish education system.
    Meanwhile Alister Jack and David Cameron have taken a major strop at Humza Yousaf having the temerity to actually meet and speak with folk at COP28.
     Whaur's yir maist pooerful devolved government noo?

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    Thatcher's Heirs

    Thatcher's Heirs

    As Sir Keir Starmer, no matter what the apologists claim, follows in the line of Blair and Brown by praising Margaret Thatcher we look at the damage wreaked by the Iron Lady's policies of privatisation and her toxic legacy and wonder why Starmer thought it was essential to pay homage to the Blessed Margaret.
    The Tories are going ahead with the immigration reforms we discussed last week, James Cleverly is in Rwanda seeking to formalise a new treaty which will magically make Rwanda a safe country, and Robert Jenrick claimed that asylum seekers were "breaking into the country". Labour's Yvette Cooper wouldn't condemn Jenrick and Labour looks set to support the new regulations. It was left up to the SNP's Westminster leader Stephen Flynn to make the positive case for immigration. Lesley answers the claim that Scottish and English attitudes to immigration are in lockstep negativity.
    Lesley was meant to appear on the Trevor Phillips Show but, perhaps luckily, she couldn't be, due to the snow. She did, however, watch and we examine how Phillips and most of the broadcast media are covering the Gaza genocide and the role of the Israeli propaganda machine.
    Alba has put forward proposals that Scots be polled on extending Holyrood’s powers to allow it to call an independence referendum. It may be a smart plan but has it any chance of success in the current Scottish political climate?
    We also examine the plans of the Westminster Northern Ireland Affairs Committee to try and break the Stormont impasse through, what appears on the surface, some rather odd and pedantic name and voting changes. Not so odd when looked at more closely.

    All this plus district heating, tidal energy and the usual meanderings.

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    Give Peace A Chance

    Give Peace A Chance

    Some weeks there are so many issues to get through but we try our best in this episode.
    The Covid Inquiry continues to throw a hard light on the incompetence and down right corruption of the UK government during the pandemic.
    We look at the latest revelations and testimonies from amongst others Sadiq Khan and Andy Burnham.
    We also question the almost universal ignoring of the inquiry by the Scottish media.
    This is in stark contrast to the obsession with Michael Matheson's laptop, which spilled over into the last FM's Questions to the exclusion of any debate on the closure of Grangemouth.
    The media frenzy around this will pale into insignificance when the Alex Salmond case for "misfeasance in public office" comes to court with the potential for star witnesses like Nicola Sturgeon. Why has he decided to bring the case now?
    Immigration is at the centre of European politics right now.
    The "secret" Sunak/Braverman agreement. The success of Geert Wilders in the Netherlands and the Dublin far right riots.
    We examine each of these in turn but also consider the impact of the rise of ant-immigrant, far right, parties on the future shape and policies of the EU.
    The truce between Hamas and Israel has been extended by a further two days. But what does the future hold for the people of Gaza?

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    Broken Britain

    Broken Britain

    Hope is high that there will be a truce between Hamas and Israel meaning that there will be a release of hostages and a suspension of fighting in Gaza.
    Today saw Humza Yousaf present a motion to the Scottish Parliament calling for a ceasefire. We give our immediate reaction to the speeches.
    The Westminster vote last Wednesday on the SNP King's Speech amendment saw a rebellion by 56 Labour MPs who disobeyed the instruction to abstain. The narrative being that the SNP ceasefire proposal was a cynical piece of politicking on its part to split Labour.
    Wednesday also saw the Supreme Court rule that the UK government's Rwanda plan is unlawful. We pick over the Tory response.
    Sir Patrick Vallance gave evidence at the Covid Inquiry shining yet another light on the Downing Street chaos during the pandemic and politics seeming to trump the science when it suited the government. Bad news for Rishi Sunak on a number of fronts.
    Will this overshadow Jeremy Hunt's Autumn statement with its promises of tax cuts now that inflation has been "halved"?

    Lesley reflects on the Break Up of Britain Conference where she was one of the guest speakers.

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    Deja Vu

    Deja Vu

    As yet another Tory Cabinet reshuffle took place we ask if Sunak is making the last throw of the electoral dice by ditching Braverman and bringing back Cameron?
    Was he trying to entice back "the blue wall" while assuaging the red meat right with the recall of Esther McVey?
    Massive pro peace demonstrations took place across the UK last weekend. This display of popular disgust at the Israeli destruction of Gaza and the ensuing loss of life seems to signal a shift, at least among the public, towards a ceasefire. However, despite this the Labour Party leadership seems wedded to the "humanitarian pause" narrative. The SNP have put forward a ceasefire amendment to the King's Speech. How will Labour respond?
    We look at the attack on Humza Yousaf by Spectator journalist, author and commentator, Douglas Murray and take a closer look at who he is and his ideology.
    Lesley spoke at the recent Revive Coalition conference, and she updates us on its plans for the future.

    The Break Up of Britain conference takes place on Saturday the 18th of November
    Tickets are available here

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    Get Back

    Get Back

    It was all pomp and circumstance at the State Opening of Parliament.
    We give our first impressions of King Charles' speech and consider the underlying significance of the cosplay.
    Suella Braverman is,once again,skating on the thin ice of inflammatory with her statements on the pro Palestinian marches labelling them "hate marches" designed to "desecrate Armistice Day" is she giving the green light to a crackdown on freedom of speech and Islamophobia?
    When allied to her sleeping rough is a "lifestyle choice" made by "people from abroad" is this yet another blatant post Sunak leadership bid playing the culture wars card?
    David Lammy was the latest Labour front bencher to excuse the actions of the IDF and the Israeli government when he said on the bombing of the Jabalia refugee camp that" ....if there is a military objective it can be legally justified".
    We examine that claim and what lies beneath the surface of Labour policy.
    The Covid Inquiry has entered its second stage covering political governance.The "star" performers being subjected to cross examination included Dominic Cummings,Helen MacNamara, and Lee Cain. It seemed to come as a shock to some leading journalists and broadcasters that the UK response was shambolic, riven by over inflated self confidence, politically motivated,lacking in empathy and operated within an culture of sexism and bullying.
    Donald Trump also found himself in the dock this week facing a civil case alledging fraudulent inflation of assets in order to secure favourable bank loans. Way ahead in the polls could his conviction throw the GOP into crisis?
    The Break Up of Britain conference at Assembly Rooms Edinburgh Saturday 18th Nov.
    The Revive Coalition conference chaired by Chris Packham Friday Nov 12th Perth.

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    Monday Monday

    Monday Monday

    All the political parties are having issues this week.
    The Tories lost two by-elections with massive swings to Labour.
    Labour cock a hoop but look to be in trouble with Sadiq Khan, Andy Burnham and Anas Sarwar all calling for an immediate ceasefire. Starmer's LBC interview where he did not, despite later "clarifications", condemn Israel's cutting off water, food, and electricity to Gaza leading to resignations by councilors right across the UK.
    The SNP saw Ash Regan, so recently a contender for party leader defect to Alba, with hints from Alba of more to come.
    Not to be left out Lorna Slater, currently Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversity in the Scottish Government, said that independence is not a red line for her party going into co-operation with other parties at Holyrood.
    All this plus Lesley appearing at
    The Break Up of Britain conference at Assembly Rooms Edinburgh Saturday 18th Nov.
    And the Revive Coalition conference chaired by Chris Packham where she'll be speaking about land reform Friday Nov 12th Perth.

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