
    The Like Attracts Like Podcast

    We believe that we attract in this life what we focus on.. Positive or Negative... Our goal is to focus on the positive direction that our negative emotions present to us. To be aware of all of the negativity in the world, and still choose to focus on the positive is not ignorance... It is the definition of strength.
    enPat Mahan919 Episodes

    Episodes (919)

    The END Of Like Attracts Like Evolution........?

    The END Of Like Attracts Like Evolution........?

    So what a crazy journey this has been!!   and what a week!!! lol ...  This is episode # 849... Not a significant number in any way shape or form really... But this week I had to look at this episode as potentially being the final episode I would create for Like Attracts Like...

    The message of this platorm is to continue to do the work.. to show up and really make sure that you know who you are, how powerful you are, and that anything you are externally giving power to needs to be looked at...  The hardest part of this work is when you have to use it to look at your own relationship to what you say you want, and how you respond when it looks like life is showing you what to do..... Do you resist it... or do you let go...   I teach on this podcast and this platform that the jourey is to let go... to trust... and to find peace internally regardless of what is happening externally...  


    This week I had to do that with this very platform... This message that I hold more dear to me than anything.. That I have used to change my life in the most amazing of ways.... 


    Join me today for the full story, the clarity, and what the future holds for myself, Gina, and Like Attracts Like Evolution..


    Love you guys!!!





    Releasing Karma And Accepting The Fullness Of Your SELF

    Releasing Karma And Accepting The Fullness Of Your SELF


    Thank you for joining us on the show!!!   Today we talk about how we live our lives in many ways from the core ideas or beliefs about ourself that have been accepted over time.. Some projected from others.. and some accepted on our own from experiences that we perceived from a certain self perspective..


    Either way, we often continue the story of those core beliefs unconsciously… but make many choices from that place all of the time… 


    Awakening is a certain way of realizing that there is the story.. and also an interesting “awareness” of the story all happening at the same time…

    So WHO are you… The one who is aware of the story… or the one living it and telling it? 

    Amazing things unfold the more we dive into the story and sit with all of its emotional and physical implications… The longer we can use this process… The more powerful the release, and the more powerful the realization…. 


    You are MUCH more than the old story of you would have you believe… And you can safely shift through those layers to sit and express a more powerful and authentic life…. 


    Join me inside !!!


    💥 1:1 Mentorship Calls:

    If you feel you are close to a breakthrough and would like to book a session to move forward in this area or any others visit link below for further resources or booking schedule 





    If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!!


     Much Love





    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PatMahanLikeAttractsLikeEvolution

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/likeattractslike11

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patmahan_

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRDc1pT4/

    Website: https://likeattractslikeevolution.com




    💥Let’s Talk! (Speaking Engagements)

    Do you have a podcast or YouTube channel with an audience that you feel would benefit from a conversation. I enjoy answering questions and sharing guidance on the Self Realization/Awakening Journey. Let’s see if our audiences would benefit from a conversation! Click Below to inquire:



    Starting Where You Are // Finding The Inner Call To Become Your Highest Self

    Starting Where You Are // Finding The Inner Call To Become Your Highest Self


    Thank you for joing me today on the show!  We dive in deep to one of the most asked questions I've received over the past 5 years.. It is also the question I sometimes find myself asking when I get to caught up in my thoughts and expectations of the mind character...

    Where Do I Begin!!??   It feels like things are moving too fast, not moving at all, or just completely confusing.. Where Do I Begin to start sorting this out and making some progress on my journey.. 

    Today we dive into a teaching and a practicle process that will allow you the oppportunity to not only start where you are.. But to truly begin to remove your attention from the "past" ... heal and let go of those repeating patterns once and for all... 

    I am really excited to share this episode with you, and grateful for all of you who are here as a part of this journey with me!!  Don't forget to sign up below for this months FREE LIVE Workshop!!  1-11-24 ... If you are seeing this after that date don't worry.. There will be another one soon.. be on the look out!

    Join me inside !!!


