
    The Magic Within

    Welcome to "Just As We Are," the podcast where authenticity meets spirituality and personal development intersect. Join us for genuine conversations that explore the highs, lows, and everything in between as we navigate the journey of living authentically. In each episode, we bring you real stories from real people who are navigating challenges, celebrating victories, and embracing the unique journey of living authentically. We dive deep into the heart of what it means to lead a life you absolutely love. Whether it's a one-off special or an interview-style show, our aim is to capture the essence of authentic living. Get ready for a podcast that goes beyond the surface, offering insights, inspiration, and a sense of connection. Join us on "Just As We Are" as we explore the authentic essence of life through meaningful and heartfelt conversations. Connect with Katrina over on IG @katrinaalelli Go to her website for more information and goodies: www.katrinalelli.co
    enKatrina Lelli | Spiritual Empowerment & Life Transformation Coach100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    190: A peak into Inner Child: Healing Relationships & Resilience

    190: A peak into Inner Child: Healing Relationships & Resilience

    Katrina's laying down some serious wisdom on how to patch up those relationships, especially the ones with our parents. But here's the twist—she's not saying we need to dig through every painful memory. Nope, it's all about dealing with what's happening right here, right now. Think meditation, visualizing, or even just reconnecting with our inner child. Katrina reminds us that progress isn't always pretty, but hey, it's progress nonetheless!

    But here's the kicker: resilience. Katrina's big on bouncing back, no matter what life throws our way. And the best part? By choosing to heal, we're not just changing our own lives; we're rewriting the playbook for our families and society as a whole. So let's roll up our sleeves and get to work—it's time to break those cycles once and for all.


    Email: hello@katrinalelli.co
    Follow Katrina over on Instagram @katrinaalelli


    Grab your copy of You Are The Magic - A guided journey to your Highest Self: Crafting and Living Your Dream Life


    EP189 Embracing Discomfort: Living in the Culture of Fun, Fast & Easy with Melanie Tingey

    EP189 Embracing Discomfort: Living in the Culture of Fun, Fast & Easy with Melanie Tingey

    Today, we're diving into a juicy topic inspired by none other than the fabulous Brene Brown reel that's been making the rounds on Instagram. Joining Katrina is the wonderful Melanie Tingey, a leadership and personal development coach and host of the Embodied and Empowered Podcast. They're unpacking the idea that we're living in a culture of "fun, fast, and easy," where discomfort seems to be the last thing on anyone's agenda.

    They kick things off by exploring why it's so darn tempting for people to avoid discomfort and opt for the path of least resistance. Melanie and Katrina chat about the difference between discomfort when it's aligned with your goals and values versus when it's not, and how that plays into your choices.

    But here's the thing: They're not here to bash discomfort. In fact, they are flipping the script and embracing it! These ladies dive into the fear that often accompanies discomfort and what happens when we lean into it instead of shying away. Spoiler alert: growth, resilience, and some serious life lessons are involved!

    And hey, sometimes we get so caught up in hustling and grinding that we forget to savor the journey. Melanie and Katrina discuss how important it is to strike a balance between doing the work and enjoying the process. After all, life's too short not to find joy in the journey, right?

    Join The Inner Sanctuary: A Monthly Cacao & Breathwork Membership


    Email: hello@katrinalelli.co
    Follow Katrina over on Instagram @katrinaalelli

    Follow Melanie over on Instagram @mel_tingey



    Grab your copy of You Are The Magic - A guided journey to your Highest Self: Crafting and Living Your Dream Life


    188: Embracing Authenticity: Self-Care and Connection

    188: Embracing Authenticity: Self-Care and Connection

    Join Katrina as she explores the transformative power of self-connection and self-care. Drawing from her own experiences, Katrina underscores the importance of shedding physical and emotional baggage to nurture a deep sense of fulfillment and connection with oneself. In a candid conversation, Katrina examines the delicate balance between external success and internal satisfaction, urging women to prioritize their well-being amidst life's hustle and bustle. Sharing practical advice on balancing work and friendships, drawing from a conversation with a successful woman who found herself lacking intentional connections outside the professional sphere. 

    Join The Inner Sanctuary: A Monthly Cacao & Breathwork Membership

    Email: hello@katrinalelli.co
    Connect even more: Follow Katrina over on Instagram @katrinaalelli

    Grab your copy of You Are The Magic - A guided journey to your Highest Self: Crafting and Living Your Dream Life


    187: Just As We Are: A Return to Authenticity

    187: Just As We Are: A Return to Authenticity

    In this episode, we take a bit of a walk down memory lane as Katrina shares about the journey of relaunching and rebranding as we return to the roots of the podcast, reclaiming its original name, "Just As We Are." She reflects on the evolution of the podcast since its inception, recalling pivotal moments, including an event in 2019 that marked the beginning of this venture.

    As Katrina immersed herself in personal and professional growth over the years, there was a tendency to veer off course, influenced by external pressures to make the podcast bigger and better. However, within the pursuit of expansion and success, the true purpose behind who she was and what she wanted to put on the world got lost. 

    Join us as we rediscover the heart and soul of the podcast, returning to the core values that sparked its creation.


    Email: hello@katrinalelli.co
    Connect even more: Follow Katrina over on Instagram @katrinaalelli

    Grab your copy of You Are The Magic - A guided journey to your Highest Self: Crafting and Living Your Dream Life

    186: Personal Growth and Flow: Embracing Small Steps and Adaptability

    186: Personal Growth and Flow: Embracing Small Steps and Adaptability

    Katrina discussed the process of personal growth and self-improvement. She emphasized that progress often comes from small, steady steps rather than big leaps, and that it's important to ask for help when needed. Katrina also touched on the concept of flow, suggesting that balance in life is not a static state, but rather a dynamic flow that requires adaptability and flexibility. She encouraged others to embrace the ups and downs as part of the journey and to focus on making consistent, small changes to create lasting growth.


    Connect even more: Follow Katrina over on Instagram @katrinaalelli

    Grab your copy of You Are The Magic - A guided journey to your Highest Self: Crafting and Living Your Dream Life

    185: Trusting Intuition in Creation: You Are The Magic Book Journey

    185: Trusting Intuition in Creation: You Are The Magic Book Journey

    Katrina discussed her struggles with comparison and self-doubt in her work, and the process of writing her book. She emphasized the importance of trusting one's intuition and creating without comparison. Katrina noted that the book was a testament to her ability to do hard things and that the process of creation had been a deeply fulfilling experience for her. She also stressed the importance of tuning in to the self and listening to one's intuition for clarity and confidence.


    Connect even more: Follow Katrina over on Instagram @katrinaalelli

    Grab your copy of You Are The Magic - A guided journey to your Highest Self: Crafting and Living Your Dream Life


    184: The Discipline of Self-Love: Nurturing Trust, Habits , and Resilience

    184: The Discipline of Self-Love: Nurturing Trust, Habits , and Resilience

    In today’s episode we embark on a transformative journey exploring the deep connection between discipline, self-love, and personal growth. Our exploration reveals that discipline is the highest form of self-love, nurturing trust within ourselves and laying the foundation for profound change. We will unravel the link between discipline and self-trust. Through real-life experiences and insights we unveil how consistency and unwavering commitment are the pillars of self-trust. We also explore and acknowledge the inevitable setback and moments when we veer off the path. Self-discovery is revealed through a disciplined practice. Discipline is not a harsh taskmaster, but rather a nurturing guide on the path to self-love and personal growth.

    Want more from Katrina? 

    Come join her over on Instagram @katrinaalelli


    183: Rediscovering My Purpose and Creativity: A Journey from Purposeless to Empowered

    183: Rediscovering My Purpose and Creativity: A Journey from Purposeless to Empowered

    In this heartfelt episode, we journey through self-discovery, transformation, and empowerment. Katrina shares her personal story, a journey of taking time off from a business to focus on family.

    She reveals the initial feelings of dissatisfaction and the quest for something more, feelings of frustration and self-doubt, and even the contemplation of giving up. The decision to take a summer break to be with her children and nurture her family becomes a pivotal moment. She reflects on the challenges and emotions experienced during this time, the importance of pausing to integrate the lessons learned, and the value of being present in the here and now.

    The episode takes a turn as Katrina shares the moment when she realized she was not meant to be just a mother and a wife. This epiphany sparks a discussion about the crucial importance of self-discovery and self-identity in personal growth and well-being.