    💥 Join This Months Free Workshop (You Are The Source)



    💥 1:1 Mentorship Calls:

    If you feel you are close to a breakthrough and would like to book a session to move forward in this area or any others visit link below for further resources or booking schedule 



    If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!!


     Much Love




    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PatMahanLikeAttractsLikeEvolution

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/likeattractslike11

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patmahan_

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRDc1pT4/

    Website: https://likeattractslikeevolution.com



    💥Let’s Talk! (Speaking Engagements)

    Do you have a podcast or YouTube channel with an audience that you feel would benefit from a conversation. I enjoy answering questions and sharing guidance on the Self Realization/Awakening Journey. Let’s see if our audiences would benefit from a conversation! Click Below to inquire:




    Reverse Engineering Your Life To Move Beyond Your Limiting Beliefs

    Reverse Engineering Your Life To Move Beyond Your Limiting Beliefs


    Thank you for joining us on the show!  Today we dive into a very powerful Universal Law that creates quite a bit of confusion.. This idea that you MUST be happy in order to line up to your dream life..

    This is confusing because there is actually a deep truth hidden inside... But the way it has commonly been delivered can be toxic to our evoution..  

    This teaching can create a scenario where we try and "bypass" the process of actually addressing core issues and beliefs within ourselves, in an attempt to trick ourselves to be happy so we can get things, or live a better life.. But the truth is that no matter what is created, we will always "fall" back down to our baseline beliefs systems held in our consciousness.

    Today we talk about how to know when this is happening, and how to use your current life situation to skyrocket beyond your attachments of doubt, fear, and not enough from your story. 


    Join me inside !!!

    P.S don't forget to join this months free workshop!!  : ) 

    Join This Months Free Workshop (You Are The Source)




    ~If you feel you are close to a breakthrough and would like to book a session to move forward in this area or any others visit link below for further resources or booking schedule 





    If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!!


     Much Love





    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PatMahanLikeAttractsLikeEvolution

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/likeattractslike11

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patmahan_

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRDc1pT4/

    Website: https://likeattractslikeevolution.com




    💥Let’s Talk! (Speaking Engagements)

    Do you have a podcast or YouTube channel with an audience that you feel would benefit from a conversation. I enjoy answering questions and sharing guidance on the Self Realization/Awakening Journey. Let’s see if our audiences would benefit from a conversation! Click Below to inquire:




    Overcoming The Fear Of Being Happy // What To Do When Happiness Is Your "Trigger"

    Overcoming The Fear Of Being Happy // What To Do When Happiness Is Your "Trigger"


    I know I know.... Happiness as a "trigger"...lol  But before you pre judge this, remember one very important thing. The fears that we develop inside of our life experience blanket each and every part of our process until they are revealed, examined, and transcended into a higher state of consciousness....

    Even happiness can trigger certain fears from our past that tell us "this emotion or "state" is NOT SAFE.... From here, our unconscious will go to work to shift us into a more "comfortable" state or mindset ... Even if that means the state or mindset of suffering!

    Today we dive into several of my own personal fears towards happiness from a recent journaling excercise, and just what I did to not only shift perspective on them, but to actually remove the fear of sadness as well!!

    I really am excited to share this episode with you, and hope you find the insights as valuable as I have in my own life.

    Join me inside !!!


    ~If you feel you are close to a breakthrough and would like to book a session to move forward in this area or any others visit link below for further resources or booking schedule 





    If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!!


     Much Love





    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PatMahanLikeAttractsLikeEvolution

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/likeattractslike11

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patmahan_

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRDc1pT4/

    Website: https://likeattractslikeevolution.com




    💥Let’s Talk! (Speaking Engagements)

    Do you have a podcast or YouTube channel with an audience that you feel would benefit from a conversation. I enjoy answering questions and sharing guidance on the Self Realization/Awakening Journey. Let’s see if our audiences would benefit from a conversation! Click Below to inquire:



    Is The Universe Against You...? How To Find Out For Yourself

    Is The Universe Against You...? How To Find Out For Yourself

    💥Book A Session ( Single Session Or Package Options)




    Sometimes we have this strong feeling that the Universe, God, or Life is against us... Plotting to sabotage our every move.

    Today we dive into how to uncover for yourself if that is true... and what to do to align with the energy of things always working out for you... Even when they appear to not have your best interest in mind....

    Join me inside !!!


    If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!!


     Much Love





    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PatMahanLikeAttractsLikeEvolution

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/likeattractslike11

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patmahan_

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRDc1pT4/

    Website: https://likeattractslikeevolution.com




    💥Let’s Talk! (Speaking Engagements)

    Do you have a podcast or YouTube channel with an audience that you feel would benefit from a conversation. I enjoy answering questions and sharing guidance on the Self Realization/Awakening Journey. Let’s see if our audiences would benefit from a conversation! Click Below to inquire:




    The Great Reset // The Power Of Acceptance And Starting Where You Are

    The Great Reset // The Power Of Acceptance And Starting Where You Are

    💥Join The Higher Conscious Connection Membership!



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    Todays show we dive into the real reason that so many of us have a hard time flowing with the unfolding of our lives.. If most of us were to actually honestly answer the question "Why are we so tense and fearful all of the time?.. We would see that there is a deep level of judgment, self doubt, mixed with a lack of trust in something beyond their understanding to help guide them in the directions they are "intending to go".

    All of this is experienced through the lens of a persons "self perception" ... Today we talk about how removing the judgment of ourselves and others is a powerful key to releasing resistance and accessing a state of being that is in the FLOW of life and our intentions and no longer fighting against it.

    Join me inside !!!


    If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!!


     Much Love





    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PatMahanLikeAttractsLikeEvolution

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/likeattractslike11

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patmahan_

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRDc1pT4/

    Website: https://likeattractslikeevolution.com




    💥Let’s Talk! (Speaking Engagements)

    Do you have a podcast or YouTube channel with an audience that you feel would benefit from a conversation. I enjoy answering questions and sharing guidance on the Self Realization/Awakening Journey. Let’s see if our audiences would benefit from a conversation! Click Below to inquire:



    The Path To The Highest SELF // Accessing The Power Of Gratitude In Your Life

    The Path To The Highest SELF // Accessing The Power Of Gratitude In Your Life

    💥Book A Session (Single Sessions Now Available)



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    💥Get The Higher Conscious Connection Journal Here!





    Join me on todays show where we dive deep into the understanding of just how important and powerful Gratitiude is in our lives... It is the glue that will allow the shift from victim and lacking into the space where we can begin to give permission to the Higher Guidance and insight we will need ot walk the path towards living a life that has meaning and purpose to US and to those we love and value in our lives.

    There is a story that has consumed your identity, and it is acting through you inside of every moment we give our attention to it. 

    Today we will cover not only what gratitude has the power to do, but also why we don't allow it as often as we say we would, or as often as we would like..

    There is a reason, and we cover it in DEPTH today!!  So hang on tight, and prepare to give yourself permission to actuall Awaken The Conscious Creator Within YOU!


    Join me inside !!!


    If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!!


     Much Love





    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PatMahanLikeAttractsLikeEvolution

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/likeattractslike11

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patmahan_

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRDc1pT4/

    Website: https://likeattractslikeevolution.com




    💥Let’s Talk! (Speaking Engagements)

    Do you have a podcast or YouTube channel with an audience that you feel would benefit from a conversation. I enjoy answering questions and sharing guidance on the Self Realization/Awakening Journey. Let’s see if our audiences would benefit from a conversation! Click Below to inquire:



    ''Seeking The Kingdom First'' // Accepting And Surrendering To Love And Guidance From Within

    ''Seeking The Kingdom First'' // Accepting And Surrendering To Love And Guidance From Within

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    Today we dive into the one powerful key that can unlock your life an all of the most profound ways you have been chasing...