    Excitement fills the air as she  talks about her upcoming projects, from her work with breathwork and Cacao to her guidebook project, "Discover Your Highest Self and Create a Life that You Love."

    The episode concludes with the resumption of the podcast, a heartfelt return motivated by a profound love for conversations about spirituality and life. Katrina emphasizes the purpose of the podcast in her life, inspiring and empowering her audience.

    Finally, our she shares her vision of building a community through a Cacao, Breathwork, and Workshop membership. She underlines the significance of community in personal growth and creativity.

    In this episode, the central theme is an awakening to the importance of self-discovery, self-identity, and self-love. It's a reminder that the work we do in the world is crucial and needed. We all have an important role to play, a journey to embark on. Let's collectively embrace the power of self-discovery and self-love, understand our worthiness, and commit to bringing our dreams to life.

    Want more from Katrina? Go follow her over on Instagram @katrinaalelli or Come join her and other like-hearted souls on in the “We Are the Magic” Facebook Group.

    182: This is see you later

    182: This is see you later

    The final episode of The Magic Within Podcast. Katrina shares about her decision to end the podcast and why it’s not in alignment anymore. She shares how important it is to sometimes let things go to create more space in our lives. She also shares ways to stay connected!

    Also, did you know there are THREE ways you can connect with me outside of the show?

    #1 - Over on my fave social media platform - Instagram



    #2 - Want more inspiration dropped to you throughout the week? Grab my weekly Love Notes dropped to you right to your inbox!  

    #3 - Join the Sacred Roots Collective Facebook group with other like-hearted women.

    179: How to build a healthy relationships with Andre Paradis

    179: How to build a healthy relationships with Andre Paradis

    On the show today we have a relationship coach Andre Paradis. He is breaking the beliefs people have around relationships and what it takes to actually build a relationship that is fulfilling and lasting. He shares how to build a healthy, fulfilling, long-term love relationship and how our cultural beliefs make love relationships harder than ever. Andre answers those questions, Why are love relationships seem so difficult now?Why do people get into push/pull relationships?What makes a love relationship last? Three things you must have to build a healthy, long-term relationship?

    Andre has been studying people his entire life. Over a decade ago, he was compelled to teach his findings and knowledge to the masses for they kept asking him “why things seemed to be so hard or confusing” when dealing with relationships, people and life. Since his studies and understandings of Relationships dynamics is so vast, Andre’s knowledge expands across all types of subjects such as: - Love/Life relationships with Men and Women, (Regardless of gender and/or orientation) - Child Rearing (Married or single), - Workplace dynamic negotiations - Negotiating Wants and Needs - Effective Communication Strategies. Communication Tools and so on.

    Often, relationships can seem to be a power struggle. The magic is to be fully aware of the energy mechanism in place in these dynamics and learn to negotiate the terms to reduce power friction. This truly is the basis of Andre’s work.


    Web: projectequinox.net


    Also, did you know there are THREE ways you can connect with me outside of the show?

    #1 - Over on my fave social media platform - Instagram



    #2 - Want more inspiration dropped to you throughout the week? Grab my weekly Love Notes dropped to you right to your inbox!  


    #3 - Join the Sacred Roots Collective Facebook group with other like-hearted women.


    **Be sure to Subscribe to the show to get updates on new episodes and head on over to ITunes and leave me a 5 star review to help me spread the message*

    178: Coming home to yourself with Amanda Upton

    178: Coming home to yourself with Amanda Upton

    On today’s episode, we talk with Spiritual Coach Amanda Upton. Amanda’s shares about her own childhood trauma making an impact on her life leading her into practicing mindfulness to go deeper. She shares about safety, vulnerability and the fear and self-doubt so many of us experience. She felt lost and knew at the same time she was made for more. After doing the work on herself, she began to come home to herself and in turn started helping others do the same.

    Amanda was considered successful in her corporate career, climbing the ladder earning five promotions in four years; however, she was still unhappy and unfulfilled. Her work was uninspiring and had little impact on the greater community. Amanda began to open up to calling in her higher purpose in life and began grounding into “source” as a higher power to bring this greater ambition into fruition. When she started a little blog in 2013 sharing her own transformational journey, readers began asking how they could work with her. In 2014 Amanda earned her Spiritual Coach Certification and began taking on clients. By 2017 Amanda had the evidence that she needed to quit her corporate job and become her own leader.