    For years of my life I tried to unlock peace, love, and balance inside of my heart. Trying to accomplish the right things, "be" or "act" the right way.. Accumulate the correct amount of "stuff" so that I could feel worthy of being in a room with people I secretly wanted to be.. Or to be in a relationship with someone that I thought for sure would leave me if they "only found out" who I really am... 

    There was no amount of achieving or controlling life that gave me that feeling of security, and peace for very long... My mind would create another problem, and then I would unconsciouslly start taking endless action trying to solve that problem

    Today I am sharing with you the relationship that will stop ALL of this the moment you allow it.. It is the relationship you have been searching for, and rebelling against at the same time.... 

    Decide for yourself what is true... But I ask you to listen to todays show until the end before you do... There is relief on the other side of letting go of what you "thought" you needed to do, so you can actually allow what is meant for you to be shown to you, and flow through you.

    Join me inside !!!


    If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!!


     Much Love





    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PatMahanLikeAttractsLikeEvolution

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/likeattractslike11

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patmahan_

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRDc1pT4/

    Website: https://likeattractslikeevolution.com




    💥Let’s Talk! (Speaking Engagements)

    Do you have a podcast or YouTube channel with an audience that you feel would benefit from a conversation. I enjoy answering questions and sharing guidance on the Self Realization/Awakening Journey. Let’s see if our audiences would benefit from a conversation! Click Below to inquire:



    Understanding "Ask Believe Receive" And What Stops You From Experiencing The Life That Was Meant For You

    Understanding "Ask Believe Receive" And What Stops You From Experiencing The Life That Was Meant For You

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    Today we dive into one of the most profound teaching ever offered in any Spiritual text.  Ask Believe Receive...  It seems so simple, and yet it has baffeled humans for as long as humans have been aware. 

    Today we talk about several powerful secrets that can help you not only to see how you most likely have been misusing this teaching in your life.. But also more importantly things that we can focus on every day to actually create the powerful shift in our lives and the lives of others..

    Join me inside !!!


    If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!!


     Much Love





    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PatMahanLikeAttractsLikeEvolution

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/likeattractslike11

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patmahan_

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRDc1pT4/

    Website: https://likeattractslikeevolution.com




    💥Let’s Talk! (Speaking Engagements)

    Do you have a podcast or YouTube channel with an audience that you feel would benefit from a conversation. I enjoy answering questions and sharing guidance on the Self Realization/Awakening Journey. Let’s see if our audiences would benefit from a conversation! Click Below to inquire:




    3 Reasons We Keep Ourselves Stuck In Negativity And How To Shift Out Of It Safely

    3 Reasons We Keep Ourselves Stuck In Negativity And How To Shift Out Of It Safely

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    Today we dive into 3 of the deepest reasons that we keep ourselves stuck in negativity and the limited story of what is possible for us and for others...

    Understanding that you are the author of this experience can either terrify us, or liberate us. We either say things like... I can't be the author!!!  Why would I create THIS...  or... These things that I'm going through are definately because of "OTHER PEOPLE" .. and I am the victim... Why would "i" write this as the story of my life...

    The deeper we go, the more we find that it is the author of the story that changes and evloves deeper into a certain TRUTH.... and as the author evolves the storyline and events will as well.. For both "you"... and for the other relationships in your life... 

    By the end of this episode I believe that you will be one step closer to understanding who and what you truly are in this life, why you have kept yourself in the position you are in for so long.. and maybe for the first time ever... allow yourself access to shift it without the guilt and shame that usually accompanies this type of evolution in life...


    Join me inside !!!


    If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!!


     Much Love





    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PatMahanLikeAttractsLikeEvolution

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/likeattractslike11

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patmahan_

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRDc1pT4/

    Website: https://likeattractslikeevolution.com




    💥Let’s Talk! (Speaking Engagements)

    Do you have a podcast or YouTube channel with an audience that you feel would benefit from a conversation. I enjoy answering questions and sharing guidance on the Self Realization/Awakening Journey. Let’s see if our audiences would benefit from a conversation! Click Below to inquire:



    Entering The Higher Mind Of The Soul // Giving Permission For Your Life To Change For The Better

    Entering The Higher Mind Of The Soul // Giving Permission For Your Life To Change For The Better

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    Today we get our hands dirty.. As much as we talk about the amazing concepts and conscious ideas, it will do less than nothing if we don't believe in them enough to put them into play inside of our lives. Understanding why we struggle so much to allow ourselves to grow, evolve and embrace all of our Higher guidance and intuition is the key to finally moving out of the body, and personal minds limited experience. There is an entire world of new ideas, and gifts that are literally sitting in waiting... All you need to do is remember that you forgot who you are... What you are... and what you came here to do...  Today the practicle nature of this episode will allow you the opportunity to give yourself the chance to shift the momentum once and for all... Be brave. And say yes to a new experience coming through for you in the most creative, loving and inspirational ways!

    Join me inside !!!


    If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!!


     Much Love





    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PatMahanLikeAttractsLikeEvolution

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/likeattractslike11

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patmahan_

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRDc1pT4/

    Website: https://likeattractslikeevolution.com




    💥Let’s Talk! (Speaking Engagements)

    Do you have a podcast or YouTube channel with an audience that you feel would benefit from a conversation. I enjoy answering questions and sharing guidance on the Self Realization/Awakening Journey. Let’s see if our audiences would benefit from a conversation! Click Below to inquire:




    Step Out Of The Shadow Of Your PAST // Allowing A Closer Relationship To Your SELF //

    Step Out Of The Shadow Of Your PAST // Allowing A Closer Relationship To Your SELF //

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    Today we dive into some of the hard truths of your Self Realization journey.. What happens to the relationships that you have been maintaining after you make the choice (sometimes it doesn't even feel like a choice lol) to continue your journey within. Sometimes as we continue to give permission to evolve.. we must also allow a different permission.. The permission to allow others to respond however they feel the need to respond to your choices.. 

    It is very common that as we choose to expand and grow, we shed many of the layers that we used to use to not only identify ourselves.. but also these stories and believes make up much of what we would use to bond with other people... When we no longer engage in these conversations or behaviors, it can trigger fear or questions on the path of those around us...  Today we talk about how to navigate these tricky experiences in a way that will allow you to powerfully shift into a state of being that is in alignment with who you truly want to be... who you truly already are.  All while trusting that the result of those choices can have nothing but a positive impact on the lives of those around us... Even if in the current moment it doesn't feel like it... TRUST..


    Much Love

    Join me inside !!!


    If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!





    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PatMahanLikeAttractsLikeEvolution

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/likeattractslike11

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patmahan_

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRDc1pT4/

    Website: https://likeattractslikeevolution.com




    💥Let’s Talk! (Speaking Engagements)

    Do you have a podcast or YouTube channel with an audience that you feel would benefit from a conversation. I enjoy answering questions and sharing guidance on the Self Realization/Awakening Journey. Let’s see if our audiences would benefit from a conversation! Click Below to inquire:





    The Power Of Honesty & Vulnerability In Your Relationships (To SELF & Others)

    The Power Of Honesty & Vulnerability In Your Relationships (To SELF & Others)

    💥New! FREE Transformation MASTERCLASS!



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    Today we dive into the power of honesty inside of the relationship to yourself and to others.. There are usually hidden meanings behind the stories that we tell, and honestly brining your focus on finding the answers to the questions you are asking is the only real way to liberate yourself from many of the unconscious loops we find ourselves in. In this episode I share two stories of just how honesty and vulnerabitly not only allowed an incredible shift in my life and relationships.. It actually allowed the space where the deepest levels of peace, balance, and love were able to be experienced... 

    Join me inside !!!


    If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!!