    Web: https://amandamarit.com/


    Also, did you know there are THREE ways you can connect with me outside of the show?

    #1 - Over on my fave social media platform - Instagram



    #2 - Want more inspiration dropped to you throughout the week? Grab my weekly Love Notes dropped to you right to your inbox!  


    #3 - Join the Sacred Roots Collective Facebook group with other like-hearted women.

    177: Leading with your intuition with Kim Romain

    177: Leading with your intuition with Kim Romain

    Katrina got to sit down with Intuitive Leadership Coach Kim Romain on today’s show talking about how to tune into your own intuition, taking radical responsibility in your life and how to come from a place of abundance, joy and ease. Kim shares her story about being multi-passionate, changing several jobs in her own life and how she has brought some of her passions into what she does now. We talk about feminine leadership, changes in our lives, leading with kindness and psychological safety in the workplace. Opening up ourselves to viewing and looking at what we do and how we can lead from what’s truly meant for us.


    Kim Romain is an intuitive leadership coach and business strategist, helping purpose-driven individuals, conscious leaders, heart-centered entrepreneurs - and their teams - make the world a better place… with abundance, ease, and joy.

    Web: https://kimromain.com

    176: Find the magic in your fertility journey with Cassie Huneke

    176:  Find the magic in your fertility journey with Cassie Huneke


    Today Katrina talks with Fertility Coach Cassie Huneke answering some incredibly important questions around fertility. She shares what a fertility coach is and how she helps women get pregnant. We go over the challenges that are sometimes unseen that her clients face and how to feel empowered in your fertility journey. She shares some key ways to cope with stress and setbacks to find the magic in your own fertility story.

    Cassie Huneke (pronounced like hun-eh-key) is a mind-body fertility coach that helps women restore their reproductive health to get pregnant. Host of The Fertility Witch podcast, she is passionate in helping women trying to conceive reduce stress and feel good, physically and mentally, in their fertility journeys now. She has also worked in maternal health and wellness for several years as a birth and postpartum doula, and is the mom of a free-spirited toddler.


    Web: http://thefertilitywitch.com/

    Are you looking for someone to guide you as you step deeper into your own purpose and spiritual journey? If you’ve been doing all of the things and you're still feeling that tug, knowing that something more is for you and what you’ve been doing isn’t working, it may be time to find the guide who is willing to support you, shine the light and walk with you on your journey.

    I’m currently taking on new 1:1 clients who are ready to dive deeper into themselves through the use of spiritual practices and tools.

    If you’re feeling called to do this work apply for one of my 1:1 on spots HERE


    Also, did you know there are THREE ways you can connect with me outside of the show?

    #1 - Over on my fave social media platform - Instagram



    #2 - Want more inspiration dropped to you throughout the week? Grab my weekly Love Notes dropped to you right to your inbox!  


    #3 - Join the Sacred Roots Collective Facebook group with other like-hearted women.

    175: Reclaiming yourself with Kim Coffin

    175: Reclaiming yourself with Kim Coffin

    Kim Coffin a Trauma Informed Somatic Sex, Love & Relationship coach, shares her story on today’s show about when she was violated and how that showed up in her own life. She talks about growing up in her 20s always being the good girl, the good daughter until she came to this place of reclaiming her own self. She started the work on reclaiming herself, her truth, her boundaries, and healing the sister and mother wounds. We go deep into talking about the power of reclamation of oneself, identifying what needs to be healed and how to reclaim sexuality to heal, grow and step into your own power.


    Kim Coffin is a Trauma Informed Somatic Sex, Love & Relationship Coach, as well as an Empowerment & Sexuality Coach, Female Sexuality Coach, Tantric Sex Coach and founder of Get Your Sexy Back!


    She specializes in empowerment, confidence, creating trust and safety in our bodies and in our minds, self-love, pleasure, sensuality, intimacy with self and in relationships, as well as relationship transformation for couples, jade egg, tantra and sacred sexuality.


    Kim teaches singles and couples how to RECONNECT to their body, ACTIVATE their turn-on, HEAL heartbreak & shame at a body-based level, RECLAIM the places they’ve been disempowered, so they can come back into their body and step into their UNAPOLOGETIC POWER through sacred sexuality.


    In their relationships, in their businesses, in their body and in their lives.


    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=569755109

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/get_your_sexy_back_coach/

    Private Facebook Group - Get Your Sexy Back - https://www.facebook.com/groups/2251812558445958/


    Sacred Pleasure Membership - https://getyoursexyback.ca/sacred-pleasure-membership/

    Complimentary Discovery Call - https://calendly.com/talk-to-kim/complimentary-discovery-call

    Free Grounding & Balancing Practice - https://view.flodesk.com/pages/6091f3920c791ef19c21c8ef


    Are you looking for someone to guide you as you step deeper into your own purpose and spiritual journey? If you’ve been doing all of the things and you're still feeling that tug, knowing that something more is for you and what you’ve been doing isn’t working, it may be time to find the guide who is willing to support you, shine the light and walk with you on your journey.

    I’m currently taking on new 1:1 clients who are ready to dive deeper into themselves through the use of spiritual practices and tools.

    If you’re feeling called to do this work - send me an email to set up some time to talk. You can email me over at katrina@katrinalelli.co


    Also, did you know there are THREE ways you can connect with me outside of the show?

    #1 - Over on my fave social media platform - Instagram



    #2 - Want more inspiration dropped to you throughout the week? Grab my weekly Love Notes dropped to you right to your inbox!  


    #3 - Join the Sacred Roots Collective Facebook group with other like-hearted women.


    **Be sure to Subscribe to the show to get updates on new episodes and head on over to ITunes and leave me a 5 star review to help me spread the message*

    174: Inviting a Sober Person to your party

    174: Inviting a Sober Person to your party

    This question and comments have come up several times over the last 12 years on my sobriety journey. Many people in my life who care, have wondered is it ok to drink around a sober person and can you still invite them to the party? Today I answer those questions and what can be helpful as a person who cares about a sober person to support them on their journey.


    Are you looking for someone to guide you as you step deeper into your own purpose and spiritual journey? If you’ve been doing all of the things and you're still feeling that tug, knowing that something more is for you and what you’ve been doing isn’t working, it may be time to find the guide who is willing to support you, shine the light and walk with you on your journey.

    I’m currently taking on new 1:1 clients who are ready to dive deeper into themselves through the use of spiritual practices and tools.

    If you’re feeling called to do this work - head over to my instagram page @katrinaalelli to apply.


    Also, did you know there are THREE ways you can connect with me outside of the show?

    #1 - Over on my fave social media platform - Instagram



    #2 - Want more inspiration dropped to you throughout the week? Grab my weekly Love Notes dropped to you right to your inbox!  


    #3 - Join the Sacred Roots Collective Facebook group with other like-hearted women.


    **Be sure to Subscribe to the show to get updates on new episodes and head on over to ITunes and leave me a 5 star review to help me spread the message*

    173: Using a holistic lifestyle to overcome Fibromyalgia with Amanda Love

    173: Using a holistic lifestyle to overcome Fibromyalgia with Amanda Love

    On today's show I talk with Registered Holistic Nutritionist Amanda Love. She shares her story, being born pre-maturely having a lot of illness growing up and eventually fighting the battle of fibromyalgia. We talk about her childhood, surviving having parents divorce and navigating the waters of a "not normal" childhood. Her grandmother was one of her number one supporters helping her fight to find her answers. 

    Amanda Elise Love is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist who teaches women how to cook simple but delicious allergy-friendly healthy meals and to integrate a holistic approach through mind, body, and spirit.

    Amanda also has a long history of illness which culminated with the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia at the age of 20 in 2010. Which caused debilitating pain and other aspects of her life because of this, she made it her life mission to teach others how to cook allergy-friendly food and lead a holistic life. She holds a diploma as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, certifications in gut health, culinary nutrition, and more.

    Amanda is the host of the podcast“ Physician Emotional Health Secrets with Amanda Love”. Which has reached over 120 episodes. She has also been a featured guest on over 70 podcasts and tv shows such as BizTV. She also has been a speaker at many summits and panels across the country. Finally, Amanda is the co-author of the book “Trauma to Triumph. https://apple.co/2TgYURy

    Web: www.amandaeliselove.com


    Are you looking for someone to guide you as you step deeper into your own purpose and spiritual journey? If you’ve been doing all of the things and you're still feeling that tug, knowing that something more is for you and what you’ve been doing isn’t working, it may be time to find the guide who is willing to support you, shine the light and walk with you on your journey.

    I’m currently taking on new 1:1 clients who are ready to dive deeper into themselves through the use of spiritual practices and tools.

    If you’re feeling called to do this work - send me an email to set up some time to talk. You can email me over at katrina@katrinalelli.co


    Also, did you know there are THREE ways you can connect with me outside of the show?

    #1 - Over on my fave social media platform - Instagram



    #2 - Want more inspiration dropped to you throughout the week? Grab my weekly Love Notes dropped to you right to your inbox!  


    #3 - Join the Sacred Roots Collective Facebook group with other like-hearted women.


    **Be sure to Subscribe to the show to get updates on new episodes and head on over to ITunes and leave me a 5 star review to help me spread the message*

    The Magic Within
    enJuly 04, 2022

    172: You are Your Medicine

    172: You are Your Medicine

    Your best medicine, solutions, answers already reside within you. You have everything you need within yourself and we’ve been taught that we are supposed to go look outside of ourselves for what we want. That we need other people, places, things to understand and help us. Sometimes we do need some outside support to help us on our journey, but finding someone who can help you unlock and unblock yourself to discover your own answers is the most powerful thing you can do. You are your own medicine, your own self will indicate where you need to focus, go, do, heal and open.



    Are you looking for someone to guide you as you step deeper into your own purpose and spiritual journey? If you’ve been doing all of the things and you're still feeling that tug, knowing that something more is for you and what you’ve been doing isn’t working, it may be time to find the guide who is willing to support you, shine the light and walk with you on your journey.

    I’m currently taking on new 1:1 clients who are ready to dive deeper into themselves through the use of spiritual practices and tools.

    If you’re feeling called to do this work - send me an email to set up some time to talk. You can email me over at katrina@katrinalelli.co


    Also, did you know there are THREE ways you can connect with me outside of the show?

    #1 - Over on my fave social media platform - Instagram



    #2 - Want more inspiration dropped to you throughout the week? Grab my weekly Love Notes dropped to you right to your inbox!  


    #3 - Join the Sacred Roots Collective Facebook group with other like-hearted women.


    **Be sure to Subscribe to the show to get updates on new episodes and head on over to ITunes and leave me a 5 star review to help me spread the message*

    171: Quieting the noise and connecting with Rachel White

    171: Quieting the noise and connecting with Rachel White

    A beautifully packed episode with Rachel White, where we go to so many beautiful places talking about connection, quieting the noise, getting into the spiritual journey and her own story going from corporate career to a woman helping others to step into their own power. She is passionate about getting people into the doing and practice of. Rachel dives into how the doing helps build your confidence and opens your power. We talk about the art of learning in the experience of doing. She shares about her fun new adventure with powerful flower essences. 

    Rachel White is a trained shaman, medium and energy practitioner with more than a decade of professional experience through her spiritual consultancy: TOTEM Readings. Rachel’s approach to spirituality is unique: she uses ancient tools and techniques in a modern way, empowering her clients and, ultimately, working to democratize spirituality. TOTEM is a place for the spiritually-curious but noncommittal, and for those who may self-identify as “spiritually homeless”. Rachel provides approachable, pragmatic insights and easy-to-implement solutions for everyday life.

    Rachel’s practice draws from rigorous continued education, lessons learned from working one-on-one with thousands of clients, and ongoing training and certification across various spiritual modalities and areas of expertise. She has built TOTEM “from the basement to the attic", deliberately and thoughtfully refining TOTEM’s service offerings to deliver an ethical spiritual solution for clients. At the beginning of 2022, Rachel will start offering Spiritual Transformation Coaching for clients interested in tailored, personalized in-depth support along their personal spiritual journey.


    Rachel has also recently self-published the TOTEM Tarot Deck on Amazon, a pure expression of her life-long love of Tarot and spirituality. The TOTEM Tarot Deck embodies the energy (and look and feel) of TOTEM Readings.

    Website: https://www.totemreadings.com

    Are you looking for someone to guide you as you step deeper into your own purpose and spiritual journey? If you’ve been doing all of the things and you're still feeling that tug, knowing that something more is for you and what you’ve been doing isn’t working, it may be time to find the guide who is willing to support you, shine the light and walk with you on your journey.

    I’m currently taking on new 1:1 clients who are ready to dive deeper into themselves through the use of spiritual practices and tools.

    If you’re feeling called to do this work - send me an email to set up some time to talk. You can email me over at katrina@katrinalelli.co


    Also, did you know there are THREE ways you can connect with me outside of the show?

    #1 - Over on my fave social media platform - Instagram



    #2 - Want more inspiration dropped to you throughout the week? Grab my weekly Love Notes dropped to you right to your inbox!  


    #3 - Join the Sacred Roots Collective Facebook group with other like-hearted women.


    **Be sure to Subscribe to the show to get updates on new episodes and head on over to ITunes and leave me a 5 star review to help me spread the message*

    170: A Love Note for your Success

    170: A Love Note for your Success

    A love note from my heart was downloaded for you to hear in today's episode. I'm talking about the work and how we start integrating everything that you've learned and consumed. It's not enough to consume and know in our minds the information. Real change begins in the action we take on a daily basis in the small moments.

    Are you looking for someone to guide you as you step deeper into your own purpose and spiritual journey? If you’ve been doing all of the things and you're still feeling that tug, knowing that something more is for you and what you’ve been doing isn’t working, it may be time to find the guide who is willing to support you, shine the light and walk with you on your journey.

    I’m currently taking on new 1:1 clients who are ready to dive deeper into themselves through the use of spiritual practices and tools.

    If you’re feeling called to do this work - send me an email to set up some time to talk. You can email me over at katrina@katrinalelli.co


    Also, did you know there are THREE ways you can connect with me outside of the show?

    #1 - Over on my fave social media platform - Instagram



    #2 - Want more inspiration dropped to you throughout the week? Grab my weekly Love Notes dropped to you right to your inbox!  


    #3 - Join the Sacred Roots Collective Facebook group with other like-hearted women.


    **Be sure to Subscribe to the show to get updates on new episodes and head on over to ITunes and leave me a 5 star review to help me spread the message*

    169: The Art of Joy & Wealth with Amanda Neely

    169: The Art of Joy & Wealth with Amanda Neely

    Today’s episode is an incredible conversation with financial professional Amanda Neely. Her mission and vision behind Grandma’s Wealth Wisdom is unlike any other financial service out there. Amanda shares her why behind starting this mission with her husband. She goes into the bite-sized simple tips on what you can do with your money to actually start making a difference. Amanda and I talk about bringing femininity into your wealth, her Still Method which will help you get started right away to change your financial blueprint and her top tips for starting a business the right way. This is a much needed topic to talk about especially as women and how we can begin to empower ourselves to a wealthier way of being.

    Amanda Neely is a small business and financial professional. She founded and ran Overflow Coffee Bar, L3C from 2008 through 2018. Now, she shares her experiential knowledge through podcasting and through developing personalized financial strategies for individuals and couples and profitability strategies for businesses. Her goal is to work with people to take charge of their cash flow, leverage their assets, and increase their profitability in ways that would make their grandma proud.

    Website: https://grandmaswealthwisdom.com/

    Are you looking for someone to guide you as you step deeper into your own purpose and spiritual journey? If you’ve been doing all of the things and you're still feeling that tug, knowing that something more is for you and what you’ve been doing isn’t working, it may be time to find the guide who is willing to support you, shine the light and walk with you on your journey.

    I’m currently taking on new 1:1 clients who are ready to dive deeper into themselves through the use of spiritual practices and tools.

    If you’re feeling called to do this work - send me an email to set up some time to talk. You can email me over at katrina@katrinalelli.co


    Also, did you know there are THREE ways you can connect with me outside of the show?

    #1 - Over on my fave social media platform - Instagram



    #2 - Want more inspiration dropped to you throughout the week? Grab my weekly Love Notes dropped to you right to your inbox!  


    #3 - Join the Sacred Roots Collective Facebook group with other like-hearted women.


    **Be sure to Subscribe to the show to get updates on new episodes and head on over to ITunes and leave me a 5 star review to help me spread the message*