     Much Love





    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PatMahanLikeAttractsLikeEvolution

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/likeattractslike11

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patmahan_

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRDc1pT4/

    Website: https://likeattractslikeevolution.com




    💥Let’s Talk! (Speaking Engagements)

    Do you have a podcast or YouTube channel with an audience that you feel would benefit from a conversation. I enjoy answering questions and sharing guidance on the Self Realization/Awakening Journey. Let’s see if our audiences would benefit from a conversation! Click Below to inquire:






    The Power Of Taking A Step Back // What I Learned In My Time Away

    The Power Of Taking A Step Back // What I Learned In My Time Away

    New Membership Community Mentorship Coming SOON!!!  


    💥Looking To Shift? Book A Session (Single Sessions Now Available)





    Thank you everyone for joining me on the show today~!   This is the first time I've been behind the mic in over a month! The longest stretch away from the show by far in the last 5 years.  It was becoming more and more clear that through my "spiritual" journey and evolution of learning and teaching these concepts.. I needed to take a huge step back and actually do what I have been saying for five years at a level that I had not ever considered before... The fear was way too great. 

    What is this thing... What is it designed to do... Why am I doing it anyway... Is it even helpful? ... Is it to help "me" or is it for "others"...   

    Today on the show I take the deepest dive ever into all of the ideas and concepts that we discuss every show, and I decide for my SELF what is on the other side of all of the fear and doubt that has been wrapped up in even this... 

    I hope you'll join me!  


    Much Love~



    If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!!


     Much Love





    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PatMahanLikeAttractsLikeEvolution

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/likeattractslike11

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patmahan_

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRDc1pT4/

    Website: https://likeattractslikeevolution.com




    💥Let’s Talk! (Speaking Engagements)

    Do you have a podcast or YouTube channel with an audience that you feel would benefit from a conversation. I enjoy answering questions and sharing guidance on the Self Realization/Awakening Journey. Let’s see if our audiences would benefit from a conversation! Click Below to inquire:







    The Like Attracts Like Podcast
    enSeptember 20, 2023

    Second Chances // Special Guest Lisa Sibley

    Second Chances // Special Guest Lisa Sibley

    Please join me for such a special conversation with one of the most inspirational humans I have ever met..  I often use the example of a person loosing their memory.. What the life of someone who has no memory of their "past" would do, how they would experience life, and what they would choose if they forgot that they used to be "scared" of things...  Today we get that opportunity.

    Lisa Sibley lost the first 40 years of her life inside of her mind when she experienced a side effect from an unbelievably challenging brain surgury.. From her miraculous recovery, to facing the dreams of heaven and hell... Lisa shares just how possible it is to take what you are given, and turn it into the cornerstone of your purpose in this life.  The impact that she is able to have inside of the direction she has been called to, is inspiring to say the least..  I believe we are all being asked to take all that we are given, and use it to find ourselves at the deepest levels so that we can give back to those who need a little understanding and love themselves. I hope you will we join me for this wonderful conversation... 


    Order Here: Transforming Pain Into Purpose // Lisa Sibley Chapter







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    If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!!


     Much Love





    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PatMahanLikeAttractsLikeEvolution

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/likeattractslike11

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patmahan_

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRDc1pT4/

    Website: https://likeattractslikeevolution.com




    💥Let’s Talk! (Speaking Engagements)

    Do you have a podcast or YouTube channel with an audience that you feel would benefit from a conversation. I enjoy answering questions and sharing guidance on the Self Realization/Awakening Journey. Let’s see if our audiences would benefit from a conversation! Click Below to inquire:




    Removing The Mask Of Fear To Reveal Your True Potential And Path

    Removing The Mask Of Fear To Reveal Your True Potential And Path

    💥New! FREE Transformation MASTERCLASS!



    💥Looking To Shift? Book A Session (Single Sessions Now Available)





    Today we dive inside of 3 powerful questions that will truly allow you the potential to not only confront the mask of fear.. but to release it entirely from your experience... This doesn't mean that you will no longer "feel" the energy of fear from your old story... It means you will no longer take action directed by it.. But you will be able to move through it towards the inner guidance that is leading you furhter into your purpose.. 

    Join me inside !!!


    If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!!


     Much Love





    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PatMahanLikeAttractsLikeEvolution

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/likeattractslike11

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patmahan_

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRDc1pT4/

    Website: https://likeattractslikeevolution.com




    💥Let’s Talk! (Speaking Engagements)

    Do you have a podcast or YouTube channel with an audience that you feel would benefit from a conversation. I enjoy answering questions and sharing guidance on the Self Realization/Awakening Journey. Let’s see if our audiences would benefit from a conversation! Click Below to inquire:





    2 Questions That Can Help Ensure You SHIFT Into The New EARTH Reality

    2 Questions That Can Help Ensure You SHIFT Into The New EARTH Reality

    💥New! FREE Transformation MASTERCLASS!



    💥Looking To Shift? Book A Session (Single Sessions Now Available)





    Today we talk about 2 powerful questions that can help ensure your place in the new frequency of Earth...  Shifting from Third Density Reflections into Fourth Density Consciousness is a powerful topic inside of the Awakened community... And today we get as deep as you can go into the relm of Shifting Realities and Consciousness   

    Join me inside !!!


    If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!!


     Much Love





    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PatMahanLikeAttractsLikeEvolution

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/likeattractslike11

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patmahan_

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRDc1pT4/

    Website: https://likeattractslikeevolution.com




    💥Let’s Talk! (Speaking Engagements)

    Do you have a podcast or YouTube channel with an audience that you feel would benefit from a conversation. I enjoy answering questions and sharing guidance on the Self Realization/Awakening Journey. Let’s see if our audiences would benefit from a conversation! Click Below to inquire:





    The POWERFUL SHIFT We Have Been Waiting For Is Here // All We Have To Do Is Say YES

    The POWERFUL SHIFT We Have Been Waiting For Is Here // All We Have To Do Is Say YES

    💥New! FREE Transformation MASTERCLASS!



    💥Looking To Shift? Book A Session (Single Sessions Now Available)





    Thank you for joining me on todays episode!  Today we are taking this week to talk about what everything is leading to in your life.. What all of the ups and downs have revealed about you.. Where is your faith, where is your trust... at what level do you feel you are ready to actually live a life at the level of consciousness and love that you have been trending towards. The shift is here, and it requires one thing in order for us to access it.  Are you ready>?

    Join me inside !!!


    If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!!


     Much Love





    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PatMahanLikeAttractsLikeEvolution

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/likeattractslike11

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patmahan_

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRDc1pT4/

    Website: https://likeattractslikeevolution.com




    💥Let’s Talk! (Speaking Engagements)

    Do you have a podcast or YouTube channel with an audience that you feel would benefit from a conversation. I enjoy answering questions and sharing guidance on the Self Realization/Awakening Journey. Let’s see if our audiences would benefit from a conversation! Click Below to inquire:




    Understanding "Non Doership" // Discovering Your SELF as LOVE & PURPOSE

    Understanding "Non Doership" // Discovering Your SELF as LOVE & PURPOSE

    💥New! FREE Transformation & Manifestation MASTERCLASS!



    💥Looking To Shift? Book A Session (Single Sessions Now Available)





    The shift from egoic "doing" into the flow of life in non doership is a powerful one... It calls on us to understand and have faith in all of the metephysical concepts that operate the non physical aspect of our experience in this life... Allowing this shift will not only relieve you of the suffering and confusoin from your story of the "past"... But it will also alow you to experience and express your newly remembered power as one with the Source of the Loving creative force of this game of life....  Dive in with me!!!

    Join me inside !!!


    If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!!


     Much Love





    YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/PatMahanLikeAttractsLikeEvolution

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/likeattractslike11

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patmahan_

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRDc1pT4/

    Website: https://likeattractslikeevolution.com




    💥Let’s Talk! (Speaking Engagements)

    Do you have a podcast or YouTube channel with an audience that you feel would benefit from a conversation. I enjoy answering questions and sharing guidance on the Self Realization/Awakening Journey. Let’s see if our audiences would benefit from a conversation! Click Below to inquire:
